J I PAGE NIGET SPORT0pIg - By Frank Mohun M IAN DICK STILL HELPING OUT Several weks ago we praierred a tip of the ha Dlck, our newest merchant, for his generous donation balis to Men's Soitbail Town League. We have since di. that lan has continued his assistance to the softbal ln addition has lent a similar helplng hand ta Bowm Young tennis enthusiasts. Once more we tip aur hi rlck. i. t t t tt NO BELLE VILLE In case anyone thinks we had the facts mixe last week's caiumn, the answer is no. The highly-toute ville club which was suppased to be here Saturday ta with the local Midgets was forced ta cancel out.à Murray McKnight was kept busy trying ta uine up ai ment and finaliy was able ta came up with an ex against Ajax. t tt i .tt BANTAMS BOW TO LEASIDE Unfortunately na details are available, but w~ been informed tiat Leaside triumphed aver the La] Ail-Stars 7-5 in a weil-played Bantam exhibition gair Urday afternoon in Port Hope. The locals edged LeaE Iast year. . t it t t DIZZY OR CONCEITED? This reporter watched a few innings of the TV bail Game of the Week, Saturday - the first we had m this year. Between innings "Dizzy" Dean really wi out ta tell everyane just how good he was. Altho didn't saund rlght ta hear a maxi describing bis e: contrai, the crawning touch camé after the game was Pee Wee Reese siowed a picture af Dean, Dt and Frisch, making the statement that the othei twc great Infielders. Diz up and says: "Wa'al maybe soir wauldn't say I was the greatest pitcher of ail time - sure was anc of them." At the risk of saunding like a TV critic, we thinl and Frisch should have their awn series - nat b; broadcasting - just each one talkixig about hlmseii. t t t i. t 16 ON THE 2nd ? ?' Can anyanc beat a 16 on the second hale at Sautl i. i. . i. i JUNIOR SOCCER PLAYERS NEEDED Attention any 12, 13 or 14-year-olds who are inte in playing saccer. The ranks of tic BowmanvilleJ have become depleted due ta same ai the players1 summer jobs, hoiidays, etc., and new players are i badly. A practice has been called for Friday night,7 at the Memorlal Park. If you wisi to try aut for tie te; here's the apportunity. S UNNlER SHOPPING and DELIVERI S ERVI C E Dy Bicycle Gnly - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Let us do your shopping, deliver your parcels and pick up your mail for you. REASONABLE PRICES - Distance and size of parcel considered. LEDDY & NcGREGOR MICHAEL LEDDY MA 3-3987 NEIL McGREGOR MA 3-5750 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE LUNE N will be operating THEOUGROUT STHE SUMNER Bowling Every Afternoon and Evening 25e a Game during June, July and August A FREE bowling glass tumbler will be given for every three games or more bowled in one day. Bowl in Air-condifioned Comforf convenience at ail times! Phone MA 3-5663 "You Forgot Our Ânniversary!" We have almost forgotten about diphthcria ... inastoiditis ... scarlet fever . .. pneumonia, as killers of children. These diseases have been conquered by new wonder drugs. That's why TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN HISTORY. TUE MURI OWMANV1LLE op Cs~ 3-7234 ~ it ta Ian n oi sait- iscovered Ilers and nanville's at ta Ian 1 WEL/NESDA Z ý U I Soccer Highligl Courtice made a four-point leap into sec the strength of a pair of victories during the Wednesday night they trounced Sauina 5-0O posted another shutout, this time over Maple Undefeated Zion stayed a point lni fron leaders edged Hampton 2-1 in a weekend tussie held to a 1-1 tie against Tyrone, Wednesday n Only one close game wvas entered into the Junior League, a 3-2 win by Hampton over Tî: Caurtice posted 8-0 victories aver Maple Grave and Bow. manvilie, respectiveiy. edu nReform Minister Talks To Cadets Men's Softbal Junior Standings ed Belle P W L T Pt%. do battle( e r S V Il 0e Zion __ 7 7 0 O 14 Manager G o g ' W nT o LateSolina -_______ 7 5 I 1 il replace- ~ LJ , Maple Grave __ 7 4 2 1 9 i-biio uels E tn Leaci Courtice ___ 7 4 3 0 8 Lx e uHampton ._ __ 7 2 5 0 4 b Enniskilien _______ 7 2 5 0 4 Tyrone . 7 2 5 0 e have K n7 C n6 B r2 K nsCnhB rhBowmanville 7I O aksoeAction durîng the past week Georges 8 - flotelers 7 eirStnig ne, Sat- clcared up the playofi situa- George Jones came through Sno tnig iside 2-1 ~tian ta a certain extent, but twicc, delîvering clutch sin- P W L T P& let icsei-îni aîînsgles ta gîve George s a nine- Zion ____-----4 - 2--- still very mc ndutînn - î vrteH Courtice- ___ 7 3 1 ~. George's finally woni tîcir telers, Wednesday night. Third Bowmanvillc ___- e V Base- ~first game ofi the season, Wed- most an 'Bucrg's" Cowlc st ampoi-11 Ae9 nesday nigit, eaking out an wncs eresterfrtHmtn___ watched win of the season wicn he Tyronc 8- xtra inn'ing decisian overfld Ai wb6 I I 4 ,ent ail ~~~~.~' Bo~wnmnville Hotel. Tic w-in e x ieasOi-Slie___________6 i 4 1 3 ýog tcame toc late - Ken's Men's cer for the final out, ra Mapie Grave 7 I 5 i 3 S~ Wear hving upse Snuiiy'sacross ta the pitcher's niound _________________ Auo vy - te iitb- a-ist lie Hotelers foliow- one run and crossing tic plate Twist opening tic gates for ta linh tc furt adei witî tîree consecutive withth tyn marie nfu ntcfut.TcFxl uro ie let lay ffbeth. Lc guelc d-singles ta move in front 6-4. Jones' single. Alter a sc re onc earned marker ca mne in . ....ing Stephemodto o were enFues mvedt- ne folks g"si rn a i tegh Red" Davey, alter giving iess cighth a triple by Hoar the second. of 61 vctry ve Ke'sup e single ta John James end an infield out sent tic Ted Dadsan smashed a pair - bu I a6-1victry ver en'and a home run ta Bill Os- Hatel in front 7-6. of two-beggers and a single bu I'e~ h rs ay flgi.borne in the first, facd nly George's finally won their while Jim Alln and Richards ik DeanKen's 6 - Snuffy's 3 19 btters, before John Frd first game of thc sasn, wen singled twice to led the at- baseballI tic first game of tic singlcd with two out in tic Hoar thrcw wild an Girerdî's teck. sbalwcck, Kcxi's brake loase for seventi. The lane runner ta grounder, Cowîe clauted a 'ream Standings tîrc siti înixg ~n tareaci base was on an errar. two-baggcr and Jones singlcd w . T ~s came from beiind a 3-1 deii- Singles by Jones and Davey in the winner. Stephen W. L T.ps * cit, and added twa li tic gave George's anc in tic sec- Fes6-Kn ul Lhview? seventi. ond and thc defending champs Fe 6-Kn iFes7 2 O 14 scared tirce times in tic «Ace" Richards, v et er a n ufdy'At Pet Corneli allowed hait a third, a lead they ield till the rnaun-d star, hasn't been pitci-Bdy5 3 O 1 - dozen hits, tire ai themn in seventi. Larry Piper waikcd, ing much this season, butIBwavll thc fourth, ta capture tic pi!- and tien alter tic next two Tiursday night he siowed! Ke' el 5 4 O 10 Jurs cier's battie. Laser Mcl Bur- batters were rctired Dan Gir- tiat lack ai action hadn't hurtKns e' Jnrsgess gave up nine bits but six erdi, Cowle and Bruce Mac- uis pitciing as he tossed ear waiks played a major part Donald singled and Jones was faur-hitter and fanned eleven1 George's i 9 O 2 neddwith four resulting in runs. sale on James' bobbole. ta register thc win. rxceded : John Staînton nmade a tre- With twa on and two out Singles by Staintan and . /~(l. strrg ctchin the sixth ta credited witi a single tiraugh run in the fourti, adte empravide tic highligit ai tic shairtstop ta tic tic score and Richards retîred tic final ten. - 'game. Bob Marjerrisan paced singles by Carlyle and "Bun" batters ini a row. Stepien'spl tic wînners witi a pair ai Welsh made it 6-4. wan an unearned runs, an er- singles, while "Mac" Richards Cowlc redeemed himseli in ror by K. Kelly letting ini anc and Bill Nicholson eaeh ring- the seventh, del i v c r i n g a run li the third and bobbles- Hon Gorg C Wrdrpe Onaro inite ofReor. Isttuton, US edtw for Snufy's. clutch two out single ta score by Marerrison and John -- high in bis praise of the smart turnout of 79 cadets from the Ontario Tiraining &i-ool for Boys, Bowmanville, who have been taking a summer course atf' ? } e u t f~. with the young cadets. He is inspecting a tattoo an ane cadet's arm. In the background, from left ta right, Brigadier RL Purvîs, CO af Camp Borden; L. ptoUUP.blicL1c' I-I Rev. Pinker and Deputy Minister J. A. Graham. H jii0 lr ulC 3ClO fil 4 - T A ; __ -The i~fallowing aetic results Adcock, 3 Peter Norton. Francine Veriysen. Kaak te PuzuI ng If M idge s Ti with Ajax 6-6 o theHamptn Pulic ShoolBaIl Throw Senior B3oys-i oyKzkth u pn iv li g ls ~ i 4( ii I'lId XField Day beld an June 28th. Primary Girls - i Nancy and Ray Adcack, 2 Giexi Clarke Q AVING TIMP,... PDC Running Race Macklin, 2 Anita Truli, 3 Anme and Jim Higgins, 3 Wayne k.> INO LABOR ... INCREAS.. Bowmanviile did ail their Primary Girls - i Nancy Hryhoruk. Wright and Peter Norton. ING PRODUCTION. DURtQ scoring in a wild third inning, Macklin, 2 Joanne Crawford, Primary Boys - i GrantSakacPmsdsnefoFrmdt, but Ajax came from beiind 3 Anne Hryioruk. 'Luke, 2 Michael Terpstre, 3 Pri aryGis- nacesupl fesigndfowat r hce at C obourg M idges ta dlaim a 6-6 tic in a midget- Primary Boys-i Grant Luke, Tony Balson. rmyGil-1LIdsuP fehwt hr a, exhibition tilt, Seturday et 2 Jody Rogers, 3 Geza Jancia-' Junior Girls-i Rikie Van Berry, 2 Joanne Crawford, 3 whexi l'u need it... in the hou. tic Memorial Park. vici. Heuveben, 2 Dcbbie Reynoalds, Nancy Mackiin. . . . barn .. ePoultry yard 3 usnPrm. rmayBostruck garden ,- rvde eev ~~~~ ~~Junior Girls-i Gisela Ve-1SsnPie.PieyBy Grant for fire protectin. LJow fl dge s -3 h oascae one c iysen 2 Anme Van Heuvelen, Junior Boys-I Barry Stoci, Luke, 2 Briexi Brown, 3 Stan-1 IVILleIihit li the big third wiich 3 Barbera Kazak. 2 Glenn Killens, 3 John Craw- bey Read. Sec yaur Plumber or DURO Cobour wueie nygtadRy ikl n nerrýas marred by a rougihoue Junior Boys-l Glenn Kil- fard. Junior Girls-i Rikie Van dealer for full information aboug CoburgJueniesoni gt ad Ry ickllandanerrr ncident. Herrnan Prakken ran lens, 2 John Crawford, 3 John Intermediate Girls-i Susan Hcuvclen, 2 Gisce Vericysen, the type af DURO Shaliaw Ou W' e ht but they ail came ta short an James Lane's into Ajax catcher McGivern Bothwel Hoiroyd, 2 Judy Anme Fowicr, 3 Joanne Patter. Deep Weil Pump you need, aor ,nthetifîti inni.ng ,wien tic bouncer iaaded thc bases, who was blockinig tic plate, Intermediate Girls-i Sally 3 Sandra Rogers. Junior Boys-i Blle Hol- write for folder, «Running Wate% viiosscored a pair of ruas with enother welk te Daug tien pitcher 'Shea reced Payne, 2 Susan Halroyd, 3 Intermediate Boys-i Rager rayd, 2 John Crawford, 3 John the. Farm N«egeit?». ta down Boxvmanvilie Mid- Lame forcing li the tyîn.g tai- aven and cnasied into Ted Barbare Macnab. Moffat, 2 Allen Luke, 3 Alex Lyons. gets 5-3, Sunday afternoon et iy in tic bottom heuaioftic Bete anis wey tram third Itreit osiAlnRgr.Itre.GrsiSnr ticMemria Pak. icla-innng.Bowanvll wet ii t hoe.Luke, 2 John Payne, 3 David Senior Girls-i Erlyne Bar- Rogers, 2 Angeline DeLuca, 3 , cals wcre aile ta gerner but front itic third on a welk JmCyecekdabss Bryant. ron, 2 Dawn Thampson, 3 Lor- Linda Strawbridge. ,fore safetie, s ahofastaPikilaningles byDnug oaded double after a pair ai Senior Girls - 1 Marlene ette Cook. Intermed. Boys-i Alex Rog- wer gily i gvig p n-Lane-and Ted Bate. errons and walks ta Jim Finn, Randlc, 2 Donna Wilbur, 3 Senior Boys-i Ray Adcock, crs, 2 Jackic McLean, 3 David learnd rus. Tw errrs sn d wi c e dJames Lame, Prakken and Sherry Chant. 2Ge lre i ign.-rat Brwo h ilfrC-aon arfc utko-Bete. Senior Boys-i Jim Higgins Wheelbarrow Race Senior Girls-i April Rice, borg, than tiehl or C-a otnd ahacrifticeb n ot-2 len Clnke, SJim HgginsDBrnan. DM bougpichd ston gme td tc aut n icfout and Glen Clarke (tied), 2 Ray Pnimary Girls - I Linda bur. lannin'g 14 batters in tic and tic visitons went in front Five waiks, e pair ai errors Adcock, 3 Jocy Kazak. Berry and Nancy Mecklin, 2 Snd osiGe lne route-going performance. Bob ta stay itic next farne. A and a single by O'Siea gave RnigBodJm lni aNi n agrtSnd os1Ge lre Sleep started for Bowmen- base on halls and singles by Ajax four fourth inning mark- RunnBraJmp GnieMcelnd agrt 2 Peter Norton, 3 Gereld ville, with Brion Downs tek- Mitchell, Dewe and Lewis ec- ers. Newitt's two bagger and Primnary Girls-i Anne Hry- Van Heuvelen, 3 Katy Balson Wright. i.ag over la tic filti, alter counted for tic winners' onîy O'Sîea's second single pro- iouk 2 any MckinChandmaiiooiaon Slecp a given up tirce con- eerned runs of tiecocntest. duced anotier rua in tic fil îVlreMimrz.PiayBosiTnta-hrmr hmin secutive singles. Eech teami scored once inaend tic visitars tied tie score Pnimary Boys - i Grant son and Danny Bernes, 2 Girls-Nancy Mackiin. Coiour- cpened tic sconing tic final frame, Coor een lin tic lest frame on singes Luke, 2 Alan Adcock, 3 Geza Michael Terpstra and Grant Boys-Grant Luke. wit asînleruninticfisl itoutnuri g a gut ! b eitadCoe. Jenciovici. Luke, 3 Terry Fitzgerald and Junior Champion ýwih snge uninth frç,Iitou nedig ht ndy ewttan Comy. Junior Girls-i Barbera Ko- Harold Mollet. Girls-Rickic Van Heuvelen on a waik and twa errons. Bawn-ianville on singles by Jerry FeUs pitched shutout zak, 2 Rikie Van Heuvelen, 3 Junior Girls-l Rikie Van Boys-John Crawford. Free passes ta Paul Mutton Mutton nd Pickel1. bell aven tic finst tire marnes Donna Tenniil. Heuveien and Anne Van Heuv- Intermediate ChampionsGH but tired and gave wav ta Junior Boys-i John Craw- em, 2 Gisela Verîcysen and Girîs-Susan Holroyd. JACK R O UC with ber parents, Mr. anédBrian Downs in tic fourti. fond, 2 Steve Adcock, 3 Glenn Barbera Kazak, 3 Ticresa Bar- Boys-Alex Rogers~. Mrs. E. M. Adams. 1O'Siea went tic route for the Killens. ek and Cinistina Riddle. Senior Champions PLUMBING and HEATING Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Turn- viitns allowing aniy two Intermediate Girls-i Susem[ Junior Boys-i John Bath- Ginîs-Menleme Randie. Division Street South bull, Mn. and Mrs. Tunaibuil bits, wiilc f Rnning eigit, but iHalnoyd, 2 Seliy Payne, 3 Lindal1well and Stanley Yeo, 2 Hugi Boys-Ray Adcock and JirniMA 3-5615 BOWMANVILL12 Lose T w'o Sr, p tich weekcnd witl. wildness kept him ln trauble.:Strawbridge Bos-i Coutts and Haroîld Leach, 3 Higgins (tied). ____________ Anumber from icre et- 'Rogers, 2 Rager Moffet, 3 Allan'Killens. To Port Hope tended tic Orange Parade in Luke. Int. Girls-1 inaBtwl Oshawa on Saturdey. Senior Girls - i Merlene and Susan Holroyd, 2 Barbare' GOODWILL GUARANTEED IPart Hope Bantarns won 3-1 Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubierèl Rendle, 2 Sheila MecNeil, 3 Macnab and Trudy Wilkins, 31 in Bowmanville Monday mgit.i werc Seturday guests ai Mn. Lorette Cook. Linde Killens and Beth Rabo-' Wayne Bexter pitclicd for tic Iand Mrs. W. *H. Knantz, Osh- Senior Boys-i Jim Higgins, insan. winners and Doug Carey 1 awa. 2 Ray Adcock, 3 Glea Clarke. Int. Boys-i Ricky Chant and U S D C kAR S ceugit. Baxten allowcd tirce! Master Billy Sinclair spcn'. Running High Jurnp Alex Rogers, 2 Allan Luke and mie its, stnuck out swleeiaweekndwithfMind AlnAiocnShrrChato..Rbet r «qký ' - - - - «- - -- - - Biowmanville. We hope Shir' Hanthara) an their marniage Junior Boys-i Damny Mc- Intcrrned. Girls-i Carolyn lev has a speedv recovcry. in Clerernont United Church Lean, 2 John Crawiord, 3 Glenn Dewcll and Ginger Belson, 2 R OSN MTR 1Mn. Alden Hubbend, Master on Saturday. Killens. Christine Hoskin and Angeline Tcrny Hubberd, Miss Gaye Mnf. and Mms. Frank Allison Ixtermediate Girls-il Saily DeLuca, 3 Linda Kiliens and weeendguets f Ms. earST 'RT B. JAMES Payne, 2 Susan Holroyd, 3 Beti Robinson. L D HNia ds a rsy naFalls., saw, ee T ASandra Rogers. Intermed. Boys - i David Mns. M-\ae Hubberd, Mn. ane.!Avery. SUAC RAL ST E Intermediate Boys-il Alex Bryant and John Payne, 2 ýMrs. Lloyd Carlton and famn. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Ogle and Rogers, 2 AllenLk,3RgrRge oftadAln Luke, .J cehn rsdn uvl, Carndult, Saskatchewan, feniily, Oshawa, were Sunday King St. F. Bowmanvullelmofiat. 3 Rickit Chant and Alex Rog- Buick- Pontiac - Vauxhail Cars - GMC Trucke q , Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, g ssai s1. nyn Senior Girls - ;a Dawn crs. M6AigSt .N 3-3321 Oshawa, wcre recent guestit Mn. and Mrs. Fred Harding, Office Residence !Thampson, 2 Meriene Rendie,' Senior Girls-i Sheila Mar-' 6OKigst. a E.c in R -21 oai Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mrm. Jack Peeling and girls,, . 35681 MA 3-5493 3 Enlyne Berron. 'Neil ad Linde Srnele, :2 Mer-]saaDrc Ln A521 IMrs. Ivan Cochrane, Nestle- iOsiewa, were recent guests ofi i Senior Boys - i Wcndeii leme Rendle and Dienne Rob-' tons spent a couiple o! dlays)Mrs. Grea Bailey. _____Prime and Jim 1iajln4w2 Rai' inson, 3 Suz.anne Ciaai andi ý K TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO it 1 !cond place on ýe past Wcek. and Saturday Grovfe 3-O. nt wihexithe le, after being night. ' x2 ebooks inhe yrone. Sauina iurnwv"-n A v TTTT -1 etooý» 1