DEALN FOR CASFE Tuesday.430pm Birth BROWN- Fred and Mary (nee Adams) wish to announce the safe arrival of a baby girl on JuIy 18, 1961, at Mem- oriel Hospital, Bowmanville. Mother and daughter doing well. 29-1 COX-Jimi and Essie are happy to announce the safe arrival of a son, July 16, 1961, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- inanville. 29-1* Deaiths LOVELESS-At 87 King St. E., Bowrnanville, on Fr, July 14, 1961, Manly Loveless in hie 60th year beloved hus- band of Annie Turner, dear father of Jean (Mis. Clarence Asseistini, Oshawa, Gilbert, Toronto, and 4 grandebjîdren, brother of Harry, Fred, Jim, George, Mac (Mrs. Patrick Palmer) and Pearl (Mrs. Evan Jones). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville, on Mon., July 17, nt 3:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemekry. 29-1 MOYSE-At Southaven Nurs- ing Home, Newcastle, on Fni., July 14, 1961, Herbert V. Mayse in his 83rd year, bus- band of the late Alice Myra Ward, dear brother of Nor- mnan, Toronto, uncle o! Leon- ard Dodds, Bowmanville. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville, on Mon.. July 17, at 2 o'clock. Internient Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 29-1 MURRAY-At Memnorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sat., July l5th, 1961, Robert Grant Murray, formerly o! Uphail, Seotland, beloved husband of Mary Robertson and dear father of Katharine, Bow- rnanvi1le, Frances (Mrs. J. King), Hwiulton, Agnes (Mrs. John P'ilmer) Toronto, and John 'Murray, Toronto. Rest- ed at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., N. Service wvas held in chapel oni Mon., July 17. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 29-1 SMITH-At Men-torial Hospi -' tal, Bowmanville, on Wed., July 12, 1961, Elizabeth Smith, beloved wife of the late Neil Smith and dear mother of Mary and Macmillan (Mac) In ber 87th year. Rested at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Morne, 53 Division St. N. Ser- vice was held in chapel on Fi., Juiy 14. Interment Bow- mnanville Cemetery. 29-1 YOUNG, M. Winifred- On P'rlday. July 14, 1961, at the Toronto East General Hospi- tal, M. Winifred Morris, in her 70th year. dearly belovedj wvife of William B. Young, dear niother of Bert and Don- ald anid sister of Percy o! Tor- enta, and Charles of Bow- rnanvilie. Service was held from the Truli Funeral Home, Danforth Ave., Toronto, on Monday afternoon, July 17, .1961, at 1 o'clock. Interment 33owmanville Cemietery at 3 o'clock. 29-1' Marriage IREKKER - MacLEAN- Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean, R.R. 3, Bownianville, announce the inarriage o! their eldest daugh- ter Vella Jane ta John Rek- ker, son o! Mr. and Mrs. G. Rekker, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. The marriage took place in the manse of Christian Re- haboth Church on May 19, 1961. Rev. John Verbrugge of- ficiated. 29-1 Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank friends and relatives for flowers, cards and for their visits. Special thanks to Dr. Ewert and nur- ses at Memorial Hospital. Shirley Gilbank 2b9. Special thanks to Dr. John- ston and nurses at Memorial Hospital and wish to thank friends anfi relatives for flowers. fruit, cards and also for their visits. Ronald Crago. 29-1* 1 wish to express my sin- cere thanks to Dr. Mîklos, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for their care dur- lng My iliness, also thanks ta relatives, friends and neigh- bers wbo sent carda and flow- enu and helped in many ways. Minnie E Stutt. 29-1 We wish to thank all our friends and neighbours for the beautiful gifts you gave us also for the very pleasant evening we ail had together. We would be pleased to have you calnt any time. Cecil and Elsie Pascoe. 29.1* We wish ta extend our heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tien for the acts of kindness, messages cf sympathy and beautiful floral offerings re- celved from neighbours, rela- tives and many friends in aur sad beeavement o! a loving mather. Alvin and Panay Dowson and famîly. 29-1 1 wish ta thanlc Dr. Sylves- ter, Dr. Austin, nurses and staff o! Memnorial Hospital for their came and kindness. Also te friends and relatives who sent cards, fruit and flowers, and a speclal thanka te neigh- bourg and friends who kindly helped in sa many ways, dur- îng My stay in Bowmanville and Toronto Hospitals, and gince corning home, aima ta Rev. Reed for bis visits. john Cruickshank. 29.1* Reception. j Articles for Sale Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fice,l VACUUM cleaner, good con-1 109 Waverly Road, Bowman-I dition. Phone MA 3-2239. ville, will be at home to their129* friends and relatives on Sat-j I1 urday, July 22, 1961, from 240 ACRES of choice hay, clov-1 to 5 and 7 ta 9 p.m., on theler and alfalfa. MA 3-3394. occasion of their 4th Wedding _______________26-tf jAnniversary. 28024 NATURAL gas stove withi I annex. Apply 82 Church St. In Memorialm I 29-1 BEGLEY-In loving memaory1 o! a dear wife, mother andr step - mother, Vera (Mills) Begley, who died on July 20, 1960. God took ber home it was, His will, But in aur heamts she liveth atili. Sad]y missed by busband Bill, Shirley, Chester, Bruce Milîs, Carole and Bruce Beg- ley. 29-1* WAKELIN-In loving mem- amy o! Harold Wakelin, who pased away July, 1948. What wc would give if we could say, Hello Dad in tbc same aid way. To hear your voice, sec your smilc, To sit with you and chat' awhile. Sa yau who bave a Father, Chemish hlmn with came. For you'll neyer know the heartache Till you sec bis vacant chair. Lovingly remembered by son Clair, daughter Irene and grandchîldren. 29-1 * WAKELIN-In loving mcm- ory o! my dear busband Har- ald, who passed away July, 1948. I lost my soul campanian A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him more As I walk tbough life alone - Yes he is gone, but not for- gotten Aiid as dawns another ycar, In my lonely hours e! think- ing Thoughts o! him are always near And always every cvening 1 seem ta !ind a way O! wondering back to meet1 bim On the road ta yesterday Lovingly remembered by-z bis wi!e Rosalind. 29.11 WATER for sale and dclivered. Cail Clif! Pcthick. CO 3-2131: 1 3~2-tf McCORMICK binder; barn- yard o! manure. Phone CO 3-2065. ___ 29-1 NEW Maxwell 4 cycle, 2 h.p. mccl type lawn mower. Phone CO 3-2027. 29-1* DOOR2,8"x 6'b0", goad-con- dition, 14 Third Street, Bow- manville. 29-1 SPALCE heater, alsa cook stove, will bumn ail or coal. Phone ýMA 3-5448. 27-tf RUBBER timed wagon and rack; Massey Harris binder.* Phone MA 3-2388. 29-1* TWO used ga-carts; two used lawn mowers; Phone MA 3-5184. 261 Liberty North. 29-1 FRESH green garden peas, by the six-quart basket. Ross Lane. -Phone MA -3-2797.- 90.1* I SEVEN-foot Case binder and threshing machine with 28" cylinder. Apply Lloyd Clarke, Bethany. 28-2 SAVE on lumber, direct frorn mill ta yau. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Onta r io. Phone 17r11. 45-tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanvillc, 46-tf ONE Fedders 3/ h.p. Air Con- ditioner for sale, excellent condition, priced easonable. Phone MA 3-2248. 29-1* GÎLADIOLUS and eut flowers for ail occasions. Orders taken. Mrs. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. Phone MA 3-3527. 28-10* SEE Elmcr for good used TV's, fumniture, appliances, vacuums, cook ware, some antique fumniture. CO 3-2294. 22-tf INSULATION, blowsng meth- od, with rock waol. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mrates. Harmy L. Wadc. Tele-i phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf Coming Events COURSES in the subi ects of your choice. Enrol now for The nowdn Faily the faîl term at IBowmanville Te wSnow hedn amithehPic-1 Business School, Mrs. C. A. nic illbe eldat he ome Bartlett, Principal, 154 King o! Mm. and Mrs. Wes Down St. EsBwavhe 3t on Sat., July 22, for 6 o'clock 1 OastL om all-to-wall supperor29.11BR size. Free estimates Camnival and dance, Black- on walI-to-wall. Samples tak- stock Recreation C e n t r e. 1en out ta youm home for colour Games, bingo, go-kart races'and decorating ideas. F. A. round and squame dancing, Fmi- Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., day, July 21. Sponsamed by MA 3-7071. 34tf' Cartwright Agriculture Society. SEPTIC TANK STONE 27-3 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Woodview Community Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twenty games-twenty dollars; five games-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots ai. $250. Door prizes. Next IMonciav. 8 D.m..-Red ar Celiars and Trenches Dug LELAND PAYNE Phone 4204 CLARKE (Colleet) 1 25-tf Oshawa. 46-tf HAY EQUIPMENT - Uscd International "45" Baler with Are you planning a trip for P.T.O., reconditioned. New your bhidays "Rowe Travel International 3-point hitch, 7- Agency" have a chartered bus ft. Mower, baIl bearing pit- going ta Washington, D.C., man, $369; 24 !t. Elevator with Aug. 9 ta 12 inclusive. Reserv- motor mount, $115. Cowan atians aranged, also tours. Equipment Co., 134 King St. Phone MA 3-3811 or PortE., Bowmanville. Phone MA Hope TU 5-2527. 29-213-5689. ___ 29-1 The Ferguson Reunion -viïil ANDA DG A E oe hela bat., July 29i, 196,uî at Cartwright Community Park, Caesarea, Ontario. Af- temnoon swimming, supper at 5:30 p.m., followed by sports. Tea, Freshie and cups pro- vided. In case o! rain, picnic under caver. 29-21 Barn Dance-Saturday, July 22, at the farm o! Jake Van Dam Jr., 4 miles east o! Pontypool. Music by Rip Sanders and his Melody Ran- gers, currently playing on CKLY Radio. Modemn and Old Tyme Dancing. Admission $1 per persan. 29-1 N~otice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM WALLACE HORN, Deceased. .Ahl persons having dlaims against the estate of William Wallace Horn, late of the Vil- lage of Hampton in the County o! Durham, Deceased, who died on or about the llth day o! June, 1961, are hemeby notified ta send in to Strike & Strike, Solicitors for the Executor, at 38 King Street West, Box 640, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or befare the 3lst day o! July, 1961, full particulars o! their claim. Immediately after the said 3lst day o! July, 1951, the assets o! the Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims of which the said solicitors for the Executor shall then bave notice. DATED at Bawmanville, Ontario, this 4th day of July, A.D. 1961. Strike & Strike, Solicitors for Wallace Randolph Horn, Executor. 27-31 FOR YOUk DRIVEWAYS AND CEMENT PHONE EARL BOTTRELL Co 3-2682 For Prompt Service and Delivery 15-tf "JULY SALE"- Lamps, Tele- phone Sets, Hassocks, Desks, Mats, Rugs, Odd Chairs, Space Savers, Davenos, Chesterfields, Bedroomn Suites, Kitchen Suit- es. Ahi at luwest prices. Di!- femence refunded if any item can be purchased cheaper cise- where. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., Bowmanvilie. MA3-71291 WRECKING WARTIME BUILDING on Tbompson St., AJAX beside Cashway Lumber AI Lumber for Sale CHEAP 3" x 8" x 20' Fir Fioaring 31 Fir Trusses 10" x 14" x 26' Fir Timbers 500 sq. heavy gauge 30"x8' and 10' gai. cor. Sheets Metal Siding Doors PHONE AJAX WHllehall 2-4735 AFTER 5 P.M. -- "J0E"» WHitehall 2-1355 28-2 Now Operaling FARMERS MARKET AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTREi 38 ACRES o! standing hay, Newcastle 2156. 29-1 13' BOAT, 12 H.P. motor.i Phone MA 3-7264. 29-1* TEN acres standing hay, AI- falfa and claver; also M- Cormick grain binder, 7 ft., Blake Short, phone M A1 3-3057. 29-1l DAILY Shopping and Dcliv- ery Service by bicycle. Let us pick up your parcels and mail. Leddy & McGregor, MýA 3-3987 or MA 3-.5750.- --- 29-1 HOME FREEZERS GENERAL CHEST TYPE 239.00 up AMANA 16 eu. tt. UPRIGUT FREEZER 449.00 TERMS ARRANGED As Low as $24.00 Down puts a freezer iu your home. Bowmanville Frigid Locker System PHONE MA 3-5578 Cars for Sale 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DeLuxe, 14,400 miles. Excellent condi- tion. Private. MA 3-5668. 29-1 '55 PONTIAC DeLuxe sedan, excellent condition, $700 or best offer. V. Asseistine, R.R. 3, Burketon.___29-1* '58 AUSTIN Healey, wire whee]s and overdrive. Excel- lent condition, best offer. Phone MA 3-2956. 29m1 ALLSTATE Auto Insumance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf '56 MERCURY two door hard- top, automatie, radio, back-up lights, whitewalls, wheel discs, two-tone, newly painted last week, in excellent condition. Phone MA_3-2614. 29-1v Buy yourseif aGddUsedi Car for a change i's - Good - For - You Buy trom the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who think twice aiways say it's none other than... ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars 7-tf USED CAR CLEARANCE 1959 CHEV. DELUXE 2-DR. COACH 1958 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR. SEDAN, radio 1958 CHEV. 2-DR. COACH 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. HARDTOP. 1956 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. V-8, automatlc transmission (Powerflite) 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Lots 29-1 USED CAR CLEARANCE 1961 PLYM017TH BEL VEDERE 2-DR. HARDTOP (the new slant six) 3-speed automatie transmis-1 sien, whiteivails, 2-banc whiteý and beige, like ncw. Big Reduction 1958 PLYMOUTH 1161 4-DR.1 radie. mirrors, avashcrs, white' and green, neat as a pin 1954 DODGE "16" SEDAN Local, anc owner. Good dlean car 1953 PONTIAC "V' SEDAN radio, precticehiy ncw tires. Goad transportation We have a small variety of other mekea of uscd cars. These cars are ail covered by a stedfast, reliable guarantce. PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for Plymouth - Dodge - Veliant Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 29-1 1Wanted to BuyI- Flioogra hy .P.M.FOLDING wheel-chair, eaul .rii~gIcpiiy Every Friday - 2 pm Clif! Pethick CO 3-2131. 29-1 PHOTOGRAPHY Produce Availabie in Seeson HIGHEST prices peld for lv Fermera and Producera Inter- pou.lbry, gpose feathers, teetb- Portraits * Pasportastdnkigastalp easecm icks, scrap iron, rega, estd n tkig astll lesemetais and raw furs. Phonej Weddinge Anulversaries contact the RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. a Speciaity ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 48-tf OSHAWA ALL kinds o!lilve pouitry, Asfr tuioSHOPPING CENTRE feathers. new goose and duck 75 Kn t E. Bwa 1 OSHAWA, ONTARIO alsa aid feather ticks wanted. A~115 S. -2502 Phone11 R.0 fA 8-623 1 Highest price pa.d. MK Flatt. ]Phone MA 3-52£U~ DLIJ Bethany R.R, 1. Phone 7 r 131 23-tf 28-3 collect. 21-ti Auction Sale o! gare equipment. Tow truck, tract mechanic hand tools, Interr tional and Beatty parts. Pi [perty o! the late Waltcr Ho sam at Manchester, juncti o! 12 and 7A Highways Wed., Aug. 2. Terms cci Sale at 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, Auctione The undemsigned auction will sell by public auction, nrnntity of hni.s.hold egffei and garden toals on Satur- day, July 29th, for Clamencel Hockin at 43 Queen St., Bow- manville. A list o! articles in next week's paper. Sale at 1:30. Cli!! Pethick, auction- eer. 29-1 SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LAND Under and by virtue o! a Writ o! Execution issued eut o! the Second Division Court o! tbe United Counties o! Nom- bhumberland-Durham, whemein INTERPROVINCIAL BUILD- ING CREDITS LTD. is Plain- tif! and JOHN A. ALLDREAD is Defendent, and ta me direct- cd against the Lands and Tenements o! the said JOHN A. ALLDREAD, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, tîtie, înterest and cquity a! redemption o! the said JOHN A. ALLDREAD, in and ta the following lands and tenements: AIl and singular that certain parcel or tract o! land des- crubed as Lot 2 and 3, Block 7, Plan o! Newcastle. On this property is said ta be situated a Garage, also a anc and one-haîf storey insul- brick bouse. Ail o! whicb right, title, in- terest and equity o! redemp- ian of the said JOHN A. ALLDREAD I will offer for sale by public auction et my office in the Court House, in the Town o! Cobourg, on Mon- day, August 7th, 1961, at the boum o! 2:00 p.m.. JOHN W. FOOTE, Shemif!, United Counties o! Northumberland and Durham. The above Sale Is adjourn- cd ta August 14, 1961 at 2:00 P.rn. Live stock For Sale SIXTEEN pigs, 10 wecks aid. Phone MA 3-3123. 29-1* TWENTY p.i gs,- 10-weeks old, phoneNewcastle 2354. 29-1 FINEÉspringing-Hoisýtein bel!- ers; Landrace sows due. V. Asseistine, R.R. 3, Burketon. 29-1 * 15 HOLSTEIN heiems, vac- cinated, frcsbcning soan. Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 87r4. 29-2* REGISTERED hoîstein caw, due now; registered beifer, due nex mantb; Holstein bull, serviceable age. Phone MA 3-2388. -- 29-1* Help Wanted RASPBERRY pickers. Phone MA 3-2730. 29-1* WAITRESS, part time. Phone Newcastle- 4561.- --29-1l BERRY pickers. Apply in persan ta Harry Van de Beit Sr., a cross from Cream o! Barley. 29-1 RELIABLE middlecaged lady ta look after twa amaîl child- ren 2 days a week. Apply in writing ta Box 15, c/o Can- adian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 29-2 THE best jobs with the best pay go ta Business School graduates. Enral now for bbc Fail Term at Bowmanville Business School, Mrs. C. A. Bamlett, Principal, 154 King St. East,_Bowmanvillc. 23-tf A BUSINESS o! your own! Scîl household and !arm necessities. No duIl season. Commission, bonus, trial per- iad. Openings in your sur- roundings. Familex Produets, Dept. T. 7, 1600 Delomimuier, Montreal. 29-1 STENOGRAPHER Apply la person ta PERSONNEL MANAGER Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca., Bowmanvilc 2- ARE you looking for a con- venient way ta earn money? We have several exclusive estab ished sections open naw. Use those free boums ta earn with Avon. Write or phone Miss K. MacKean, 528 Gil- mour St., Peterborough, RI 3-4006. Man For 29-1 Faclory Employment Mechanicel Background Preferred To Leara Manufeeturing and Printing Write ail details ta Adverliser 154 c/o Thc Cenadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville Ontario 28-3 FULL-TIME AND PART - TIME WAITRESSI WANTED Apply te Flying Dulchman PHONE MA 3-3373 For Appointment Work- Wanted _RealEstate for__Sale Real Estate for Sale jReal Estate for Sale ,age SEPTIC tanks cleaned sanitary IU fhITrI ~ nîsTHREE bed ro omr, tor, waY. W. Ward, Whitby, MOI vvu.COMMUTE.YIIL? 1o-room brickc home bouse, central, apply Adver- rna- 8-2563. 24-101DW an tiser 148, c/a Canadian States- 'ra-~~ HETORa $80g~0 MORTGanE ONE Central, 2 three-piece baths, nman, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ýro HATIGPlumbing a n d 1 XA 6-,j% ORGAEa FOR ow- Eavestmoughing. Cal ol A you a purchase modern kitchen, fireplace; ville. 29-1 ton Heating, Newcastle 4331. 184tf a ranch type, 1056 square foot 2-car garage, ail heatini EE-omdbuet ah on WILL mind children in my 13 bedroom brick bungalow, - os, grage ue, 3o th ash. home by the day or week. In- well designed, sturdy con- iJean HigrageNo 2 location fants ta 12 yr. olds. Phone istruction ln excellent location Da odS n Hivcastl Naonable.Phoo m.CO 3-2023. 29-1 lconvenient te G.M.C., Separate 121 Queeu Street Newcastle 2141. 29-20 9-2 - and Public Sehools and Bus Bowmanvllc MA 3-5540 - BRICK, Mason and Concretee. Ba h eWyla ieer work, Chimneys, etc. L.1Trn- evc.Be*tetx yI- AaxW -04 DA i Orona , ubevgar i, c. Te mp or a ry residence specting and purchasing NOW. AjxW 2014DELfmyhoe ee ect Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf D îyTr'rr'nvr age half acre. app1es, pears WATER wells dug by machine. Specialize in 30" concrete tule. IFinîshed job $10 per foot. W. iWard, Whitby, MO 8-2563. 24-10* Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Concrete and Carpentry LNEW WORK and REPAIRS PHONE CO 3-2Z82, HAMPTON ______________ _ ___3-tf BU L L DOZ iNG AÂND EXCAVATING New John Deere Equlpment Robert Strong Phone Blackstock 104R Collect 29-20 Plaslering Repairs QUICE SERVICE REAL ESTATE 728 - 6228 Oshawa 46 Kint W. or viait aur OPE N Hou S E 1408 Oxford Street 2 ta 5:30 and 6:30 to 9 V.m. dally Experlenced Personnel ta Assist You. 29-2 For Rent APARTMENT. Phone MA 3-2445. 25-tf FIVE room apartment, King St. W.-MA 3-5497. 29-1* APARTMENT, Tyrone, $30 monthly. Phone CO 3-2175. 29-1* FOR accommodation near Mo- sport Park Phone Orono 12r6. 27-4* STIUCCO AND> NEW WOR TWO bedroom apartment, R. L.TAFT phone MA 3-2461 or apply 82 R.L A T Church St. 29-1 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 IN Newcastle, 3 moom up- 16-t! stairs apartment. Phone New- A RENDS castle 4256. _______29-i ELE TRI MO ORSPossession Aug. 1. Telephone Seles & Service MA 3-3058 bath, centrally located. Phone 43 Third St. Bowmanville MA 3-5431. 29-1 l_9-tPIpANT Sprayers and Sanders BOWMANVILLE Maintenance for i'ent. F. Cmowe, 102 Elgin Service. Cleaning - Uphols- St., Bowmanville. 28-2*1 tery, rugs, hamdwaod or tileCITHREE rooms and bath, beat- flooma, walls or woodwork'esl-otie.25Kn window wasbing, venetiarniesl-otid.25Kn blinds, new tapes or cords in- it . A338.9t stalled. Repais-Roofs, ver-I LARGE graund floor apt., al andas, fences, fumniture, draw-1 conveniences. Residential amea. ers, doors, etc. Seasonal main- Cali MA 3-5797 after 5. 29-1 I tenance - storms, screens,1- - I gardens, hcdges. Janitor sev 1COMMERCIAL pmoperty on ice. Jim Henry. MA 3-28317.lSilver Street, !ommerly Black-1 2E-*smith shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tf G. W. MUTTON Masonry Coniractor BRICK - BLOCK AND SIDEWALKS Specialize lna Conerete Floors NEW WORK AND REPAIRS MA 3-5981 28-4 Whiiewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Sepiic Tanks BERT TOMPKINS NE WTON VILLE Phone Clarke 4721 24-tf MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHES - DRAINS FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC TANKS DUG AND BACKFILLED Ivan Mounijoy BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 4 25-tfi TV TOWERS Aerials and Rotors Repaira ta Aerials and Retors O S H AWA T V Supply Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Leask 8-tf LICENSED Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nursing Hm -Accommodation for private a nd semi-private patients, lounge TV. Fully licensed, new building, modemn. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, pieked up promptly. Telephone COifax 3-2721. Mamgwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. WANTED by Sept. 1- Two wamm, central, unfurnishcd, bausekeeping rooms. Have stove and frig. Write Box 157, e/o Canadien Statesman, PI.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. -29-2 DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID R AY VI1VI1A N Lacuat Hill Phone Merkham 1160J Coileet 24-hr. 7-day Service Lîcense 102C61 20-52 APARTMENT in Newtonville, four rooms and bath, heavy wired. Phone Clarke 5r02. 29-1* PASTURE for ten head of cattie, near Tyrone. See Pauli Vaneyk or phone Clarke 5r02.1 29-1*' FIVE room upstairs apamtment. Separate bath and entrance, heated. Adults prefemable. 175 Liberty North. 29-2* TWO apartmeâits with 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Centrally located. Washer service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. 23-tf FREE rent one month, beated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer-dryem, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., also for ment! store on main street. 22-tf THREE roomed apartments, for ment, 3 blocks from down- town, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, heated. Venetian blinds and drapery rods on ail windows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf APARTMENT, Upper East at Kungsway Apts., 242 King St. E. Stove and refrigerator sup- plied, heated, $75 per month. Available July 9th. Apply Mr. E. Holdstock at Kingsway Apts. or telephone MA 3-3654. 26-tf Wanted to Rent 50 to 100 acre farm, good buildings, suitable for smali registered bee! herd. Write, Advertiser 161, c/o P.O. Boxl 190, Bowmanville. 29-11 Repairs RADIO and televusion repaira, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. rE. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t! GUARANTEED television and radio service, to ahl makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49 t REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- eiectrie motors. Higgan Elce trie, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! re- frigemators, damestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRING Certified Watchmeker cf Canadian Jeweilers' Aman. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-tf FINALLY ! Your awn local sewing machine repair iman Free Estimates - Fast Service One Year Guerentee Ai lMakes - Includlng SINGER SEWING MACHINESý Call :1 6~WANT ta purchase block of BE 5.000 ta 10,000 Scotch Pine E T SEVINK Christmas brees 6 ta 7 feet MA 3-2664 24-tf high. These trees must be pro- - P ro a perly trimmed and et lcast P ro a 50% must pas No. 1 Grade ______________ o! Amemîcan gradsng stand- HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber1 ards. Only trees that have goods) mailed postpaid in plein been pruned from small seed- sealcd enveiope wibh price liht liivina prices ta Advertiscr e Ivfa i Orde% e.p.- 1 159, e/o Canadien Statesman, il4ov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, 29-1 P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. Hamuilton, Ont. 1-32 Leask Real Estie Income home, duplex, 2 complete apartments on good residential street, oul furnace. Excellent income. Terms. In Hampton, 7 room bunga- low, 3 bedrooms, bathroom. $7,000. 4 room bungalow, land- scaped lot moomy, garage. $10,500. Terms. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 63 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 29-1 Pedwell Real Estie 100 acres, 8 room bouse, bank barn, good productive soil. Only $10,000. Easy terms. 10 room house on No. 2 Highway, close to Maple Grove, $10,000. Name your own down payment. Practically new 5 room bungalow with 3-piece bath, oil furnace, many extras, with full basement situated on No. 2 Highway in Newtonville, only $7000 for quick sale. New 5 room house, close to Orono. All conveniences, tule floors, $6,500. $500 down. Easy terms on balance. Mortgage lbans. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 Real E.tate Salearnan Wanted 29-1 Howe & Pelers i BEALTORS i '67 King St. E. Oshawel 725-4701 Lambs Lene 5 room bungalow withý garage, large double lot nic- ely landscapcd, 3-piece bath, low taxes. Asking price $9,900. Call Joe Crawford. Duke Street 6 roomn stucco with garage, goad lot, landscaped, 3-piece bath, attractive location over- looking park. $9,000 full price. Brooklin Qucen St.-7 moomn stucco, 3-piece bath, garage, small barn. Ups-tairs could be rent- cd with private entrance. Low taxes, full price $9,000. Cal Joe Crawford. Ncw Office Hawe & Peters will have their sales representative Mr. Joe Crawford living in Bow- manville before the end o! July. Kindly feel free ta eaul vice. Buy and seli wuth con- fidence, eaul your neighbor-, aur office in Osbawa at any time for any real estate ser- bood ealtors. HOWE & PETERS 67 King St. E. Osawa Opposite the Hotel Genosha 29-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members o! Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 12 acre farm, 8 maam insul stone bouse with ail city con-ý' veniences. Beautif ul view. Large barn, goad soul. V.L.A. approved. Orono area, anly $10,500, berms. 20 acre famm in Tyrone vil- lage with double house and barn. Valuable paved road frantage. $12,900, terms 110 acre pasture farm. 2 stmeams. 15 miles N.E. Baw- manville. Only $60 per acre with $1,500 down. 119 acre farm on Lake On- tario betwecn Oshawa and Bawmanvilie. 1320' lake front-il age. 7 moom home, large hip roof barn, excellent soil. Pmiced for quick sale. Excellent in- vcstment. 200 acres with 60,000 shear- cd Scotch Pine Christmas trees. Thousands rcady this ycar. Gaod stream with pond. Blackstock arca. A s k i n g $17.000 with $5,000 down. Lake Ontario, Bawmanvillc 8 roomn brick, 2 bathrooms, fimeplace, beauti!ully land- scapped lot 175x175. Fuliy furnisbed et only $ 10,000, with $2,000 dawn. Act fast on this one! 3 bedroam brick home on Flett St. Oniy $9,900, with termsaet 41/%. 3 bedroom ranch bungalow witb attacbed garage; 2 stone fime-places, many extras, beau- biful view overlooking town, located an Martin Rd. Excel- lent value at only $15.000 with $5,000. down. 2 bcdroam modern bunga- low, ccntrally located In New- catle. Only $6,900. Terms. Modemn 5 raom cottage with ail conveniences at Pres'quille Point, Brighton, firepiace, fully furnished. Only $5.600. We bave e wide selection of ail types o!f frma, acreegea, homes, businesses and cot- tages. Cali WALTER FRANK 177 Charch St. MA 3-3393 Dewmanville 29-1 and small fruits. -Miasr b. seen to be appreciatcd. Reas. onable terma. Mrs. O. Cowan, Orono. 28-2 PORT Perry Area-200 acre farm, 180 workable, 10 acres bush, 3 large barns, 3 Impie- ment sheds, water in stables. Modern house, heated cil furn- ace. Excellent productive land one mile from, Port Perry. $32,000 - $10,000 down. W. J. jCarnegie, Salesman. H. Keith 1Limited, Port Perry, Telephone IYU 5-2881. 27-3 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE DBROKER 160 Acres - 8 roomn framne bouse, bath, barn equipped for ilaying hens, 1,320 ft. lake front- !age. Owner must sell. Price $12,000.00. Term. 150 Acres - 7 .room trame bouse, L-shape barn. Pmice $6,500.00. Low down payment. 100 acres near Masport, 7- roomed bouse, barni 30x60. A good investmcnt et $9.900. Terras. Two apartment bouse with 41/1 acres o! land, geod loca- tion, near school, price $12,500. Terms. 10-roam two-stomey brick home, very central, sultable for two apartments. Price $10,500. Terms. Newcastle-Store plus e, el ing fronting main street. ,sk ing price $7,500. Terms. ~ 5 Acres near Oshawa, goed garden soil. Pmlce $3,000.00. Tema. Near Mosporb, four-roomned bouse. Pull price oniy $1,250. Building lot, 60x267, good drainage, shade trees. price $2,400. 4-roomn fully modemn ho centmally located. Price $7, Terms. aV 5-room modemn bungaiW. ' highway frontage. Price $8,50 Temms. Highway No. 2 Eat et Bowmanvllle Telephone MArket 3-3644 'Selesmen : G. Blyleven, Phono MA 3-3300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 29-1 De Wilh Real Estals 236 Acre DAIRY FARM with large L-shaped bank- barn, silo, bulkcoolcr, streams; 12 Roomed home, ail modemn canveniences Prie and termas arranged. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM ma a going concern with ail cet- tIc and machincry etc; Good 10 roomcd brick bouse with modemn conveniences. Asking $33,000. Terms. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM as a gaing concern with ail cet- tic and macbinemy etc; Good barn, silo, drive shed etc; 8 Rooîned brick bouse, running water. Paved moad. Asking $30,000. Terms. 224 Acre DAIRY FARM with 8 cans quota, 80'x80' loafing barn, milking parlor, large bulkcooler. 7 roomed home wîth modemn conveniencea. Price and bermmfararanged. 147 Acre HIGHWAY PARU with excellent set o! build- ings, large river, new drive shed; Beautiful home witb ail modern conveniences. Pmice and berms armanged. 110 Acre HIGHWAIY FARM with ail buildings in goad re- pair. Good sîze bankbarn, [drive shed etc. 8 roomed brick bouse wibb ail modemn conveniences. Asking $30,000. Terms. 9 Roomed home on 2 acres with Igara ge. Asking $9,500. with bow dawn payment. 6 Roomed brick home in Bowmanvillc, ahi modern con- veniences. Soubhway Drive. Garage. Asking $13,000. with $3.000. down. 4 Roomned home, eat of Newcastle with smaîl barni. Price $4,000. with $500. down. 5 Roomed, large, brick bun- galow with ail modern con- veniences, attacbed garage, broadloom floor coverlng. Many extras. Pruce and terms armanged. 1, 5 Roomed home in Bethany'* with cil fumnace, running wa- ber, kitchen cuphoards, Ask. ing $4,800. Terma. 8 Roomed home la Bethany with modern convenlences. Price $5.000. Terms. 7 Roomcd frame home et Lotus. Pmice $2,500. Easy term. 7 Roamed home in New- castle witb extra lot, 3-picce bath, electric water heater. Garage. Down payment $1,000. Price armanged. Articles for Sale Auction Sale 1 -1 5 1:. -- --i_ -1- -11 - 1 --* :1- PAGE Trff THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'Çýý, ONTARIO TMNESDAT, JMT Ifth, - à f 7 Iz
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