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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1961, p. 12

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PAGE TWELV'E TEE CANADIAN STATESMAIf. EOWMA!qVILIZ. ONTkRT~ A 1~1?I~ I A&L U*M YV.E~.LJÂNC~L~Z~L, ULJJJL LOUA, AU~ ml ed Brannigan, "You have;. cottage recently. been here before. If you can ReunitedA ftr 5 e r Congratulations to newly- N IL R Afrun aerlolYears. nweds Mr. and Mrs. WaltèrEN IL Mg j t a e s CU Kpublic lawns, you are going Davis (Ethel Dpi)- o f Mrm. R. Griffin. Mr. L M C 9 '.t c t ' o u tt a o t"Toronto. ;Wauldbauer. the F.Grfn Ralph Edwin Mason, 19, 55 1 Gordon and Gladys Allini and F. Sarnis familiesatnd ai IIRitson Rd. N., Oshawa, was Newcastle. spent Tuesday af- ed the Griffin family pci with having liquor illegally s ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free-. radMsDu k Tuesday, JuIy lSth, 1961 new~ installation at Waltona requested the maximum pen- and careless driving on July M. a ac Dum Wallv Chopowick, 26, 37 IPark, Newcastle. alty becatise *An installation lst. Evidence by P.C. Phillhps hodthtMonspeda .Motre ad Mto H alirto nson Sa t h iseLMarionand Ann O Deli Street, pleaded guiltY George Walton, co-proprie- ait a s'.i mming pool could King and Temperance to let & mourd a isibterdgt ers Stisons ar ingad Mr- ta using spliced w ires in__a tor of the park stated thathave grave resuits." two passengers out of his car.Roa ndAatheGrrto. Chopowick was awarded the His osiMgsrt .H pdaa asn h oaadAn tteGriitn contract and started work* osîp aitrt .Heespo ed wycausing then Guide camp. iMiss Evelyn Cunninam B.heels ofinheecar tonhowl and Jim Snowden has returned iB rantford, 15 visiting a h aout the middle of May toBaxtri snecngCoo spin screeching the tires. He hm fe w-eksa1acehm.Ms .Pso 4I~ wire the newly constructed wick to the maximum fine of had accelerated to 55 mph h his iter, Mrs. o-w ard and issC unninme aMrviite 0AS swimmigpol"Coo I $50 wita y1.8 os ts, soaiat Scugog and continued on Hagedorn and family, at Pet-ifriends in Toronto. was the lowest tender. One "m gg e standio y othtmyo picking up speed and passing Ms D y night after the completion of mgtaestnîn efr e sessurgnOntMrarnd rs.D. Dvey an aectaruedocarimbyagoing-Those from Maple Grove'LnaadNra yoe DMiyN E OFE the job, a number of child. nacag fCia e- over the double solid white wh atnddthMS.Joeh' isitdw r and M rsW WOR WIL ~ ren were in the pool swimm- ligence. The law states that ueatteweten tWa- .:" aris pinic theaSt, oa Pars oeadMsK.avy ing. Walton turned on .the j o oayhn roi erly road. The car was stopp- ~o udywr r n r. M.adMs .Hri n MT I.La ~~~~~lights. t oayhn hc hw nSna eeM.adMs r n r.J a tadoanthngwhchsose- td ea of M peeGrofter0. Cecil Cullen and family. Mr. children, South Mon aghar. A yuthrTored ocamr wastnadrckesdse-i earched p d a7 and Mrs. Jim Laverty, Ther- -Mr. and Mrs. M. Prsot WHENWE I that he "Got an awful shock" gardof otheslives adr saf- Thecrwssaceyn esa, Colleen and Lois. Mrs. Susan and Cindy. St. Ca1 r when he went to get his bi- of Criminal Negligence. from uer heodarverseat Bil ud y, i adKrn. ines, Visitedwx te E. a cycle which wvas leaning fonudrtedie' et Over 70 ladies were present D. Prescotts. against the link fence "hti You know the Power Act Mao.uo qetiin surud h ol atnRgltos o nwthatMaoun esiig at the church last Wednesday Mrs. R. Bea. HamiltonMs roudsthepol. alo Regulteyusenow that hs counsel, admitted lhe .eenn when bride-elect Miss Margaret Bea, Toronto, rciea othrsl' hnybough t the bottle ia New- * . Mildred Snowden was guest weekend guests at G. w hie later went ta shut the gate. ced wire. You should havecateoJily1sadyte Slonhad the fence checked realizedthatrthedanger wuld .He shower. She was the recipient Mr. and Mrs. S. Gr n d Wato a howng 10 olt.b uchgrartarsin- usualpolior stdatore w a clsaeHeof many beautiful gifts. ehildren, Oshawa, vistewith Walton had the wire removed ahrund rarswimmiln obeted to tim he gitratebot Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fice. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormisto and it was improperly splicedwhr theea e hilreortle from a bootlegger. The Mrs. Ken Whitney, Mr. and: The Taylor familiesated y and was only No. 8 wire when adults. You know teppoe atetao htoMn.LodSodn M- n dafmlygteiga ih lit should have been No. 12. of the regulation made under magistrt ht Mrs. Lary Pettît Mr and'e l ml andC eiga the Power Act. This regula. anoe is a bootlegger who . Mrs. W ryPki,'r*ad adCek Cowik wo peddto smr hnncsayselîs a bottle in this fashion. MsWayne Pickard visîted Visîtmg wîth Mrs. RGrf ELECRIC TD. Chpowik wh pladedtionis mre han ecesaryrelatives at the Girl Guide fin the past week were ' ELCRCCÔ guilty to the charge told the under these circumstances."' "There is no doubt in my Camp. Haliburton, on Sunday L. Waldbauer. Buffalo M CONTRACTINO REPAIRS 1 court, "I did instaîl the wire Dni rnia,2ý26mn htyuwr rvn j an it as rong I id i onithout due care and atten- REFRIGERATION-ELECTRIC ~nights and on the weekend King St. E., was given onetinowthu resabe . REFRIGERATION-ELECTRIC nds w~eek to pay a fine of $50 and to rwtotraoal MOTOR - SALES - SERVIE because Mr. Walton was in a o consideration for others using T.V-RADIO-APPLIAN S hurry to get the pool and re- costs of $3 for being intoxicated the highway. You wouldn't freshment booth opened. and, according to Prov. Const. state ta o'io oflk Bruce Tilison, "passed out at .ta o okoflk For the first time in 56 Cathedral, tihe Stock Exchange, e 0Harry R. Deyman. Q.C., the Town Hall in Newcastle." a jackrabbit. because you erM.CVs o w BnofEgadthTwr itheCouty CownAttrneyMagstrae R B.Baxtr wrn"The penalty will be $50 and reunited with bis sister, Mrs. of London, West Minister Ah-H -Dorothy Ramsey of Southend bey, Buckingham Palace, and $2 costs. ~on Sea, Essex, England. Mrs. many other buildings of world 37 KN S.\VE "With regard to the liquor. Ramsey met him at London renown. You say you got it from the Airport on June l6th last Mr. Hone hopes, some day,! bootlegger in Newcastle and when he arrived for a three- to go back for another vîsit. A R a r a !you were taking it home to week visit in England. C e r n eo your father. This is a new Mr. Hone was also reunitedC l an co story. I always find it hard with a brother, Arthur Hone, A L R V to believe the stories I hear and another sister, Miss Ma- A L R V Tf h A D f f I day after day in my six courts, bel Hone. He was so very Mran s.FeGoad I amn finding you guilty as voung when the separation Man rs . FreSda Gwi ands ST RAI W B E R I ESI~ charged and the penalty will took place ini 1906 that he Jaetspnt unayOiR EMsS be $20 and costs of $3," said could not ever remember see- F. Dresser in Dundaik. 1 H-is Worship ln convicting. ing thern. In that year their Mr. end Mrs. Han-y Free-ý AND ~Gardon R. Kimmeriy, 19, mother died and -her five chu-. man visited their cousins, Mr.! ND R.R. No. 4, was assessed $28 dren were parted. Char-les, and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, Base 8 00 ' M n osso $ n gvnuntil wowsae n er eI no udyeeig August Ist t pay or go ta to a Dr. Barnardo's Home and Mm-. William Anderson en-12 0I g a o l f o r 5 d a y s . H e p l e a d e d D o r o t h y ( M r s . R a mn s e y ) w s e t a n e1n u e d y f t r- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Glen Rae WHIPPED CREAM hil h1i chare was under godparents. home n birthdlay. Mu~' REG. $1095 to $2995 suspension. He wswre h a a further wdn Both A and B packs of Ma -__________________________ Theentre amiy illrealy o fr hisseaona trat that he would go ta gaol the ed when Mr. Hone came ta pie Gi-ove Cubs enjoyed a, The ntie fmil wil rall goforthi seson l teat next time. He was told that Canada. However, she was weekend of camping at Pi-es- hecoln' uyaca hieable ta trace himi here and qu'ile Point. Akelas B e r t m m Strawberries and Whipped Cream his lies a under suspen- got ta know him again durinig Snowden and Bob Barrabahi SUM I UR E sio an th cort oldhlm 40 years o corresponderice. and helpers, Bill Laird, M UM R P R E GLEN RAE WHIPPING CREAM makes ail desserts of his stupidity because on She pirayed every day as long Shiels and Cecil Burton, were Reg. $3.98 tatebttrSeptember l9th, bis license as she can remnember that one la charge. Mrs. Cecil Milîs tat etrwould have been returned ta day they would meet again. and Mrs. D. Bailey were cooks White and Watermnelon$2 9 _____________________him. (His license was sus- Although bis brother was in for ail the healthy young ap- peddon Sept. 19, 1960 for hospital during the whole of petites end îentioned that it Clearing at ------ - $ * 9 a conviction of careless driv. his visit, Mr. Hone had a heart was the first time they had Order some from your milk sclesman today or ing, for a one year period.) warming "dream corne true" made meals while ankie deep ~ Ult"M Oe dg wne wa fiedholiday with his famnilY. in ramn water. UUWU' EWU~ $5Onedcostsof n asentia Impressed indelibly' in bis Miss.Catihy McDonald, Belle- PH O N E M A m54 4for5andioihstogftun atamind is the great beauty and ville, spent a few days with fo alare. Three metr uioatrsabundance of the floral bloomsler cousin, Janice Munday. AL SM lawre.chared $18. Aothrhe saw everywhere, and th-e Mi-. and Mrs. John Camp- Vdowner aked f o a r nmany famous and historical bell, Vieki and Sandra, Osh- dgonetunila ugustor nisd buildings in the land of his awa, were Sunday dinner G L E R A D A-R Yfor time ta pay for a charge A hig.hligbt of his trip was Gow and family last week. 98W.BO MA VILEof allowing bis dog ta run at seeing the Queeni and lhe bas Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- 98 ]ING ST. W O M N IL large and another of violating a snapshot ha took of ber as den spent a few i-days with B yN w ....a Court adjourned at 3:10 p.m.1 saw London MaIl, St. Paul's SnOwden o iboka ___________________________ and Mrs P. Conhin. Osha" Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferumf Enniskillen, Mr. P. Ptu Toronto, and Mr. C. Peters, Caesarea. Gratitude is a duty which 1ought to be paid, but whieh 1none have a right to expet.- 1Rousseau. LUMIG - HEAIN ni EflNER DELERo ORONO 1782 LADIES' WEAR BOWMANVI LLE s M C(ED PRICES' nd Save!I CD CD < CD m I W LU LOo z r) F- eu, z 0 0 0 CD CD Mc 1à wl z z 0 ou r1 w ~IZ Et0 0~ '-I 6I t5 0o 0/ va oe< I: oe 0 wà m >M Oo '4 E-4U2 Io 01-0 r., LII fr* "IF -c on mu C6 45 41 tio C)~-. 0 PAGE TWELVE = CANAIDIAN STATESMM. IROWMANVMM, ONTAMO immvrqnAlv -"T?.V lf*l% ime 1-

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