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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1961, p. 1

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~Mayor Proclaims Ben-Hur Days Here JuIy2O9t c-a Volume 107 12 Pages Durham County's Great Fainily Journal PnM IT XP T y'TYý - - -=«* .DbJV.VZjÂ'VILJLEL, ONTAIO, WEDJNiESiAY, JULY lYth 1961 1"JTTMP~ 90 jI For Low Income Familles Rentai Housing Survey 15 Now Under Way in Towný IOn Tuesday. afternoon. a; very wet Miss Shirley Alla- way of Toronto visited The1 iStatesman to advise that a rentai housing survey wasi now underway in Bowman- ville. Miss Allaway had been caught in the sudden thun-1 iderstorm but refused toala- Ilow her drenched condition1 Ita interrupt her duties. She Ihas been doing research work for the Housing Branch ofc th e Ontario Department of A proud moment in the lite of a young cadet was refiected last Friday in the face of 15-year-oid Raymond Bruce, a member of the Ontario Train- ing School For Boys Army Cadet Corps, as he accepts the schoal's covet- ed Col. Hedley Basher trophy from Lt. Col. J. R. Warnica, commanding officer of the Ontario Regiment, RCAC. Raymond, the smallest lad in Port Darlington harbor at! Bowmanville is a monument ta neglect, Bob Finlayson, a l Commodore of the Can-i n Boating Federation told: .fheBowmanville Rotary Club.i MÉ, Finltayson was the guest1 Ssppéker et the luncheon meet-1 i ng held at the Flying Dutch- Sideways Advt. Marks Birthday Dykstra Bros. If you noti'ce an adver- tisement laying on lis side en page twelve, don't think aur compositors have been on a bender, that's the way the advertiser wanted iL. This unusual treatment for an advertisemcnt marks the second anniversary cele- brated by Bob and Klaus Dykstra who operate Dyk- istra's Varicty Foods, King St. W. In addition to the sldeways specials, they also have a lucky draw for a huge cake to be drawn Sat- urday. Ail customers bave an opportunity of winning. The Dykstra boys nearly had a chance to tic ln a smoke damage- sale wlth their birthday early this week. NexL door, a furnace wasn't functioning properly while burning waste paper and lt filled their store with amoke. Fortunately, no daim- age resulted, but there were 9 few anxlous moments. Commerce and Development during the past two summers. During winter. months, Miss Allaway is a student of Phil- asophy et the University of Toronto. The housing survey is a follow-up af town council's actions some months ago when they heard a representative ai lhe department describe details of the plan and viewed colored slides of completed (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) the 79-member B.T.S. cadet corps ac- See Chariots 'In Action cepted the trophy on behaif of 26 other boys in "Bravo Troop," for outstand ing troop achievement at Camp Borden' thsyer TelaeCo.BahraThursd ya 6.5pm tiyer Th lae.Bahformer deputy minister of reform day at 6. 5 .m stitutions, donated the trophy for an- Bowmanville's main street will experience nual competition among the cadetsin something new Thursday evening, a chariot race. 1953. Hon. George C. Wardrope. On-J This unique event bas been in preparation tario Minister of Reform Institutions; for some ime to tie in with the opening of the looks on. 1 a okn ht farmous film Ben-Hur at the Royal Theatre. It man Motor Hotel.1 the weekend a fortnight aga, Mr. Finlayson stated em- 347 boats were launched et phatically that is is import- Port Perry. ant to maintain parts and har- Baating means money for bars. He drew attention ta the 'merchiants and other business fact that thousands of cars people af any cammunity near towing boats on trailers pass gaod boating facilities, the: this town via highways 401 speaker asserted. He urged;ý and No. 2 but the drivers avoid that local people take an ac- Bowmanville because of the tive interest in having Part appalling condition of Port Darlington conditions recti- Darlington harbor. fied so that the harbor wil! Hie contrasted this with the again be an-ýattraction. number ai people who drive The speaker was introduced ta Port Perry where business by Wili McMechan, praprietor is thriving. This is partly due ai Robson Motors. He tald the ta visitars who launch their club that Mr. Finlayson is boats there, be stated. Over <TURM Te PAGE SEVEN) Several Accidents Rash of Robberîes Here over Weekend Police report several acci-Considerable damage resulted. dents and robberies in Bow- lier has been charged with manville over the weekend. Careless Driving. Last Saturday, July l5th, a' While on patrol at 2:07 ar. car driven by Dennis Joseph July l7th, P.C. Parker found Doucette, 808 Rowena St., that a screen door at Sleep's Toronto, collided with bicyc- Grocery, Liberty St. N., had list 5-year-old Keven Roberts, been tampered wîth. A wn-ý 7 Lambs Lane. The accident dow had been broken on the happened on Elgin St., with inside door and a quantity of the youngster suffering bruis- cigarettes, , chocolate b a r s es and scratches. No charges shirts, a coat, sweaters and were laid. several dollars in nickels wvas At 12:38 a.m. on July l6th, stolen. Dog Contrai officer a car driven by Barry Oliver, Archie Hoskin later found R.R. 3, Bawmanville, hit ai about $30 worth of cigarettes hydro pale on the north side that had been dropped on his af Concession St., between1 property. Centre St. and Beech Ave. 1 (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> .WiII negin at the Rcoyal, with the contestants parading to Sheppard & Gi Luniber Co., King St. East, and then racing back to the theatre. Man-., civic officiais and other dignitaries arc expected to be present for this spectacular even t. The several chariots are being decorated and put together by the various playground groups in Bowmanville. The youngsters have been working long and hard on the project and should coine up with some interesting and thrilling chariots. His Worship Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers and meinhers of Town Council have declared the period from JuIy 2th to 29th, as "BEN-HUR" Days in Bowmanville, in tribute to the film which will be one of the highlights of the entertain- ment year at the Royal Theatre. -ký Ç/3ts and EPteces' HELPING THE CAUSE - Bowmanville and Dis- trict Branch of* the Red Cross acknowledges with thanks a most helpful gif t from four young ladies of this community. Vivian Graham, Patricia King, Rosemary Kooy and Jeannie Kooy, all living north on Elgin St. found time heavy on their hands during the summer holidays from school. They range in age from 6 te 11. Se, they set up a refreshment booth on Jack King's lawn and sold freshie and popcorri and, as well, ran a fish pend using old toys. The neighborhood children responded generously enabling the enterprising group te take in $2.64 which they turned ever te Mrs. Bill Burk of the Red Cross. ÉIRST F1511 - Mrs. Ralph Palmer, R.R. 5, Bow- manville, was a thrilled angier over the weekend when she caught her f irst fish and it was a beauty. They xvere fishing at Redstone Lake, 12 miles fromn Minden, when a 10 lb. lake trout took her hait. She pulled it in after an exciting few minutes and found it was :34" long and 71/" thick. A lot of good steaks in that trout. SPECKLES SCARCE - This year, for some rea- son,there have been very few good catches of speckled trout in this area. Hawever, Town Constable John Bird landed a fair-sized ene hast Thursday morning, north of Bowmanvilhe. It weighed 1 lb., 3 ouÜnces. and the Editor can attest ta the fact that it was delicious eating. Unique Gifts For Retiring Engineer Staff Weary After Session With Linotype1ý This week's issue Is a couple of pages thinner than usaul, but for a whlle on Tuesday, It was most doubt- fui if It would be as thick as It turned out to be. Holldays always are exc'it- Ing around The Statesman 1 for those who are stili on the job and this week was no exception. WIth one report- er. one linotype operator and one member of the ad- ministrative staff away at the same Lime, there was enough work for evcrybody to do without additional complications. So, one type- setting machine. took this Inopportune time to show is temperament. In short, iL wouldn't work propcrly. Ail through the day and most of the night, iL contin- ued to frustraite every ex- pert effort to locaLe the trouble. Finally, about two a.m., Wednesday morning, it gave up and the dlfflculty was overcome. But the de- lay meaxit that iL hadl to be wvorked until 6 a.m. to catch Up. Bleary-eyed members of the staff were able to put the Issue to bcd on Lime, but there probably will be many more mistakes than usual. Fritz Marti I (aets Kesuits In Business uBy Ed Youngman Recently when Emmons W. Craw- ford retired after 34 years as head ef the Engineering division at the Good- year plant here, he received some rnagnificent and quite unique gifts which, he is displaying here. Included wvas a hand-made mechanical curling broom which had been constructed with amazing ingenuity. It, of course, was presented by the Engineering staff, and, ne doubt will be shown otten during the forthcomlng curling seasan. He aise received a rod and reel, gold tie clasp and cuff links, a 35 mm camera and a curling sweater., Both of the fellewing inci-' rwfr dents happened during theEmmons 'W.Ca fr present nininth of July. _______________ On a Monday, Fritz Marti, of Bowmanville, received a order for a sprayer, for im- niediate delivery te an addres'sPop lrE gn eig Hd near New-market, Ontario.a i p l rE gi e rn e d phoned England! The three hundred and forty-five pound f sprayer was shipped by plane; blried ad delvered te its ew -,tires From Goodyear arried atdMlien wao s asem onron Thursday afternon. A That same evening a thunder- str, ase ve ewa- fter Over 34 Yrs. Service str atssed verNewar- the sprayea- was destroyed by Many rnemorable presenta-Ision a mechanical curling key engineering job at the lightninig. Question: Who cal- tions rnarked the retiremnent brooni. The office staif's part- plant, he bas held a Most Tes- lects the insurance? recently af Emmons W. Craw- j ing gif t was a beautiful knit- ponsible position. The fact On July 3rd, Fritz received1 ford from the Goodyear plant ted curling sweater in white, that taday we have a large an invitation te demonstrate1 at Bowmanville. He had been black and red. Goodyear Su- factory. filled with machines a sprayer at a field day,' at heaci ai the Engineering Divi- pervision staff presented a af ail types running like clock- McDonald College, G u e 1 p h sion since 1927 and had seenj 35mm camera and members work, is a credit ta the fine Hie phoned England that same! and been responsible for a ai the Factory Council held engineering- job that was dosse, day. The next day, som-eone great many changes and im-la dinner at the Bowmanville ýsaid Mr. MacNeill. .&lsa pie- in Blighty put the sprayer on provements at the local plant.jHotel when they presented alsent at the dinner was Char- the wrong plane, and it end- j The employees af the En- matched gold tie clasp and les F. Cattran, who retired ed up in Amsterdam, Holland. i On the morning of July 6th, gineerîng Department held a!cuff link set. last year as Plant Manager. dinner at The Flying Dutch-l In making the presentatian He paid a glowing tribute te the machine was placed on a mian Motar Restaurant as a :on behaîf af the Factory Mr.aus endavor s o e mny plane bound for Canada; it ar- rbt oterc'eadpe oniPatMngr . iu nevr vr mn rived at the airport at noon;trbutatatheraniefwanspr- Cuncl, lan MaagepH was rushed te McDonald Col- sented him with a fishing rod1 Gordon MacNeill praised the y eairs an ihdhi. ap lege; assembled, and startedi and reel and a 'Rube Gold- excellent record ai achieve-' rirement.s or i berg" cantraption they had ment of Mr. Crawford. Dur- MrCawod asonii <TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) made especially for the occa- ing bis nearly 35 years in the 'TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) Thousands of Tourists Enjoy Pool and Animais at Cream of Barley ar One of Bowmanville's most popular attractions for tourists and local citizens these warm days is the Crean of Barley Camp, or Bow- roanvîlle Zoo, as it is know.ýn far and wide. Over recent wveekends, thousands have visited this amazing expanse of colorful picnic grounds where they and their children were able ta wander around at will, making friends with the many "wild" animais, refreshing themselves in the large pool, or themselves under the trees or at the picnic _________- and camping grounds. Sundays are always busy at Cream of Barhey if the weather is bright and warmn and last week wvas no exception. Visitors from many points in the United States and Canada stopped there fer a welcome break-in their journey. The photo at lef t shows a portion of the busy pool on Sunday, and at right, the ewner's son, four-year-old Alan Conneil, is feeding crackerjack to a beautifully celer- ed English fallow deer. Incidentally newcomers to this area may flot realize that the name Cream of Barhey originated with a delicieus breakfast food that was manufactured here by the late J. Lake Morden. lie started the camp and was a most colorful fieure beloved by American tourists especially, for bis "Southern Colonel" appéarance and drawl. Mr. Morden usually wore what could be described as a xnodi.fied ten- gallon hat and a distinguished-looking Van Dyke beard. B.T.S. Cadet Wins Basher Trophy Bad for Business Port Darlîngton's Harbor Is Monument ta Neglect Speaker TelIls Rot arians mi i 10e Per Cor)v NTIMRER .1

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