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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1961, p. 4

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PAGE FOTIE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO W1~nTW~T'~AV IITTV IGfh. 1001 - .Gardeners thin out their rows, pull- Ing the weak and unpromising plants while coddling and enccuraging the strong. Govemnments, toc often, take an entirely different approach te the economy. They do nothing te encour- age the grcwth of the vigorcus and strong-all their attention is devoted to stunting strong growth in faveur of the poorer plants, writes Ambrose His. They especially caddie thase in- dustries in which they have poured the taxpayers' money. Crcwn corpora- tions such as TCA, CNR and CBC, are good exampies. The present government took pow- er with a mandate from Canadians te encourage growth and te stop this bus- iness of pouring tax money into yen- tures which are net, really, the main function of governments. They made same ixnprovements. OBO was stripped cf its regulatory power-but was given tremendous sums cf money and sa much freedom of ac- tien that CBC officiais have begun te think there is ne such word as "no" in the treasury dictionary. TCA was oh- A MacDuff Ottawa Report A New Crisis Looms OTTAWA-The only New Party MP in the House cf Commons, Walter Pitman cf Peterborough, has described the Conservative Gavemnment as "stag- gering drunkenly from crisis te crîsîs". If his assessment is correct, Prime Minister Diefenbaker and his Cabinet wili seen be faccd with another crisis, for the Coyne affair is ail over but the shouting. A visît ta Ottawa a few days ago couid lay the gound-werk for the next crisis. The visitors wcre headed by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Commonweal th Relations, Duncan San- dys, a no-nonsense type of individual with a flair for getting things donc. Mr. Sandys arrîved in Ottawa in the course cf a tour cf the Common- wealth countries. His abject was te tel the members what would be involved if the United Kingdom joined the Cern- mon Market, and to feel eut Common- wealth policy on the matter for relay te Whitehall. The atmosphere wvas any- thing but friendly. Prime Minister Dief- enbaker'. guided by Finance Minister Donald Fleming, is violently opposed ta the United Kingdam jaining the Commen Market for reasons that, on balance, are purely self ish, and show a peor understanding cf trading trends in the world today. Mm. Fleming, ini variaus public ut- terances, has had the temerity te threaten and wamn the British against such action, and this despite the fact the British buy several hundreds of millions more in Canadian goeds than Canada dees British geods. In f act it is this imbalance of trade with nations such as Canada that is forcing the U.K. into the European Ec- onemic Community, the six nations that signed the Treaty cf Rame estab- lishing the common market. Canada appears te be lcading Com- monwcalth opposition te U.K. entry into the beoming Western European communion, and, since she is the senior dominion she is causing great embar- rassment te London. Partialiy as a resuit cf Canada's outspoken ohosition, other Common- wealth ceuntries, particularly Australia (where an election is expected sean) Rre picking up the hue and cry. However, almost evemywhere but in. Ottawa, there is an understanding of the British position. A communique issued by the Australian Government following Mr. Sandys visit had this ta say: ,'Australiai Ministers pointed out that they thought the ultimfate pelitical implications cf the Treaty of Rame are extremely significant, and will tend to pesscss a developing character in the achievement cf some kind of Furopean unitv". "They saw merit in such unity since a cantinuing division in rival ec- onomic groups would be a. source of danger and weakncss (this is a refer- ence te the formation cf the second trade gmuping in Europe.. the Outer Seven), while a powerful and exper- ienced group cf free Europcan nations can do much te preserve the world's peace". Up ta the Sandys' visit, ne such re- cognition or a serieus econemic division in Europe had been accepted by the Diefenbaker Govern me nt, although mest European statesmen, and U.S. President Kennedy had recognized the danger months ago. For the British, the prablem is net anly anc cf international politics; it is bread and butter, it is obtaining the largest possible market for British in- dustrialîsts, on whose success the island kingdom lives or dies. So seriaus is the U.K.'s balance cf payments situation that one repart has it a flight on the pound was only averted this Spring by the emcrgency action cf a consort- ium cf Swiss banking interests. Further, the British have mnade a very good case why Canada should sup- port hem entry inte the Common Mar- ket, Thcy say a stronger U.K. would be able ta buy even more Canadian goods, and whe can deny that? If the position taken by Mr. Flem-. ing and Mm. Diefenbakcr is untenable fram an ecanomic point cf view, it is almost suicidal frem a political peint of view. Before he is finished, Mr. Diefen- baker is geing ta be in a seriaus battie with the United Kingdam. The last time a Canadian political leader tried that, he lost an electien. Who will for- get the wîde-spread anger in Canada when the St. Laurent Libemals criticiz- cd the U.K. over Suez? Libemal Leader Pearson has cpenly advocated not only U.K. entry into the Common Market, but Canadian entry as well. In this matter, bis pclicy is one of expansion, while the Government's is one of contractien, and that differ- ence in appmoach is very important on the hustings. Since this is a trade matter, it is interesting te nete that Trade and Commerce Minister Geerge Hees has been emarkably sulent. Very bluntly, he hasn't had a chance ta become in- velved, for Mr. Fleming refuses ta let him beceme involvcd. But theme are a number cf indications that Mm. Hees and Mr. Fleming are miles apart on the subject. It is net toc late for Canada ta change herm mmd, and it is pessible that after Mr. Fleming's disastrous handling cf the Coyne affair he will be shunted into the background, te let Mr. Hees take charge. CAPITAL HILL CAPSULE Newspapermcn here are stili trying ta find eut what happened in the caunting raom where the national lead- ership cf the Social Credit Party was decided. The consensus: semething very fishy occumred. There are persistent re- ports the ballet boxes were stuffed. Socreds didn't dissipate the mystery by bumning thc ballots. ut %anaIÎîau tîtn Durham County's Greot Family Journal Established 107 Vears aqo in 1854 *.st u* AIIJ~' * ~:iuiw *0. L Aitîonzed ca, Secand Cicasa Mail Di th@ Poul Oilce Dept. Ottawa Produced every Wednesday by JAMES PUBLISHIG COMPANY LIMITED PO0. Box 190 62-66 Ring St. W.. Eowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. lAMES EarTom-PUBLISnnu GEO. W. GRAHAM Aav-rG. MANMGE» GEO. P. MORRIS BusiNESS Mcm. SUBSCRIPTION RATE;b 6400. a r, trictiy us advanCe e 500 a Year in, the tUnited States E e English Lad y' s Impressions 0Of Her First Visit to Canada Editom's Note - Wc had tic the averbanging glaciers, sur- ing people. pleasure rccently cf meeting maunding fir trees and cabin Canadians !!! Picase, co.sld- two very cbarming and in- romca tops, are unforgettable. cm these things. temcsting English ladies, Miss The vastness a! the Nation- I found your trains vemy Kathleen Ackroyd and Miss jai Pamks and the unexpected clean and comfortabie, espec- Mabel Halstcad, wh e werc Iappearance cf animais, such ially the chair cars, but alas!! guests nt the boeeof Mrs. as bears, eiks, does and they were Often slow, aise M. M. Aked and Miss Aleen moose, etc., cheeky littie chip- late amriving, as aise were the Aked at their country home, munks. The massive size c! sight seein.g buscs and M "Quaint Acres", Tyrane. Miss. the icefields, and the joit, joit, planes, upsetting conueclUIX Ackrcyd bas complied vcry jerk of the snowmobile are with limousines and meetings gracieusly te aur request to mcst memorable. with friends, causIng naturai write the foliowing letter I was, bowever, appailed irritation and fatigue. giving some observations and at the wicked wvaste of food A magnificent view of Nia- impressions o! ber fimst visit I saw whemevem I went ta gara Falls, one of the seven ta Canada, wbich she beads cat. In every hotel, cvery wonders of tîhe world, frein as follows: fashionable restaurant, every the rainbow dining room at Waste Net Want Net !!! cafe, even in snack bars, far, Niagara, especially at ni.gbt far too much food was semv-, wvas like a scene from My fimst visit te Canada cd, and much o! it was wast- tic Arabian Nights. fmom England bas been ful cd, the residue being cither My lasting impression of tihe o! surprises, and I have en- burnt or thmawn into the gar- kindness, geniality, friendl- jcyed every minute cf it. bage. ness and hospitaiity of your The grandeur cf the "Roc- I couldn't heip thinking af people is outstanding, and I kies," witb their awe inspiring Uic thousands o! poor, under- -hall return te England, ful peaks, geatly imprcssed me. fed people overseas who could o! happy memories for years The beauty and the calaur, be fed - if oniy twa thirds of t c cere. the aquamarine, the emcrald the food had been served, and ahenAkod green and azure blue o! their the money savcd on the me-Kthen ckod lakes, the clearncss of the maining third cauld be col- Bingley, Yorkshire, watem in which was mirrared lected and sent ta, these stamv- ___En-gland. liged te face some competition, and it1 smartened up the service, tee, because TCA officiais cry hard ail the time, the government stili coddles them beyond reason, and inhibits their competitors. Surety the way ta get growth is te, encourage growth. If those who want ta expand are te be held back because they might cast a shadow on some crewn corporation, then we just wil net have the grcwth we shouid have. It is true that the present gevern- ment took charge just at a moment when the economic cycle was on the downswing. They have donc a good deal te take the country threugh a bad recession fairiy comfortably. They have taken some steps that should help speed recevery. They seem te know the proper direction, but move towards it aitogether tee siowly, censidering the overwhclming mandate they were given four years age. They spend tee much time pondering the political popularîty cf each move. Canadians are yeung and vigorous and there shouid be room for growth. It shouid be enceuraged, an every hand, and net inhibited. TOWN 0F B0WMANVILLE PROCLAMATION I, the undersigned, on behaif of the Council of the Town of Bowmanville. hereby declare the period of JULY 2.Oth to 2.9th as Jen-EJtur £Jays IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Ail citizens of Bowmanville and District are invited to attend this beautiful religious performance. WILFRID D. CARRUTHERS. Mayor. the treadmili of -a summer peating the' course.- Mrs.' K., cati on. course for teachers. No thing who thought teaching would But they have the danged has changed much since I was be better than keeping house, lectures at eight o'clock in the 8c1 ?J un m a s C o um ,7here before, iast year, when had ta be taken to an institu- morning and 1 haven't beeii 1 began what may turn outltion right after the Christmas ablenta e 'thenc y t r ,to be one of the mast brief1 exams.Thnterste Hioy and brilliant teaching careers. and Phiiosophy of Education. Maybe we're wrong, butAl1dread of Bowmanville, pro- up in the jolly aid fire tower, on record. Or may flot. Moto1hm opee have some pretty good notes we think we have a "first", 1 duced the steel work; B3ruce 1 that's whcrc. Except for an Ms ftencmltdo htcus rmaflo at Durham Forest. It's a cou- Cathcart of Kendai, supplied occasianal impersonal voice1 The fellow tvith the big their first tour of operations, o tat ous fromafellowI pie of "pushniks". That's got and installed the wooden han- comirg out of the squawk box prieumnatic drill starts at the however. My old side-kick, owh v too git last year s you guessing, eh? Let your dles and we were in business, as some Ranger reports to his same unholy hour, right be- Squire, degrec from Cam- Then, I take History and scribe elucidate! When load- except we didn't have a name key base, or a plane drones low my window, as last year. bridge and 10 years as an ac- Geography. The first day I ing iogs or long, heavy poles for the odd looking contrap- by, everything is serene, with~i The lîst of rules in my cub- cauntant, is igh across thei had ta write my column is the on high trucks, sorne will tion until Cecil White, truck- the wind gently rocking theliicle is the same as last year, hall. Young Pete, frcsh out of History pcriod. The second need steadying or a bit of a er, of Bancroft asked when tawer. No wife asking inane suggesting that residents are idsrtego-okn i day, I had ta go ta the veter- heave to push them over the we intended using the 'push- questions or the TV blaricngfot prohibited fromn introduc- who must have those Gradelans' hospital for my annual side stakes, and is usually niks". out with a soap opera about ing hooch, but stating flatly i il nafezhsmd check-up, and missed it. done by the handiest abject Sa pushniks they are, and John's other sister's boy fri- that deliveries of beer will th e grade and likes the tradc. The next time, I got a little available such as a handspike, lit is nice ta bc able ta report cnd's girl frierîd.i not be accepted at the par- Father O'Hooligan, the jolly 'mixed in the time-table and cant hook, axe, etc. Using such1 that they are highiy satisfac- Dona'run ee h ter's lodge. Jesuit froin County Cork, i5 arrived at 2 p.m., to find the makeshift articles on a_ log tory in eliminating much of thermometer registers eighty- Most of the familiar fa.ces wt saan r.Jwolcuejs nig u that is swinging overhcad can1 the strain and danger from five degrees, it is hot, and hu- are back, but a few are miss- was about scven-months prog- made anc this week, and it's leqiedangerous, besides ,top ioading when using a mid, but up here in the îng. It reminds me of the old nant last summer, has accom- ail about Greek's and stuff. not being toa effective. 1 tractor and drag-line. cupola it is pleasantîy warm, days on the squadron, when lselirmson ad Ilotk EgshbuI Your scribe awoke* abouti Well! That's how progress with a spanking south-west- we'd corne back from leave siim as a snake this year. Old taught that last year, sa 1 three o'clock one morning, re- evolves - somebody cornes el reewosigi n n idnwftsI h Jock, thick Scots accent and know everything there i5 to cently and iiot having any- up with a bright idea, and as, open window and out the mess, and learn that Paddy boein - newspapie ld ko buti.Prtcp thing better ta do, devotcd long as someone cisc supplies'ohrasr fntriaradJc n aeadTn n ihsjie us. and poems and metaphof some heavy cogitating aprop- the necessary pelf and elbow conditioner. had "gone missing." on enewihteadallieta.W a os the invention of a handy grease, a practical gadget can dark brown hair, who doesn't Latin, too, but it's 22 ye-lIs sized gadget that would en- be made available for help- A few moments ago, It was It appears that Bud, a stout look aid enough ta be in since I studied Latin, and able a man, on the ground, ta j ing ta make lif e casier for the interesting ta watch a big chap who was in real estate, Grade 12, let alone teach it, teÎdosS em ic on manually contrai a revolving, 1hai-pollai. Then, a fellow will awk making lazy circles was shot down in the wilds cf there ta make us feel father- in coing back that far, for a swînging pale or log ten orlwonder why hie neyer pro about twa hundred feet above western Ontario. George, a ly, as weli as look it. littie lousy Latin. twelve feet in the air, iieari duced such a convenience the ground and a couple of refugee from a big electrical The above is a typicai Cross- Then, there's Guidance, the top of a load. long ago. hundred yards away from the firm, didn't return from a section of the people who are which is ail about talking to Aftc th prbie wa pr- Be yo ca't ues whre twerI ws ale a bingmission ta Peterborough. Jim, taking the course with me. teen-agers and gettingthn periy "thunked out," Daveyj this is being written? Right him in so close with the bino- a former insurance salesmnan, They corne tram ail runs of jobs and things. But I have k_______________________________culars that 1 could see the - lite. Net walks. In age, they a teen-age kid cf my ewn, se avid expression on his face nier and with cutter in win- are well a.bove the average cf I knowv ail about that. 've Deas hie scanned the area for a ter. the teacher cntcring the pro- been ta].king te him and try- im~ far toothsome morsel such as a In those days, aniy those fession in normal times. That ing te get him to mow the In the D &£4;.mause, for dinner. :really anxious for a High is, before the war boom In iaw-i ail summer. Every few minutes 1 use School education went beyond babies, who arc here now, Sa there's the course in a ndthe binoculars while taking a Gr. 8; and ail their expenses thank yeu, and ail set te be nut-sheli. But do you know and gander at the surrounding were paid hy ecanomical, hard- educated. Net to mention the the part cf the the courseI countryside ta make sure that working parents, se perhaps increase in teachers' salaries. like best cf ail? It's when 1 D it n a t everything is kosher Then 1 naoanc else should have want- Most of thcm wouldn't have get home, Friday eeig r D sta t P st criblea fw mre ine toedta sec reports in those touched teaching with th Anda littie brown gr - - romTheStaesmn Flc~ add ta this epistie. h a days. proverbial ten-foot pole, wben saYs, "Hi, Dad, smuck, what bales don't seem te be tao In this modemn age when they first graduated front col- kept you so late, caui 1 go plentiful in anc field cf John- one-haîf cf aur taxes go for lege, because of the shabby swimming?" And a long, lean. ny aton' ad amm Fededucation, ail bocks are sup- pay and the shabby treatrncnt brown kid 1 wouidn't receg- 25 Yan go 4 Yers Ao n Paton' ol far. Fepiied ta public schooi pupils; et the profession. ime, if it wercn't for the tact (Juy 3,196)tJuy 5,192>ta be fairiy free cf grass and school buses pick up High These have changed. As a that he's wearlng my best (July23, 136) July 5, 192) 1wecds. And, so it goes -- School students at the door, resuit, people whose experi- spotd 1k say, tk, td Nearly 400 chiekens were Mm. F. O. Mason bas pur- whiie looking for incipient i think, we, the tax-payersi ence adds up ta *osad of h0w'dyou ie totake us to burned ta death and severali chased a Russel touring car. fires and hoping ta find flanc, have a ight ta know the re- years in the arts, business the drive-in?" And a sophis- buildings destroyed in a spec- Messrs. Wesley Redman and a towerman can keep upisuits. and industry, are entering ticated, tanncd doli, who bears tacular South Wamd blaze Windatt Tod left Wednesday with some cf the neighbours' If those resuits are good, the teaching profession. no relation te the crabby od 'Wednesday, July 15, at the for a twa weeks' fishing and activities, as long as hie does we will be preud that aur tax fa-rm-u-wif e 1 had ail winter, wraps home cf T. B. Veale. canue trip in Algonquin Na- net negiect ta report ta his money is doing good. If the This, in my a-rmh - me up like an anaconda, aind Mr. and Mrs. Otho Brown tional Park, New Ontario. key base evemy heur, on the resuits are poor, don't hide bic opinion, is gaing ta pour mumurs, "We missed you!" and daughter, Beverley Ann, They wiii make their head- hour, besides making eut his them, search for the cause. Is a rich transfusion into the That's the part of the course haereturned ta Detroit after quartiers at the Highland Inn. daily record cf weather, it (1) poor teaching, (2) poor veins of teaching. 1 ik jhvetn their aunt, Mrs. Eva Misses Dorothy Edsall and wind, visibility, and other grounding in the lower gra- Those who went into teach- Toronto Tclcgramn News Robbins, and other relatives. Beatrice Cavanagh, Royal pertinent data. This would be des, (3) pooir study habits, îng and have carried on bra- Service Mr. John M. H. Jury bas Victoria Hospital, Montreal, a.dandy perch from which ta (4) tea much TV, (5) too vey1n îhdeîain a been successfulinir securing are spending the summer with view a nudist calony. Eh! many love affairs in teen- sneer. They need not. Te Wht agers. What is wrong? Find are respccted and adàm i red, High School specialist in Eng- Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Edsall. euWnhraa orcth toewoae oda hir dtrIi lih ndHstry Hg Shoi Miss Muriel Calver return-i wrong. jobs, by us newcomcrs. 1Assistant and Interim Elemen-! cd ta Rochester, N.Y., with I arn pleased ta sec that i **.Jl lh 91 tary Art Certificates inth lier brother William, who has Letrt teEi o ath Bowmanvilie and New- We might compare the aid Da Sr College of Education examina- ibeeri visiting his mother. Mrs. istl aregain ta tyttado tmersta th 'mculdSirn. tions. 1cGea.r oigtoty oBoarton.te rgtlr-; i 'GBLISH THE REULTS1smething ta eliminate gangs an army. They are the back-ý Captain Cales has informed Mr. Jabez Vanstonie. Kitch-ý A trap shoüting club is be- of noisy, vulgar teen-agers on bance, the skeleton of the vatlus of the success of the Red ener, is holidayîng with his în raie i on bu Hampton, Ont., the streets at night. Hampton ncw structure needed in warSil peli omn parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 1 50 naines are aiready on the, July l3th, 1961. would do well ta do the saine, or emergency. ville and district. Vatnstone. membership list. Parties wish- erEio:Hr-okn poled Teewepefocngt We, therefore, write toecx- Miss Mary Tamblyn, Tor- ' soldscGe.R IDa Eior ad-okngpopere-shsnwpopefocin ti ta you the amtak M ig aloin sol e e.R erly and sick people need the colors are like war-time camtak antd, is hlyn ihM. Msa Ony.r Eitria Pge as rest; flot the noise cf racîng valunteers. There is a great , o! Saivation Army headquart. andMrs M.W. ambyn. Mr. A. Barber is or, a vîsît wcek, you asked for com- cars, screaming brakes, noiy el'!taet'mngt ecrs for your newspapem's en- Mis Heen orwckis n- NewarmntkonhthrhShoo.e-mufflers and blaring hamns; They bring fresli appi oaci cs, orsation and support, which jaying holidays with relativst e!k Oi.ports should bie printed in the ta say nothing of Our church neldessSne fth 'hclped ta bring the Appeai te in Whitby. Mr. Chas. Baskerville, Roch- paper. I say "Yes" definitely bell being rung îustiîy at i w iîîb ues js ri as heni successful conclusion. ardpwei o etearY.i visiting histies sis- "Yeshn' risandotera.m nc morning. Those, who of the regtîlars are dead-. With kind regards and all ope ae istig elaivs t erMi. ohnCuti ad thr 1 was boni in tiiis townîship would so molest the House o!f hcads. go ihs Woodville. frienin 11tawn. and have spent mast of my life Gad, have no respect for any Dw eea h nvri Yours sincemeiy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swin-i Mm. J. P. Leslie, manager Of heme and have taught schooi era, lceortin.ty here ac theusandes cfL.Bus1 delis and sons Erie and Roy the Retail end of Jury & Loy-i in thmee of the ural schools Yes paeours tmul. Iteacher, areing se atir-ofL But. eel are bolidaying at Shambot ell's Dmug business, has just in the township and my awn YMrs . . resot. Itesers an c sthm ik e , National Campaig Dieor Lake. returned fmom a twa weeks' children went to anather ur-, - .W rsot.1ss ayo helk i NtoalCmag ietr Miss Shirley and Master vacation with his parents in ai school. Harold George, Smithficld, Owen Sound. 1I know some people in ai- are visitîng their grandmother, Mr. K. F. Younig, telier Bank most every communîty and, Mms. B. M. Warnîca. of Montreal, has returned fmom bath my husband and 1 are Engagement: Mm. and Mrs. vacation spent with bis par- interested in the progress cf A K Y U Norman Mountjoy, Blackstock, ents in Nova Scotia. He has the present - day students. Ont., announce the engage- enjeyed extensive motar trips Wben ne report appears I ment o! their daughtem, Lela and had sevemal spiashes in haven't nerve enaugh te en- Edna, te Mr. Lamne Oliver the "briney". quire, "Did she or didn't she Wannan, son cf Mr. James Mr. T. D. Kerr, manager cf pass". It might be cmbarrass- Wannan and the late Mrs. Durham Giave Ca., bas baught ing aIl round If that certain ________________ Wannan a! Columbus. ThethfiebckrsdnefMm student hadn't passed. On theAG N AB U . marriage will take place the Rh ih. brickh on Centre ofMr' other hand if John or MaryAG N AB U ltepato! August. Rc.Wrhs orCentvistin jdid pass they are deserving Sel-o. tae than, Longueuil, Que., spent hiem daughtcr, Mrs. J. W. Hig- will flot get if acquaintances two days last week with his ginbotham, Virden, Man. do net krîow the resuit. M Ai-inclusive fores (including meals, b.rth, etej mother, Mrs. S. R. Bonathan. Mm. and Mms. T. G. Bragg, Publie Scbooc cildren love M Group discount fores Maple Grave: Misses Hel- Dawson City, Yukon, are vis- te sec their names and will ah *W Overseas Steemship services ene and Molly Hynds, Tom- iting bis mother Mrs. R. Bragg, work barder if the "Report" onto, spent Sunday with Miss- Mm. and Mrs. J. A. McClel- is going te be in the paper. It 1M Great Lakes and Alaska crulses es Thelma and Lyra Freeman. Ian, son Howard and daugbter makes a littie more womk for!, @Motels end resorts acrcss Conadce Sauina: Miss Ileeît Balsan Mary are enjoymng a visit witn the teachers- but they are',* Airline service ocross Canada-Iinklng 5 continents is visitin g Toronto friends. friends at Charlo, N.B. obtaining highcm salaries then Hampton: Master Garth Per- Mr. Frank J. Knight, son ever before. g Mediterranean Cruise-1 962 rett la visiting friends in Tom- o! Mm. Thos. Knight, tawn, One cf the Higb Schcol tea- Information end reservatioma froe ente, bas bought a fine residence at chers cxpresscd the opinion Etificld: Miss Elsie Samis 298 Indian Raad, Toronto, a that a studcnt's marks were feul and broke the banc cf lhem fashionabie part cf the city. like a pay cheque - and J. K. WEBSTER ankie iast Sunday. She is with Mrs. Charlie Warder and sbouid be known only te him bier sister, Mrs. A. Abernethy, cbildren, Rochester, N.Y., have and bis parents. That could cg t. SUGAR and SPICE Bv' Bill Sm iey are memely qualifying, getting their trade papers. Others are herc ta improve their finan- cilstatus. No other reason. Silothers-and bless thcm -are here te improve their skills as teachers. Some are here solely te get away trom their ivives and tamilies for a !ew weeks. And blcss THEM. What do we study? Weil, take myscîf, for exampie. one of nîy courses is Educatienal Psychology. I presume tbat's ail about psycbology and cdu- ELUTOEL commENT Encourage Growth ý> ;1 i ! Tmâi i., 1i,.: " .......... ....I.............. Also lncorpociatnq The Eowmanvill. News Thie Newcatle Independent The Orono News iii!MM [Mil Pilti : !Ii ý ;ý; ii ;; III Ni Ill Il P i ill; III I Ili l Ill! Il III: dIfi! lik 1 11W 1; ;j G'l ý i PAGE roux THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI=, ONTARIO INWikwm WEDNESDAY. JULY IM. 1961 K ib e

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