'EDNESDAY, JULY lgth, 1961 THE CANADL&14 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO McLaughlin Hoid Aninu The s,-venth annual re-uniozi of the McLaughlin clan was held at the Cartwright Com- WALLPAPERS 70 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM REDUCED TO CLEAR FULL LINE 0F PAINTS FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 $TftTst-ck ke FINANCE YOUR NEW.1 onthe ~NKOF M--TREL Fam@ mFinance Plan LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS FFP27 1Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolr and Mr-. and Mrs. Jerry Bri tow and family spent a fe- days this week with Mrs. Me Robbs of Mt. Forest, callir, at Owen Sound and othe points of interest. Master Douglas Cooko Scarborough is spcnding hi holidays with Aunt Em Hen ders. Mr. and Mis. Murray Mal colin and girls attended i McLaughlin famiiy picnie Caesarea on Sunday. nhe W. J. Malcolins an( Howards werc guests at thi Doctor John Werry cottage ir Caesarea enjoying a visi there with tlhe Han-y Philpf of Stirling. Miss S. Muir of Lindsay i spe.ndîng a few days with Mis Elizabeth Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilsor and family visitcd wit'h thE David Wiisons on Sunday. The Ralph Malcolms oi Scarborough calied on the Ray Robinsons and other relative. in the connunitv and werE Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Eric Fallis of Millbrook. Sunday service 'vas con- ducted in the church hall by Mr. Somimerville whiie thE White Cburch is in the transi- tion stage, preparafory to be. ing moved to its new site. The littie red schooihouse bas been sold by highest ten. der to Mr. Adcock of Hamp. ton, to be rcmoved 'vithîn the ncxt month or so. Messrs. Dale Stinson, Kenn: Wilson and David Staples at- tended the 4-H bus trip t points of interest in Peterbor. ough on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright of Isiington 'vere wclcome callers at Maiconia ivhile visit- ing with the Rae Malcoims oi Janetville. FINEST FOR EATING, NO. 1 GRADE NAVEL ORANGES S12E dozen 69C ARIZONA, SALMON FLESH, NO. 1 GRADE CANTALOUPE JUMBO SIZE 43's ecch1~9c NATIVE GROWN, SWEET, NO. 1 GRADE CELERY STALKS 2IforI25c NATIVE GROWN, SWEET, TENDER PASCAL, NO. 1 GRADE CHERRIES 6-qt bsk99 qtbox 39c A R IVIG F EINDAI yNative Grown Field TomatoeCucurnbers, Head Lettuce, Save Cash on A&P's Super-Right Quality Meats PEEF BLADE Stade Bons Removed l SHOULDER Meaty 3 Grocery Features sp.oiaI Blond Reg. pkg 55c-.SAVE Se A& ) TEA BAGS pkg of 0o49c Rogutar Nucou Reg. lb 28e-SAVE 3@ MARGARINE 2 -lb pcgs 53 c Jans Parke.r Large Reg. 55-.SAVE 2U. ANGEL FOOD CAKE .ach 3 5c Pork & Beans, Vegotarian & Boston Baked Reg. tin 19-SAVE Sa BEANS ANN PAGE 3 20.fl-otins49c CASE 0F 2 TINS $392 - SAVE «ce A,* Pinappt.- Reg. 3 tins *1.0-BAVE 5c &%,ef ruit Juice 3 48-fi-oz tins 9 5 c CASE OF 12 TINS $3.80 - SAVE 2tè ROA&STS Cut PRIME lb RIB ROAST Short or Cross Cul RIB ROAST Bonetess, Solid Meat PORK BUTT ROASI SX Brand, Smoked WIENERS Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rir SIDE BACON Cooked and Breaded HADDOCK PORTON> lb 45c lb 59c 2-lb bag 83C nles: 1b-b pkg 65c lb 43c1 lm is- ýw ce- n- .le n ;it [s ed: William Page Dow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dow;, Nancy Lorraine Rigg, daugh- ter of Mr. and M\1rs. Douglas Rigg; Darren Walter Stutt and Lizabcth Jane Stutt, chiidren of Mr. and Mrs. John Stutt; and Ronald Vandorp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lundert Vandorp. Mrs David Ferguson sang a beautiful and appropriate solo for the special service. Local Couple Honored on 25th Wedding )n Saturday nîýght, June 8th, e Mr an rs. James E ouc, 6Lambert St., Bowmanville, nf acceptcd an invitation from iy Mn. and Mrs. Bill Porter to as spcnd the cvening with them .e at their home, 84 Ontario St., presumably te sec their roses which werc just about at thein best. On arriving thcy 'vere ývery much surprised to find ce about 20 of their relatives and ifriends there before them. a. When the roses were duly inspcctcd and ail guesf s 'ere ,e gathcrcd inside, Al became ap- parent to MIV. and Mis. Houck that hey had gathcred to help ýthern celebrate thei- 25th Wed- eding Anniversary. A bit pre-ý Ymature to the actual date o! yJuIy 22nd, for at that timne the Houcks would be spend- ~ing thelir vacation in Nova Scof la. It A bit of reminiscing was edonc by one who knew both Mr. and Mis. Houck prior f0 their marriage 25 years ago, entwrnng it into the present, -presuming to get the couple Itied together, take thern on an imaginary honcy-moon and' back to this their reception. The neception got under way with a good old fashioned serenade, followcd by a sing- song, games, etc. Lafer Mns. Duncan Camenmon addrcssed the bride a nd' groom, and Mrs. Matt Harri- son on behal! of those pre- sent, prescntcd them with a very lovely set of lamps. AI- though faken by surprise, Mr. and Mrs. Houck vcry gra- ciously thankcd their fricnds. A dlcious lunch was scrvcdi and the fraditional cake 'vas: brought ia for the bride fo cut. Miss Merle Powcr and Mr. Harold Power, both of Osh- awa, the bride's and groom's attendants of 25 years ago, 'vere present, as 'velI as oth- ers from Oshawa, Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanvilc It was a very enjoyable even- ing and ail wished the Houcks; many more ycars of happincss together. A few evcnings prévious to, this, the girls on the staff ofi the local T. Eaton Co. orderi! office surpnised Mrs. Houckl at her home and presentedi her with a very lovely table' centre. The evcning- was spentl in social chit-chat, foilowSed by a delieious cup of tea. OBITUARY DAVID SHELDON MOFFAT After a brie! iilness, Davidý Sheldon 'Moffat, of Orono, pass-1 cd away at Bownmanvillc Memnorial1 Hospital on Thurs- day, July 6, 1961. H1e 'as in his 62nd ycar. A son of the hate David M.Nof- at and Agnes Scott, the deceas-, cd Was bora February 5, 1900,i near Orono. 'Mr. Moffat farmedi in the Orono district most of, lus ife. 11e attendcd Orono' United Chiurch and 'vas a Eic, menuber o! Orono Lodge A. F.!1 & A. M. No. 325. Mr. Moffat is survived by his 'vife, the former Violet Stewart,i and threc children: Dawn (Mrs.1 Keith Finnie) of South Monagh- an, William of Lansdowne and'i Jean of Peterborough. Also sur-1 viving are two sisters and three1 brothers: Jean (Mrs. George. Aiin), Newcasthe; William oi Orono; Harvey o! 'Milton; Claral (Mrs. W. F. Riekard), New-1 castle; Robert of Orono and fivei grandchihdren: Janice, Heather, and Andrea Finnie, Stewart and! Stephen Moffat.1 The beautiful floral tnibutes i and generous donations to the' Ontario Heart Foundation were evidence of the affection and esteeni in which the deceasedi \Vas hpeld. A Masonie inemorial service n-as held on the evening of J uly, 7and the funeral eervice tooki r... ~t on, Tyrone; family who came I *f i ranm ilies ton frthstMrs. E. Franks, ýGrin ms HoId Stony Crek;youngest child, ai Reunion Robert Yellatly (7 wees;od) mly Pcï Joseph Forder, Nestieton. Two n munity Park Sunday afternoon persons whose birthday 'vas on The 1961 Griffin family pic- swith an attendance of 101. the day of the picnic, Mrs. Win. nie 'vas hield at the Creamn of Children and young folk en- McLaughlin, Burketon and her Barley with attendance of 80 to joyed swimming while the older g r a n d s o n Jini MIcLauithlin, 100. ones visited. Columbus. Relatives frorn Burwash, Buf- Winners ia tne sports 'vere:. falo, Toronto and surrounding Races-1-2 years, Debra Mc- districts sat down to supper at Laughlin; 3-4 years, Barbara COURTICE 5 o'clock. Ashton; 5-6 years, Neil Mc- Lucky spot at the table was Laughlin; 8-10 years, Cheryl Mr. John Norris, W e n d y wvon by Barrie Stewart of South McLaughlin; 10 and over, Den- Brown and Lorraine Eliiott Monoghan. The youngest child- nis MeLaughlin. spent the weekend at Camp ren 'vere Twins Terry and Tony Backward races - 1-5 years,' Adelaide, Haliburton, w i th Riddings of Sunderland; Farth- Brenda MeLaughlin; 6-8 years, Mrs. Norris and children. est away, Mr. and Mrs. George Wendy McLaughlin; 9-10 years, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elliott Bradley of Burwash. Bobby cLaughlin; 11-13 years, and girls were hoiidaying in After supper everybody en- Judy McLaughlin Sarnia and Port Hope ls oe ae n prs Bubble guni blowing contest: week. Minutes of committee meeting Judy MýcLaughlin; Balloon blow- Mrs. A. Wilkins, Mr. and 'vere read, also officers elected ing, Darlene Malcolm; Sho'e Mrs. O. Robertson, Carol and for next year's picnic. seramble, Judy MýcLaughlin; Bonnie Ormiston who have Many thinks to Don Carr the! Paper Plate throwingMs been hoiidayin-g here, and president of the picnic. Hop& Ross Ashton; Shoe kick~, Mr Barbara Brown attended the for as good a turn out next " 'Wilkins famiiy picnic at Ma- year. Fred Giffin; Ladies running, Goe huc sed at Mrs. Bill Powles; Supper ealu, PieGohrc hdSt Mrs. Harold McLaughlin. ' urday. Fudetran I The en njoyd hrse h'e Mrs. Cecil on neti-C id e pTche eing oedhose hecd the memnbers of her Sun- ~ilu ef pitching a noabesl day School cass at her cot- Fohowig a enoyale elftage, Bobcaygeon, on Thurs- serve supper. The minutes of Baptz d at day. Mrs. Carl Down and Mrs. officers appointed and prizes îoad of girls. They al ieft at S n e 'vere given to largest famihy 9:30 and enjoycd dinner andSt n r w present, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ash- supper together and swiniming On Sunday morning, July motof the ýday. Everyonc l6th, the Rcvcrcnd John Wal- thoroughly enjoyed the day die of St. Andrew's Presby-. ODA IIJand appreciate the good times terian Church, Port Hope, wasi IXAI Mrs. Found arranges for themn. the guest minister at St. An-: drcw's Presbyterian Chr, )QU RT RSYELVERTON Durfingthe service, the fol-~ E s - JULY 20 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS ~\ 4 Le& forlii. v-~Ir OF1 STAPFORD DROS. -~- -.~ o jutA orhd L~"Iw place at July 8 in the Barlow Mrs. Honey, Milligen.1 Several of the yung folk1 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Funeral Home, Park St., Orono.TeW.Ahedtirmn-atnedhe an dances n WEEKLY REPORT Interment was in Orono Cerne- iy meeting at Mrs. Harvey.Saturday eveni.ng. tery. Rev. Basil Long, minister Muldrew's home on Wedncs- Miss Glenda Mercer spent For the week of July 10-16 of Orono United Church con- day evening with a record at- th~e weekend with Miss JaneLiclusive: ducted the services, tendance. Mrs. Trewv opened Foster, Kendal.I Admissions ....... .. ...... 51 Palibearers were nephews: the meeting in the usual man- Mr. and mrs. Sain Moore Birts6ml,3fml Joh Mofat Grnt offt nr.The minutes werc rcad 'Brh,6miSfml John Moffat, Grnt Moffat ner.Toronto, spent the wcekend Dshre .. ...........5 Aheck Moffat, Robert MUoffat' and approved. It was decided at Thickson's. Mrs. Thickson1 icags.......5 Harold Moffat and David Ri' to sel.l Christmas cards again. eund home with them forIMajor operations ........- 7 kard. Our board representatives tl r eurndas1 iooprtn 0 u t2at arduchen Hii. s Misses Gwen and Ruth Mer- 1Emnergency trcatmcnts .... 36 Rev F.9a ane will. cer, Toronto, spent the week-1 Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. E LIZABETH VILL EF. for Fib ored at home. Per-nd7t8:0p. ELIZABETHVILLE guest speaker fr alanni1 Miss Mre htePtr' ad7t :0Pm versary. We have been asked 1>ruh a oefrte Churchi services and Sun- to cater to Miss Shirley Mul- borough.i was home for therable day school were held as usual. drew's wedding in October. Mr.eeknd I Nolaot hld thn gIs mohr honrale Rcv. Wright gave us an ex- Mrs. H. White gave the a xiener roast on Saturday Two kinds of gratitude: thei ceUent sermon. chapter from. our book on Mf- evening. suddcn kind we feel for what1 Mrs. Vernon Peacock is rica. Rev. Wright spokie to us Garry Fowler caught a 15" 've take; the larger kind we spendîng a few days with ber about oui- new organization. spcckled trout on Saturday at feel for ,vhat we give.-E. A.11 sister and family, Mr. and Lunch was served. -Garden Hill pond. Robinson. 5 Ring Street, Easi Phone NA 3 -5451 m 21 m-22 ITEMS LUSTED BELOW ARE ON SALE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS 1ý GIRLS' Sizes 8 to 16 mm SHORTS and BLOUSE SETS Values to $1.79 ----$1---00---Extra Special! SzD ollrDasSpca BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE __________NYLONSGIRLS' SOSHIRTSN Light Shades - Ail Sizes STRETCH KNEE SOCKS SPORT8 te$10 5cpr -2fo I.OCottons and Nylons Size 8 o 1 5 4 C P r. m 2 f or 1 ,0 To fit81/2 te il Val es o $ .9 --------------- Reg. 79e pr.2 Fo $ 1 00 Etxra Special! FOAM PILLOWS Standard Size Usually $1.79 each $1 00 each SMA1kLL BOYS' JOCKEY SHORTS or TOPS Sizes te 6x Dollar Days --- ----. 3 pro BOYS' COTTON JOCKEY SHORTS or TOPS Sizes 8 te 14 59C Pr . _ 2 For $1.00 BOYS# SHORTS Values te $1.98 BOYS'9 $1.00 Extra Special! LADIES' COTTON T-SHIRTS S - M - L - Made ini England Reg. $1.98 and $2.49 $1.00 Our Policy ... SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED! Ask About Our BUDGET AND CHARGE PLANS GIRLS' CROP TOPS Sizes 7 te 14 Dollar Days Special GIRLS' SLEEVELESS BLOUSES Sizes 8 te 14 Values te $1.98 $100 GIRLS' NYLON PANTIES Sizes 8 te 14 35c pr. - 3 Fo- $1.00 Children's Clearance Table of SUNNER SPORTS WEAR Sizes up te 6x Your Choice--- -- CHILDREN'S AND LADIES' COTTON AND SHEER SUMNER SLEEPWEAR Al Reduced To Clear CHILDREN'S COTTON PANTIES Sizes 2 - 4 - ' Dollar Days -----5 Pr. $1.00 CHILDREN'S TERRY CLOTH PANTIES Sizes 2 - 4 -6 Dollar Days ----- pr, * * * * * * * WOVEN PLAID TABLECLOTHS 52" x 52" Dollar Days Special $1.00 Ea, 54*" PAD AND COVER IRONING SET Lirnited Quantity Usa $.9Set $Q Wonderful Value------$i0 WALKER'S DIAPERS Good Quality Ordinarily $3.59 Doz. $2,59 floz. . 2 For $5,00 * * * * * * * * EARRINGS - BROOCHES* *Reg. $.0each* 59SC - 2 For $1,00 * $100 Clearance Table of BROADCLOTH AND PRINTED COTTONS Values te 98c yd. 35C Yd. - 3 F'or $1.00 FLANNELETTE CRIBSHEETS Sizes 36" x 54" 1 . Dollar Days Special$10 FACE CLOTHMS Size 11" X il" For Dollar Days ----- 2 $1,00 CANDY STRIPED PILLOW CASES Excellent Vale1lf Dollar Days ------$1.00 Pr. THERE ARE MANY, MANY MORE ITEMS CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES of Bowmanvielle Stafford Bros. Ltd., Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. WhLitby Phone Wliltby MOhawk 8-3552 YOUR DEC SUPPLY HEA[ iljp.LI 4~ THURS., FRI., SAT. SOUKS$10 8 te 14 years 59C Pr. _ 2 For $1.0O WALKER'S BRAND NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge and 60 Gauge Reg. $1.00 - Limited Quantity 54c pr. _ 2 For $1.00 ODDS 'N ENDS NYLONS Broken Lines Values up te 69e pr. 3 pr. $1.00 TERRY CLOTH APRONS Usually 79c eaeh 2Fo Dollar Days -- For $1.00 LADIES' SLEEVELESS DRESSES Limited Quantity Sizes 12 te, 18 ' Rcg. Value $6.98 ------- 3 LADIES' CROP TOPS Sizes 14 te, 16 Dollar Days Special $10 PILLOW PROTECTORS Reg. 59c each F,10 Dollar Days Clearance Table of SUMNER DRESS COTTONS Values te $1.29 yd. 54c d. - 2 For1$1.0 m amiUArLM a P& MU ma oam LM Att Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, July 22nd, 1981. 1 . à- Il- I.- LI 4 S, imý F. Z ', - - - à pArricrm ' -.-. - $1,00 1 AP'!;u pe r Maikets