ru t PAGE SoX New Venture for Scouts The Ist Bowmanville Boy person desiring to have heiols MA3.3179, David Puk MA~ Seout troop are trying a new garden looked after while13-5003, Paul Welsh MA3-5050. vkénture here in Bowmanvile. they are away on holiday, the l Corne on folks, hunt uT The Scouts plan fo raise their Scouts will only be too glad'those odd jobs you should get own funds for their comiàng to do it. !done that vou can't find time sLmmgr camp. They will bet Should you, the public ofýto do. Let's ail help to make working along the lines of the BowmanviIle, be interested in lsuch a great scheme a suc- Biitish Boy Scoutsý' "Bob a this troop to hep'cess, so as to enable the Scouts JQb" systein which teaches themselves, please c o n t a c t to enjoy a self earned week ai boys to work for themnselves these Scouts. For the s3uth camp. apd flot expeet handouts from ward: Steven With erspoo Yours in Scouting, mro'rn and dad. MA3-3449, CaseyDnhro .1The main idea i5 to do an" MA3-5041, Garth Linton DMA3- Bob Davies, work or odd jobs that peole 667, Charles Evans MA37i0 st Bowmanville here in Bowmanville need in the north ward: Terry Nich- Scout Master. doîng. The person can pay the Scout what he or she thinks the job is worth, but SL N 25c. 'hev wiîî onenrate onPromotion Exercises wlll beiof Durham visited her par- thisod ob rivebetwen hheld next Sunday morning atients, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- thi od jo drve etwen heSunday Sehool at 10 o'clock.l lor. 24th JuIy to the 3lst of July. There will be no church ser-! Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., The Scouts till weed gar- vice. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. des, rmow iawns, baby sit, The induction service fori Fiee, Taunton. run messages or any other odd the new minister, Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffatt, job needed to be done. If any Percy Page, will be held at, Oshawa-, Mrs. Georgina Nid- Hampton on Friday night, dery, Hampton, visited Frank July 28. Westlake Jr. and Mrs. Frank NO IfE Y Carolyn Dewell, Hampton, Westlake Sr. is holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. Jacqueline Wood, Taunton, AVAILABLE FOR Bruce Tink's. ivsted several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang Mais Fet madadcide iieMr Mrs. Ken James, Sault Ste. MO B GAGE andMrs. Will Moffatt, Or- Marie, Mrs. John Law, Thorn- M OR TG Aa on Sunday. hill; Mrs. Ray Bemis, Oh Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. RA PHS.JO ES maid visited Mr. and Ms Spires and family. BAL H . J NE Ths.Norton, Markham, o Mrs. R. Paseoe visited Mr. Sunday. Barrister and Solicitot Gary and Bobby Preston, and Mrs. J. Dy er, Oshawa. 130 King St. E. Oshawa Bowmanville holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, RA 8-6246their grandparents, Mr. and Oshawa, were recent wg uests A -26Mrs. Roy Langmaid.1 of Mr. and Mrs. N.Wotten. Mrs. R. Sherwin and David Mr. J. Baker visited Mr. _______________________ -~and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hamp- ton. Gail Baker spent several days at Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston's, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and family, Ze- phyr. Brenda Anderson, Zephyr,j and James Drynan, Oshawa, are holidaying at John Knox's. The Hi-C's enjoyed a wienen roast at Solina sehool grounds on Friday night. Several young people from Solina attended the Quinte District Junior Farmers Field Day at Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Gan- non and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glover and family, Kedron, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family.1 Lynda Rowe, Bowmanville,z holidayed at George Knox's.1 Carol and Ronnie Knox en-1 joyed holidays at Mr. and1 Mrs. Keith Rowe's, Bowman-1 ville.t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp-i son, Danlene and Donald, Osh-1 awa, visited Sunday afternoon R OYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - MA 3m-558 Opening Thurs., JuIy 20 to 29 -Evenings at 7.30 - Matinees Sat. & Wed. 1.30 W yv111 I E Revt AeOlB e: Advance- tickets to any performance now on sale at the theatre or cail MA 3-5589. Aduits: eve. 1.25, mat. 1.00 Students: .90 anytime Children 25c anytime CHARIOT RACE BY CHILDREN 0F PLAYGROUNDS STARTING 6:15 p.m. THURSDAY AT ROYAL THEATRE FREE PEPSI-COLA FOR ALL THE KIDS with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow lees and Gladys. Mr. and Mis. Stan Milîsoi and sons attended a pieniecc A Mrs. Millson's nursing class n.mates and their families at th pDarlington Provincial Park o: ýSunday. ýe On July 11, Mr. S. E. Werr: :observed his eightieth birth >day. Present Vo share this hap ýpy occasion with him were hi tt two brothers. Mr. Jas. A. Wer ry and Mr. Charles Werry an( Mrs. Werry; Mr. and Mrs. E A. Werry, Mr. and Mis. N Wright, Mrs. Fletcher Werry Dr. and Mrs. George Werri and James, Dr. George W James and Mr. John Baker By coincidence Ewart Werry grandson of Mr. S. E. Werrî was celebrating his tentl birthday on the same day Many happy returns Vo yoi both Mr. Werry and Ewart Memorial Parl Clubhouse To Ereci Sign A new slgn, to be lighteo during the evenings will bE placed on Memorial Parlî Clubhouse. This was decided at the meeting of Memoria] Park Association beld recent- ly. Mrs. Dore IVutton, second- ed by Mrs. Vi Thompson, mov. ed that an illuminated sign be put on the clubhouse, and the motion was carried un- animously. Mrs. Charlotte Clarke, sec- onded by Mrs. Helen Park, moved that Mrs. Mel Wise- man, a member of the Mus- eum Board, be contacted Vo see if the board would like Vo have the Memorial Park As- sociation donate the water trough from the park Vo be placed in the Museum grounds. This was carried. Mrs. Mutton, who with her husband, Cecil Mutton, is co- convenor of the Outside Pro- perty Committee, gave a re- port. She informed the meet- ing that it will be necessary to obtain some sand Vo place beneath the roundabout and around 1V. There has been some van- dalism. at the park recently, Mrs. Mutton stated. She de- plored the fact that knives had been used on a table, and even a piece broken off. She said that this damage was probab- ly due to thoughtlessness, and hoped it will noV bappen again because the association likes Vo have everytbing in the park in tip-top condition for the benefit of everybody. The president, Councillor Annie Oke, agreed with Mrs. Mutton. She pointed out that the park is enjoyed by the people and children of the town, and it is important to have everything in it in the best condition. Mrs. Charlotte Clarke mov- ed that if any children should give Charles Mason, the park policeman, any trouble the Police Station should be tele- pboned at once. This was sec- onded by Miss Helen Van- Dusen and carried. A satisfactory financial re- port was presented by the treasurer, Mrs. Helen Park, who moved its adoption. This was seconded by Mrs. Thomp- son. Mrs. E. G. Mitchell gave the rentai report and the sick fund report was given by Mrs. MVuriel Terry. Mrs. Helen Park was ap- pointed Bingo convenor for September. The next regular meeting of the Memorial Park Association will be held in September. If any matters re- quire discussion in the mean- time a special meeting will be called by the president, Coun- cillor Oke. Mrs. Park, seconded by Mrs. Neli Wilson, moved that the association hold a Special Draw. This was enthusiastie- ally earried. The winning tick- ets will be drawn at. the Mcm- Itf L w -as born at-Victoria -Road, Ont., where she attended school. In 1903 she married Seward Truscott Dowson, who redeeeased her. The deceased had been a resident of Bowmanville for 3 years and prior Vo that had ived at Providence. She was amember of Trinity United Ehurch. Avn Surviving are her son Avn )f Bowmanville and three grandehildren, Michael a n d Mlen Dowson of Bowmanville and Ruth Neal o! Victoria Road. The funeral service was eld in the Morris Funeral -h a p el, Bowmanville, on rhursday, July 6th. and was 9nducted by Rev. H. Turner. Iterment was in Bowman- ille Cemetery. Palibearers were Clare AI- n, Norman Brown, Donald Brown, Weldon Neal, Edward owes and Allen Cole. OfieHours: B-y apponmn Gratitude is much more thaný Telephone MArket 3-3252 a verbal expression o! thanks.: Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1 Action expresses more grati-i 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tude than speech.-Mary Bak-1 Thursday evenings er Eddy. Wed. and Sat - 9 - 12 Daily 95 Sat. & Wed. 9-1, T W. KAY LYCETT. B.A. at Barrister and Solicitor Cl In the offices o! on R. R. Waddell, Q.C. 1 Main Street, Orono, Ontario to, e Mo rtg.a g e s SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO A. Phone 1rl16 we First Mortgage Funds kil Residences - Farms St. Business Properties Mr vil Mortgage Loans a1 Prompt, courteous service Ne Mr 13AROLD C. PEDWELL 1 Real Estate and riu Mortgage Broker Mo NJewcastle Phone 3856j' KEJTH A. BILLET?, . 0 Optometrist J? etters &To MORE ON SCHOOL 1 e RESULTS n Dear Sir,- yr In regard to the editorial L- 'Should Exam Results Be Pub- )- lished' you explained some-1 Is thing that many of us wonder-i - ed about. On ail sides we d heard people say - 'possibly 7the Statesman didn't want to Ipublish a complete lilst.'j , Knowing that you are always1 Y' interested ini education and *the advancement and success- *es of youth we hardly believ- ed that and now know that it Y wasn't your idea. We are h still mystified about it. r. We read with some degree uof humour the fact that ex- *amination resuits "'are in the saine category as a person 's pay check". Since when have pay cecksbecome secretive?1 Oigto various strikes al over the province, workers' pay is even broadcast over the radio. Teachers' salaries for the province are published. Possibly years ago when sal- aries wcre very 10w and lab-5 ourers-good workmen too- 1 worked for ten or fifteen acents an hour people may chave been a littie ashamed to 1 have it known that they had 1to work for- so littie remuner- *ation-but flot today.c By the time children reach High School they need to learn how to respond to suc- cess or to failure. Ail through »life they will find both. To accept failure in the right *spirit may iead the young to greater effort so they will far surpass the one who hasc neyer met defeat.N When ehildren attain hon-s ours it is flot due to superior Business Directory v Àccounîancy RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountante 93 Chureh Street MArket 3-38610 WVM. J. H. COGGINS a Chartered Accountant 1 Second Floor C New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. g Phone MArket 3-3612 t YALE, FRIEDLANDER a & COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621t Oshawa, Ontario t B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Friedander, B. Coin., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. s 135 Simcoe St. N., OshawaU Chartered Accountants t RA 5-3527M Bowmanville I Cail ZEnith 45750 tc Partners: I Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A.t A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. s G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A.e (Licensed Trustee) a G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. t17 ChiropracticS G. EDWIN MANN, DC. Chiropractor0 Office: d 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. a, Phone MA 3-5509 s Office Hours: By Appointment P] DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. n Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 9 40 King St. W. Bowmanville CI Office Hours: h( 9 a.m. Vo 6 p.m. daiiy gi Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 fa flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 C DR. E. W. SISSON t L.D.S., D.D.S. Pl Office in his home M 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmariville Phone MA 3-5604 ce Office Hours: th 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily i Closed Wedncsday -_Sunday th DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. ýthein cottage. The Gabby lub, Toronto, joined them in Sunday. Miss Mabel Brown, Toron- o;Mn. Tom Douglas, Kiteh- nen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mac- L enzie and family, Toronto, ,ere Saturday visitons at Mrs. ý.McNeil's. Sunday callers! ;ere Mn. L. Stainton, Ennis- len, Mn. and Mrs. Henry' tainton, Tyrone, Mn. andl nrs. Erie Stainton, Bowman- îlle. Mrs. H. Staînton spent few days with Mrs. A. Mc- ail and is now with Mn. and frs. Henry Stainton, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. George Bert- in and family, Taunton, were: londay visitors at Mr. and' Irs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashtoni nd family attended the an- i ual pienie o! Local 222, UAW tLakeview Park, Osjhawaý n Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, ale and Dougie and Mis. K.' owling motoned Vo Niagara' Ills on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard nd Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin ,re Saturday supper guests! tMn. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- rard and Barry. Barry Gar- rard celebrated his first birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family entertained the Ross family, Read family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Madore Vo a wiener roast on Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham ealled on Mr. and Mis. Jim Graham and family, Bow- manville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family had a very enjoy- able tnip Vo Upper Canada vil. lage at Morrisburg and Vo Ot- tawa. cf he 8ciitor' brain power alone. This I know for a fact. These child- ren apply themselves Vo school work hour after hour, month after month. At the end of the year if they have attained bonours, natu.rally they are entitled Vo have mention made of that fact. Again we read 'the general public was noV entitled Vo this information'. When "Educa- tion Week" nolls around post- ers are issued with the words 'Education is Ev e r y b o d y's Business' and the taxpayer ks truly beginning Vo believe that it is. Where is the saving in mail- ing individual gnading Vo eachj parent? Not in time surely,1 for that is one time that a duplicator ean't be used. Not in paper and postage stamps.i Who pays for Vhat?-said 'gen- erai public' likely. When a precedent is chang- ed it should be for some very definite reason. Men and wo- men have worked hard toward baving children aim. for high standards in education. Other1 high sehools with as large an attendance as Bowmanville publish results of ail grades. Universities publish lists from First Year up. Possibly there is a very real reason for the change here but we are still wondering about it. One of the General Public. Nesileton Station Mr. and Mrs. Wilbuç Vance of Port Perry visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. B. Hea- slip. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dely and five ehildren of Port Bur- well were Sunday visitons with his sister and family,l the Ivan Rohrer's. Mn. and Mns. John Buchan and Carolyn of Lindsay werel Sunday guests with her par-' ents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philp o! Stirling ealled in town and attended a Philp gathering at Dr. and Mrs. Johnny Werry's cottage at Caesarea. Mn. and Mrs. Harry McLau- ghlin and Mrs. Jos. Forder at-I tended the McLaughlin pienie: at the Cartwright Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Roy Ego of Toronto visited his cousins,'I the Grant Thompsons. Several local folk attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. M~orris Argue in Janetvillei on Saturday evening. Mrs. Tom Langfeld took her sister Miss Dorothy Seagrove, who holidayed for the past ;wo weeks in Nestieton, Vo WVoodstock. Mrs. Mildned Col- ley and three girls of Wes- ton spent the weekend with Langfeld. Vinginia is staying with her grandmoth- er. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris and Dorothy of Lindsay spent sevenal dXys at their house in he village. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Gneig of Toronto were Saturday visitors. Mrs. Henry Sheffield of Oshawa who bas been boli- Iaying with ber brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfond Jackson, pent a day with Miss Ruth Proutt. Mn. and Mrs. George Bow- ers left with their trailer en-1 oute Vo North Bay and othe northern points, leaving thein grandsons Paul and Jimmie Chapman at thein North Bay home, and seeing their new grandson Jeffery Chapman. Kimberley Dawn Elliot, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot was christened at the morning service in the 'resbyterian Church by Rev. Mr. Waldie of Port Hope. Despite the weathen, a suc- ýessful sale of furnishings from the Harris Forder and Wil- ams houses was held in Nes- leton on Saturday. Clarke Williams was the auctioneer. U&l LTIV rD!IM V # j% FEATURE - SAVE 14c 10e off pack - Giant Size DUZ DETERGENT . .. . lic FEATURE - SAVE 20c Pantry Sheif 3 lb. 4 oz. tin f l WHOLE CHICKEN . . . . 77C_ Rice Krispies 9 2 oz. Corn Flakes 12 oz. "K" Ceneal, 61/ oz. Kellogg THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Choice Red or Blue Brand foi I BEST BUY - SAVE 10e 32 oz. BUl. MEAISMAZOLA Oit BEST BUY- SAVE 35e Chase and Sanborn INSTANT (OFFEE 20e off pack 10 oz. Jar sl.029 BEST BUY - SAVE 5c Clover Leaf TUNA FISH Solid White Meat 7 oz. tin 2 for 77c BEST BUY - SAVE 18e Maple Leal Liquid Detergent 12e off pack - 24 oz. size 73C FEATURE .SAVE 19o Aylmer 12 oz. jar Pickles or Relishes 4 for89c ýr Broil- ing, Roasting or Mock Duck. ROUND STEAKc or ROAST lb. The Roast Supreme - Boneless RolIed RUMP ROASI IL.79c "Specially Blended" - Extra Lean for Meat Loaf Ground Beef Chuck lb. 59c "For Frying" - Broiling or Barbecuing, Pure Ideal for Steak on a Bun-AiI BEEF STEAKETTES lb. .59c For Economy - Ideal with onlons, Fresh Slleed Always Tender PORK LIVER lb. 2.9c The Summertime Favourite - Always handy to have on hand. Fresh Sliced. Cello 6 oz. pkg. COOKEDHAM 49c Family Giant S ize Size 79r 8 ÇeCHEESE 3 for79C [4±Vi cE-17 FEATURE - SAVE 8c Red & White Homogenized 16 oz. jarc PEANUT BUTTER.' 9 BAKERY FEATURE - SAVE 4e Sunbeam - Square Cake CHOCOLATE FUDGE. 45c Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf SLICED BREAD Christies - Cello pkg. CREMO BISCUITS. 19. lC Sunspun - Plut Brick ICE CREA ....... 25c Golden Hour - 1 lb. Cello YORK BRAND Save 9c 15-oz. pkg. YORK BRAND Save 10e Strawberries 2 for 69c PEAS 2 lb. poly 45c PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE UISTED RED & WHITE FOOD STORES ONLY MAPLE GROVE NARKET - Naple Grove CORUS'S ARKET . . . . . . Orono - GLASS TUMBLERS Beautifully Oec orated in White and GoIdj 1he refreshing tang of Trus Lomon Flavor six BIG 12 oz. BOTILES 72 FULL OUNCES 4 ~ PLUS 41ÇDEos MORE for Your Money WL-2 r FEATURE - SAVE 3c Orange-Grape -Fruit Punch 61/ oz.tin Real Gold Concentra e ..4 for f5c- FEATURE - SAVE 4e Black Dlamiond FEATURE -SAVE 8e 5c off pack 8 quart size NEWPORTq FLUFFS . .. . 33c OL D CHIQUITA - THE FINEST B&NAÀ&NAÀ&S 2 bs. 29C ICEBERG No. 1 Grade heads GARDEN FRESH No. 1 Grade large headu Head Lettuce 2 for 25c (ABBAGE 2 for 29c CRISP CRUNCHY No. 1 Grade No. 1 Grade TASTY HOME GROWN CUCUM ERS 3 for 25c CELERY 2for23c FRESII ARRIVALS: GREEN ONIONS - RADISHES - NEW POTATOES TOMATOES- PEPPERS - ETC. WEDN]ESDAY, .JULY l9t, .196! . Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim Garrard's group. and family were Sunday vis- Lily Tabb returned home on itors o! Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mor- Sunday from visiting Mr. and rison and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Stan Cowling, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton The Community Picnic vil1 and family attended the Mc- be held on the ehurch lawn Laughlin pienie on Sunday. on Saturday, July 22nd. Sup- July W.A. meeting was per at 6 p.m. held Thursday evening at the Church service Sunday ev- home of Mrs. Alfred Garrard, ening at 7:30, Baptismal Ser- Mrs. Jones presiding, Devo- vice. ional Mrs. M. Hobbs. Mrs. Ai- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon fred Ga rr a rd, had the were Sunday supper guests of followîng programme: Guest Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, speaker, Mrs. W. Crawford, Blaekstoek. Enniskillen; reading, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asht" Garrard; contest, Mrs. Ross and Ronald attended the W Ashton. Meeting closed and! ry pienie at Hampton Park on lunch was served by Mrs. A. 1 Saturday.___ ýW FEATURE - SAVE 10c Colgate's ME 1 19 --