PAGE ETGHT ~~~TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE., ONTARIOWENSAT.L Oh1.i By Frank Mdohun MA 3-7234 ; LAKESHORE PLAYOFFS START A Lakeshore Minai- Basebali meeting was held Tues- day night ta determine the playoff schedules - but unfar- tunately tbe results were too late ta meet aur press dead- line. However, we do know that the playoffs will be under- way this week. In ail probability the Midgets will be in action at the Memorial Park, Sunday afternoon about 2 'clock. This unsponsored club could really use more fan support - so let's give the boys a boost. t. t t t - t CURLING CLUB CONSTRUCTION If plans weren't stymied' by poor weatber, at the time tlhis column is bcing read, construction on the new curlinga club at Southview Golf Course sbould be well underway by Dovw. i. i. t it t NEXT WEEK - SOFTBALL SEMI-FINALS The final standings still are undecided in the Men's Softball Town League, but It Is expccted that the semni-finali serles will be starting Tuesday nigbt at the High Scbooh diamond.1 Stephen Fuels are assured of at least a tic for top spot, but Snuffy's Auto Body still are in the running with Thursday's game between the two clubs shaping up as a l i-cal battlc. Bowmanville Hotel currently shares second! witb Snuffy's, but the bodynien have one game in band. Ken's Men's Wear, with tbree games left still can take over the runner-up position, wbich eaves the playaff picture stili unsetthed as this Is bcing written. George's, last year's cbampions, have only mnanaged1 ta win once tbis season and are out of the running, but still could upset the league standings. t t t t t YOUNG GOLFERS Congratulations ta Bob Jamiesan of Peterborough wbo won the Ontario Junior Golf Cbampionship hast week at St. Catharines. Bob, who also phays for the Petes in Junior "A" hockey, Is a nepbew of Bowmanville sporting entbusiast Frank Jamieson. It was tbe privihege of this reporter ta play 27 bales ôf golf with Bob Watt Jr., the Oshawa Golf Club Junior champion, Sunday afternoon. Bob, a former Bawmanvilhc resident, several years back, can really beit a hall. Onhy person we have ever playcd wlth who hit them any further Is pro Ian Turner and he Is noted as a long driver. It might flot be too long befare Bowmanville bas ai top-notch young golfer of our own. We have overheard some af Southview's juniors camparing score cards, wbicb were pretty darned good. While we haven't had the oppar- tunity of playing with many af these young shot-makers, we have got ini several rounds with Club champion Dave Kerr- and runner-up Bob James. Therc'a notbing wrong with the way they play golf. t t t~ t t LADIES' SOFTBALL DRAW Monday night at the Millbrook-Bowmanville game, the radio draw was hcld by the local ladies' club. Mrs. Tait, Veterans Avenue, is the winner. THE NEXT dII~Legion-Lions Combined FRIDAT, JULY 281h - 8:30 sharp s 8,000PRIMES Hooper s Soccer Team Going Strong This Year The "Jewellers" spansored by Hooper's Jew- Doug Woodlock, Cliff Reedjk, Bradley Yourth, Bob ellery and Gift Shop, Bowmanville, for the past three McManus, George Jones, Dick Denhertog and Jack years are having a gaod seasan althaugh many of the Baker; front row, Ross Hall, Grant Flintoff, Bob team are comparative newcomers to the game. They Smith, AI Woodlock, George Fayer, Ralph Deboo; are, fram lef t ta right, back row, Charlie Campbell, absent, Ray Preston and Bab Davies. Hotelers Split, Snuffy's Do Same Fuels Clinch (ati h It was a husy week in the Bond's fly Vo right and raced 1Men's Softball Town League home on Bob Abbott's squeeze 1wben four gaines were played bunt, which went for a sin- on consecutive days, in an gle. Hoar only allowed one effort ta bring the regular other bit-a single to Van- season Vo a close on time. It's stone to open the gaine. The entirely possible that no gain next 14 batters went down in was made however, as the succession before Hoar issued Tuesday right game bet-ween his lone walk in the fifth. Ken's Men's Wear and Geor- Richards gave up a base on ge's was thrown out because halls and a sinbgle Vo Bill Os- each teain used an ineligible borne in the first-then retir- player. Ken's bad won 10-9. ed 19 of the next 20 batters. In a real thriller Stephen Alex Wisemian, the lone base- Fuels asured themselves of atirunner, stro*ked a two-hagger least a tie for first place on in the fifth. Richard fanned a 1-0 win over Bowmanville haif a dozen wbile Hoar Hotel. The Hotelers stoppcd, claimed five strike-out vic- Snuffy's Auto Body 7-1 theltims. next night, but Snuffy's boun- Hotelers 7- Snuffys 1 ced back ta down Ken's 9-0, John James and Bill Os- Friday night. If necessary, borne supplied the heavy hit- Ken's and George's will re- igt poe Bwanle play their game at the end of HltmV o 71wr Bowma nil the season. fy's Auto Body in the mid- Fuelq3 1 - Hotelers 0 week attraction. James clout- A squeeze play in the bot- ed a three i-un homer la the tom of the sixthi inning broke third, folhowing a single by up a tight pitcher's duel h--- Alex and pitcher tween Fuels' "Ace" Richards Harry Snowden's costly errai-. and the Hotelers' Ted Hoar. Osborne, the next batter up1 Vince Vanstone doubled with belted another home i-un to one out, advanced on Jack give the Hotelers a 4-0 bulge. I LEGION GOLF LEAGUE I On Wednesday, July l2th, both with 41. Hk>ward Cowle the two top teama, Doug had a nice round ai 51 ta win Howie's Cruisers and Maurice his round against Jae Kilpat- Conway's Mosquitaca, met in rick. Husky Wright also bad a batthe fan finst place. The a 51 ta beat Carl Leslie. The Cruisers rcallv swatted the Therteil brothers are still Masquitaes taking four out of looking aiter the higb honora. five matches, as wehl as low The standing aiter July 12 net and low net overahl for is: eleven points. 1. Cruisers . .............39 Jimnmy Barclay's Six Poun- 2: Mosquitoes ............... 32 I dens are stihl finding the going f3. Destroyers..........- 29 pretty tough. His boys anea Wthiz Bangs ............1 caming in with goad scores ~Sifrs.......1 but ahways seem ta meet a bot 6:5.Spioers........ 81 team. Don Mansden's Destroy- -_________ ens blanked themn this week ta move right into third spot just behind the Masquitoca.' Ke na W ins Lw score honora went ta SM'ixie Yourth and Bill LylOvr M ig Don 't Miss. . . 1HRL LS and S P 1LL S BLACKSTOCK Fri*day, JuIy 2Ilst 7: 00 P.NM. -KARTERS ÀDMITTED FREE- VALUABLE TROPHIES 6-mRACES-m6 Races WiII Be Run In Co-operalion Wlilh Cariwrighi Fair Board Bill Robinson was tbe big Idifference as Kendal edged Bowmanville 9-8 in a high- ,l1soigmidget contest, Sunday afenoon at Vincent Massey Park Robinson colhected three singles, a double and walk in f five nt bats to pace the win- neî-s. Errors didn't belp tbe home club's chances as con- tinue to be their own worst enerny. Singles by Robinson and Quantrili coupled with two errors gave Kendal a pair of first inning markers, but the l ocals bounced back with four in the bottoma haîf without a hit. Two errors and tbree bases, on balîs enahled Bow- imanville ta score. The visitors capitalized on two more miscues, a bit bat- ter, walk and Robinson's sec- ond single for three in the second. Kendal made it 6-4 in the third on singles by Robinson and Miller after two were out. The locals gat one back in the fifth on James Lane's single and tbe teams split single tallies in tbe next inning. A walk and Miller's second single doing jtbe damage for Kendal, while a single by Jim Coyle and Paul Mutton's sacrifice fly produced tbe losers' i-un. ;An errar with two out along with Robinson's. two- bage made the winning walks and Coyle's second sin- gle brougbt Bowmanville ta 1within a single run ini tbeir hast time at bat, but with the wmnning runs on base Quan- trili came on In relief of Cor. roux ta get the final out. !Ray Piekell, victimized by bis team-mates' poor s u p p o r 4, went the distance to take the e ast) Tie for First James knocked in bis fourth i-un witb a sacrifice fly in the fifth and Osborne drave in another with a triple. Johný Fowler's tbree-baggeir scared Osborne. Consecutive singles by "'Bun", Welsh and Ron Pal- lard started the rahly. Carly-le scattered five safe- tics ta register the wîn, Joe Kennett's lead-off homriun giving Snuffy's their lone i-un in the final frame. Snuffy's 9 -Ken's O Snuffy's crupted for threc i-uns in the second and five in the fourth Vo keep their chan- ces of tying,,Stepheri's foi, the top spot âlive. A pair of wahks, Mel Burgess' single and two ci-roi-s produced the second frane talles. The Auto Body club dlaim- cd six of their nine bit total in tbe fifth ta put the gaine on ice. Don Bishop, Joe Ken- nett, Bill Nicholson, Rusa Lane and Han-y Snowden singled, while Lloyd Hamilton craeked a double. Another single by Nicholson ahong with "Chuck" Kilpatrick's double accounted for the final i-un in the sixth. Snowden doled out six sin- gles for the win, the loss go- îng Vo Pat Cornell. Team Standings w T. T r q f Stephen Fuels Snuffy'g Aul Body Bowmanvill] Hotel. Ken's Men's Wear George's 8 2 0 16 ito l6 4 O 12 6 5 0 12 's 4 5 0 8 1 9 O 2 -RECREATION REVIEWS- r Boys Softbali and the Serpent", also the In the Boys Saftball game newly formed Flutophone played last Wed., afternoon, Band will present a few num- July 12tb, Lord Elgin defeat- bers. cd Central 15-1. Wayne Mc- Day Camp Roberts was the big bitter for Next Monday, July 24th, Lord Elgin collectîng four bits will mark the opening ai the in four times at bat. Ricky Recreation Department's Day Danaghue bit two home i-uns Camps. for the winners and also pît- Datcs-Boys- July 24th ta ched the complete game. Doug Juhy 28th. Crough bit a home run to Gi-ls-July 3lst ta August give Central its onhy i-un. 4th. Mike Oke was the losing Fee-There will be a regis- 1pitcher. tration fee of $3.00 per camp- In the game played hast er for the camp. 1Manday afternoon, Juhy 17th, Hours-The camp will op- at the H-igh School ground. erate each day from 9:00 a.m. Lard Elgin picked up their ta 4:30 p.m. (approximately). second win by defeating Vin- Parents' Night will be beld in cent Massey 5-2. each period and annaunced Ricky Donagbue did the during the camp. Special caok- pitching duties for Lard Elgin auta and sleep-outs are op- striking out 13 and wahking tional and will be arranged only 2 while ahlowing 4 hits. in camp. Jeff Gilhooly was the losing Insurance-covering camp- pitcher for Vincent striking crs for, accidents accuring aut 8 and walking 4 while whihe campers are under aur giving up five hits. Doa Par- supervision at camp is also kmn collected two hits for Vin- included in the fees. cent. Mike Stocker was the Activities-Thc theme for best hatter for Lord Elgin the camp will be "Indian collecting 2 hits. Week". The campera will be Games scbeduled for next divided ino four tribes and week are: competitions will be hehd bet- Manday-July 24th- On- ween the variaus tribes. The tario vs Lord. Elgin at the campers will select, and con- High School. struct their awn campsites, >Wed.-July 26th- Vincent cook-out supervised awimming vs Central at Central School. periads, archery, campcraft, Chariot Race gamea Indian lare, and many For the past few weeks the more "cam-ptivities." play.-rounds have been wonk- Rainy Days- do nat stop ing bard building Chariots the camp programme since for the big Ben-Hun Chariot provision is made for the race wbicb vill be held Thurs- campera regardlesa af the wea- day (taday), Juhy 2Oth, in ther. ca-operation with the Royal Lunch-Campers must sup- Theatre'a officiaI opening af ply their own lunches eacb the movie "Ben-Hur". day. Homogenized milk or The race is scheduled ta Skim milk la provided. Cook- start at 6:15 p.m. in front of outs may be arranged and an- the Royal Theatre. The char- naunced in camp. The inatruc- iota and their attendants will tors for the year's camp are: parade down King Street ta Ruth Gabeen, Audrey Spicer, the starting line at the corner Ray Crombie and John Perry. af George and King Streets Tin Can Cricket Tournament and will race back ta the Royal This Friday, July 21st, an Theatre. inter - playground Cricket Prizes for the race bave tournament will be hehd on: been donated by the Royal.Central Sebool Grounds start-! Theatre. ing at 9:30 a.m. Penny Fair Each playgraund will be re- The Sevcnth Annual Penny presented by four teanis in- Fair sponsoi'ed by the Recrea- cluding bath boys and girls. tion Departmcnt will be beld The age limt for the tourna- on Thursday, August 4th at .ment is Seniors fourteen (14) the Lions Cammunity Centre. and under and Juniors ten The Penny Fair will feature (10) and under. several events including the, Vaniaus other inter-play- annual Costume parade. graund taurnaments are sched- The Theme for this year'a uled for this summer includ- parade will be Familiar Leg- ing such activities as tether-, ends'. The parade is scbed- baIl, volley hall and badmnin - uhed ta get underway at 6:30 ton. p.m. fromn the Lions Centre. Golf Lessons Eacb playground bas select-' Children golf hessons arel cd a hegend ta present and being held at the Soutbviewl they will also be responsible Golf and County Club each for a number of the carnival Tuesday and Thursday morn- events such as House ai Hor- ing. rors, Fortune Tclling, Bingo, We hope ta teach the fun- Sbaoting Gallery and many damentals ai grip, stance, others. I swing, the use of the various A couple ai new features'clubs and golf etiquette. for the year's Penny Fair will The classes arc under th e be the presentation ai a one- direction af Ian Turner, thel act play entitlcd "Little Ki i Club Pro. I Soccer Highlights I C ou r t i c e, cantinuing ta same nigbt. surge ahead, posted a 2-0 Hampton bounced back ta shut-out over Hampton, hast register a 2-0 victary aver Wednesday nigbt, ta move in- Maple Grave. Saturday, but ta first place in tbe senior Tyrone wvas held ta a 2-2 tic saccer standings. Undefeated by Solina ta slip back a notch Zion, only a single point back, inta fiftb. have twa games in hand.j Bovmanville beld undefeat- Bowmanville kept pace in ed Zion ta a 2-0 win in J 'r third place on the strength of Legeato nT a 5-1 win over Solina, the - eau atono __________ __________night, while runner-up Sohina I fruneed third nosfin M7a',,.- r' Denbertog who phayed in Oshawa hast year after fiveý years in aur league with Ma- pie Grave and Hampton. Up front are Ray "Whitey"' cI~. reft hockey club, at autside 18 S rike uts eft.Inside left is capably b ~ tii~e uts taken care of by George Fay- Pearson's Smoke Sbop were er. George bas been a strong stopped cald Monday night at player for Hoopers the past the Central Schoal Diamond, couple of years. Inside right wvben pitcher Kennedy threw is Grant Flintoff, one of our a no-bitter, and fanned 18 Juvenile hockey c h a m p s. batters ta head Millbrook ta Grant bas averaged a goal a a 2-0 decision. game. Outside right is played by "Mort" Richards who play- Only ane hall was bit ta e_' Jr. soccer in Bowmanville tbe outfield wvhile the other and Senior in Maphe Grove. two outs were in the infield. Mort plays good soccer, also Kennedy gave up four walks, intermediate hockey for the anc af wbich wvas nullified by Sharacks. a double play, and only ane Other team members are other runner reached base, John Fawhcr, Hank Koopman, that on an errar. Bob Davies, Ross Hall, Brad Shirley Brock tossed a six Yourth, Bob McManus and bitter for Pearson's, giving up Jack Baker. Charlie Camp- single runs in the first and bell is president. fiftb. Guthrie, Hudson and Future Games Kennedy looked after aIl the Wed. Juhy 19 - Bowman- Millbrook bittîng, with twO ville at Zion. safeties apiece. Wed. July 26 - Bowman- ville at Maple Grave. Sat. July 29 - Hampton at Bowmanville (Memorial Pk). M idg ts Cose Sat. Aug. 5 - Tyrone at Schedule onl at Courtice. club would appreciate yaur W innin Note support. Bowmanville Midgets wound up their regular sehedule on a winning note Monday night in Port Hope. The locals came up with their best effort in several weeks Vo edge Port Hope 5-4 in an abbreviated five inning gaine. Bob Sleep hel-d the lasers to three safeties to register the win, but needed relief 'help from Brian Downs in the final frame. Campbell was nicked for seven bits i going the~ distance. Ted Bate with a double and' single, and Jim Coyle with a pair of sin4gles were the top hitters for Bowm a n vilie. Greenaway picked up two of ~Port Hope's three base-knocks, a triple a.nd single. Midgets Lose Errors Costly Two errors - two unearned runs. That was the stary as Cobourg Juveniles shut out Bowmanvihle Midgets 2-0 in a Lakeshore exhibition contest, last Monday night in Cobourg. Ray Pickell checked the juveniles an three safeties and fanned fine batters toi deserve a better fate. Lewisi was equaliy effective on the maund for the winners ahlow- ing four hase-knocks, while claiming Il strike-out vic- tims. Cobourg scared once in theý second on an error and a single by Johns and again ini the sixth when another error followed a wahke and Cleary's pinch single. OnIy Three 0f Originals Lef on Team After tbree years with thel same sponsor Art Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Shop, but with rnany phayer changes,ý coach Jack Baker bas come up with a top team in the Seven Team Darlington Soc- cer League. With anly tbree originalsi left from the first team, Bob Smith in goal, George Jonesi at full, and haif back Cliff Redjik presently playing cen- tre forward. Incide n t a 11i y, Cliff bas not missed a prac- tice or game siiice the club was formcd. Ile even played: with a broken bone in his arm hast year. These three, along with Dnug Woodlock and bis brother AI, Juv. hoc- key club's most valuable play- er, form a solid twosome at full back. The baîf backs are made up of Ralpb Deboo, Hank De- jang of last year's club, Dick Grave 5-0. Courtice an d Hampton were 5-1 winners over Tyrone and Enniskllen, respect ively. JACK DROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE ICE TIME! Local organizations or tcams desiring ICE TIME in BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA during this coming scason, 1961-62, please make application in writing before August lst, 1961 MR. ROY NEADS, Mgr., Bowmanville Memorial Arena, P. O. Box 1570, Bowmanvillc, Ontario. GOODWILL - GUARANTEED USED CARS Ail Used Cars Are Fully Rcconditioned with Goodwill Guarantee 2 - 1961 CHEV. COACHES V-8 automatics. Local Provincial Police cruisers. 1960 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP Fully power equipped. 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1957 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL 2-DOOR HARDTOP Fully power equipped, low mileage. 1956 PONTIAC 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, heater and radio. Used Car Lot Open until 9 p.m. Monday through Friday Saturday until 5 p.m. More than 30 other makes and models to choose from. "YOUR QUALITY GM DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. McMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhail Cars - GMC Trucks 1.66 King St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Line RA 5-2712 MEN S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Reg. to $6.95 Speclal ---«__ $.33 MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COATS___ Reg. to $29.95 - JuiY Clearance -- 35 TEMPERANCE ST. N. $18,88 BOWMANVILLÉ - JULY CLEARANCE CONTINUES WITH THESE SPECIALS K E NS MEN'S WEAR ---------- , N, VRDNESDAY, JMT »th, PAGE ZIGHT 1 1