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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1961, p. 10

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PAGE m TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDN~SDAY, AUG. Oth, 1961 -I Engagements fComing Events _Articles for Sale 1 Ar The engagement cf Miss Joan Decoratian Day, Lakeview 40 ACRES a! chaice hay, dayv- FOLD- Keamns, Col borne, is announc- Cemetery, Newtonviile, Aug. er and alfalfa. MA 3-3394. four. ed to Mr. Harry Robert Grills, l3th. Service 2:30 p.m. 31-2* 26-tf ___ son o! Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grills, Bowmanville. The A meeting o! the Darlington WATER for sale and acelivered QUAN' marriage ta take place on Sat- Township Board cf Adjust- Cali Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131: Alfalfa urday, August 19, 1961, at ments will be held on August _________________ Pentecostal Church, Simcoe 17 at 8 o'clock in Darlington12 ONE 1 St., Oshawa, at 3 p.m. 32-1 Towvnship Hall. 32-1 and' PUNT, 5% h.p. Johnson, chairs, _______ ___and trailer. Phone Oshawa MA 3. Mrs Ewad oril wshs'Decoration Service for Cart- 723-9007. 321 ALSC( ta s annac the engageentwright Union Cemetery wiliSML hev duyecri toanone h eggeetbe conducted by Rev. C .stov , or codtct rings o! ber daughter Rosemarie Ferguson cf Toronto on- Sun- soe, ideal forctaeci iLore Ann, ta Francis X Zabra, son day, August 13 at 2:30 p.m. aprtment. MA 3-2933. 32-1 of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 31-2 SAVE on lumber, direct from ONEi Zahra, Malta. The niarriage mili ta you. Phillips Lumber ace an will take place in St. Basil's Woodview Communfty Centre Ca. Kinniaunt, Ont a r i o. condit: Church, Toronto, Sept. 2nd, -Monster B i n g o. Twenty Phone 17rl1. 45-tf 1961, at 10 a.m. 32.1* games-twenty dollars;, five games-thirty dollars; $150 KEYS cut automaticaily, while SPECJ Mm.andMrs Thrns Wil- jackpot. and two jackpots at you wait, at Mason & Dale ishers, son, Nastle, wih a an $250. Door prizes. Next Hardware, 36 King St. E Cleane nouce he enggeentofMonday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Bowmanviile. 46-tfoly noneteeggmn fOshawa. 46-tf Tables their eldest daughter, Wyllene GLADIOLUS and cut flowers Chairs Elizabeth, to Mr. Douglas Arn- Support the Bowmanville for ail occasions. Orders takeni. enos, aid Rabme, only son of Mr. Lions Carnival at Memorial Mrs. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. King and Mrs. Russell Rahme. Bow- Park, Saturday, August 26th. Phone MA 3-3527. -.28-.10* MA 3. manville. The marriage ta A free wristwatch will be A ~1 T~' alfalfa and brome. Aiso Equip y cf barnyard manure. propel Orono 2 r 13 after 6. iold; 1 32-l* old, r - White :lmem for good used condit furniture, appliances, ler ta mis, cook ware, same IFergu! ýfurnîture. CO 3-2294. I asse' _______ ___22-tf Ion ste ATION. b!owing meth- 'rubbei th rock wool. Work-Ial Cu' rticlesfor Sale )-DOWN trailer. Sleeps Apply 78 High St. 32-1 * ýTITy- second cutting la hay. MA 3-3938. 32-1* Births BUENH-AM-Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burnham <nee Hircock> ame happy to announce theq arrivai of their son, at Cobourg General Hospital on August Sth, 1981, a brother for Allan,i Catherine, Paul and Linda. Hei welghed 10%Ik bs. 32-1 COWL-Donna, Cindy and Donnie announce the safe arrivai of their baby brother, Kenneth Roy, a birthday pres- ent for Donna, on August 3rd,, 1961, at Memorial Hospital.( Proud parents are Don and, Ruth. 32-1*, GOULD-Carole and Patrick <nee Oke) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of a son, Douglas Patrick, in Memorial Hospital, Wednesday, August' 9th, 1961. 1.2-if HAYNES-Peggy and Ron wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Frances, on ip guaranteeci. Free esti-liniern~atioa u wAei con- Har-y L. Wade. Tele- trolled Dise with hydrauiic Clarke 2420. 39-tf cyiinder; 1950 Ford Dump, ex- -- cellent grain truck. Cowan ýES in the subjects Of Equipment Co., 134 King St. choice. Enrol now for E, Bowmanviile. Phone MA Il term at Bowmanvilie 3-5689. 32-1 ss School, Mrs. C. A. PC tt, Principal, 154 King COME AND PC ast, Bowmnanville. 23-tf nsize. Free estimates Y U W l-to-wall. Samples tak- ta youm home for colour FR S F UI lcorating ideas.F.A R S F UI SLtd., 37 King St. E., 7071. 34-tfOR 'TIC TANK STONE-OU APPLES of three early RIVEWAY GRAVEL varleties are now ready for HED CEMENT GRAVEL1harvesting. We have a young ars and Trenches Dug orchard of several thousand LAND PAYNE ! dwarf-trees, some of hh Phone ae owcropping. Alapples 4 CLARKE (Calct) :ae high-quallty and reason- 25-tfýably priced. No ladders need- AND GRAVd.mFruit eau easily be plcked [D ND RA ELlfro the ground. Anyone July 21, 1961, dl. ±VemiaiIJjake place quelFiae Hospital. A sister for DebbielLuei, îa v-i given away every 15 minutes,, coie and Donna. 31-1 enîng, Sept. 1, 1961. 12-fr yau must be in attendance tai cfi wîn. Fun and excitemnent for quantî MeGREGOR-Dan and Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Gardon W. ýal" 30-5 Phone are happy ta announce the White of Hampton announce - amival cf their daughter the engagement of their ORONO sEE E Sandra Lynn, an August 1ý daughter Margaret Anne, ta TV's,,. 1961, at Memorial Hospital. Kenneth George, son of Mr. SR vacuum Bowmanville. A sister for and Mrs. Claude Kilmer of S R ET FAIR antique Cathy and Nancy. 32.1* Bowmanvîlle. They will be MURAYTa r.andMr Rmarried an Saturday, Septem- WED., AUGUST 16ISU MURA -T D. ndMr. .ber 9th at Tyrone United odL,i B. Murray (nec Edith Hendry) Chumch. 32-1*dwt cf Stirling, Ont., a daughter, 1 IL N asi Evelyn Annabelle, on Juiy 19, Mm. and Mrs. Lea Gouiah' inates. 1961, at Beleville Hospital. wish ta announce the engage- ancngpGo.Wa e C~ 32-1 ment cf their daughter Rita, Danigt e. COURS ta Mm. Leslie Samis, son cf y mc e POWELL--Bambara and Don- Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Samis, ail an d his C orn Huskers the fall ald Powell (nee McConnell) of Bowmanville. The marri.age Busine: annaunce the birth of another xiii take place on Saturday, ENTERTAINMENT FOR Bartiett girl, "Donna Marie", a sister August l9th at 10:30 a.m., St. EVERVONE St Eas for Bannie; born Juiy 21. 6 lbs. Joseph's Catholic Church, Baw- 32-1BRA 3 ozs. 32-1* nianvilie. 32.1* '"' rooz GIAN BIN O onwalI Deaths Mm. and Mms. C. Harvey GINT BnGO o t --Palmer, Bowmanvilie, Ont., and et KNOX, Fred-In Bowmanville wish to annaunce the engage- Saiurday, Aug. 12 Kd dp on Friday, August 4, 1961, Fred ment of their eider daughter In the MA 3-7 Knox, beloved husband Of Dama-Marie (R.N.), ta Michael Corinne Knox, and dear father James Whelan, son cf M. Jh IN COMMUNITY CNR SEP' of Domthy. Rested at th, Whcian, and the late Jon IOS ENRE DR] Funeral Home o! Nothcutt & Whelan cf Belleville, Ont. MTse BowmanvilleB CRUSH Smith, 53 Division St. N., Bow- marriage ta take place quietîy at 8 p.m. Cellai rnanviile. Funemal service was on Saturday. September 2ndrpcain$0 ment Bowmanvillc Cemetery. (oNtHv aB rsn) 40 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. (oNtHv oB rsn) 40 RUNDLE, Joyce - In Ann Cox. Orono, wish ta announce 20 GAMES AT $10 EACH __ Arbor, Micb., on Sunday, the engagement of their TWO SPECIAL T M S A August 6, 1961, Joyce Robin- daughter, Flomence Edith Cox, AND $150 JACKPOT LA I son, beloved wife of Dr. F. ta Mr. Charles Ross Gay, son Number for thîs week - 59 FOR William Rundle, and mother of M. and Mrs. Charles E.ADISO$10 o! Mary-Claire and Charles Gay, Kendal. Mamiage wiî DISIN - 10 and daugbtem cf Cedric and take place on Saturday, August 32- ---1 ~~PHOI May Robinson, and sister cf 26, 1961, at 2:30 p.m.. in Kendal oie Mms. Ray Tew (Doris), and United Chumch, Kendal, Ont. Notices___________ For1 Mm;. Wallace McKnight (Jean), 32-1 Miss Hodgins' Office will ___ ail of Oshawa, in hem 3lst yeam. Auction Sale ' be closcd until August l5th. Restlng at the Armstrong _j_____________i_ 29-4* Aitl Funemal Home~ Oshawa, cam- I bave eceived instructions L.Caona ficTrs mencing Wednesday noon. from, Lawrence Olan ta sel by closLd untilast 29tahOffnet.Bets, Service in the chapel Thuma- publie auction at bis esidence 32dutl uut29hnx. Beltîn;5 day, August 10 at 2 p.m. Inter- in the village cf Millbrook on -3-*Blig ment Ebenezer Cemetery. 3- Satumday, August 19, 1961, at Dm. E. W. Sisson's office will 6": 65C 321 p.m. sharp, bis household be closcd from August îst ta endîes funiture including freezer, Sept. 5 inclusive. 31-2 beits, SHORT, Blake-Suddenly as television, etc. Ternis, cash. Dr. K. Sl "o' oficewiîî rbber the resuit of an accident in No reserve. R. J. Payne, auc- be closed Sleman's 8 office rubber Bowmanviile on Tuesday, tianeer. .12-1 ust 13 fmncluusi8eta 3u-cd orv August 8, 1961, Blake Short, ____icuie 21wthin beiaved husband cf Mary Ann Auctian sale of bedmaom, Dr. Dinniwell's office will (Birdie) Bumk and dear father living-room and kitchen furn- be clascd from August 12 ta of LeRoy, Bowmanville, and itume, eîectric stove, washing August 27 inclusive. 132-2 Snrn Russell, Booklin, in bis 64th machine, dishes, etc., the estate Dr. C. F. Cattran's o ffice Smith Fuetnma Homte, 53 Di of the late Mms. Blake Alex- will be ciosed from Aug. 12 ta Ruhb Smih Fnerl Hme,53 i-ander, ta be sold by public Aug. 20 inclusive._ 32-1 vision St. N., Bowmanville. auction et hem late esidence, ThofiefDrAlaB 91 BE Sevie n he capl fiKedaSaturday evening, Sylvester will be clased dur- -_ Thursday, August 10 at 3 p.iTi August l9th at 6:30 p.m. The ing the month of August. DISCOÎ Intemment Bowmanviile Cerne. propety consisting cf a 7-raam 30-5 Money- tery. 32-1 frame bouse with cil furnace,----- Now C1 WILSON, Nelson-At Memnor- stable and hien bouse, one acre Mr. E. L. Ewert's Office will 5 foot . ial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on of land withî immediae pos be closed1 for holidays frorn Discou: session will b offemedfo sale August 12ta September4HiCa Friday, August 4, 1961, bcioved subject ta a reserve bid. Terms inclusive. 32-1 H-h son o! the late Mm. and Mrs. ah akRicine. - Price $1 Arthur Wilson in bis 47th yeacas.JcRed utoer. Dr. C. J. Austin's office tresses, Restd atNorheut & Sith32-2 wili be ciosed for summer va- Price Restd atNorhcut & Sith_____ -cation from Juiy 14 ta August Desks, Funeral Home, 53 Division St. The undersigncd auctioneer 13 inclusive. 32-1 529.95, N., Bowmanville. Service was îîil elb pblie auct h - _______ held in the chapel on Monday. houschaid effects for Mms. M. il bein Agust Dm. Hubad nairi August 7 at 1:30 p.m. Inter,-uho in Tyrone on Satur- wil b b is office every Upi ment Union Cemetery, Osha- ayTAgut 2h:eicticme a ntd lth fmom the lth painted wa.32- da, Agus 12h. lecriere o te 1thinclusive. 31-2 Covemin wa. - "E!frigerator, like new; kitchen ------'- -- -fo;SI ~ars t T ans abinet, Singer sewing nia- Dr. G. E. Mann's office will Beds, _____ of_______ ____ ,dop-leaf table and three be closed during the month cf board. We wish ta thank all those chairs, angette, writing desk, August except ail day Tues- Price, who hlpedmake aur anni- hall trec, small cook stove, day, August 8, 15, 22 and Wed- ers, laN versamy such a pîcasant anc. dining-roomi suite, pull-out nesday mornings A'ug. 9, 16, $6950, Thank you for the beautiful couch, 3-piece chesterficid, 2 23. 30-5 Everyth gifts. rocking chairs, parlor stove,--' iuced. Marlon and Tom Hodge. floor lamp, table lamp, 3-piece Tenders Vanted Fumniti 32-1 bedroom suite, tea wagon, 3- ___ - --Osw ___small tables, bcd and dresser, U , I would like ta expmess si-2 iaxvn chairs, lawn mower, Fabulat cere thanks ta my relatives, garden tools, pots and pans, 5-pce.' friends and neighbors for many qaniy of dishes and other or Bel kindnesses shown me during;rtcls Sale at 1:30 p.m. 'fîe my ecent stay in hospital andiTermis cash. fif etikljNWROFted pu aince my return home. .aictioneer. 31-1 HOSPITAL BUILDING or be( Estelia Blackburn. .32-1 BOYS'FS TRAINING SCHOOL Sofabeé .______F' SALE 0F LN BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO count' I wauld like ta thank ahl my~ Under and by virtue of a SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- Chester neighbors and friends for the Wit of Execution issued eut ERS properly endorsed, on Discoun many carda, fiowers and treats. of the Second Division Court forms supplied by the Depart- Living- 1 received whiie in the Me- of the United Counties of Nom- ment, wiil be eceived by the Discour marial Hospital, also nurses thumberland-Dumham, whercin Tenders Secretary, Romr 6630, ChroînE and staff cf the hospital for INTERPROVINCIAL BUILD- East Block, Parliament Buid- 3 piece their kindncss ta me. ING CREDITS LTD. is Plain- ings, Toronto 2 Ontario, until reg. $1( Mrs. Raymond Bruce, tiff and JOHN A. ALLDREAD 3:30 p.m. (E.D.ý'.) on 3 piece Newtonvilie, Ont. 32.1* is Defendent, and taome direct- Wednesday, August l6th, 1961 reg. $1! _____ d against the Lands and for the emaval o! the exiat- 3 piece I wish ta express my sincere Tenements cf the said JOHN ing roof and the suppiy and $329, I appreciation ta my relatives, A. ALLDREAD, I bave seized application of a new buiit up Springf friends and neighbours for and taken in executian ahl the tam and gravel roof, on the Spring, their cards, and expressions of right. titie, intemest and equitY Hospital Building at the Boys' in thee good wishes and the many acts of redemption of the said Training School. Bowmnanville, san's D: of klndness during my stay in, JOHN A. ALLDREAD, in and Ontario. 20 Chu. hospital and since my eturn ta the foilowing lands and Specifications, Tender forms -- home. Many thanks toalal. Itenements:' and Tender envelopes, may F Mrs. L. Vivian. 1AIl and singular that certain bc obtained from, or viewedF R 32.11parcel or tract of land des- at Room 6527, Department of wishing to have really fresh apples is invited to corne toi our orchard and have the pleasure of plcklng them him- self. Brlng your own contain- ers. Otherwise, we wlll supply them. FRITZ MARTI R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE (South of Training School) JPhone MA 3-5012 32-1 -Help Wanted BOY ta help on farm. Austin Wood. MA 3-2388. 32-1* SINGLE man for dairy farm. Phone Newcastle 3491. 32-l* BANK of Montreal has open- ings on its staff for junior clerks, maie or female. Apply in person at Bowmanviile Branch. 32-1 EXP;ERIENCdËb waitresses, full or part time, to start im- mediately. Apply Brentwood Restaurant & Motel, Highway 115,_Orono. _____31-2* 'LADIES WANTED. Make up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write Bunnys, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ontario. 32-1 EXPEIENCEDf] married man for dairy farm, commencing Sept. I.. Separate bouse wîth conveniences. Apply with ref- erences, stating wagcs. Wil- frid Bowman, Enniskillen, tele- phone CO 3-2466. 32-1 THE bcst jobs with the best pay go ta Business School graduates. Enrol now for the ST Furniture Sa~le- î er t omnil us 99c Bonus. Lovely Business School, Mrs. C. A. Kitchen Chrome SuitelBrtlett, Principal, 154 King xw Spring and Spring- St. East, Bowmanville. 2ý3-tf Mattress, oniy 99c with MAN with car, experienced in urchase of a living-room shearing Scotch Pine Christ- rdroom set. 2 piece mas trees, buying, shipping and d Suite, reg. $199. Dis- planting trees; 4 months season Price $144; "Airfoam" every year. Write Advertiser arfield Set, reg. $289, 168, c/o Canadian Statesman, int Price, $198; 6 Piece P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, :-room Group, reg. $239, Ont. 31-2* nt Pîce 177;plusAR-E you .looking for a con- e Suite for' only 99c. venient way to earn money? eNatural Bedroom Suite, We have several exclusive 169, Discount Price $1,19; establîshed sections open now. e9 Dscut rice Suite, Use those free hours to earn 199 Dicout ric $18;with Avon. Write or 'phone .e Silvérmink Suite, reg. Miss K. MacKean, 528 Gilmour Discount Price $233, plus St. Peterboro, RI 3-4006. filled Mattress and Box 32-1 gonly 99c. Everything -- store reduced. Ed. Wil- ARE you satisfied with your Discount Furniture Store,ipresent income? Would you îrch St. Oshawa. 32-1 like to seli finest line including cosmetics, household necessi- *MERS ARKETties, farm specialties, etc? Suc- IMERS ARKETcessful salesmen earn $75.00a low Opea. g ' eek with our generous com- 0W uprailn mission. Familex Dept. A. 5, AT 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 32- 'HE OSHAWA FEMALE HELP PPING CENTRE!I 1 BY l ZIntPT àT TV D àlDi Cars for Sae CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars 7t USED CAR CLEARANCE 1960 PONTIAC SEDAN V-8 - Automatic Custom Built Radio Wheei Dises - 2-Tone 1957 CHEV. CO,'CII 1957 CHEV. BEL Afl 2-DR. 6-cyl. - Automatic 1957 PONTIAC 2-DR. 1955 PONTIAC 2-DR. 6-cyl. - Automatic 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN 1955 PREFECT SEDAN 1951 FORD SIX '53 anîd '54 CIIEVS. j 2-Dr. and 4-Dr. BUY NOW TO BEAT THE SALES TAX, SEPT. lst ROY W. NICHOLS 32-11 AUGUST SALE USED CARS 1958 PLYMOUTH 6-Cyl. SEDAN Radio, mirrors, washers, wheel cavera, rear seat speaker, Sportone original Local, good dlean car 1956 DODGE REGENT 6-Cy., 2-DR. HARDTOP Radio. Sportstone 1954 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DR. SEDAN Autamatic PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for Plymouth - Dodge - Valianti Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 32-1, LivestockFor Sale PIGS for sale. Phone COifax 3-2658.32-1 TWENTY-FIVE red bens. CO 3-2435. 32-1 YOUNG pigs. Victor Cookson, Bowmanvilie. 32-1* YOUNG pigs, aise stmaw in the field. Austin Wood. MA 3-2388. 32-1ý THREE young Holstein cows and anc beifer ta freshen soon. W. A. Adamis, Newcastle 2137. Business Opportunity _ OWN yaur own business. Weli establisbed routes cf nut and candy venders for sale, in yourý home district. Can be handied part time or fulli tue. Unlirn- ited possibilities for expansion. Experience unnecessary. Smai.i investment required. Write Advertiser 170, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 32-4* Lost___ HOLSTEIN heifer, strayed from fan cof Mrs. N. Zekveld, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone CO 3-2524. 32-1 STRAYED froni Lots 17 and 18, Concession 9, two cattie. Kindly Phone Allan J. Werry, CO 3-2521. Reward. 32-1 ONE-year-old mcd steer with some white on face, two rings lcft car, borna cut off. Re- ward. Russell Lammer, 96-21, Blackstock. 32-1* Personal OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At ail druggists. 32-1 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain seatd envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 Wanted 1 F-or tient Bny yourself a Good Used CarIAPARTMENT - MA for a change, iafter 5, week days. i's - Good - For - You IN Newcastle, 3-room up Buy from the Top Seller 2456. at Today's Prices ITHREE-room heatedi Wise people who think twlcelment. Hydro included.I always say lt's none otherIMA 3-7053. than THREE rooms and bath, ART'Sed, self-contained. 205 TWO rooms for couple mile east cf Bowmai Phone MA 3-2687. SEPARATE entrance ment, in lavely resid area. Phone MA 3-3948. COMMERCIAL propert Silver Street, formeriy1 smith shon. MA 3-3394. 3-2445 32-tf pstairs veastle 32-1I apart- Phone 32-1* heat- King 9-tf e. ane inville. 32-2* apamt- dential 32-tf y on Black- 26-tf kitchen table, 3 chrome ;, buffet, 1 lawvn mower.1 -5042. 32-1* '0 doors, windows, awn- sidings, carparts, railings. Allin, MArket 3-3871. 32-2 used propane gas furn- id space heater in good ion. Phone MA 3-7263. 32-tf [ALS: G.E. F'loor Pol- ;37.75; Eureka Vacuum ir, reg. $119 for $89, 1 End tables and Coffee s, Arborite. 5.95; Lawn s4.95; two-piece Day- 99.50. Murphy Furniture, St. W.. Bowmanville. 3-3781. 32-1* Ha-àrvest' and-Haying-,, )ment-International self- fled Combine, one year Massey Clipper, 5 years notor driven, 6' cut; Geo. SThreshing Machine, re- ioned International pow- ke-off Baier. 3-furrow ion l{ydraulic P1ow, ý-I-arris 3-furrow Plow el, Case 7' Cultivator on ýrwheels, 7' Internation- itivator on steel wheels; Wanted to Rent tIMIV[EDIATELY, 3 - bedroom 'home in Bowmanvîlie. Re- sponsible party. Phone MArket 3-2391 between 9 and 6, Tues- days to Saturdays. 32-1 FARM house within 10 mile limit, suitabie for family of five, with option to buy. Write Advertiser 171, c/a Canadian rStatesman, P.O. ]Box 190, Bow- 1manvilie. 32-l* ReDairs RADIO and televislon repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St.i E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and1 radio service, to ail makes. Same day service. Television Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-_tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, toa ah makes af electmic motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toalal mekes o! re- frigeratoma, domestic and com-1 mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRING Certif led Watchmaker of Canadian Jewllers' Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-tf FINALLY! Your own local sewing machine repair man Free Estimates - Fast Service One Year Guarane Ail Makes - including SINGER SEWING MACHINS Cal : -, B*ET ù>!rL(L>iLiL 1rkrLa!DEAD andi crippleci Iarm stock, I L L&J ry FrlLAay - 2 u.m. picked up promptly. Telephone __ ee Available ln Season' PRODUCTS COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur- ers and Producers Inter- 63 TEMPERANCE STREE DAD ATyrND CLee115 sM in taklng a stall please BWANILE FRMSTC contact the BWAVIL EDADCIPE NISTRATION OFFICE FOR HIGHEST PRICES PAID avallable on OSHAWATL T1. R A Y VI1 VI1AN iO0PPING CENTRE Light Faco vvnWrk n n RHAWA, ONTARIO 1 Locust Hiii n n PERMANENT EMPLOYMENTPonC Sa die60 Cllct lone 728-6231 Al apro 24-hr. 7-day Service Iai 31-6 Apl l Poloij License 102C61 ORONO )ri Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale 5SEVEN room solid brick with f2 acres of good garden land and fruit trees. Appiy 49 Liberty sNorth. 32-1* WHITE stucco older home,4 bedrooms, near Mapie Grz#e Church and school. Asparagus rmots, lawn furniture and oth. er extras. Suitabie for VLA. SIX-room bouse with 3 bed-CalM 3-5532i roonis, bathroom, bot and cold water, full basement, Beaver Les RelE ae S.SNewcastle. Phone New- es RalEte castle 3921. 32-1 4 room bungalow, oùi furn. L T ace, bathroom, roomy garage, BUILDING LO onlreltiNecsl.Fl onre lot9,0 ewca.00.u F OR SALE 6PrIce$m0bugow in Hamp. ton, bathroom, good garden Duke St., Bowmanville garage. $7.000 or less for good 54' x 164', $40 per ft. frontage cash payment. Terms. We have choice building lots Make Offer on Hunt St. and north cf town. Ralph H. Vickery M. E. ES RAELTOR Real Estate Broker 46 King St. W. Oshawa 165 Ontario St. flowmanvllle 32-41 MArket 3-5919 32-1 Howe & Peters D. W. McQuay REALTORS MA 3-3672 REALTOR Mmeso saa&Dsrc 100 acres of good black loam, R emeal Efsaewa &Dric 10 room home, 2 barns, iocated RelEteBor near Maspart. Inspect today. 230 acre stock farm, 8 room Caîl Joe Crawford, MA 3-3672. solid brick bouse. Barns with Lake frantage on Scugog, stable room for 50 cattle. over 3/ mile with 40 acres cf Stream. Only $18,000. Terms. land, ideal location for summer 15 acre farmn in Newtonville. deveiopment. Cali Joe Craw- Hlouse div'ided into twa apart- fard. ments. Asking only $10,000. $9,000 Full Price Termas. 6 raom home, ail bot water 110 acres with Ganaraska heating, 3 bedrooms, centrallY River flowing through prap- located avelooking park. LotIerty near Kendal. $6.800 with 65' x 150'. Low down payment $1,500 down. with ane martgage at 6% in- 10 gcre lots near Caurtîce. terest. Ne Ho s Only $5,000 with $1,500 down. New omes31/ acres with traut stream Buy a new home in Baw- and l½/-storey 3-bedroom manville. Modemn designs home with bathroom and furn- made ta your specifications. ace at Leskard. Asking $12,500. Private and N.H.A. financing. Terms Constructed an pre-paid serv- iced lots. Cal ur Bowman- 6 Room home in Orona, 3. ville representative Joe Craw- piece bath, oil furnace, $6,900. ford, MA 3-3672. Terms. Listings invited. 2 Bedroom modemn bunga- _________________32-1 low in Newcastle, $6,900. -Terms. Peler Feddema $,0 onby centrally REAL ESTATE BROKER ville. Full price $9,500. 160 Acres - 8 roorn frame a Bedroom brick ranch bouse, bath, barn equipped for bungalow, nicely landscaped laying hens, 1,320 ft. lake front- lot. Garage, paved drive, in age. Ownem must seli. Price Bawmanville's best residential $12,000.00. Temms. amea. $14,000. Terms. 100 acres, 6 room frame 8 Room brick bouse, 2 bath- house, barn 28x46, impiement rooms, fireplace, beautifully shed and garage, two streams. landscaped lot 175' x 175' over- Price $6,000. Terms. looks Lake Ontario at BoW 100 acres neam Mosport, 7 manvilie. Fully furnisheq roomed bouse, barn 30x60. ;A Price only $10,000 with $2,(U good investrnent at $9.900. down. Terms. 5 Room brick split-hI je1 1 Acre with 3 raam cottage, home, corner lot 150' x 1501. nice stream, shade trees. Price Plenty of roomn for gas pumps $2,200. or snack bar. Located on No. 6-raam bungalow, fuliy mad- 35 Highway near ' Mosport, ernnew Prce 13,00.LowMust be sold at once as awner cmn nePict 1300.Lwis moving ta U.S.A. Asking 4-beroo hom bah. L,-59,500 with $3,000 down. LAKEFRONT cottage, good fishing, safe, sandy beach. MA 3-5578 or MA 3-3102. 32 -1 THREE rooms, heated, self- con iained, hardwood floors, 4-piece bath, centrai. Phone MA 3-3434. 3 2-1 5-ROO(M upstairs apartment, separate bath and entrance, heated; aduits preferabie. 175 Liberty No rth. 31 -2 COTTAGE to rpnt on Kosh Lake, north of Havelock, two b.idrooms, heavy wiring. Tele- phone Orono 1308. 32-1 TWO apartments with 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Centrally located. Washer service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. ____23-tf LOVEL Y larg-e -r-oom, se-m-- private bathroom, 'phono in room. Breakfast if desired and lunch and dinner on Sunday. Central location. Telephone MA 3-3392. _32-tf THREE-room modern, heated apartment. Hardwood and tile floors. Locker in base- ment. Available Sept. lst. Phone MA 3-3810. 31-tf FREE rent one month, heated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer-dryer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., also for' rent store on main street. 22-tf THREE roomed apartments, for rent, 3 blocks from down- town, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, heated. Venetian blinds and drapery rods on 'ail wind.ows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf TWO-bedroomn heated apart- ment. Self-cantained, with prîvate driveway and lawn. Centrally located in Bawman- ville. May be seen at 71 Brown St., or Phone Oshawa 725-0394. 32-1 THREE-roomed apartment and bath, heated, 22 King St. East. Available Oct. lst. Rent $55 per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, 75 Forest Grave Dr., Willowdaie. Telephone BA 2-,1146. 32-tf FIVE-room furnished cottage at Williams Point, Lake Scu- gog, for the months cf August and September. Write Adver- tiser 169, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 32-1 TWO new, attractive, quiet. cone-bedroom apartmnents, heat- ed, tiied floors, aluminum -stormi windows and screens, heavy wiring, free parking, 1new bathrooms and modemn kitchens, directly over States- *man office. Available early in -August. Anyone seriausly Einterested, 'Phone MA 3-3303 1for appointment. 31-tf Peler Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W. - MA 3-2453 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 L Lot on Liberty St. N., $2,500. sh $1,000 down. 6 room bunga- hi low with garage and ail con- ie veniences. East of Newcastle. $1,500 down. 6 room % storey at Maple Grave. v Snack bar and living quart- 2ç ers at Newcastle east. Ideal j- for a supplementary incarne, A 6 room brick on large lot on Qucen St., $9,900. Pl Split level on Liberty St. S. N with garage, $14,500.00. Ti 7 room i ý -storey on King St. E. Ail conveniences. Ask- vi ing $12,000.00. Termas. ar 4 room bungalow with 2- piece bath and 23/ acres. Only G $8,500.00. Terms. h- 5 Lots ln Newcastle, $5,000. $1 2 Lots at Curv-Inn. te 6 room brick bungalow at, Oshawa Blvd. North. Very Io nice home, priced right. el 6 room modern bungalow b. with garage, on Concession St. E. Priced ta seli. Terms w 9 room brick on King E. on $ 851 x 200' lot. Commercial. Ideal for store. Reduced to 10 $17,000.00. r We have many buyers for 1 homes and farms. ej Please list with your local re broker for better resuits. Salesmen: a( C. Soper - MA 3-2624 $e J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 w~ Wanted to Buy OLD stampa, coins and old gold jewellery. Write Box 32, Newcastle. 32-41 HIGHEST prIces pald for live poultmy, goose feathers, leath- cm ticks, scrap iran, rags,1 metals and raw fuma. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa colleet. 48-tfj S EVINK kinds f live poultry, L3-2664 24-tf also aid feather ticks wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, rtgages Bethaniy R.R. 1. Phono 7rI1 M origages SCOTCH Pine Christmnas trees, 5%1 ,ta 7%' on the stump or $3,000; 2 $40001à by the patch. State haw many1 5000. Contact times sheared, give telephone number, directions how ta H amil IIn reach the place, approximnate PHONE 1 r 16 faîl, price. Write Box 694,1 32-1&Penetang. Ont. 31-21 Caîl WALTER FRANK L77 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 32-1 De Wilh Real Estie 50 Acre farm near Bethany, BO' x 30' barn, 5 acres hard- waad; 7 roomed home. Price $5,000. Ternis. 185 Acre farm nomtb Oshawa with 2 miles frontage on bigh- way, large L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, silo, etc.; Il mooni- d home with modemn con- 'eniences. Price and ternis rranged. 75 Acre fanm witb amali barn, 6 roomed bouse. Includ- rig machinery, etc. Frics 11,000. Ternis. 100 Acre fanm with large L-shaped bank barn, drive bced, garage, etc.; 7 moomed hame witb modemn conven- iences. Price $13,000 with $2,500 down. Il Acres, close to Bowman- vie on paved moad with 70' x 25' barn, garage; 7 raomed home witb munning watem. Asking $11,000. Terma. HARDWARE STORE and propane gas business in village. No competition. Prîce 56,500. Terms. GIFT SHOP in Bowman- ville. Price including stock and chattels, $6,000. GARAGE, SNACK BAR, GROCERY STORE an busy uighway, touriat centre. Over $100,000 turnover. Price and tea armanged. 15 Roomed home on double lt in Newcastle witb furnace, electric water heater. Smali barn. Price $6,500. Ternis. 3 Bedrooni, ncw bungalow vith ail modemn canveniences, hamdwood and tile faonrs. Fric. $8,000 with $ 1,500 down. 5 Roomed large brick bunga- lw with attacbed garage, aIl modem conveniences, broad. loom floor coveming. Many extmas. Frice and terms ar. ranged. 5 Roomcd cottage witO& acres land in Newcastle. Prico $6,500. Ternis. 9 Roomed home on 2 acres with garage. House in gaod repair. Down, $1,000. Fric, arrangcd. 2 APARTMENT HOUSE with all modemn conveniences in each apartment. Price and temaarmanged. 5 Roamed bomne ln Betbany with modemn conveniences. Price $4,800. Ternis arrangcd. 4 APARTMENT BUILDING with ail modemn convenlences, in eacb apartment. New cilý fumnaces. Excellent invest- ment. Down $2,000. Price ar-' 'enged. We have acreages wlth streams, lots, businesses, cot- tages and ail types o! farmns. John F. De Wilh Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Donald MountJoy, MA 3-39»1 Ross Davidson, Bethany. Lorne A. Perrault, CarkeI age, near scbool. Price $6,500. Easy terms. 10-raam two-stomey brick home, very central, suitable for two apartments. Price $10,500. Ternis. Near Masport, four-moomcd bouse. Full price cnly 51,250. 4-rooni fully modemn home, centrally ioceted. Price $7,000. Ternis. Highway No. 2 East of Bowmanvhlle Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesmen: G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 DEALN FOR CASFE Tuesday 43 pm 9 dq eq 1 1 1-1 1«% 1 -l -1. 1. 'l' -jr 1 - --- - 1 ï-., -If, ........................... 1 - --l - - 1 1- a WEDNESDAT, AUG. fth, 19M Y OUIt DRIVEWAYS AND CEMENT NE EARL BOTTRELL Co 3-2682 Prompt Service and Dellvery 15-tf ention: Farmers àer and Hammermil 501 x 6 x 4: $45.00. 2" g: 22e per ft.; 3": 33e ft.; 'e ft. Special prices on sfarm belts, grader V-belts. ail types of rhose, plastic pipe, rboots, etc. Beits repair- vulcanlzed. at low prices 124 hours. Phone 728-1658 Nden Indusirial iber & Plastics IRUCE ST., OSHAWA 30-23 )UNT Prices Save You r-August Furnitume Sale Dn. Save 3% Sales Tax. Stcp Laddera, reg. 56.95, int Price 53.88; Chrome airs, reg. $16.95, Discount $10.88; Sping-fiiled Mat- alI sizes, Discount $16.88; Arbomite Top Drawer and Shel!, reg. Discount Price 516.88; nted Boakcases, $2.99; nted Deaks, 512.88; Un- id Chesta, 516.88; Floar ing, wall ta wall, 25c per Smooth Top Continental complete with Head- reg. $89.50, Discount 554.00; Platform Rock- veiy frieze cavera, reg. ,Discount price 529.50. bhing in the store mc- B d. Wilson's Discount tre Store, 20 Churcb St., a. 32-1 Il 1 le5 L- - - ý- - > - - - " TEE C-46NADMN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVI=, ONTARIO PAOB TM e

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