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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1961, p. 11

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WEDNESDAV, AUG. %th, 1061 ~" lasifid &ds cy( LICENSED i" Work Wanted I NUrsing Home ii §EPTIC tanks clcaned sanitaryý way. W. Ward, Whitby, MOiSOUTH Haven Nursing Home Simr 8-2563. 24-10, -Accommodation for privatein re Ia n d semi-private patients, Thursd HEATING, Plumbing a n dl1 lounge TV. Fully ricensed, He wa Eavestroughing. Cali Gould new building, modern. Visitors with Heating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf we!come. Reasonable rates. crossbi BRIC4, Msnad çonc-retetPhone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf about worU,%himney , etc. L. Turn-l tre er. 1!. mporary residence, .r.oLograpJ y when Phone MA 3-5605. )3-tf ý broke, WATER wells dug by machine. PH T GR P Y thine Specialize i 30" concrete tule.lPortraits Passports tie Finished job $10 per foot. W., suiferE Ward, Whitby, MO 8-2563. : eddings Anniversarles was tr 24-10* a Specialty pital, to his JIerman Van De Beltl Astor Studio e GENERAL CONTRACTOR 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle bruisec Brick - Block - Concrete table andCapenrYPhone MA 3-2502 gated. and Capentry23-tf Clifi NEW WORK and REPAIRS Street PHONE Co 3-2282, HAMPTON underi ___ __ __ __YELVERTON rto B U L LDOZIN G A ND 10:40 EXCAVATING Yelverton hamlet took on adrivin festive air on Thursday morn- Road. Newv John Deere Equipmnfling as most of the community ditch and a number from adjacent At Robert Strong centres gathered to witness Mauri 1temoving of our White tha S' Phone Blackstock 104R ColectIChurch On the Hill te its newv drivin _______ 29-20; location. Scheduled to take f ron t -- - ý place at 9 a.m. sharp, due to swî-pe the belated appearance of the 0f iU Plaserin Repirs hydro servicemen who were parke QUICK SERVICE ipolitely jeered for their tardi- Kruid STUCCO AND NEW WORK ne ss, the rnoving was post- Kenni poned for more than oelle ng. R. L. TAFT hour.In attendance were re: an 54 King St. E. MA 3.5030 phone companies servin*g this Mis 16-tflarea, H.E.P.C., a few vener- bck __________ - able citizens of the comniuni- les W ' who viewed the transition conti ARENDS wt a sentimental nostalgia, way children who considered the Highý E LECTRIC MOTORS occasion an unexpected field wvhicf REPAIRS and REwINDING to day, and the balance accept- invesl ai your Electrical Equipment ing the situation as it was- Howa Sales & Service MA 3-_3058 with progress inevitable, and was 43 Third St. Bowmanviile a few local mutts, some of acret 19 fwhom were four-legged. Tv The progress of the churchi daymY wvas watched with interest daylý M OUNTJOY !and awe. Two iron girders BACKHOE SERVICE the builng were sutained drivir TRENCHES - DRAINS timber resting on the swîvel Con'l FOUNDATION AND of a tractor trailer truck and weûl SETCTANKS at the rear by dollies (truck Joi SEPICwheels with short axles bujît Perrý DUG AND BACKFILLED to fit the girders) - a real o canine's delight with oodles si I van Mounij OY ofwheels requiring their co-H BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 4 was halted only long enough teh 25-tf te remove the necessary hydro Maxv ______ -_ ___and telephone wires, some cut, accud others were pulled over its had. To vîew this queer look- Whiiewashing Stables ing contraption heading down AND DSINFETING the 7A highway squeezing its jANDIINFCTNQ forty-five by Ïhirty foot di- . - pig ensions between obstruc- hi S m rgtoens, like some préhistoric o- ~en TaksmOnster baek from the iceo V r'eic ak age, to glide quietly into its 20b new site and then reversed to bak onto the foundationina B ERT TO PKINS ting for its arrivai was NEWTONVILLE fascinating. Many atternpts prsi Phone Clarke 4721 i were made to capture pic-th1 24-tf torially the transition of this tr building of centennlal vintage. toan Rev. R. R. and Mrs. BOn- Port TV TOWERS steel and famly were present An Aerlals and Rotors at this occasion. It was a plea- Inst« Repairs to Aerials sure te see Rev. and Mrs. ceptE and Rotors Bonsteel once more while they Mi 05S i A W A T V are on holiday in the vicinity. leadt Supply Ltd. Plans are being made for e grair RA 8-8180 1 Grand Opening of the new mott F Bili and Bob Leask School on Tuesday, Aug. 22, hea at 7 p.m. Mr. Alex Carruthers, the 8-tf M.L.A., will be present as by3 _______guest speaker and to officiate abse. at the opening function. The Ford ladies of the communi'ty will read srve tea and crumpets or Livb DY i IK~scme other substitutes. Alet DYKST A"S atepayers of this school sec- Varý ton and any interested folk intrc UN * V t its confines are cor- Oslie VAN E Y ially invited to attend what, T.E AR. T. feornu at least, is a*n auspi- a f cious occasion. Furbher ccn- Aft FO U Sfirmation will lie provided in the a later issue. orde [ Phone? MA 3-3541 Mr. Lloyd Wilson is whiling fresl _______________ away his holidays as an em- gO ployee of the T. Eaton Co. o! in Fresh, Hoimenade Oshawa prier te school Open- M PORK AUSAG ýsonsrecently enjoyed a - wee I5I'~~ end with the Archers at Co-th urga-l Brghtn.Mav he VnceWilon. inTor- 1crfI K AN or PREN onto. Marguerite was on va- iI cation with the Sydney Cooks 'lhu tis89C at their cottage at Bolsover. m 2 tins Yelverton Communlty Pic- me, __________________I icisscheduled for th .is Sat- and PILLSBURY urdav, Augu&t 12th, in Cart- Ot wright Community Park. The Flc3 CAKE MIX Murray malcolmas, David Wil-th sons and Olarence Pages are M i the cornmittee in charge. Wri 3 pks. *0 We note with consternation Bro GolenGloy week's Statesman to the Dairy wii Pie 1pl 'îc Queen Contestants Of Other and counties but not a word or a Dev 48 oz. Tin picture of our own county's m comely contestant in this com- Por petition-Misa Janice Timms, Kei I cdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gen.Ma 2 9c________ Timn,.s of Lifford. A trip back day FRSHto Manvers for such a projeot Wil FRESH should be good Mr the circu-IV C O N ation-shouldn't hurt the pa- Mm Sympatlhv is extended to, wil eifýjIY4 9cdoz. the- fan;,," of the late r.c] THE CANADIA'N STATESMAN, clisi Hurt 1 MI 'PAGE ELEVEN BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Right Side Up ln Hamptoi rks Break 1 ith 2 Aboard! nmy Kolopper, age 13, was1 ed in an accident last sday on the Middle Road. fas riding a bicycle north Glen Burgess on the bar. They had proceeded t30 feet from Scugog ýon the Middle Road ithe forks of the bicycle eand both boys were vn onto the road. light concussion was sus- I by Kolopper and he aiso 'ed a jaw injucy. He treated in Memorial Hos- and was able to return is home on Saturday a!- Sn. Burgess only receiv- mincir lacerations and ;s in the accident. Cons- Lewis Phillips investi- Jford Brannigan, 206 King >tEast, who recently rwent a gali bladder op- on, took a weak speli at a.m. on Thursday while ig bis car on Jackman's 1.His car went into the isouth of the town dump. 15:23 p.m. Thursday, rice Kennedy, 29 Kawar- Street, Peterborough, was ing east on Bowmanvill&s tstreet when he side- )d a car parked in front 12 King Street East. The ied car is owned by Jans ihoe. Police charged Mc. - îedy wi-th impaired dciv- He will appear in Bow-Y xille Magstrate's Court on sday, August 29th. iss Mary F. Wagner, Eto- le, received mninor injur- when her car went out of rol last Thursday on High-- Rudolph Urgacs, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, an employe 1401, haîf a mile east 0f' had a rxarrow escape fcom injury or death last Wednesd hway 115. This accident eh happened at 3 p.m. was bound car lef t the road, missed a culvert railing just sc ýtigated by C on s t a b 1 e plunged into the creek below where it sat sideways witl ard Wighit. O.P.P. There Other than a shaking Up and a bail scare, Urgacs sut approximately $800 dam- Bowr-nanville detachment of the OPP investigated.__ to Miss Wagner's car. i- wo cars sustained minor iages in a collision on Fri- near Kendal. The drivers ITe Moo lved wece James Francis - arron, R. R. 1 Orono, and ing a car owned by lýis.!r.Rihrs er, Fred Foster, Kendal.,. James r EEihrs stable P. C. Harte-Max-: 1O.P.P., investigated. î Dhn Edward Wallace, Port' y, lost control of his car;1 McI. and Mis. Fred Eagel 'and Gavin visited lbis mnothei', Pan 7A in Cartwright Town - enjed a motor tr' p hast week Mrs. F. E. Rhodes enroute loi )on Saturday at 5:05 p.m to Picton and Gananoque dis- fromn Gagetown, New Bruns- Mi received minor injuries trict.1 wick, to his new posting at there was some damagei MVrs. Madison lait, Mr. and Regina, Saskatchewan. Cc bis car. Constable Harle- Mrs. Frank ýArdron and son Mrs. John Morris visited liechia well also investigated this Allan visitcd Mr. and Mrs. cousins Miss Laura Morton foi ient. Madison Ardncxn and son Jef- and Mc. Thomas Morton, Be- w( _____ try Allan of Welland ai thany last week. Mi Iheh, cottage near Minden last Mr'. and Mcs. Lien Pearý, bl, lLC ST C hursday. !Linda and Alan visited Mr'. vi; MVrs. Edna Ax-erv or St.iand Mrs. Ken McQuarrie and W le Women's Institute lield'Thomas returned home on family of Bowmanville at cr August meeting at the Saturday trom spending a Beaver Lake. sp nunity Park, Caesarea, week ivith her brother Mr. Mr. Clarence AllUn visited lie Weednegday afternoon with Normian Kennedy, Mrs. Ken- his sister Miss Laura Allin ac ladies and eight children nedy and son Wayne. in Oshawa on Tuesday. m attendance. Mrs. Percy Morgan and Mc an.d Mrs. Harry Gcady leeting opened with the Mrs. F. Bennett of Perth are and sons. Port Arthur visited lie sident presiding by the visiting friends in T'oronto Mcs. Earl Grady and Mrs. T. (il Dand Collect, followed by ihis week. Wilson last week. P introduction o! soqne visi- Miss Elenor Ilcard of Ennis- MMc. and Mrs. Russell i Gxmb- 3 and the business. Mcs. S. killen a graduate o! Peter- lett, Maple Gcove, visited Mr. i Camp gave the report of borough Teachers' College and Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl on F *t Perry hospital meeting. will join Ilie Orono Public Sunday. invitation to visit Solina School staff in September a nd Mr. Harold Dean lias heen tute on Sept. l4th was ac- will teach grades 2 and 1. ill at bis home the past month. .ed. Mrs. J H. Swain, Toron'to, Mr'. and Mrs. E. Rainey, Mr. Eirs. Dalton Dorcell, group visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Wm. Hoar spent the der, presided for the pro- Webber. long holiday weekend at a i'ime. nhe neply ta the Mir. and MVrs. Luther Barra- cottage ait View Lake. tto, Industry keeps the body bal[ spent hast week with Mr. iMr. and Mrs. Alan C. Beau- ithy, the mind cean, and and Mrs. Syd Barrabali andichamrp and son Hugh are hohi- p -urse full, was prepared family ai Caesarea. Ildaying at Lake St. Peter this Mns. H. Bailey and in hec Lieutenant Neil Campbel week. mce was nead by Mrs. R. Rhodes, Mî's. Rhodes, CathY Mc. and Mrs. Ross Taylor rd. Nancy Dorrell gave a iing, The Cost o! High Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmner A L R V iing; and the Cucrent Ev-ad boys. A L GR V ýwere given by Mrs. Percy Mrs. A. Richie, Miss Fe ii îCamp. Mrs. Dorrell now Richie, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.l Mr. Jack Ashton. Toronito, roduced Mrs. W. Ornîiston, Fred Motton, Kenneth, Robertl1was a weekend guest with bis hawa, and hec friend, Mrs. and David, Willowdale, spent brothec-in-law and sister, Mc. Baker. Solina. who put on the weekend with Mr. and and Mcs. Clifford Swallow. fie plastic demonstration. Mrs. Lloyd Beacock and boys. Mr. and Mcs. De] Hendsbee ter all had a chance tai vieiv Kenneth rcmaincd foc a week. an d family and bier mother, Sproducts and give their Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright Mrs. O'neil, called on Mcs. les, lunch o! bot dogs and and family. Mrs. Ccil Hill Harold O'neil at Camp Borden ýhie was served by the and Mr.EBil Ferguson visited on Sunday. uip- Meeting closed by t;ing- Mr. and Mc. Noci Morton and Mrs. Eugene Dobbs. Diane rThe Queen. David, Oshawa, on Sunday and Bobby, spent last week Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mac- and brought Mr. Roy Fcrguson with Mr. and Mî's. Robert -and boys retucned last home. Roy had spent the Carpenter in Toronto. ek: from a pleasant trip to weckcnd thcrc. following sutr-i West oast geryat Tornhil. ' Mri'anA Mrs, Cccil iwîio, e on Williams' Point. Glad to report Mr1s. Lewn; Mî'. G. Gag9e and Miss lors Mr. and Mrs. George Ruth-iSwainis ,, home from Oshawýa!Ga-ge. Oshawa, called On Mr.1 ford and Allan, Oshawa, hospital and ronvalescing fai,-'axud Mr. Jim Laverty andi ited Mcs. George Fowlec ocahlv.1 family on Monday evening.1 iursday. Congx'atulationg tb Mr. ','d, Miss LYnda. Martin lias r- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lai'-! Mcs. Thos. Hodge who cre-, iturned home aftec holiday5 ati r spent last week with Mr. Ibcated their 2,51h w%,eddiing an- Uxbridge with Mr. and Mcs.l Id Mns. T. Stcang and boys, 1iv\ersary Friday. . AI Christie and Miss Darîecri 1awa. Rev. and Ms. 1P. florîl iisie Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. and Dennii returned homej Mr. aixd Mrs. Lloyd-Sov oyd, Lynda and Bob spent Saturda ' from a pîcasant fvisitide and Betty Lou vsited Mr. eweekend in Tillsonburg. with friends in England anidn Mlisses I.orna and L oijs GuccnseN., and Mirs. Garcy Pettit at a right visîted Miss Eva Mrs. Jack Webb ani fainilv. cottage on Balsam Lake last .wn, Hamilton, wcek. Oakville. spent last weck with week. Mr. and Mcs. Pettit M4arilyn and Jim, Archer, her Darents. Mr. and Mrs.isoonit a weck's holidays there. ùhitby, spent the weekend Lewis Henry. and Mr. Webb' Mr. and Mcs. Ted Hoar, th their gcandpanents, Mc. was down foc the weckend. Dianne and Leeann visitýed id Mms. W. Archer and Mc. Tuesday Mcs. Mecrîll Henrvý Mrs. Ed. Hoar at Newcastle cver. and family, Bowm an v li 1 on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Wright, visited the Henrys. Thucsdayl Mr. and Mcs. E. Wihlidal )rt Perry, Mn. and Mrs. Mms. Webb and family andjand famiiy were Sunday ith Wright, Jimmie and Mrs. Hencyv visited, the Mcc-1 guests of hec parents, Mc. and angaret, Oshawa, wece Sun- nIll Henrys, Bowmanville. ' Mns. Sarn Michael, Pickering. ty guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. P. Philp, Mc. and isKaren Dickson is visit- Il Fonder.Mrs. David Philp and Brad n er brother. -Mc. and Mcs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil HoImes, ley, Bay Ridges, Pickering, James Dickson at Graven- any and John, Windsor, were Sunday gueste o! Mr.!hurst. mt thcee days last weekian-i Mcc. Charles Smnith and Mcr. anxd Mcs. Tom Dicksoxî lh McI. and Mcs. John Bea- Olivr have x'cturnicd home aftcr a :k. 1Mr. Elnici Thrimpson, Mlca- nuotor trip to Orillia, Petawa- Miss Elaine Shensox, Toi- ford, is visiting friends in theýwa, Ottawa. Gravenhurst andj bto spent the weekend with!village. Omeme.-1 rMrs. Perey Morgan and son; Iot the congregation to join infý ire gave the alarmn. The Pot C reek :Roy spent a few days with a get-together with lunch in IHope lire briigade were soori .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bairstow the Sunday school where al on the spot but were too latte and family at their cottage at very pleasant Urne Nwas bpent tO save the barn, but wers Utterson last week. gettin.- acqauinted with the successful in saving the housa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker Rev. Freeman and family.' which at one time was threat. and family are spending a They were officially welcom- ened by flying embers. TheR month in England, where they ed on behaif of the four con-1 three children were taken tn will visit relatives and friends. gregations by Mr. K<en Sy-ineighbours' homes until dan- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell mons, Welcome, Mrs. Mac Ir- ger was over. The cause of returned home on Tuesday win. Zion, Mr. Percy Snell,ithe flire is a mystery at pre- after spending a wveek with Wesleyville, and Mr. Fred Mr-lsent. lhere being no hydro i% Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer Conneil, Morrish, to whichithe barn. The season's hay is and sons, St. Macys and a the Rev. gentleman replied. a total loss. wee atEmiy PrkPigonassucing us that hie and Ms wee atEmiy PrkPigonFreemnan vould trMv to carryl Lae.on the goo>d wock of theic pre-'ý "FOR QUALITY CARS" Mrs. James BaIl, Mr. andi decessors, and with ail work- Mcs. Lei- Pears, Linda and ing together wvou1d result in - SEH Alan visited Mr. and Mcs. R. many happy successful vears J. Pears in Orillia on Sunday. for Welcome ch~arge.M c U E Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tennant Beoe eartngUheRv and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Freemant ex- Jaci:Barsow ndfail a ýpesedthirgratitude for the M T their cottage at Utterson, near improvements in the parson-ý M T R SALES Huntsvlle. age, especially the well stock- Mrs. J. C. Game.\ with lier ed pantry and fridge. A short' Earl McQueen, Pres. sistr Ms. . Rperof or-closing prayer and final hand-! 219 KING ST. E. onto are holidaying at Cape shake concluded a v'ery plea- B W ANIL Cod. ~~~sant evening. OMNIL Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGill Regular Sunlday niorning, (Immedlately West of and daughter Heather -visited wocship service was held at Brewers' Retail Store) his parents Mr. and Vr.. 10 August 6th. ThisMA -35 McGill at their cottage at Sev- wMAte ev3R.M.3re5n6 enRiver. f irst service as pastor o! Wel-' hvoe Congratulations Io Mr. and corne charge and a better thn-16 hvoe Mrs. G. Douglas Gamsby, the average number were present. SAIN AO former Miss Barbara Jean The choir members being on S ATO mAGON Bathgate, on their marriage, hoida, Mss aryaBeket Saturday, August 51h, 1961 at accompanied the org anist, Mrs. Custom Radio - Ont awner Trinity United Church, BOw ee MHlo paodr Top condition manville. ing the singing of hyrnns, and' Mr-. Kenneth James Hamm, Miss Joan Marvin sang es a 1960 Poniac - Oshawa, son of Mr. Harry solo a favorite hymn -If love, Hamm passed away suddenly to tell the Story". This was' 4-DR. SEDAN e on Aug. 3rd. Funeral was on Monday. Interment Orono much appreciated. Mrs. Wil-1 Ciistoin Radio - Whitewall Cemetery. liam MCHOIm supplied and Tires - A-1 Condition Mr. and Mrs. Gordon~ Cotter arrangedi the flowers for this, 15 hvoe and Vici, attended the Cotter- 15 hvoe Isaac wedding in Bethesda There was a special child- -R ST IO WA N North. United Church, Har- ren's hymn -Can a little child2-R ST IO WA N wood on July lSth. like me," and prayer, during, Two-tone Painit Mr. and Mrs. Dane Foun-d which al] childiren presentý A-1 condition ýe of H-ampton Abbatoir, were on holidays this week. were asked to stand., fayeveing Hi noth- Mr.and Mrs. Dean Hodg- The sermon was o! aninh- 1956 Volks wagon La eenng Hs orh-son', Bowmanville, Mc. and troductory nature, the Rev. R. Exceptionally good condition uth of Hampton and Mrs. Frank Werry. Tyrone, M. Freeman taking for a text, ithe motor stili running. visited Mc. and Mrs. D. G. "Behold, 1~ bring yo155 hevole Uered o serius injry. Hoper. tidings", tetheme ofwhich 15 hvoe fere noserousinjry.Hooer. - -was (1) God's Love for us, 4..DR. DELUXE ___ ___(2) God's Help for us when'l STATION WAGON ___Mfl"RTIH asked for, and (3) Workîng Low Mileage .LJUJLLAJÂ i with God and for God in unit3r Locally Owned with His will at all times.V8Atmai On Tuesday, August lst, the Sunday School as usual, Mr.V-8CustomRadio Induction of the Rev. R. M. Gereuasests - on Rdion 4 e W S Freema:, M.A., B.D., tb W:l- etcndtTctin ee ws, I 195 contion corne charge was held at 8 aavg ten, coucini :ditor 'Church. A large nurnber were hrs George Harness, dau- 2B ADO on this charge. The first part youngest son, and Miss 01a 1 5-cyl. Automatie d children, Ottawa, spent thue of this service was conduoted Harness motored to Mamitobai Locally owned ng weekend with Mr. and bY the Rev. McCullume, the to visit friends at Sekirk, UL, Custom Radio s. Chas, Taylor. Induction service by the Rev. Gladstone and othcnr points PoN -' teering and B3rakes W./. ndMr. SewrtF.Lackey o! Warkworth. west. Word o! arrivai in good 4 i condition wanC and s DougartvF. The service opened with turne was received by Mr. Wvr3 te vea aeund o nogaa afte prayer and hymn 164, '-The George Harness. They plan IoOvr3ote makes and ur years in Europe. Last Church's One Foundation",sa bu he ek.mdl rm15 p ek visited hiec brother Mc. scripture reading and short Mrs. M. J. Osborne and rold Cobbledick, Mrs. Cob- sermon taken frorn St. Mat- Mrs. D. Haines spent several CONTACT: edick and famiîy enroute to thew 26 and part of verse 46, days with friends last week Er cue sit W/C. Cowan's mother in 'Rise, let us be going". in Port Credit. Er cue innipeg. During the singing of hymn Miss Minnie Beckett is visit- Weldon Brown Mis An Bst Tronois233 "Thou who did'st sancti- ng lher sister, Mrs. Mary Jim Crombie MissAnnBes, Toont, jfy" the Rev. R. M. Freeman Sixnpson, Toronto. )ending a few weeks withiwas conducted to the front of Mrs. William McHolmn wa.s Jack Rickard r parents Mc. and Mrs. Hor- the church by Mc. Gordon dinner guest of Mrs. Hazel, ae e Bstaftr ttedig Sm-Kellogg and Mn. Fred McCon- Cornis'h, Port Hope, on Sun- er School in Toronto.1 nelà. Then followed the solemn day, August 6th. **s Mcs. J. E. Richards visited service of Induction whîch The sincere sympathy o! thisi Our shop Is now cqulpped cr cousins Mc. and Mcs. Ce- concluded with hymn 236, district is extended to Mr. and to hanifie ALL TYPES 0F ]G:' Pelch,' John and Bruce, "Pour out Thy Spirit rmonMs Donald Bebee in the un- REPAIRS by lcensed me- ct Credît, last Thursday. high,"1 and prayer w;ithobene- .fortunate buring o! their barn chanlcs to assure you of top Mc. and Mrs. Don Myles diction by the newly inducted and contents in the early qualit.y workmanshlp at d family, Bowmanville; Mrs. pastor. morning hours of Sunday. A reasonable rates. .Bennett, Perth; Mr. and i An invitation was extendedý passerby rotcing -the glow o! ARE YOD HOUSE HUNTIM' BEFORE YOU BUY inspeci the homes bulit by OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. at beautif ut Pci4ka C4ectcend ~~YY A ~I7 & ITfIflTh 13111111 il naI' p.~11V1Y~PJ. PARK WAY CRESCENT Sal-ceaiMGff N.H.A. APPROVED LOTS *Fullv Serviced with: *Sanitary Sewers N Storm Sewers Li* Paved Road ta be completed W E later. s m We invite your inspection R. C. CHURCFI check with us or contact Peter HIGHWY No 401Kowal, Jr., Real Estate, aur exclus- M..Im ..».ýive Bawmanville agent. Situated five minutes drive irom town shopping area and iew minutes drive to bectutiful Lake Ontario. YOU MAY CHOOSE FROM OUR HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION - OR - WE WILL GLADLY BUILD FROM YOUR OWN PLANS Mortgages Arranged Easy Monthly Payments Oshcawa Wood Products Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - MA 3.2130 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Main Office and Showroonl COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ~1 __ P r "I m a n m nQlzrxAwzâk wtlnlrb PRODUCTS OSHAWA VvuqjjLp--r PRODUCTS_

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