Il -'- - - -.----- - -. -.. - - - -- .--*.**-,----*.. -'----r'- '--- ------'-, ~ -.~ ~~flNESDAY.AITG ~ 1~, TT~ tA~ANM.~ ~!AT~SMA~?, ~ Retiring Inspector Honored by School Board KENDAL on(» of ithem. Titrougitooi rlite x lirt e Rkkard Familles chidren played otat i )d gantes, rail sontei-ai-esaî ioarlied ont-' nexx- gane Si i - Hold Annual Picnic xas picked as' tte best %ate xxsdy as a big day for- the Newcaste-More tirait une ary-Citaî'otte Rickardý \Man-' childreii xx'ien thex xx Cul nton hundred desceîtdents of te accotent Conîmîttee - Glen 'a Nature Soudx' v k-e. AIter Rickard faniily ga îI-ered iin and Jeant Alîin, iniifrediretuî'ning Iotrite park tue'l Waltoiia Park' on Saturda., W--'. Iartorie Cien'ence. 1 made pichui'es oh rite djfterc'iî July 29th. for thier anîtoal pic- Ted antd Helen Boxton, Head- kînds of IcaVes. 'l'ite Nati' flic and famiiy reuitioni The. iey aîîd Etta Bickle and Jack Studyý was tollowxed by a liv- President, Exx'aî'h Clernence aînd Jean Hointes. ely xiitg-sOng. and iis wife were ()it banni to Bcoendat Once ag-aiiu. ounI ritaac regstr ac ncni-r ax- t pteythe childreiî al %tirkeci liard arrve an pcscîlitntv.itî o or a p'g-r fsports and practrsimg foi op(-'1 ou1 e a naine tag. stpc toilt co ichtxad and hscommit- latter x'tcîthe chidren cci- Doring Ir~~~~~~~eith the followiîîg results;.o'eaScvtgrHîî.Tc- president spoke bî'îefîy aîd Çîildren 8 yer ndudr were divided Mi i t'0 gittri p.- the vice presideîît Kein S"'- Rc wî yeran Rcd n - with Angela Citard*s groLîp Mons presenteci .-peciaî plruze-- a acrawonbl 9-1i bos-r a-provinlg 10 be the best sa to the folloxing-Tlte oidest - 1 eng2rs. coupe. M. aîd Nrs. F sure Trove anîd Race both won 'iusiyx- a ics Rickard witli a cominitclage lsDa ick-Gedrs: 9-11 Grs son about Ouir SpcCial cveil1. of 140 years; iIr. aînd Mis. so ik-Snr ikr:foir Friday. It xvas decided ho Headly Bicklc. the coupleinur Race-Margaret Werry: 12-14.bold a TalentilSîoxx&,xvit cadi rieci the iongcst: Mr. antd Nîrs. ""-lBos-6-legged race- George -chilci dressed t0 represent a Ken Symons *lhe rnox rec'eîtî Riekard and Peter Werry;lmovie star. Afci' lte plans bride andgoot:TeJh foot race- Raiph Riekard; bad been forntuiated toir i"rî Rickard fami;il iii-s t iyGîl 21-Bi'd H i-day, '1se bad a iîutiy ucuuîhst - on the grounda: Naîtcv Allin i Betb Pwell5ace Frances ,ed bail gante. Nax-y euuîrgitg the youngecshclild: Doit 5' R icu ard: 15 aidup, Bos-J victorious roverî'Ariîîy by a Trions, the farnily triavell'oi-Longe hei score of 18 ho 16. the fartbest. iNrs. tavPoel nunI;Race-David Rickard; 15 1Th pcaevrlo te the lady with the largetfot and over, Girls- Wolf Hunt-!week, the Amteuri ittur. guit Ms.Sat ox'c l lIot: e Thi.JxAîlinOpe- Distance Mr. Men- Dax'iri Riellarde off t a xxoidei'ful sint. largest fanîily andlMr Wal- Nail Hammritg Men- Bend;RickRcy Nelsoin Tiry Wall- ter'Rickai'd. the oldest peison loilRiard; onen-MBe-l :'acecarne <tut on stage si- present. îng. "You are te oiîY orle After supper a special grel Goode: Bowling. Women- iRita Hayworth (MVadciite Rcîs- ing card signed by ail presen1i of tty Allun. Guessing the tinte1 seau> sang a soîîg xvîiî- icr was sent ho the Rex'. R of siurise (6.04 DST lied withJ siçter, Helen danced. B'eitda Rickard wxho xxas unable o Pearl Pearce and Sadie Mc-ý Lee (Arleite 1ay Mniirol antd be prescrnt because cî ilîc .Ba inieacb g oessing 1 miîiute EstIier Wiliamîs (MNary ia' As a result of te repor't lt .taPater'son) did a ballet miutbei- oif the uonîiating coînmittec. A turnîber otf people <ront- toilowed by Red Skeitoîî the following offcrs ,vere t'einrih oit the oiiginality of! (Cindy Gai'rod) wcio toid sîtuttu electcd for the îîext yevaî: Pre- the firne sports progrant andijokes. Shirley Temple i(Chtar- sident-- Ken Svmnts: Vicelevci'yoîi e erned tb enioy a lotte Mary Bî'eretoîî ixx'lo -e- President-Bil Alliîîî.Seccet-vxer 1 epcncac euin .citeci a pueentitiled 'T\veetx"' ___________________________________________________ xas folloxved by i5tai-ivn iMlun- ro (Karein Lee Park-er) xxiîî sang a solo. Sanîdra Dee (Ka- il,\' Wallace) also sang. The irners of the talent S> J-'eisona (Karenî Lee Park-er) xoîftrsi S oci»a, arid prize fou' the bcst dresscd -movie star. Afîci' the stage show there was a three le-ged Mrs..Jack Wade î'etuînîd i-tvMi's. I. C. Matliews andi farn- race xxhich xvas wxoni by Ti- air last week afîci' speiîdiitg iii' un Trientoni. mv Wallace aîtd ArIeite 2Max 2 montits itli heu- parenits, Mn. anid Mrs. Or'val Stiîî lMiiiio arnd a reiax- rat-e xxoî Mr. andi Mrs. J. S. Txvced at soit aîd famîly of Cbesieî' by Karenî Lee Parkrs teturu. Birchington Kenît, Eniglandc. xvei'a xeekeitd xisihoi'S with i As an added attractiontlfor The Rev. artdi Mrs. H. Bridi-' Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Air. the Open House, Shirley Terri of A'iston visited for' a day andi Mrs. Albert Pearce and'. pie, Sandra Dec anîd Rickx k - tek whl Mr aîd rs.- faitt'1y. Mrs. H. R. Pe-arce Neisoii wiil be feaîrîred. ,tJ5 RicI-ard andi Mr, a i d rctur'ctd vihh tteuti for a'- Siarn'a anîd Ixxoiîld liuke lui 1-. e orge Allun. . couple of weeks holiday iii ýtiar'k- Mîis. 'Torin Wallace fuir Mi.StailBoweit ic'ft lixai Ciiaie. -donttng the priîýes andlMiss- l st Thrlisicavfor a visît xx'th :-etsltth ilg fes Rosentar>' and StellaNiI reltÀe u Ne Wetrîrttcr lr. Wayne Mcgit xvll be rev.'rzfor îudgingoutrAita- British Clumnbia. Io icaro tîtat lie is a patieinî eur' Hoor. The childreii wei'0 Mr. aci Ms. Wlliat M in .emorial Hospital in Boxv-iaIl s50 xý-'gnod it nacle tite Eacer spît a lex' ay marîvilie. ljucies task mosi difficnuit iii- last xveck visiting witit M. ed and Mca. Geor-ge Aluin aînd Mi'. aîtd Mr's. Regînald i ---- caughter Hellen. WÀoodlIams of Toronto wcre - Mr. arîd Mî's. Roger' Agitex xxeekend guests with heu' And daughtcr Rhouîda and Mîs. 1noîher, Mî's. NormainSai C.J.Agte atd daniphter and 1\Mn. Leslie Allin and rs. o ld iToken Cathy of Port Coîborntec'e 1'reri CoucliSr. .SuMi'. aiicl wit Mr. a M rîd 1VIs. Ni,,in Marta -Tu rn s 1.1 in~ Mrs. Gordoni Agrtex. aitd fanîilv n Mrs. Annta Mr. ad rîc is. Eric A. Farci-. Mai-ina of Toronto were Wed- ade ley of Ottawa mlerc. Suridax' -iîîesday visitors w'i.M. arlîci g2uests xitlî Mr. artd Mu's. C.iM/rs. Charles Megit. ar e ]Reg. Lovekin. Mir. andi Mrs. P. F. Hfaroý Mr. andi Mrs. D. E. Berînardi speîtt Suîday in Brighton anîd;- IJwcasle .- Wiîilp xcni-k-ig and Terry and Mr. anîd Mrs. Trcnton. in hi ls gardeut ai ilue i-car ou D. M. Ber-nard accompaîîied Mr. aîîd Mr's. Robert wili tle coiii-t.iiituiv hall e'etl by Mr. and Mrs. Ivix-on Mon- iamns and fai-nily of Oshawa Mr. Jack Noden carne ac'rosr day oif Bowmanville were xx'cîc Stindayý, visitors with Mr-.Irwitat looked 11k-e atc'îc Sunday guests wihh Mt'. arîd and Mrs. Chas. Megit. Irive ccett coin brt Ontciîîsen cxantîuîatiouî turned nuit bIt e I ~a twenty rive ccitt tolieiiprithi I ~the geuteral stor'e or' .os. Coril- I S soit. 'Thetokeit xxas sliglitîî SR ecreation .A ctivities lar'gr tait a txveiiix'fci-cutin piece and vas pruutienl "Guod Swimmiig ('lais il levels in the Red Cross Ifor' 25 cents lut Tradte. os Acco'din b Ite oilovuug -o-'es antd possible Ro\ ah Coulsori, Newxcast le. report by Davidi Milne the .Life Savirîg also.' Accor'ding b onîri-iitfitnta- swimming instruchor', tefirstit Lov eivdaugl Ic' of lC. R adoît swimiînrng class it Newx- Lvkndagie ofJs castle bas proved qciit.csanc- 1PLAYGROtl'NDr REPORT Couison. lier' ralliîe'er-a"tenl cessful. In tite "Lcuuriiii tri 1Y Donna Ferguson t he gei'rai store'conth(,icoctr- Swinî 'class six iladies iltneto<f King atic Millii sreets. learlieci to swti iii in xcnî le-- h-'Plia tttiauîce atltflie plaiax'-%ov owxned hc Toms ýa înd Son'. sorts antdiaretoxu'eu-ci -,l ugioluidxxas dox'î tiis week .- Ltd., front 19012 toi1914. 'i '. learning how bo float oi t Ilir niaiutiy' because so maiv, fant-itItis olci tokeut. xwhich'lt nks backs. ilues xxere axvay on vacation. good as uîew bas hecîen ,Iallittug Weil have certainly been busyi-arourîc for- more tlitan5- cars There are also sex:ei ladresi- Ibis week for the chilciren, eudinguîgp iii a garieui. in te 'Junior" category xWho ' hav'e becru preparrng in earn- have masterec titeir side aria est foi, our "Open House", Rowx'ng H i stn rx' Necl front crawl strokes. Elcîtîcîi- xxiicht is bcing held iat tue!rHatiari, "lte niosit'reînxcîl ii ary back sîrokes have bccîî îaîk oui Saturiay rnoruîiug, oarsîîtaiî of aîîx age'.- ; ne taught arnddixîu xil li)uAt enttt 2tit alt euto'ciock-. tnîbeî'niw ti a nIiuii ieli' ncxt Ou titoagn-utcla I-tOf Onur arts aîtd créifts atit e Caîîad uauuNatiou. iih' An 4MTHE HOMMWIES 0F BOWNANVILLE AND DISTRICT*- ELNA SEWING MACHINES have opened a new Store and Service Depariment ai 165 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa WNe firi-lN bcieve %ou shotild oîily buy one SeNwing MNachine in a lifetine r'<u-4 iding ý unr buy a quality prodtîct. RICHARD STRAIN AND BERT SEVINK are it a positiontit lu <'xlaiti wby, if vou -%vil] drop in to THE BOWMANVILLE HOTEL ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 121h enytinic hct%%-eci 10 Et.ii and .5 p.nm. Ie hav e a rranged for a ('omplete Deutonsti tion and Dis- missioni regarcting Sewving Machines and General Sewving Pr'ohlcuis. .At this get-together we are arranging a Silent Auction so you may hus' a inarhine a t 3 niit' nxn prî<'c. 1Vou mnfot be nterested in huyîng a machine at thf present lime. hiit il iil hrt' o ur adva.inttac ,to tomne in and have a coffee -tý-ith your neighbours and %et what Ix aî'ailablp. If y-nu have a ewn Machine and wi.%h tn havei' t aers'içed. yoit ma." brin& il 'n Or Comr in ;Ind teIl Ili &bout IL. Sincereh' BERT SEVINK and RICHARD STRAIN, clo ELNA SEWING NMACHINES. 165 Sirnce St. 'S.. 'SHIAN'-X, oNT. ser'mon. vweil dlxpîp.Mr,. Wbiîtbu'ead rs the soit-în-iav otf Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (Doci Muidi'exv. Next Sundacthe àî. Farmers are meetinîg in Kendal for their Sondav service. Tebacco gi-ouceis xxere nîuch rclieved Io see lte î'aîîcoit doxx iSitidax-. The tobac'co bas -beîî groviîg xer-rapidix anîd the sunitx'dr-y xxeaher made it vît Mvaitvoflte growxer., I xere ii'rigaling iast week anîd sconîîhope 10 tarI primnîg. Wmr aryhacl ilwr The Kendal Pee Wees piac- liisl"Il i ne 10 fail and br-eak cd then rfirsi gaines itb the a hone amt hp ai-ni ait the xis. Orono Pee Wees in Orono l'fils raliher ýinplic-ates the M,ýolida ' vnight and wonî bY a Jook,'.tg aficr- of Mlr. Gearv 1.5-9 sýcore. That is a fine start uho ,'imscei hetter and enjo~ on lthe playoffs lads. Keep il xxhecI chair. IN-Ps. Reg Elliîoiî is home wI- \right is îsîi itg fiel from fthe boapita I and feel- diaUnli girNr.Lel FaI IS. Lenit ng filneagain. Witb bier. oxel- ancd faînil . Ille lolidlax*'v eekend xxere Wt ir. anîd Nirs. F. Sto- bler sîsters. Miss Clara Seens. kui-lot a fu- s Mi.-ZPet 'r borýougb aund Miss Mal.- A. Perec'iî f 1Tor0nto. ,ari*(.ËSecos Of Ottawa. Ross and rs.[)onflid.W as altOî home front Brock- NI~ ~ h ai N'.v.Do beisville. ltuîltcl'.x ufil tht '.S., called NuItRnh S dMutual Aid Fire M.antd NiA. I dLt Ile and Maantîli s.Puiit Si(a.\-\vda Ms e\- Demonstration Lit tle . âlr. alicid\Mis. ed Lt and p -amabe i Planned Aug. 17 1 r ad rs.PailMer, N"-_wcastie -A Distrit MlVu- Liwn'tîii.are bolîîdax-ng xxitt tuai 'id exercise îs pianed te. arents Ir a fMs.Fe or Newcastle on Tbltrsda\- Watt. -1.en e. Uatean u i-t i7th. b ' vIe Volul-: TNIîil. Fsellr. Wax venesca -d 0rF ire Departimelîts of the iroin a trip Io Port Arthur 9e T\I dsrcrie e- xvliî Iltlte\- ltad a holidaypirtilmelts xciii be represented clyand the niemibers of the Clarkc xxl t jlai chur Fos1fer. îMiss C ar- 'ox-, hi ooc,,h e et 01' \il Foste.-tltixhorne afier oicliaebn a xvtck s bol ia v. iii id to attend. MIr. and Nurs \Vîîi. Box-cianîd 'lli big feai are of the cxei- fionda. Torontto. calieci on cise wi il be the dernlonstratioo Bert Hottand SLiiida\-. of a îîevw comîpact fire truckl Thte It bairn daunceo f thiv and eqol pnieîi b'y Wilson anîd seî..ln xa'Ilhi-1Ici Sat1 oird a v cousi ns, Torontto. Limi ted. îîî"h t cili h a ai i gît tc sîîa lier Te'i'eux compact fi re trukj(I crix,,ci. is a.aid Io be ideai foir amali Attler hîîiititi p xxitii niiiiiîcipaiiies ca-rx*îing ail clîuîcs rr dilsii silice Kenda i equlliprnet lnecessar *v for fire- tronît si rcei. xxas hrcken 11p figit tîîg xcilibout going to the rpii~ e-'idenis \xcci- en~ese of puirchasing a large great iY pleaseci xx beon it xxas and costI Vtl rock. g -îia cra t i g of a'ïphali n p Ou r iniformîationt on tite bI i i îi(rnerIhiVas donc equ ,i puenlt is \'ei'\'siight, but xxe heu e c'cui.pnit uv«a,; iîe~axoiterete xiibe able PLI tig Itilie top)lin the Nexx- 10 sce t he eqtiipnent in aci ion, '"" (- i 'RoiliîdfritîtiSoith iOf in Itlexvillage on Atigust l7th, Carson' iîs l Io 1 Allen Foster . collirncliîcîîg ai 7:30 p. conr'anid on easi to licai, Cardc-ti Il ilto îicn-t lthaI put On lait xeLr. Nowx (cxxe xil haxvc. iti conpleied. ait ex- T R N cet lt-nil rad tIo hoth Bexx-dlcv anîd Vcti x l.\acationî Chu ch S c bo 'l Tîî vsq1îute a gtod xx-ÀuIlstact on Mondaxv, Aiuu ' It:I aout al gilIs'Soft bailigain,,t141,1. itb regist rationu ai. 8:45 Wciie>clax c-x-eniîig xv\-etn.,in the Tv rone CIILII(ch Bcîxxinanx île girls camte ouf Sunidax Schiool Rtoont. Sessionis for- 3 piacti c ganie. Aller thé- froiui à - i1i:45 arni., Mondax' - fi rst couple of rut ings Ille Fridac. for t wo wxeeks. There pitchurs aînd catibers exclian - xiii be foiri depairmciits' ged teamrs wxclîcl macle foi' iîKitciergarten 4 and v cea i-5. moriiliteresli i garne Ail Pi'i niai-\- 6-8 xearis. Juinioir 9- ,er'.tci iigctplcnIty efnci I x-crs, Intore-lat 12-14 ou' ietii of il. ca. SatLJ1Ii la-ýîlle' InOît Ilte Lea_ seAl-Star Baiaiîî iear caime cioxx-uIoipiav a dioble- heac'r xcii Kenitral ridg-ets. O T P O Thex- haný txx ognd clos-ti-ods iie 1donics . fl I lle tiisi. Ille A 1- -P aii' he od iie ,siac r noic IllHe scornrut in .]ii oui'towxnshîi p ias la ici(o tile i -tiitîii'.kx iboe' rost the DasI wveek. Mrs. Eliza- SK-11c11iî i ganother iilitIle Shit bell iox-i.xidoxx ofrlte lai, atn(! Ille 711. h.xIti le Kendal goi J a nie., Broxx-i. passed aa vacin' rini. inl te utliand 2 inii tehere' Ptlî'x-ear. Ijotil i-ecelillv 7î ii 'cn - t- lt tlieaeccitcîased bad resided nea 't gari' iînîtîigs iltIltle st-or- Lotuls. We aisct regret tb re- top xxas inIl le 3r.d iîîtîîg P0rt tite passiig of Mrs. AIex- xth-e bc' -Stars Poti Sand Waikcr (Vanda, Bradley)i or. Keitcai 4. fil the lii'st game B 1oxcranville. Deccased xvas a onte iiildal lad vc catuglii six-tei r <iMr. Keith Bradley a lnîtp Iigtt lfi-v. sai uIng b, aînd xvell kiioxx ) n nhte parils. a I)(", ti~i hadî lia kE'i re fuigelTo those xx'bo nîoîi we ex- iii is mi ti an(cc rceiited i te tcend oui'sir ah- pi api r '.ol idlThis \ il lage xxiii liold ils M, -. Ma r>1Y zu. Nii i's:4 Street Danre i n aItma-t Jan t" iloîtpsoît. Toi'oit 1. and '30i x ars On FridaY v e-ing. Ro'- NI-ce xpcii Siîîda 'vai Aiigu-ýt litl Ciii IliI iasI i Sntda c Miss A large number fron len-e I'n inni c u ed al ithe Mer- xcill he at Iendîîg lthe Derr-, r facutl- Da\- celebra t toin iLîndsac Oit NI. ii isAI i.ox ~ ati c .ig. I 2th - 'Thisis ali cI a ti Peter-hoi-ougb9. a xcix big parade w'itit Pre- itîlil~ceia fexc dax s iast <'opiories being present froîn xceek xiitrda t ix cx ltre. al] oxer Ontaio. easi alîd ivesi - :NIr. aîîci Mrs. G. Mleheaif aînd We exîeîîd cuir congraituila- faîttlx xx were Su iîdac gtlesist Slins toMr. and Mis. JocNme- xxiii NI. -andclMi-s. .Jack Nea I -Cou rîîîigl who celebia ted thiîci Ni ~ ~ a( r-B d aidDonn a Or GolCcitWcdi u Aniti ixersarv-x C'omiî ie s apttit JI Tiasdavcxx thii'iC.tlx-Friecis antdi neigit- fe iatntc.V s Bcl) 'OLîîtg- n'gai hered ai t heir ihomte '.~~.î - a rîtî i lu on Satu icdax ni gbt for a pre- Nil Poi -citi litaitd (lance. 'fo. iiiir ti nt ix Vpiic rSuii- J\ stlî uprecci-t lx-b'- wilId becs- laY x i ii tel](, îîîî' 0f hi clacd. a indxuas uider the rioctoi's Fr n' tgttî 'Fle sliOxx crS c-ar e kiîidlxfitelcd ioff for thitcn, i b ac thlicpleastiretif Sne- ttg sîtiie of Itle lx ,x pIad-, frnîît tlle,i .d(l (IorfArtI loxxSO IN ,Fil(:, iii ii I i< i ii5 a tic i i iti i ite joh ie ni, ii Planti met ii 'birscla *'v iig t, Ati. ari lonk afiti- tiO) i f tificii. 0-lit. n Itle Co niliiit.N- Hall* 'C P'c-c.Pt. C.Whi te jus;Progra rn s încItarige of lthe iii toît. Cou ubrs. etîJoxecîa îîotîtr trip Io Nor'hhern Oit- MrF' Addie Titk visitcd NIr. atnd N'his.Peex DexielIantd fatttilx \. i-aitîiptoît. Kexis tlio-k-adiux'uI)ci tii i xorkcdxi thiDiatip 'l'i nlu K ai-'et ut i. tu'Ptebt'r i hniiavedlast mwepk ai Mn. cudM'.(harles l'altgnitairli' z Tnntx' Lautgnaid spent a z xcek uxlili Mr anci M-r'. 0O 1,Ittn ani fani ix , Peterhor- Mn . atn(fI MrS. V"gt.iî Wl gin. M ijs ULian Hoar, Boxcnaux le. rýz. F. Monroe. Ottaxxý'a. x is'.ted Mn. and Mu's. E. R. 'Pax Ion., Tecldx 1La t t. Pcerbjoriug.'u q itolidax.'îg ibis xx eck ah Mnr. aid _M-luC. Laitg-niaid's. Sa Itc Larîgrnaid is x i tht leu cousliKarncîtLcutn, Peterbor- ocieW h.bis -week-. Mn., and MNrs. FrankW'est- ake-Jr. an'd fantilY atîended lite Cook- fami- lx- iennnion ait Cerlar Park-. Hanmpton. Mr' andi rs. Frantk- 'co<k- Si'san aid Frankue. Bowmni- Mr.e. înBull Cook. Mn1. .1. Conk anîd x' Lirîda Vernon. Rucbrnntd ill. cis'tpd NI r. antd Mis. Frank Wesîiake Ir. artd farnilx- Mr. afc N111- VFiank West- lake Tr. atitd family xisted ai 'Mn. ailidNr5. R. Land's. Bow- Miuiri NilS. P)FIi't'i p't-'i m'.'u1.erhpb"n1ir ;ai %.r. Ed Th'ie Bcîxx nille Puibi a Ic'ailîur ii uilir îaxelîuîg bag Sc-Iîoi Boaurd gaxe aci i'a i lii Ni r. MeNLi-e e c ..O muirk She FlC urg Diiic-ltuîaîîNîitor tuaî.c'cie nMNcExut liifor c- Hloux-i on 'luesniax ex t'-ut iiP.le auind uninisie ex ir-iuc-i Anîg. I at, niiioîtor of T. R. tu tt' briard ox-er' the 22 xî-ats McExx-cui.xxhîo retincd atwtte h, 'tari erxedias Puîblic Sciîcucl - cici of J uiî as Iuîspector 'If lîuspecîor itlit is ciistrict lue Puic b'Scitools. uffeced Ni r. 'VC-F:xx oit1 fle Oui beliai f ortIlle Pub t- huards bn-st xx-sies for- au iti - Scui lBoardi. ti î me rîtîu-immybî t rip by a un ilite \'i'st Norun ORoru kc pi'eseiid Coas. anîd iituuit ueui- ut eisu relx liiippiniess ou it s te - xx-er-e grîcsts of Mn. aund MNI'. 'i ler \u'xxas rcad aiIltle clin- Harx- Knuox anid astaoui Sunî- tuer frontt A. M'. -Tiîoîpsuîîî dayx ,suiprx sip Pî'inccia of thte NM'. aîîundîMs. Rae Pasr-îi" Boîx uuanîx- le Fuiblirc-iîîîîîis. atîc uil di-e xisied oui Sit 1 ir.'thompsuiu xie -c e- nuit xxit h titeA. Beexors aul p 1rfît Ihtifite maus axcax anuî -i Bi I I k-uces rîcarANi mdeii ciale tu teturm'.tu ho lînt-cui Alises Iýe1yl Iou a da lte diiîiir'r. lie xcrote of his .NIs.e Exeu-tu unî' kad a uipicciattutt ofî Mi-. N/r'Exit.ý aîîd DiaieTuin Puk- aîîd N'ius. W.Vfîîuîuislp Landi Nli ltlp lie hiai Parî'iuder' iîad a pîeax-uiuitt b'v Ccixmd frontittt brt ter' tie tri p ii0 the Tliciaiid 1inîuds xli n. lut as pig oulne Ii xxlh HamtptontIadiuns. M r. Nc Exx ui's xx ork. NIr. Air. anîdNiris. Keut Pasur' 'I'iunpsuîi sîtt'(d 1 ual bette lit aîîd cI iltr.B r î a lu a utt.xxi Il hibdi i x ' lxlte scItoIs)1, vAicid ati NIr. anidiM î'a.J. tfrontitNIr..\ir-Rxx citaa-t x Kniox%. iutittx- lui'.titan. Cýars. MIr. anid Ni ix. M'ýsW'tri Ficht i-chabuse tfronîî tlttho anîd fatîtu I vtsited N'r. a utA - it iarr-Dr. Chiarles Catir-ait, Mis. Liox-ri Meîcalf ai thi'r Mu-r iEvu. Dr. Ivait J. cuîtage. Ruie I.a k-e. N'utoî . Pauîl Chtaiiî m-- Ai'. atd Nirs. 'iCtit En- tutait O'Rouiikeî. titi- c-laiiiart xvards. Ltatoxxel. spont sex i a îîak-up tti'ep'suîytaîioru,anîdL daxs ahiMi'. J. Kx veli*s. Jack Lanicir Savory - 'I'ropi('al FIav'oir - No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2Ibs. 2.9C Nn . 1G ade -IKed -F n l of "r t'n n - ilg GRAPES 2 Ibs29c G~arden Fresh - No. 1 <Grac1l' - Size'!s CELERY 2 for 23c lgie )fltt - '. tNo. 1 (Grade APRICOTS S kRWBRRES 29c 1)AIRY I)ErAWI'"1ElN>r Black I)iamiond Old (oinrrd or WVhitp - Jini- pkz. CHEESE STICKS 41 c EXTRA A rTtal of $32,00 ini Bontis 'l'tupeg qt 29c SPECIAL 1961 MONARCH 2-Dr. Hardiop COMBINATION ()F'VIR pqWl ENERS Al,$10 1iîced -Tri bl,.Rrîie JIDE BACONFOR 1 o Slied- ibeRii B LO NA lb~ 8k, I 'F BRAND 5 BEEF STEAK ET TES ('11PPFD lb5 5 LEAN MINCED BEEF GROVDl' b3 9c nruranîî - r-2' s sue tin Sockeye Salmon 51C ]("\- 10 oz. jar' INSTANT COFFE'E 99C AlStarms, Corn i'ops, I"rostcd IFlakes, .Suga r S nrtutks CEREAL Kelloggs 2 for 49C SlfokcIN' Falîcy - 49< oz. tinq Tomato Juice TtE<'IVE FREF S6.00 IN BONIS TAPES w~ith Dog Food 3 WHITE SUG AR iii ' WAX PAPER 2 ~~ 01 (7 'h rhy KLEENEX 2 SHOP AND SAVE AT 2çor49c X2!.00 IN BONIS TAPES with Tulip Mar'garine : Minon Frrmen Mac. & Cheese 2 P%4X ronodn No i1 Gnro NEW POTATOES 11 S AUSAGE P'P'mn k 0 0 0 Bowmonville IGA& Market BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE ONTARIO a (-III 1k /Vfewco4le 9p2encpeod Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 ONOF TH4E EST PLACES TFIND A IfELPINO HAND IS AT THE END 0F YOUR < OWN ARM 1 Open Zetter'" C'ORDON BLEt' MEAT SPREAD O.viiied Meai Livar Sprecud :Iam, Veal Tonqu. H-am , Veal 6 Tomat(o H4am,. Veci & Chieken 3 oz. lins 4 f., 49c-. PAGE MrI