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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 8

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P A G E E T G T T H C A A T I A N S A T E M A N . B O W A N V L L E , O N T1~1 SPORTOpuCs ByFrank Mohun RA .lA 723~4 JUVENILES MEET NAPANEE Bowmanville's Western Tire Juveniles, lresh from winning the Lakeshore crown, will meet Napanee in the O.B.A. first round playoffs. The Juvenile "B" best-of-three * erles geta underway this Saturday in Napanee. Date of the return game is not officiai, but It appears almost certain that the second game will go at the Vincent Massey Park, next Wednesdn- - 'it (August 23rd) at 6 o'ciock. f + j+ t**1 Soccer Playoffs To-night IMillbrook If Zion continues to play in the playoffs as they did 7 Ties Series in thie regular season, which wound up Saturday, the senior. i n F n s e n e e t d S a o championship Is ail wrapped up. But anything can happeni in post season play, and despite Zion's undefeated season, the H ih P a s n ' other three contenders don't intend to give up. Bowman- O I P ' fl l I V CMîliook came from behiind viiie's Hoopers Jewellers completed their strongest seasonH o e rs J e wV V VIIa p u reVScod a 7-2 deficit to defeat Bowv- since rejoining the league, only losing one game ail year.1 r nanvilie Pearson's Smnoke Courtice meets Zion in one semi-final with fourth place MZon, perennial leaders in, when thev handed Courtice a ,victory Tyrone, B o w M a il- Senior Soceer Final Standings: Shop 10-7 in Miiibrook, Mon- Eamtonclahin wih te Jweler intheothr b..-.-t'he Darlington Soccer Leaguo, 2-0 setback. Tt was the best ville, mired in the ceîlar dur- G.P. W. L. T. Pts. !day fight, squariflg the best Haptn lshngwihth Jwhlrsinte thr et cf. id it again, edging Tyrone . n 12 9 0 of three ladies' ýsemii-final three affair.! 2-1 Wed.nesday night txo cli- regi.r season record posted ing the first haîf of the sea-1Z n 12 9 ,321softbaîî series at one wviin Ail games start at 7 o'ciock. The first team to reach max an undefeatdsasn'by fthe Jewellers, since they soli, posted a 2-0 shutout over Bow'viUe 12 7 1 i-1 .apiece. atd eso. 11Courtice 12 6 3 3 15, four points is the series' wxnner. Here is the playoff schedule,1 The front-runners won nine re-entereci the ioop, losing.Hmtn t eitrtei apo 2 4 - 2 Porossoe îgern which soccer enthusiasts would be wel-avsdoci u and tied three. Courtice shut-i only once while winning sev-1 fourth win in a row. [ampron 12 4 1 12 i terst twsoeinsinge rand ou ls pac olnai teen and tving four. Tyronel Enniskillen upset M a pieM. Grove 12 2 8 6 added five in the third to grabý for future reference. other mid-week attraction to was held to a 1-1 tie by MapleýGrove 5-2 to eut the fourthSoîù-na 12 1 9 2 4 a 7-2 bulge, but pitcher Ken- Wednesday, Aug. l6th-Hampton nt Bowmnanville. draw within a single point of Grove in the other Saturday placers lead over Bowman Jnir oce ;anins inecit-tos ' atohiti h Saurav Ag.19h-outie t . ~the runner-up siot. ecu4e.Iville to a singrle oin. 'li, *ýf f.. ipl". . ,-.-.:- PAGE EIGHT J Wednesday, August 23rd-Zion at Courtice. Laudy ngt omn nJuirato.Tuss is four teams wviJ1 bc in the ..W .T Pt. .picked utp thire n Ille thirdi ville Hooper's Jewellcrs wrap- aighit, Zion made it 12,playoffs. Solina dow.'ned Cour-ý'ZiOn 12 12 0l O 24 a~nd came uip with a big fivel Saturday. August 26th-Bowmanville at Hampton. lped up a second place finish istraight, by virtuie of a 4-11 tice 2-0 to dlinch second place. Solin a 12 9 2 1i 19 run raliy et their o\\ni in the Wednesday, August 3th-Courtice at Zion (if necessary) - - -------- Courtice 12 7 5 O 14 sixth to'take the %vin, Saudy et n-apo tBowmanville (if necessary) Me sS fb l Playoffs M. Grove 12 5 6 1i 1 la 4. Z.Bow'ville 12 5 7 0 Il)! Mibrook turned ioosea t tHampton 12 3 9 0 6 . 7-hit attauk. paced by lie, MIDGETS STOPPED BY FINANCES? Tyoe 1 !adGthi ii 1e ge Laesor fnaissar rad o ie e ~ o r e ' ~ e iii 1f En'skillen 12 3 9 0 (3' apiece. T-elcn Panas and hr Playoffs ln the senior lea- 1 lyIrckwe'th ko advance into the O.B.A. playoffs against opposition unknownF u e e r Cm e Flimi ingue get underxvay to-nighti the losers, Brock collecting 11 ,s yet. But unless the road trip is a short one, the Midgets, wt apo tBwnn double an([ triple, whilc pani- fenarces. l efre t eal eaueo ko o'cloek. The juniors have tw-o The series shifis tfo Contral finances.e le rs inl, e witIs'rampto"ii eoetieýSehiool lhere tonighit (Wednes- + + f + 1-end of the regular sehedlule.iday i. then back to Milîbrouif TADIS OUTTO DEND OTLIa Thse comyplete ine-up of dates for a Monday i f a fifth I4AIE OU T DFEN TTLEI .,for thse sermi-final.s appeairs inlgaine is noee, it. will hce Pearson's Smoke Shop, Bowmanville's represettvs pr editor Frank Mohun's played in Bowrnanviile next in the Ladies' Softball League, are out to defend thel ilil ~e Sportopies colurna. Wednesday. charnpionship they won hast year. The local ladies trouncedi tpinFes1ii-e ,isofsatrJiiCrYei nterbe aeo h Miilbrook in tic opener, but the series is far from over yet. great comeback hast wvelX 'n ii llosîng pitcheî o who ýbest of fîve semi-fînal series. rs na ueV Y n Thse second game wvas played Monday Ia Millbrook (a report edging Bowmanville Hotel t ook over ia the third. Ste- Stephien, after getting theP a s n L ds W n appears elsewhere on the sports page - we hope), with tise 6-5 Tuesday night and 4-2 plien issuedsisfeesnrg-fstbtronapppai E best of five set continuing at the Central Sciseol tonight Thursday night to Win the istering the -,in. ]ý owed doubles bxr John Fow ruP a of O p n r 17 (Wedaesday). Future games, if necessary, are slated for Pet of ree semi-final ser- Sîîuffy's 0) - Ken's0 eci, Alex Wiseman and Billo f p n r r, es h oeeshdwntp Onlv thrce bise-r-unîsers Osborne and then retired the A E L Monday in Miilbrook and tise following Wednesday here. first two games, but -the Fuel îefaclscd second as -N/TI Bur. ncxt two as the H-otelers grab- gns M il r o Port Hope and Newcastle clash in the other semi-final kept their hopes alive withi an i*ae * wt af1iýbed a 2-0 iead. The eea series. overtime win in the third 1g"s'cmcUp!vth a i e r (aced only 22 batters contest and went o11 to gain pitclsîîg iperformance *h.l over Ille 6 2/3 innîngs, boths Bowmnan vill1e Pearson's fifth as Pearisonis cane u;s bethi tetiimost limes would curna avin. 1bis i mhop tron--- Mil-*=* itha 1 - taiak a beth n th fials Burgess allovwed threc hits. î Zl rrr. i btirook 17-7 at the Central i Marg Piekard chieckcd 11w SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS In the other set Ken's Mens' I wahi:ed only' one and fanned i ri ig urler , Td Ha' Scisool diamond last Wednies-, visitors on) six his it thse Stephien Fuels came back traintise brnak of elimination Wear and Snuffy's Auto Body1 five in his bid te puit Snuiffy s tusi avnher uted "Hr d ay night te capture tise ope-n- seven th wtseni twu) errors and to in hre sraiht adaningto is fial agins Suff'sbattled toa ascoreless deadlock,! onteven terms. tKc .ain ee i ehid cou ire iî n as ftebs ffveapi fsaiecîhe to Body ohr e 's Me avn Wt earls ais Suf Wednesday aight. Ken's Jead iRival mouindsirian, Pat Cor- cn" i h hr ope ii nagieo h eto ieapi fsnl-ýealc il tisesonesodoyamesto ne.adiwasla cntiuaWhotr.a a pair of errors ta give tise ladies' playoff semi-finals. brook to score four timies bc- Bowmanville Hotel were only twe outs away from thIeistogmstoe elwsi otna o a Fuels al their ruas, Bowmaaville errupted for fore Shirley Brock canme ln toi Stephens 6 - Hotelers 5 ter, allowing eight safeties and c k odrahifrto iern ntetid aertr h ie sweeping thse best of five set, three straight, when the Fuels wahking rine. Snuffv's isad Jc odraie is nfv usl h hrgx eiete5(0 The Fuels saw un early 4-1 Imc cibaeeicer 1snn second basensan "Buis" Welsh's up three ia the top orfth Brock pace(l lie üttlc1 w itîs cae p it apar ! naredtnsinovrtmepay toa lead go down tise drain as the! hut Consel l as camenero, Stepheis hoisted to cen- fourtis, and thea carne bscl a homne runts ad two singles, ciimb back into thse picture. It was a good series toa'in- Hotelers tied the score in thse> truî l iecucs ev tre, but Jirn Allin lined a sin- witlh a pair, six ia the fit Sandra Chaskavitcl s îsacked' atougison to lose. Sponsor George Stephen playeda big fiftli and cm back with Ii a doenlses îagd gle over first. Bon a sale and four iin the sixtliste take Nihoeson a( sin g~le lse Un pat n heÉnlgae in hldn te otleshitless for Pair la tise sixtis te wvin the 1eci.a oe runsst d at tird on a close Play as a 17-3 lead. Miilbrook ralliedaNcholeanorsicekatr coliced par i te inl am wnhodig is Hteer right-fieider John Ford asade for ifour la tise final inaingte 6 2/3 innings, after giving up three successive doubles. gae. In tise final frame zin- 'M -"Richards 'vas tîse top fu ntefnlinn gles by Ted Hoar and "Bus'"I itter, smackùsg a double anîd a perfect throw te Alex Wise- but by tisen it; was tee late. a triple and a single. Marg Last wveek, Ken's and Snuffy's battled te a scereless Welsh produced a rua with Itosig e uetseAîomais. Bol) Abbott singled te ikr o noteatwt ascoregBondtaîsd "Jiggs"Auto- Kennedy fanned 18 Smoke- anotiser humer te aidliser ow.n draw. Tise Auto Body tisreatened throughout, while Ken's tise tyiag tally on second -%vith! Bd. hîe" iptikascores woBagvrseond hepersthelas tie te cuse di t tget a runner past second. Still, on tise scoreboard, jt one eut.1Ac" icars am î îolnîsiia e,îcch liîad opstcnrefa.e Cittwo teams met, but although Gutlsniiiie ansd IHdson eccis on in relief of George Stepiseair osnglswlsle Teds etr-ilerCi was aIl even with Ken's stili leading tise series two games te fan dangerous-hittiag Bi,, pird ofasinghesbig o en's Ferguson te allow iiree runs she ciaimed aine in four iin- picked uip a pair cf singles te one. te cross the plate. or-en' ings, she failed te survive tise for thse losers. The two clubs played Tuesday night and wilî go at It Obora s eton Fr adtbeaîdsnl. Tise Fuels threateaed again a boacerte econ. Fels - Ioteers inlatise sixth wisen Grant Wri- again la tise rubber game, Thursday, if Snuffy's won. If A walk an crier by secOui5d George Steplseî gave upist and Viace Vanstone sin Ken's wrapped up tise seies, they will play Stepisen Fuels sacker Don Masters and Clint. lisce consecutive doubles iesgterniis Teiet, ut Frgi la tise first game of tise finals on Thursday. Ferguson's double, gave tise.Ithe first inninsi and closed Illet ,,-a ade a pair cf fine catch- Nextweek thefinls ~îh1 efiatel be nderaylosers a single rua la tise first. dloor tise rest of tise vavtae soi line drives te end tishe~ . Tuesday and T heursda o'locka iseHsSil d iamoel b nd.ay Ted Dadson followed a two- lead Stepisen Fuiels te a 4-? inning, .i G ~O Ory -j Tusa n Tusa,6o'lc tth ihShoedaod ut single by Grant Wrightlst C obour -- .g 9 - Ahi ganles will be played Tuesdays and Tisursdays. witis a predigieus biast ove - t t t t + ~~tise left field fence lus tie bot- E AI~ A ~l I MEN'S MAJOR BOWLERS NOTE Cewling, Wigist's double aisnd 'i g t ~ t o v ll e i u ii Tise first meeting of the Men's Major Bowling League errors on both hiits by ForciU a ~ k " v CBwmnil eetdC-cniears atesvutsu enabled tise Fuels te scorein L ke ho e mina s wmniledfatdC-caearusi tesveio for tise 1961-62 season vilbe held Tisursday nigist te get tise tlel ietid augi \tu u aE nt~ Weîssa ihfv ~u-Ibourg 9-7 at tise Vincet iMas- but onse ilt, a squeeze buit býy bai rhlngfo wsa pomse t b aoterbi yar. 4-1. sixtisgav e O6-acib2 % ', 0 aiiville ýerrers proved cestly 1 ptieLkshr uenl usamakilile- 0blab.aIlîi Anyone who was in tise league last year but is unable Tise Hotelers Ikaottcd ltise over Bownisanville asihea ssw obîe ase' itile Afle droppig tie firs le, iîs'ile b ohe rtle tebwlo toewihngt etrtieMaos hsseason, couaet iatise fiftis on a wal, Lzilesisoî- Midget tille. Suni-i i-e olr sisould contact Secretary AI "Goose" Osborne as soon as triple by Alex Wiseman an h is a aflenuCtioîs lan Osiawa. kîsocks for a 7-O0'vin. gamne by default, tise Westerniaisd Wak-elr «Lae îsolucc tvo' possible. a long drive over -tise ighlt iie csamspion fpostced a7-O \î,îîors ýcored twice in Tir cu tc teusx l ecigisîl iniiing taii.s isd Cc-' field fence by Osborne. Ste- .lutouit viciorv over tise locals 1firsouagsd fift.h and singinsala pliens collected a pair for tiseir la is e first gamne cf tise besýt the second, tisird and sixth. Eacis teai scored twice ila Ïnn lalie niliîtî on a single LADIES' LEAGUE eeta winniag margin fis cf tisice senies. lad \V ednes- Tu.ilock was tise big au i, tise firstadCbugwni yLývsenrerndaac tise sixtis, on singles býy lacis cin laBowm-iix'ille. 1 . 1 îoigatsreiitr~douse 11 ,aîs)C.burgw-ei ewisv. nrrradasc Tise ladies' bowvling eague wich takes te tise lanes Bond and Stepisea, Jiin Alîi"Im- baagiusg out a pair cf safeties. Ne\tion ard Dobkin la tl-',-1 Jim lSîcur-ci al: allovwcd Il1 yeu wish te participate contact Mrs. Jean Evans, MA 3-3832. Tise winners collected flirte on1 a home rua bv Arnssroni'j isle wav on the hill for Bow- it in tise tisird when Dave Dohîerty gave upi 10 bise I and added anotr nlinis i'nanvilhe, Brian Downs taking Werry singled aîîd Grantknksl I icsArnsstrousg doubled. foi-lover la tise seventis. Wrighst rapped a iotîgs tripletieli.icr1. lowcd bv Miltctsel's sinÉgle. but was eut on *Mitcisell's per- Tis lcas cced lîirfistfect throw trying te stretels G R A N D ~~~ruts in Illeaixtîhon Jim an vCADMUS rt.lafo B W Paul Mto.T ,inneil cf tCadirus imA sceriusg tlisce lsroke opeis badiefotortis on a waik boeit %widc oe nMh '- IS. motoîed te New- ie ntefut nawl, tom ialfon wal, at eror nd WDn ge li and anPiendl RayPiceilaîs susgls - ,cisleîtatise some cf Mrs. Ce-snlsb ar ie n Deceiero. Calder ansd Cross-' ilFegson for tiseir Jl u.Treisrnemre- G . . . *~ tus isalfousawalkaner iieet ng. Tisere wcre conl ou.Thy 13uacemrkr OEIGmr.Bowmsa a villes fna_________er recrtdu a h Sas tise resuit cf four bases aessr rsn u ets onihlls' ea r1 busy season. afternoon wvas plans for thse on61-u2 SEASO Cadns Commlunity Pclc 191-2 EA ONCaldeor s(-ic-d.ix safe-: The meeting %vas opeaed wiiîsis te be lseld eus Wed- tec<,fausued six and waiked witi tise tîserne soasg andneaAu.tii adss f ctotak tse in wihiprayer was offcred by Mrs. Park if h. is available- if net, LIB ER T B O W LMitchld! oisi sri eus atise Sweet. Tise lsymn "Unto this C 1.tig, t Communiut y vM f nal franse. Jerrn' Fals went i ls" was sung followed by Pairk. It ,vag aise decided ta LtiTYrWLoe M m MpfrteIc .ih c-ptr esnra h aeteogn nIl hic LI I E alligilac i tis e lk-oevrs, tiEnstprur thessonread c laseieci-gais ii T ieesuicli a c g "~~~ei Tise Cemmunity". ia vscsdwtsalsa- oeiand ilaisiswaling stie- Ms retGats ei bas e epi.Ttsse - LIBE featuring uthe onhy business for tise ing tiseisyma "Let us siusg ac AUTO ATIC PIN ETTE S _____________________________ _ 0___ a Wonderful Love" and tise' BRUNSWICKMuzpah Benediction repeated' 1 in unîsen. sA T 'rîuMTE 'FN IA czift tnrn,the ladies ta SLegion-Lions Combined >Super Car Bingo t FRIDAY, AUGO 25 OTOTAL s8#*300PRIZES $2,500 1961 $1,o00ô "'0.00 Snowball Ford H in Rglar ""Musi be or Games won ai $2,000 $450.00 15 Free this i spia ValuabIe Bingo" Cash Ganies Priz:s Snowbal 1Must Be SnowbaIi Must Be WVon IPeterborough Memorial Centre Mrs. erguson was pneseated: fellowed by a pregram wh icls included a reading by Mrs. Jins Gray, a piano sole by Mis. Ken ray;a readiag by Mrs. ,Norma Rohrer; a piano sole. by Miss Linda Gray: ansd an accordian solo by Miss Bettyl Lou Stinson. A tree coutcst,ý conducted by Mrs. Jim Fallis, was won by Mrs. M. McKee. A delicieus lunch was servedý I by our isostess and a social' t ime spent. Communlty Plenie A crowd cf apprexiately' 75 or 80 turaed eut at Cad-; Imus Park on Wedaesday, Aug. 91h, for Cadasus Pienie. Tise youagsters eajeyed a refress-! iag dip la tise swimming pool,: af ter wlîicis they ail partiel- pated in tise races froc tise tiniest tets Up te tise oldsters. After an ample supper tise menanad women joined la many hihanicus games and coalests te test tiseir prowess' and agility. Everyone seemed! te eajoy themselves immeaseiy,ý and went home feeling tisey'd, had a good day of fellowsisip. We were very pl.oased te weiceme semne of tise new neigisbors in our communîty.L j' A DAY TO REMEMBER' SAT., AUGUSI 19 Trhe ilth Atnil Sports Car Club TROPHY RACES Mos port Park Canada's New Iiintional Iioad Circuit (13 Miles North ofBovniiie North Anierica'-. Top Drivers IIi:-Iî speeil Tliriling I~'cingKeen Cars collipetltion 8 Eveiîts For Ail Classes First Race: 11:00 a.m. ADMISSION S2.00 FREE PARKING August Clearance Goodwill Used Cars .M~i lJsed Cars Are Fully Recotiditionet with. Goodwill Gitarasitce 19)60 FORD 2-DR..------ $1895 1959 METEOR 2-DR. el lc Autematic.... 1956 PONTIAC 4-DR. HARDTOI' Fully power equipped, V-8 Engine 1956 CHEV. 2-DRZ. Auttmatie, radio Several 1961 Denionstrators in uînany and niodels -$ 995 colors Used Car Lot Open until 9 p.în.- Monday throughi Friday Saturday until 5 pi.n. More thatn 20 other niakes and mode, to choose froni. ',YO1JR QUALITY Gill DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. Wi. J. âleleeclian, Prescien. ljuick - Pontiac - Vauxhali Cars - GMC Trucks 166 Ring St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshîawa Direct Lîiîe 725-2712 ýAN VILLE LIONS tINlIVALI FRIDAY, AUG. l8th Bowl to Stay Slim This Coming Season1 loin a Daytime Bowling League or One of the Many Evening Leagues by Leaving Your Name at the Bowling Lanes. FREE PARKING SNACK B3ARI MODERN EQUIPMENT FREE INSTRUCTION Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons at 2 p.m. until end of August. Openings for New Leaues ... enquire at lanes for timne available. LIBERTY BOWL LTD.... "Home of Healthy and Clean Sport" wrVIVI "v v v~w'v will be held ini ORIAL PARK ýRTY STREET, SOUTH AUG. 1 SPECIAL ATTRACTION.. DRAW FOR 1961 (HEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Tickets: ..... 2 5c ea - 5 for 1.00 KIDDIES' DRAW FOR ... Miniature Gos Powered Corvette Tickets: l5cea - 2for25c - lOforl.00 A&TTENDA&NCE A wrisiwaich will be given away absoluiely FREE every DRAWS 15 minutes! Many New Booths.. ...Fun for the Entire Family! THE CANNADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG. ISUI. 1961 IFaimily Reunionsr ANDERSON PICNIC Ibrother Wilbert is 76. The escndats f Iui,!,ýAbou.t 150 aduits and child- Thedesendnt. ofHug ren cnjoyed a delicious meai and Joseph Anderson, wvho; togcthcer and the fun of meet- came to Bobca - geon frcinng nanv relatives once again. Northern Ireland about 1850.,:A vers- enjoyable sports pro- heid their annuai get-togethergram w ýith suitable prizes had at Lind.s,-v Exhibition grounds been pianned for the chiidren. on Suncday. Au-. th. Amomz the nny gifts dis- Leslie Ander-son is nowv79, tributccd was one to Mr. and his oIde.-.t brother Jack is R'IiMrs. Bill Marti for having Joseph is 84. and the voungjest (ý)e *, he farthest distance. 26

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