%WEDNEStAY, AlUG. 16t1, 1981 THE CANADIANq STATMEMAN. BOWMANVTýLL. O."1ARIO cars. Many authorities believehebenvstnhrpaet, ranMs.DnJsp ~~Story of Stirling Moss ~that if hie had driven Ferraris Mr. and Mrs. ArthurGboen aiyae]aigti drnth er hntefor the past two week. cmuiyad aigU ei Ialian make was a word-ý LEGIO~N iGOLF LEAGUE I Rev and Mrs E. VTikdecinterewhm m D efies D eath a t very T urn To d te, howe ve e ol rflateek un r panoc n hTtndns r.A. Be t. inGdoan champion at least twice. 1l'ai sorr-v there was no re- fr'-nn the Mosquitoes to moveiGore, Traverse City, r n D ef ils D ea t a t E eryhave ' hd t owebeat soe wo td rportefr fasway fu oru a Lot cori e s rthendengs izabt. ink cinai h 87 Ken W. Purdy Nloss lias seen three ollhpr nenicoîries, I think, an art-form.,in and year out, in lis razor-. aehdt etsm fteýpre a w7frteLwsoe o h ,e,,ýlzbtlCnin become ch ampions of the vworldlI think it at least approaches sharo condition or denied worst bad-luck streaks record.: long Nveekend andi didn't have xvere Maxie Yourth 44, BUI Rev. ai-ic Mrs. FletchrT4 Inerîanand during the year Jv psbeing an art, and I think its themselves e'ven minor nle express itselu n kelaln-e tLeague hatihe dane UP Don Mrd A e 7anre d familyre recentguet o Chicago Sunday Aeicnhe couldn't even drive on the related to ballet. The only.ences, never mind major o down ausss tmob is. o ex-IThonsideas te latntwo Býn ar- d47adayJimmywra-irécen Arethu T Of the millions of men and roads in Great Britain-he trouble is, unless you stand'on so Spartan a scale. Moss, V48 Mrs. Hilton Tink andfr i Women in the world who h-now diint have a license. Theývery close indeed. or have the ils a believer in the Spanish amiple, in the last Sebring,iweeks %vith the leading Cru's- Hihsoes'eeW! C h IrieM. and MPa RONT Florida, 12-hour race, in ers having a couple soo! bodB.1 oliiT.resie: nd CNAIA NTINA how to drive an automobile, stric*. British courts lad siis-:!glîtý,to ride pasýenger for a proverb: 'You tan take what Mc,6 croorf wv nqt.LatWde.<a id arcCnwyt69ai.Oawî ofrh 4cr ordaa"'ilt a-tWde Loundon, peaded y t 69t YsOe.andGall Stirling Mýoý,s, ofnostcile. cden t following a minor long time, you can't really ap-pyou wvant from life-if 3oevn Moss, famous for hisela wllni ounes nd Ab MaIvin ai-d Jimniv'wr audvcleswt England, is the ms kleiacdntpreciate i-Ia o t"',elrd eln i oidr eeStra al i pav for it." get 'awav first in aa'came u " '" 10points aaistFirth w~ith 65's. Nr adMs -Fe &~The ordlnary driver, sîtting The commun picture o h Ity! e ih eas"le nex tahi, wu] beunbleautmoileraer s 7 nabl'andtomeuecnmobesslAeunerr-oetrn-ase tamoe u alitleStadigs ftr Agîîî +a arilvEX IBIIO to understand what lhe vwaF e ,e ci devil-may-care exhi-1 to concentrate absolutely crsbttrfoluecrert h rs fth em.are:Mr.CrlsDp.Bo-UG1TOSP4 doing. 1 :. ýý:: _ ~ ~ ~ t orhis a' bter had gone'Capt. Don Mar-sden's Destî-oy-; Cruisers 1..vle setFi doing. itionit, drien by omethig! -' an etirhae atrtne to '2'dead. With a new battery, itiers move-d into second pla,ýc Desirovers ........---------.. 4,ing with Mr. and Ms o euaCahFr The professional racing driv- vaguely known as the 'death-i orsota otoc ur- toolc him two hours to catch :tikiang 8 points from Capt.i Moiýquiitoes ------ .8anmp ers against whom Moss coini-,,.iýh," or, alt.ernatively, as a -' mg that time wil 1 lave an:u-tenli1ehastan an ptrs---------5 M.aMs.RyeHre petes around the world con-,rielh, sensation -seekin g dilet-. extraneous thougît." broke. He got another car-!The Spitf ires captained by Bill Whiz Bangs--------------.....42 Trenton, %vere Wednsdy v cede tlat in a stries of match tante, fares poorly when leld' ý Drivers whc cannot con-the rear suspension coîîapsed' arsnto i 2pitSxPudr 4eigspe usso r ýn- C iae races no one couid beat hirm up to the light of reality, and centrate intensively eitler do' Hrisnt ___12__ aSxPones ...... 3 nn Ms. erhu ison. and only three or four of tht oarticularly so as Moss reflects, not win or do not live. Be- Last year, lhe e svery ENnd M UN NArhured Gl Whby best drivers could keep him in it. cause his skill is 50 great, Mos5suhi h unn o h EICVIIIEk pntacul fdy ih Go on hidy u.1 sight. Yet during the 13; Veyfast road-drivinlr" lbas lad only three accidentsclmponhiN(lNls s14Sy M. ndMrs RyEanam years le las breen competing, Stir]ing Moss bias said, 'e~ none of which le could haveibt unru) erwel preentd, utIn acîcas lcame off his Lotus grand prix,' Mr.adMs. Ronald Chia'-,x acairon in E'ngland . last weck. MnaSp.4icuie -. was able ta retain completelcar at 130 ile nhu u- os odnadAfaD-Nn~~~da-dM.p~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Selroe, control of himself and save 15h gpatiiso eginrc.so. ie-a ee vri~tSitzer. Gates Millswill al.,o David, Miirray, Susan i-i t- ~ tr îi-et 0w if.TicathuiMoss hield the car under partial'guests or Mr. and Mus,-. J&ln accomipanv Iliem to Enalind. it iesd.Otro vr - - - ~~~~~~~~~~suffering fractures and inorldont1miean E. Griffin w-here a little part> ' Mr. and Ms. S. R. PýeÏlick Mond1(a>' affernoon ch 1Y~-~n i-omu shock, le ran out o! the pathhour,. but couldn't prevent itS was leld to meet rnany <'f wc-re visiturs with MNr. ed ih Mr. ai-d Mis. A -ae of othier cars before collapsing, spnning into a bank. He was, their relatives. Mrs. Ailtirr Redkinapp. New'-,ai-d Grace. adthe third time, both legs thrown out and seriously in-IIMu and Mrs. Geo. lrwili uast1e. and Attended D)ecora- W,, arc ver>- soî-rytorp- ,/ - V and lis nase broken, ribs ird ethulti ikeY, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- -;tn Day services a, Lakeview Ms.I. C. Zwaucîn isa t-n* -~ cracked and several vertebrae that le as dying. but Lheýbert wvere Mondav visitors Ceiineterv, Nesvtonvil1e. in ()5l1;i:,W Gerieral Ioull k ~~~cruslied, le as able ta pue- maîntained sudh strict c Mu andMus.A. R-n ate tSîti oei Stirling lNIoss vent well-meaning bystanders over hiînself that when lie wasEganville. speoiding a few d éavs witi b s -, ~-~-' - crnes wat ît~rom moving hlmi, althougli brougît ta a lospital lis pulse- _Masters Clare ai-d Char! -s owzstt :Mlhnf Mosscs of! t igitte spoke only French andurate and lis blood-pressure Astnae1li~i~wt ini Britain le terrned a miotor- l idnt were bath nor-mal, despte-i utMs.S om' - niothr were ompetiton Mossand î,erh-aps 15 other internal injuries. Wlien Belg-! Ashton, Sctigog Island. ~ZPE IDR ers <bis father once ran atennth olarcpbe ian doctors told him le'd have' adM-.A ecbae- Mmm i.J .Mtafa Indianapolis) and lis youngerl0fMeas ianady n rsem.tA.pnd ixmonhsin bdv-Mu spenthsilest ins tht bony-astically (ited longdisanc fte tcross- les i tf îtua o aeebv-o noastag a-n~Itar. and rs . Labeate2 INd Gi-ans Mtfor. A-mnn YOU Rg or.rebs ora rvr:ce otai hpeds ndryo ncdt boe hIcuseco. i Mu andcldTewYgtrngathicoaeo NM EGRVD RE countm runs> Once ast das slTheryesnce.l Ffor drivinga.s s t a îa oaldreSndF Piflr ail terniun.y ugut carg a ox a dinghe on-toap bosbe-cro odcus rdc~Iay aaat ias iesA Aityre rwi' iead Mu-s. GennFet- fado oo - sie avuagd 43mile anhourDig an ultra-ofecurs ixace:cn mn ae rlieAustra eaiiiato its, Bronto ; Mu .and- Ï the bet in thefantastiallthee sautre ea i s rivng 40odd alwtks aa yer Ma1os ofMu. and Ms. A. LSand e o! u at dr Mus. l Stfirultn M a destd riesors gr n fozn ak mke a incoe ha robllanti Nîir.aClîbs1~2igfI d Gog ECL RE wt ahpr (ties inteuestanhlmos- hes nthe aty thaoeep± ru1it sxfgrs ndlar Menrazand Rs avlr,, oî-tieris. J otae on! hseof aindr tîntry usd n ce bt ya cart ain d w-lienonct, w o e t lheaured rcod.itfi vle pn a.ua ir~Wdcsa' in Ic re oud bo ks as nttîi -te sou as i fo r y a cels l v n. Htor la in vea fstd sli e d Don u.a nd Msldgrtu T1w i i e guLar on thldy meet sh!tint great 4almitso lsttirrpanarsldgyi-dleeswas heeera ors-iwuih. F et-v and 6'm- ilbu lbmta h ofnecinaget a rTFTB SfrB- tieD esndos riverhtnranltht pert, an eses. H lacfo s nrarr ile Mu Cmigts l A ktc.1 adMr.G egs ho nc e rd ih îr-abv l s tmser-driver 0o e d s a ymucîn Isgb Mv,.oan ille, u. an1 hm o usronJPspar NamiILleadCu îe hShos pu-tdtu ncedltywthe saoinen sensatio-n un, We daseda>rafe;non-t1 Stiichghe s lin-i drive a sorts cae elrnafely laxakes Ht kes a wnork tat pinabgymdaVeon Rt nd allrs wit Mu. P:.l 'nl ad taclaid iles an omire eask tids tor slis makeecaerunevtrY day fienres in dlnIn .CaenceAver. PrnclaOsh-e f avit neroads coa- ta ît do He s aga&oer ater-ie, Mr. n Mtus.M J ObSwrriSptmex.By al adaoi heSpetbrls chol Oenng clw-In lathee s cpar onfatetroug lia cone, touisie jdo-par a itty.piitTh we a PeaaThe u. a Mns. lx Leth Now in the recoedforokita,3ioseto buiidoresistfoure that othereco.teHtants report- ta ut positionthtIr.tanda partial after dinner sp eold au diease. ofd theas aut astandOn àllloss ! throl, ou andaeslwi idigl -ad akws eer PosýWint.Initugen ak, nde in arWenedd egn to faliand winer them case o brake-ailure.Hearndiasdrie îen rie ed M on Mu. Avrand us. S. N ghbsuprClubest !Mu ndh time. Aseasond obsever tht mark tat epertLikep mosliotop-f Mu.s.and Mus.p on ian Wrl to meet oe ihhiire boehm sth ase-dit oc adrsamchsugt11v Bsinvle, ar endavanona need. la2areorelly goad on onv ig las tlrouul bsiId, 1.PasNe litohda E ryin ont ypeo! ar,- cr vi a e atym wtreni t e ai, Patt, sile, Mass Isn or ve rnsueîa- 140idso les n o imay the r-evr a drivenMsses ittle _a-duie w viearan;u.ind Mi-s.lareChar-r on al penyg d i nd si ge-e sleat 8- h oito u tiueM!r.îlnig bu tt dneroaSnd aMrs witM. br pr- -s admn erPoe sve , Mary- j ai 1 gandpri rainr gcas; a tr r throad as coanv as lis on fessa n. boe rn a letft, M, ar Ms ao h ifi . .I, w-ctctestthtslistoat-drix-tu s e na i beeeen . lesn i .and M s. Al e lt atih sparts tecars; otrackancars:o gr-anreise-pntinbyithtsatie-alsir u -agint sadiyu'M.axMs.OC.Ahon'agteCmi, isMa' talndspehrcrdcr.tcfrefotemdra wîesdw- ydaP.~- ois nt InChai-les, Mu.eJon,lan u.a ened Ms arnLMIE H0d t w ia terdt sertan Oose f otrton or ospoîi nt a"risksinler entTitaSknweregue!tsag -. ,pent tht pstofMr.vis-' to ftîntnd productld o!d asedecadAt i if ondcs o raeonilr e sittingdiveMinbtside sdo r.ans.d --- s. ~Scugrg lCmrsA. Barne s.Ry a R1 _______________________ w-inarned em ooeones, v. ar[ art pgaiîntin t pt t1.L ottcpr- Ir. aevniug te anet o!lu ard eMavs, Authur Bush onan and sngeMus.18- hePLeto o atJudobntes.n, HigelDlsa-drdR, PoNsiag, aray-s hllpl. rn rxrcn ars neoda tht asge rfesinr; na le Mr and Mr 1 as twoul se1 if rigîtladnt Lîtlicuitai, attnchndth isprtscar; tackcar: ased ims cys tîtheser t sthtearsCast fMries cGýLil-buon edig a gie aoMs ay Ituism (fsttouing casactua l adthew's athe lefa isru is t r d l * tu \rdayat Mimi0.C. asnd a I Tht ability ta tîink aîinost E ,,'Tsnda ee diniere aîd , t He s te eper's ,.prtinlstratnfo s îpeat se. le . fi 'MN ust S.with Mvan, uo s H igMr n rs o a :teiouto eaeo n thi kind o! diting. Jst' Mland.CapndMndrsSm a;bual etride ftrle lagstted in le' HEMv -r Mu. eo.Iriîî,p IVey eivatlets aveevrisatlie lia ned the sper, lieue s an red Tomin as ircage- M.adM.Atu uh Iliineles vir tafrd rgtait ldno bak.easy, y a nd 'GicrstBaesthnony LkeladRtNaaaFls OofTA~I Hdiecribedftînteincidenbt ira maLet a buandDonlna Gi emane fr lhl-ett d rter ta me:ne w rey e hldy 1 wadseapc, ffinghth con- uat o NIr. a-rd Ms.KB. Oscar. u Ice at approxim aty1h0e .îÀ oble id - Lmitole re Snday a it u c! th I rn5t gar. etinaedtht Ceatr ~Mu al-n us A edtateon attl cornerascoul eteken a t u. and us WH.Mmi oo ri abus 0,teefu t a l 0aune Spenta wetk itl Mu.and e 1)0 Y!()I.J re 1i.i i re a.~~~~~~~Th !aiul sharpish curve * s tattbdwertTh rReWavnToni. pu r htboe.. n f m ta fasts TE IEn tht wN ght Ms i-. ndMs. Fred Fersa-H broke o!!. r tionva nepo nah, -JoaneBowGan1vi1.e 'More orlless atht a inefrot tre ir Ten riv vSitd u. nntd Mus. arlFeu- damn into a4thne, gearond . , reieis t ainticMu. JatA trucottais car. '!alinilv and stheirorfamillesayat- pullend that ehad nobuakesou, Itnded rithB tone LakBeo. thtsae irn 1atemped apesurat 4Donna all., 482 GuI.r "I ws aproacing he crn-Mu. nd Mus. H. AscaTo- eFE N D O R ' s l'E itiv3IT ? i pmobil de 6OLpLaii . eTreSns attaededca (inro aeto ls atî ed. 856 i ouns a tuck, Mr.If land wtlMs. . Rdean's thtonr Jl etae tb adi r.adMs W .Moe pedtinto lpihcuv st. othe brwhel rîyt he SMus. Rt euryn, Ton Tues- ]Doilrs wOleaermauaersanu i rewoasi adt1jm, uta-drtpichke t shimmy, wld addn rs re Frusn mat nalt he rkI ttl.landiitotear.vrai.'hî M W..Morspna goos a a orml prt f teirbusnes mut aplyfora tet ;vt abslutl ad horens the life-of the pory-*Irewdys .vDtolissir, IMus. AY tioson nesMi o eshan eaher Brun ait ,o- lu~rhed rmeo! tt scres ontpatiene sill a-rd trigvt das with er. dranidareuFer- TheOnarj Rtal Sle Ta At oesino efet.If oudo lo"poe crwdisngt ibth sie. ind a!60 uipmt oun Tht - Mu. ar u.A.Bu-t FO TCmor n tl o oofluhpl hae hi Prit yu il e nal f by a-f,.th txbl iTw eas efr, 10 tre, whieel aslI th ie Mu.adms. .A. W Oumîlis- !istno-Ialai:,ta tvn ît' c-amcyardtaic allv O ndnîÀîofmiles. default unde the RetailSales Tax A. a!ter 27 uniniuns, psdtheloosaonbalaner. Gaes Mgathis Anl icanrRG 48 FIRWA[FL ETFOT&DC It isin yur ow bes intrest a ifl ouiand etur he fficair'ide red ihtmostdaneloluncAtes o balance car etic__foevngfua tîn re, he aid.Is ca-rier, ortable, rouwer tsthpe e recivng ou Pemi beor th fnaldedlie f Sptrn erlst.bemisthencar isouti, covaeuttI 1-ent .-aI i cto ELIMranETH VILEc 'fot rilo! ape wtlinotspate"mrent Is 214p ow- ABSORBER Wit yurVenors ermt ouwilreeie acoveieAt ontîeante,00-îime course. Ad esurg oey at 40.p,48 -M. a-rd Ms. HVeushon Pa-d Une of business. J~~~brosienknsowsea Il pe i 856balnd i or ernt a-d80katprset SOE Garnee If, Mas had-ignison l-a;thi mbaclated wegre as Mýf expeedtheer, asscoudo-rd dlrtrt ill font lota Mu, ai-rd ids Her Sep-Cane aGl aeu bindiltostt17mien-prd ssen ta few ds ansxihGaefrsfrsos ie r1 oti e an bour ou go nlaothttmaini ed ! I ne o! tht ntw-1'tanle- rdrir i nriefr .iel oer Vendor's Permit before September lst airpianson aformer worid eigts sel"s.WiMu.h aand r ts. Whitbev enkinsam-m a w'heel and lub off tht caratae wee a Snnsie v matorcycle racing champion, tht brake ltIc tveektd.SA E O 4t told of watching Mass take the staîs a-rd îmings, gre ase Several atterîded the dannce ,300horspowe MeredesBenzbe eangdjstew'if ilat VanDamn's. Pontypool, an PERMIT APPLICATIONS ALREADY RECEIVED ARE BEING PROCESSED AND'd00-ba stepweu Mercedehs-Beotnz eecked ana adusetedif sSaturday nigît. ilistorm WIU. BE ISSUED ON AND AFTER AUGUST 18, ADBFR ETM Rl.fiat on tht accelerator, chaung- can't le dont "on tht car".bed at Uion semvie erPr ing ta a bigler gear hal!wav' eda nonCmtrPr down, a-rd law le staued, too I A quallty job won't be l Hope, on Sunday a-rd a nun- M U F LR r--- -- -- -- -- -- ----- --------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ascnnated ta le frrghte-red, as: the cheapest, but It wilI cost ber from lhere atttndtd. thtcar i anthr pac,' es lx te lngrun ISunday sebool a-rd churcl Austin A40 52-55 $3.80 -ilmon 49-5. 47 skidded stuaigît taward a wtas iîeid as usual.AuinAO 5-8 49 Mrcy 5-5 il5 If ~~ Refail Sales Tax Branch, soebidn t15mlsa h W.A. held theii' Aug- Chev. 6 41-53 5.80 Mercur>. Dual 55-51 l9 IfyuOffice of Compfrolier of Revenue, fi sonuidMastoth resuteting atm125dmilssaynev- Chev. 6 & 8 54-60 7.25 Morris Minor 48-53: 5 have flot received Parliammnt Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario i!off in the last fiftlî-secand çioe-ing at Mus. Clarence Mer- li Dodgz 9 Itht car could turn awvay fraii- Pres1dnt.ctr's lame. Mus. Tnew, the 6 sm. 49-59 7.9 Morris Minor 53.58 5 an officiel Pleuse send meca Permit Application Form together with 1 the Wall. 9 ...fr rsdnoe1e huet Ford Consul 56-58 12:85 Pontiac 6 42-51 8 Application TFeoMs.JaksnFord!Meteor 42-5467.79 Pontiac 6 555 For deaild iforatin o Th Onari ReailSals1Tx. tht 10 baurs ai-itht rond, tht gave tht devotianal part o! the adMfo 5-6 77 otic6 5-9 72 Ihiglest average ever pasted. meeting. -wî,t av 5-5u9.0 olswgtw4o6 MAIL THIS NM______________ NAE ____________________________- Mass las w-an every race urs. H.Wite ge u w la! any importance in tht world Plan to attend tic Dowv- more clapters o! aur book. SIMI.AR SAVINGS ON TAILPIPES AND EXHAUSTPIE COUIPON TODAY COMPANY NAME____________________________, which le Imanville Lions Club Carni- Tht minutes o! the last meet- You ors advîsed Indiainapalis, Like mosival, Saturday, Aug. 26 atimgveeraa-dapav. Youor adisd t snd oron asneveu enteued. Memorlal Park, Llbeanrtypoved Aplcainao I îue no ____________________________ European drivers, Mass cari-, tmr ak iet t It was decided ta have aur AppIwcatoerFon, y eu re ot AORS sideus round-auid-round tmack, South. flowmanville. !fowl suppeu in November. Vei Permit. TYPE 0F BUSINESS_____________________ acrng uninteresting. Also, 1d Ms. Quatili ad tht Xmas -------------------------------------------------------- ianps asarR!a ielbson Molors Ltd Cr Ctlou frsmln usdnawxhemt tIse lithe *i cards. Tht dhurcI lawn was [world. Mass was invited ta 16Kns.E. I discussed but nothiurg was came this yeau but sent ut-,I phanned lit tht meeting. 8 IGS.W PIIJIP T. CLARK, Cornpfroller of Reuenuegrf u ýcatu3c ch invitation Phones: NIA 3-3321 Menu cammittees for thte5KN T .A OD rp specified lis driving an Ameri- Oshawa 725-2712 ýweddîng receotion werc left BOWMANVILLEMA-13 _________________________________________________________ca-r car. Wltneveu le can Uuntil September. Lunch w'as 'he insisti on driving British- evt