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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TEW THE CANADIMI STATESMAN, EOWMANVILIZ, ONTARTO WEDNESDAY. AU~1. lflth. lmfll ~1 Lands and Forests Weekly Report Pheaaant Distribution Cod- rington Game Bird Farm The annuel distribution of pheasants from the Provincial Game Bird Farm et Codring- ton has been completed for 1961. Total production wes in the neighbourhood of 36,000 pheasants, consisting of 21,900 chicks, 11,100 poits, and 1,398 aduits. These birds were dis- tributed to and released in the Huron, Simcoe, Lind s a y, Tweed and Kemptville Dis- tricts. In the Lindsay Forest Dis- trict the bulk of the ellot- ment of 6,000 chicks, 800 volts, and 725 aduits were re- leased in tne Regulated Town- ships of Clarke and Darling- ton, Durham County. Gener- ally speaking, the most suit- able habitat for pheasants in the Lindsay District is found ýWherever you drive 0 0. Hartford service goes with you When your car is Hartford- i.nsured through us you can always dcpcnd on fast, friendly service throrghi any one of aver 200 1lIartford dlaim offices Coaist ta Coast. That kind of help can corne in mighty handy in an emer- Seflcy. N'xt time your car 3nsurance cornes up for re- mewal see us for HIartford STUART IR. JAM4ES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE King St. E. Office MlA 3-5681 Bowmanville Resîdence MA 3-5493 I -mffREM ing in their survey cards t0 the Department at Lindsay.1 Non-residents of Clerke and: Dariington Townships must purchase a Special Township Licence (cast $3.25 each) in addition to the $1.00 Provin- cial Hunting Licence before hunting pheasants, foxes, or rabbits. in either of these in trhe townsnips aIong Lae --e--"Tow""' Ontrio Itshold e n Tow.nships. The pheasant bag1 Ontrio Itshold e ntedlimit is three birds per dayV that the 21,900 chicks distri- of'ic o mr1he n buted bbrough the various lS-shall be a ben, and the pos- tricts were not released lm- seso ii ssxbrso meditely Sutabl broderwhich not more than two shal facilities are maintained in be lin.h ogusol a the Regulated Townships of bes. Shotunps onyma each District, and here the b sdt utpesns day-old chicks are fed and Fire Scoreboard cared for until bhey reach bbe In the past week twa new poult state (6 to 7 weeks) at forest fires have been extin- which bîme they are releas- guîshed. On July 3lst a camp- ed. The expense of feeding er's fire in Methuen Town- and raising the birds is borne ship gat out of control and by the Regulated Township hurned 3 acres of fores1t land Authorities. Prior ta release, before it was extinguished by as many birds as possible are Rangers from the Apsley head- leg-banded by thc local Game quarters. Commissions with assistance On August Sth a crcw of and guidance from the Con- Rangers was dispatched from servation Officers. Gooderham to extinguish a Thepuroseai eg-andngsmall fit-e believed ta have pheasants is ta obtain data for sbarted from smoking mater- assessing and cvaluating the ial thrown from an automo- contribution of hatchcry-rais- bile. This brings the total ed brdsto te hnt. heîeg forest fires for the year up ta bands are made ai aluminum2724o hcwe aud wîth a serial number and a by buman carelessness. reqestto otfy he epat- AREA BURNED-105 acres. me-n of a Lands and Foresbs in- PeitdFr agrRtn scribed there an. During the for this week- LOW TO pheasant hunt in the Town- MEDIUM. ships ai Clarke and Darlington "'CAMPSITE CAPERS"O this faîl, (Octaber 7th ta Oc- The Monster tober 28th inclusive) ahl hun- You have heard ai bhe Loch bers purchasing special Town-NesMntro olad ship licences will be issued a Ness Mosena of thAotmind- Game Bag Census card for yobhe rewad afietAboi- reporting their success (or lack alsnoy ofwmarngaitbetMThi of lb). lb is haped that cvery stroryisaiDarlingtheMrovn-a hunber will ca-operate andstarka. aligo roica assist in this survey by ne-.1Par. ntrasrpre parting leg bands and by mail- byOur Mosterail espepr The Times, is sixty feet long, bas a shcep-like head ben inch- es long, and four flipper-like feet, The Times bas given this * g * * - * story thorough coverage and bas even supplied a picture ai Darlington. These articles have piqued - the .urisity ai the public and many people are driving bo the park in arden ta see aur i Monster. Some campers, aiter having been warned in Osh- awa, have shown neluctance t stay in the park, but we assure thema that the Ranger * i Staff is fully pneparcd and equipped ta take care ai any * " i trouble that the Monster miglit ifcreate. "Besides", we bell I hem, "it is very tame and wauldn't harm a fiee". T.:- publicity the Park has ~GET THE eceived bas been an immed- IODAY! n oblgaton' at the concession booth and IODA ! noobi'!g-0 even camping, as people came as lJow as$11j9.OO>-~ and stay in hopes ai catcbing a glimpSe ai Darling. The ef- feta this risc in business shoud continueaspol 'ACK BROU houls pop0 talk o teMonster end tbc PLUMBING and HEATING stories are rcpcabed. Division Street South Sa if 3'ou have a little time on youn bands why don't you MtA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE drop in at Darlington Park, _____________-the Playgraund ai Lake On- tario, and the Jcwel ai tbe iThird Mersh, and possibly, Ijust possibly, you might catch a glimpsc ai Darling. 'IM BE R - D. R. Wilson, - -- - IDistrict Forester. WATCH THE ""(FTO-TV FARM SHOW Commentator Larry Burt discusses how to "FARM BETTER ELECTRICALLY" CHANNEL 9 TORONTO 12:20 to 12:30 p.m. FARM SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Iminediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Your Operetoir For ZEnih 6r2.50 Licence No. 46-C-60 No Toli Charge Nlcic Peconi - Peterborough M MI q Taking advantage of favourable conditions often means a big difference in profits. Modern farm machinery provides an efficient and economical work force that is always ready for immediate action. You can depend on Massey-Fergu&on machines and implements to keep your labour costs Iow, increase eff iciency and promote more profit on every f arming operation. ~ Massey-Ferguson May With Regain Exports Big Apple Crop Ontario apple growers are draw the interest of British expecting an excellent crop apple importers to the Ontario this year and may recapture market. a large part of the United The Ontario Department of Kin.gdom market that it lost Agriculture in its July sum- durind and after the Second mary of fruit crops says most World War, says G. H., Mitch- apple orchids are carrying a ell, president of Georgian Bay full crop or nearly full crop Fruit Growers Ltd. on most varieties. An increase Because of an anticipated 'of 31 per cent over last year poor British crop this year, js Predicted. and below normal crops in Mr. Mitchell told the annual Britsh olubiaandNov 1 eeting of shareholders of British Otaolmayand Nall Georgian Bay Fruit Growers Scontontario mhaybeocathed that he expected a renewal of 10,000,000 bushels Britain is export shipments of canned likely to import this year, he apple products this year. Last says.year, because of the small says.crop, Ontario imported canned His predictions depend on apples from Holland. the austerity measures adopt- The firm, with headquart- ed by the British Government ers at Thornbury, paid a 5 and on the value of the pound. per cent dividend on its pre- le believes that a $3 pound ferred stock and $2.25 on its would provide the impetus to commori stock. TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Annis, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable enjaycd a trip ta Orillia and Penetang, wherc they cnjoyed a boat cruise tbrough the Thirby Thousand Islands. Mn. and Mrs. R. Clapp visit- ed Mr. and Mns. Gardon Clepp, Belleville. The finst annual Coombes picnic was held Sundey et Geneva Park when Mr. and Mrs. Row-land Coombes and oilidren, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coombes and fan-ily and Mn. and Mrs. James Coonibcs et- tcnded. Msses Vivian and Joy Charmberlain, Mr. Leslie Hunt, Oshawa, Baby Dale Vivian were Sunday visitmofaiMn. a-nd Mrs. Roy Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and fanuily visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Meikie, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wri.ght, Miss May Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanley, Black- water. Quite e number of people from Tynane attcnded the Rayai Black Parade et Lind- say on Seturday. Mn. and Mrs. Gardzinski and children, Winnipeg, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. A. Gar- son and Mr. and Mýrs. K. Gard- zinski. Miss Joan MeMaster, Ebene- zer, is holidaying with Gwcn Glaspeil. Mrs. R. Glaspell visited Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Wclcome, an Saburday. Mn. and Mrs. R. A. Meadow- croit, Port Arthur, werc re- cent guests of M-r. and Mrs. L. Aninis. Mn. and Mrs. George Elliott have made big improvemnent in thein home this sumnmer, and have entertained several friends from Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Walter Park Sr. spent a wcek with Mr. and Mns. A. Geisbergen et thein cottage on Lake Simcoe. Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson and John, Stroud, visited fri- ends in Tyrane oomznunity last week. Linda Taylor, flowmanville, vlsited her gnandparenbs, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Marlene Taylor spent a weck with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. Real, Grecn-bank. Mr. and Mns. W. H. Taylor, Janice, Duane and Danny spe.nt a few days this wcck et Canning Lake. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davey (nec June Taylor) who were rccently married and are living neer Bowmanville. David Brent Is attending "Ontaria Athlebie Leadership" Camp et Lake Couehiching, representi-ng Bow m a n v i 1Ie Himh Scbool. Mr. and Mns. Gordyn Brent atbended Peterborough Fair and won several prizes with their hanse. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivien and iamily atbended the Vivian picnic et Waltona Park on Sunday. Guests of Mrs. P. McCoy wverè Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver and family, Fenelon Fails, Mn. and Mrs. N. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy and girls, Stouffville, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Atcheson, Downs v iew. Linda Oliver remained for e holiday. Mn. and Mns. H. Hall, Stu- art, Wilfred and Joan, Mr. and Mns. S. Hall attcnded thc Spragg--Camenon wedding in Hamilton on Sabumday. Mn. and Mns. Donald Davcy have sold their farm and bought Mrs. M. Hughson's hanme. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nurse, Beihiebono, (nec Vilda Brown) were tee guets of Mms. S. T. Hoan. Mrs. H. Phihp wa.s hostcss for an aiternoon tee honour- ing Miss Mary Stevens prior ta ber wcdding et Part Chi- mo, Northcrn Québec. Miss Irene Rouse, Toronto, is Mm. and Mrs. A. Hamilton. Kathy Mattress, Millbrook, spent hast wcek witb Ann Hamilton. This week Ann is witb Kathy bolidaying.; Mr. Ronald P-bilp, Mns. H. Philp and Miss Jean Philp et- tended the Cbapmen -Philp weddin.g et Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. D. Park et their cottage et Caesarea. Mns. H. Philp, Mrs. Leon Moome, Mns. L. Joncs, Mrs. Annie Hatbcrly, Miss Mary Ellen Hill ettcnded a garden tee given by Mrs. T. Stevens, Toronto, in bonour of ber daughter Mary. Mr. and Mns. Henry Beckett, Mn. and Mns. Melvin Beckett and family, Stratiord, Miss Elcanor Beckett, Bellevile, spent tbc weekend with Mr. O. Beckett and Arvilla. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bar- ber, Toronto, spent the wcck- end with Mms. F. Scott. Mrs. Barber nemained for a visit. Masters Bruce and Barry Welsb, Bowmenville, spent a iew deys with Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldnead; also Laurlyn and Allison Welsh visitcd last week. Mr. and Mns. Keni Calbamy have gold their ptopcrty and are moving to Bowmanville this week. Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbary arc planning ta spend two weeks' vacation witb thein son Mn. end Mns. K. Colbarv Jr. and femily of Cleveland, Ohio, in thc North Bey anca. Mn. and Mrs. R. Pcrkins, Toronto, Mrs. S. Lee. New- market, visited necenbly with Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbery. Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Willowdahe, visîted ber si.stem, Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent and Christine visited David on Sunday et Lake Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm en- invprl a hnflebv ,.+ $hec'i,- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hilis hJt-guon Foüu Mile Lake, also zind famihy, Hannon, visibed visited Mm. and Mms. S. J. bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pedlan and Mrs. Lelia Cob- His. Bert and Harold ne- rane and familles at Wesbaga. maincd for a holiday. Mrs. W. Rabm ncceived Mr. and Mme. E. Ta yon, word on Mondey that ber Sohina, visited Mrs. S. T. Hoar braided rug had wvon lst prize an Sunday. et the Exhibition. Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bow -________ mranville, is visibin.g Mn. and Mrs. D. MillenrHDO Irwin Hamilton Is spending H Y O this week at Quin-Ma-Lac near Madoc. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ander- Robent Hamilton is holiday- son, Barbare and Bîllie, Port ing witb Mn. and Mns. H. Hope, wcre Sunday visitons et Meckie, Ebenezer. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- Miss Sue Meckie ai Ebene- win 's. zen is bolidaying with Mer- Mn. and Mns. Ross Asbton geret Heilton. and femily were Sunday even- The Hilîs family picnic was ing cellers et Mn. and Mns. W. held et Ced-ar Park on Satur- Loveridgc's. day. Those from a distance Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Stephen- were Mn. and Mms. G. Hilîs son, Oshawa, were Saturday and famihy, Hannon, and Mr. evenin-g visitons at Mn. and and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar and Mrs. Charlie Garard'. iamily, Toronto. Dawn Thompson, Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnacobt, Ave Thompson. Bowmanville, Toronta, were necent visîtors spent a week with their af Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. grandmother, Mrs. W. Thomp- Mn. and Mrs. Then Down son. Mn. end Ma-s. Eanl Thomp- a nd Carolyn, Lakciield, Bill son and Cindy, Bowmenvilhc, Down, Calgary, were guests1 wcre Seturday cvening visi- on Su-nday af Mrs. Russellh1tors. Viatue and Mr. end Mns. Leoni Mn. aen Mrs. Jack Histed, Moone. Hamilton. visited Mrs. Wm. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Stain. Martin Monday aiternoon. ton, Windsor, arc visiting et Miss Janet MýcMackin, Ken- Mr. and Mns. D. Steinton's dal, is visiting Miss Linda and Mn. and Mns. Henry Stain- Potts for e week. ton's. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cowling Mm. end Mrs. James Wood- and Roy were Sunday tee ley and girls visibed Mn. and guests of Mns. H. Cnossman. Mns. Gardon Berry, Owen Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton, Sound. Roland and Ray were dinne'r Mn. C. W. Waodley, Mrs. gucsts et Mm. end Mrs. Ross May Benson and Mrs. N. Ashton's Sunday. Woodhey are visiting Mm. and Miss Ina Beryl Rcad !s Mrs. David Hicks, Hamiston. Ispending a couple of days in Mn. and Mms. M. La Brun IKingston. and hblidren, Ottawa, are I Mn. and Mns. J. Potts, Tom, visiting Mn. and Mme. T i!Debbie and Biliie arc holiday- Gibbs. i ing with Mn. Potts' fathen, Mn. Mrs. J. A. Rosevean spent e Tom Potts, Collingwood. couple of days with ber fathemî Mns. W. Martin returned Mr. I. W. Larmen, Millbrook.1Ihome on Sundey, heving visit- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear cd relatives at Oshawa. visited fniends et Coîbomne M,1r. and Mrs. W. Black- and Wekworth. bure, Dougie and Dale, Mms. Mrs. Gardon White was bas- Cowling, Mms. G. Tabb and tess for e birtbdey parby hon- Shirley attended tbc Cowling ouring Mrs. S. T. Hoan, Mrs.ipienie et Cream of Berley K. Sehade andf Mrs. Richard1 Cam.p on Saturday. James. mrm K.. Cowling vua., Traclor Club Has Quiz On Ignition The Durham 4-H Tract*rý Maintenance Club held their, meeting on August Illth at thei Agriculture Office, Bownian-. ville. In the absence of President James Rickard, Vice President' Fred Hoskin called on secre-l tery Grant Glaspeli for theý roll call and the minutes of1 the last meeting. Mr. D. O. Gibb, Agricul- turail Engineering Specialisti from Brighton, conducted a short quiz on "Ignition" Hel also showed some slides on engirie parts of a tractor and gave an intereseting talk on oils. The meeting was theni adjourned. (Red Trade Mark) Tie World's Fiîiest liard Coal STOVE - NUT PEA FUEL OIL STOVE OIL FURNACE OIL PROMPT DELIVERY- 24-HR. SERVICE PHONE MA 3m5410 STEPHEN FUELS Office: C.N.R. Yards, Bowmanville WHAT TOLLOOK FOR KU A p K PIC lB CHEVROLETÀ COURTICE PHONE MA 3-3922 SEPARATE CAR AND BOX CONSTRUCTION niinimizes dis. * . -torting stresses and strains. Shocks and noises are not trensmitted irons s the box into the cab, CHIVYS GorT UT1 PROVEN SMOOTHNISS OF INDEPENDENT FRONT SUS- PENSION with tough torsion-bar springs, reduces chessis strain, mini- mizes tire abuse, load demage and driver fatigue. CHEVYS GOT UT I PASSENGER CAR HANDLINO EASE resuits f romn the combination of Indepenclent Front Suspension with precision bail-gear steering. Rolling steel halls replace sliding geer teeth - m-inimize friction. CHEVYS GOT UT!1 HANDSOME, CONVENIENT COMFORT-KING CAUS Higii. par wide windshield-"See-at-a-Glance" instrument panel - high level yen- tilation - plus mnany* other featureg planncd tb reduce driver fatigue and increase safety CHEVYS GOT IT!1 PICKUP BOX WITH HARD- WOOD FLOOR outiasts ail othera. Howevpr. if damaged, flooring can be replaced ini sections. Fleetside body features double walls to protect ex- terior panels. CHEVYS GOT UT! MOST FAMOUS "SIX" UIN THE INDUSTRY a proved per-. forner thet has powered more pay- loads than env engine in the history of hauling! Wise in the weys of gas- saving, too. Spirited V8 power plant elso availabie. CHEVYS 00GOT 1T CIIEL'T'S GOT/TI, WOKPIÀTRUCKS~ ROY W. NICHOLS OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET - COR VAIR BOWMANVILL AND ENVOY (British Buit) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS PHONE MA .1d guest of Mrs. Aked and Mira' YEL ERT N alcolms visited with the~ OLN Aked, Tyrone, recently. YE V R O Donald htaes tter:S LN Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and' cottage et Deep River, near, Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ý On Saturday aiternoon the Pembroke. Several young people frn Ashton were supper guests of -annual Yelverton Communitv: nFiayteAt esSo lina attended the Junior Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton on, Picnic wes indulged in et'mOntordato e O riit spen Farmer's chu.rch service ai Msun oy Cai pn liýTeartrt ontmunityPlark. lfew hours ith son Pat. Kendai on Sunday and the Mrs Ry raam spent h h feno ia îaatypic1ic dinner which folowed, weekend wjth Mr. and Mrspn in the surlf, on slidesi Hope to sec vou ail at 11m1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks, W. Rahm at Four Mile Lake. -tid svingýs for juniors. play-. opening of our new Public Scarborough. visited Mr. and ing bail for the athletes, and Sehcol on Tuesday. Aug. 22. Mrs. Wes Yellowvlees and sons. Congratulations to Ina Beryli in games and races arranged at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome!i Mrs. Gardon Devis, Mrs. Reed on obtaining her Grade ,by thc cornmittee. topped off, Mrs. John Kingsburv of Ac- 'Jiml Hall and Laurie, Oshawa, 13dilona b abufe syl ptlcksP-!ton is currcntly visiting wiv ere Wednesday guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn-per with oodles of gaad things'1t.e Rowan familics here in'Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pet. and farnily and Mrs. K. Cowl- to eat, andi concluded with ai Yelverton. Mrs. Elle Taylor and San- ter Bsiekbr. and Ms Wal-1few morc innings of baIl toi Idra. Scarborough. visited e teg vlacbur and fmrs. atialleviate ta oôfull feeling.' latives over the veekendre Don Mils Sunday. A vote of thanks was given Th raetgoyfafe-1D.JricMlsooon, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aslitan1the committee for tîteir part The geaple s tlransof atent-theDr. Jeryilsn, Tortoh and familv attended te Mc-!in making the affair such onpopi atansmi fbaspe bc herekewt i Laughlin family picnic at Mr. rousing succe&s. The commit- william t hai- chlad.- Bcing unable ta contact and Mrs. Fred McLautghln's. tMethr-vi Wilsinm, Mur- anYonc I owing to telephone out Columbus, on Sunday. ray Malcolms and the Clar- Men are freest wben they ýof arder again this Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. Trewin ancl en ce Pages, are most unconscious of free- jmorning, the Solina news re. William were Monday eveningi Last weekend th-e Howar-d dom.-D. H._Lawrence.____ port is brief. Sorry, folks! visitors et Mr. and Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mrs. W. Thompson accam- panied Mr. and Mrs. F. OS_11 mond and Tracev, Bowm an- ~ 3 V/L~j p' ville, on a trip ta Omemee and r v ~ ~ r~* enjPed epinic at Emilyg Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, 'I M ek L I u m m and Barry visited Mr. and rlMý~UU Mrs. L. Griffin, Blackstock.1D R R on Sunday. W. A. Au.gust meeting %v'asý held li the cburch on Thurs- day evening with a good at- .. - ..- \ . Jones presided. Mrs. J. Potts i and group had the followingi programme: Miss Lewis, Dea- SokU orD ! ORD W caness, England, who iS On' S o k U urB n1O D R NW furlough for e year, spoke on, bier work. Miss Aked of Ty-; WITH Adasr orhm fhvn rone showed pictures. After Adasryo hm of avn the meeting a wiener raast tdysplofb taiwitr was held at Mr. Bert Ashton*s s ay upl o ea alivntr cottage. F M U Church Service Sunday cv-' ening at 7:30 o'clock. C U UL SETEB T Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allun R A I GUETEB and family, Toronto, Mr. and W. O'Neil, Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Aiken-, hed t hercottage Sunday] A NTHRAC1IT LUQUIFUEL 1 Il Wnilewali lireb UPLIU"a. at cAtic uu»t -PA= UN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA"MLLF, ONTARIO WEDN'ESDAY. AUC. loth, issi 1

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