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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 13

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WED~ESDAY, AUG. leth, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTA~O NAGE TNTRTEETI kceps ormS ond legs snug and WO rîT " Full-length guaran-. teed zipper " Orlon' pile zipper heod, fuIlly rotecti hecd fromn cold " 7-lb. interlining for extra warm»'h " Red, blue. ante- lape, wllow or Dlumn " Szes 2, 3, 3x. Walker's, *nly Î099 * Reg'd. I.M.. TWO PIECE STYLE " Strong wind-resist nylon and cot- tarn fabric. " Zipper front jacket wth 7-lb. wool underlining for cosy warmth. " Storm tob et neck for extra pro- tection trom cold. .0 Orlon* pile lined zip hood. " Downhili style slocks with double knees and 4-lb. woI interlining. " Button tob cuffs fa- easy-en, easy- af f. " Adiustoble shoulder straps. " Colors: red, blue, willew, antelope, Of plum. " Sizes 4, 5, 6, 6y- 0 Reg'd. T.M. Walker's, Suit, only 10398 '*TWO PCE, ESKIMO SNOWSUIT e The ultimate an snug wormth . . . the yotingsters* favorite 0 100% nylon ple jacket wth 7-lb. woI interlining e Mouton (sheered, dyed, processed lomb) trim, aot- toched haod e Downhill snow ponts of strong nylon end cottan a fbric with 4-lb. wool interlining and adjustoble slioulder strops e <~ elostic instep guide 0 Colors: beige und brown, loden and loden, lloc end plum e Sizes 4. 5. 6 6x. Walker's friendly Salespeople wiIl be pleased to show these plus features. Young people will have snug warmth the winter throught and, mothers a wiU have full value. . o nd all suits are sold with WaIker's Guorantee - Goods Satisfoctory or, exchonge or returid cheerfully given. 5 King Sit. E.0 P of Bowmanville MA 3-5451! BEAT THE order your ry Day Celebration In on Saturday report-' tge and colorful par- ichard Rusk bas re- home after spending in Civic Hospital in .ugh. tendance at the Decorationj an inj ury to his hîp. Bufl wente ecadthDrr Day service in the Unionl Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright BuffAY alostricen wtheafta eatdida B L A C K S T O C K ~ ~~~~day aftern-oon. Rev. Clarence' at Bancroft and attending theF i.AhHMnan, Allan Bristowls attending merly Bernice Cainoftisae.R Cemete . er , D M uls, on u -!sentn ilst werek lwith frxendr n Ms. n M ac C m n M i a tvilage. HMrs. a uh an wa f r M i ~a a theI ie W oM.. whch Geo aton MtI ti outy. chfgae l'dren. rd n d heservice. Mr-. Norman McNally and Henry Jakeman last week, also Lake this xveek. Cain, recently suffered asrkitre Strong on Wednesday, Auguýt fine devotonal paper on "Liv- the Comsnunity Hall Saturdayl Rev. and Mrùs. John Siinifour friends of Colborne vis;t- calling on numerous other Miss Laura Moi-ton of the and is in hospital in Toot.awe 9. 1931l, beg,,an the meeting by ing with Yourself" and offer- evening for a miscellaneous of Amnmotto Bay, Jamaica, are ed Mi-. and Mrs. Daltont Dor-,friends in the village. Mr-. and local branch of the Canadiani Several from here atne Ptro the prz-sident reading a poem,;ed prayer. The offering was shower in honour of Mr-. and guests of Rev. and Mrs. P. rell and Mi-. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Phil Harvey and family, Red Cross Society is appeal- -- «Summ-er Day in a Garden",' receîved by Leslie A n in e Mrs. Norman Robinson (nee 1 Romeril and Dennis Wright on Saturday. Weston; Miss Florence Porter ing for more blood donors tue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý inngoahynan WihtadeiatdyMs.GoaVa Ry y). M.IMr. Russel Spin]s'* haa, Donna andI Billy Pargater and Miss Hilda O'Halloran, from this area to attend the prayer. Secre-ary's and treas-'Russel Mountjoy. John Hamilton was M.C. for' spent SunodaY with Mrs. E.:iare holidaying with their!Wiloxvdale, have been guests'Peterboroughi Cliic- the ncxt urer's reports were received.1 Mrs. Ralph Larmier, group the occasion. The four daugh- Darcy and Mrs. Ira Argue. grnp[nsM- n r' with Mr-. and Mrs. HI. A. Mc- on ilb edo etme The roll cail, "A kindnessF leader, presided for the fol- ters of Mr. adMs atr eete ebr !th ervnGaa.M aster. 5th. shown to me," showed that?;îoxing program: A paperlWright and the two daughters OO lbadoevstr r.n r.GodnSrni Ms Elizabeth Patton, St.1 Mrs. Orloe Wright and ber 00ughtful and helpful pe-oPle Mrs. Gordon Strong, the Stew-,Lloyd Wright sang a song, Butt on Thursday evening. burton and Bancroft areaý and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and. home in Oshawa on Thursday. ardship secretary. We o! the witlh Mrs. Dave Wilson accom- Considerable business w a s Thursday to, Saturdav. family this weeAk. jM- 1rn~Jh~o FINE QUALITY present age are like Adamn, set!panst at the piano. Mrs. John,'dealt with. A delicious lunch- Mr-. and Mrs. Lewis Pearce, Mrs. Laura Rowan has left her sister Miss Mary McKenzie MONUMENTS AND in a gardien full o! bounty, but;F Hamiho and Mrs. Neil Bailey' eon vas served by the hostessý Oshawa, Mrs. Jas. Petch, Mr. on a trip to the East Coast entertained the membe-s of M KESsome thin*gs we must flot ïec gave a humorous read1ng. ~ln group, and a social chît- Wm. Milliard Si-., Mi-. and and on August 26th, will at- the Women's Missionary Soc- MA Rtuc. r. oenl od S Lois Wright played a iochat enjoyed. Mrs. Win. Milliard Jr., Tor- tend the wedding of her son iety of the United Chu'c o au- fpneec.some interesting contacts with s. M.Hmlo aeteMr. and Mrs. Cranston scoat onto, were Tuesday guests o! Constable William Rowan of their meeting on Tuesday b onV' o r O(Dfo ýk eopl of therraces espcial preeytgioft aor htblfulohan fmily, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Geo. Crawford andMr-. 'the RCMP, whose mariage to night. yJh W OF STAIFORD 'ly a lady from the Bahamas lovely it o wihbtiMrs. W. Scott, Coîborne, were andMi-s. W. Pearce. Miss Carol Grace MacLean wil Mrs. George Richardson BROS. who she met w'hile in Guern-ý bride and groom expressed, Sunday guests o! Mi-. and Mrs. Miss Vera Forder, Toronto, takre place in Charlottetownl, gave an account of the beginn- y u ee l 5E~~/ B. ~sey. This lady was shocked: their appreciation. Music for igo h avto ryy u eeh n 11-1bysoe ! hedong o tedancing was provided by AI-,!Harold Martyn and boys. and Miss Eva Brown, Hamil- P.E.I. nofTeSlai Âm by somd hie raefhihthe igofthet an and Clifford Dayes, Alîan Messrs Roy and Bih Fer- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Visitors with Mr-. and Mrs. founded by Major Bootb and manager Mriercewih s. RaoulpnE yad o sho. î' guson and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Forder on Sunday, and Ronald Ross Cari- through the week is wife Katherine in the eastLaehitilweIlb s Laer hitaked from "Tlh;ieyI-ai-Ri ycAshedtor. Mheattended the f uneral o! Mr-'and Betty Bradburn ae holi- were Milton Staples and is ed of London, England, in aJ Trning Wld" o "aking sq ars Albune os unhRyDu on Ms rant daying with the Forders this son John Staples o! Calgary, 1865, first known as the Christ- aetif TrigWrd on"angFerguso>n's father) in Toronto! week. Alta.. Christopher Staples, ian Mission. Mrs. Richardson the southwest sectoo!Bîmn Stafford aires. Lid., Ecumenicity Real"-Is ours a was served. Wednesday. 1Mi-.Led Mrs. J. A. Joheston Baltimore; Clifford Cr- e-coetir.ued -with a tape record- mueh of the exisigteeheac iomnt htbinds t- There was a faii-ly large Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stin- were* home from Belleville i-oit, Mich. ing as hier personal interview plaeed undergroun.Wtila Monuments I gether? ýcongregation at the United on, Yelverton, speet Wednes-' from Friday to Monday. wt oo udnadhslrepr fo Foîlowing the thank-yous Church Sunday morning. Mrs. day afternoen with the Wal- Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Venning Lloyd and Earl, and Mi-. and wife (who also bas the titleè rear of lots. Box 133 and the Benediction, a BibIî- Harold Kyte sang a solo, "I ter Wrigbts. ýand Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Smith Mrs. Edgar Horn spent a! Major) and who lead the eoetepoetI iih 318 unds S. E Wltbycalcontest was conducted by Know He Cares for Me." Rev. Soi-i- to report M-. Bai-pent Sunday with Mi-. and couple o! days at Wasago. Salvation Army in Toronto. Bfr h 318 Vanndas St. E. Whhe intrvcal 5,000e of beetvof naeciacbepu Phone Whitby Mrs. Lai-mer. A dainty lunch!P. Romeril took as bis su- VnRsy s Oshawa j Mrs. Russel Willae, Brace- Misses Gertrude Henr and Thein0rv0Wrevald of cal nvl ae be lae n MObawk 8-3552 was sei-ved by the group. At<Ject "Gcd's Care for AIl". hosoital due Io an accdeî't brijge. Doris Giiffin, Toronto, spent j of the great xvork done by tlir addition, ve ivili euig bu tendance, 12 ladies and four' There was an excellent at- wbile at work which caun-cl mr. and Mrs. John Carna- the holiday weekend at home.Army in social service and - - - - glan and faniily spent a week Misqes Betty McArthur and evangelisnî. Major- and Mrs. ground cable and ,0 etoo -with bis other at a cottage Joan Venning are spending a Burdon are presently holiday-, through whbich unegodcal on Wasaga Beach. jweek in Victoria, B. C., then: ing at Fenelon Falls, where Besides elîiaingsm v SymPathy is extended ta geing ta Mexico for twoithe interviewv teck place and is showing signs o eeirto Canon and M-s. Ashmore on wceks. :are sister and brother-in-laiv Improve the appaaneoste the death of bis mother in Glad ta report Miss Eva I f Dr. S. L. Speller o! Beth- accompli'shed bythreoaofn Peterboi-ough Sunday moi-a- Pari- home from Bowmanville aey. iwire and cable nitokfo h ing. hospital. Mrs. Wineifred Spencer pi-e- ing it by either udrrudfc clngathered at the Saywell's water, Chai-les, Mary and, Mrs. Joheston led the worship Tea-aI hc hsw ctaeSunday evcnin-g and Nancy are guests o! Mrs. W. service, with Mrs. Mervyn Teae had an enjoyable get-together. W. VanCamp. Porteous as organist. Mrs. ont Ineludes thetraglishp M-. and M-s. John Mew M-. and Mrs. Pai-kinson, George Waddeîl reported ail by Ontaio, Weilligo n ie and childi-en, Toi-onto, spent West Hill, were S a t ur day infant's layette sent te Peter- Ontario Street, theCNR.bac the weekend with M-. and guests o! Mi-. and Mrs. Ken- borougb whicb will be for- Line Road. S MMrs. Austin Beacock. nt Dunsmore wbo this past warded to an Indian Reserve We thought it m:tb Mrs. R. Stinson, Bowman- week moved to their new Mission. Mrs. Spencer stated good idea te rendfksi ,<ville was Sunday guest of home recently purcbased fi-rn two other parceis of knoitting Bowmanville oneaan bu ~~'Y . $ ~ S -Mr-. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp. the Frank Stinson estate. had been sent te o i-ne0Vr ,~Mr. o. ndle bOr eadquarters and a letter o!fn evc o oe ne liOshawa, were Friday onoMn. and Mrs. Hubert Cob- tbanks i-eceived. cnSrco Oir nsa jguests, and Mi-. and Mrs. Hil- jbledick and Margaret, Leam- Fcllowing the closing devo- wibl place multiwecae lai-y Kennedy, Uxbi-idge, and' ington, Miss Cale and Mi-. Bibi tiens the hostesses served between the wallstruhu - ...,. -.Mr. Rulpt. Byers and Mrs. E. Cobbledick, Owen Sound, wereilunch and a social heur was a new home povddts Gibson, Bow'manville, w e re Moeday guests o! Mn. and! enjoyed. service is requestedbfr h - . ~~~~~~ Leith Byers. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Fer-i.Thnwenhebues w . C U RMi-. and Mrs. Glenn Wanna- guson, London, visited oni PlNTDll compîeted and the utmnbsc maker and girls, Seagrave, Thursday, Rev. and Mi-s. C. or locations, for teehn1srie were Sunday guests of Mi-. H. Ferguson, Don. Milîs, were 1 locate the hidden wr iha l 4 . - ~~~~~and M-ms. Herb. Swain. weekend giuests, and Mr. and After a period of 30 years adcnettlpoeo eehn ,. , -~$ - ' y' ' ' -Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Brad- Mrs. Gea. Dunbar, Denise and tbis community held its se- An inconspicueus patcfc lt i , bure, Toronta, were Sunday Cathy, Scarborougb, Mi-. aed cond Street Dance on Fridav the outlet from thewi l n 4 ~ \\ dîneer euests of Mi-. and Mrs. Mrs. Noel Monton and David, when over 1000 adults paid wl etela atetlpoe ýî ~~~~~Lewis Henry and Mrs. J. W. Oshawa, were Sunday guests their entrance fee te a i-cal ta hsnwfe Bradburn, and Mi-. a-nd Mrs. o! Mx-s. Ceci1H11l, and Roy live affair. All childre wretheat hsnw reserieisara More Spectacular plus values than lever lhefore, ai quife exceptional priCeS! Frank Carter and family and and Bill Ferguson and the,4fee and they were there in information, askyorbiert Miss Price, Maple Grave, were Lloyd Wrights. scores te enjoy the peny iides Office, Zenith 673,an asfo Note the spectacular features of aIl suits: suriner gues-ts. Miss Joan Chiasson, Rieh-iand othen attractions. Games Service. Mi-. and Mi-s. Loi-ne Br-ad- mond Hill, spent last weekl o! chance, bingo and other e Nylon and :otton fabrics that resist icy cold winds-and wear bure, Toronto, were Sunday with bier sister, Mns. Harold j ooths were webl patronîzed. logrsupper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Henry. Teda o 10bn vsWhlle anyonl nBwa logrJ Joe Bradburn. Mrs. John Romeril and foui- won by onc of the Millers whowht epons * Wool interiininq to give snuggest warmth (7-1b. for jackets -4 "Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart childi-en, Vancouver Isband, operates a Tourist resart east wletlpoesml yodrn L lb forslacs) ieturned fron- their boney- spent last Tbursday witb Rev. Of the village. His brother tphone buins as ofchiPl ~ * e wfinr bakin hods nterinig frme andallws atifact ' '. s~ moon trip ta Jamaica on Sa t- andMs.P Romeril and Den- won the $25 for selling the teephoe is a speia mr o p- NewYiWe heard a storyrinng irmr nrecentlytifaco abouts P dry cleaninci urday evening and be!t for nis. winning ticket. The music by mnctosI nuietfe Oute shel +aric urnsunde jacet hms ad trusercuff forFort William Mc.nday. Hon Martyn ai-d Jim Canna- the Country Heppors was en- mnccid 0 it 'poesfrai 0 utr hel abictunsunerjckt em ad rose cff frMr-. and Mrs. Ai-t Rustin ghan are spending titis week joyed by alî. The commttee body waed 0 . h wh oletow longer wear uand shape retentien and boys, Port Credit, spent at Quin-Ma-Lac Camp, reports over $1000 clear. This and the dinector atrgtfrjrt 0 ijg ho r ih the weekend wîtb Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea was one of th e best comm~un- tp a special conuitetoeid Shopan alk~'s ayawy pan-$.OO now nd umal aout - ~Ford. and Nancy, Bronte, were Sun- itY efforts ever staged bei-e. telephones. Ail btoeo h weekly oWlds our select on $10nwanddpysfo i bfoe inter. utMis. Neil Malcolm a n dday guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Evei-yone was willing te helppledadaetdaru ntI wekyhld orsleto ndpy o i eoe itr hildi-en teok Mrs. J. A. Cook Ivan Mountjoy and family an-d did. who etsad thehatoe o! Brookîbe te, a cottage at aed Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Hos- Decoratien Day Services* * '~~~~~ ~Moore Falls, Mindcn, Iast kmn. Mr. and Mrs. E. McNeil will be held at the PontypoolRe mbwhnyuetia / Tuesday. and childi-en, Toronto, were Cemetery on Sunday, August wheeyoeg, ofstb'h Thursday, Mn. and Mrs. Neil aIse guests o! the Ivan Mount- 2th. Your attendance and ~. Malcolm attended the Golden jo-ys. support will be appreciated by TODOLERS' ONE PCE, STYLE -,< Wedding of Mr. an Mrs. Loi-ne RyMuto shldyn h eeyBad nylon worp fabric double Weoar- ~ ~4 a week's bolidays in West Hill Mrs. W. Lawi-enson, Toi-ente, deatb of Mr-. George Vaughan and London. spent the weekend with Mi-. o! Toroento. Mr. and Mrs. 0 Knittea Wool cutfs " ~ rMr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin,land Mrs. Ed Harris. Vaughan were on a holiday in, 1 AXe .0.a.0 PRINTING NO! TO AVOID THE EXTRA 30/o SALES TAX which cornes into effect SEPTEMBER lst THE NEW PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WILL BE CHARGED ON TOP 0F THE 11% FEDERAL TAX NOW PAYABLE ON ALL PRINTING REQUIREMENTSO Check your Supplies Order NOW for delivery by September 1sf Hi - Speed Automatic Presses to serve You PHONE MA 3-3303 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLIC, ONTARIO WEDNMDAY, AUG. 15th, 1961 ;tarting a pi-oject ln ville whicb will sce ýrial %vire and cable Iso be relocating a the streets to the 2d, some 10.000 feet cerground and sonie up on 108 poles. In 1,900 feet o! undr- conduit, thec "pipe", eand î.vire i-un. ie and cable wlîich ithis projict %%-iii ts. This ivilI be nuch of the pncs'-nt streets and replac- ilities on ire and i-k will be car-l"d A section bounaii- rty Streets and by i lne and the Base ,hosen the location, ýou- installer wil. ectronic instrument es, with the wiring. awill be affixed to anly wl-e showing Most folks agi-ce 1boon ta the home is home. For full caîl ou- Business Concealed Wii-ing mille can have a ig it fi-om the tele- it secis, a white restige and honour. a director of corn- E'olish town %%,he stibution. Every- n was in an uproar est. He finally set who,.would get the ctelephones Ivene still golng on as te ,lling this summer, moe. 'A PAGE THMTEM zbt ,iýlalt#inan

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