DEAD FOR CASIFE Tuesday.430pm Births AVERY-Gloria, Norma, Val- erie, Wayne and Ross announcel the safe arrivai o! their twin sisters, Dale Mildred, 6 ibs. 1 oz. and Deborah Elizabeth, 5 ibs. %k oz., at Memoriai Hos- pital, Friday, August 11. Proud parents are Norm and Joan. 33-1 BUTTERY-Ken and Jean' (nee Crosier) are happy to announce the birth of a son Derek Kenneth, on Saturday, July 29, 1961, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile. A brother for Wayne. 33-1* COUROUX-Helen and Eddie are happy to announce the arrivai o! their daughter, Lynn Helen, at Memorial Hospital, August 7, 1961, a sister for Ray and Marie. 33-1* DORKS-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dorks (nee Faulkner) wish to announce the arrivai of their'daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, Aug. 14, 1961. A sister for Donna May and Douglas. 33-1 FAYER-Mr. and Mrs. John Payer are very thankful to announce the arrivai of Henri- etta Joyce on August 12, 1961, at Memorial Hospital. A sister for Julia, Joanne and Evelyn. 33-1 LOWERY-Lioyd and Daria (nee Coyie) thank God for the safe arrivaI o! their daughter, Mary Elien, on Thursday, Aug. 3, 1961, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 33-1* WILLIAMS-To Arnold andl Jean <nee Bowers) on Thurs- day, July 27th, at Port Perry Community Hospital, a son, Dale Bowers, a brother for Janice, Steven and Scott. 33-if Deciths* CHARRON-At Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanvilie, on Friday, August 11, 1961, Earl David Charron, aged 4 weeks, beiov- ed infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ear Charron, Windsor. Serv- ice was held at the Morris Funeral Chapei, Bowmanviiie on Saturday, August 12 at 10 a.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 33-1 COUCH, Apha-In Winnipeg, Man., on Friday, July 28, 1961, Alpha Couch, beioved husband o! the late Susan Porteous and dear father of Russel, Leslie, Olive and Effie, aged 94 years. Funeral took place !rom the McConneil Funerai Home, Riv- ers, Man., with interment in Rivers Cemetery. 33-1 TOMS-At Memorial Hospital, Dowmanville on Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961, Norman Toms, New- castle, aged 80 years. Dear brother of Arthur, Ethel (Mrs. T. Fettes) and Charles W. Service was held at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- vile on Tuesday, August 15 at 2 o'ciock. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. 33-1 Engagements M. and Mms. Wm. H. Bates of Bowmanville announce the engagement o! their daughter Lydia, ta Mr. Heinz Jobst, son o! Mrs. A. Jobst and the late Mr. Jobst o! Nurnbemg, Ba- varia, West Germany. The inarriage ta take place on Sept. 16, 1961, at St. Gabricl's Ang- lican Chumch, Calgary, Alta. 33-1 M. and Mrs. Duncan Gardon Murray, Toronto, announce the engagement o! their daughtcm Heather Ruth Margameta, ta Mr. Boyd Thomas Cochrane, son o! M. and Mrs. Frank Cochrane, Islington. The mar- riage will take place an Sep- tember 16 at 3:00 o'clock in Runneymede United Church,~ Toronto. 33-1~ M. and Mms. Frank H. Pascoe, Hampton, wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn Isa- belle, ta M. Ronald Ross Dick- inson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson o! Newcastle. The mamiage will take place on Satumday, September 16, 1961, at 3 p.m., Zion United Church. 33-i Mr. and Mrs. Thompson E. Taylor, Bowmanville, announce the engagement o! their daughter Donna Ellen June, ta Ralph Walter Whyte, son a! Mm. and Mms. Robert W. Whyte o! Bowmanvilie. The wedding wili take place September 23, 1961, at 4:00 o'clock p.m. in St. Paui's United Chumch, ]Bowmanville. 33-1* Photography PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Passports Weddings - Anniversaries à Specialty Astor Studio 715 King St. E. Bowmanvillei Phone MIA 3-2502 23-tf Business Opp ortunity__ OiWN your own business. Weli established routes o! nut and candy venders for sale, in your homne district. Can be handied art timne or full time. Uniim- ted possibilities for expansion.] Experience unnece.ssary. Small investment equired. Write Adirertisem 170, c/a Canadiani Statesmman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-1 usaVille. 32-40 Cacrds of Thanks Auction Sale I wish to thank everyone The hauschoid e!!ects o! who has emembered me in Mrs. Walter Cmawthem, New-1 any way while I have been ili.'castle, will be soid at the Wesley Ycllowlees. Durham County Sale Aena, 331Orono, Friday evcning, Ags 1l8, commencing at 6 p.m.1 We would like tai thank ourVlerms cash. Jack Reid, auc- friends, relatives, neîghboums!tioneer. 33-i for cards, flowers, messages o! i sympathy, acts o! kindncss dur-1 Auctian Sale 30 head Pure- ing aur recent sad bereave- bred Angus Cattle-i1 cows ment. Iwith caives at foot, 7 cows duc Bill, Ivy and Walter Ita freshen from September on, Rundle and family. 33-i1lAngus bull 17 months aid. The entire herd a! Mr. C. W., I wouid like ta thank ail Evans ta be sold without re- my friends for their kind mes- serve at the Durham County sages and cards during my Sales Barn, Orono, on Fiday recent illness. Also a special cvening, September lst . Plan thanks ta Mms. L. Bail who ta attend this important auc- camricd on my business during tion. Terms cash. No reserve.« my absence. Jack Reid, auctioncer. 33-21 Ann Samelis. 33-4* I would like ta thank relatives, fiends and neighbors for cards, fruit, fiowers and cig- arettes, also Drs. Sylvester, Anfossi, Johnston, aiso nurses and staff o! Memoriai Hos- rpital, Bowmanviile. Orr Venning. 33-1* We wish to thank ail our relatives, neighbors and friends o! the Enniskillen Community for the useful and lovciy gifts received and the enjoyabie] Party which was held in our honor, August 5. Joe and Kathleen McGiil. 33-1 1 wish to thank Dr. H. B. Rundie and Dr. P. J. Johnston, nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital for care and kindness shown to me during my mecent, illness. Also thanks to friends' and relatives for cards, flow-, crs and visits. Tressa Chittick. 33-i * In deep appreciation to our friends and nei ghboums for their many expressions o! sympathy shown to my family and myseif in the recent ioss o! beioved mother and grand- mother, Annie May Conquer. Mrs. H. S. Coutts and famiiy, Hampton. 33-1 Mere words are inadequate to express my gratitude ta each and everyone who has helped since my accident. To Dr. H. C. Anfossi, to my friends and neighbors for their cards, ex- pressions o! good wishes and the many acts o! kindness at this time. My sincere thanks and appreciation to ail. Charles Payne. 33-1*' I would like ta express my sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and ncighbors for cards and flowers I received while in hospital and since returning home. Speciai thanks ta Dr. rMcKenzie, Dr. Rundie, Dr. Sylvester, nurses and staff o! Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Wes Wood. 33-1* In Memoriam ALLDREAD-In ioving me- mory o! dear Shirley who passed away August 15, 1958. Hem memory is as dear today, As in the hour she passed away. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed-Mom and Dad Alldmead. 33-1* McLAUGHLIN-In memomy o! Carl McLaughlin who ieft us suddcnly August 20, 1958. In aur hearts you wiil always stay, Loved and remembemcd every day. -Jean, Grant and Neil. 33-1* McLAUGHLIN-In loving me- mary o! a dear son and broth- er, Carl, who passed away LAugust 2Oth, 1958. A silent thought, a secret tear, Kccps his memary ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memomy turns back Ê evcry lea!. »-Sadly missed by mother, father and family. 33-1* Coming Events Dance at Town Hall, Orono, September 8; round and square dancing. Music by Jimmy Fisher. Admission $2.00 a couple. Sponsomed by Orono Faim. 33-4ý Woodview ComxnunIty Centre -Monster B i n g a. Twenty games-twenty dollars; five games-thimty dollars; $150 jackpot. and twa jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday. 8 p.m.. Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Support the Bowmanville Lions Canivai at Memorial Park, Saturday, August 26th. A freec wistwatch will be given away every 15 minutes, you must be in attendance ta win. Fun and excitement for aIl!! 30-5 Last dance o! the season- Barn Dance, Saturday, Aug. 19 at the farm a! Jake Van Dam Jr., four miles east o! Ponty- pool. Music by Rip Sanders and his Mciody Rangers cur- ently playing on CKLY radio. Modemn and aid time dancing. Admission $1 per persan. 33-1 CHARTERED BUS TRIP A large quantîty o! furnitume will be soid at Pethick's Auc- tion Shed on Satumday, Aug. 19-Two ail heaters, rangette, bicycle, ten chairs, 3-piece chestemfieid, wmiting desk and bookcase, small caok stove, Quebec heater, washing ma- chine, 1 year aid; floor caver- ing, card table and 4 chairs, table saw, smail tables and other articles. Sale at 1:30. Tcmms cash. Cli!! Pcthick, auctioneer. 33-1 Auction sale o! bedmaom, living-room and kitchen furn- iture, electmic stove, washing machine, dishes, etc., the estate o! the late Mms. Blake Alex- ander, ta be sold by public auction at hem late residence, Kendal, Saturday evening, August l9th at 6:30 p.m. The propcrty consîsting o! a 7-moom frame house with oul furnace, stable and hen house, one acre o! land with immediate pos- session wili be o!fered for sale subject ta a reserve bid. Tcrms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 32-2 Having sold their farm, I have mcceived instructions from Mr. and Mrs. George Walton ta sdil by public auction an Satumday, August 26, at Wai- tona Park, Newcastle: bcd- room, living-room and kitchen furnitume, coloumed bisque, figurines, set o! crystai, an- tique dishes, afghan robe, large bevelled mirror, upmight piano, ail paintings, Axminstem rugs, linoleum rugs, chcst o! draw- crs, odd chairs and tables, studio couch, china cabinet, etc. Sale ta commence prompt- ly at 1:00 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auc- tianeer. 33-2 Notices L. C. Mason, Law Office, ciosed until August 29th next. 32-3* Dr. Dinniweil's office wil be closed from August 12 to August 27 inclusive. 32-2 The office o! Dr. Ailan B.' Sylvester will be closed dur- ing the month o! August. 30-5 McNulty's Sports Shop wl be closed from August 2lst ta August 26th. Open Monday, August 28th. 33-1 Anyone wishing ta bowi with the Ladies' Major League telephone the Bowling Alley or Emma Bromell, MA 3-35481 by August 28. 33-2 Dr. G. E. Mann's office wili be closed during the month o! August except aIl day Tues-9 day, August 8, 15, 22 and Wcd- Snesday mornings A'ug. 9, 16, 23. 30-5 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED man for dairy famm. Phone CO 3-2587. 33-1* DAY workers wantcd ta assist with harvest. Phone MArket 3-7150. 33-i SINGLE man with some cx- perience for dairy !arm. Wes- ley Yellowlces, CO 3-2564. 33-i HOUSEKEEPER ta live in for c!amily o! thrce childrcn, (Oshawa), while m o th er works. Phone MA 3-3982. 33-1* THE bcst jobs with the best pay go ta Business Sehool graiuates. Enrol now for the eFali Term at Bowmanville yBusiness Sehool, Mrs. C. A. aBartlett, Principal. 154 King DSt. East, Bowmanviiie. 23-tf 1A LOCAL or rural Familex dcalership can be yours if you are an ambitious man. Step into a profitable business o! your own with guaranteed pro- tducts, inciuding cosmetics, food tproducts, brushes, vitamins, tonics, etc. High commission. Write ta Familex, Dept. A.7, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 33-1 Wanted to Rent SMALL apartment with mod- crn conveniences. Phone afteri. i6, MA 3-2253. 33-1 HOUSE. two bedrooms, aduits only. Centrai. Write Advcr- tiser 174, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- Sville. 33-1* YOUNG female teacher would like ta have a room or small 1apartment in Bowmanville, -cnd of August. Write Ad ver-1 tiser 172, c/o Canad.ian States-' man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. 33-1* North Bay Nursinq Z Home ""' THHaven Nursing Home Labour Day Weeicend'-'Accommodation for private COLMR TAVE SE V a n d semi-private patients, COLME TRAVL SER I lounge TV. Fully liccnsed, Phne aM 3-3265 new building modemn. Visitons £AAAA~A'A& ~J~UU welcome. Reasonal ats 33-1 Phono Newcastle 4_41. 1-t Articles for Sale 14-FOOT cedar stip boat. ýMA 3-7264. 33-1* MERCURY 30 h.p. outboard. Caîl MA 3-5589. 33-1 USED Frigidaire refrigerator. Phone MA 3-2284. 33-1* ANNEX, good condition. K. G. Roblin, Burketon. 33-1 STRAW for sale. Roy Van Camp. Phone MA 3-2310. 33-1 WATER for sale and caelivered. Cail Cliff Pethick. CO 3-2131. 32-t! '57 NSU Quick motor bike. Phone MA 3-2074 a!tcr 5 p.m. 33-if 21" ADMIRAL TV set, walnut finish. Chcap for cash. Tele- phone MA 3-5123. 33-1* LLOYD baby carniage, blue and white, in excellent con- dition. Phone MA 3-3752. 33-1* ALSCO doors, windows, awn- ings, sidings, campots, railings. Lamne Allun, MArket 3-3871. 32-2 ONE uscd propane gas furn- ace and space heater in gaod condition. Phone MA 3-7263.1 32-tf FIVE greenhouses, 50 f t. long; will scîl singly. Contact Joe Lammour, 4 St. George. Phone jMA 3-2554. 33-2 SAVE on lumber, direct from( miii to you. Philips Lumbert Co., Kinmount, Onta r io. Phone 17r1l. 45-tf KEYS cut automaticaliy, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanviie. 46-tf GLADIOLUS and cut fiowers for ail occasions. Orders taken Mrs. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. Phone MA 3-3527. 28-10*1 SEE Elmer for good used TV's, furniture, appliances, vacuums, cook ware, some antique furniture. CO 3-2294. 22-_tf IGEO. White thmeshing ma- chine, 36" body, 32" cylinder, wooden frame. Will seli reas- onabie. Henry Nixon, R.R. 2, Orono. 33-1* INSULATION. blowing meth- od, with rock wooi. Work- manship guarantced. Free esti-i miates. Harry L. Wade. Tele-1 phone Clarke 2420. 39-t! 50 FOOT garden hase on reel. Also two-burner eiectric range with aven, (nat rangette); al burners work at anc time. Phone Newcastle 3621. 33-if INTERNATIONAL grain bind-z er, 7' cut or Masscy-Harris 7'. Bath in good working order. Aiso 9 acres o! whcat straw. ýPhone LeRoy Short, MA 3-2479. 33-1* BARN 45' x 70', ail saweêd joist. This barn can be taken down and put up anywhcre. Apply ta Harvey T. Webster, ,Carpenter, Little Britain, Ont. Phone 38 r 2. 32-2 COURSES in the subi ects a! your choice. Enrol now for the fail terma at Bowmanvile Business Schooi, Mrs. C-. A. Bartlctt, Principal, 154 King St. East, Bowmanville. 23-tf TWO h.p. motor, perfcct for canoe, used anc season, $80; powder blue formai, size 12,ý and vemy full crinoline, $10; bed-chestemfield and chair, ex- cellent condition, $40. Phone MA 3-5392. 33-i BROADLOOM - waii-to-wall or room size. Free estimates on waii-to-wall Sampies tak- en out ta your home for colour and decorating ideas. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., IMA 3-7071. 34-tf SEPTIC TANK STONE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL j CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL Celiars and Trenches Dug LELAND PAYNE Phone 4204 CLARKE (Calleet) 25-t! SAND AND GRAVEL FOR VOUR DRIVEWAYS AND CEMENT PHONE EARL BOTTRELL CO 3-2682 For Prompt Service and Delivery 15-tf Attention: Farmers Thresher and Hammermili Beits, 50' x 6 x 4: $45.00. 2" Belting: 22c per ft.; 3": 33e ft.; 6"1: 65e ft. Special prices on endless farm belts, grader beits, V-belts. ail types of rubber hase, plastic pipe, rubber boots, etc. Beits repaîr- ed or vulcanized at iow prices1 within 24 hours. Phone 728-1658 Snowden Industrial Rubber & Plastics 91 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA _______ 30-23 IFARMERS MARKET' Now Operating AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE; Every Friday -2 Produce Available ln Farmers and Producer, ested ln taking a sta.lI contact the ADMINISTRATION C OSHAWA SHOPPING CENT OSHAWA, ONTAI Phone 728-62 p.m. Season -s Inter- Articles for Sale BABY buggy, grey. CO 3-2044. 33-1 ELECTRIC range and refrig- erator. Phone MA 3-3098. 33-1l GRADE 10, Il and 12 Com- mercial. Phone MA 3-5139. 33-1* COCKSHUTT grain binder. Best offer. Phone CO 3-2470. 33-1 WHEAT and oat straw, baled or unbaied. Phone MA 3-5835. 33-1 YELLOW Transparent appies. Sprayed. Reasonabie. COlfax 3-2338. _________33-if WATCH McNulty's Window this week for Summer Clear- ance Sale. 33-1 SWEET Corn, quantities de- livercd. Apply Elmer Cox, PhoneMA 3-7189. 33-4* USED Refrigerators, priced from $65 to $99 at Lander Hardware, 51 King St. E. ____33-i PIPELESS furnace, Happy Thought, for coal or wood, with new grates. Phone Orono 9 r 12. _____33-1 UNUSED bed-chesterfieid and matching chair. Cost me $298. Wili seli for $150. Telephone Newcastle 3186. 33-i TWO H.O. gauge train sets, over 30 ft. track on 8 ft. x 4 ft. table top. Ail kinds o! ac- cessories and buildings. Phone MA 3-3939. 33-i STURýGEON'S White Paint for houses, fences, etc. Extra speciai value, only 3.95 a gai. at Abernethy's Paint & Wall- paper, 33 King St. W. 33-1 10 ACRES o! standing second cutting aifalfa and clover and 12 acres o! baled second cutting alfalfa and clover. Phone LeRoy Short, MA 3-2479. 33-i GARAGE, 10 ft. x 20 ft., over- hcad door, $75; Roto-tiller, $60; boat trailer, $18; gas engine and generator unit, $15; car radio, $15; camp gas stove, $7; 5 h.p. gas engine, $20. Phone CO 3-2509. 33-i ONE 16 cu. ft. deep freeze, large refrigerator, automatic dryer, Inglis washer, large dresser, Tappan cicar view puil-out clectric range, num- erous other articles and tools, etc. Appiy Thursday aftcr 6 p.m. or Aug. 18 - 2th. M. A. Pickering, Highway 2, East end o! Newcastle. 33-1* SAVE the Tax - Beat them now! Nylon bcd-chesterfield and swivei rocker, table iamp, coffee table, end table, 5 pieces, $199. Chrome high chairs, 12.50; rnahogany and Arborite end tables, large size, 9.50; Sealy mattresses, 59.50 value, 39.95; bedroom chairs, 16.95. Trade-in-Washers from 19.50, chesterfieid suite, like new; steel bed, springs and studio couch. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., Bowmanvile. 33-4* USED Harvest and Haying Equipment - George White Threshing Machine, recon- ditioned International power take-off Baier, Massey-Harris, 3-furrow Plow on steel, Case 7' Cultivator on rubber wheeis, 71 International Cultivator oni steel wheeis; International 10' wheel controiied Disc with hydraulic cylinder; 1950 Ford Dump, excellent grain truck. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Tele- phone MA 3-5689. 33-i DISCOUNT Prices during aur Greatcst August Fumniture Sale-Smooth-top Contincntall beds, complete with legs and' headboard, reg. $89.50 - Dis- count Price $54. Floor Caver- ing, wall ta wall, dozens o! patterns, thousands o! yards - Discount Price, per ft., 25c. Unpainted Baokcases, $2.99; Chest a! Dawcrs, S16.88; Stu- dents' Desks, $12.88; Spring- filled Mattresses, ail sizes, $16.88; Arborîte Top Desks, Dawcr and Shel!, reg. $29.95 - Discount Price, $16.88. Baby Carniages, 1961 Carbed styles - Discount Price !rom $22. Ed. Wilson's Discount Fumnitume Store, 20 Chumch St., Oshawa. PRIVATE SALE OF FINE FURNITURE at the home of Mrs. C. W. Siemon 106 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE Aug. 16 fo Aug. 19 from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m. Early Canadian and .ackesi and Hay Period Furniture -1 Circa 1830 ta 1860, including- Sideboard, Wainut Sofa, Secre- taire, Prayer Chair, Dining-1 room Furniture, Bookcase, Bedroom Suite, Gerard Heintz- man Piano, Eiectric Stove, Work Table and many other items. 33-1 Livestock For Sale YOUNG pigs. Victor Cookson, Bowmanville. 33-1* TWO first litter sows duc in' September. CO 3-2512. 33-1 TEAM o! quiet marcs. Clay- tan Brown. Phone Bethany 16 r 1 3. 33-1* VACCINATED, grade Holstein heifers, !resh and spinging, unit bred. Doug Sieep. Phone IBlackstock 152J. 33-1 Cars for Sale 1952 CHEV., cheap. Telephonel- MA 37056 a!ter 6. 33-' 1950 PONTIAC, $65. ApIyZI 77 Elgin St. Bawmanviile. 33-1w for a change fi's - Good - For - You Buy from the Top Selleri at Today's Prices Wise people who think twicel aiways say it's none other than. ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Cnaranteed Used Cars ,R(eal iEstate for Sale Real tstate for Sale Peter Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 99 King St. E.. MA 3-5868 $1000 down, 6 raom modemni bungalow at Newtonviiie. Al modemn conveniences. Garage. easonable. New 5-moom bungalow on] Parkway Crescent. Vemy well 'built. Oil heating. Campet. Asking $13,900, with terms. 6 room brick bungalow on Concession St. E. This is a well built home and is in I*m- maculate condition thmoughout. Attractively landscaped. At- tachcd garage. $4.000 down. 2¾/ acres with 4-moom bun- _______house right in town. USED CR oil and good future 18,500. Reasonable dow CLEARANCE ment. 1 100 acre farmn at Enn 1958 CHEV. 4-DR. Ion good road. Large 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. lframe house with bal W ONGood barn with hydi DELUXE STATION WGNwater, $19,500. Terms. Two-tone Gothic gold *3ctae tWs and ivryI Buy now at bargain 1957 PONTIAC 2-DR. DELUXEI1Stamting at $500 down. with Radio 1 Saiesmen: 1956 CHEV. 2-DR. IC. Soper MA Radio. J. A. Barton MA 1955 PREFECT 4-DR. BUY NOW TO BEAT THIE SALES TAX, SEPT. ls 1 ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Lots 33 -1i AUGUST SALE USED CARS 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 cyl., windshield washers, wheel discs, radio with rearý seat speaker, two-tone whiteI and green. Good dlean, local car. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 cyl., radio, two-tone black and green 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 6 cyl., radio. Bargain. Many other makes and models ail with 30-day warranty. PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for Plymouth - Dodge - Valiant Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 33-i RepDairs RADIO and television repairs, >Prompt service. Pick-up andý deiivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED televîsion and radio service, toalal makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. REPAIRS and ewinding, arm-1 atumes turned, toalal makes of electrie motors. Hîggon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. __ 7-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! re- frigerators, domestie and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig-1 gon Elcctric Limitcd, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-t! WATCH REPAIRINGI Certified Watchmaker of Canadian .Tewcllers' Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-tf1 FINALLY ! Your own local sewing machine repair man Free Estimates - Fast Service One Year Guarantee Ail Makes - inciuding SINGER SEWING MACHINES Cal: BERT SEVINK MA 3-2664 24-t! Leask Real Estate 42 Acre farm on outskirts o! Bowmanville, sandy loam sou, 2 wells, 7 acres bush, 7 roomý brick bouse, cil fumnace, bath- room, watcm andi hydro in( barn, on sum!aced road near schooi. $20,0111.00. Temms. Choice building lot, lOOxîSo, basement 9 blocks high aiready in, sur!aced road, near school. Make an offer. We have houses, lota, cot- tages, etc. M. E. LEASK1 Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Boivmanvilie MArket 3-5919 33-1 For Rent Choice HOUSE in Newcastle. Phone POSSi- Newcastle 2556. 33-1* A,11 for ,n pay- APARTMENT - MA 3-2445 after 5, week days. ___32-tf iskillen IN NEWCASTLE, 3-room up- 6-room stairs apartment. Phone New- hroom. castle 4256. 33-1 oand APARTMENT, four rooms,, Beach bathroom, heated, $55. Phonei prICesO 3-2395. 33-11 3-2624ý 3-3098 33-i D. W. McQuay SVltr. I JIu Members o! Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 10 acre lots. Good location on Base Line Road near Court- ice. $5,000 with $1,500 down. 18 acres o! young orchard, 900 trees 8 years aid, located on paved road at Tyrone. Only $9,000. Terms. 47 scenic acres with stmeamI $4,100 with $1,800 down. 111 acre farm, 4-bedroom home with bathmoom, good barn, new piggemy, excellent stmeam. Omono amea. $11,10,0 Terms. 2 storey brick house with ail conveniences, fimepiace, garage, 4 acres o! land. Near Blackstock an paved road'. Only $9,500 with $3,000 down. $1,500 down buys 4 bedroom home, stone fiepiace, double garage, niceiy landscapcd lot. in Bowmanville on Lake On- tario. Centre St., 2-storey, 8-room home, garage, deep lot. This home is in excellent condition. Asking $12,500. Easy terms. Frederick Street - Ranch bungalow with attached garage. Large landscapcd lot. One af Bowmanville's finer homes. Priccd for quick sale. Wc have a gaod selection o! !amms, homes, lots, acreages and businesses. Cal WALTER FRANK 1177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanvllle 1 33-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 100 Acre pasture farm. A gaod buy at $4,000.00. 100 Acres with 10 room house, barn 35 x 65, garage, :mplement shed. Price $10,000. Terms. 100 acres, 6 room frame house, barn 28x46, impiement shed and garage, two streams. Price $6,000. Tcmms. 100 acres near Mosport, 7-1 oomed house, barn 30x60. A2 good, investment at $9.900.1 Terms.1 1 Acre with 3 room cottage, nice strcam, shade trees. Price $2,200. 6-room bungalow, fuliy mod- ern, ncw. Price $13,000. Low down payment. 4-bedroom home, bath, gar- age, near school. Price $6,500 Easy tcmms. 10-room two-storey brick1« home, vcry central, suitable for two apartmcnts. Price $10.500. Tcmms. Orono-3 bedroom home, oul furnace, bath, full basement, niccly iandscapcd. Pr ic c $7,500.00. Terms. Hampton-3 bedroom bunga- low, ncw, fully modemn. Giveý us an offer. Owner must seli. Bowmanvillc - 2 - bedroom home, new ail furnace, bath. Price $7,000. Down $1,000. enac, FOUR-room house, anc mile cast Newcastle. Phone New- castle 3776. 33-1 SIX-room house, centrai, avail- able Sept. 1. Write P.O. Box 150, Bowmanville. 33-1* SANDERS and Paint Sprayers' for ent. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 33-2* TWO - BEDROOM bungalow, central. Apply ta P.O. Box 12, Bowmanville. 33-1 THREE rooms and bath, heat- cd, self-contained. 205 King, St._E.. MA 3-3186. 9-tf LARGE, bright, well furnish- cd, self-contained room, cent-i mal. MA 3-7201. 33.1*w TWO rooms for couple. one 1mile east of Bowmanville. 1Phone MA 3-2687. 32-2* tNEW 3-bedroom house at Maple Grove to responsibie family, $80. MA 3-2203. 33-1* COMMERCIAL property on rSilver Street, formerly Black- 1smith shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tf1 1LAKEFRONT cottage, Scugog Island, three bedrooms, modern con-veniences. MA 3-2004. 33-4* THREE-room ground floor apartment, separate bath and entrance; heated. 175 Liberty sNorth. 33-2* FIVE-room upstair apartment, separate bath and entrance, iheated. Aduits preferred. 175 Liberty North. 33-2* THREE - bedroom apartment. Apply 82 Church Street Satur- day afternoon oniy or Phone 1281 Millbrook. 33-1 SIX-roomed house; four bcd-' rooms, bathroom, large living-, room and large kitchen. Tele- phone MA 3-5610. 33-1' LOVELY large room, semi- private bathroom, 'phone in room. Centrai location. Tele- phone MA 3-3392. 33-tf TWO apartments with 3 moins, kitchenette and bath. Ccntraily iocated. Washer service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. 23-tf GROUND Floor Apartment, four moims and bath, heatcd, heavy wiring, centrai location. Available Sept. 1. MA 3-3772. 33-1 THREE-roomn modern, heated apartment. Hardwood and tule floors. Locker in base- ment. Available Sept. lst. Phone MA 3-3810. 31-tf APARTMENT - 3 rooms and bath, heated, unfurnished, se- parate entrance, hot water, hardwood floors, centrally located. Phone MA 3-5431i. 33-1 SEVEN-room house in Black-' stock, basement, garden, gar- age, hard and soft water.i Apply Donald Forder, Port Perry. Phone 985-2289 or 985-2562. 33-1 FREE rent one month, heated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer-drycr, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W., aiso for rent store on main street. 22-tf THÎREE roomed apartments, for rent, 3 blocks from down- town, newly decoratcd, heavy duty wiring, heated. Venetian blinds and drapery rods on ail windows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf THREEr Wanted to Buyetane yHlghway No. 2 for aider GIRL'S bicycl.PoeC East of Bowmanvile chden 3-2448. 33-1* Telephone MArket 3-3644 175, c/o GRADE 9 and 10 school baoks. Salesmen: 1PO o Phone MA 3-5139. 33.1* G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300THE- SMALL house in Newcastle C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 bth, ea-r with fumnace. Phone Omono 33-i1 bah hal 1308. 33-1* cm montl OLD stamps, coins and aI1d Pets f or Sale Scott, 75 goid jewellery. Write Box 32, POLICE pups, three weeks aid. Willowdal Newcastle. 32-41 Phone Newcastle 4126. 33.1* 2-1146. BOY'S Junior two-wheci bi- SIX month maie beagle. Mur- APARTMiI cycle or smailer. Reasonabie. ray Abbott. Phone MA 3-7245. cd, fourr Phone MA 3-3257. 33-1 33-il mediate p( HIGHEST prIces pald for live REGISTERED German Shep- from Posl golry ose feathers, feath- herd, female, five months oid. vertiser pouiry, srpiorgStatesman cm ick, srap ira, rgsPhone MA 3-5524 for further manville. metals and raw furs. Phone information. 33-1* RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. ______________ TWO neY 48 tV U lern.M lnU j ro ALL kinds of lUve poultry, feathers, new goose and duck also aid feather ticks wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. i. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 21 -t! I - WATE bpSuten ewPeso a YorSte iargesot eai ew P__________________ choice dairy cattie: Good quai- HYGENJO supplIes - (Rubber RE ity lst and 2nd cal! heifers for goads) mailed postpaid in plain RO Fali1 freshening. WViII pay top sealtd envelope with price list. Z, prices on your farrn. Offers Six samples 25c, 24 samples ta Advcrtiser 176, c/o Thel$1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Canadian Statesman, P.O. BoxiNov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, 31-5490, Bowrnanville, Ont. 33-4 Haraüton, Ont. 1-521 DEAD and crippled !arm stock, pickcd up promptiy. Telephone COifax 3-2721. Margwiii Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAIID R AY VI1VI1A N Locust Hill Phone Markham 1160J Colleet 24-hr. 7-day Service License 102COl cd, tillc storrm wi hcavy wi new bath: kitchens,i man o!ficE Augusi. interested, for appair rooms with private not hcated, suitableý persan or couple; no Write Advcrtiser Canadian Statesman, c190, Bowmanville. 33-1 romcd apartment and âted, 22 King St. East. eOct. Ist. Rent $55 th. Apply Mrs. N. J. 5 Forest Grave Dr., le. Telephone BA 32-t! [ENT, newiy decorat- mooms and bath, in- possession. Twa blocks st Ofice. Write Ad- 173, c/o Canadian n, P.O. Box 190, Bow- 33-10 w, attractive, quiet, oom apartments, heat- i floors, aiuminum iindows and screens, riring, free parking, hrooms and modem dimectiy over States- ce. Available early in Anyone semiausly d, 'Phone MA 3-3303 intment. 31-t! Lost ýGERMAN Shepherd pup, months aid, in vicinity iLiberty St. N. Cail MA 23-3058. ---e 5 IReal tEstate for Sale FIVE-room bungalow in New. castie, ail conveniences, $6,20(L. Phone Newcastle 3826. 33I PORT PERRY AREA-Two. storey frame home, ail moderna conveniences, tinted bath fix. tures, 3 bedrooms, one acre lawn and garden, fruit trees. Price $9,500 includes garden tractor and equipment. Terms. W. J. Carnegie, Salesman, IL Keith Limited, Port Perry. Telephone 985-2881. 33-3 PORT PERRY AREA-Excel. lent productive 200 acre farrm -180 acres workable - 12 acres good bush, thrce barns, impie. ment sheds and silo. Modern house, plcnty o! water. One mile from village near 7A Highway. Price $32,000 - $ 10,000 down. W. J. Carnegie, Salesman, H. Keith Limited, Port Perry. Phone 985-2881. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE Duke St., Bowmanville 54' x 164', $40 per ft. frontage Make Offer Ralph H. Vickery RAELTOR 46 King St. W. Oshawa 32-4 De With Real Estate 36 Acre farm near 401 High- way, Ncwtonville, 80' x 32' bank barn, hen house, garage, etc.; 8 roomed home with al modemn conveniences. Asking $18,000. Terms. 75 Acre farm, east New- castle with creek, drive shed; 10 roomcd home with 4-picce bath, running hot and cold water. Askîng $15,900. 236 Acre DAIRY FARM, large L-shaped bank barn, machine shed, buik cooler, silo, strcams; 10 oomcd home with aIl modcrn canveniences. Pnice and terms arranged. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM as a going canccmn with ail cattle, machincmy and cmop. Large L- shaped barn, silo, machine shed, etc.; 10 oomed brick house, ail modern conveniences. $33,000. Tcrms. 100 Acre famm, near Harrýp- tan,' L-shaped bank ban, Wt- er bowis, dr'ive shed, ga e. stmcam; 8 roomed home, 'n.- ning watem, kitchen cupboards. Asking $22,000. Terms. 4 Roomed home east New. castle with smali barn. Down $250. Price armanged. 5 Roomed, winterized cot- tage with 53/ acres on paved street, Newcastle. A sk in g $6,500. Terms. 4 APARTMENT BUILDING with ail modemn conveniences in each apartmcnt. New ail furnaces. Excellent invest- ment. Down $2,000. Price an. anged. 9 Roomed home on 2 acres with garage. Housa in good repair. Down $ 1,000. Price arranged. 5 Roamed bouse on double lot In Newcastle with furnace, running bot and coid watem. Price $6,500. 3 Bedroom, new bungalow with aIl modern canveniences, hardwoad and tule floors. Pnice $8,000 with $1,500 down. HARDWARE STORE and propane gas business. No competition. Price $6,500. Terms. GIFT SHOP in Bowmanville. Price including stock and chattels, $6,000. 7 Roomed bouse in smal village with hydro. Price $2,500. Terms. 5 Roomed large brick bunga. low, attached garage, ail mod- ern canveniences, braadloom floor covering. Many extras, Price and terms arranged. We have acreages with streams, lots, businesses, cot- tages and ail types o! farms. John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance. Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald Mountjoy. MA 3-3950 Ross Davidsan, Bethany, 30R3 Lamne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 R 33-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINC RATES AR'ICLES FOR SALE LX VESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WAIr CARS FOR SALE LOST - POUND - 2 Cash Rate. . . -4o pur lu with a minimum of M0 Mlus! bepaid hy date of aer Ii chazqed. an additional 2. wili b. addod. A charzq. f 25c wiU b. made au rep .0 dir.dted ta this off NOTICES « COMINO EV! AND CARDS 0F THANIM do a word with a minimum 81.00 for 25 words et les& SlUTES - NGAGER! MARMAGiS . DUT!U $1.00 per insertion in MEMORIAIm 81.00 plus 100 a line ing v Dlsplay Classl1ld at 51.50 fnch with a minimum of on. la Addltional insertions et the tu rate.. An C2aumfied Ad. munt bu this officeflot lator than 4:30 p.nm Tuesday Bond cash, stamps or moner or and save money. Clip this out for handy r.fu OFFICE NOUES Monday through Frfday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.. 8-0 .m. to 1; Noce The Canadian Statcum Dial MArket 3-3303 for Ciaaslflad Ad Sic MED »rd rosi tfice. pet bWAS lim UP. 1 1 1 'l- 1 1- ; 1'. 1 -i ý 1 -, .1 1 r! - -- -- !; ri: enicK.en 1 1 lç Il_ .--- ý . . ý - . . 1 î 1 ý 1 -1 .1- -1. q 1 - 1 -jý -1v -iý - i 1 11, vvcmiea .1. TEE CANADMR STATESMAN, BOVMANVU,.,LE. ONTARIO WMNESDAT, AlM. IM, leez le PAGE POURTEM 7