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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 15

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WEDESDY. TJG l6h. 961THE CAN-ADIAN.b STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAG~E FIFEEJ <IalssifiÏed Ads Work Wanted WorkWanted_ SEPTIC tanks clcuincd .anrharv xva' . W.Wnî Plastering Bepairs QUICK SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS gciven ini Eir- STUCCO AND NEWV WOR] Jrsh touserran. tnp 'I'cicphone Orano -î1, 01. :11- 1 R. L. TAFT HEATING. Pliiir-ug a i-n< King ,St. E. MA 3-50 Eavestrouglîiig. Culi Gooul1 Ileating. Ncxveastîe 4:t:l13-1. ___ ~ICK Manurand Coniretc Custom Grain Dryin wvork. Chinnney-':ec. L. Turn- Phtone MA .3-505n. 2i,-tî Art Bransfn sa WATER ',x'ellsdr- rg hx'îir mue728686 Specialize in 36r" ocrtte ti 2866 Finisited job SlO pt-r font. 'r.' .TER 9 P.M. Ward, Wh'iitbv, MO P-251<31. i ARENDS Hierman Van De Betll ETJ OO GEE.C.(ONfTRA('TOR 1 -E T I O O Brick - Block - ('anerete REP AIRS and REWINDING1 and Canpcîitry ai your Electrical Equipmei 'Sales & Service MIA 3-30! NLW V ORK aind 1REIPAIRS 43 Thîrd St. Bowmanvil 'PHONE CO 3-2282, HA'MPTON 19- B U--L .L 1 -0ZIN 6----A N DCHARLES NICHOL: E X C A V A T 1 N G~ Electrical Confracto N~ew John J)eere Equipment Residential and Farm IViriri and Alterations Robert Slrong iRg MiesdNaster Electriciain Phone Blaekstnck 104R Coilect BOWIANVILLE MIA 3-53M MOUNTJOY Whitewashing Stable BACKHOE SERVICE AND DISINFECTING TRENCIIES - DRIAINS Eumlping FOUNDATION ANI) Spi ak SEPTIC TANKS 1. - . -- - --- - nTNTIvrm n EI?TTP<Tr DU,'(; AND B.ACKIIALEl Ivan Mounljoy BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87r I DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOUDS Phone 13A .1-3.51 Libby' 1-5oz. in PORK &BEANS 3 tins 49c TKLEENEX 3 pkgs. 49c HIEREF"ORD) CORNED BEEF 12 i titin only 49c Sunspiun - 24-oz. jar Salad Dressing only d49c CHRISTIE'S RITZ 2 pkgs. 49c SALE - Freshi HAM STEAK only 83-c lb VEAL CHOPS only 79c lb. VEAL STEAK< ol 187c lb. VEAL PATTIES only 83c lb. BERT Tl uIvIl NS NEWTONVILLE Phone Clarke 4721 24- TV TOWERS Arrials and Rlotors Repairs to Acrials and Rotors O S HA WA T V Supply Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Leask 8-t Nestieton Station Mis Mur ml MeNce sper apari flier uuo-wcek vacun lion xith heu motter, Mus. S McKee. Janice Willianms sperrti holidlav in Oshawa wihhlire COUsins te Ronald William childuein. Wend', Firrlax staycd w'itl Mu. and iMus. Donuald Thontp surii. xvnlh Lynda and Sursar Fallis fou comparrv.xxriile hie prentis. itIe Cari Finlax-s mm oYeci a imbu itrip taMoos( Jurx, Sask. Mu. arîd Mus. Clifiord 1-ici-- ,lanice, Faitlî ar-d Christinie oý ai'iexPernîr. xxeue xveeký end xisitous with Mr. an(i Ms. Cccii Wilson. Miss Jane Payne air'ioroîntî holicîa vert xxith Miss Learru Rohumu' Jast. weck. Mi's. J. J. Watsont, Touai-nno and Mus. J. E. Jol-nston oa Markham came fou BiiliE Jahnston xvho itolidas'ed wvli the Graint Thompson family for txx'o xxeeks. Mn'. Allan Gist oi Perrisyl1 van-ia calîmd on bis brothen inrd famils', Mu. ai-d Mus, Ciras. Gist; allier coursins alsc iront Penirs\'l'airia c a 1I1ie e thunugitlte week. Mu. ai-d Mus. Wilc'v Mc- Kmoxvn and Mu. and Mi'. Lio- nel McKmown, Br'uce and AI- Ian ai Monio Raad xvmue Suri dla.N isitous xitt Mr. ai-d Mus. Bruce Hcaslip. Mu. Jas. Harris-ai Linidsay is x'siting bir tîe xillage. Mu aird Mus. Bruce Fn'me- lovc, Peterborought. and Mu. and Mus. Perce Huliteut, Tor- ontoi, were xxith Arthur'Hiri. brut ox'mr te wmekei-d. Tire Clarke Williamts xvet- Sut-das' tosts ta titeir famil'\, tlie Douug Fallis' iî'ontBoxv- oranville. Rourald Wiliams nf Oshaxwa and <Ire Ar'nold W:l- liants fuurilv. Visitors dUrirne lite xc end xxihh Mr. and Mus. Cecil Wilson vee Mu. and Mus. Normn iLs'ons, Uxbuidge. Mr. anrdlMis. Heuntan Rodman, Little Buitamni. Mus. HI. Sant- cls:. Mu. ai-d Mus. S. MeNeillie andrrîlMi and AMus. G. Fernlpy of Wim' Point. and Alfrd Sanîclis ai Boxmanx'iile. Mur. ai-d Mn's. G. Bowx'rs anJ aiyt teMrs. Re ri PrrdsIndustrial Commissioner Reports Sound and Dunchurcit. Bert Bowers spent ar-ienr- - oyabie week xvitt fuîends ah North Ba '- and Little Curren* and travelled to Elliot Lake and Sault Ste Marie. Mu. and Mus. Wallace Trfý., Lindsay, were Sundav ex'eniii- visitors oi the Boxveus' K Mu. and Mus. Leslie Bea- cock and familyv ai Port Per':. visited Sonda',- with Mu. aid ).0 Mrs. Artitur Hyland. ;-f Sex-erai local foliz attenjdi- I Decouation Dayv services Union Cemeteux' Sinoday Igteunooni Mus. J. NMeCaideir xas hos- tes-s fourlte Auguist meeing a ai Nesleton Ladies' Aid Î.t heu sommer cottage at Wil- l iams' Pair-t. Folloiaxig a siro:: business session, Mus. C. (pst- <avouued ,x-ith harmonica ni: r- -sic. Readings xx'cue gix'en 1)v Mus. H. Samet<l Vmiss R From Town Police Blotter Iq if-',, I Bowniaum'ille Police Blotter'mari. aged about 40, ijudecentîs- r, xvte: il tsnimck il car passinrg L om r i i ' Io 5Dec ts sîio\\ys hat <lieue were t',xa exposed hiniseif tin froi-rhoa on Kinîg Str'ect. cases ai breaking anîd entux- four vouing gir'ls ah Jaekinan's Tîte passing car xx-us druveti e -duîring te ugit ofati gunst Creek. Titis vas î'eported ho by Vella Ehason, Newcastle. U N E l~~4tiî. One %vas at htîeFaeromiile Police and Cari- Il sustained dan-age Nvhich- Slîop Carnation, King Street stable Trac', Davis inîî'ne- aiute a ss titan $100. For'tumiate1v notluing of v'alue Titis mai-rxxas clescrbed a s Fly iig Dritchnian Motar Hotel ln L o ca l D e ve lo p m e n ts .ý-~~~~~~~~~xxas lakeri duî'nog eîhheu break-apoiiteYfvfetig P .rn Ltyscd fe- In L o cal D e v e lo p m e n tsin. Dr'. ai-d Mus. Storex' w'ere appcs al, ý' iveel ibo tI -Pak7tgLo ou oxx'on on MVonday- îlitiicte lx'igi aot 70-nroon aut 1:44 -1 'clock. W'illiamu Tir Imn111usriai onrnnsso- sited b)'Mu. Donalda-ai-of- aîite tiat ma\-be rieeded." ',x'eil ari unrknoxvr-iperso- uids. Ife had a paî'tiall\ S. Rerd, 182 Susscx Strect., er <N. iSnrns, in-bIis report fcai ofBue\x'er's Retail Star- fThe adoption of the Indus- g i ntuance taoîîîeir bourse bl edwt akhiadOhv.hdpre a for Ji:l)'pr'eseîîîed at te meet- e t twdasec itrial Comnîissioner's. reporht, throurghthlie back door'. wlo- xvas deepix' tained. huit ilslipped oint af geai', aud Cnîmnerî m i\aieds, eeninoa hp a d spa bketh ofb xas rroved by Couneillor An- e'rtn ulvpe'a xa.le-At 11:35 o'cock ou1 SatUnu- ruIled back int a ncai.awOýved statrc itaton apsito ng, r ~ected in each'ai tite arganu- i-ie Oke, seconded b)' Council- 1I xvntY as a bih hiunngrv day nmouning Mus. Sursie Sopinie b'bc. h -aPdrck, \'l stre a i- ad uWesîey 'ice. and caruied. ae ox'laisop îhteîiead ',as drix'iîrg on uun-gtoîn. DeixauU.S -A. to,,isuineca oe eetouînnsts. Eact Board xxili hav'e Mayar Wilfrid Carruitieus ' and sonieinuits ii tIre kitciten Division Street v-e- irta' Dnng iePdrc a sunprlied Io a fi utai Torontao- asked ta oiso h i-esrc a akdo iiwsapoiitl î.Cn eînis ar)'mî inte manth a bauge scalle ntap aifte in- tatCOtoai11 l and duartk a bottle ai pop. He 1 rurck a t'a' ared onivi- xastapble rnatelx'$75.Car* mediate area, an.d wilsh1ow ýdustriai brochunre be gix'er t also 'wxent upshair's ai- rested sioci SirehbtvenWliî- tbe"uc a'S also inx'cst. MVii. Vlorris ueported that Iliere emn mjo ai all lte mentheus oi council.!a u flt es toi-iai-d Churîciî Sirmets. 'flic;igatcd titis acciden-t. <rail breniextensive contacts -< o cal' - 't.Deputv - Reeve Ivan 1IHobb------q'-- n------- --- :- -.- "--- . - - 11l - ...- Puout. Mr.H. MLaugl.n .ilh us hm in YSY.Thîsstated that it is a good bro- nighît, co- in the earlv h11bours.1îls V. Stewart. 18 Iabs "O ULT AS and Mus. C.Wlonad as n regird to a suplermiar- 'ln the case of Bowmnan- chure, but hie suggested that of Tuesdav onn sreavLae opoa .FeeîvncF CmerWilMs.nlond 1 ket ( lient ot thie realtors'. He ville, the rnap will probably: it -vauld have been wise tao rke ito the Flower Shop vestigatcd the accident. Dam- 'dlgtdeveryone w -ad' tatth atreoftelhouDrinto rovincial include an outline of the nuii iCarnation.1 Entrv va ra e I ha $o0M.StarscrxsE to morous selections from lie current enquit-' is ont known. Park, our new Museumi, Cream. ber ai years the Bowmanville! roof 1ve through a back ICSthi $0.M o UEE mlarge repertoire of ucadîng:ý'. dOl Julv l2th we wveue \vIs- a Barley Park, and Masport Foundry Company, Limited, window. Nothing w~as takený On Saturda\' afternioon alD 15ýdainty lunch included ânitc bv an officiai of a supeu-liPark. The displav baard will had been established here, and from the shop. Bowmanville 13:3.5 o'clock Mus. F. Iligli-MO Caid reatby Mu. M - nartket chain with which we alsa carry a few mounted alsa that the firrn, after th, Police aeivsiaîgbt il vsbcighuîa u -- Clen. hiave hac previnus contacts. Photos ,and there will be pack- faundry was destroyed by a: cases of breaking and entuy. of thie drivewav at hieuresi- MO OR SALES ,S; vill Mel McCoy of Bowinar- We s opplied mnaps, data and;ets for discriptive literature. disastraus fire, decided to're-, On Satrrrdav at 5:20 p.rn. a'denre,. 17ô Kin' tetEst IIE ~' r.praced n nsîrnoopinions oui population growth, We have vaiunteered aur ser- build it in Bowmanville des-- sermon intePusve ianbving lhabils. and rocentvices In providîng photos, pile excellent allers frorn othe VCTO ADIIN r ~ i Ctrh hnSuevn frsytarcn, r ldvbomns" leaficts, and any other assist- muniicipalities. --~ P lie C e k VCTOA DIIN Eari NlcQticeii, Pres. ,gýe wih te bautful olo Mr.Moris tat inregrd ol*e C eckDu-. R. P. \'ivian. M'Iv.P. for- 219 KING ST. E. edo wGreatho eu At."fulsolo ;mcu oritamtdin reard Duuham, this xveek relcased Sunday Mr. George Feunley cof iS iffic'Irît. if flot imipossible, 1 s~ the estimated otfterilBO M NI E Williams' Point iii ha\, e to deal capably with an in- '.vsn En r e F ur C a h octoa ing addition toO <mnediately We'st of n !clutril Pospct,',vthot aPort, Hope I-ibgh Sclhool. Total Brewers' Retail Store) 5charge of the service. utrioalypropetudth osa- i i - ' I itrc ostwill be $1,1 66,000) wilhNI 3335 -'Friends will be sorvb eaoax'u--dt iS wocr D stwre nolelnthc federal gaverrument beau-MA335 s a patient in St. Josephi's "\ u'oiiia rcueL. Ca tieto n\d! l igi xetd£U Hospital, Toronto, and ru ,t xxas obsolete, xve have iî- lacident onSd' 'Lft-, l'ie vn i<xec o be 19f0 Chev. tramn hr ileal rdcc e dto ht noon ai five o'clock on No. 115 completed by Septemnber, 1962. hieu ta returo home verv 'scion. deals with Glcnbrook Indus t P te b r u h Ex- -ay utnr fNw tria! Area as if it were al- 'astie. Barru'v Cohien, Niagara ovril readY srv Wd.\hile this rnaY Equestu ans fi om Bowman- Muriel Lacex droeteAt-l'ails. Ont.. and Chaules Bail-, * v-8 autamatic. M LE G O E appear prernature onl fii'st île and area gave fine per chîson entry, plac n f t ,IlC'V.-Scariiorough, weieh'K1 w an ians ijasherradiohecidie t MA LE G OV i s esrbl t d t orane i rdngan ri-the lady drivier cas nwlcoîdries Damae to cars I Garnea s ie hrldssec Mi nd i slIr bDeebxa ~positive approach he l ngc asss hPeterborough ,class Mus. Buent also pautici-'eh-liies amaged ta athe'ox Shi oud xx eue ',isitous xx1h lher' he inistalied as quiekix' as a Ilitfie ladies' saddle ci ae.inratlîx $400. Constable .1. b ira Fr sister, Mus. Chester McGrath. fai-bu', cao hie buili.",th Atchison entry ide ~Witlh Miss; Aulere Aîeîi.son Donaidsoiî, OPP, iîrveshigated. Flp -Dr. Mri ob sspendlii, ing the ' up the Atchison entux a A .< p-.o SnaPort Ho e Tub w199t o rdpant ne2 we VO a h'ialw'liclt',e a reporti irioiined <no-Mis.s Mary Ruth Osborne wasi r 3,At54 p. o Sudy v-nean.Oe vir Buark's F ih elt sacl ;alî 15 00 pi'oposed ta awai'ded first prize and the, fist in the pony saddle class, tlrero~ was a collision on lligh- carin A-1X condition M'u. s adMls. .i a ra 'ar, vdsra cîti rn nr îhMs odrunder 44 inches, Maur' Roth wav Na. 401 near' tile Courtico 'lie Bxoirvl Kiwaris, in 'aivatidc h ~k buino 0< te brochurue untill Brent up placed third. ' iOshorne placed third arrari'side road. Drivers a i te twa OCIlub err.oycd a base.baîl gar-ni'19 ýan failvattncid te 1,11- Atchison enhuv in the pony - ar.'s in tbis accident ,vcer on Mandav cvening with thc 158U or bourg Park, and later clrdc.'I'hel dc, tural Co-omi- ith Mary Ruth Osbor-ne ini " 'Gi'o oer a v ,ih ua ianis ubey aktho ao o MuadMu.dau lx'sioner s.îaied tirai a copy oai the saddle, was fiust in the' pony rieus. obr a-w - fl ran fBr in Part Hope. tiic re iochiir'e wrli gladly beilady ou gentlemen saddle class Il the pan', race inider' Kint son.Tevstr o yasoe Atmte ut rdo Mu. nd rs. . Soti ixisti pplle(] 10 ai in irrer oei' liai wand another Ahehison entry1 loches Arlene Atehison Came Damage Io Mi'. Mauwick':- ai 16-8. 2tn an.Aicniin i Mr. ad Mrs.R. Sco tai.d o w'-rCui-il wIlo requests idden by Miss Muriel Lacey in fourth, and in thre over 'm1 car xvas about $250, and that' Afteuw%ýards < hi' Por't Hope -tnpat.A1cdio. tami. Teaga coqaisngaîtri of Peterborough was foui'th.inbches Mary Ruith Osbaune ta tire Hamo vehicle was ao- Kiwaniairs xveî' guests oi th- - and back thuaugh Algonqîrii O rîx'onre ni--v irudustrial 11 the saile class the BrentIfinished b *sixth place. The pxiae'$1.Costabl omavleKiai lub ah'oks ae tl Park for a few dayýs. la vs band uiî Jîy ntv hstie'ih u a- x'sas ixiih,Jim M\,cDoniald, OPP. xxas thQ'.supper and a fellowshiip meet- .A-1 condition - Mu. and Mus. Vernon Fx-hrxee' contacts xv'eue car- dyn 1Bi'ent tiere'ider', place:10 the pon an' ra'e anrd foal investigating aificer. ing ah the Flying Dutchman cect and familv, St. Caîîîar_ înurd xvili <xxo curent puas- j iftir. ciass. On Sînndav ex'ening ah j:57 1Matou Hotel. Projects planned mnes, xveue weekend gîrests ni '(.- andtI -establiihd ith o'lock there was a thuee carr tIre coming season weuei 7Vls ae u Mu a-d îs.DavonBek-el1tihu -e earlier cunes. 'l'lieic uee 3 'orVolksw ge Bu M.adMsDasnBcollision on ifighway Na. 3 icse.Ecplniygo odto Manveus Township. The Aunangemietîrs xEr cmp e- iOnly ooow ndi t Mu andMus BobSî'î. tul -r liuoseî-s ar rnxx' eindrivers inx'olved in titis acci- ted by the Boxvmanviile Ki-- Lina a-i Chule Reportdsi tIe roni dent, were William. Edwaud wanians for their x'Nit this 2-Dr. ~. npt Nw Brnwikr- itii 1<.- u ~ o ~ Fredpenny. 'Burlington' Junus Thursday evening ta the lads 15 nv a relaidaes iwBaehere he 'ite c Mu. a r ri re aî t e i alr o - Nelberdis, Toronto, and Lesie 1in the Kiwanis Lodge at the a rlatvesinBai Vete cc riai rr ofthecaiie pus-J. Robinson, Lindsay. Damagel Ontario Training Schoal foui Completcly reconditioned rM. Chester McGralhliras l-icc s 'kari Aineuican Com- ý * ta the Cars xvas flot, extensive.jBoys lieue. There wili be alMn, iie ae n trp ta Baltimore, Mars- ian<, Corrada lhaxo e hem postponcd. V Vtesi ~Constable .1. C. Cartwright, 1voleyballgarne and wicnerfrom i ...i o bnlnd cas fOPP, investigated.1 roast. A graup ai about 16 aiodeft cos1fo -i . Sn Iii ai ou abnîoied eause i Nestie(on i Vomien 's1 Inst1tute supplied tea and plet' ai Ounthe Taunritoî R fad ai th-e t le Bowmanville .wwanis ni family enjoyed a mlotor ttrp proiests a.gainstI the extent to Pienir ireshie drinks for'te tirellOl',orteri-i' ithe Manveis Road Club l'isits the boys at he!m CONTACT: ýr thraugh the soirtheri', Cliii I xx r h r 'ar-irian iniduistu S Tire ihird auia pc i Mi's. Emerson tendcudtred th' xa atv auclion!Kix'anis Club Cottage ai the - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- Stiso oilv.norrîl-lb 'relSrtsii etco .I hCUwighfii anks ai the meeting ta Mî's. -oruMondlas',ah7:1(0 p.rm. eTraining Sebool e','ry tlîiî'd Lr dLCI ;c M's. A. JI. Campbeil. S:: nu-1 Commînlihy pari,. xxith ;)21 Wiseman, Mus. Boyce and the'car was driven by Irene Marîi Thcuusday evening each monhh. Wcldotn Bro%%'îî L. C. Snoxvdcuî.Mu. ard 5,- '-bi r 1ru . rîîx, lihis -adilîs and 16 childuen pre-ýsPOrts committe. Mus. Davi-lTaxIor. ScauboroLigh, and tbe'- 1h was nnotinced Tiat the J1111 Croînibi( - L . Fuemari, aî'conpan-rknliuns lhe-n l iurr)elf-i as a prob- sent.,xvas a gala event. Helen f 500, Mus. Les'land. Mi's. lurd- - otlic-dr'iver 'vas Hauuy ,Jacob iBowmianiile Kiwanis Club manvilie speri.t bas ocdr ouxý - ieiîitin.o exen îîîîiýi- id Marguerite Beacock lsoul. Mus. L. Malcolm ai-d Mu-s. lJohson, 67 Ontario' Street,: ha sscnh fiie local boys andi Jack Rickird - sapcrx'iscd1, tirea to,, jsIitinldu en itm Allen Beacock. Eveuy'one xx'iBownainville. Constable K. 1hxvo irom Newcastle taO tiheSe -1 with MI-S. Ohîs Pr'itchard andti igiri n-xlropriatinlr his îs iswlrinin%,g, xvhiie the busincssi be looking foi'waud ta nex t'La ilo, OPP, w'as the in',eshi-!Oshaxxa Kiwanis Ciub's Camip bas-s and Mus. George Dax-irl- <hi' sec-ond good i ndustnial nif the meeting gati under wv euspc-i.gali irg aficer. Kenduori. 0son' ni Mainoick. ai a cottage lrresîi- i liris a Ifeit ed this TIre Short Course 'Aids lIo- ai Lake Louxveiiîre'ar' arM x r. Mu. Morris uepnuted.1 Effective Speaking" is ai rO'-,i OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS IIIIIII OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Bax-. F"narl tests andrti undiesxill- lober 25th, and the course ai-i Mr. and Mus. Dave Bothîx -cIl --<oir ire rncicrxxay xith aiire "Ncediewoî'k" Novemnber>22ndý ,fiSu.. Mr. and Mus. John Bath- onf' tIre cirnt. prospects it and 23ud. Thank-youI cards; eiel, nroloued tai Perthr orn xx is epnrted. Tis is anc-eî'e read, and thle apronsl il Fridavy. ",hcsc' ciunint v nmîî a xcai-i xii-h xvweie made by Mî's. IL -Fît.-Sgt. Gordon Spii-eirand itI oui-amrpact-tithr' tha n a pur- Vinle an-d Mî's. M. Emerson r,~ .side, PE.I.Mu. ai-d Mus. R.îred iian'iil, ~to i-xtenrd ail' TiheDistrict Presiderti Mm's. WEEUOW T N Swr o.Alitn xeu 's-pas- -le (co-oiperation io lite ;Wisernaii, brougit, gueetin.gsli ;tous with Mu. and Mus. ROIi uîatejor. Il ',xas stated alsn titat fuom the x'arious branches and~~..~Ia q lPingle ai-d bovs. assmstaui-ioi e inbcîg gix'cn Io spake about tihe auhumrn bus, iiit v ii~ l dýFotirteen Boy- Scoumts spcn!theli scarc t'for a terrant for' tarir <o Manitoutîbo Islad a.à a H om e I p o ee t T m last xecend a! Presqu'île te ornieu eanuimg iactn'v. sponsoued by' the Provinlcial ý .rPOînît ao a Camping trmp. Lea"- -The Press recently rmpouted Board. Slire thankeci the ln-I 'ders ini charge xvcre Messrs. <mlat t-girlar frenghh' rates On stitthes fou their separate rc-' li Gene Dobbs. Bruce MeDonaldl cert.ari' uincîlilasses aif ports ta the papeî' and uuged, arnd R. Weleh. godsxoîiic esmbstanialy mýach Inistitute to send a dele-j - -- ln-coutiuridoui conirbined ship- gate ha tihe Arma Convention i N O'EEDX ELA ne rrs. \\Vv I a ', r applied to i t the f at]. M îs. W isem an O Tire syripathy oai(r,-o Iiprtln nasillx'ses-irse aattend tihe His-j ý mruit\' is extendecî ta o s hias i iied xithin i- engin-îtouical Society meetinîgs the ý-U E -Ex'a MveIluo\ in tbm recenit b:; -, eu of'tire Ilduistiual Wastes : ast Thtusday li ach niontit.1( i USE -ti lieu brot i'r, and to Mu..1131-aKhl, Ontario Water Re- The District President conl- C u rso n S .. x h o is a i ti - e so r cr e s C r u r i : n t .c l îd d lie u in te re s in g a id i r- - _4 -!lies ai-d connections aten'-i ral h liircue xvrsu.rpîuied to "Space Travel"'.'" lte faneralin Toranto onuý- W. C. Pntfleld allrl Co. Ltd., Puesident Mrs. H. Ville<ut-: f 2 9t I. Totorilii. xxliti x'ati as at-i roduccd Mus. Boyce, a suini-,-1kiO E I PR V M orto sspcn-i g <iis xx'elu ia i t i lre c-'enrt o ny i - ii'tagive ail accouru aofilicil rDIVISIO xitiî MVr. anîd Mus. T. W. Wiî- < ntntertiefi insurneng. recert uruiser hour'oaitire Ka-! lsoli. 'On 11\,ll ttîr. xvPe x','ee xathas ta Upper Canada Vil-' DIV SO Mu. ai-d Mrs. J. uîar'txve -lge Ms.By'ce in a fluent1cO arnd girls. Toronto. arrd M.:nic.i-I a ý0 i" c n:llg nrs and irunorouis maniner gave ~~~-"-r1 I N~sIifA ÂEI ' and Mus. .1. Curson nmotorculr i ' imi-c xrrtjireoccasion ihe l-ighlights ai ttueiî' 1401 ~' .V1 L LJ VI rIV II Napane recentîs' anîd toolk - -- of Ilrr - V -r SrInrtnd.'- ii<lWc'î sPfaii- LkeSmT lte boat races ihere carrd aI. <n Miss ~Jil', Rir-. cIl. Tor-orito. gag hy o Trentoni. Site spoke of visitecd xith relatives. Rtnu-suentI- -t xveek xvitltMu. and the beautY aiftte sceneus' îng thie\' called cr osnîsmîrsrMus. 111. Si<nup our anrd fammîx',,.- tutlies s or-min-g themTseves: EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Bellexville. Mr Simurpson uitove Jîrds' herons rrstinc. gcood fishing. 1 Miss J udx' Siipîri-iioir r j- hiur ýiii thI xxielh sîmfi,,' passiîg atiîroughli14 bocks,lte! c riiu re - pemiinrg il ah r'estîuî, peaceful relaxation aiM R GA E RR N E tîri-ir' cîrtiaire ut \Waibasrenre. xxateu tuax-el, ai-d tIeren-akingoC) Mr'. P. Calilainît Mis. M. aifuiev fî'ieîîds as they' tied C I /,~ I\l anxs id Stevenrs, To'ronrto, up ah ditierent doc'ks for te,ý"-~ - 1'I-IJ%' r:nc!larst xeekv tIir M. andinil-l. FOR- ~ -II THE BIGGER J B Mn:. U . Cail. Or- Sunrday -ii Upper Canada Village, sIre - - tors ',:î ire Calîs incluided saici. is like a pagea hsoy ~ ~E N T "x~~~r. anrd Mi-. E. Cali an-d IMu. xith the cdock tuundbcri -hm MI D<i',i... 100ï il)vears. Titere areialgts e hre is no need t ea hs eesr ear Y r i -utcr r oilist ilg ae care o h erem ol lg and roeair josarightmeaw a r .-\r--roirg tie ccremonv, Port Hlop, tad a naurow ~ OH W HPIGCNR ORIE-7811 xiii re dîiritare(s front Osit- escape iront death. or serbous OHWASOPIGCETECORIl 2811 1) P . M .a x v a . i îw br-i s n i t t e O s a w a i n j u r y a n T u e s d a . A t r a c t a r i P h o n e : 7 2 8 - 1 6 1 7"1 , Auctioncer: ai-d District Ilistorica] Soeiey', 'ho w'as aperating plunged j BOWMANVILLE - MA .-2130> AJAX - ZEnith 21-600 A.MK RUA'I r, rrcntaî:mves front the His- thraugit the barri floor. A - 90) A. MME BUBACHER, toi i Sit(- Cuiiîssion, and t\vo-i-imî plank prevented ih Kitchener, OnC'.- nriters ni CruleMNcLajght- ironi pinning tint, although he O)SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS lins kmuy. landed underneath. bi TRI WHA VI CONSIGNAO SALE Monda y, AugusJ 1961 - et 1:00 P., lil tTRE WHAVEN FARIM Whlit'll is Mu the Scugog Road 1.1 miles north of Bo' south of Blackstock ou 7 miles cast of Port Perr 50 W'E Ol-TER PURE BRED HEAD HOLSTEIN CAT A useful group or vounz uow s and 2-y ear-olds. Alil 5 Also a niîmber of yearlings and calves. Cattie consign, cou ities ai York. Onîtario. Victoria. Peterborough, Norti ACCREDTE VACCINATED AND Alil cattie elizible for cnirv ia i isted herds and brucell Maîîy rcady for immediate export. NEXT SAL.E SEPT. 25th AT 1:00 Sale Managed by: M one BIR-ackstock 128 WEDNESDAV, AUG. 16th, 1.961 -- M à ýlm fn* AOU Mombdm BOMhdm Ao% ai ýM : ýMm 1 n BLA ý - - - --L -

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