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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 16

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I nteresting Occupations -- i TusdyCourt 1th Organis! Turns FarmerTusy.Ags1b191dofdî n h1ehsl- Larrv Kinsman. 19 anenevaunrsupnin Peter R. Chase, 18, bthoHscrhaletheoa D r n um r Mn h e4Oshawa pleaded guiltv totetI adMasrte orei Sum m er M onths ~~~~~~of a telephone from the îi ovcîgadîpsn FROM PAGE ONE) crest Blue Sunoco Staion' eat f$0 ls sso the Township of Darlngo.$. heeaetotns Ing the nn mer months he - le 'pression that lie as The high sci ool girls ap- Maitae .Ijo ing out hîs former music tea- hdîf trving to make mo ie peared to benenay,îng the ex- , cher and the best man at hs out of the project and baif perience to the full. Two of for Magistrate R. B. Bat1 drs n h a rvn and bis wfes marriage. tr ing to provide worthwhile them glowed with pride when anvctin e The farm itself is in a beau- mpoment and in cntive foi thev described how they pick- the pair for one week for e il.I os' atrw1 tiful setting with the 12 acreq se yourngsters to share in~ ed 107 boxes each to set an all - sentence report. P.C. H .yutik o tl uttl of new and old raspberi lis dream of doing somethingtîme record for one day's(Pt onlwathi bushes growîng on the side of!consrctiveand productivelwork. We wouldn't be sur- . gating officer. Bsoet a odplc an slope overlooking an allur- wiîth their spare time. prised if before the season Jon:t'.4 V~t 1,12ta bsxiews rvn n Ing pond which the girls use He described the problems'loses another new mark will Celi n t,Os hita,peadwhnteolcehcers for a swirnming pool dciine which beset any newcoiner tolbe set to be brokein during not guilty to a charge ofi 1-Bsoet a enhm i their noon hour breaks. Thez farming and asou isetya' rp gipsesoifLiur engt isoetwswre well-kept buildings are atoo) praise o! those who tilI the Thîis story is being written was convicted when htol h ettm edie, the hili, capping in one of the land for a living in the face to let our readors knoxv tîhatth-e Magistrateelhe bougtawi ot al most scenie locations one could of the hardships and hazards there are many interosting ac-. .bottle of wine from a bo- Il~odNra yowrh find. No wonder -Mr. Oucier- the.- encouniter every day. tivities going on within the legger for $2. His excuswa22 8Rion dOsa, lony was îhriiled whlen h- Farming hias taught him many confines of this wondorful I that hie didn't buy the( ICwscnice fCrlr bought the farin a"d cold iessoiis which lie feels xiii ac- county. We feel certain tha.,frbsoncosmto.H cali hson was Drivig.sHe droeidowoftS caîl it bis own.tual'v make him a btter per- they along with us will wishassesdafieo$2an o1dror23feanbt Th'rieo0pse1inan 1o and a x'astly improvod the Ouchterlonys much su c ~osts of $3.i~ha in n15.Pnl thrili o! achîcvement .vere nuisician because hie no has1cess with their 'dream' pro- P.Ai7va-l xh isbe yS7 still vr uhi vdne~ evotoko ie ject. One of these fine Sun- maried since she was 1 m '!e îb,4,RR o the Guynd farni although 'il W. discusscd mattors xith days in the faîl, we shall bave maid" ~\a onitdofCrls wa crl n heda ndth itie who was busy itheïto visit this summer-time far- DineBcsadLran ogo hwhwago, xvas xith White n iiig h ctit h heat, was intense whcrî the Ecli- barni which had beoîi con- mer in bis other elomont as Dan ig n orieHdo o tor calied. Mr. Ouchterlony verted temporarily imb a caf-1his raspberry-stained fin CapinpikrsAhsnan hao ooc pickeî s are able to m'ake quick t 0o fl the 1leaded guilty f0 conii1Tiv icîo h rn ieo b etra.Se vs uy iinîouhgety nte n bresfun n oerbanhs.31 while a mînor. Sieto od~hni a ann n told of hsplans for the farni, * ra h wsbs iin oc etl ntekysc-1 Capinicesesan A. dan sninh gaol as she didn"ind nblawe brdnths. slipysery surasfee what hie a]rcady had accom- gallons of Freshie to bolp the niagnificont orgali at Eaton Ander'son take pi-ide in their record of 107 boxes eacb aea ieo S0puscssof¶wrod hs a - plisbed with considorable and qu-ench the everlastinÉ thirst Menorial and briflg to ife during one day. hdaves aa nerrse 0plvdhee f in. e ohr a i$50edbyH sWosipa cdwt ulia nepis.s tvd ee f. Hrmt nîucb appreciatod belp and'of thle girls. Shoe too was find- [music wbich will tell the storv îhou adefsd1pyteruc.ifti10sipr o counsel from neighbors and ing satisfaction in the new of bis exporiences on the fa rm.forparents decided to eom Thecountamndare waîtîng A I ito 1 ihe rescue b i'Te nas aewit 1gfine, tolling the magstaedrvaI3,ousodsl frionds. He told how the ber- ieatog tlmswoss' -______ ppeai frneip îî-eir on pckby din pprig foor rd 10 îîwîno î ane d fihat it is the responsibiiyodont15r2.Yumit ries wore picked eacb day by pect she dreams longingly of is also pucedt. Atae rel pie ornt swhnogamsef iher hîusband. The bsaddiv ahya h mnc the girls who are paid a nickel basking in the summer suni~ J Iluce h etîejrti ek box with a bonus later on' alongside a lake instead of '..euars nore's Th tttw frasstne e JUVeniles also bead wsntpeet 'eat !SI for those who stick with il for' bcbg' up and about at thei ar n s O IV U et As a result, the midgets wil ast on Saturday bo starl their- The mother blamode Ewr hre oi v the season. No bard taskmas- crack o! dawn or wailing up P r n s o i gel I nter the playdowns. possibly!, besl o! lhreo serios agains trouble on bier daugliter' u-fni otlo 1 o x ter, bie was as mucb interestedj laie for bier busband to come C~ottage rs against Stoney Creek in a bes i Napane. with the retlurn band who shie said basbncein bbspdlmtbx in the welfare o! his helpers1home in tho evonings after o! three series. There will bce game bore next Wednesdav, i running around. Them.p.Hesi nbsaath ale aintenme Ceieigtebristthe a bus for the trip whien the: iftan ho arranged. ibeen married 17 mont s oiealw iemlsoe as ho s hy ic umber otfodlierain T rnob. I-I d Picnic C orne to the R escue date lbas been set for the game mg wtas dpoing o bernes bey pikcd. Wegui fod termial in oront here. Anynne wishing t10 help daugbter wsdigsomen -ldlmbiwaaflayan LI p \v~~~~~~~ith finances should phono or ANOTHER TOKEN ning around bersel! wbo h h iisar h iis o r .l More than 100 mon, women aflc. ~i a '>tte( Mrs. Ait Falîs '7 For oi-n reason there ens was picked up by poliea n ieoo salwd andebldrn ejoHelbc ieinance IIV amîuî111wvay Drive, pîlcrne MA ~h îo bsya fens3:45 a.m. with a man ntbrRbetMDuaiRRio ni edo Ags t f ,b afodtisya fearly bsad aeyWie . ~ 1,adJh niebel onAuus0-55for. Scais ill be available bank tokens. Anotheron w sbnaml ht the residents o! Cedp.rshones' While older athîctes iin iown crs' parents andti ile ienmj on the bus trips for fans Who .broughl 10 TheStesa A third member o! tiecnwR e,2,5KigS.Wee cnBeh, MuggisadThe C0n have switched their affection, manager ai Vincent Masse:v wocîld like to attend foir a 'office this weok by Robent was convicted o! Intoxiainbt ovitdo sali conveons, iss heres Lin- 10 'oftbal, the youngasîers 'park on Tuesday evenig1th s [l fee. Hancock o! Orono. It was dat. as Johin A Haigbl, 42,o!in-EdiMaet,20o!R.N. werein hare o!ah rrage- est in bardball. Su mucb so, in the playdoxvns was diseus- their series against (3ananoque Montreal eategory. His son fine and costs o! $18 forengui9hBoh erpacdn mot>frtekucssu vet hatis comnmunity bias four sed. This unsponsorcd group this Saturday aflernoon for John bad found il some -inc ntoxicated. SscddSntc o w Tbey were assisted by Miss leams participaI ing in Ontario lias not been atiracting snf- the Eastern Ontario title. No!ago iin a neighbon's yard. Nexn'- Claude Leroy Bissoe: ,yasadgvnalnu ab Monica Lindholm. playdowns. ficient publie support 10 carry, word bias been neceivcd on: cast]e also had anoîher repýort-1 formerly o! Bowmanvileadi'EybcMgsrefrter The pienie was beld in the' ÀI anmeetinig o! midgeî play-ithe financial bonden conneet- wh'm the second game will bc led this ,vcek. now o! Oshawa, was cnie-odct grounds o! Don MaeMillans icottage. There was an excel - lent programi of entertainmient. Two talented boys, Bob and Barry Prentice, played several applause was also awanded Ibeý .. . solos and duets sung by Miss Diane Hall and Miss Thenesa S'Lindholm. A rousing sing- GIVE YOU QUALITY& SERVICE! IT'S A GENUN .song was also enjoyed. Miss Tina Hughes was bbc announe- or. tThe races and contesîs wene c unde the supervision o! Mn. MacillnMiss Linda Wrigbt,ý Newcastle; the Misses Monica, and Theresa Lindbolm, and ~ Miss Tina Hughes. ~~y b~,. ~The winners wvore: Treasune ... p., p: Hunt (adulîs) Mrs. George Hal;Womens Nail Driving.......... Contest, Mns. Gordon Keast, wife o! bbc Commaniding Of! fcro! the Bowmanville De-1 MA Y IE SO E0 ID. L O A PE..EC 'otachment o! the OPP; Men's A Y IE SO E FA KND .FLRS MP . . . .. .. . . . .. .Nail Driving Contest, Doug~ 14-year old son Tom Ouchterlony checks over Burloy; one-legged Race, mix-I qualty f berie wit hi fatercentre, and long- ed, 15 years o! ago and oven,1 quity rinof ernes ih hîs aherScott, High Sehool Bill Webber, Bowmanvil le: HASSOCKSCA RGE timefried ofbhefamîy RoaldGirls' Race, Nadine Chenien; - teacher in Bowmanville. Two other rnembers of the Boys' Race, Mark Seitz; Girls' IC URES Ouchterlony family, David 20 and Jane 18 are working Sboe-kicking Contest, Monica1 I .C IB away from home for the summer. Lindholm; Boys' Sboe-kicking1 AM S TR LL R Contest,-Ronny Burley; One- L M SK O H E legged Race, 14 and under,,I girls, Sharon Hall; One-leggedi p ca Race, 14 and under, boys, Ronny Burley. Anniversairy The co-conveners, Miss D Theresa Lindbolm and Miss:*x 3L 1 î¼viMol 2-PC E.V N OR Tina Hughes, and their assist- ant, Miss Monica Lindholm,' presented a pot o! beautiful IN )?eg.cai MacMillan. On bebaîf o! all, LIMITED UANTIT ýUthe participants in bbe deligbt- IUNTT fui beach party, Miss Tina f tfhNOI Hughes expressed appreciation OIV Y o! Mn. and Mrs. MacMillan's 1 >~IS J c kindness in lending thein i grounds for the event. o$19 9-MisMniaLidom»5s0lj~i o>~A i in change o! the iced pop. 100e FrabotBdog s, nd M iss T ina uges oeXc! A special meefing o! Court Venture L 1892, Canadian Or- der o! Foresters was beld un THESE ARE ONLY A FEW 0F THE MANY July 26th and bbe fifty-fifty IE A N ~ I draw was made. The winner ITEMS N AL for the month o! July was Mr. A. Toniy, Nelson Street, Bowmanville. who wvon $52.110. for the punpose o!f1elping BYO. V~ ~ A with bbc main projeet o!' Court Ventune. namely, bhecim furnisrbing o! a thnee-bed Cbildren's room in the new wg now being built on Memonial Hospital. This goal: bas îîcw been reached and thbt draw.-,will be discontinued. C _cx0i:ý The officers and members o! jMRR Cip t e n tu i re L 1 9 oje t andà . like to thank ail wbo parti- )S LIM ITED belped to make it a success. H M ~d 4FURNITURE H&MEFURNISHINGS -- Get Cash Today O For Old Appliances ~ 37 King St. E. MA 3-7071*due> througb î rncF R TU " Gertrude Cale and Clurina Frost (sitting'), Ena ] S KEM N D EFO R O IEFU NT R Aniderson and Janice Purdy ýstandîng; pnepare to eat CLa4;1 their lunch which included raspberries they had piked.:1FiéIrt-33 PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINTMLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18th, 1961

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