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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1961, p. 5

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-. -~ - - 'fi., w r-, ~ . .. -rr g. - - - - - - - .. . .-- - - 'EDNESDAY, AUG. l6th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VILE, ONTARIO OBTU R Fenelon Falls United Church, now almost fullyrcvrd o n ile red i N ew Trucic D igs H ales, BITUÂRY Rev. M. C. Fisher, niinister. Mrs. Richard Moe wsKdrn om nty nter Miss Patti Rosnak accom- vocal soloist at emliryrurfoma3ekmtr MRS. JAMES BROWN panied her aunt, Miss Rose wedding of Jeai acl n oteMrtms rets un Ilydro oles Th death ccurredat TorPalmer and Mrs. Nellie Pal- Cook and JamesMle n Auut1 a oToheea H ospir tal or-ymer on a motor trip to Uni-Trnoecty.bteeeuivofhe ni ] 31, 1961, of Mrs. Elizabeth ted States where they wereTont enl 3l 91 fguests of Mrs. Jessie Young," r n r.R .Leaete ik ls o hi ut Bih N w E fii n yrown in ber 97th year. Sot.ed ndaa o e- enjoying holidaswih temrierrottbeed W ith N ew EfficiencytheTownshipofManBeSouthckynd MIsnd.i.ana, o esA .Sano tBonn Muto vos o uî The deceased was born in, eral days. latter's parents M.adMs nteeryeeigi h Digging an adequate hale mond Hill Area. teTwsi fMnes and settung a 50-ft. Hylr.i FPoie setting work s accel- wIslande eMuskoka. information please contactohn Mr. adthrs pole can be done sxw ftlY anld erateri by the truck xvhich op life, and w-as the widowv af the enjoyed a camping trip along Mor nd rBertLkPeietMs ueDvs smoothly with a new ti pe line cratDs in an amazing manner. late James Brown She was a the north shore of Lake Sup Trno eehldyget itrsigpormhsbc t-uck equipped with fuliy It is not necessary for this member of St. John's Angli- erior for their weeks of hoi- o r n r.W .Mut ragd jýydraulic radial arm digger ulne truck to back into a ditchca ChrhBactok days. While enjoying a swi ndderrick. for digging and pole setting Surviving are three daugh- one afternoon they were sur- The truck with corner operations. The new line truck tr n he os r.Mr prised to find Kedron folk *ITA D~El inounted augur put through sImnply parks aiong the side garet Kerr, Toronto, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry JU T Its paces by an Ontario 1-ydro of thc road parallei with the Mary Garling, Toronto, Mrs. beside them. ]ine crew and given a critical pole setting operations and the Gladys Brown, Buffalo, Lewis' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Werry ~ Inspctio by he Cmmis boo wit diger ad auur o Fenlon alls MerdithOFailsnd oMeredithyafto sion'a Regional Line Mainten- attached extends out ta the Toronto and Hoado -atre t riurnd o end ak feri ance Superintendents and; paie location. The boom ac- typool. Two daughters, Elsie Superior and into states of'GIZ1 \" Line Maintenance Enrineers; tuaîîy can reach out and place and Vera predeceased. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, g cf the Operations Division , the diiggcr to excavate a hole As uvvn r 9gad Indiana and Michigan. En- (7N lia fic.Tetet ok nwee na300 crlchildren and 21 great-grand- route, they wene guests of ~h place on Markham Road xvhere wtý'ereas the aid type truck ejde.M.adMs et ihi ...O L Jt~ a ne 27. kvune s bing quilmen ha ta e bcked' .The funeral service was Mount Hope, Wisconsin, and ~"~ constructed between Button-'ovler sometimes hazardous dit-___.hlinteNtcut&mthaegessoMr and Mrs. 7I ville T.S. and Yonge Street ta ches ta dig down and make al k Funenal Home, Bowmanvilleý, Lester J. Love and members! ~ hineet the Yonge Street exten-, haie. r on Wednesday, August 2, and of their family of Joliet, Ilm-' f evQe1r~ sion and pick up load in Rich- Tedgigadplest--*~ was conducted by Rev. Canon ais. Ashmore of St. John's Church, Miss Olive Luke was a vis-, Blackstack. Interment was in itor with ber sister Mrs. W.TELA ST TY S St. John's Cemetery, Black- L. Mountjay prior ta leaving; SE ILstock, on an extended motor trip ta NNCLC N the East Coast with MissesERIGST i Marie and Helen Cale of' 1961 àmMarkham. M4~LDARE LIKESTEELUN NADHJSMANTLTNG TRANSFORMER - Warking from the safety of an insuluted K DR NMn. and Mrs. Alan Bail andPrcdfo ETELOSE THEIR.., bueket an the lime truck's boom, this Hydro lineman was able ta da wark on (Intended for Iast week) Mxr adeMr. J. A. Bai af ruwER,htYAREWORTLM~ 2-Dr. Hardiop the transformer or ta discanneet and remave a faulty transformer quickly and Services at Kedron have ors at the hame of Mr. and withaut having ta climb the pale. The truck in the fareground remains on the beeri withdrawn for the first Mrs. Ron Wenny. V-8 - Automatic raadway and extends the boom out ta wherever the Hydro pale is lacated. two Sundays af August. Rev. An outbreak of measles Powe Brkes-Ontario Hydro Photo Hugh Crosier of Whitby, will caused severe illness in manyse Poe rksconduct services on August Kedron homes, but most of r Power Steering ing operations proceed sa ef- gion less than two weeks, and 20 and August 27, at ten a.m.j the afflicted families have* Gleaming Black ficiently that anly three men the crew was flot yet fully ac- O-BITUARY but Sunday School sessions Low Milage and a driver are required in quainted with it. are withdnawn until Septem-Cs OP R LowMilage new line extension work. This The truck cnew directed by MRS. F. WILLIAM RUNDLE ber 3rd. Miss Lynda Hopkinsý Cet Cah oday is much less manpower than Bruce King, forman, in this was a.recent soloist at Ked.' th. ~e conventional type apera- ts prtin a a T haedeath occurned sde-rn ihtevclsl Cr For OId Appliances tn wherecisevTen ta ten mnest C enra ion 's auparyofîy, Stnday evening, August 6, the World see Jesus in Me.' $3 7 g aerqrdfrdigging an lne crew. Tetime cecs1961, inAnn ArbonMia, DroM wr. Walsten afthrougb pale setË. .and inspection were made inofJoceRoinonebGift ST ShopMA ye o b .Wiamon, be o allsth nd guetsaIMn "This revolutianary new line an endeavor ta find more ef- x:eo r F ilatuhi.adMs.Gog o eCn- L TA 58T E D82 ANG 5 truck will make it passible ficient ways of usine the Born in Ohawa, Apnil 6th, gan Faan t h nde the p- Phoe A S FIE Dt 93-N3S.3.0A3-5 ta release men for other jobs equipment. It has been dis- 1931, the deceased was a dau- ening af Friendship House. that require more manpawer. covered in some Regions that ghter of Cedric a.nd May Rab--- eIIt wlll help ta accelerate pale crews altn had been working inson. She xvas married at setting wonk and will do it with the new equipmeflt ifl Ebenezen United Chunch, Aug. .. OPN A..-1 .M- OD SOP9AM. 6P.. mare economically. In ime the old-fashioned convention- 6, 1954. . .. en wark units and therefone ing conducted ta find wVays of Dr. and Mrs. Rundle have ~- wiîî assist in keeping down ne-tnaîning the crews ta ac- ou eintof Ann Arbor . -- 1J IIiftII~C M electnie power rates", T. J. celerate their work and mak or the past three years, wherc __________________________________________ BrgesLine Maintenance the handling af the now equip- Dr. Rundie is associated with Engineer, Operations Division, ment more efficient, fore going ta Michigan, they The truck demonstrated inlMaitenance Superintendent U> a5a mr hydraulic equipment such as a ervised the tests, expressed in Ann Arbor. Besides her A U G U S T bccadaiieinuae nea heax]ayln usbnd and parents,Mr bucet nd liite inulaed nceof he uxiiar lie Rndl issurvived by a dau- bomcaver for eilwr.coudrBueKndrghr My Claire, and a son, \l L~ E Ail this equipment incbudingr ing the demonstration on thoedCharles, both at home. J the digger and augun is dniv- Buttonvilie T.S. lino exten- P A IN T en by a power take-off fror n. esi httece :i:nses Ms ayTe tetruck engine. Mn. Burgess had only roccived the fibre- (Doris), af Oshawa, and Mrs S A L bas 15 af these truck Ion acnial work and the hy- the Oshawa district, also sur- S A L E uits and thene are some af draulie tampon a few hours vive. tesc tnucks in most af the Re- before the tests were made, The remains rested at the Latex Flat Wall Paint gions. The one demonstnated but the crew dcmonstnated Armstrong Funenal H a m e, OfDa e.2G& m §--AE4 Latex Fiat XVall Paint in Richmond Hill Anea is fully that they could bandle the Oshawa, for memonial service 5c OfDa e.2Gai i 9-AE4 4 radio-equipped with a baud equipmcnt with speed and lin the chapel, Thursday, Aug. \Vallhide Rubberized Paint hailer ta enable the foreman efficioncy. This truck and its 10lth. Russell Crossley, student anszets ta give instructions esl eup nthodrvltin inister at King Street United A JX24 Alkyd Fiat Paint the men on top af paies or in ize new line construction, Mn. Church, Oshawa, conducted MonarhRg n5o-AE4 th ometne ukt uadsi.teservices. Interment fol- Rg b 5-AE4 Satinhide Semi-Gloss Enamel the boextr ndedsue o t. Dnan sad.lowed in the Rundle family ~A l Many Other Lines with pnoximateiy $25,000. The one plot in Ebenezer Cemetery. M '9E3 14 kg 9 5 0 extension bas a special shortEN Buchley, Keith B u c h a ni a ni Nectar R EDUCTI NS UP T 35~.t0 wheel base ta give the truck Th Horae Vetzel, Ronald Robin-G ~ 1SV oomonth tuc Wed., evening with an extra ýIacGregor. Mri n ae A & P lEA BG pkgof2o 99c M The bo ntetuki good attendance. Mrs. Fred _________ WALLPAPERS CLEARING capable af lifting 2000 lbs. in Samis and Miss Donna Samis Seotties, White, Pink & VeIIow R.g. Mec em-SAESj AT REDUC D PRICESa hoizonltab position on 8000 led in the Devotional. A mo- A M U - ________________________ ment wvas used ta lift a 50 foot girls ta the School fan Leaders FAIA T SSELpkgs of 4005 pale and also later a 35 foot at the O.L.C., Whitby, in Aug- Last Friday evening's starm pale with cnossanm and trans- ust. Those elected ta attend Ilattened grain nat aready former attached which weigh- were Miss Anne Stinson and down but it was surprising ed about 1000 lbs. Bath pale Miss Donna Gail Inwin. how much of it began ta lit A b ern th y 'ssetting openatians incbuding Mns. Allan Taylor sbowed again. It was such a down- PAN N LP PRthe digging of the hole for these sldes, Mrs. Rod Simpson gave pourind ingnowstarm lOne ayG HGS RAT PANT&WA LtPRhe gound sarond the ig ofa reading and Misses Laura bidithowtý.O e d thegrond roud te pleBowman and Beverley Samis wrigwt.amciei h 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 after setting, went v ern pîayed piana selections. The basement heard no noise and smoothly, even though the Northi Graup senved lunch. xvas. amazed ta sce the rami- ____________truck had been In Central Re- paging nain sweo'ping through Recent visitons with the E. the bouse thraugh open doors Lee's wore: Mn. and Mrs. Ray and windows. Weathen seems _________________________________________________________________ Cowling, Mn. and Mrs. Bill ta ho part of tbe news quite ___________________________________________________________________White, Lawrence and Lorraine, reg.uINnly and pnampted a Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, Maori correspondent from New SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY LEAN SHOULDER CUIS agi Ëff - 11 cMr. and Mrs. Harry McKeown Zoaland ta say that aur wea- A way, and save costs of handling, ticketing, wropping. ville. problem that bas bothered Ionr and delivering. Save up ta 50 per cent on laundry bHlls! TMrs. W. Bowrnan and Miss yars To fooigInd. e COTTAGE ROLLS lb 859C Native Chiro, Goo gia o rd Myrtie Tamblyn lhad tea with xvall bas Spbeen lailhd.Brwn'NSev Mnr.and Mr. Albert His, Ty- Mn. and Mrs. Hector Danke SprRgt i etBon' ev __ P *1 AUSAGE PATTIES sozk39c PLi 9c _____ ~ ~ ~ USE FAMOUS MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHERS - TeJ W. Bowmans and ti ha returned trom aholiayt-zpgP UM -<bs GET THE CLEAN, LINT-FREE WASH YOU WANT! Mýiss Myrtie Tamblyn w.vrc a ubc rvne Sliced Beef Bradford Mai-ah, C-s n edr o rdPsa Maytagcoin-oerotedguests of Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Mn. and Mns. Poney SnellNA39 N ew Mya onoeae automatic washers have' Tamblyn, Orana. and MN. Ken Dinnen are B OLOGN 1-1b pkg3 c famous int remover tub, are simple t eatwihIl Mrs. R. Gillin pet .h visiting fiends in Rochester, CEILER' insructians printed inside the id. Theyll do your fulli Ray Cowling, Whitby. David Ashby, Mr. C. Beigh- Ontario Grown, N.iGae al 4c load in half an hour. Miss Linda Harris, South ton and Hughie Nichais spent SPECaL THIS WEEK Monaghan, bas been visitingthpatwendiUteo with the Prescott families.1 with MrI. and Mrs. Peter JANE PARKER P T% Lauraand rieMns.G. Cla-rkeiadr s ons. nr.and A PLMIE.. O AT E Mrs. W. Bowman, Miss W.Clane nd ons.obMn.gand s ~~AIA E ad ErHAVE). G. arn-iiyAPPied ithMn.andFreià Cut, No.¶Gae SO T WATE THT S ALL WE HAVE)man and Roland visit e d ifmnl sitdw r n fniens at amijtn. -. A. Thonndyke last Wed- frieds a Hailto. 1nesday. Genald Hill of Bnock- MAKES CLOTHES SPARKLING CLEAN Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaine,'ville, Mn. and Mrs. E. Kar- G AIEPAHSAENWAALABL. Mr s. rl Sar-E ofarotoghs fr th e a -AT TRCIVL PI gent, Ida. weokend. Donna Ougbtred of REG. 49c-SAVE 10o ~~G!TTAC&PCICACM'N Tl B W A V Lt E W A S H.-O M A TMn. and Mr. Bill Gray and Toronto Is home for thnee Stock Up Vour Freezer at This Low Pricel C H UR CH S TR E ET Bessie Pasce, Oshawa; Mr. e'i the memorial services, or JaePikre. 9.AV10I and Mrs. Russell Boa, Hamil- visitd the Newtonville, W,1 SPANISH BAR CAKE each 29c ton, , wene visitons at G. Bow- Icman atHoecm- Jane Parker Reg. 3e-SAVE 4o (Under the Water Tower) treonSnainmmr INM W RSpk29 1 rac Morc, Tyone, afne. Bill Barrowclough was! ____________been visiting with Elain'a Da-iin atte.ndance at Port Hopei vey. ~J with the banid.-1

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