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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1961, p. 10

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J- . ~ - -- r - ,r ~ --5-. ,-.¶,=.c ~ -*.~ ~ ' -~.~-W4 ~ ,~ . r y-~w~.r~' r' - - ~ -~ r-"- k,3, THEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, SOWMANVMLII, ONTAR!O) WEDNESflAY, AtTG. tSrd, 1o Mr. and Mrs. Ernie MIL t Smith Falls, Mr. Arthur Hasel- don, Detroit, Michigan, werei weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Norman AllUn1 and daughter Sharon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay at their cot-1 tage on Severn River, Mus-1 koka.?1 Congratulations te Mr. and1 MIrs. Lance Plain, the former bl'rs. Dora Morris on their mar- riage, Saturday, August 19, 1961, at the Parsonage of Trinity United Church, Bow- znanville. Rev. W. K. Housian- der officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- terton, Carol and David spent the weekend at Reids cottage, Clear Lake. Mrs. Ted Wilson, Debbie and Teddie Wilson have returned home tram visiting ber par- PREMITTM TABLE EGGS: that are not even 24 hours oid at the trne of dellvery to Mtores: Buy them at ... ALLIN'S MEATS 9 King Street E. BOWEN'S GROCERl 65 Scugog Rd. DAVIS GROCERY 125 King Street E. DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOODS '7 King Street W. FAIRWAY FOOD M4ARKET 44 Ring Street E. FIRTI1 BROS. Specialty Meats 47 King Street E. NEIGIHBOURHOOD STORE 87 Ontario Street or eat them servcd at: BOWMAN VILLE HOTEL RESTAURANT CORONATION RESTAURANT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT FLYING DUTCHMAN RESTAURANT IMIGH SCIIOOL CAFETERIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL They are the freshest table *ggs on the nmarket- produced by W. K. NOWAN'S CHICKEN FARN Winner-i cf tour Silver Cup Trophies and many first prizes for the best eggs at CNE. Phone COlfax 3-2567 E.R. 1 Bowmanvllle We specialize in producîng enly table eggs cf uniform1 quality in the rnost hygenic1 and sanit-.ry way in totally inechanized hen houses. We produce white sheil eggs only, graded under C'anadian Gov- ernment supervision. We are able to guarantee year Oround supply of desired sizesi of premlum quality Table Eggs In Design of ents ln Plymouth, England. Ite attend the Harrmsxorth Tre- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Stew- pby Races at Picton was an art, St. Catharines, spent the cvernight gucst cf Mrs. Madi- weekend witb ber niece Mrs. son Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, J. E. Richards. Ardron. Congratulaticns te Mrs. E., Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews. Dean wbo will celebrate her of Toronto spent the weekend' 80tb birthday, August 29th. 1with Mr. and Mrs. D. G.1 Mrs. W. Jones, Newtonville, iHeoper and together attended - Mrs. Z. Carlaw, Whitby, and Decoration Service at Ponty- Mrs. J. J. Cornish are with 1 poel on Sunday, were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornisb guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Perey and family at Rosedale this Werry, Tyrene, and supper week. guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller Werry, Tyrene. with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kirk cf Pontypool are on a motor trip te Northern Ontario.PoC u Mr. anîd Mrs. Bert Ginn, P ultry C u Debbie and Timothy, Peter- borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn on Sunday. Pans 'Orono Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eck cf_ Taronte, wbo- just returned home from a visit in England, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit- chell, Frîday evening. Mrs. Leo Hadder and son Brian, Taronto, returned home last week after spending a week with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton. Miss Catherine Power, Tor- ente, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power and James. Mrs. Viola Smith bas re- turned home after spending a week witb ber daughter Mrs. Chas. Muttan and Mr. Mutton, Bowmanville. Mrs. D. G. Hooper attend- ed the funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. Maggie Waodley widow cf Arthur L. Wacdley in Bow- manville on Tuesday. Inter- ment was in Betbesda Cerne- tery. Miss Joan Allun bas return- ed ta Tarante after spending ber blildays witb ber par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Al- lin. Mr. James Armour bas been a patient in Mernorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. Congratulations ta Mrs. Eva Allin whe celebrated ber 80tb birthday at tbe borne cf ber daughiter Mrs. Roy Cornîsh and Mr. Cornisb, Part Perry. Visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. C. Warebam, Mrs. Trimn.. ingr7, Mrs. John Mitchell, all of Toronto, Mrs. Fred Partner cf -:yrone, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Far -ell and Mr. and Mrs. John Gib on cf Orono. C îunt Gerhard von Raffay cf Germany, who came over WAMS To HoId Leader School Fair Exhibit Durbam 4-H Poultry Club met on August 14 at 8 o'clock at H. Brooks & Sens, witb President Larry Welsh in change. The Secretary read the minutes cf the last meet- ing. A class ot laying hens was judged and some cf the boys gave reasons. Ross McMaster gave a talk on Confined Hous- ing. Brian Bradley gave a talk on Good Quality Eggs. John Allen gave a taik on lit- ter management. We had a discussion on aur Poultry Club exhibit te be sbown et Achievement Day at Orono Fair on Sept. 9tb. The meeting was then ad- journed. Swine Club Holds Session Durham 4-H- Swine Club met recently at Leslie Tay- lor's farm where members juclged a class cf Tamwarth saws. The correct placing was given by Mr. Taylor. The group moved te, Murray Byers' fanin and judged a class cf Yorksbire gilts, with Glenn Larmer providing the officiai placing. After the minutes were read, a short quiz was beld and the meeUing adjourned. Although not usually found a spi-level design. the fiat roof h' been used te advantage in ti three-bedroom (rame bouse1 *architect A. M. Bowers, of Calgai Because of this roof line, tbe spl level is net immedîately apparet The bedrooms are seven stepsi from the ground level wbich cc tains tbe entrance hall, living.roc and kitchen. There is a lower fie beneath the bedrooms which pr vides for heating. storage, laund and a recreation area. The larj living-dining rocm cxtending acro the front cf the house is a not worthy Meature along with the ge erous size entrance bail and t compact kitchen. The total floor area is ,1ý square feet and the exterior dime sians are 44 feet by 33 feet. eig inches. Working drawings for tl bouse, lcnown as Design 761, mý be obtained from Central Mortgal and Housing Corporation at mi, imum cost. Of Many Things by Anbrose Huiis TVie Bay cf Quinte Confer- ilIEE encîc Brancb W.M.S. wili hold i lits ,.nnual Sehool for Leaders '~ A socialist, writ¶ng in the5 at Wbitby Ladies' Cellege, 21 te 25, for women ~ ' -- Forum section cf the CCF and girls aged 16 years and "'fpaper, The Commonwealth,1 over. II says, "We have had little suc-( T'ie theme will be "Chur- li cess in selling the CCF ta thet ches for New Times". Antong i ordinary Joe who is interest- the outstanding leaders will ýed only slightly in palities,E be Mrs. S. R. Collins cf An- usally just a tew jumps ahead gela. Miss Dorothiy Ycung o,' f montbly wage cheques, dis-i will speak on "United Church- trustful cf ail politicians, cyni-i Worren", each a f t e r n a o n, , cal and self-centered, set on wbich will be cf particular '::7~ kecping up witb the Jones' interest te W. A. inembers ___se as te keep bis self respect1 Guests wil include Missý and aplomb. Too atten forced 1 Conie aga cfTriida an "Lok ad for crdsto fight traffie te and tram! Conne Wgarof riniad nd 'Lok Da for crdshis job, be is toc tired phy- Miss Sinpati Maharai cf Trini- three letters and the post. sically and mentally ta de dad, whe is studyinig at Queen'a Unversity. man's thiurb." more than absarb a bit cf re- laxation tram bis newspaper and radio. As these agencies of comunicatian are mastly owned, controlled and dîn- ected by bis econamie mas- * '~'~» '- ters, the crdinary Joe, tired and nî'rvous, is gently braîn- washîed." M'. 5;> i The CCF is not having suc-1 cess with Jce because, as il- lustrated above, tbey don't - ~ '5- -'-i 5-~&~ know bim. He fights traffie, ~5-~'Zt~ssure enough, but quite cften .~..- ..~.. in bis own car, and if be were ~ offered a quiet, secure and S5-peaceful job on a collective,- farm be'd say ta beck with ItHe likes the city and though' he curses the traffie, he would, be lonesome without it. 1 Anothen thing about Jae-1 5- e is net "ardinary" at ail. ~ ~l~ He dcesn't bave ecanamie I ."masters." He is a citizen cf, SC anada, with more freedom 1 S than tlhe citizens cf any otheri - ,. 5- -5~ counitry. Socialist politicians bave been effering hum peace $~~» 4I~ uness, tranquility, security, ~ ~ Icradle-to-grave bealth care, ........'4. five-year plans, ten-year plans,, love, bumanity, and everyý Sfine word they could pilfen, ~ ' - ram the dictionary. But Jae 5- is ne fool. He tbinks these kThe timing of rnany farmn operations is critica! and heavy Ioss can resuit if you are not equipped and ready ta do the job, when it needs to be done. Modern farmn machinery eliminates', this risk because it provides you with an efficient and eco.o nomical work force that is always at your command. You can rely on Massey-Ferguson machines and implements to get critical lobs done quickly, eff iciently and at IQw cost, ~ Massey-Fergusona Don't Tease Your Lawn Let It Soak 'Don't tease your lawn witb a little bit cf water," says Pro-: fesser J. C. Taylor, Depart- ment cf Horticulture, O.A.C.' Insufficient watering does more barmn than good. Light watering applicatians j u s t nake tbe grass roots graw ta' Ithe surface, wbere tbey can -, be killed easily by the bat! mid-day sun. Aise, sballaw- rooted weeds tbrive in this! envirenment. Soak the lawn te a depth cf; several inches. Haw dc yau 1 tell wben the lawn bas enougb water? Place several pans in the area that 15 ta be watered. When the water is 1½% inchesi deep in the pans, the lawn bas! sufficient. It makes sense ta water one i section cf the lawn at a time. If you try te de the whole, lawn in cne evening, none of the lawn will get enougb wa- ter. One good watering is rnuch better than two or three less tborough waterings. The best time te water Is In the marning or the evening, when there is lesâ evapoa tii The OId Hav Bay Church The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor BEAT THE order you r AXe . 00.0 r PRINTING NOW! TO AVOID THE EXTRA 3V/o SALES TAX which cornes into effect SEPTEMBER lst THE NEW PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WILL BE CHARGED ON TOP 0F THE 11% FEDERAL TAX NOW PAYABLE ON ALL PRINTING REQUIREMENTS. Check your Supplies Order NOW for delivery by Sept embe r lst Hi - Speed Automatic Presses to serve You Zbte anabian PHONE MA 3-3303 ý 1, ý 1 Ili--ý 1 14 PAGE Tme Editor*'s Note: At the spe- Thie group attending service tbe Church and a service wae Split LevelH ousecial annual titis Sundray, Au- in Mr. Huff's house outgrew held in which Dr. S.A Re-,iiodsArchivist-Historian wvas decided Io erect a church.1 the address. of the United hr o Car-Th specifications called fori In 1927 the Rev. A. J. WVil. Iada.wîilb the gueýst speak-la building 36x 30, two stories son, then m.Linister cf St. An. er. The following history cfhigh with a gallery. This is drew's United Church, Napa. lime -Iav Bay Un-ited Church is 1 the building which they erec-jnee. and former editor of th# publislhed te acquaint ourý ted. It has wveathered a United Church Observer -o readers -with details of this!stranlge and chequered career ficial organ of the Unit: historie pilgrimage.11 for on e hunclred and sixty- iChurch cf Canada - convincec The Oki Hay Bay United! fine years. The land for Wt the Bay of Quinte Conferencf Church is one cf the mosti Nvas given by Mr. Paul Huffý0f the United Church cf Can. historie buildings in the Pro-, and those poor pioneer folk ada Of the necessity to restore vince of Ontario. It has a only four years on the virgin the Hay Bay Church 'in thi ' long and varied liistory. It! soil began to build their form which our forefather: stands today subsbtat-tiailly as Church. Twenty ini number bui t'. The Conference grant' il, was built in 1792 by the subscribed $108.00 te its erec- ed money for this purpose and United Empire Loyalist Pio- tion. It was completed i the work and restoration wai nieers. 11792. done. These pioneers were refu-' On August 29, 1819, the' In 1950 the Trustee Board gices driven f rom the United. saddest accident ever te befall lof the Hay Bay Church, whicli 1 States because in the Revolu- titis part cf the country teck1 now has charge of the chutrci itionary War of 1776 they re-Iplace. Eighteen young people!and property under the BaN fused te subseribe te the set-Iset out from the opposite side!cf Quinte Conference, recciv- ting up onl this continent a!of the Bay to attend Quarter-l'ed from Mr. H. J. McFarland. government independent cf ]y Service. The minister hadiMayor cf Picton. Ontario, the , the government of Great Bi- just concluded a praver withi gift cf a cottage, in wrbieh tain. Thirty tbousand of thern1 the expressed hope 'that this'during July and August ê -ýit is cstimated, were deprivedimigbt be a day long to be re- custodian 1lives. He gives in- of pruperty. liberty, and citi- ien ee whncie etiformation and guides visiter, zenship and deported In 1785, the air. The flat-bottomed boat, around the éCburch. Eacii five shiploids cf these refu-' carrying the young people had Summier, usually the last Suii- in :gces who had possessed good overturned and nine w~ere day in August. a preachinR as homes, improved property and drowned. The next day t- ,service is bield within the Old ili wealth were sent Io this court- funeral wvas heid in itis Clhurc hch attracts btm* lUS if S~tDROOM tî~ Tev spent Hie xvinterat Cburch. The minister %vastodrd f orhpr.wo by r.Te pnte it 0drd ofvosipcs l, t2'r I.4 Sorel iin the Province cf Que- overcome te conclude the ser-!listen te the service wîtinr lié bc. and in the Spring of thIl~ and the burial was made tlecoce huc rb h ýnt. rext y'ear came bv boat te this in burying ground .iust across aid cf a public address sy steir nt.j I Ontario area. Four bhndred the road. are abl e I hear the service Up 8ILDROOM under Major Van Alstinue set-.InI 1860, a new brick Cliurcli outside. Dn- -.S . 6;4 tled in the Township of Adol. was built on the next conce- O una.Agut1t phiustown. The land had netsion south. The Old HaBay~ 97 itrePau re ýor El been allocatcd and it, was not Church was now no longer ted by- the Ontario Archacolo- *e.BEDROOM untîl July cf that Summer,tbe centre cf the area. In this gicai and Historie Sites Board rge e-. L184, that thy were able toliOd Hay, Bay Cbiurch Sir f Department of Travel and ge go te their new land. Mean-lJohn A. Macdonald as a bOY1 Pubiicit, was unveilid îy Mtinje thev had lived in teiitsýused te worship with bhis fa-'t~Hnual .M ike Le-near -where now the menu- ther. The Macdonald home; M.P.P.. Minister of Planning n. Ment Fit Adlolphiustown stands.; was on the site cf the cairn! and Development. represenT. the_____________________il____ Eacli family when going ta Uts .ust west of this building.! n h ooral eleM ilotment. cf 200 acres pesses-!Tlie bricks and stones frorn Frnst. Premier cf Ontario. 91 ~RF O U _ sed a tent, saine seed grain, the foundation cf the resi.! The Historie Plaque wvas dcedi- M. a caw between two families,:dence are incorporated in tbis!cated by the Rex'. Frank Ban- ht and sanie tools. The country;cairn erected te the memorY nister, D.D.. cf Kingston, Pro- the W- HALLwas a virgin forest. and these cf Sir John A. Macdonald bylsident of the Bay cf Quinte iav R-------I. people, unused te bard laborjthe Dominion cf Canada His- Conference. The unveilins2 ge rl~t Rlbegan the task of iewing out torical Sites Commission. ceremiony was in charge ni homes and clearing the land; The Old H-ay Bay Church1tbe Rev. Harold B. Neal, D.D.. for cultivatioîî. xvas used for worship until; Chairman cf the Old Hay Bav In178.a ougia by about 1860 af ter which it serv-1 United Ch urclh Trustele Board. thie name cf Lyons came to'ed as a farmer's sterehouse.1 (This brief historicai ac- the district t'i tcachi school. On December l7th, 1910 incount cf the Oid Hay Biv lie alsoi gatlicred a few people, recognition cf its historical Church was cdmpiled by the' iin a home on Sunday ani significance, the property was Rev. A. J. Wilson, D.D., r.if tiVIN6-DINING ROOM conductcd Service after the bougbt back by the Methodist Toronto, a member of the 24"t îZ ~Mcthadist Episcepal O rder. Church and placed in the'Trustee Y-oard'i. This w'as not pleasing te the hands of a Trustee Board, cf Anglican,;. who had ne use w%ýhich the Rev. R. A. Whattam uiP.ST A SECONDý for any ctlicr belief than that cýf Toronto was appointed Sec- contained in the 39 Articles, i'etary-Treasurer, a position _____and they made it pretty bard hee beld with devotion and for young Lycns. idistinction untii bis retire- But in 1791 a Methodist ment on May 24th, 1956, wben minister, the Rev. William the Rev. Harold W. Pointen Losee, came frein tbe Un-ited aappointed his successor. States, held services in Con- Onl Monday, December 9, 1957, rad Van Dusen's tavern in in hîs 84th year, the Rev. R. Adolphiustown. He xvas ridi- A. WhattaTn passed inte the cuird and sneered at, because Church Triumphant. of bis methods. He was a one- Mr. Allen Davis, of Tor- fed O Id J o e anevsman ut eegte thi ngs mucb tearlous plc opinin ermed, vigorcut, eneg tigc, te, fre pubcfcNopanein d ebecame popular with in tavor of preserving the Old socîalists are phony He just No. Mr. Soc!alf, ynu've the e pioncers who petitioned Hay Bay Ciiurch. F'ollowing doesn't believe their promises. got Joe wrong. He is't se I he Conference on the Ameri- the re-purchase of the build- He bas neyer seen them work tired and nervous, and he cao side te station hlm ini ing. partial reconst r u c t i o n eut in practice anywhere in isn't stupîd or disinterested. their ntidst. 1-le then became teck place in 1911. A service the wbole world, altbough If be were, be would have the first regularly appointed xvas held in it presided over Socialisin bas been tried reached for those luscicus- Mctbadist minister in Upper by Dr. A. Carmen, General again and again. looking tbings ycu dangle inlCaniada. taking bis circuit in Superintendent cf the Metho. Joe understands that there front cf hlmi year after year. 1792. His meetings were held -dist Church. may not be traffie probiems He knows that wbile life couid in Paul Htiff's bouse justl In 1924 at the Arinual Meet- iin socialist counties- tbey be a lot bet.ter, it cculd aise across thec road and bore on! ing of the Bay cf Quinte Con. den't bave many cars. It be a whole lot wrse- as the Fcbruary 20th, 1792, tbe f irst ;ference a committee was ap- * would be very peaceful going socialists bave proved wbeni-Iregutlar class meeting ever pcinted te continue tbe work "Who poured the brandy ot to yeur job with an cx team; lever tbey've been able te gain beld in Upper Canada xvas cof restoration. A pilgrimage the turkey?" but Joe likes bis car cr a bus. power! inquguratcd. from ntbe Conference went ta Fiat Roof Used to Advantage "1 PA. a 1. - 44 a .11 1 a r 9 tatteinan

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