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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1961, p. 11

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~rN T ~~'.1* , ..,, .. - < . - - - ~ . -. . - - - .'.> . . ...... r r - - .. . VMNESDAY, AUJG. 23rd, 196! THE CANA!MAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVZN iýý SSCUGOG ST. BOWMAN VILLE During the afternoon Lionslifor the faîl and wînter sea- pn a day last week with Ei FANCY CORN - 2tn 9 Rod Carveth, Tam Lennerd. 1son.setgadaetM n AYLMER CATSUP 2~o.CemSye-Yr 5o.Tn Frank Hoan, Chanlie Knox and' Great credit is due ta Lionl Mrs A. Ra'hm. j, Off ~Is Brenton Rikard made pre- Rod and Lionette Helen who M. *and Mrs. E. Deeley, Tide DETERGENT Gant Sze 10e Off - Save 14o - 1 lb. Tin ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST parations for the meal and have made these cook-outs'visite d1 relatives at Troy, New 1 TISSUE Croc.' 4 nolls TODDY ---- 35C-Sie2 RoetadIwnHmitnICE CREAM R'-YAl.l à FANCY PEAS- 2 for 290 MALCOLM THE MILKMAN - - - by GLEN RAE DAIRY attended the Exhibition on oa9ld6 f-Bt ieCRSPLDI E2fr3 Mrs. H .Philp and Mrs. L.', WITH FREE $2 BONUS CAMAY SOAP 2 for 250 ..N.iGae-Sz 5 A'T14IERE ARE NO LIGHTS C/fA TE*gCiA TEx, i N Hauber visited Mn. and Mns.! BOOSTER TAPE: Apple, ChoeolCý, Orange or White BatttPA S6' Mb B ITHOUE YINY K <..IEVRRobent Duvaîl, Belleville. 1 fP IATableRite 12 Ba gfo IN RS.BRWN' HUSE YAiTY~&<.. IN~R ~Mn.anIMr. loyIRbO ULUUIIM Slced Pkq. ilvie - 14 oz. Pkgs. f-AK COODNES$ SHES KtJEWAN4WOMN Te-AI<Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns.1Foon CK IXS-3wo 9 STILI..ASLE[PI - AS MUCH AS SHE DOES/ 5' ETTER! A. Knowlton. 1HONEY DEW 6r... T CAEs MXES 0?fr4cN. ii aity-6Q.Bse Mn. and Mns. C. H. Mc-' GCaONT.aOMATOlb.69 Quinn, Bnian, Bon.nie andý New Potatoes No. 1 Gra.e101h. Chocolate V ienna 2 pkgs. 45o_________________ in New Brunswick. MIKMçLaughlin helidayed MissDna andDebi SrnP AN D SAVE AT WULTHweek with thein gnandmotben, Mns. E. Murphy. "~Mns. Jean Abrams spent Phrl. and Mrs. Ronald Pbihp DO WNAN VILLE NAI and we dauhtens, wbo have __ '~rPrompt Delivery Milk Bar been staying at bis parents' IAMr e PhoneMA 35444 MIKThome for some time, return-, M GLEN RAE AIRYrea with their new baby girl,, accompaniedi by "i aunt Miss . - . - 1 WESLEY VILLE M.J ack Skinner and Jan-HAYDON M.ands r sBe mho J.e un ice, New Jersey, called onmy. Debbie and B1 eund nnga :0ocok Afew tomatoes are ripen- friends in the village last Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs. ihome on Saturdy aig r ora ab saa incombining is in full swing;, Mr. .t upy hlg Max Johnson and family, Osh- spent a week wvt eaie iie hsfte x hri ___________________but_ made dif ficuit by the Mr.Eih upySea . awa, called on Mrs. Wm. Mar- at Colligwood.Tabo Sndy ndcle amount of fallen grain, and and Kenneth Murphy visited tin on Monday. Mrs. A. Read, Inar yanOfMradMr.GogTab by green growth among the Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- Mýr. and Mrs. Frank Os- Lynne are holidayiga3ae M.adMs odnWry Gardon Agnew, Edior Phone 362 i ripe grain, a condition madellin, Nestieton. mond, Tracey and John Hen- Simcoe. iMs atrMraTrno GodnA nw dfrP oe32 possible by the amount of Congratulations to Mr. and dry, Bowmanvile, Mr. andl Mr. J. Potts r.R ritn _________________________________________________________________________ ai.Mrs. C. H. McQuinn who cele- Mrs. R. Thomipson, Dawn and Mr. Henry Ashtoncale nEnsiln iie r j I ~~~~~Summer holidays are runn- brated their 25th weddîng an-' Heather were Saturday visi- Mr. and Mrs. LoD stnMs ly stn tess on Monday evening ata ing out and many are taking niversary on Friday last. They tors at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Peterborough, on Sna. 'M.adMs uhCm ~~~~~~~~~miscellaneous shower in the 'advantage of the last few received several gifts and' Tracey Osinorbd and John Hen- Mrs. W. ThomnsnvstdeoTrno iie r h Lions room of the community days to get a short trip in be- telegrams. 'dry stayed for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F rodMs .Akneda hi .D st ic L o s ff ce shall in honour of Mrs. Robert fore sehool days begin. Harold ýi Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peth- Sunday callers were: Miss Bowmanville, onWensa.otae August 4th past week, while Pearl spent Kevin Rahm spent the week- Marie Millson. com(bine their grn btfn vrt or n e~ge Me t P e q ' l P o n r.TuySloso o-a few days at his home. end with their rs ena Wl it rather difficult a omc ~,dadEeetHa mavilele tegrupina hrewa amuhrandd robe E rti o, kefield, were weekend is down with the rcn ida h ligDicna oo sigsogad h bieone- ny53 rs .Autn edweeSudyevening callensi visitons with Mr. and Mr . anand . Ht nSVdy tering the noom was seated in the scripture and Gloria Nich- at their cottage.I Clem Rahm.MranMr.W Bacbn Mr nMs.LliGahm F o um e o f re c h carofhnu adwsMrs. Melville Jones, Mrs and farnily and Mr.KCo-aeenyngahldytO- For Sum ner C'o f ren e te cairofho:ur nd aSols played the opening hymn. Pa C ne EeyWnrn rem ,ing, Mn. and Mr.aeel neIs Newcastle- District Gover- Kingston, International Coun- Septemnben 27th and also the ýpresented with a basket cn h congregation shared in a Lak WnreO efieeld cbr n nrBrenton Rickand, held asellor; R. Jamieson, Int. Coun. Peterborough Lions Clevenîng when Rev. flS M.adMs r Gray and and Mrs. Gerald Sakeo E VC m'eeting of al officers of Dis- :Coboconk; Deac Goddard, 25th Anniversary familteof Osawa, and and amily enjoyeda picnicChang trict A-3 at Woodmere Lodge, Bowmanville, Interna t i o n a 1 Night on Septemben 26th. sermon dwelt on the old fam- fMs. Hao dshware.faLnd- atnd al ngto rvnilPrà Presqu'ile Point on Sunday, Counsellor and District Histor- Sincere appreciation M'as ex- TIr' T7TI lar stony of the Good Samar- In1anIr% cisav n nv Wlo and on Sunday.DE ,OL &CRP EJ August l3th. Many plans were ian; Nostrand Sprague, Tren- pressed to Past District Dep- NEWTOI U L LEiLs tnad htte rsnead i Miss Penny Brown of Peter- Mn. Geo. Tabb vstdM.IFR TC made and a discussion took, ton, Int. Coun. and Chairman uty Governor, Roy Spencer, of each one at that evening borough, M.r. and Mrs. R. Wil- Leslie Cowling atanethm! em edFeofCre place on the activities of: of the Public Speaking; James who owns the Woodmere Mn. and Mrs. MacGnegor service, and others, was a pre-N w s ap r son, Mn. and Mrs. Clem Rahmi at Newcastle. GlaI oha m eit 4lr evc Lions in District A-3, in which C. Johns, Frankford, Int. Lodge and Restaurant for his Jones, Alan and Debbie of panation for living the part of N w p p r and famiiy had a very enjay- Leslie is improvingrs orOeao o there are 40 clubs extendîng Coun. and Public Relations hospîtality. The ladies enjoy- Burîîngton wene caîîing on the Good Neîghbour. Beautiful abepci. rnoPoi- Mr. and Mrs. M eti fnom Ajax ta Brockville, Director; Robent Garden, Non- ed their afternoon at the friends in the village on Fni- giads were arranged in a bas- Sweeping changes in meth -i ale PicknatOno Prov- theaekWindo north to the Madawaska Val- waod, Past District and Cab-:'Ladge while the Lions attend- day. ke as a part of te seing ods of handlîng newspapersj Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, wlth Mr. WesleyLiecNo4-C6 for wonship and Barbara Dmn- and magazines are under stu dy! Toronto, were Thursday sup- Mn. and Mis. Gog e-N olCag ley and Coboconk. mnet secretary-treasurer. ed their Conference. After Miss Doneila Lancaster is, ner, accampanied by Mns. Car- in an important expenimenti fMn tnimn and familyTutn IkPcn eebrnl Lions in attendance at thet Special note was made of the conference everyone en- holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.ralNcisan 'BssTsben crid ubytePt per guests Mrs. D cofrnewrDistrict Gov- 1the Kingston Lions Club's 25th'joyed a delicious supper in Canai Nichoîs of Wesîeyviîîe. H1Ge rantfrOfce D t i o'Cameron. Sunday v i si t on r e udyvstosa h _____________ enroA-,Bean ik- Anniversany Charter night on ' the Woodmere Dining Room. Hue.G stogntfrOfie Dptm tin c weM.and Mrs.Wmackketdin ardo of AewcastleDistric ec Mr. andMs. W . Selig the evenîng was Mr. Snelgrove operation wîth major Cana - aind Mrs. L. Channing, Hamil- rary ofNwclDistrnational, have moved into their new of Ottawa. dian publishers, it was an- tan. Sue and Keith Stuart ne- Deat o Higsof TaronatoDe- home and have nented their Men of the community have naunced taday by Pastmaster turnied home with thein par-- DaltonDis fTrc GoronoCy- former home, the trailer. ta been busy at the church base- Genenal William Hamilton. enshaigsntwo ees Basmn, Lidsy; Deut fMn. and Mrs. Douglas Mead ment and the wali of blocks The experiment, at present holidays with Mr. and Mrs. District Governor, Ed. Laucks, (l ew 'cas lie Mrs. (Rev) D. T. Lnatrlaid. cin Mnt dd to ajr ubise arnd 96 Frankford; Zone Chairmen: ofdWlcomhe. is ancast rs.WngTup ihoweefPin ten conealajdorontublisr.meandMrs. B. Dobson and' TUIE OIYTIKEISHR Jandensoni, Ohaae; Jack y -<adduheMs arae r.W .Ncaso otexpected ta nesult in savings son, Mrs. Rose, Toronto, called r ACTULLY TELL H RT AckesonChitkakfea ; Jack oy-) Lancaster of Brampton were Hope and Mns. Harvey Nich- in mail handling costs esti- an Mns. H. Cnossman on Sun-I M- MATeAIPn le, Napanee and Ted Boulton,j io ciai an a d'- rs o n a1 dinner guests with Miss Lily ais of Winnipeg visited with mated at up ta a million dol- day. IavWRNEcsi ~.L~nIm -r Irlo Brcvilan at oeWorkman on Thunsday. Mn. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols lars a year. It is also expecteci Mn. and Mrs. David Mon- RSERMANAUAR Chairman Bruce Hendenson' Mrs. Gertrude Eliicock of last ek .Alnta praduce improvements in row and Alexandra, Aurora, V8 - Atrai of Kingston. Mrs. R. J. Wright of Ton- levilie on Sunday. Toronto is spending a few days Snyder of Stneetsvilie, calied the speed of handling news- visited Mn. and Mrs.W. Love- Bae T h e District Governor'sionto has been visitîng with Mn. and Mns. C. Reynolds with Miss Bertha Thompson. at Mr. and Mns. Harold Bar- papers by mail. Canadian ridge and famiiy.Poe Hononary Cammittee in at-I her sister Mrs. Gardon Ash. and Mns. G. Kinby of Provi- Mns. Alex McLaud of Toronto nowlaugh's on Saturday af- publishens, Mn. Hamilton said, Kathy, Judy and KevinPoeSenig tendance were, James Clarke,i His many fiends will be dence R. I. visited with Mrs. and Mrs. T. isncle ntnon Ms d opno eeetusiastie about the Rahm spent the weekend with- Bac Cmblfr;Itraina1pleased ta leann that the con- Floyd Butler and Mn. H. Par- Wednesday. Toronto visited with E. Bar- test and wene offering their thein grandparents, Mn. andGlang Campellfrad himneto a ino M.Gog Te-krlatwe.MissJye1n ai rowclough's on Friday aften- fuliest co-openatian. Mns. W. Rahm, at Four MileLo Miag Coneradcara f iino n ere T eke ase te MissBruesOfJaceand r'Milyn noon, the latter's gnandson, Ith xeinalor-Lk. the Membership netentian and with has much improved and Beasoftenm rof rue fMcAtu' Mis John, spent the weekend with nteepnmntloea ae development cammittee Albert lhe has returned home fram Monday hoiidays in a year, spent the past week with Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Kanvonen in tion, newspapers wil no long- Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon TIhompson, Kingston, Interna-!I hospital. the Sigma--C Group of the and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Toronto and left on Tuesday er be weighed and nated at were Sunday supper guests of ________ elo; os ure Kenneth and Esther Cryder- United Chunch have decided Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Moore marnîng for bis neturn flight the post office before being Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen. man of Mapie Grove were t*o change their day for thein of Hamilton spent a few days ta Vancouver. sorted fon onward transmis- Miss Kann T ho mp son, cousins Gordon, Gladys and mencing next week and on Lane at thein cottage. . tonville is visiting bier cous- will be caiculated from the Calin Alin. the last Monday of each month Miss Jo Ann Camenon 15 s the Nichais girls; Mn. publishers records which will possible. In addition, he not- Mn. J.F. Mott of Hamilton following, the boys wiil be visiting witb Oshawa friends. and Mrs. Geo- Tuffond and be audited by the Post Offige ed, the post offce will havea was a necent visitor with Mn. covering the village after 6 Mrs. Arnold Wade is attend- famiiy and Mrs. Wm. Tuf- Financial Branch. more accurate record of news- "OLDFAER W1NTER i r. Rg.Lvkn p.m. t gather aid newspapers îng United Church Scbool for fard were in Coidsprings on Cutn otth wegig apr aingsnd otln- BSON MIS WAY.!Mn W. C. Bittan, Mn. and and magazines. Housebolders Leaders held at Ont. Ladies' Sunday aftennoon at Mn. and operation wîll save hundneds venues will be more closely OPN9 M-1PM.BDYS P9AM 6PM SBE SURE VOUR HEATING Mrs. Arebie Britton and son are nequested ta tie bundies Coliege, Whitby. and Mrs. Norman Gibson's. of thousands of man-hours at pnotected. Bill of Oshawa visited with securely and place them at the Mn. Jas. Nesbitt who spent Mn. Bey Danke of Pheonix, major post office terminals, Mn. Hamilton said that the OENt99.M __Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bittan on noadside, the last Monday of the past month with the home Arizona, arrived at the home Mn. Hamilton said, and wili expeniment could eventually -Sunday. each month and the Sigma-C folks, left fan Islington, West of his parents, Mn. and Mrs. permit newspaper publishers be extended toa ah hoiders of Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Jase, boys will dispose of them. Virginia on Monday. Hector Darke in Port Bnitain, to meet mail despatch dead- second-ciass mailing privileg-ý !Mrs. Florence Ferguson and Mrs. Henry Bowen and dau- Mn. and Mrs. Ross Brown this past weekend. lines wbich wene formerly im- es in Canada. ~\ flher brother, Mn. M. Payne of ghten Daniene returned home an1o at pn h ee-I _________ (2 i Montreai wene in Omemnee on Manday aften visiting with end with hen parents, Mr. and! rshrice 11L() atWednesday attending the thein cousins Mn. and Mns. En- Mns. Harry Taylor of Bruce-'TO E Horticultural Society Flowen nie Wright and Larry at their field. T R N Sho. M. Jsewasthejude t ge n e ugo an Mr an Mr. Sd ancste 1LEGS an BR A T S of the show. with Mn. and Mrs. Eric Found attended the Welsh - Bradley Mrs. Lloyd Skinner was Mn. and Mrs. 1. C. Matthews at Little Bitain. manniage neception heid at hostess last week for a mis-- Maple Leal SIlls and family of Trenton; Mr. and Mn. and Mns. J. Astles of' the Lions Centre, Bowman-' cellaneous shower for Miss Mrs. Gardon Bitton and fam- Peterbonough spent a couple of villi, on Satunday. Elizabeth Knox, bride-to-be. P R ______________________ iy f Bllduf wre unay ayslat wekvistig wth Miss Donna Porter of Be- Mns. Larny Hauben and Ill ofBalyduf wre undy dys astwee viitig wththany, former junior teachen Lynda, Philadelphia, and Mr MpeLa visitors wMahlerLeadfMMildD.uMe. aeameai W. R.Cryovac FFLM IG "HAIG M. Bernard. In bmly ene, 'spent a couple of days and Mrs. William Thompson: PLUMBNGHETING Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Steph ad ail.with Mn. and Mrs. Don Vin- Peterborough, were guests of Mrs. Douglas Wright ai-d kle. Mn. and Mrs. H. Philp. C T A ensoii, Miss C. B. Butler, Mns. son James of Trenton are vis- Mr. elaWnnmke o ymahyt relatives of'C T A E R LI b 9 W b SURER DEALE Stella Anderson and Mn. îting this week with Mn. and Wligo a aln ntelt r.Mrae od ORONO1782 George Butler motordt h rs. Alfred Ganrod and fam- friends in tbe village on Sat- ley. Several from here vîsited ORN 72 Stephenson cottage near Bel- ily. urday. the Morris Funeral Chapel The Rev. and Mrs. J. B3. Mn. and Mrs. Reid Wood at- and attended her funeral on, Bonathan and Kathenine Of tended the Beatty-McMilian Tuesday afternoon. Longuille, Quebec, spent a wedding held at St. John's An- Steven Phillip, week visiting with Mn. and glican Church, Port Hope, on ville, is holidaying with Du- .. Mrs. H. C. Bonathan at thein Saturday. ane and Danny Taylor. cottage at Coboconk. Mrs. Willis Jones is spend-- Miss Esther Anne Roseveaný ______________________Toronto is spending this week Carman Cornish at their cot- and uncle, Mr. and Mns. Keith LmtQatte visiting with Mr. and Mrs. tage at Rosedale, Balsam Lake. Larmer, Fraserville. LmtQatte George Walton. Mn. and Mns. Allen Stewart Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Mil- Mn. and Mrs. P. F. Hane and son Jas. of MacArthur's ler and Debbie, Mrs. Elva wene in Richmond Hill on Fnl- Milîs wene weekend visitons Beckett, enjoyed a trip ta RS RD A day and visited with the Rev. with Mn. and Mns. Raymond Cornwall and other points îast FRS GAD "" ' g i u rand Mrs. W. W. Patterson and Bruce. week. family. Mrs. Gea. Ovens who is flot Mrs. Mary Findlay, Union- PREDRESSED Mn. Robent Camenon of Ton- well, left on Sunday ta spend! ville, visited Mns, A. Hawkey enta spent last Wednesday some time with Mn. and Mrs.Iland Mn. and Mrs. C. Bigelow. flisiting with Mn. and Mrs. Keith Stephenson of Clarkson. 1mns. F. G. Andrews, Ton- John Voutt and son Neil. Tuesday evening, a misceli- nt, M. and Ms. D. G. Hop- F RYIN G o --rain The many friends Of Miss aneous shower was beid forer, Orono, aise Mn. and Mrs. Olv-hrewl esrytoM.adMs oetB nHTol weo oot ee learn that she is seriously iîl (nee Shanon MacDonald) at guests of Mn. and Mms. F.' ROA S ING and is a patient in Memonial the haie of ber parents, Mn. Werny and Mn. and Mrs. Percy Hospital in Bowmanville. antd Mrs. Edwin MacDonald. Werry. Mn. and Mrs. John Voutt 1 On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. IMn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue Co ~were in Campbellferd on Sat- Wilfred Wood, Mn. and Mns. enjoyed a mater trip east last' __________________urday visiting with Mn. and Reid Wood and family and Mn. ýweek. __ _I Food rcsEfcie2, 2,2

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