I.- ________________________________________________________________ m PAGE TWELVE Brewers Plan Dis plays 0f Tourist Information THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO wET>NESDAY, AUG. 23mr, 181 Two Car Collision Sunday on Liberty St. N. ln Town Refait Outlets Carrying its communîty re- to improve service to a com- instali onlv 100 of these Tour- ]ations program another step munity our manager adlits i st Displavs in vur retail star-i forward, Brewers' Warehous- familv are a part of the com- es this year. However, we ing Company Limited, opera- munity and tk part in the! hope it vîl1 fnot be too long tors of Brewer's Retail stores communitv*acs~~e until we are able to have sim- in Ontario, is joining forces "Ii the past 13 years, ilar displays in every one ot with Chambers of Commerce, through our employee publi- Our *193 retail outlets located Qrgniztins n pprxiately cation, we have publicize n192 Ontario Communities." 60 Ontario communîties to Pro- cities, towns and villages and Mr Hamilton stated that Ynote local community attrac- hav e receix ed many expres-i during the non-tourist season, tions to visiting tourists this sio'vs of appreciation frc.m the displays would either be summer. var ous municipal authorities removed fromn the stores or With the co-operation of Io- for aur Companyvs interest in'used in conjuniction with comn- alChambers of Commerce, their communities.mui'protnsb lca B3rewers" Warehousing is fin-: Our 'lourist Displav pro- Chambers of Commerce. ancing the installation of o-gawîhi en ntae The Pasel - type displays, . . 1.....1 orful Tourist Displays in 0 in this area today, is a con- vi' eaueapoimtL Brewers' Retail stores through- tinUation of this community 6 feet wide by 7 feet high are 'ti&&.- ' out the Province, each one relations activity. ýconstructed of solid oak, ply- telling the story or local lourist "Surves's have shown that wood and mnasonite with metail There was a two-car collision on Liberty Street Northî on Sunday evening eyelid in the accident. He was taken 10 MemoilHsia nteMri mu attractions. a substantial number Of tour-, tubular legs. The centre panel, at 9:49 o'clock The accident took place in fIront of the lanewav at 312 Libertv lance. Mr. Broome suffered many bruisc-s ani-.Dnsc cevdsm i The program was launcbed ists that visit a Iocality event- consists Of a hand-painted map lNorth.'IThe drivers involved were David Lloy d Broome, R.R i, Hampton, and facial cuts. They were conveyed to Memorilloptlb h omnil in hit aeaits rcetioead alatsopatonrofouesorsiilutrtignuusalanapou-IsvasDocscz Trono.MneBoomows roeedngnothonribrtsSree Plie ruier Ate traten i th Ot-atent'nepdtentthy er luncheon at the Genosha Hotel 1 e replenish supplies. We, 1lar tourist attractions ls ino andTrno r.Bom a roedn ot o iet tee oiecuse.Atrtetmn nteOt in Oshawa last Fridiay. therefore, believe that a dis-ý around the local area. in b is car, and Mr. Doncsecz was driving south when the two vehicles met ini allowed to return to their homes. Mr. Laszlowsrlae rmtehsia In describing the purpose oft play in aur stores, outlining Beneath the map is a pocket - a head-on collision. Chai-les Laszlo, Trîonto, a passenger in the Doncsecz car' on Tuesday, and left to recuperate at his residec nTrno oprlKy iheproram W.Crig amî- fr hes viitOsattactonstye selffordipla oflocl sustained a broken finger, and lacerations to the nape of bis neck, face and right Freethy, assisted by; Constable Louis Phillip. ivsiae ciet ton Co-ordinator af Public in th(» area they might other- tou,îst folders and pamphlets,:Poo yGr aDua Relations for Brewers' Ware-; wise miss, will not onlxr assist ec_______ housing Company Limited,: communities in attracting an Fadretctr. ee-ti wnit cnuyuigOg reaosi orie stated: !ncreasing number of touristsl Side panels, framed in solid >DU A wee, 1trdyT C" î?iTt'ft/Ih enur uin "Our Company, through ts or visitors. but will help pub- oak are designed to serve as DBLA C S O C ing-Mr. and Mrs. John GrifP Matthew 24, Mark 1.3, a,,soL EMJILWr udy iioswt r 293 retail outlets bas long: lîcîze the fact that Ontario is i pin-up boards for photographs fen, Enniskillen and Mrs. Aug-1 Luke 21 as examples. He link-adMs..Titwhna heeîî active in community ac- a wonderful, beautiful pro- of. local points of interest. Illu-, Si. John's W.A. met in the Venîîing ta seats on the plat- ulstuis Hill, Brougviam. On led such features in these pro- Mr. and Mis. Sari utrejoe înc titres.anThe mrst f or ne that shenoul de riitdi ation is supplied by a 396" Parîsh Hall, August 17th, with form while Miss Verna Harris Sunday-Mr. and Mrs. Percy peisa ainwl ieMs .Lnatr eeget r.Nra vr n e stor mangers tak actve 'ore hanoncein oderta1 fluorescent fixture in the can- 114 members and one child pre- played the Wedding March Collins and boys, Oshawa. aginst nation", 'there will be at the receptiori follown h wnbb il aehm service and community Clubs.i and interesting attractions. To add a touch af wrmth Presîdent presiding by the presented a kitchen table aiidweek.' will be great eaithquakes' asmai-riage of i. O 5 Dndy preimnay iscsson wthstore where it will be loca- Care an Jesus". Devotional laneous gîfîs from the ma1hrsitri1Trno 1914.TonnSaud. neandfinson atr- iariaus Chambers ai Com- ted, a planter box has been perîod was led by Mrs. John friends as'sembled. Bath Garrv' Miss Catherine Bailey i uwrn h usin M.adMs îlr ok a aclb't ogsbrh meng for the fifthe Sundaycafteralgratitude. baebounteousilunchLoldoe in Baa.____________________ 'haeresulted in such enthus- play. This is filled with trou- initfor emberthsu pay afer1r, assere. AbMnusic lfor che1 Mg i ak l dou, Uxo-Wddnas ocurring ?" inthIB NigardFals ofaurble-fre',y. . fors. dscied thewarth Ama- iralso guests ait teWlh stcendorsement o urralstiplsicfl 4 - ~Tourîst Display prograrn. We iage, treated ta look life-like prayer for chtîrch unlty antà d dnûe was îîîrnished by Mrs. Mr.Mr 132 Uxa curigi Balyreceptian adwr - ~ e ~ ertta e will be able ta and fresh under any tempera- prayer for- prayer partner. Herb 'oonibs, Messrs. Gea.1 rudgeanaturday nîghî ofuests ai Mr. Gel Your Pr1ice nOTT'TA V Te uitis esine tabeWorld Counicil ai Churches Stoune and Bob Cawker, ail of 1 n. iie isEa'n e.1:6a vdne and Mrs. Sam Butter.FrY u ture. ~was repeated in unîson. :Port Perrv. Parr Wednesday. Iin concluding he said. "How-' nir.Rs li n ietc Th uitisdsine I bChapter six ai tn~e Study . adMs KuMt D s r. MVilton Payne, Mont- 1 ever this gives us real cause'. Mr.ad r.Rs U.DI±Ii±L±sheippe semi- assb ed tachnd Book "Warking Together'l wa.3 more and Beth attended the; eaI, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. for rejoicirîg for the last pro-! iamilv, Newcastle; Mradthug gie yMs. Sct.Tesu-fnrl ftefrmrSUAe Russe] Mount j o y. Sundayeoddi the BibleiMrs. 'Howard Crydcîaen easly etup y atahmggerndb MSect. Treaos inurham, Th or s une the.v ail attended Decoration at Rev. 21 tells this war ends i amily. Maple Grave: s.ad . -~Many r W. wing uham pae s. lescopy and heer and ecet nar reot D uram husav c-Day service at Pontypool and human cule and foretelîs theiMrs. Clarence Bellad m-rATE MA ýCMn', fere dend u Dr lnterboxbTe tloe o Cth wre rcceivedand prved n ussah usoe'! w erie suppcr guests of Mr. cperation ofa iew heaven for', ily. Town; Mr. and Mr1 Hw Cetof wres faddenn by tedpla asiclronizemwiofthe Coresponding Scrdsent ce- vece; Mr. and Mrs. David! and Mrs. Jack Payne. the uplifting and blessing of aid l'oley, Maple Groe is Poe Akt33 deah o Ms. ff Winî re pesg caai shmofr h otdgtwh d ent I10Cadogan and ,loanne, Mr. and I ..~ t i ~ Ferguson, Oshawa, which oc-:Bees eai trs Mrs. Langfeld in St. Joseph*sMs B'yDusoe n Mr. and Mis. Jack Kewen mankind. ýLais Ashton, Enniskihe;Ms ______________ / î~~~crec ast Wedinesday marni-'Cabe.sofCmec HspaTrno and ta Mr. 1 Kex'in, Orangeville and Miss and family, Beaconville. Que- - _________ ~ . cured Ohawa Gneralmanagers who have already Meredith Brown. Also S redaDnsoîe oonoîe are visiting her father' ~Jf. ng in the Ohw eea Mr rnaDusoe oot .'vetTei._______________________________________ ~~ Hospital. Mrs. Ferguson be-i been contacted in connection pathY cards sent Canon Ash-' Mr.W <esr n Krn, MssCrstal FisPr________ came suddenly iii on Sunday with this display have been mare and Mr. Brown on the Mr-.Kie n 9e, Ms hytlFliPr night, Aug. 13th, when bier most enthusiastic about its dealh of their mothers. IMrs.,iArva,anMis arreKi-Hovstd Mr and Mis agrtKls oe iie r n rs. ________________________________________________ husband, Charles Arthur Fer- potential eifect an tourists. Ashmrore expressed thanks forer, Penrith, England, were iJoe Bradburn and family aver gusondiedafte a sort ll-Many believe that it will be the many expressions ai sym- Civic Holiday weekend guests[the wcekend. A DUIRO PUMP I n dedaiera hot of geat assistance in persuad- pathl' they had received. Mrs aif Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar-, Mi'. and Mis. Ivan Shook S l - e v c ete L Ilig Mrs. Ferguson is suî'vived ing community visitors ta Tom Hadge thanked the lad, lw.and Marjorie Anne, Islington. omn i l s Means etrLvn by a son Robert, Edmonton, eithei stay longer ta see more les foi their kindness in serv- ,Mr. and Mcs. Albert Abbott,1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 0UR DRO Water Sv.s; and her mother, Mrs. Estella of thie local attractions or ta ing et their silver wedding.ý Ottawa were weekend gucsts!-Marlo\?w, Wednesday.C inL u d 0 tm gvesus fresh, pure 'Balson. Hampton. Her only;return at, another time ta l\'Is. McArthur on behaîf of and Mr. Bob Smith, Miss Mc- Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. Smith; o n a watr wen nd her ~ daughter, Marion, died on visit what they missed on theMr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart Cartnev,, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mrs.I need it . .. adds ta aur con- October 22nd, 1940. first trip. and lherself thaînked the ladies;ils Toronto, were SatLirdav iMcArthui,, Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. a eosse y h iac o pn venience and comfort af dailv Shie is also survîvedi by three - - foi- scrving their wedding sup- evening guests ai Mr. and John Hamilton, Ms'. Gea. Stan-w srp sesdb h liue.- sisters, Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, per. Mis. Ashmore reparted Mrs. Charles Smith and Ohi- iland. Ms'. Herb Hooey. Mr.~~ iw ,rr~ Oshawa, Mrs. John McNab, B R E O visiting Miss Eva Parr', a val- ver. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe visited a di o DUR Pmn ae val- Hampton, and Mrs. Keith Bit- ued membeî' who is stili net Mc. and mi-S. Neil Bailey at the funecal home ao- at- able in aIl sizes ta meet in lett Bowmanville. She was well enough ta attend a meet-, and Mc. Brian Hamilton are tendedi the funeral oi Canon dividual needs. Sce. your 1Cnrtltost r n predeceased by ber brother. a-irtlain t s, n ing. I was dccided ta have away on a trip. taFart Wîîî- Ashmore's mother in Peter-NWMNGMN Plumber Or DURO dealer Anson Balson, Richmond Hill:i Mrs. Albes't Gordon (fiee Shir. Mis. Ashmore purchase four1 iam where they will visit Ms'. borough tast week. for full information or wric i 1958. ýley Dean) on theît' marriage pairs ai bamboo curtains for and Mrs. Normani Dysart. They Brian and John Wolfe aie:,NWMN for FR£th er, Rnniesir . htraiMs. Eg stela B lnFriday evening in Oshawa at the kitchen in the Parish Hall are going via Sudbury and attending Anglican Boys camp NOATDNT- forFRFE oldr,~Runi ghtr Mrs. e sla w als du S.SepesUntdChrh Next month's rail caîl is ta taking Johnny Marhow ta bis, at Cuhcig and the late John Balson. She Mir. and Mrs. E. M. Adams 1 be a nswecerl by a dona tion foc home la Lively and plan an! Mr. and Mrs. David Swain iwas boarn in Zion, Darlington aedd h dms Picnic inIthe hale. Il was broughi, to returning by U.S.A. Mc. ai-d visited bis parents Mr'. and LS SMN AHRADDYR SYULK 1 Hec marriage ta the late Char- Mc. and Mrs. A. E. Ribeylthat members ai the girls Larry visitcd Dc. and Mcs.1leaving by, plane for- Roches- les Arthurcerusnwas so ' pn - he -eeendw-t Mr grupare '- kyrl. Wa bae pleniyoMinnehrotadryes ond thewaIe, emnized la Oshawa on June and Mrs. Russell Griffith: 1at the home ai Mrs. Fred, weeks aga and broughl John-, B.M. are spons-ocing a course!Sf rnkodcff2mc5nsfryoCheyorws Clarkson9-6. Hailtoni and selling their prriyMalw home with hmi connection with their work.dik i A embe ai estmunt Mr. and Mrs. W. Berry, Miss dut ttelk. They would land lie bas visited relatives* c n r.BueAho United Church, Oshawa, Mrs. Mary McLliment, Oshawa; Mr. appreciate danations.hr'uin atim. attended the Centennial cerc s being don( Ferguson, was pcominently as- and Mrs. McDowell, Janet- Mrs. J. Forder is hookîng ai- Ms etSih Toronto; manies af Victoria County and sociated wîth the Canadian ville, Mr'. and Mrs. Harold tes' a sauî quilt and a larges' Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Archer the dinner in Benson HotelM lOrdes' ai Foresters. A membes' MacDonald and girls, Bow- one is being consideced for and family, Whitby, visited Lindsay, Sunday. E - TR AIGNWO ANR IL she was a past District Deputy Harding, Oshawa; Mr. andl$1000 ta be used taward Mr. A. Dever Wednesday. witb fiiends in Oshawa."V.* Do yo(jr Of a,,n n rin h ayconoea Higb Chief Ranger of the Dun- Mrs. Russell MacDonald, Det-IFlower Fund in memnocy ai Marilyn î'emained for two Soi-ny ta report Mr'. Hector , W an barton District. She held tbis rait, were recent guests af Canari Chaperlin. Mrs. F. weeks. !Shostridge bad the misiortune ,-wondsvroIofhdlgikergrpin important office from 1956 ta Mrs. Greta Bailey. Staniland will pay pledges Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm ai having bis -foot broken last and delLJ. ive 1958. orytreotta Mrs. and fees. Meeting clased with 1 and childcen Pire holidaying we..J*,--oddlvrn.Sv pt 0prcn nludybi pUlpS 0FT NER ýiRev. Frank H .Wacd, min- Edna McLaughin is not solprayer. Lunch was secved by'ait Kenihworth and Manitoulin Mr. anîd Mr%. H-arold Swaîn ster af Westmount, United wehl again. We hope ber con- Gcoup 2. 'I1nd and famihy visited Mr. and P MP M& STE NEPrS8 Churh, Oshawa, officiated atlditbon will soon be improved.' On Friday, Mrs. Milton Fish- Ms'. ai-d Mr!:. John Vcnning Mrs. Lawcerice Mauntjoy and UEF the uea servic edfrms aice Hubbacd, Tren- e- shsesfra nomladMr'. and Mrs. Cecit Ham- family. Warkwos'th, last Tues-~GTTEdALN-REWS O AT L ONDbO N - C AN4ADVA Mcs. Ferguson in the c a t onseniga ktb aftennoon Icaaon thciî' lailtnseths eka o-Jda.Ga aha-Lwec a yt T ri.prtdatoai seshv teArmstrong Funecal Home, ber grandpas'ents Mr. and Mrs. i n honour ai Miss Maciorie tage near Bobcaygeon. Mc.i is home from bospital and con- e o ~ý'othe The palîbearers werei Mr. ai-d Mrs. Cyrus AshtonlBroomfield and Mr. Delton Bowrnanvilhe, looked ailes' thc, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Du -.f - PLUMINGandHEAING John Gatenby, Harold Wilson, attnde h Whhand ca Fisher are ta be marcied Aug-'Hamilton home and catled on, and iamily are bohîdayinginT MA 3~6~ BO1V A~V~LLEarl Lockwood, Douglas Tri- ey xedding in~ Bowmanvithe! ust 26th. Pauring tea was Mrs.! sevcrial îriends la the village.' Georgian Bay district. ~i'rJ¶o' rnr n'eiei.Te'ld orfl Divsio Sree Soth vetl, Artbuc Smitb and El- o aura.Ahex Windwick assisted by! Mrs. George Fowler spent - -..lodiha nhor NL 351 OMNIL nme inwaina Osbawa. 1Mn. and Mrs. L. R. Argue Mrs. H. Baihey. Misses Cath- ast week in Oshawa. e k ____________________________________ Ineren ws iithe familyi and famihy spent the weekend erne Baihey ai-d Frances Stan- ilMr. and Mî's. Kenneth Sam- plat in the Zion Cemetes'y. l in Buffalo. iland served. Approximatehy lcils enjoyed a trip ta Sarnia S e k r S Ms'. and Mrs. Eric Marchand!1 35 l'adies enioyed the aiter- and athes' points in Western iand family, Tyrone, were Sun- lifi Ontario Manday ta Thursday.:S F A E (T ) ~day guests ai Mr. and Ms's. .Aith"sh i wshld 1Friday they attcndcd the fun-,Arm agAdon SO F T W A TE R (T A 'SAL VEHA E GlnLowery and iamihy. in the Commiunity Hall oni eral af ihec uncle Mr. Dan'piM K S C O H S P R LN L A C o m e i c iaiMr. Allan Larmes', Toronto, Satunday nighit, August l9th. Shier, Lindsay. rnming Soo ~I3osine îc cSpe tais int the weekend witb bis!J This time in honour ai Ms.,Mr. W. N. Campbelb ai-d C It:u 'parents Mr. and Mrs Harold! ai-d Mcs. Garry Venning face daugi-ter Mrs. lao Scott ar'e The 2th Centui'vin Bible HEEN RBNSEI Lres ..Mar'ie Cassidy). Mr. John spending two weeks i Toi- Pcophecy was the . main sub-1 il y j,,ýanmer . .wersud1 Us Jflhwig rara wa gv.-- Mr ad M-.Kcneh .on te- isrit -upriss' i e C MU NC IS R EM Regular 3.50 Vale t 1 homneof Mvr. anadivrs. iToma1 Regl $.5 Vlue$175 iArge. and family and Ms. PRISENT FURNACIE NEW FURNAC No nySympatb.y ik extended tRpae3,u lota. nerwîii faie .*ra * * * *Mrs. E. Carnachan and fam- epIce-ur o n Ibre fanwtunc euîdrtall a-otr ily ln the passing ai Ms'. Don an rine\xpensine, ea-to stI modern, low-otms unc YARDLEY i Carnochan in Oshawa. Coî-i ersion BuLmr. ___ Ms'. and Ms's. Tucabuhi Sr., 1iASY LAV N E O Paespending a week with $ esi EASY LAV N E S AP friends in Philadelphia, U.S.A. 1V TERMS$ I Ms' and Mrs. F. Barbes', Ed-1NoD w OITH TABLET FRsEMELvll, ornofo TPymHl-oI NIHTEPURCHASE land Ms .LvleTrno o nyon your OIyu 0F 3 lspent Sunday witb Mrs. Flor-ba ~~ s~~ e ~~ ence Caughilh. obEfgsbl 'J ' fortt7CMc. and Mns. R. W. Os- for $*75 borne. Orillia, Mr'. and Mrs. ai i7eObonMc. rand For Complet e Information Cal! Mrs. K. G. Roblin. Ms'. and Mrs. Cyrus Abhton, I ,Mrs. Beatrice Taylor and on uur '@a Stanley xvere Sunday teai guests ai Ms'. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and famity. STÔORE ftfWMANVILLE Ms'. and Mrs George Carter ZENITH 1700 (No Toli h rg )> oe~u , - T- *-~' - - ,. 'w -' - -~ ý. ...- ý. ý 'Il , ..2