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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1961, p. 13

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1ç WEDNESfl'. ATItM. 23rd. lgel II! C"AAX ST TAT!.51MAý'. !OWMANVILLE, . Oq!ARIO PACTYRTEPm »lust Use Automation As Competîtîve Weapon 1 r% mil f UAl I 1 I gr- -- ..a...1... r! - ln IbattIe tor World 1 rade A .Iiopulp etr fPo . .. .. .. .. .vincial Parks is the group camping area where organiz The powerful weapon if progress, which bas failed fo :ed groups such as church,1 automation lis one of wbich find a meane of SuPPlving:dy viit b er father alRo. or youth organizatiotis C pda must make all pos- two-thirds of the world's pop- Thursdav a family pienic Wa8. may hold a pleasant day*s aif: use in the tierce compe- ulation with the barest neces- . held at the home o Mr. and uig tition of world trade. the sities whiute surplus capacity1Mrs. Sid Cornish. Mrs. Herb ; pca aesnti Canadian Impertal Bank of exists in the other third. Rundle was a guest. On Sat. 4ý parks may- be reserved foi Commerce says in its current Tesltno h rbra îem 4 n r any day of the week excepi "The solton of tSundays and Statut.oryMr andoMrs Commercial Letter. lem," savs the Letter. 'is like- 1Verleysoii were guests with Sudays GrduStanning atoi- Because the initial h;gh ly ta engage our attention--'Mr. and Mrs. Armour. d oains. Goupdphavetningcoa- 'osts ot automation are eco-'voluntarily or otherwise-for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hig mte -sta akadslc nomically sound only in cases many vears ta corne." gins and Jim attendcd the Ex- ENALNG ra'a ae otsitbet hi where large scale production' A major product of auto-ihibîtion on Warriors Day. Ir.Tethcon il Possible. aind because it bah anba s enmr rs esnvstdM-s. Britains 1961 Dairy Pri- requirements.Thnhecm lcss Scarpe in primary industry, and the process is likely t, Adcock on Sunday. Mr. and cess, 20-year-old farmers mittee should contact either! complete automation mas' not p-ce ute. Ti ~Mrs. Wiil Harrison and Kim duhe of Crosthwaite, hePaofoficr itricvt - lie possible, at least foi, the. raise% a problem not onlv rrwere callers al the Adcock Kedahte thmPak oficdorDisric present, for many branches o! the individual but for orîhtyOmie on Saturday. Kna, etolad tion, keepig in mind that the industrv in. Canada. 1a woe.iMr. and Mrs. Harold Bai arriving in Canada late tIis area may already have beeni Nevertheless, i s probab', The Letter also takeç a ook' son. Gene. Ginger, Tony and lot forxhabtos reeek ated i nothih r grep fr« true, says the Letter. tbat no'at Canadian suburbia 'and the.Greg spent scieraI days witi oh ?ehbtonfi 1 htdte nwihcs n major capital expenditure uin- increase in back-yard surnmer: Mr. and Mrs. Allun Balson af dairy plants and farms. Jlent aeo ramyb dertaken in rerent vear,- by living. This form of relaxa-I Waupesc Bav. Two ot the highlights ofi Many facilities aie provided~ business, ndusrv aor govern- tion, rhieflv gardening and Mr, and Mr_.Harold Balson brvstwI e(lepee- a rvica ak o h ment has been devoid oi an other out-door pursuits cen- attended the Lietfer-Balsonî tations of awards ln the On- rorniort. and convenience of! element of aUtomation. tred around the home, have xedding wbich was held in troDivPiceso epeo0roppcis oe "The economic advantages provided various supply lù-ý-Osbawa on SatUrda .tarnDairv Prin.e1, n paeo ap akin grouppe. bSome; nt automation are bardly opeti dustrie.s with an annua Ma,.-! Mr. and Mrs. John BuLrrows 'usaA.g 1,adte ae a arigsae ab- bo question. Its social ctterts ket valumd at an estimated w'nt ta Brougham on SLindav,, Canadian Dairy Princess 1feesilet ficic tbes toadcomf-î are less easy te assess. partlyý$100,000,000. tand took Mr,. and Mrs. Chas., o da, Sept. 1, at the oaetegru1b ad because thev cao only bel The rapid development of Burrows for a drive to Barrie, N oie .Bt in- tea alntn ml n viewed properlv in historicalorganized camping for youngand Collingwood. Mr. and Cnerslo le athwad in- tion, at Darngtnhemily nd5 perspective, and we are stilîpeople ik a (bird feature of Mrs. Ralph Burrows ralled on nrsalowil e wrdd ires areil ePas te cones-e too close ta the event in mnany * the Bank's mid-summcer issue. b is parents on their retuin two-week overseas tours- i s aîras are rev ofsere tram tîîeir grupswit a arityripr-. cases.",-Mî"dgtrphie Ontario Prinel t fremet. agegr9"t Automation bas made po-Mr and Mrs. .1. R. Reynolds. ( i a Bri ain i Pn shuld m ae ir arrange- ilehitherto nconceivabe U M TlTBelleville, Mrs. Warren Brown Ae ria Wolvirwanyshmens wîth te cpesiarre- tasks and spawned entirely .HAMPTONAÂUÂýand Miss Gail Steiner, Sag-, mrcnW ldAwas;etwihheocsiniec new ndutris ad pote- nw, ichgan wee T ii'- and the Canadian Pririeess !for specialized itemrs, such as sions. The outstanding cx-' Miss Bertha Zimmerman. à day diniier guests of Mr. and ta fine South American coaaemli ag un Rmple là the electronirs indus-, rnssionary froni Et b i o pi a,' Mrs. Ken Caverly. countries via Panagra andI tities. tywhich employa about 18,- vîsited Rev. Mr. and Mis.! Mr. and IVrs. Ted Chant Pan American Airways. Tohlre r isonta age 000 people in Canada and hasPage. 'tett on FridaY on a mnotor trp ThOnai opitn terhntesadrdË an annual turnover of more! Sym.pathy of the communityl te British Coluîmbia. e , TeOtrncmeiin ohrta h tnad5 than $400,000,000. is extended to Mrs. John Bal-I plain to returo via the U.. 1 is sponsored bv the On- 'cents daily vehicle entrance The Letter says that among son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bal-land raI on relatives enroute.' lario Deparîntent of Agri- 'eil typermit ni te$30 csoa problems arisin'g from aitto- son and to Mr. and Mrs. Johni Mr. anîd Mus. W. U Mur- culture, the Ontario Milk ieil nr emtte mation. the impact on em-l Macnab. in the double bereave-1 ray. Florida. and Mr. and Mri Prodiicers' Co -ordinating VIlfNoe ployment bolds the widest in- etwhc hy had ta bear. Gardoni Saundrs Lyall and Bor n h eerm A Wlî e Nibtri.efu-er terest and has been its mosst w1k Paul, Toronto, spenit Thursday " thoroughly explorod asýpect. L Recent. visitors with Ms. .with Mrs. Jas Chapman. and the ('abadian comrpeti- 'mig animal. brought, in t(is When techriological imn-,uther Allun and familv were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blani- lion is indpr the auispices country for ranch raising pur- provements are introducd.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wakelyichard accompanied Mr. and of? the ('NE and The Telel, 'poses. was discovercd last <uring a period of continuing Erflie, Dorothy, Catharine andIMrs. .1. R. Reynolds, Belle-, gr-am.Saturday along a side road in growth and are slow cnough John. Toronto; Mr. Richard ville, on a mater trip to Par- Ops Township by Mi. Carl ta allow occupation shifts and MacLean, Toronto: Mrs. EvaIrv Saund, Algonquin Park ,Bryaîîs of Lindsay. This is theý re-training. omplavrocot i I Wakely. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. and Northern Ontario. visiied Rex'. Mr. and Mrs. second such animal found in not unfavorably affected' i, Oiver l-ubbard, Oshawa: M. Mr. and Mrs. Aslbu ie-bigt this area. the firsi, being a fart, over the long term i sOt fifr Bowmanville:I mnens, Bowmanville. visitpd' fait iî ltrd indart imbcl improvedi. ,Mr. and Mrs. Watt Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverbie CIe- Mn and mis. Hosken Smithboid i orhmeln "Most evidenre stgget htcoubu:M.Tn heb its alled on Mir. and Mls WiljCounty near Centreton last the over-alf effect of ,utma- Bowmanville. Mnr. and Ms.Clîfford Col- mt, saa n rna. sumrmer. tion is that, in the earîv' Mr. A. L. Pî'esrott attendel, ter and chiîdren spent Sundar,ý M iss Gtadv-, Edwaîds,. Tai-f Should atîvobie know tbc Rtages . t. retards, but does the C.N.E. on Saturday andîin BabcaYgeon visiting herl anta. éand Miss Grace Ed-f background of thîs recettops- it to. herae f roti spent the weekend with bis mother Mrs. Robertson; and w.ards, VanC'oIVPIr, tere'îîtlylrapee tram a nutria ranch thetl e! employment, wbile the sîster, Mrs. L. Raham and Mr. aise visited her auint and un-f vîsMb Ms. L.[D . Ss'k;es. ed arent o! b lasean!] long-term efferî oit em.plov-,tRa ham of Richmon-d Hill. cie.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ro- 's ,DS'k eoydaFoeswul bepaedt mnent .. is undoubtedlv ex-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Carri- bertson. Emitv Cneek. iriieto slake Cou r.i ertrmhm vansive and tends, also, ta up- 'gan visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- Mi. and Mrs. Lew Cryder-citind istTGodny witBe-Mn .ingsea* * for C C grade jobs." ilie McDonald and other fii- man visited Mri. M. . Os-,n r.Gro iet eI1lnig esn o ud The Letter stiggests that & ends, Toronto, aver the wvcek- borne, Marrish, on Sundav. theo'da. and game iin the Lindsay For- i more seriolî threat lies li end. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewelli Mr. and Mis-. Roy Kntox est District have been annount-I îinernployment thraugb obso-ý Mr. and Mî-s. Oliver Hîîb- visited al, Mn. Loui William- and Mrs. L. D. Sy'ke, werc ced. The semoans listed belowI lesc oce as a result of failingibard, Oshawa, were Sunday sonrfs, Pontypool. oui Suîîdav. Sunday lutîcheon guests with are general throughout thle ta , 'ake use of the lates eventing visitors with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Deweil. Mr. and Mrs. Jtohn Slemon. whole district and for details. tehriologicaI impravements. Mrs. A. W. Prescott. Douglas, Carolyn and David Ennuskulleî. ai. exception tehuers Tech.nologiral advaiîre basý Miss Debbie Reynolds visit- visited with Mir. aîîd Mis. Miss Brenda Terilli k visut- adviýsedl ta taillbis nearpst1 >et ob aridb oiledM.adMs onCtrn, Arthuir Collison atterrting Mrs. Victor Burridge. Conservation Officer or î'an- ---- Sarnia. aîîd aise visited 'Mr. tage, YourLg*e Point. an Thurs- Courtire. Mr. aîîd Mrs. Ter- gel- headquarters. and Mrs. Roy Falls and famili a y. il and Jas' have i'etîrncd Deer - (a) November 6-18, ofStreetsville. Mir. RogerFanws ed tm a very pleasaiit visit G ET THE PRESTIGE OMr. and Mus. J. S. Eddy- ing seebolidays al the he lwIth relatives near Montreal.n C h nei veail, Orono. visited Mr. and of bis grandfather, Mn. De>-'Mr.a.tîYMrChangesols, M Mr.A. W. Prescott ont Thurs- Hart. Brooklin. Belleville. were d inner giie5ts, GIG RA E dy, beiiîg dinner g test1 s. Misses Ethel aîîd Lily Gil- an Thursday evening with Mr.!I C r GET W.OMr. an-d Mrs. Edgar brother Mr. Geo. Gilbert and Mrad Mrs. Don Goonde, utr GE IS N rsot ýs Janice P recotMs. ibr.M.D a--n ai ,Laketield, .Mrs. Enfield, and Miss Linda Har- Lennen, Oshawa, aiso visited Alf Harrell and Elaîne, Osh- Sa s R view i ris. South r. br. awa. visited Mr. nd Mrs. Tink JOn Wednesday noon à de- Miss Louise Goodman u on Sundas'. Vast changes are roming in tightful pienie was heldonpednafwdyswtM. Mr. a nd Mrs. John Stuart family motoring--- but they1l te Presctt lawn, the picnie an-d Mrs. Allan Parker, Toi-- and Mrs. Shirley Campbell. corne gradually, says the Aug-f I I I planned and provided ontto. Winnipeg, are spending a few îî.st issue of Imperial Oit Re- by Miss Marjorie Cole, Bow. Mis@ Lunda Htggins. Ob- das's with Mi-. and Mrs. Clar- view in an article based on, rnanville, Miss Ada Burdy. awa, spent a few dlays% with ence Tink. itriw ih atmtv Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Van- Miss Darlene Hall iast week. Mr. and Mr.s. Ravmiond Wui-i d fuels experts. ê Camp, Base Line. and Mrs. Mr. Herb Rogers. Bowman- bur, Michael and lJebbie-. To-- Te isonenin andlb Harold Salter, Mrs. Helen ville, Dr. Margaret Rilcy, Chii- onto, accom.panied by friendsl with uis for at leasb five an White and Miss Nancy Johns. cage, called on Mr. and Mr. t rotii Ottawa. visited Mr. andi possibîs'-m0 years but it will We re leaed o har(ba Ja. Hgarh.Mrs. Wm. Wilbur. 'be much improved, the Imper- Mr. Wmn. Axford is able te be Mr. and Mrg. Gordon Du'n-t r.T outoews a e a umgzn as t is bomne from hospital and is ]op and famils'. St. Cahrie. u wt"itlî Mn. and Mrs. Wnîl. .omedas' be ireplaced by the convalescing at home. are spending a few days withf Challis, Bowmanville, on Sun- fuel celI1, whirb converts Mrs. Sid Kersey is împrov- 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd ,r. &!aYx. chemivatene gyr heroto tri cal ing nicely. folowing surgers'. Mr. and Mrs. Paul KeIll. M rs. TJ. Mutjo ted'denei-y rteroaigrm Mrs GadonShakleon as ar Crdit recîîly isied the funeral of Mrs. Lola' bustion engine. A current ex-j - ,* *I ecovered from the serious Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hones'y.:Moutoa, beld in Oshawa oneimtn co u- attack of pneumonia. Mn. and Mrs. l-oney attendedIMonday. lo niepoue 0 .. Mr. Bert Stevens is quite the Honey famuils pienirý' Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- fis onîs' 16 inches long and has pleased witb the condition 'of whicb was held at 'Thel box " peîît Fnidas iii Feneloti one long central rotor which, Mrs. Bert Stevens in Oshawa Acres". Faits. and in the everning saw. froîn the end view, looks Hospital, recuperating follow- Master Douglas Killen and the Kiiîsmens Carnival in somevwhat like a trianigle witb ig eye surgery. Miss Linda Lee Killen are Liuîdsay ure'sds.ivbsno.s Mrs. W. T. Perrett. a patient spending holidays wvith icla-' Mr. and Mis. MerwNin Mouni-I tons; only one redesîgned type inBowmanville Hospital, isitives al, Wellington, Ont 1v attended teEbbto'(sakpu:alqi ol slowly but steadily.t Mr. Merrirk Fosten, Wel.lon Saturdaý. Warrions' Day. 1îng systemri and a carburetor. Herman frend ar plas-iigtoî, s vsitng us aug~:Mr. and Mi's. Mountioy aIOther possibilities are the gasi ed te know that Miss Norah b er Mrs. Ben Killens. Master tended Mr.,. Lola McuntJoy's trie nieiltrrcr Horn is able te be in heu' own Bruce Foster, Wellington, ;, funerat on Mondla-,. . ith solar charged batteries,, homeagan. ollwin sevralî'iitig' bis ousns.theKil flermionies (producing edec-1 ,horne agan. followig severaLetteri izthe cousinsrthe îP foperi atingvi onat-m dieselinnf -Ulrs.- Lorenzo Trul.,Mr. and, onîs' does il attraci people 1 factory. Mis. Lewis TruIl and famils'. tramn surrounding areas and According ta the Review, BUSINESS FORMS 'me Mr. and Mrs. J. Smale spent, (bus substantial business for highways mas' become auto- a tew days with Mr. and Mrs. 'the merchants, but it also matie with cars responding ta Bob Smale at their cottage at heluis to keep up bbe morale electronie signals, possiblv' ePigeon Lake. Mrs. Holmes,' o! the town's citizens. from buried cables. Beforè f LETEHESMr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, Again tbanking you for the 1that we'll sec asphaît binders Pickering, were Sundas' cal- publicit s s prominentî'> is1 (a will contribute ta crack- ber o Mn ad Mrs. J. Smale. pla%,ed and trîisting theGlsfesrat shatpvmn e-Mr. and Mrs. Gien Smith will be privileged ta have tbat wiil bear several times TAG an LAELSvîsited Mr'. and Mrs. Alun x'our furtber support, we i-e- present loads and colored TAGS nd LBELSTaylor, Bowmanville. Sundas' main, ur road surfaces to define routes evening. Miss Shers-1 Smith Sticerels' us at cloverleafs, indicate speed Cali ux for an estimais spent Sundas' witb her aunt, Motion Pîcture Industry f zones or even reduce eye fa- 'Mrs. Paul VanEyk. Tyrone.ý Council of Canada tigue and influence driver'àa you net jb.Master Douglas Smith spent Arch. H. JolIes', mood. the weekend i home, but haF Executive-Secretars'. Designers will pay special îeturned to bis aunt's home ' -- - 'attention to womnen and cars The ',auadion Statesm an mn order to continue bis clas- A well-ordered lîfe is like will b. designed aceordingîs' ses at Vocational Bible School climbing a towver . tbe view, with lighted va.nity mîrrors oni 66 INGST.W. OWM NVILE at Tyrone. halfway up is better than theisun visars, four acte of seat, Mr. and Mrs. HoknSntvicw,ý from the base, and itecovers (one per season). fanes" PHONE MA 3.33t accompan.ied by Mr. and MiJs. stcadils' becomes finer as the carpets in trunks and special Harland Truil. Bowm-anville. horizon expand.s.- William shelves for purses, the artie- Reed et their cottaze at Se-lLyon Phelps. la concludes, Ibig gani tarin. animal now in On-. Fir, Scoreboard A .xnal11 tire in Carden Township northeaist mf Kirk- field was reported over the weekend. Mr . N. Wilson, tire prime recommemdations of thef study group of three econo-é mislîs made public' last win-i ter and one of the first of twelve basir prinriples laid, down b ' vthe ro-ordinatingé board for the rstablishmentj of atiî over-ail milk market- va.rden for the area, organiz- ing pian. 1961, in alorthern ar-eae,: (b) ed a crew of tive men who Apparriîîiv the iasb djirect-t Novembe.r 6-1l. 1961. in S. foughît the fire with band ors mieeting' nt thé- teagiie Peterborough Count 'v. tools and who were able to passed a resolutton askitng the1 Moose- November 6-8 contain it at 3 acres. The tire eXeCLtIi\'E 10 proceed withi 1961, in northern areas. is sti]! being patrolledi. As vet plans to beonie a miarketing Rabbits - (a) JuIx 'm,8196 the cause has not been detet - board And also ibis is i,- - Februarv 28, 1962. (b)Oct. mined but Provincial Police portant Io ro-operate to the 7.16 - Ferav2,16.iar investigating. utmnost Mîtbth le crcam,. cherse1 1961rk eb ary 28. 1962.own- Fires Io date - 29. Apa and concenratrd producer,; ClakeanpDrlngonTon-bUrned -108 acres. imarketing boards in order Io Fos-hips1,.fi Al Predicted FIRE DANGER, develop the oe-l plan. It, FOX -31, 1P. b161rating for Ihis week s ME- lias beer stigrstci hat otolir1 gut3,16.DIUM in HIGH. groups go il on thrir own if1 Raccoon- Sept. 1, îtist -D. R. wilsoil. the fhiid pioducers, didin't Auut31, 1962. Ditrit'ant I o jt .Therc i., stil! Auguirst DiStri.t10 - Ntpr sorne feeling in sonie of the vember 30, 1961. te rusli hrvhnd Plîe~ant Ocober7 -but perhaps this public indi--. tobe 28. 1961 r7 - r- ation that flîîîd nmîk shippers, roser 2, 96. uIUrYY Oin 'are taking action ici ilI roun- Grue-Spptember 2.1 - leract ib. November 18. 1961, except in Clarke and, Darlirigton Town- F ro i i.iýp lp1alpi ships which is October 7th IoF o\s' ak'i; fîrststp aiet- October 28th, 1961. The Ontario Whole Mîlk ition (as roquiired 1w iaw Io Ducks Septernber 23 - Producers League (the 30- * var its nirmhrrs irrqiostiîîg a ie- December 1 ., 1961, excepi! old organization represonting biscite soi-e limet in tht fit- Clarke and Darlington Town-' and î:egotiating for producers ture on a niilk miarketing ships which is October 7th- of fluid milk) bias moved into plant. Noir donit (,on fuse tbiý; December l5th. 1961, high geai after being arcused xvith a probabit' subsequeni * * *by some-- including this rol- pcbitioîî Io aitlik îî rodîicorý Commiencing Septen ber 1.1 umin of dragging uits heels on -tbi- is jîlst for fluid stîuppers 196 1, it will no longer be valîd suggestions to develop an, so that tthe lague rna achieveý to hunt black bear on the over-aJI milk marketing plan a sirnilar lc'gal stabiis Io bcý regular $1.00 resident, gun li- for the province. President other three grouîps as a rnar- cence. Bear hunters will have Bill Peters announced l.astlketîng board, If the petition to be iin possession of either Friday they were movingli-ecei,îes support by 15<ý of the resident deer-hear licence ahead as quickly as possible!thýe almiost 12.000 ftuid mîtk, ($5.00) or the resident moose - with plans to seek status as a shîppers. il ivili bc present- bear licence ($10.00). This marketing board and to devel- vd to thie Miik tndustry Boardi ch-ange bas been effected be-ý op a plan for marketing fluid (probably along with' a Sug- cause bears are classed as a milk. This was one of the gested nmarketing plan) andi Lands and Forests Weekly Report (h 4.$I Stafford Bras. Lld., Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. WVhltby Phone IWhitby MOhawk 8-355'l Ah: Deliclaus, tîrm, textra-)uîCY Freestone Peaches . .. every single mne pluxnp and perfect.. -without àbouse or a btemish! Tha's the- weay Peaches shciiid be - ihts the way hey are right now at DOMINION!I Huge speci ahip- mente have jutsIarived . . lusclous .'pick of the crap' beauties ap- proved b! Domnion's expert buyers and rushed to DOMINION mtores ontly hours èaqo.ý . - the b"i inder the sua ..f or your X*.mily 0 tntoVmenL * SPECIALS. Excellent for Sandwiche% or Salaciç Paraimount tI"àTin- SOCKEYE SALMON S55C For CoId Platesý York Klik 12 oz, Tini LUNCHEON MEAT 47c Saving% at Time of Purchase l2c Off in Size Pkg. TIDE DETERGENT 75 c York Bread and Butter t6 oz. Jar PICKLES 2 for 49c New Pack - Cui'verhouse - Red 15 o-z. Ti-n PITTED CHERRIES 2 for 39c -ia e'-Chnice APPLE JUICE Heu-tv - Cooked in Tomato Sauce 20 or. Till 6 forl1.00 U' oz. Titi SPAGHETTI 6 for 1.0OO Montrnagny - BABY CHOCOLATE NMALLOWS LEMON CREAM SANDWICH BISCU ITS 4 for 1.00 Dominion Quoality Products Richmello Unity Jlar PEANUT BUTTER Richmellk SALAD DRESSING Richmello - Orange Peknoe TEA BAGS 16 oz. Jar 37C 16 oz. Jlar 35c Pkg. of 60,- 65C Early Morning 1 lb. bag 61c Velue& effective in Bowmarnvi1Ie until closing time Saturday, August 26, 1961 DOMINION STORES LIMITED *QUALITY MAS Devon Brand - Rindless BACON!llb pkg,69c MAPLE LEAF TABLE READY MEATS MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF DUTCH LOAF 6ni CHIOKEN LOAF Vac. Pack 25C PICKLE and PIMENTO LOAF MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS 1 ib. pkg. 45c * FRESH PRODUCE e Oiltarlo t3rown -No. 1 Ficld TOMATOES 6q(JI.bskt 79c l Ontario No. 1 Table POTATOES 50 1bbag 1.19 Olntario No. 1 - Selected. QuaIitY CELERY HEARTS poly bag 1 9c Now at their best Ontario No. 1 Freestone PEACHES 6 qt. bskt. 9 9C Ail merchandiie sold ai. your Dominion Store Ltd. k% iinrnnditinnally guaranteed in giVe- 11%Satisfaction then, therp will be à vof- of ail producers on thp proposeCI marketing plan for the leagup. iThat miust corne- arrorditn%, bt present trecommepndatîon and suggestions - beforr an'.' petition or vote on an omet. ail plan. Ail in ali, il look,% as loil the dairy inditstry is goîni tn replace thle hog inchistry i;a the No. 1 topir of discussonn n Ontario in 1961 . lnrdcit- al *,not hinp vimt rovor.Ia i lias corne out of hog- hvad qua rters sinicp the new mai- ketiing board anid the ne,,, ex, e'rutlvr look over tast '.priîîg. i'hat coincided-wit h th(> vo. tirement of Charlie Mclnpiz; fri- the bog picturt'rbdr'otý his energies bo FAME. Toda.-s*-,Tidbitb. lis oasv tr look down on rothers; b bloik down on ourselvP.s is the dif. FINE QUAIATV MONUMENTS AND MARKERS < 4 t1 W oe 11»eW. o'. OF ST.%tFORD ~V BROS. .. .. ......

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