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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1961, p. 15

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WEflNESDAY. AUG. 2rdiB 1091_____ r Ialssif ieAd F THE! CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIL, ONTARIO Repairs Cardsof Thanks I W l* n I 'ULWuiv .11 ~how farru fields. ihas .RADIO and tellevision repairs,' The farniy oi the ate Mr. HeId in Bowmanvillej and homes could be poge Prornpt service. Pick-up and:Wm. Rundie (Joyce Robinson) IUp, detoured and rned :dlvryGogsP5KigS.wiht epesthi ppei<TuesdayAuii 9 2nd, 1961 ýlquor» Both are from Peter-' WillV nJseh Beren, 46 hardly distracting or itr- ,E Phone MA .-5713. 29-tf tion for kindnesses received Y* d(U . i. ar nv oted n entg.oning traffie or our mdeonlv GUARAàNTEED television flnduring the bereavernent of a MaistraeRIMor oforghadwrcekeatvacovte inbstaoun.Arotth etre o- ~rdî srvce o ilmaes oving daughter and sister. Lida gi rsdda h 2 a.m. when they were goin.g a charge of careless driv ing ' 'tour o the l asbe 344*:Boserice.nviaileI on their holidays with a case He was charged foflowing anORTY*RE hfedi wt htct Saine day service. Televisioi 3*Bwmni Court in the0of beer. accident when bis car came cs txvoîi n a siips takn Service Co Phone .MA 3-3883-i' holiday absence of Magistrate Rs onjyo!Nsitni collision with one drîven! Persons, Places and Thingç Ireceived a letter from hirn re-aY ro vepss and towdship 49-t1' I want to thank Dr. AnifossIRf. B. Baxter. wRse f i $10fancstle!$t yRsmr oen 4 i-Utlafx-roth g.Tegritreboks he ha o veps rDr. ndin az, nurses at the Me-1 Larry Chinn. 403 Kin S.after a conviction on a charge erty St. N., on Ring St. at Ca twsfnd$0adcsso $ yRsmr oen 5Lb1Unadla feCont xao. lv iarnt nheraldooksIl he pass, across vallevsad n RËhAIRSand Dr. rgiHspi, neighbors W., Oshawa, was rernandedI0f careless driving. She told Liberty on Saturday, Augist, string of three words to me!remarked about a most in- drami rfi rey h & turcs turned, to al makes o! mod ri H orital, foes!nmySp.5honacag fIh or .ehdbe thunder of thedesl electric motorF. lliggon Elgic t and rind es ads, r ,asuntlSt. 5ho cag fltecut h a1be rv-lt.knew it existed for the pur- teresting trip he had just driving earth moves h trie, 38 King East Phone MAit n inns uig yasut ing for 25 years and the ronds H a ie 2 pose of promoting culture and made to England, France and growl or trucks tubig - ~-3305 to ail~~ 7~tistay in hospital. d. John Rowe. 20, King St. W. xeren't in very good shape. oe$21afie thre5 plusseslartistic talent among our (iti-ISwitzerland. Hie is writingared-decnnt hscl REAR7nIc ir-l Mrs. Elizabeth Wod was remanded in custody for' Said the court, 'It is care-o$2 fe he tnse zsbtbyndha -juiolnte-eg.adcn-rd-m ecmn, sault ithoa--eal ripe in Ne- tes ra, in t then di eare d ih.who for instance was eligible' stitutional aspects o! Hera]dir laboring bodiesmxswt saul wih alea pie i N he rndgo ntothe-ith, as unlknown- to me. Prob-lin Canada" and, while abroad' fuel oul fumes and ds ri rnercial; rilking coolers. Hig-,I e."lie tothhk h chste lstsrdabnght Bal crneouto! hasitc an Twntysieoter hares blvthosans a wel hve isied r. nthnyh.eWg- o god row eath.Te Si E Phione MA 3-3305. 7-tfrelatives, friends and neigh-i-was set at $1,000 or $2,500 cross over the road and con- under the HighwyTafewneefrteeaepr ený atrKn tAm aeno nae scag __________- ____-L.bors for the lovely cards and~ property with two sureties . tinue on for 320 feet.Acweestldb paien sons in this land who think o!: and author o! "Heraldry i g fromn rural siinleir1 ~ REPAIRIN Gifs tatwe sent 10 mean PerRbrtCse1. and "You should have known O! $351. Eight meter violators things othertanhepieoIngnd an "Records and throb of au in-o spca hnsto Dr. Gill, Dr. Ptetobrteps,19uadlsatte rceoingln" n W.ATC LH owel. ures ndstff0fLarry Kinsman, 18, both fithe condition o! the roads. We paid $43 and three other hi- cheese and wvhether it is goingcrColIlections o! the College o!fduaea.W ta od- Certified Watchmaker of RWrd 3. nrsaaGnersaffHos- 23 Glenwood Crescent sh have to take them as we find quor charges $54. to ramn tomorrow. Arins". fui trnalera h iiand t C'ainJeclr' sn ial. rsa at Gibr s awa, were placed on 'proba- them and we must slow down. Gerald Elden Welsh, 43, Last spring 1 wrote ot Ih)e; Alan Beddoe is one o! those ness such gigantieunet- 3 j tion for two years on a charge Youtrv]d32 etht4LeAe.Ton, was con- Canadian Conference or, the persons who abhor imitation ings, designed b rp]mn 34-11of heft ofa telepone. The is ove 100 yads, thaArts.haavictemuflating experienscAr.sor ssharntio! epnyikind.orWhen. ohearapidd.transite aoidgoodsitaod Marr's Jewellery -___ o! ted itofatphne. h vu iis whou gtit iced o! dr suspenin At that tiine I saw evidence 1 last interviewed him some chattels to ail partso u 39 King st. %V We wish to express our'îast we.We h courtF iffel You have control and sentenced 10 30 days uno!te or ofaiss ndwoersgole asaamlnd Ft greatest thanks to our wonder- asked thein why they stoleof a very dangerous vehicle gaol. He was given 10 days craftsmen, writers and muni- ed at the sale of coats o! arins aenrsW - - fui fiends and neighbors wo the telephone, they answercd1when you drive. I arn sorry more for procuring a license cipal architeets, whose Coun- to gullible citîzens by a com- aeîerW'td helped with the work whie "Sornething to do". to see you lose the points, but and making a false statement cil grants are lielping them loi pany scattering arty. rampant Probably because Ianbs' HINALIJI iHarold was confined to his Edward Staeey and Roger 1 cannot dismiss this." to get it. nake a worthwhile contribu-, lions on a shield, inscribed ai rny typewriter durn h Tou on lca sin mahied o the past month. Thanks, Stacey, both of Newcastle.i m ,t ion ta the Canada of tomor- wuth a pet son's naine for a program lime or. orto rcpair man again folks. hiad charges of breaking and, 2V Ivhrr ow. But never. until a dayprice, aunong families and Opinion," a CBC prdtin II stimates - Fast Service liarold and Ginlie Dean. entering wi'uh intent b o ii- M any rize i n r or sa ago. luad I kniownvi any-'towns in the eastern provin- I missed a recentbract OeYa urne mit an indictable offence at one personally who liad ihr ces. Hleraldrýy is somnething when a panel of so-clee- ~ear ~uaranieethe residence o! Ronald Lan 5 5 plied for or been gra.nted lalmost sacred to this weil in- perts discussed "railras Al Makes - inciuding 1I wish to thank those who der, R. R. 3, Bowrnanville, l cIf'I Il rrIlfI i elp fromi ibis federal body o! forrned individual and 1 am. A friend inforinsmeTa SINGER SEWING MACHINESwr okn tte cn !dsnse.Ini O shaw a G DEO Wv selected (itizens sitting :n ldelighted that the Canada the conclusion these xet Cail the accident, bo Drs. Ferguson Lander did inot wa il to pra- udgnient as ta wbo and whatlCouneil lias reeognized his came 10, is that therarad and Johnston, nurses and staff ceed against the men toda.y.; endeavor is worthv of assis-1 vast knowledge, artistic and do not warut passengrin ERT SEVINK o! Memorial Hospital, aiso tb He said lie didn't want tb getl F roni Th is 1D istrict Itavlie asointe as riat vgtenabili ng hum 10 ingaboeo raing t istp NIA 3-2664 24-tf rny relatives and friends who the men in trouble. The ina-Ihaelsinte s wtýimagnteabr h oaou ecuaig - came to see me, sent cards, gistrate recommended t h a t ten about Alan Beddoe, de-!coinplete bis book. o! traffie over their es 'letters and gifts, 1 arn deeplY Lander be charged tvith caiis- Seavi'lell-nowditnquBow- eas. nzs nte pnCls-signer and chie! architeet nt, ColossuG at Work Now this inav betrie Co pe grateful. icrlin a uulemshe n start-Ie hmeLe y at the two BOOKS 0F' REIM- I shahl neyer cease to be other countries, 'l anialu- Eva Parr. 34.1* iing the -police investigation. i he eve y atring The populair Bovinaniville BRANCE in the Peace Tower amnazed at man*s igniy!cetyifre aag Robert John Bruce, 18, 535 highi awards aI- the Canadian Majorettes, the Bluettes, led a! the Parliarnent Btiildings!anid mechanicai genlus We the. point. But 1 do 1nwta Iwould like bo express my Douglas Ave., and Peter James Eastern International Gladioli by *Jenny Stout received much wan basawakenhvery seniousl W îs D u ls stcr hnst eaieRi,2,b thre di s o Oshawa, hast Friday and Sat- ern Internation a 1h Gls adil Ier e e y oigps BlcsokW.A. for the lovelyl for havin.g beer in a lc ra. twsled b the Show when tbey presented an 'MIsengersebaek bthwe ris tournament ýf~~~luwers, fruit, gifts and cardslother than a residence and 0OshaxA a and District Associa- exceptionally inlerestung ex- oenzn qi 1 reeeived while in hospital! being a mi -r conStuMinlg! ion and the Toronto and Dis- hibition o! Baton Twunhung. AUiu~ltILIur I I Modareriin g bequipa nt n AnOhw tn fG edand since returning homne; also, tniet Gladioli Association, and The layout of the great Glad srie a ee a0'pa end Mrs. S. Gibbs xx n the thanks 10 doctors. nursesanl m ont-shaa KithWan st-lub hot w heldunOshawa last enesda.ý, AuiusL in ownanvli. jis anorthe . Ntr1l hr - sta!! o! Oshawa raSSeSls ion-Ohw Kwns l weekend was planned by'Durhanl Junior Dairv Cal!, Wednlesday, August 30 iante.Nur Lutie Nchslan ow igpital.Ge riH sbadTrews n eceigh Frank Samis, Bowmanvihle. Club, Final Meeting and Quuz7,JNorth and South Durham, 4-H are weak.nesses whc ra doubles taurnament bere on Januet San large nuinber o! enîries in the The gorgeous displays placed Board Itooni, Ontario Depart-lGrain Clubs - 8:00 p.m. oniy be ironed outtrog Wedncesday, August 161h at the 34-i * v1- event froin ail parts o! Ontario on tables at angles tbroughout ment o! Agriculture. ITbursday, August .11 -- 8:30 major research. Tliisi 9n BowLowier Bowingelub.nd Quebec, as welt as sorne the arena resulted un an amaz Thursday, August 24 - 8:00, - Durham 4-H Poultry oepartinents i h aecn Mer od r nd l eq[anuteUnte taes ngly beautiful scene. Thelp.nî. ---Durlaiam4-1i Pota iaiCltîb.Final meeting and quiz, Tiiere xvas a gaod altendance taeeae1n tu a \3Frank Sais,132 Otriîovely boos er uc a- ,Fritatte fainof Mr. Harvey cerned with passengertafr toexpress aur gratitude t a u a as Srepesdn fteOtani'Clubbd' Mu. Jolîuî Ingratta 11 and the competitioîî xas keen. each and everyone who bas Srepeien !teOb mired by the ctowds o! spec- eelbeSecai as1 Brooks, Bowmanville. Though for some arth NoIia olr aei he hped us through thesedy h naioEeg or awa and District Gladioli As- tators. 1 giuest speaker. Marsh Hall,ý Friday, Septemnber lst - CN has organized tus e No~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ loaialr ai u i g *e as TeOtroEîrvBad sociation, won the Grand Decoratuve desugns were es-iMillbrook. C.N.E. Junior Day. cently tItis increasingypou forna nty. crsfwors o!syen-y dR. Crozier, today appraved awinner o!rthe Grand Chain- for Ibis contest was "My Own,1 Blaekslock PFair - 10:0(0 a.iiî.~ Ontario Farmers Union Local given greater atlenionb ! o n î m î t h r o n tu S pa- d e d sa l o! n fiit e kin d n es s . a o n o rers as o p n i a n h p a h e e b r o g y N t v a d , a n d e a c b har 4- 1 S i e C u b 7 - 8 :0 0 p .m . H o mn e o ! E lm e r P sse n g e r n d p u i e r a mon.rde fpe oa th ns 1 Rev. ouds-phiatoe fo rte reduelions, anîd District Gladioli Show person participaling bib tis 1Achievemeuit Day. 1:010 prm. -iCox, R. R. 4, Bowmanvi'lle. lions departments. T v ladrfrbscnoigwrswhicb wilI lower natural gas hîeld iin canjunction wilb the section had to have an entrylIDurhiarrn 4-11 Bec! C 1 u b Fair Dates okdnefths 'ran Northcull & Smith for bills ta homes, municipahities, Peterborough Fair during the for each province. Some o! the Achievement Day. Aust2-6- lekokboed nefthssnir OWN thMr ds. fak hrnd snsannîily. try b a i uut hallBaktcktus oteMaii des. akindesshbsinss and induslrybya1 previaus week. mernorable ones were: Ontario Monday, August 28 - 8:00 Fair. 4-H Beet Cal! and 4-H1 wili be fun in future ouni !4l u~e n The Grand Championship depicted by the SI. Lawrence p.nî.-- Durhamn 4-11 Autina- Swine Club Achievement to relate My adventure na .3-*million dollars per year. a edig swnb e- Seaway formed o! gladioli; tive aud Farin Safety Club. Days. organized ON Mape La YO RThe new rates becane t-cy refed LbryNonln, fisbing boats; Mr. Eau-h Bradshîaw, District1 Sept. 1I- C.N.E. Junior Day. Tour. YO R would like ta express fective Oclober lst, lhraugh.. Place, for the fourh year in Prince Edward sland, a cor- Manager of Co-operators To- Sept. 7, 8, 9 - Orono Fair, And now 1 shallpk y oursineretha b ao ur out the cornpany's service area. succession a h antheucpao vgtbes ak OW N mayfriends, neiglibors and J. C. McCarthy, vice-presu- Eastern International Gladioli atchewan, a rolling prairie o! ure sskr o ard Raom, ande4-H olrýy Club Gai ve-lub forputthe plnibr ug î'aive s e me bder15Psto he- d e o! C tonsers GassaidShow, Oshawa. wheat; and Nova Sotia as he Ontario Depart nut or Agri- ment Days. sters to water during uy a BUSINESS NoebleaslubdGro125, PasI t uiew rductorn wiI re- Olher top awards won by land o! Evangehine. Ail these culture, Bowmanville. Sept. 15, 16 - Port Hope sence, cautionth Tity vniigA rup I ofary, incase !cutres-eie- Frank Samis were the R. S. wonder!ul represenlta t 10o n s Tuesday, August 29 - 8:00 Fair, Hope 4-H Cal! Club, about cutling thegrs bo ity EeniLOLux liarI..F i heating and cooking, flat McLaughlin Trophy for the were composed o!c ldil. pr. -. Durham 4-1- Senior Durham. 4-H Tractor Club short in hot weather, ukr> I ogo. 66a , rUe ... rate xater heating, conmer- best five spikes which origin- Mrs. A. Estanbrook, TOronto, Daiu-yClub. Final Meeting and Achievement Pays. traveler's cheques inmyhn N.74Loa18,URWAcual anîd indusînial space lbeat-, ated un Canada; the New Eng- ivas the winner. Quiz at the farrn o! Mn. R. B. Sept. 25-27 - Oshawa Fair. bag, close thbe doo« a y SUWMAN ULLL'for is, tras, and nss frun -.;and Gladioli Society Silver - - - Brown, Bowrnanviile. Oct. 4-7 - Internalia n a troubles and board tetau ifloMajor reductionkidno!s îeanîy Medal; the H. W. Clark Mem- i Wednesday, Augusl 30 - Ploughing Match in Hastings for the Maritimes.I'sm Î W A V L Eus since our accident. Naoo Dto o eryoil rpyfrte etsie1urhai41fAtutornotive and Counity at Belleville. 9 happy hiunting seasfor For as 11111e as $6500 yotî Sincerehy, 1$25 per year goes ta resideî-i- naltrsopw;f the est sie Se o ak E Farmn Safety Cltub Acluieve- Nov. 10-18 - Royal Wdnter to be typed into morc od Alm an Heb Pwel. lngChampionship, and the E g ment Day and Rodeo- 9:00 Pair, for this coltimn. can owvn a profitable coin, Amaadaebroell. l c ustam ers ws homes îCi thishw; frtheeesd uraly fo entippe wihua-ing_______ fpatdconjuniction with three other new introduction. He also wonW iV Pr"e I OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS JO ROSHAWA W O ~' 1%other gas appliances, sucb as first pnizes witb ahi four of Did No Deny wateu' healers, air condition- bis entnies of three spikes in In CN E ShOvvi R U ~dryers, refigerators or inci- a second place in another open llAEOAI K I GFirernen Use eralors. For customers who do class gegtsad W. K. Nowak, pi-oprtetor of O f Ff ot qualify frti ,l gas Perey Greenield in addi- Nowak's Chicken Farm withi J.J ÂIhome" rate, there is a redue- lion ta inning thie Grand a capacity o! ten thousand rE- O R L Il1 U iS v ater tion for those who tise gas for Seedling Champions b i p in hiens, at R. R. 1 Bowmanvhlle, U SI IA report un ast week's annual fuel bill on an equal Prizes, lhree Seconds, and four cases o! eggs exhibited ~T * O NSttsmnstW U h r H iotbly payment plan. four Thirds there. In the Glad- at the Canadian National Ex- DeBoo van Uigen o! Maple A new flat rate water lient-aIol Show at the Peterborough hibition. trtpie KLEENETTE o water from his cistern un- those who preer the econ wnsi pies tre irt and one second pize and was lss they paid hum $100. omy o! flat rate service. 'This itxva Seconds, and one Third.' awarded the Silver Cup Tro-i _ ... Manage in spare tiîîîe. Mn. DeBoo van Uigen bas uninterrupted flat rate wateri Judy Samis, age 12, daugb- phy for onîe case o! the best. J I* advised Ibis newspaper that heating service campares fav- i1er o! Hugh Samus ,3 Lambert eggs onIt o! 248 competitors, Choice location avai1able.1 the report was incorrect. He ourabhy with service o!feredSrewatewinrnte from ail over Canîada takinci w- stated by phone Ibat lie was by competing utililies. T'heiChildren's Class in Ohw part in Ibis year egg coun-ý NOV ereh trigt obtain a saving for commercial and in- Larry Sarnis, age 16, son ophpetition. NOV guarantee than any damages dustrial space beating custom-i- Hugh Samis, won the Back- This year's trobih by irme 1 bi cstrowould ers will also bie substantial. i yard Growers Class. Their foudrîth e n e n sIsi year si G et the Facts! bcerepaired. "In a new departure, thefaterwas a winner o! a .n i is th1enhyerii1 Heas ttdta uigcompany ofr special nme fpî'izes i Amateu succession that Mr. NowaK I Complete details including, au" canier fire, damnage was Sinoke Abaternenl Rate' ta' Classes. Dr. E. W. Sisson, 100 bas exhibited eggs aI C.N.E. caused and that bie had been permit municipahilies ta con- LIibetrty Street North, and each year lbas had severalý planning, financing and subjected bo considerable ex- et1 mkls aua a nz winners. prooton are avilblepesein having the estern heating for city halls and su-1The gg coei ion h isý prh om oi atc vion V nse atî ad."'JAhbto wstescn a witncssing the construction nf" the CN's new hump yard for, assembiing and despatchingi 4 ont Scrgeant W. iR. (Bll) Cassie made fine records this Ones eyes arc what one is. zurnimer at the Cadet Trades -John Galsworthy. Training Camp, Camp Black- down, wbieh is also situaîed Every mati bakes theInjmtsa: aI Camp Borden. of his own field o! vision forý Thle !olhowing cadets also tbc lirnits o! the world.-' aehieved fine ratings during Schopenhasuer._ the seven weeks Cadet Lead- ens Course at Central Coin- "JEST À SECOND" mnand Cadet Camp, Camp Ip-' perwash, near Lake Huron: Lance-Coroporal John E. .. Bentley, Lance-Corporal W .-~< (Bill) Cobban, Lance-Coro- j ah Alan Hooper, Lance-Cor- - parai Daniel G. Hughes, Cadet - John Lyle, and Lance-Corpor- - al Lionel M. Van Nest, aU o!f 2. Bowmanville, and Cadet R. M. Farrow, Newcastle. They aIl returned hiere on Monday morning with thle cx- ception of Lance-Corparal B;11' Cobban, who suslained an in- r' .îurY to bis Ieg during the track and field events on Sparts Day aI bbc camp. H u parents, Mr. and Mn.. W. J. Cohban, Elgin St.reet, rnotored 'A potential sergeant, 1 aup-, bÀ London, Ont., yestci-d St o iu e where he is a patient in West- npa. iao hsbhn minster ;-ospbt.a.. They hope a nlda d barks at every- to bnîng nîrn back 10 Bow- body." manville 10 recuperate wheni tbey return here tomorrow. Trouble tha t look-s lke a iounlaini from a distance. ustîally ic;ouily i I when yau get t1jiL Sports Hll]o! Faine - The, ýNational Hockey League andc bbc Cauiadian National Exhibi- tion, Toronto, have erected at býal! nmillion dollar "Canada'i Sports Hall o! Faine and Hc- ke >v Hall of Faine ini Exhibi- tion Park. The xîew buildbnx cou'nuneuorabing g rca t mo- mntms in hockey and in -,port generall',- ihll open durine :tl-ue 83rd Exhibition, Aug. 18 ta Sept. 4. PRODUCTS- MING rERIALS E3C/o G AND o r OUR HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION WULL DO THE COMPLETE JOB FOR YOU! MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET TWO SHOWROOMS TO SERVE YOU OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Oshawa Wood Products Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - MA 3.2130 (JS-IAA Wm) PRDITT ..-v " NHAWA. % kk: pyJý VýWCHJ --- AL) .Main Office and Showroomn COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 SALE Monda y, August 28th 1961 - ut 1:00 P.M. held at TREWHAVEN FARM LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and '2Iz mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. '50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD A ueful group of yount cowm and 2-year-olds. Alil priniglng close or fresh. Also a number of yearlings and calves. Cattie conslgned from breeders ln the counties of York, Ontario, Victoria. Peterborough, Northumberland and Durham. ACCREDITED VACCINATED AND BLOOD TESTED Al catIle ellKlible for entry Intolisted herds and brucellosis certifled &rea herds. Many rcady for immediate export. NEXT SALE SEPT. 25th AT 1:00 P.M. Sale Manascd by: Auctioncer: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD.. A. MIKE BRLBACHER. hone Blackstock 128 Kitchener, Ont. mus- DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOUDS Phoite MA 3-3541 KELLOGG'S CEREALS Giarut Size Col-il Flakes, 16 o)z. Stigar-Frostcd Flakes, 14!,2' o7. Rice Krispies, 13 oz. 3 pkgs. $1 A yl i-tcr - H alves PEACHES 15 oz. lins 2Zfor 41c PARAMOUNT Sockeye Salmon only 55c tin FRESH - LEAN PORK CHOPS 1b. 69C EXTRA LEAN BONELESS POT ROAST lb. 63c BONELESS VEAL STEAK OR ROAST lb. 75c in, -0 -1 COURTICE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS

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