PA< WM six "TEN WHO DARED" Clr ALSO "THE TIME MACHINE" Excellent Science Fiction (Color) Rod Taylor - Yvette Mimieux LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:30 Mon. and Tues., Aug. 28 - 29 - 7:30 p.m. "JET PILOT"" (Color) John Wayne - Janet Leigh Opening Wed., Aug. 30,7:30 p.m., 4 days ADDED ATTRACTION! APPEARING ON OUR STAGE Suni. Mid-nite Sept. 3 and Mon. at 7:30 p.m. Poputar Young Recording Star DOUG LYCETT On Dur Screen - (Sun. Nid-nite t Wed.) ."ELVIS PRESLEY" in "WILD IN THE COUNTRY"fi Color - Aduit Entertainment Available - Free theatre tickets with purchases at ""DICK'S BOOK & TODACCO STORE"# 43 King St. East Mr.James Tu1mnÉull and Miss Helen Bonnycastle, Pet- erborough, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley an Sunday. Bawins Meat Market andi Gnocery store has been soid ta Mn. and Mrs. Waily Reidi, wha moved hene from Toronto last week. Llayd Nesbitt, Part Athur,ý ivisiting bih is sisten, Miss Winni!red Nesbitt. Mr. and Mn. George Hock- ing, Toronto, bave been guests with Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Mns. Mary Beer had ail bier family home last Sunday and ail Rttended the Memonial Ser-, vice heid at Failis Cemeteny and placed flowers on the grave of tbeir father, the late Ernest Been. Foilowing this, reunion picnic andi supper was helci at the home o! Mn. and Mns. Arthur Stewart andi fam- ily at Ida. Tbose present were Mns. Fred Barnard, Mrs. Non- man Buchanan andi Ailan Pat- ton, all o! Peterborougb; Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Davicison and, family of Oakwood; Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Beer and family of Brampton, Allan Been, Ed- gar Beer, Peter Beer and Ern est Been, ail o! Bethany. The annual Remembrance Day Service was belci at Fai- lis Cemetery. south o! Beth- any, on Sunday. Many former residents and relatives attendeci bringing thein floral tibutes o! res- pect ta those who rest in this historic aid cemetery, connect- eci with Manvers Unitedi *Cburcb. jThe Rev. George Richardison o! Betbany led the service. welcoming those who had came from distant points.* 'Lindsay Salvation Army! Band provideci music thnough- 1 out the aftennoon. Hundreds of people cati talki for one who can think, but thousands can think fan one wbo can see.-Jobn Ruskin. Sigbt, hearing, ail the spir- itual senses o! man, are etenn-I ai.-Mary Baker Eddy. The heats letter is reaci in ithe eyes.--George Herbert. RETAIL SALES TAX DISTRICT OFFICE is now open in PETERBOROUGH to serve Haliburton, Northumber- land and Durham, Peterborough and Prince Edward Counties Retailers, wholesaiers, inanufacturers and ail others who will be collecting Retail Sales Tax are cordially invited ta visit thîs office if they require additional information. For your con- venience, it is suggested that you tele- phone in advance. District Office at Peterborough 263 George St. Tel. RI 5-2418 DISTRICT TAX ADMINISTRATOR H. ANDREWS 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Wednesday - Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîly Clased Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le-gal-1 STRIKE and STRTIKE Barristens, Solicitors l Notanies Public W. R. Stnike, Q.C. ýA. A. H. StrilXe, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanviilel Telephone MA 3-5791 ILAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvilie1 Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Natany Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvillei E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A. LI.B. Bannister, Solicitor Office, King St. E., Newcastle, jDaily 9-5 Sat. & Wed. 9l W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Bannîster and Solicitor In the offices o! R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Moprîgages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO0 Phone 1 r 16 First Martgage Funds Resîdences - Farms Business Properties Mortgage Loans Prompt. courteous service HAROLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 356 O ptomet ry, KETHA. BILLETT, C.D. Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bawxnanville Office Hours: By appointmeflt Telephone MArket 3-3252 IMon. - Tues. - Thuns. -Fnl 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Thursday eveniings - Wed. and Sat.. - 9 -12 2E, ONTARIO ENNISKILLI Little Britan. Mrs. Cyril Av-,w Elect M nitobaEditorMr. Bill Johnson, Oshawa, 1d Royal Theatre Mr .and Mrs. Keith Fergu- were Sunday evening visitors!E son and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. C.i AverIr. Aug. 3 to Sept. 2 Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Wilfre W ilIC and Ronald, Oshawa, Mr. and liams, Caesarea, were Sunday 1' NORTHestMr. Hrvey Weirmier, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh- L Walt Disney Bnrfwr iiosa Mr. tn Bowmanvile, Mrs. Wil- sý and Ms Walter Ferguson's. liant Hodgson, Ottawa, Mr. fc A t Convention in H-alifax A sheer delight!This is a Miss Helen Avery,n Bow- James A. Werry were MondayC supeb Wat Dineylive-ac- manville, spent holîdays with night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Prime Minister John Diefen- at the 42nd annual convention a.nd by it man enriches is tion adventure drama filmedMisLnaA ry Grant Werry. baker, Premier J. Stanfield of of the Canadian Weekly News- mnd and feeds his soul." in Technicolor in the Canadian Mrs. F. Toms attendedth Mran Ms.JnLo- Nova Scotia, and Mayor John! papers Associain hl o- He urged the weekly pub- northwest and introduces a ýSamells-Bailey-w e d d g on hart, Mr. and Mrs. Willard w Lloyd of Halifax were among day, Tuesday and Wednesday isesnd it~fot<> abou ne canine star in Saturday at the U n it ed Lockhart andi MaryAnNa distinguished guest speakers! o! this week in the No va Sco-<apologetic about their work. Nikki, a handsome Malamute IChurch, Port Perry. gara Falls, were with Mr. andW tian Hotel, Halifax', N o va *Weekîv newspapers arein whose exci t i n g adventures. Mr. andi Mrs. Emberson, Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Scotia.dedarontetm heiapu to 'Guelph, Mrs. Douglas Cole Miss Betty Jane Werrv spent a dedamost important part»for h ieh lappI nv ~ nu . unde MLahla, pb ! Cnad'slitratre Thy'a !ull-grown three-year-old, and Jean, Bowmnanville, were a week's holiday with cou- J. Rndl Mcachan, ubOf anaa's iteatue. heyare revealed in a manner ta recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. lins Mr. and Mrs. Cliffordw lisher of the Virden, Manitoba,; constitute the permanent re-jhold ail viewers of any age, Grant Werry's. Greer and Elizabeth, Hemn- IR ST014 Emphe-Ane pesid len t ! co the'0f thousanndrds o!or1 tr sex or creed enraptur e d: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb mingford, Quebec, and return-_W the final mendacross the l tou and o a ontr th ghu its telling. spent a few days wth Miss eci home Saturday with Mr. K C R ~ G CNA at tefna sessionsImnars h ln n hy Wensay esu d 'retemrrrad otn o ostrigwihNkk saAlice Stevenson and iher bro- andi Mrs. Clifford Greer and BECOBA R G jWenesda. He 3cceedeý-arethe miror an portnt ofýCo-sttherg Haroldki at 'heir HacottagethElicoabethEizanet Mr. r.nan Mrrs.1 P77CE TR Werden Leavens, publisher of! ail that is good and bad j n1 bear cub, Neewa, who adds at Huntsville. rdGealofHmin- CE TR the Bolton Enterprise. ýthat most important segment1some hilarious comedy mom- Mrs. Garnet Towns, Joyce,ford. Thev spent the weekendî FOR THE BEST ý About 450 people attendeci, o! our society, known poiti-lents ta the entrancing film. and Baribara, Peterborougri, 'including weekly newspaperI caliy as the grass roots," he The aduits in the motio PCatned heSaton picniT R IL -IN - publishers and editors, their!said. Iture, Jean Couto, as Nikki's T RK IL wives, and many special! Mr. Leavens addressed the master, Emile Genest, as aan wee atryovnih Ms.Le Haoelspt guests.300 delegates following offi- cruel trapper; Uriel Luft, as guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Milton a few ays wmt er sister, CUSTON uss1 titna e aswt e itri in his opening address toial opening of the conven-1the iatter's Indian guide,anî Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Mrs. Harold Little, Camp bell- l n ~tedelegates, Werden Leav-ion 1Rbr RBrdasa ut rri, ir ast week visitons ford. uI~AYLRI liens, 1960-61 presidentugd tteTedvno in h pcaie ntann with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs I. Plum, Toronto, is pubishrsEndeIEtor t nere meeting, Prime Minister wiid dogs ta enter the fight- spending holidays at Mr. Ar-! ANDstore respect for the pinted! Diefenbaker paid tribute toling pits of th country al Mn. and Mrs. Bey Veale, thur McKay's. word. communty newspapers as a; turn in fine performances inMrocvleQubwere Mran Ms.AnCons Seakin et the opening of fiu rdc !dmcay.terrsetv oe.weekend visitors at Mn. and visited her mother, Mrs. Vic- WALI-TU-WALL !teassociation's thnee-day an- sidta aogizin The film bas been excellent-, Mrs. F. W. Werry's. Jacque- tor Farrow. ~heat he ovacontributes more to the crea-'iv roce frWat isy nan aideune hm The August meeting o! Shi-' nfafV tfUE ul onetintion of a healthy public opin- by Winston Hibier, and writ- from holidays with their loh W.A. was held at the flScotian Hotel, Mr. Leavens ion than the W Athog BROADIL4V IU ti tenwsaeme WAtrug ten for the screen by Ralph grandparents. church. The committee in jthey communitthnewspapers. 11e Wright and Hibler based on Mr. E. W. Begley and Carole charge was Miss Norma Hallo- ha aloedth pinedwodsaid that thnough its more the James Oliver Curwood were Sunday visitors at Mr. weil and Mrs. Brian Caswell. ao lose some o! the dignity thýan 500 newspapers, the as- novel, Nomacis o! the North." and Mrs. Gordon Shunk's, Mr. and Mxs. Clifford Fonk and the meaning it once had sociation r e a ch e 1,250 ,000 Jack 'Couffer and Don Hald- Port Perry. S 'hv eundfo hi oi L atns had. neaders.. ane dinected in expert fashion, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry days to western districts. Two Loatos O course, aur critics Might By contrast, the prime Min- makiîîg for a film that il vis- andi Susan were Sunday din- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hal- concede that you cannrot lue- ister said, in the USSR th ere ualy beautiful and crammed ýner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ioweli, Newtonvilie, visited at1 OS A Acessfully wrap a !resh fish inl are only 100 newspapers alto- with excitement and suspense. Eugene Sewell, Courtice. Mr. Jim Stark's. a television cabinet or swat gethen, o! which only 14 are 19 BOND ST. W. fiies with at transistor radio, weekiy. H1e said that an un- On a canoe trip, the dog and Miss Diane Avery holidayed Laurie Little of Campbell-i RAî42 but neither cani you sit quietly controlIled press means free- the bear cub are capsized in with Miss Joan Avery, Bow- ford is spending a few days R 3-92in your study with either O! dom untrammelled. The weeic- the rapids, an d are lost sight manville. , with Mns. Liew Hiailowel these instruments andi drink iy *esaes n fn of by the dog 's master, Coutu. Mr. andi Mrs. Sameron Oke, whiie ber parents are on va-' PETERBORO in, at your own ratenof corn- baker deciared, heip to buiid1 %0yug alah h saa wn iioswt ain __ MAKEpF ien a! ,the wgnrea tik-s eie ! !.Hereedisntathei t ougther have aMn. Abr Oke and Miss B sns ietr MAKE PAZA frweg f h ra tik i eem H resedi o the rough time foraging for food, Elsie Oke. 1tuiesDietr RI 567 eso! any andi every age," he right to do, but the but. they do find a respect for Mn. and Mns. Leonard §tain- 5-6874 said. right to be wnong. each other that ripens into ton and family visited Mr. and countanc Dav Prstn, I'rp. "Only the printed word *S 1e iodat ihteB rfiendship, an d keeps them Mns. R. Hope, Prince Aibent. c ou t n y so completely transportable,I lin eisis, and the need for togethen, even aften the leash Miss Gaîl Staînton nemainedý 25 Centre St. sivlaalbia ab hCNT nt.~ torn away. for liolidays. RAY J. DILLING Bowmanville abouesrato a, e Mo h Lo 1. We îtr cre h r n r.Atu Red-1 Certified Public Accountant M 3592aid. By e srans o iman- ie ayo Jon Loydof ai- We itrc ' s h r ndMs rhi93 Church Street MA3-91 lad."y easofitmn-fain bis talk Monday even- bear goes into hibernation, and knapp, Newcastle, were ne-MAet -31 kinc ili able to re'view man's ing at the banquet given by Nikki il left on his on His cent visitons at S. R. Pethick's.1_____________3-3861 __ I geatess an hi -weknesthe city for the CWNA dele- adventures and encounitens M.adMs anySrt. WM. J. H. COGGINS ____________________________________________Igates, said that in municipal with other wild animal life in Oshawa, were necent visitons' Chantered Accountant ~politics, where party politie-s bis endless search for food are with Mns. E. Strutt. Second Flotir F rH yCoigate's Dental Cream I do not enter, the weekly news- reaiisticaliy necorded by the Mn. and Mrs. -C. Pethick New Librany Building F rH y Fever z9e - 55e - 79e - 99e pape's editonial page consti- Technicolor cameras. The high were visitons with Mn. andi Cor. King and Tempenance Sts. Dnita Mst - 125tutes "the loyal Opposition" spot of bis aciventunes is the Mrs. W. Rahm at their cottage Phone MAket 3-3612 DritanMit -- ----- 1.5 Fepsodent Faste 49c, 98ce n helps ta keep eiected ne- meeting with the cruel Gen- at Four Mile Lake. Co-Pyronil as 2.25 6eIaaFse- - 9 presentatives sharply awane est, who savagely beats the Miss Carole Begley a n dî YALE, FRIEDLANDER Priin Daps-----9 e I o pubic pinin. og i-ore--t-ener49me Bruce Begley were Sunday & COMPANY Coicidin D. Tabs --- 1.00 9eBlkFse---7e Premier Stanfield of Nova !the outlawed wild dog fight- dne uet !Mn n i~ ccoedut nts an Autrs Pyrbenamle 5e 2.0 5e lee Fste .- 7e Scotia aiso paici tribute ta ing competitions at the trading Robent Stunden, Columbus. L inSTtEein2Bakr1ptc ___________ __65e_-_2.30_ 3e____________ 27e_________ newspapers in his post. In the eventual dog- Mn. and Mrs. Angus King, 64 KnOst.aE,725-1621 2Ak-Geritol mdd eetingth concluding ban- fgt Nikki wins over bis B. L. Yale, C.A. 2Ak- Summer Needs nuet meigWecinesday Cv- rivai. Soon, the dog recognizes ELIZABETH VILLE F. Fieclander, B. Com., C.P.A. Seltzer 5.49 ening. 11e also said that the bis old master Coutu, as the 89r Bactine Spray -- 79e, 1.29- 3.29 -1.35 province is not ta be pitied new factor (or head) of the Church services and Sunday MONTEITH . MONTEITH Tangel for Burns ___. 1.50 - nor considered a depressed post. Thene also is a fierce School were held as usual. RIEHL & CO. 30 AS., ane fr urs 8e Pardee area, because of its coal mine foot-fight between Coutu and Our neighbouring changes Gar- 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa Tablets Asrli r .5-25 Capsules closings, but that it is wonk- Genest, before Nikki and bis den Hill, Perrytown and Cn hree conat Absobin Jr.--- 1.2 - .50ing to solve its pnoblems. master are re-united. ton attended ta hear a guest 725-3527 5t Dittol ----75, 1.25, 2.15 2.50 -5.00 Business done included es-seae ro oonowomBwa1il Band-Alds__ 25e, 53c, 75ce tablishing o! a committee ta _____________ we enjoyed veny much. Calil ZEnith 45750 Clearasil EatpltSrp Multiple set up a sales organization Misses Kathy and Patty Partners: Cream DElslsnt 5eS.5 Viais baetnth nrnceo G uTai ~Long, Rochester, granddaugh- Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. Dresig - --- 5c 115 Viamns bil*l onth n reo G y Tant h ters o! Mn. and Mrs. Lewko A. B. Monteith, B. Cam., C.A. 69c - 1.19 J & J Flrst Aid Cream 65c 100 for 3.50 bilon cheque proposai for retunned ta their home after G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. _____________________________________ dealing with national adver- sedin sv ia weeks with <Licensed Trustee) BanRNStses rpoedbsns e TORONTO Mn. and Mrs. Lewko. G. E. Trethewey, C.A. CHILDREN'discussioant 1.25 thocsw i e coneab- Miss Willa Muldrew return- R. . Lightfaot, C.A. Lunch Kits Mennen Brake ------ -1.25 tiuinoten.nen CANADIAN NATIONAL ed ta New York thîs week. hio r tc Complete ------ 3.29 - 3.69 Woodbury Roil-on - 89(3 Speciai events încluded a Mis ere, ns Savry anda rors act Thermos Botties 1,98, 2.19 98 obsten dinner on the shore of EX& - 'T' N M ereM avr n . G. EDWIN MANN, DC. Lunch Kits - ----------1.39 Adjnsta-Rol98 Hubbard's Cave, St. Marga- H i i - Waltens motored with hier as Ciorco ret's Bay, and a tour o! the AUG. 18 TO SEPT. 4 fan as Malton airl2ort on Office: Ciarco VHalifax barbon on Royal Ca- Thunsday. 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Harsey St, C adian Naval vessels. A pla-1 Rehsm Coa Fore Mr. Ron Provost, Westpart, Phone MA 3-5509 CWIG Sque honoring Joseph Howe as s visîting with Miss Ruth Office Hours: By Appointment NE STORE~~~ the founcien o! newspapen 25 n.O Mercent PRON WE FIT freedom was unveiled at gov- Gwe5nMr and Borsit. ec wth, MA 3-565 DRUG ST RE TRUSSES ernment house. - Trentonian.1 Return Fret Close Fores therduhtM.and Mrs. DR. W. M. UD e t D.D.S ___________________________________________Also Avallable Fajt, Pontypoal, Sunday. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. ET A YGood going Thursdery, Aug. 17 Most o! the tabacco farm- 40 King St. W. Bowmanville B T A Y7 ens bsraretn. Office Haurs: to Monday, Sept. 4 inclusive. i Oun highway between Ken- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ~, .Mn. and Mrs. Vincent Racicot 'dal and Garden Hill is finished Closeci Saturday and Sunday ~ uBOWMANVILLE and their son Garny o! Grand Return Limit-Sept. 6 and they have moved ta the Office Phone - MA 3-5790 m Z L L MA 3-5589 Prairie, Alta., and Miss Blan-1 Isouth line ta do between House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ]R O Y A Lche Racicot, Toronto, were Fuil information tramn any agent. Beech Hill Schoal sideroad and guests last week with Mn. and the county raad at Sawden's DR. E. W. SISSON Mns. H. A. McMaster. A ~ Corners. L.D.S., D.D.S. Thi Fn an Sa.,siaiin ai7 pn. Mn. and Norman Neals, Elm-Mn. and Mrs. V. Peacack Office in his home vale visited with Mn. and Mns. I eundhm nmM.and1 Phoniert MA 3-5604 WAT. L T ISNEY AflVENTITRE Ross Cann on Sunday._ Mrs. A. Peacock's, Kirkland Off PhoTner- MARMALADE 24 oz. Jan 47C BEST BUY - SAVE 8c Salada - 60 Bags TEA BAGS 75C BEST BUY - SAVE 15e Luncheon Meat - 12 oz. Tin SWIFT'S PREM 2fo8 3-C BEST BUY - SAVE 29o Swift's Fard - 15 oz. Ti DOG FOOD 9 fori .00 PREMIUM FuIIy Cooked SMOKED lb. PICN ICS Cut Any Thickness" RIB STEAKS lb. 69c Swift's Premium Barbecue Style Skinless WIENERS lb. 45c Swift's Prernium Flat RINDLESS BACON lb. 79c Swift's Premini LUNCHEON MEATS' MACARONI & CHEESE, MOCK CHICKEN, PICKLE & PIMENTO. OLIVE LOAF 4;for 89C 18e Off Pack - Glant Package SURF DETERGENT 6 3 C FEATURE - SAVE 7c - Helnz BABY FOODS 10 tins 1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 14e - Instant Sklm Milk Powder NU-MILK 31b.pkg.89c Cheerios, lVheatles, Twlnkles CEREALS 3 79c Clark's - In Chili Sauce - 20 oz. Tin BEANSwith PORK 4 tins 75c FEATURE - SAVE lie Dyson's Plain or Garlie - 24 oz. Jar DILL PICKLES 3 for 1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 9e - 1 lb. Pkg. - JEWEL SHORTENING 2 for 63c FEATURE - SAVE 4o Granulated SUGAR 10 lbs. 85c BAKERY FEATURE - SAVE 4e Sunbeam Honey Nut Ring each 29c Ballet - 4c Off Pack - 250 per pkg. Serviettes 45 c ftàUNT MARY'S Full 24 oz. Loaf Sliced Bread 20c RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS 3 for 27c RED & WHITE - 16 02. Jar PREPARED MUSTARD 17c FRO ZEN FO0ODS Welch's - 6-oz. Tin GRAPE JUICE 2/39ç, Birds Eye - 2-lb. Poly Bag Pes nd Carrois 45c Swift's Fremlum - 24 oz. Tin BEEF STrEW FEATURE - SAVE 6a Sunspun - Flnt Brick ICE CREAM 3 for 69c FEATURE - SAVE 4c Red & White - Homogenlzed PEANUT BUTTER 24 oz. Ire Box Jar 53C Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CALIFORNIA'S FINEST SUNKIST ORANGES S LB. POLYc BAG55 No. 1 Ontario - New POMMTES - 10lb. bag 29 C Mild, home-grown - No. 1 Grade Cucumbers il qt. basket 89C No. 1 Salmon Flesh - Ontario CANTALOUPE each19c Heait Proof DURAIT' WITH OVEN $.0 TO SET of 4 - 8CPRH PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE LISTED RED & WHITE FOOD STORES ONLY MAPLE GROVE MARKET .... Maple Grove I CORNISH'S MARKET. . e eaa 9. Oo; THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLI WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23rd,_19@5 witb Mr. J. A. Werry and Mr. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.'the W. H. Moores and Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Sun- M. Wearn, Claremont. Howard Stevens and Gordon. day they visited cousins at;, The A. L. Wearns have been Mn. A. Page, Toronto, visit- Enniskillen, Eidad, Kedron:on a week's holiday.i ed with Mrs. E. Page. and Oshawa, and attenclec thel Miss F. A. Page, Honolulu, Miss F. A. Paýge, Honolulu, C.N.E. Monday and returned, is bolidaying with Mrs. Etta'Miss Clara Page, Toronto, home Tuesday. Page., Mrs. Howard Bradley, Maple Miss Laura Gniffin anci Miss! Miss Clare Page bas retuin-iGrove, Mrs. Etta Page attend- Lois Ashton are taking leader- ed ackta Toronto from boli- ed the Strat!ord Festival last ship training course at SchoolIi~wt e ohr n.E week. oray Leaders, Ontanio Ladies' forLeer, itntarisLaes' Page. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick Miss eWinifred Calee Mr. anci Mrs. Clifford Stain-l and Robin, Toronto, were at Miss Wn ibertCle, dton, Mn. Albert Stainton, Ton- Mn. and Mns. S. R. Pethick's. Mre WrcetGisietonsoratoA onto, Mn. Herb Rogers, Bowv- Mrs. Adam Sharp and i&~ wererecnt isitrs t E Amanville, and sister Mrs. Mar-ichaei Gregg visited a fee W/erry's. laret Riley, Chicago, were cal-1davs with relatives in Ton- Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton lers at Mr. and Mns. W. H.onto. I9 vere with Mrs. S. Rodman Moone's.[ Mrs. T. M. Siemon is visit- and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Scugog Miss Anne Panrott. Chalking Mrs. John Tyers. Toronto. Island. Charles retunned home Lake, is boiidaying xvith Miss' Misses Peggy and Janet vith them from holidays. Suan Weann. iMilîson are holidaying wîth Miss Susan Wearn spent a Mn. Wallace Stainton, Tor.-Ithcin couisins, Miss Katbryn week's holiday with ber onto, spent the weekend witb Siemon and Robent. 7rsT~~çdE0!S'~ 'DU-// 1 BEST BUY - SAVE 4cV Shirriff's Good Morning * 1 Lake. à