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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1961, p. 7

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TT-FF. rA~A1MA~~T ~TATE~MA~~, MA~'VWL~., rVxTA~V~ PAGE ~F~V~I!~ Mi's. T. E. Flz-Naxi uiý, -prnrl-1 Ir-~ a foitnighi in Hantst'îl][2, 'r.Walter Smilth. cnuo a roent guesi. f r01 L Larr-' Broute. Prnîce :Vhi)ct, Is 1 gueýt of Daniiel Hu19nic. 3 Ontario Strcet. Mr. andi Mrs. W. F. Quic'k b'îse retuu,-ci froîiî an cduO"-_ ;%ble miotor trip tlirou,,îî !le United States Mr. and M\rsý. T. Wso. Ca-wker spent thîe t"e&cîî' w~ith tlicir son. Chiarles Cas'-,. l'Cr.. atFoxboro. Mr. andi M-Iu'ray 'Grpnit. Prince Street. hat'e rcturned from Buckhorn L'ike w bet'e thev spent a vacation. Mr. andi Mrs. Michiael- Wo1- nik. Toronto, speili the ts'eet- end witl n,.and Mrs. Bî'oîek Wolnik, R. R. 6 Bownian'ilc,. Mrs. E. Nit'ins. Windsor. spent a day l'st week ,t ber cousins. Mrs. F. Fuelci and Zvrs. R. Nis'îns. Cburcli St. Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Mau- kenzie anti famil " of Hlari- ton we'rc t'.ecend guest.s of Mr. andi Mrs. Ber't Sy er bei'e.1 Mi's., A W. Hiaînniotii Tor'- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fice Celebrate 401h Annîversary The boardi \t Il ait etîse tenders for cli.rans for col r'jce an.diorii ni and somul 'l'lcie ninist"v of Edicaiiî Ille Honorable i. P. Rob, t,.. ha il 0n ('01, i*uci ùîo oen Ilhe hats' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nh an keM n r Mand N %,p s'ley' Foit- 93 isinCoîil as steH lascarwcd oflanid.liis S anail-li " P tJt 't'tlobe ' io. il' < t Charles C;,ssin. rccenIl hy scexe ai homne Io îlîir of the pi oseiît on. 'rage of 71 busîiels per a" t:ctdhîld kc i Master Geoff Gilbooley. son manY frieîids andi acqui îîîî Hie laie'd o 4 \ fi- Wth a m îi NI.c' e o 4.d ( ilpul (if NIr. and MIrs. Doin Gîlhoo- ances on the occasion of the etc 'tii!eGn"crfrtist'ia î.Vc odi ley Onarý Steepis n Q140h anivrcay o thirTire ïnd Rîîbber Compaii of 1 tute \'anstone Floue and les.a taî'io St wre is yiaOx-4Oth n. The'eî'sai'y of tlr Canada. Linii ici. hureanid FeedàNil Is. qucst of bhs cou-lis, Air. and i'anged cxlebration unssuch Iiid reto c i) >rn ie O duos scVloa theci lie an'iolit of B un ting tlis. aoibs Mnek whanre li a w njoedn. Ti eibtfhya-In dt iion Mr.oîiîc uaii vî. \li ea 111e lais'-tea îon Mîlit <<f_ 0, Niri. F re hrr"joe, îe an ancmîltI of field\ww<k NAU. ice iia c iibt'a recodmR'! 2.à 'hrce chihdren. Counici lor \"'ciey Vice iY for Goodyecar cnt-crini eterri- for thii tyspe of cioc.ii,àil n- tii-jolii 'ic'in 1<îîlJani SîIIil. Mu'. and M. ,Leanard *J. the îire nc'iîbu"r of the 19(1-61 tort' b"-t s'ee!i Ediioiîll.Ma., sidered Io be ani excerd ingiVlich i lier lu)îeîiem'ru if the ieurs' rcturîîed Hl i s'ek lu Bots'nianusi le Torsit Councîl tu anîd >.et otiicia id. île ahio h 1gh yicdfou' tubs ea r. D fi n.l tlîeir home in Windsor afier !tate bis i ntentîion of stand inig oprrawie a piibl ic' adci ness -s' - t'.an gî'os-î froîîî ceîîesee ro,- Ini a 1)1 t' f uîlturs<' aocataioig %ssith lierpait3 for re-eîcctioi if îîoriiiaîd iii lem sicce -c'cd seed obia ivd i loil i.Bu t in rt ihi s 'couk. Mr. and Mî's.Eti Wiberidg0e. Decemnber. Hie bas serveti on On his W'a crIs' Road farî'Cciestiore Fai'îîs. Agr iuo feî t- YieStatesiiaîi leartiiud tuailic Scugog Street, and taking a council bure foi' thîîee ycars M'r. ice bas bai'sesed 3A,20 iii, -r w-as used scith fa!! anîd an id usfaiîîl have ah catît motor tnp to the East COOS ast bing been a miembrr of tIi"nomIus -of ss'liat lfron 'igit sprnig applitatin. :î-qîiîî d a iîoiie in Otawaý MIn anîd Nîrs, A. E. Lylc. anîd tcilliînve tliei'oso lhiî Flett Street. hav'e returned la 'on 1PsusperiiidUeiit of ithe ~~~LI Liirc-lildi cii Keitii 14. <Juralti' tosci after a tss'a weeks' vaca- Oiîtanio Schîool forillV )nle-)(teaii. rro-0.1 uJRci:1 tion durnîg xs'ich thies'eiî.jo'.-Girls, Gai. ar'"issill ho able tb siarn. scbool cd a motor thp tW dfferotl rs. Johnuî Hnpps, forment . tslii ltuern'ii iope'ns ntii o. places in Ontarto includ:iug Berni'ce Hockiii. of Saci -i.'1tliu'beautîlulitiiîome'ec Sauble Beach, Ippes'wash, anîd mento, CaLforivia s i stIiîg i Fredcî'îuk Avteiine w il I ho Grand Bend. lieu- b'otîcr Clarence H-ockîii r e-u cc. Atrm Frd Holdeîî, Bla- and hls faiîîlcand ber atîîî..Thiie î uan twie tu Bots- bumî, LaricaMiie, Eiîgaid, an- Mrs- Sesvarci Tt'bc R. R . .uM.i îe l .ars ageu ,i wii rixerh èiiBownianx'ilîe hast Botvmans'ille. hlisi'30 vear. . .. .s. i.i.i..î.i.N nrst'iies antI NIi. ss'ekand iu".sitiivg lier son'siîce she left tlis coîîîî 11 Biitig lîuîîdlcd I iii"i' îîaniî-l and ciugtî~i~ att lri. anîd but she bas î'etuî'îîd a1ino.,t ..Ioi.c'fîr 'îlitycars. I)îi iii1 Nirs. Bernard 1-olen, Pairk- e':et't' 'vear siîiee fri'a vsi,.Ihai puniocl. lie tuas actît cIiii1 scat' Crescenî, until the end Mlis. Happs sa> s ste is con- i îuiiiii'sand eltîîlîanis. of September. tîîiallt' anaed ai the mii ~~ as nPiesid"ýiiIof tie Clîaîîber' Mi', and I Nrs. RU'--,ell wM chîanîgés iinthe lotsn evor% f Comm erce and lIter of i lit' liarins, NagwaaFailN. y, s'ear. 1.i.l ke <Ontario Dut ultupmiînt1 Nve're aweekcnd guests o c nuouaoff à1'sei ic.rA.ojaîî H -e ws aI: l.o iau -, A.., ..u'T'... D... MM 1v utivoi iinirr ofthue Bott-i nnto, a steekeie guesitiif Willianms'trotier aînd.i<cn Mr. antid is Harold Hatt-luhs' Mr. andi Mîs. Frank nionti and faniîly iii Bots'iian- William's, Chuî'cb Street. anti ville., Mr. and Mrq. P. E. Greenfield, Mmr. Dunîcani Smithî anîd'Miss Liberty Place. Betty Flaxmnu spent tIi e Miss Henrietta Staphes, Cal- weekeuîd xsith Mi's, Si-oit"; garv', Alta,, has retuîned ta dau.-hte'. VMrs. H-ugli Niiîd, ait ber Ihomîe aftet'siitigliei' Crvs'tal Lake. oncle atid autit, '.\r. and MT Mr. and MIrs. R.RkaW. S. Staphes, and othex' rela- andi their dauclters. Wends'. tises iii Bown'iîativille. Wiîile and Bonnie, Pickciiigf. ssere liere Miss Staples atteîîdeclte weekend guests -fM' iîd Staples Clan Reunion in Lind- Mrs, Bert Syer. sa. Mi', and Mrs, Thiomas H. Dr. F. William Ruidleiio McCreads', Lethbridge. Alta.. lias beau sisiting is, pareiîts- are visitin% Mr. and Mm, By- Nr. and Mrs, Walter Ruu.idlc,: tuon Vanstone and other rela- Wýellîingîton Stireet, has return-' tiv-es in this coînmuiit\7. cd 10 AniiAî'bor. iIhl. Ma- Mr. and NI's. Kenîeth MNi -ter Charles aind lus sister, chel. Toronîto, viszitcd MMn a' Claire RLundle. ar'e îe- chell's mother, Mrs. Fred '1' rnainbng foi' a turtheî' x'i'it 'Mitchell, 204 ChurcliSîe,-tîli tlii' gi'atdpareiits, Mr'. last Suuiday. andi Mrs. Walter Ruidle. Mr. andi Mis. Phlip Niiîd. Mr. and Mns. Davidi Parký. St. Catharines, sisitd î'.ani Ilîir daughtem Gleiira and lUrs Sidney. M. Scott i.11gb ýthein so.n Tom. anid Miss Susa'i Street. this w'eek. Mrs. Niîîd Luxton lias-e returneti tram a before her narriiape was Missi most sseek's s'aca- .latie Mason, Bow'mans'ilie. tiou spent al, ViesvLI-e * Deputy-Reet'e andi Mus. ltan 'hil tih's ere îerj r. 14ohbs andi thicim dauglitcr's and AMm. Albert, Wood ;sud Gail and Shelcey, bat-c retuî'i< thtieir sons, Ted and John, ' y- ed to Bowmianviile fromi Bah relie,- spent a few dat-s wss' rian Lake, near Bobcaygeon, lieun. ,%vhere they spent the last twso' Mi'. a i.JmC Ii w~teks aîîd tliei'sanis.-James and Y-rs Ross Granît. Couiccssion Tomn, ss'ile tîîev wseî'e aî':a Stet, and i er grandsoîi. Ran- on a holiday motor tr'ip. cailed the Exhibitionî scas ,.taffed b'. 212 nieuibers of the braiichieS of Ontario Unit of 'llie Canua- ia ii Canîcer'Societ ' . M'. Bert S.ver, Bots maux il le, Stas raiiseîom, Mrs. Stan McNhiîn - ter' was co-coii'.eior. aîîd M Earl Thiomipson, Mis. Hu-Ili lVhIurpliîy, Mrs. Stan Doiin l,çr. O'iaîît Plumirner, aIl mrbri s o>f the Bos'utaiisille Braiicn. sve'e in atondaîce. Capaui Donald Ruisoi. Coin- îîauîding Officcu' of the Salva- t'on A.rnx hîeu', Mus. Ritsotv. a nd Ilîcirî'ciildî'en .a". Donald Jr., andtiBi'am. reluuî'u- edti1 Bawiîanilîe on Nloui- day fî'ouîîNiagara Falls ts-îcu' tue' ýs ited relatives ccl i'ri 1i ' tîîcir ilîree stocks' vacationu. '\ile ori thielr hiliats tutes' aIlso spenut sooîe h unesx i fu'ienchs in thie Uoited t~ls Later on Mondas' Capta iin R - son loftfoi'Jac-ksoui's point wIiete hb- k attenintu a onie- xs'eek SaIsalioii Ariîiv Offîcei -ý Refreshei' Cournse. Orono Woman, Wins Trailer 1 At Street Fair ilv 'nomiden, are xisitincg Mi's,' ou Beitl îtokafre Appî'oximatcly 2,500) people 1. Grant's son antida .iter-îi- nesidetît of Bawmaîville, a îlut u iica uoî law. Mr. anti Mis. Donald thîe esv Boy- Scouts Centtre, Cliatber of Commtuerce Street Grant, and their family ini Ka- thk- Reg'onal Headqcîa r t le r s, Fait' h Idtioa the Mail i SIîee puskosing. Ottawa. TlîeY toui'cd the beau' Ilieie last Wcduîcsdiay ce Mr.a.n Ms, , RssStrketiful net"b u ldiîg anti wel'e ing, August 1611-t.'Pue Iicky Mr. and Mrs. A,.1Il. Strike. itîci mrseib l sinuveî of the Drasv for a 2ih antiMr, nd Ms, ark oc- \hîs. R. L. Worden, Bross-u;Ceutuîy'v'r-a\cci Triaiîcn ca Mr.ank h. averket Ro et Street,lia s reti.ined frion a Mî's. Cailles Wood. Oi'otio.' frorn the Strike's cottage ai laai ii tt iioi 0Xoji cb Jcuai,.oîo Pr.Port Elgini. Whlule 1\a1ri'. Nrand Mus. Gleuî 'leiiiant., Algonquin PrkWordn ialso xisited lieu'nicc- dî' ess 1w siiîig ticket, Mr. and Mus. William G. es. Mu1s. Cerdlai Osborne and Aniîaug itie aIttuac'tboîi ai .Tannes. Montreal, and tiîeir Lyiita andt Mrs, Hairs' Spragg the Street Vair wseu'elhue l'en- dlaughter Jennifer were wel- ati Mi'. Sprag-g ini Hamiltoti.rils Whiel. Chiab'siir s.andc end visitons witb Mn. James Wnile tîiere she attendedIll Ue Mev'rt -Go-Pouiti. Cauîdv floszs. parents, Dr. anti Mrs. Geor'ge SIprag.--Cameî'on wredding in lfiel dogs, cauidieti apples, and' James. Binklcy Unitedi Churcli. sofh drinks atddItieth le ?ala M.r.and 1NMus AT, Clar'ke.'MmCharles L. Derî toit. 2taiut latniosplic'ncChîilciueî * lowmiaîus'îllr, :. peutSuidas' Tenu eeîauuce Str-ect. steu i sto wro neligbt cd wsthIle tisit- with their daughuicu'andtison'-;SaruilaIb attendtht le ftlîei'l.3 pond.i balhooui'. p-1pet hais and in-Iaw, Mr. andtiMrs. AI Ei-,of Mu-s, Fred But,\" on Fida" uinoveltics scere .inicilcic liott, and their baby Stepheit afternoon, The late Mrs. Bury The evet' poptulai'bligo, cu'ow, ut In W~hitby.was thte mother of the Rex-, and anchor', honse whecl anti Miss Sandra Robinson, MasJMrs A.1îy jnst ocfbild îiggiessoeci fer Gregorýy Palmuer, anti Mrs Kinug Street Uunited Church, j cd.rMcael isse Cam Alui, owmaut'hle a'~Oshtawsa. tntul a nontît age uihnMLru, asse Co'isîtin r, BHivlan,,iIcrctituhieiu he left tb accept au ap- liv Char'les Au'istronig and Il. flayînont in ochcter, NY ointnîcot as pastex ef Kriio ctahp'se-ciisu i Ititis wenek, liete "United Churcli, London, Ont. winnes of the Bic)-c'Ic Rodeo' A famly gtltciiîigstan l- M. anti Mus, Leoîuard Wil!.in the yea1r. "lite ruuuuers-up ~ oye lasiSuntiy wîin a Gaît, and their lîildr-et,receivet i sbîeu'dollars. grpo f relt uatives f ai-c fMelvin. Rona, Janet. Margaret l'Plie stu'eeî ws ia aiu rneci fer-otpars f Oîta'ict'sit1l pilJohn.i, sere guests Of Mi'.icuoa ballrnoîufou'runduiand Mr. anti Mrs, Everett V. i-îau'. ilsiîs alirWPaul Wl qcaedaiîciiug Ancxclhoi Kiui. Stret Est. on, 2-?Ontariîo Street, last pragrant of caî'îeti nîusucs 156 sci tee at eek. Thcy ai-e at. pneseiit providoti bv George Wacic's Mrs. Alauî H. Osbor'ne.,226 %'acaticîuing ah, Buckhtonn Lake Corn îHuskers. ',\Ir. \Vacle call- 13rown Street. lias îetuned1but ss'Ilhaýýain isiit Mr', \il- cd the square (fanîces. bomne tram Ballon ts'lcue sue'sou's fatlîcr lure bei'ore thiey %vas a guest f lier brothe-- i'trurn to Galt. Leoitati W - Trinity United Church ,Pipe BGEONd, fri rBanch1-8ofteLa- Ministcî' - ficx Wm. K.IositclB.A..B.D. ati a IegioBonavle Orgdflist - Mr. Ar'thur Coliî.,iîMus.B.,Les niait cd ip e Wrir Parade ws t LrgonDirtF 'l'lie Bott'niaiîvile Pipe Baud il ani. MORING ORSIII"siice ils formuationîliti 195() 11 M RNIG %VRS1117uîde thie drectiniî of Pipe- ,'laor Douglas Biorc'. Oslî- "Sing Your Song of Faith" asta. fias Cbcii a tcîîide'fîil asset to Itle toss'uîanJdcdistr'ic't. United Serv'ices of St. PauI's and Trinity Jitbas \Aon wside reccognition at Trinitv United Church ini bath Cariadla anud Ille Uniiecl States. Pipe-NIajor DoitBroaoks~ BaystigServire 1t1,ook aen fron111 Pipie-.Ma tir Baby-sittingBlie in 1958 ss'ien the ]ller A CORDIAL WXELCOME 'rO ALLJ re'ii'ed betause of il healîfi. There wst-e by fanthie groat- _________________________________________________________ est nuibet' of cniries et er inî ~~~ ~th1e Senîici' BandJ Couîîpe itho i ouiW'au'ioi's DayTee -r i KtI Ub~~ri (HI I\II JN~J120 pipcu's aniolua ic utathe REHO BO TH C RISTIAN lbauds, anJ scores of ite l bauîisci i Pi iii in hie iils Il ~ J O' ci'the tears sîuîcc uis ii- REFO M ED CHU CH cerptionitue Boss ilaiicille Le- Scugog Street, Bowiîanville i~j guon Pipe Baud lias tahcii a tJ ieadîng part in iitait' inipori- auut conut v eeuts iiiclu- 1Rev. -John C. Ve'bî'ugge, BA, .WD, Mi\iuîser U Fg ho\s'n-iIIs'iii Ceuit n- niaI Ceîebu'atîouî iu19.38.Tis Tellephoie _MA 3-5023 band*s supcu iaric lias fiect Lreniaiketi at Legion RaIics. anJ jr lias also beadeti par- WORSHIP SERVICES J ates of B'auîciî1-.8 of itue 1CauîadiauîLeguouî ouiAruiiis- 9:00a.n. -Holandfl ice Da' s, Dccoratiouu Dats, I iJ ~antioui numeî'eus othîcu import- 11:00 a.rn. - English ant occasions. -~The Tartan Club scas fou'îî- 7:30 p.m. - English Pd uin 1952 as a Ladies Auszil- iiî'stote Boxsmanîsifle Le- *Fî'ee transportation for those willing but unable t] ieu Pipe Banud. AMns. Edie- toattend the servxices. Phone MA 3-50137 ~ Cl b rsutp'sceî 10 10 of te'Partait Club. wschi before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. ' since utwsnfouttiet lias rais- ~ed antd donaieti abocut $1.000 to tbe bandi. It bas also bought sanie unifai'uts. '~,4. T',~ L1~1~" -TPhe annual BurnF Nighit Back To GJodUU ,LJurML JJLUUULisL jj.supper held bythue omn sille Legiouî Pipe Bandti n the CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. ev'ery Suilday U Legion Hall s oncysme @41 CK ootat 7 a.mi. b] the hig-hights of tbe %\-iter g CKE, TorntoU' seas:on in Bowxmai cille, andti m aeryanîlcipateti each ycar., Mr . and Nh's. AI. 1NIoî'isoii of Biamptîn ai e fhit proud parentîs of happy' ilîtIe Vii'giîîia Anne 2luî"scmn, picturecl abîw'c. Site is grea! gî'anddaugliter tof Mr'. anîd NI ts, WVallace FIlin es, Sim psîo Ave., tow't, anod ,is. Nullieî I1oIlaid of Oronti. Honeymoon in Jamaica -t- 'T -ic'itîu'ud aut lcii xeciuding nec-cutI vat I S. J1ohntu's A îugi ican îui C mli. BlIaok st ck, ai-c NI î,.ati nd ls. Norîmanu Edts'vidL).ssît. 'l'lu iebicde, the formr-MinI ss ,lcssiv Niai-s' Ic'Ai'hi . -,is Iir lîr' c i' g tc'î' of IDr. anud Ns. .1. A. lc'Aritîtju tf Blacksiock andci iliericle- gro i-tut loie î stoni tf Mr . a iind ns. A chii l I1)D' sa ni of Cat-sa t-ca. 'i'hî oc'uople xx mIl Iive iniFort \' ilia m. phuotot h' Jr'<lanic Of ficiai Opening 0f Courtice School Takes Place Oct. 3rd Town Clerk Helps Search For Pilot .Jac'k Reid, BossrnaliiIe T1own ('Ierk. %%,ho spent his Waneeta, near Port Bruce. n Lakte Erie. returned to his duties here «n Mionday. Mu-s. Reid anud their voung sons, Dav'id and Drew, w..iII rernaili at Waneeta for an- other 1w-o s'eeks, 0% or the sseekenid N 1r. Reid asstcd irn the searî'h for the body of ILeoila-d liaight, age L3 Iondon, Ont.,, m.-ho ivas the pilot of a light aireraft that oraslued mb Lak-e Erie near Port Bruce on Saturday. Mr., Haight's body mas re- tos'ered from the w'.aters of the laite on Sunday. TIhe pilot. aamalespan, ik surs is- ed hy hi,% wife and three, childu-en in London, Ont. 11li 11" hiuiD'u:it' i- ît'îIci1l gb Sclînol B-ua irHnipl n!i 'e .Aiig. 1liun Pott? Hope n i tIseîîeî i euspncsctu t J . F. HIl-1a il(] t-as : i a 11)ucd( C'laii îîîauu îîf ui a11(-niu- ) lu i l c'e o f F'ietihcutt su- lîac ne- siguit Jfor-lîcalîi reasouiS. Ilxsas deuidt'J n' icitîAîs- lot, otipi actcidenit 105 'iage Iou ulî, C'ontîiental Ca;.uat'('on- pan i. Th'ie Pouo 1-Itpe Coîmîîîitte' s'. aspuiv 'lie po-Prcn to lo- cale tie ru ik I a teutsne oui te lanJ thfitxas oceunpuod by the Hunt houre. 'l'uie plat up fuu'IJ atiNll- binuiliaus but i lî'selleci anJ st-ocid. Pcrnîî yiinws.a'gîtiv 1hi uuîuipbt,'tte rasul for tie parking lot. hscas î'eporiec iitîat ap.pucît - a] I 'f sketc'h plan's for tue Vo- caîîouîal Sulicol fîad been re- cebveti. Workhyugplans aie be- îîîg pîncPecteti %v-uth. Rît s expecledti tîa cuîsnoîui ncan sta nilae iii Otober. TIîc Claike SunA ss'lI miui'le'x Ilt .h kPNPecirdl i-al the steel w ill bc erecctd about p nantilIle Lion% club. l'hree ea rs ago, Ai joinrd îth M r. Chester and NI0r Siiii:h :'o take <.it r Ithe \ast, Emookdale-Kbiigew a cNurmecs frolu \Noiia n J. Sçot t. Ili s 'ut'position, tthii '\Mr. 3an1itiî_' consîdens a cea I chai- t'î i.s part of iitht' lîade anîd nu-xru 'v p ' rograi launthed ht tý im îîister, How George lue>, to hoîster Caniadiaîi cx- pîort s a 1lus t liioughon t t ho .toi. 11 s iiîdeî'sloot NI! Bami:i xtms chosei for' Ce't itt.u ýot agiultuiial Pio- l-Iz i' liillt hielicOs ad as- horiciiil~ iit'tt isil oi Oronc I Singer tuo(hingl. I1 ptpulai' 'Ciic\\aîîit'i o("o."" ls abilîtsv to %v riî!,' hesoiig' lit' suuig5 uiitililîeî tuf Iliis otiîig mians <ut llit tils priut u lie \\;Il I bai rIel,, i!ýci 1ecogil iiiig li.' taît'iileci iuîsicais'"'c al- ural suiguuîig talcuu. Ql!alitt' Reccords', Liiitecl. tuie of t lie Ieaciilg lirnis uinthec'fieid. spe' 'nu lt'acîdc'd i s nainîe Io its lisioilhue aitisis. cSocta/ S 31ciersonal _-__Phone MA 3-3303 ___ COMI>ETITIX'E PRICES PLUS PERBSONAL SERVICE I~BU STR IJUJiIfL IJIII SPICIAL VALUES ANI.) RIý"NI-)EZS 1"OR TIS MWEEK BEAT THE TAX BUY IN AUGUST AND SAVE MONDAY AUG. 2Zlst TrO THURSDAY AUG. 3lst lPEN0RAUIA" OF' BALL-POINT PENS Cuicue of 2-peili.3-poil mor')- pe'il selt. Eauiî set colitaiiedc iii a c'tîoi-ifuîpunîket sc'u'. tais.. t'îîîl i silpati. ,-XI îueis lia tîei ic epcuiniiispagiiel 1h j1p pei lIls. bous anid secre- ta rit-s iii a.soited t-lii-s ANI (ONE SET 49c 88c B A NIKNEIR Cariridge PEN 88c CANADIIAN FOUNTAIN PEN 2 "88C MIASAI, -30s TABLETS - 79c PENCILS 2 l", 49C 3 -R lI NG( BINDER . « 77c Si iff-uotr i\ 1 t I l'isi io bindeî îîndwr' ilii ('nda. Tlaku 81--.- , Il . eh(.il1s 1<d aniieti'r 11nÏ Ruhber Gloves (.Seconds)i 49c, 2 Pr. 88C * * DUST PAN 39c 1' h4de of high impact Voit - ethx'Ipne. In assortfd col- ourlS. T1hin edge pî'esses tightiv Io floor. Feather Duster 88Sc RULEI) - 10>0 SHEET Exercise Refi 2 lr88C "'School Special"' 1 B1iie Ink59 STUDY STAND I<>ldsik al':airi-11t aoî2l< hi h hanîdF fi-ceu oIri for sloin g. Usr'fiIin schoni. 88c il' A .SlU RAIN HAT . 9c Drî. West's - Reg.29c Toolh Brushes 2/49c WVith Super Blîe Ltie i( and FrpeShaving-( iearnW1j~ Gille fie Razor .(or,$1,00 SIn%1pîderant -M15 ~%izmt, Trig ----$1.19 < £ 0 C 1<S 'oIaleç - L<nnmy Size $1.19 J Dental Cream - 99c ll <130. ~vitaes - - - - 94c O MacIeanq - '.with J'rfe49c Nize Sîilvikrin Shampoiî Tooth Paste - - 98c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792_ Police Force FROVSPAGE ONE I Tîtii Iishibp SîiotîcIbu 1)01ici i.' g its 055 il a rca aJ.ndil' ircc ia i ice \\- i th t ispIOPuLa d tîtîîî. slbould îiaiîitaiii a 15 -miani force. M. Offiuetr% Iliu-n. Sti ilig r tî< uns a Itt til S'.tf tuf0"Ii7 iin No.8 dis- trît t iiTl akes ii 2 Iti"lo- detathini Iloca ied ini t'h, saille building a s Ithe tistîii- hecaiquaî'tt'is is 39). Pc ur-boroligh. butame0 a di>- t rîcîi eadqîijartors inii9,8. ai tuî il \Vas oclîdit ttîSplitlit)n i ne miîe la Igo e ltrtit iîeadiquiarîurs ai oBee\111e. into tw5o distrits. No.s 8 anîd P. , li 'Ilei1as bu'eiîa il UP P dt iî,chieît int iîe til% foir.nmort' tiîan.i \t -'aî's.hil \\w; 1ni19,28 tiîiat Ccuiist . Noiiiîc ak stho opur'ated ihelin îgle de- tat'i îeîîî iîre x'vas shot at1n kî ll"d iii a lou Il ho:el Holie atl becîi l hie for' aboul 1 Ilure"ý 'l'(t e lave bî'uii 1\\o di is- Il ici ins'peciî'.s iin No. 8 lit- oie liisp. Str«iilîgci' tok bis E. V'. ltNe ilbut-a île tii fiîsi dîstritli iispector, anJ a fter spuîîding ablit a \'t'ai huere'lic was îîîoniotd 1 sia ff ispectoi iin'loi00110 anid la- ici- b'came Ille OPP Comiîîîs- iE A T rTiiE 'l'AX BUY YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY 0F VITAMINS N ()W <'aii a oYflplie' to r \'n amn Prouu'ls Bu ,\ ttow and save:3, S l> E C 1 A 1, S \iîliliplc' \'laiiiîîî and Viîîa 'îîIt 100's $6.10 \aIj IDAVITES - - - - $4.95 HALIBUT LIVER DIL CAPSULES I0's 25l s 0s ~o~ 89c, $1.89, $3.49 SPECIALS Listeiui' - 63C tee .qlî ' Toolh Pasle 2 '79c ,-,- - 1 - il- - ' 1. - 'IL 1 T - 1 . ---= ý- . F, . --*l-W**l,"7ýý- " --, - - 1 r.&c,,F ,t;F,ýrvm sioir. 1-le is îow relîrepd. He wvaq rplaued by In'sp. !Car! rIFarro\%wh'o hbt'Illte pos'. ilion Lititil 1951I and is now thp polît e chie f of the t'ip ot lIi"p. Suiliur iA a %,ferait cif 33 'uaî's OPP serviceFHe b('gan i :îtht' Kiitcheunerde- lie SnIdbLli x J nt rît-tbelorc. (cîning hure ini 1931. \\'it'i Pet erbortughl uist be- tailea district halures onl U 3 miil patroi led the ai-PR. ('otld Retire h- Stiîîi' s i> lefor a :iiniit)iiipeniion nio\\ Ati colihi retire aIlIitlm. but lie is c'oiîtaiit i on Ilhe ltokoiit for 'ihe ouar'tf his Iueo îlin l11is t'boeîilot aI t,0uI l îra) tlghI-o1iItItle 'tais -And îil k doubti lI if lit' wiil rutire 'et bc'ioim nk iig stile tHw are in If'-' as i taitut' etl(\\.Ilei %votildci hepkîed in the imost si atu t Polints Iiroîîgboît11 tlle d'sirit't. 'This dtes îlot ne- tu.ssarlyc Ineaiî that alfileth singi.le Cetac-illiits tsil] e hîîi"t tred. "Veîuqui't'ai hast finIi ocît on ,iraighI shiift" 10 keep :371 ilt"il workiîîg. takinîg 110 ac- VOUIl t(oniîîeiîsaiing foîr fiie iif foi' os-ertiîîie. sialt olrs hoi:ussstarl holidaý s anci siuk 101<5t." lie siîd. 'l'le ilîspeutor :aid t ha i th OPP is the ou k bî'ant' orf big a six-day tt'î'k s'ith 11o addbt oîîi toîîpeosaî in. - zEa iii inc r,

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