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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TMi~ The Orono News Mrs. James tE ichards, tditor Mr. aird Mrs. Chas. Taylor, 126th, at Orono United Churcli. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smnithý Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and'Rev. W. K. Housiander, B.A., and sons, Gravenhurst, visited ý children were supper guests B.D., of Bowmianville offi- hier mother Mrs. D. N. Myles.ý orf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur-iciated. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor phy, Tyrone, on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, and children returned home Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and1 Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.Ito Ottawa on Monday after Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn were dn- 1 Wm. Robinson. Ithree weeks' holidays in Wal- ner guests of Mrs. S. R. Cald- Mrs. Charles Wood spentl ton and Orono. well, Port Hope, on Sunday. ISunday with Mrs. George? Tony Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde,iC rowvther and family, New- John Turner and famlly, Toronto, and hier mother Mrs.Icastle. Keene, visited Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fran Menillyvisited Mr.l Sunday visitors with Mr. Wm. Mitchell on Sunday. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper on Sat- and Mrs. Tom Hardy and movi oltred aknersast trday. If amily were Mr. and Mrs. Lee moed nt o a te ae Sout Mrs. Mallery and Miss Max- Raymond and family, Fort ment _nManSteetouth ine Mallery of Cobourg visit- Erie, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- ed Mr. and Mms. H. Balo Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. and fam-ily. Skelton and faniily, Oshawa. HA YDON Congratulations to Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Tarnblyn and Mr. Mrs. Wayne L. Hooey, the Carlos Tamblyn attended the Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison former Ann Best, on their funeral of hier great-niece,1 and family, Oshawa, were mnarriage, Saturday, August Mrs. Chas. Dunk in Bowman-1 Friday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. ville on Tuesday. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Zitzer and familY, George Bertrim and family, Toledo, 0hio, are visiting lier Taunton, were Sunday visitors, mother, Mrs. E. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Port Perry ,were Monday sup- Norman Allin and faniily per guests. were Mrs. Alex Elliot, St. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer, John, N.B., Mrs. Ross Elliot Swansea, were Sunday visit- and chidren of Milton, Mr. ors at Mr. and Mrs. D. Cam- *and Mrs. Reg Bell, Oshawa, eron's. *Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Miss Marie Vincent, Taun- Congratulations to Mr. and ton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Kirby, Mr' and Mrs. Ron Rahm and * who are celebrating their Si!- fniy ver Wedding anniversary on aiy g gSaturday, Sept. 2nd. Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, Miss Ruth McClelland of was a Sunday visitor with:, Toronto, who just returned Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Black-' from a holiday in England, burn and family, Mr. and Mrs. * - visited Mrs. Hector Bowen. Malcolm Elford, Bobbie and *Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Davis Barrie, Port Perry, were Sun- *Willowdale, visited Mr. and day evening callers. Mrs. Ross Gilbart and familv. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Your Headquarters for1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wil- U.S.A., were weekend visitorsi ail School Supplies: i son, Newcastle, Mrs. Geo. Pal- at Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, mer, Elizabeth, Mr. Richard at their cottage. TEXT BOOKS Wilson and Mr. Fred Wilson, Mr. Allan McGill, Winni- Kendal, Mr. Geo. Wilson, peg; Mr. S. McGill, Hartney, LOOSE LEAF 'Orono, attended the marriage Manitoba; Mrs. Jolinson, et- NOTE BOOKS of their nephew Mr. Wayne erborough, called on Mr. and BIDR Mavin at Lindon United Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. ZIPPER BIDR Churcli on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard,ý PENS - PENCILS ý Mr. and Mrs. Geo. AnTI- accompanied Sgt. andMs atrong an farily f TînunsBernard Houseman and fm Ai a spent last week with his mc- ily on a trip to the St. Law- Competitive Prices ýther, Mrs. John Armstrong. rence Seaway, Petawawa and Mrs. 0. Cowan lias returned North Bay. orn from visiting lher dau- Miss Linda Potts is training Mer. indTorsnthur Bishop, for a nurse at Whitby. Linda North Bay, visited Mr. andwetionSda.Hrp- Mrs. M. J. Tainblyn last week. ents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, P HARM ACY MMr. and Mrs. Elwin Strong invaited r and w Orn hn 6Jand son Bartley, cf Brantford, ted for an.t me Orono Pone 16J jýspent the weekend with Mr. h fls -àand Mms. Percy Morgan. Mn. M. Betrim and Birdie, visited Mr. Betrim's mother at Crow Lake aven the week- end, I Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, *SC H O O L . wedding at Peterborough on Miss Rena Graham Is holu- daying with lier aunt and OPE NIN uncle Mr. and Mrs. M. Smil- O PEN NG 1ey, Burlington. Several fnom Haydon attend- ethe Blackstock Fair on Sat- COU RTUCE urday.adMs.J CO RfamilMr . a d Mrs. .J.nesard 1and lMrand Mrs. J Wrm Tond o, on Sndayr.Hon HIGSuda School beinoonS n g wit da fo omeiewi n- Sopen for Snday morning at- 1:opeok. urch seviceat at 7:30. TUES.,SEPT.Publie School will re-open TUES , SE T, 5 on Tuesday, Sept. 5. Mr. MIi- ton Rainey, teaclier. NORNIG SESION ONLYMr. Wm. Frecker, Mr. G. IqOB INGSESSON RLYAndrews, Mr. Ray Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. L. THE FIRST DAY Ashtons. KMr. Ray Ashton, accompan- 9 - 12 a.m. ed Mn. G. Andrews on a mc- ton trip east cf Quebec and Buses will reach school at 9 o'clock Mr adtrs lod sho called on Mr. J. D. Brown, Orono. Bowmanville's Self-Service Coin Laundry was repossessed by the f inance company and is now under THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILM! Winners At Lions Carnival i Some of the winners at the Lions Carnival panda, n)oodie booth are shown below. .M.OL------ Clifford Bruton, 2½/, of Orono, clutches his poodie. By sheer coincidence, Clifford was also aý \vinncr last vear at the same booth and had his photo taken at that time. Ronnie and Karen Piper of Bowmanville appear happy with their winnings, although Karen seems even more interested in the popcorn. 1 * w~k &4e w&vtd4e /7, à _ NO WAITING, NO ATTENDANTS - USE AS MANY WASHERS'AND DRYERS AS YOU LIKE Do a whole weeks wash in just one woshing and drying cycle. We have plenty of washers, dryers and hot woter. Soft drink and coffee machines for you while your wosh is being done. t START SAVING NOW ON LAUNDRY BILLS Do your own washing and drying the easy coin operated way, and save costs of handling, ticketing, wropping and delivering. Save up ta 50 per cent on ioundry bis!' USE FAMOUS MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHERS - GET THE.CLEAN, LINT-FREE WASH YOU WANT! -~New Maytag coin-operated aufomatic washers have famous lnt remover tub, are simple ta operate with insructions printed inside the id. TheylI do your full Ioad in haif an hour. SO0F T WA T ER (THATSALL WE HAVE) MAKES CLOTHES SPAIRKLING CLEAN BOWMANMVILLE WASH-O-MAT CHURCH STREET (Under the Water Tower) Sheila McMlý-anus, 26 Liberty St., Bowmanville, chose this beautiful white poodie as her prize and was ~quite happy about it. OIL HEAT ýw ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG. Sth, IA LONG AULT guestu of Mrnd M. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard1 Mr. and Mrs. John 011114 LONGSAU T Nrs.A. J TrckLinsay. andJanceTrenton, Mr. and1 and faxnily, Brampton, weri Mrs. Florence Geenwood, Mrs. Oliver Hubbard a n dSunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mis. Fred Hoorweg Mr. Norman Spnoule, Kendal, and family, North Bay, Miss Mis. Hathenley, Tyrone, were Douglas Watson, 0 s h a w a,! Mr. R. Cousins and family. B e t h Hoorweg,, recent guests of Mrs. Ethel were Sunday guests of Mr.Dotfrgthucwosl Holland, spent four days last Bryan. and Mis. B. Hubbard. wiîî rge t 10:30 a.m. and week with their aunt and un. ilrsm t1:0am n cle, Mr. and Mrs. Water Va- A number from here at- Miss June and Eddie Han- Sunday school at 11:15 a.m. oi neyk, and also visited Mr. and tended Blackstock Fair on ouski, Oshawa, were weekend 1'Sunday rnorning, Septenther 3 Saturay. guests of Mr. and Mrs. OrvuslYou are most cordially invited Mrs. Harold DeMille, Bow- Saudy Smith and family. to attend. mianville, Mr. and i'&s. P. Mr. and Mis. R. T. Harvey ,_______________________ Vaneyk, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. and familv have taken up, C. Penwarden and Mr. and' residence in Oshawa. Sorry to Mrs. J. Vaneyk. lose themn from our commuxu-. Mi. and Mrs. Allan Baker ty. weekend guests of Mr. and mer were Sunday guests of R EM EM B ER and. G.akySe.nvile r . and Mrs. HorodAr-. Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Evans, and family, Little Britain. Mis. G.or Baker. spn af Mr. and Ms.PGorDaveid- E days last week with her sis- son, Zion, were Satumday ev-I E ER Y TU ESD A Y ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. ening callers at the home of' A. J. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. i WATCH THE Mi. and Mrs. Len Stephen- Mrs. W. Armstrong, Smithi son, Enfield, were Suniday Falls, spent the weekend with " supper guests o! Mi. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smaithl FTO - TV FARM SHOW" Wm. Car. and family. 1 Conimentator Larry Burt discusses how to Mr. and Mis. Douglas Oke Mr. and Mes. Thomas Hodge1 "AM BTE LCRCL and family, Oshawa, Mr. and and family were Sunday af FR BET LCRIA V Mis. West, Courtice, who have ternoon guests cf Mr. and Mis. CHNE TO NT 120p. t120pm bouglit Jack Cornish's ranch John Brass Jr. and -1CAamilyRNO,220pm t 230pm spent from Thursd.ay until Claremont. faiy Sunday camping on their _____________________________________ farm, were Satu.rday evening _______________________________________ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Cameron. Mr .and Mis. Earl Penwar- den and faxily spent Satur- day with Mi. and Mrs. Pency G I G T H E" Griffin, Oshawa, at their cot- GI G T H E# tage at Cameron Lake. Mr. Allan Brown and boys, Bowmanville, with the BrownGO B faiison Sunday. G B Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crippin, Regina, Mi. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher and Mn. and Mrs. D. Fletcher., S E I B RY BU turning home aft er two weeks' A g s 8 t e t holiday with the Sawden chli- _______ _______1___le_________S e p t._______4 Mis. Jean Sawden, Oshawa, spent theweekend i eri grandchuldren while Mr. and o T afc W ris ilM.James Sawden motored.,mafi Aoris tArnpior over the weekend.1 M.and Mis. F. 0. Smith adMiss Gloria Smith, Bo-, No Parking Problems! manville, visited Mr. and Mns.1 F. G. Smith Sunday afternoon. chr. and fars ulyenaask.No C oweeSre tCas Mn.r and fmrs. Dogln, ask.Nolet-ItretCa s left Thursday by train for; their home, liaving spent two1 Buses take passengers into CNE Groundis and remain weeks with their parents Mn.! and Mis. G. Fletcher. there for your convenience until 15 minutes after BURKETON evening grandstand performance. Mr. 0. J. Railey and Oral,: FOR DETAULS SEE POSTERS West Virgi.nia, Mm. Russell; 1MacDonald, Detroit, Mr. Roy or MacDonald, Bowmanville, Mrs. Fred Harding, Oshawa, were i recent guests of Mrs. Greta. Phone MA 3-3811 or Oshawa 723-7171 Bailey.1, r Mr. Jack Sm-àth underwentR SR EG A D T N IK T O ssurgery in Memonial Hospital, REE V 'PSAN IK T O Bowmianville, on Wednesday.1 We wish him a speedy recv- AT BURLEY BUS LINES OFFICE ery.1 Mr. and Mis. E. M. Adams, 1M Mr. Alden Hubbard were'

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