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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1961, p. 12

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PAGE TWrJVI TEE CANADIAII STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO WEDN1~SDAY, AUG. 301h, £1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. d Births CARLINI-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlini (nee Peggy Barrett) are pleased to announce the2 arrivai of their son Stevenr William, 4 lbs. 12 ozs., on Aug.I 24, 1961, aI St. Joseph's Hos-1 pital, Buffalo. 35-1è DOYLE-Mr. and Mrs. Steph-2 en Doyle wish to announce the1 birth of their son at the Me-1 mnorial Hospital, Bowmanville,E on August 251h, 1961, a broth-c er for Mary Ann, Arthur and2 Jeff. 35-1 r FRANK--Walter and Pearl are pleased bo announce the birthlt of a son, Steven John, on Wed-! nesday, August 23, 1961,ati; Memoial Hospital, Bowmian-I ville. A brother for Allan.P 35-1 OSBORNE-Raymond and Rae1 (nee Johnston) wish 10 an- nounce the arrivai of aj daughter, Catherine Louise, 7 lbs. 2 ozs., at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital; born Wednes- day, August 23, 1961. 35-1' SYLVESTER - Dr. andl Mrs.f Allan B. Sylvester are pleas- ed to announce the birth of a daughter, Verity Ruth, aI Me- morial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Satunday, August 26, 1961. A sister for Donald, Steven, David and Gordon. 35-1 TINK-Ken and Margaret (nee 1 MacGregor) are happy to an-f nounce the arrivai of thein daughter Joan Evelyn, onI Tuesday, August 22, 1961, aI Memonial Hospital, Bowman-0 ville. A litIle sister for Mar-1 llyn. 35-1V ZILLINGER-Helga and En-3 win, 858 Euclid Ave., St. Paul1 6, Minnesota, are happy to an- S nounce to their former Bow- manville fiends the arrivai. of a son, David, on Wedneday, August 23. A brother for, Michael and Christi. 35-12 Encracements Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Mac-. Donald, Peterborough, Ont.,f wish bo announce the engage-. ment of thein daughter, Eliza- beth Jane, 10 Thomas William Graham, son of Mn. and Mns.t Thomas Graham, Bowman- ville. Marniage will take place Septemben 301h in George Street UnitedChurch, Peter-jr borough. 3- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smithir of Bowmanville, Ont., are' happy to announce the engage-r ment of their only daughter, Margaret Ann, to Mn. Neil Oscar Bain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Bain, of Udona,I' Ont. The wedding bo takel place September 23rd at 4 p.m. i in St. John's Anglican Chunch,r Bowmanville, Ontario. 35-14 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas-l bergen, Yelverton, Ont., wishi- 10 announce the engpgement of their only daughter Çorneiia Rosalina Metîha, 10 Mr. 4ukel 'Van der Meer, son of Mr. and Mns. Hans Van der Meer, New- castle, Ont. The wedding bo take place September 23, 1961, aI 2 p.m. la Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowman- ville. 35-1' Photography PHOTOGRAPHYj Portraits - Passportsý Weddings - Anniversariesil a Specilty It Asior Studio I Deaths Articles for Sale, Articles for Sale ForRent___ DUN -Sudeny---t---e-oral EW otaoes CO3-237. FOUR burner Frigidaire elect- APARTMENT for rent. Phone T] Hospital on Saturday, August___ ___31 ric range. Phone MA 3-3098.1 MA 3-3573. --- 35-1 Sylv 26t, 96, hili L Cydr-WAERfo sleand cielivered. -__ _____ __--- HOUSE in Newcastle. Tle-Au man, beioved wife of Charles Cal Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131. 12' ALUMINUM boat, 5% h.p. phone Newcastle 2556. 35-1' Dunk and dear mother of, 32-tîf motor, good condition. MA USA ~ f~LAI Daniel and Deborah, and dear- bike. 3-2609. 3-1 apSaIRtn heated, frihdon daughter of Mr. and Mrs '57 NSU Quick motor ___ atmnt Phone MA 3-5416. MA' Howard L. Cryderman, in her Phone MA 3-2074 after 5 p.m. ONE hundred year-old Hybridi--- _ 35-1 24t yar Rstd t he34-2f hiens. FrancisJoe New-j 24thcyear. RSmtd ea h _____________castle 3266. Jose 1 TWO bedroom bungalow, cen- H Norhctt& mit FnealSTACK of wheat and oaî ___ 5- rai, apply to P.O. Box 12, Nich Home, 53 Division Street N. straw. Robert Parr, Enniskil- SWEET Corn, quantities de- Bowmanville. 35-1 revei Service -mas heid in the Chapel len 3 5-1* iivered. Appiy Elmer Cx HOUSE, four rooms and bath- Thu: on Tuesday afternoon, August - - -Phone MA 3-7189. 334' oommediate 29th at 2:30 o'ciock. Inter- PAYMASTER cheque writer. -_______i ment in Bowmanville Ceme- Like new, $65. Phone MArket USE]) Refrigerators, priced MA 3-5985. _____ 35-1 tery. 35-1 3-3821. - 35-1 fo $65 to $99 at Lander SE-VEN-ro-md- husein ron __________________________ Hardware, 51 King St. E. near schooi. Reasonable rent. DIPPELL--Suddenly, at Min- THISTLE baby carniage, grey, __3- Phone 1269 (Orono). _35-1 denOntrio on$25. Good condition. Phone PICKET fence, wite, 75 og-Anyg ModyAg O3-2187. 3514"hgi scinnal TWO unfurnished rooms, rea- Har iust 28th, 1961, Louis William ____3- 2 ih nscinnal sonable rent, apply 36 Liberty Dippeli, aged 66 years, Princi- MIXE]) hardwood, s t o v e new. Reasonable. MA 3-397 1, St. N., or MA_3-5813. 35-1 pal Bowmanville High School, length, $16 per cord. Phone ___ _____ 35-1' *~~ ___ __ beloved husband of Lillian Oshawa 725-8552. 35-4 - COMMERCIAL property on Potter, dear father of Mar- S§CË ATRwtfnad8" Qaersae hetr iver Street, formerlyBic-,o bunr1ih fn n smith shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tfý garet (Mrs. E. B. Menzies), tank. Oil cookstove. 25 Hunt thermostats. Ron Brooks. MA -_ iClinton; Marlon (Mrs. R. R. St Phone MA 3-5258. 35-2 3-5125. 35-1 SANDERS and Paint Spray-, Muirhead), Sudbury, a n d ----- --- - - ers for rent. F. Crowe, 102 John, Clinton. Resting at the ONE used propane gas furn- SINGER sew i n g machine, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 35-2' TT MorisFuerl hael Bw-ace and space heaten in good treadie, ail attachments, up _ -- - r Morris FunServichel Bow-t condition. Phone MA 3-7263. right piano, both excellent EIGHT-noomed brick house,ýN United Church on Thursday _____ __32-tf condition. Mrs. Ivan Mount- coal furnace. central, $50 O]p at 3 o'clock. Interment Bow- COAL and wood furnace ith joy, Biackstock 87r4. 35-1 Imonth. Phone C.P.R. Station.Fr manville Cemetery. In lieu of pipes; also Findiay Oval cook- 25 ACRES second crop __ - 51 X flowers, donations to the stove in new condition. New- choice hay, dloyen and alfalfa, CHEERFUL bedsittîng room' Ontario Heart Fund would be castle 4136. 35-1 standing. 500 bales of choicel for business man. 18 Conces-I ,appreciated. Masonic service ÂEolubrdietro mixed hay. Wood and coalision St. West. MA 3-5684.i stove.n Good condition.fr___1_c36-tf in the Chapel Wednesday even- miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co_3-2628cdiio. Phone ~RONDlorMr. nga8:5351Co., Kinmount, Ont a r__o___NDIlo apartment, 3 Persi MeLAUGHLIN-On Tuesday, Phone 17r11. 45-tf REFRIGERATOR, Leon a r drooms aned bath.oneavO3-262.ann< August 29th, 1961, Colonel KEYS cut ul atcly while large size, excellent cni ing, ae.PoeC 5 TU] Lorne Toîbert McLaughlin, you wait, at Mason & Dale $75; Brass bed complete with 35-1 C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., beloved Hardware, 36 King St. E. mattress, $10; TV Tower, $35; FU rooms and bath on r husband of Isabel K. Smith, Bomavll.46-tf large round solîd oak table, paved road, one mile west of L] Bomavil. __ - $25. Phone CO 3-2531. 35-1 Bowmanville, MA 3-5125. formerly Commanding Offîcer TWO fiat wagon racks 14' x 7-- _ of 2nd Bn., C.E.F., World Wan suitabie for bales, $25 each. COURSES i the subjects of _________ 35-1 I, late of 86 Concession St. W. Murray Byers, Blackstock, tele- your choice. Enrol now for THREE room apartment in G Resting at the Funeral Home phone 80 r 11. 35-1* the fail termi at Bowmanviiie ideal central location, down- of Nrthett & Smit, 53Business School, Mrs. C. A. stairs, large rooms. Phone MAI of orhcut Smth ~FURNACE, o11 burner, fan, Bartîett, Principal, 154 King 3-5919. - - 35-1 Division St. North, Bowman- motor and two 100 gallon St. East, Bowrnanville. 23-tf])aprt1n, nom ville. Funeral service in the tanks. Will sell separately. ___ -tf HEATEDaatmn,3wom Chapel on Thursday, August Phone MA 3-5863. 35-1 MIRRORS, pictures, school and bath, private entrance, O" 3lst at 2 p.m. Intermient Bow- ----- desks, coffee and end tables, telephone and use of dryer. 8:3 manvilie Cemetery. (Masonic CLARE Jewell combination chesterfields, bedroomn suites, MA 3-2445. _ 35-tf on service at 8 p.m., Wednesday) coal-electric range, Frigidaire platform rockers, odd chairs, TW prmns ih3ros p5-1 eieraorkithensin. Tle hassocks, iamps, at iowest kitchenette and bath. Centrally SPec phneMA3361 ____ ýprices Trade in chesterfield, located. Washer service. Tele- givez MOOR-At Doctors Hospital, ONE Findlay Condor range in like new. Murphy Furniture, phone MA 3-5277. 23-tf catio Toronto, on Sunday, August extra good condition; six King St. W., Bowmanville. - tan 27th, 1961, Robert Moore, aged storm windows. Neil Malcolm, MA 3-3781. 35-1' APARTMENT, central loca-bu 87 years, formerly of PontY- Biackstock 210 r 4. 35-1 ANO OUITCM tion, four rooms and bath,bu pool and Bowmanville, foster -RIBWTORS APheated. Apply C. J. Garton, brother of Mrs. May Fallis. GLADIOLUS and cut flowers NEWCASTLE telephoneMA 3-3103. 35-1* Mr. Moore rested at the Morrisfoaiocson.restae PRE-TAX NEW three-bedroom house, on __ Funeral Chape], Bowmanville. Mrs. E. Passant, 122 DukeSt. Phone MA 3-3527. 281*T C H P S L aved road close bo Bow- DA'ý Service was held in Pontypool --'0 T CK SH P SA E anile.Aviabe ep. 5.in_ United Church on Wednesday, SEE Elmer for good used maonvelewcAatlaSet . 5. in August 3th at 2 o'clock. In- TV's, funniture, appliances, MANY GIFTS SUITABLE Phn-ecste32. 3-1_ HEA terment Pontypool Cemeterv. vacuums, cook ware, some FOR CHRISTMAS IN Newcastle, two, three roomn EavE 35Iantique furniture. CO 3-2294._____ ______ 35-1' upstains apartments, private Heai 22-tf CêAST andDuct-alloy shanes bath, $40 and $45 rnonthly. BRU PAINTON-At Memoial Hos- BERKEL meat slicer, Benkel for most makes of ploughs, Phone Newcastle 4256. 35-tf worl pitl, Bowmanville, on Friday, scales, six-foot refrigerated non-clogging flexible harrows. HOUSE 10 rent, 2 bedroomns er. August 25th, 1961, Elizabeth meat couniter. Priced for quick 5-ton wagons, regular and 74" and small child's bedroom, Phor, Painton, 10 Chapel St., Bow- sale. Aply 35 Prospect St., tracks for forage wagons, farm garage, $60.00. Two blocks - manville, daughter of the late after 6 p.m. 35-1' fence supplies, fencer and fnom Central School. ApplyCu Mn. and Mrs. William Painton,-____ __ . fencer batteries, Kelly-Ryan 74 Concession St. 35-1 u dear sister of Cannie I., Bow- FRI GIDAIRE, apartiment sîze,spadr,10nd25bhePATET 3rom ad mnie; haesW, stnused two months, bargain. sraes 0 n 2 uhl PRMN om n Sakan d te; herlae Mrs ' hoe i hi adsîo-Eavetrough supplies. Cement bath, heated, unfunnished, tr Sak. ad helaeMr. . . hrmehghchiran sro-seal-bond lime and weeplng saaeenrcehow Ar, Ficetlotel evc er, excellent condition. Will. eaaeetachtwtr was heldint Mon rris FSe n-ieile.M -26 5 tile. New and used tires. A handwood floors, centrally 9 erald hap e omanille oFuwn-g methMA3226. 3-few single cords of handwood located. Phone MA 3-5431. 728 era Chpe, BwmavileonINSULATION, own meh (bodywood). Phone Hoskins, 3- 'Monday, August 28th, at 2:30 od, with rock wool. Work- Blackstock 2. 35-1-35 ýp.m. Interment Bowmanville manship guananteed. Free esti- -_________ -- FURNISHE]) apantment, three Cemetery. 35-1 mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- Used Furniture rooms, 3 piece bathroom, new- Ife] ---phoneClarke 2420. 39-tf ly deconated, suit business GE CarsforSal GRDE 0 Cmmerialboos; PECALScouple, aiso with refnigerator. CarsforSal GRDE 1 Comerialbook; S ECILLSPossession at any lime. Phone Br GO-CART, $40, apply 85 Duke cabnet hi-fi and radio comn- M -46 35-1' _________________ 5-1bination, excellent condition, CHESTERFIELDS, $Z5 and upMj-46. _____ St. 35-1light finish. Phone Oshawa BEDS - DRESSERS ONE bedroom apartment, heat- NE' 1950 PONTIAC, good runnîng 725-5011 after 6 p.m. 35-1': 9x 12 RUG with Underpad ed, stove, frig. supplied. Mod- PHC condition. Make an offen. MA BROADLOOM - REFRIGERATOR ern kitchen, new tîled floors, 3-3072. 35-1 or room size. Free estimates new bathroom fixtures, every- B u 1957 OLDS. Super 88 handtop, on waîîl-îo-waîî F VPAMP tak thing repainted and renovated.f automatic, radio and power en out 10 youn homp orles tak- A. K A P Ld. pyStatesman Office. 35-tf Ne brakes. Doug. Simpson, Onono. and decorating ideas. F. A. 37 Kinig St. E. MA 3-7071 FREE rent one month, heated, N~ ______________ 35-1 Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E.,1 35-1* modern 3 rooms, kitchenette REPOSSESSED VEHICLE LMA 3-7071.le $6. M 35934-tf 4 6 FOR SALE CORN, 25e doz., tmte,2-_ ietc o ae ad ahom ahrdyr basket, $1 bushel; Spanish PIGS for sale. Phone CO King St. W., also for rent lPhot 15 DKW.P elj onions 5c each. Pick your 3-2512. 35-1 store on main street. 22-tf own. Bing containers. Car- 29 RED Rock young hiens, THREE roomed apartiments, Serial No. 22516267 rots 75e bushe]. W. Eymann, ready 10 lay. Phone CO 3-2628. for rent, 3 blocks fromn down- D 1961 License Plates No. 17958C % mile east of Nichols Garage, 34-2 town, newly decorated, heavyDa Tobesod >'puli actontoCourtice. Go north to first --- . duty wiring, heated. Venetianl Storg Tob odb uleacir ocorner. __ 35-tf 200 HYLINE pullets, layign insaddapr oso K the hlgest blder atthel - _____- $2.25.Phone Newcastle 3856. alwnos R -12 3t ih ihs ide tte SEPTIC TANK STONE 35-1 -_____ ___A_8-122.___t STRflM A CTON DRIVE~ f~AW '~T W AY Af V EL ~ ~ TWELVE young pigs; baledITHREE-roomed apanîment andl ROOM.33 Hal St. OSHWA.! IRIrSUFD FMENTGRA traw Phne-A-2310. R 0o"QIry(4-V 75 King St. E. Bowmanivillel1Ohrinlo beginlng at 7:30 p.m. Phone MA 3-2502 on 23f ntemher 7- 19I Cominq Events B-ÉethesdÏaCfetery Dec-oma- ART'S lion Day will be held Sunday, C R I D/t Sept. 101h aI 2:30 p.m. 35-2*' CAR MARKETU.i. Speciai Decoration Day Serv- 194 - 196 Church St. ices, Nestîcton United Chunch 'Rowmanviile Ont. Sunday, Sept. 3, 1961, 3:100 p.m.(We - Bulld - Detter - Customier Speaker, Rev. Philip Romenil.i 35-1* Dance at Town Hall, Orono. September 8; round and square dancing. Music by Jimmyl Fisher. Admission $200 al couple. Sponsored by Orono Faim. 33-41 Tu4ey dinner at St. Joscph's Auditorium, Liberty St. South, Saturday, Sept. l6th, from 4.30 p.m. tîntil ail are served.! Aduits $1.50, children unden 12, 75c. 35-3 Woodview Communty Centrej -Monster B in go. Twenty' eames-twenty dollars; five1 LAST CHANCE CLEARANCE Purchases must be made b>' Thursday Night to SAVE 30/0 Two ~aes-tthirty dollars; $1 965emn0,tr a kpoand wo jackpots t16 De osr os $5. Door pizes. Next Deivedere 4-Dr. Sedans, 6 cyl., Monday, 8 v.m.. Red Barn, automatlc. Ver>' low miAcage. Oshawa. 46-tf New Car Warrant>'. CHARTERED BUS Prlced ibl. 197PLYMOUTH 4-DR. TO i6 y. radio. wheel discs. D ET OITBlack and green. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND 1956 CHEV. 4-DR. OCTODER 7 - 9 V-8, radio, blue. Bargain. 1950 PONTIAC 4-DR. COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE, 6 cyl. Blue and White. Make us an offer! Phone MA 3-3265 1 1948 CHEV. 4-DR. 35-.3 G running onder. Bargnin. ______________ -Aise 10 other Good Used Car: Ro _nBd. WNanted golng at Rduccd Pnices iOOM -and boardi wanted for PALMER lady in pivate home i New- castle. Phone 3926, Newcastle. MOTOR SALES 35-i Dealers for GENTLEMAN desines room Plymouth - Dodge - Valiant and board bv Sept. 10. Pre-. Simea Cars lerabiy i eas end of Bow-1 manvlUe. Phono MA 3-2101.1: 1 335-1 Clasand Trenches Dug Van Camp. 35-1'* LELAND PAYNE 300 AMES IN-Cross pullets, Phone 41/ months old. Phone Wel- 4204 CLARKE (Colleet) co-n-- 5-259 51 25-tf HOLSTEIN heifers, vaccina- ted, freshening Sept. 1. Apply SAND ND GR V ELIvan Mountjoy, Blackstock iFOR YOUI<. DRIVEWAYS YRSIEhg serviccable AND CEMENT lage. Cari Adams, R.R. 2, s PHONE EARL BOTTRELL 'Nesticton. Phone Blackstock:I sI Co 3-2682 40-r14 35-34 For Prompt Service and ýFIVE Holstein hlefirs,coe Delivery 15tfi2 Guernsey heifers, close; 3 -- Delvery Jersey cows. close. Telephone Ateto:; esMA 3- 2353.".51 Attntin: armes'YOUÙNG vaccinated Hoîlstein' Thresher and Hammermili cows and finst caif heifers due Ddlts, 50' x 6 x 4: $45.00. 2" in Sept., Oct. and Nov. Phone Beltlng: 22c per fI.: 3": 33e fi.; or sec Ralph Davis, CO 3-2284. 6": 65e ft. Special pnices oni 35-1 endicis farma bell., gaeiWNE by Southemn New ibelts, V-bells.,ail ty'pes Of York State largest dealer in rubbcr ohose, plastic pipe, choice dairy cattle: Good quai- rubber boots, etc. Delts repair- ity lst and 2nd caif heifers for cd or vulcanlzed at low prices Faîl frcshening. Wiil pay top witbin 24 heurs. prices on your fnrm. Offers1 Phone 728-1658 '10 Advertiser 176, c/o Thej i -i1Canadian State.sman, P.O. Boxo Snowde Indusricil1190,_Bowmanville, Ont. 33-41 Rubber & Plastics Tenders Wanted 91 BRUTCE ST.. OSHAWA TENDER FOR OIL 30-23 Tenders will be, FARMERS MARKET' Now Operating AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTREj Every Friday - 2 p.m. Produce Avallable in Season Farmers and Producers inter- esîed in laking a stalA picasei contact tbc ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA. ONTARIO Phone 728-6231 the -undensigncd until Friday, September 1, aI 5:00 p.m. (1) No. 2 or lightem fuel oil to be delivered 10 the Coun- lies' Municipal Building, Wil- liam Street, Cobourg, and the Counties' Gaol, Albert Street,] Cobourg. (2) No. 4 or lighter fuel ail 10 be delivemed to Golden Plough Lodge, William Street, Cobourg. The capadity of the tank at the Lodge and the Municipal Building is 5,000 gallons and the capacity of the tank at the Gaol is 2,000 gallons. Tenders to be marked, "Tender for Oil", on oulside wrapping. Lowest or any tender not necessanily accepted. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham K. Symons, Counties' Clerk. 1 34-2 it Dodge Trucks l Kbg St. W. Bewmanille bath, neatea, 23 King St. E., Availabie Oct. lst. Rent $55 per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, 75 Forest Grove Dr., Wiilowdaie. Telephone BA Personal H-YGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealtd envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamnilton. Ont. 1-52 ReDairs RADIO and televislon repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television andi radio service, to ail makes.1 Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49 .-t REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, to ail makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to all makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRING1 Certif ici Watchmaker ef Canadian Jewellers' Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. FINALLYI Your own local sewing machine repair man Free Estimales - Fast Service One Year Guaranîe Ail Maires - Includint SINGER SEWING MACHINES Cal: BERT SEVINKÇ MA 3-2614 24-tf STI 54 K EL REF Salei 43 TI Notices lie office of Dr. Allan B. 'ester will be opened from ,ust 28. 35-1 DIES interested in Bowling Friday afternoons, phone L3-3893 or 3-3289.- 35-1' olidays are over at Owen LoIns Barber Shop and we nIt 10 regular houns: open irsday evening until 7 p.m. Friday until 9:00 p.m. 35-1 EIANDICRAIFTS vone wishing b sel their tndlcraft or Hobby Items PHONE MA 3-r3587 DO WMAN VILLE HANDCRAFT GUILD Box 1523 - Bowmanville 34-tf BOWMANVILLE [RSERY SOHOOLI ienlng Monda>', Sept. 18 information and enrelment Phone NIRS. ALAN OSBORNE MArket 3-3287 35-1 D. J. Glhool>', Supervisor,l sonnel Dlvslon, wishes 1 ounce that cmecn JESDAY, SEPT. 5th, 1961 the rnployment Office of tbc )odyear Tire and Rubber Company imanville, wll be open from 10 a.m. bo 11:30 a.m. nlI>, Monda>' 10 Frida>' inclusive cial consideration ma>' bc n te the Placlng of appli- ons for empioyment other a at thc hours speclfied, oni>' b>'appointment. 35-1 Work Wanted .Y cane for i or 2 children my homne. MA 3-2216. 35-1' ATING, Plumbing an d 7estroughing. Caîl Gould ting, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf ICK, Mason and Concrete ., Chimncys, etc. L. Tuma- T emp omra ry residence me MA 3-5605. 23-tf stom Grain Drying - Bransion, Oshawa B-6865 or 725-6837 35-1' trman Van De Bell ENERAL CONTRACTOR rick - Block - Concrete and Carpentry W WORK and REPAIRS ONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 3-tf LLDOZING AND E X CAV AT 1N G ,John Deere Equlpment Robert Slrong me Blackstock 104R Colleet 29-20ý SAVE MONET AT ive's Shoe Repair e Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ATES SHARPENED, 35e pr. Qulck Se r vic e 26 ONTARIO STREET Closed Wednesdays 34-tf Ilastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE LTCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT King St. E. "A 3-5030 - 16-tf ARENDS ,ECTRIC MOTORS PAIRS and REWINDING to 'our Electrical Equipment s & Service MA 3-3058 'bird St. gowmanviile 19-ti Ur Il TV TOWERS Aciais and Rotors Repairs t. Aciais and Rotors OSHAWA TV Suppiy Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Lcask *- 1 fl-tf Whitewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Septic Tanks BERT TOMPKINS NEYWTON VILE Phone Clarke 4721 24-tf MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHES - DRAINS FOUNDATION AND) SEPTIC TANKS DUG AND HACKFILLED Ivan Mounijoy BLACKSTOCK, PHONE S? r 41 25-tf ~Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale PORT PERRY AREA-Two- storey frame home, all modern J. Van Nesi conveniences, tinted bath f ix- REAL ESTATE BROKER tures, 3 bedrooms, one acre 118 King E. MA 3-3230 lawn and garden, fruit trees. Bowmanviile Price $9,500 includes garden Brown Street, 5 room, mod- tractor and equipment. Terms. ern brick bungalow with al W. J. Carnegie, Salesman, H. conveniences, privately built Keith Limited, Port Penny. with the 11111e extras that mat- Telephone 985-2881. -33-3 ter. PORT PERRY AREAË-Excel- Church St., 8 room solid lent productive 200 acre fanm brick, centre hall plan, central -180 acres wonkabie - 12 acres t0 downtown on spacious lot. good bush, three barns, imple- West Beach, 6 rooms with ment sheds and silo. Modern year round living, wanm, dlean house, plenty of water. One and bnight. $5,000 with $1,000 mile from village near 7A down wiil handie. Here's youn Highway. Price $32,000 - stant to ownership. $10,000 down. W. J. Carn e:e 75 Acre farm just east of Salesman, H. Keith Lim:ited Blackstock. Paved road. House Port Penry. Phone 985-2881. has conveniences. Good barn. _______33-3 $15,000, with $5,000 cash. .. Weineed listings. Cal] in and Leak ea Etate 1 talk it over. Leaski.-iai LIaIe35-1 2 storey, 2 apartment house uJLDN LO j Good income home. Rent takes caeof ail expenses. Terms.1 FOR SALE jBuilding lot on outskirts of - ý +rw. cet'rnent b lockr baseeant "n+ Rwý"i already in. A bargain. Make an effer. 42 acre farm, sandy loain soil, large barn with water and hydro. Beautiful 7 room brick house, bathnoom, new oil furnace. Asking $20,000. Tenms. We have cottages, lots, bun- galows, 100 numerous 10 lisI. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 6>5 Ontario St. Bowmanville MAnket 3-5919 5l -Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 400 acres, 2 homes, 3 barns suitable for Christmas tree farm, priccd $16,500, tcnms. Gentleman's farm, 4] acres, 8 roomed brick house with ahl city conveniences, large L- shaped bank barn, stream, pond, highway frontage. Priced 10 sell. See us for more in- formation. 100 Acre pasture farm, A good buy aI $4,000.00. 100 Acres with 10 roomn house, barn 35 x 65, garage, implement shed. Price $10,000. Terms. 100 acres near Mosport, 7- roomed .house, barn 30x60. A, good investment aI $9.900. Terms. 10-room two-stoney brick home, very central, suitable for two apartments. Pnice $10.500. Terms. Orono-3 bedroomn home, oil furnace, bath, full basement, nicely landscaped. Pr ic e $7,500.00. Terms. Hampton-3 bedroomn bunga- low, new, fully modern. Give us an offer. Owner must sell. Bowmanville - 2 - bedrooma home, new Où fumnace, bath. Price $7,000. Down $1,000. Righway Ne. 2 East of Bowmanvile Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesmen : îG. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 35-1 D. W. McQuay REALTOR Members of Oshawa & District Real Esînte Board 50 acres in Bowmnnville Town limits. Pnved rond, town water, close t0 sewer. Only $600 per acre with terms. 40 acre Christmas Irce farm. Completely planted to Pmuned Scotch Pine of No. 1 qualiîy. 10,000 Indes ready this year. Must be sold aI once, as owner has other interests. Asking only $10,000. Terms. 13 acres of 8-yea-old apple and penr orchard. Located aI Tyrone on paved rond. Asking $9,000. Terms. 4 acres with solid brick 2- storey home, 2 bathrooms, fine- place, garage, paved rond. A neal buy aI oniy $9,500, with $3,000 down. Choice 10 acre lots. Good location nean Courtice. $5,000 with $1,500 down. $25,000, full pnice for 111 acre fnrm near Orono. Good buildings, running watIe n throughout. Excellent sîream. Act fast on this one. Terms anranged. DAIRY FARM with 1/2 ton daily quota. Excellent brick house. miodern hip-roof dainy barn, 135 acres of land. This is one of the best producing fnrms la bhe county. Asking $45,000. Easy termas. 119 acre farmn on Lake On- tario with 1320' frontage. Lo- cated bctween Bowmanville and Oshnwa. Priced for quick sale with terms aI 51'/2%. 8 Unit apartmenî building. Brick construction. Very cen- tral Oshawa location. Priced aI only $34.000. Easy terms. Commerc i al location on King St., 60'x70'. Asking $10,000. Tcrms. One of Bowmnnville's fin- est homes, located on Fred- erick St. 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached gar- age. Lange iandscnped lot. Priced for quick sale. Liberty St. South- $7,500 buys 3 bedroom home. $2.000 down. Centre St., 2 storey, 8 room home la splendid condition. Garage, deep lot. Askîng $12,500 with excellent terms. Lake Ontario frontage and ibeautiful grounds. 4 bedroom bunga 10o w, stand fireplace, double garage. Ail this for only $1,500 down. We have a good selection of farms, acreages, homes and cottages. Cl WALTER FRANK 177 Churcb St. MA 3-3393 Dowmm.uvlie 3 54' x 1641, $40 per ft. frontage' Make Offer Ralph H. Vickery RAELTOR 46 King St. W. Oshawa 32-4 Howe & Peters REALTORS 67 King St. East. Oshawa 725-4701 114 acre farm, very pro- ductive land with over 6,000 f t. of paved highway front- age, fabulous clear water trout stream, 7 room. brick home with attached garage, nearly new implement shed, large barn with running water. Close to Oshawa and Bow- manville. Inspect and make an offer. il acres bordering new high- way with stream. $3,300. with $1,000 down. $12,000. with terms. 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, just a few years old, hardwood and tile floors, 4 piece bath, good location in Bowmanville. Cottage $2,900 $500. DOWN, 5 rooms on Y acre treed lot at Lake Scugog, complete with furniture. THIS IS EXTREME VALUE. Please call: Joe Crawford, MA 3-367Z or 725-4701 r Listings invited Members of O.D.R.E.B. 35-1 De With Real Estate 50 Acre farm with 60'xr30' barn, 5 acres hardwood, 30 acres worknble; 7 Roomed house. Price $5,000. with $2000. down. 75 Acre farm, enst Newcastle wiIh creek, drive shed, pig pens; 10 Roomed house with 4 piece bath, running hot and cold water. Asking $15,900. Terms. 36 Acre farm, almost all workable, 82'x32', bankbarn, running water, good well, hen house, drive shed etc; 8 Room- cd home with ail modern con- veniences. Price and terms ar- rangcd. 236 Acre DAIRYFARM with 2 streams, large L-shaped bankbamn, waterbowls, silo, bulktank cooler, pig pens, drive shed etc; 10 Roomed house with nîl modemn con- veniences. Can be boughî as a going concern. Pnice and terms armanged. 100 Acre farm with stream, L-shapcd bankbarn, running water, machine shed etc; 7 Roomed house with bathroom, hot watcr tank. Ask i ng $13,000. Down $2,500. Has to be sold soon. 100 Acre farm norîh Bow- manville ,large L-shaped bank- barn, drive shed, stream, gar- age etc; 8 Roomed home, elccl- ric waten heater, kitchen cup- boards. Consider good house for brade. 6 Roomcd bungalow in New- castle wiîh ail modemn con- veniences. Close 10 school. Prico $8,500 with $1,500 down. Double brick home in Bow- manville with aIl modemn conveniences ln each house. Locatcd Liberty Street. Ask- ing $16,000. Terms arranged. 4 Roomed home north Bow- manville on 1 acre lot with garage. Pavcd road. Asking $4,500. with $500. down. Lange brick home In Bow- manville with ail modern conveniences. Good income home. Quiet streel. Has tb be sold soon. 3 Bcdnoom new bungalow with aIl modemn conveniences, hardwood and bile floors. Price $8,000. with $1,500 down. HARDWARE STORE and propane gas business in vil- lage. Asking $6,500. Low down payment. 4 APARTMENT BUILDING with ail modern convenlences in each apartment. New oil fumnaces. Excellent ivestment. Down $2,000. Price arranged. GIFT SHOP i Bowman- ville with good turnover. Price including stock and chattels. $6,000. 9 Roomed home on 2 acres with barn. House In good re- pain. Down $1,000. Price ar- ranged. 7 Roomed house at Lotus on 1/2 acre lob. Price $2,500. Terms. Wc have Service Station sites, lots, acreages wlth brout stneams, businesses, homes, cottages and al types of farms. John F. De Wiih Reaitor and General Insurane@ Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald Mouatjoy, MA 3-3950 Ross Davldson, Dethaur. 3013 Lorue A. Perrault, Calte 2231 35-1 Wcxnted - DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrorie. Licence 115. DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID R A Y V I V 1 A N. Locust Hill Phone Markham 11603 Collect 24-hr. 7-day Service License 102C61 20-52 Business Opportunity OWN your own business. Well established routes of nut and candy venders for sale, in your home district. Can be handled part time or full time. Unlim- ited possibilities for expansion. Experience unnecessary. 5mai] investment requircd. Write Advertiser 170, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 32-4* Help Wanted RELIABLE woman for mmnd- ing 4 chiidnen. Phone MA 3-7-222 -aflen 5:30 p.m. 35-1' EXPERIENCED tomato pick- ers wanted. Mrs. N. Zekveld, CO 3-2524 aften 7 p.m. 35-1 12 -15 MERN rquired aI Dur- ham Gmowcns' Co-operative Cold Storage to stant around Sept. 15. Good wagcs, excel- lent wonking conditions. phone Newcastle 2121. 35-2' THE best jobs with the best pay go 10 Business School graduates. Enrol now for the Fali Term aI Bowmanville Business School, Mns. C. A. Bartîcît, Principal, 154 King St._East, Bowmanville. 23-1f HOUSEKEEPER wanted, to live in, Perth. Self-contained suite, $100 a month and pen- sion plan. Refenence frorn youn minister essential. Write Advertiser 179, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 35-1 MANUFACTURER requires man capable of selling and the local distribution of nationally known product that is in constant demand. Remunera. tion and exclusive restricted territory will be granted tqÈdhe satof action of the sel'ed rparty. Inquiries confiden'tial. Apply Ontario Fire Preven-, tion & Service, 639 Queen St.' East, Toronto, Ontario. 35-1' LOCAL MAN REQUIRED 1 need a representative for my firm ini this area. The opening in this area may be worth up to $8,000 yearly for the right man. Can you make short auto trips? Full or part tirne work. Can you call on Rural, Town and City dwell- ers? Are you prepared to start at once? Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada. 35-4 FEMALE HELP WANTED APPLY IN PERSON SPECIALTY PAPER PRODUCTS LTD. 63 TEMPERANCE ST. BO WMAN VILLE For Llght Factory Work Permanent Employment 35-2 ONE of the larger wholesale nurseries in Mid-West USA needs an energetic, experienced foreman, well qualified to handle general field operations. Must have ability to handle crew of five to twelve men for maximum production. Must be familiar wkth operation of machinery. Responsible to general field superintendent. Attractive salary, profit shar- ing, retîrement, hospitalization, life insurance, and other bene- fits. Please write giving fuill information on qualifications including education, exper- ience, employment references and general background infor- mation. Write Advertiser 181, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 35-2' CLASSIFIED IADVERTISING RATES AETICLU FOR BAI LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FRoi ET - mP WA CAlS FOR SAIE 1.05? FOUND ETC. cash Rate -.. .4e0e u vilh CC minimum .10:"" Must b. pald br' date of Iuertic U cbarqed, an addltional 2M0 r ill b. added. il charge of 25c viii bu made for «l replias dlr.cted ta tbis o018Me NgOTICES - comaN ZEUT AND iCARDI 0F TRAMES 4@ an word vith a Minimum 08 81.00 for 25 worde or lems MAEDIAGUDEATRI 81.00 par insertion lEM MORIAIS 81.00 plue 100 a lineslai Vers Addltional Insertion»sut l»b. ea rate£. Al Clasifed Ad. Must 1» tu t bis ofioe lmt acter 0=o 4,30 p.m. Tuesday coud cash, clampset =ne»Yle and *av, oe Clip ci$ out for andYy rereseo OFFICE HOUES Monday throuqh Friday 8.30 a.M. b 5 pis. 8-30 a.ita o 3901 'lb. Canadiau 8tS8SÀ - Dial XMArket 8"30 for Clased ALd Service --ni ai el ziar- 1 ï il WEDNESDAT, AUG. àfth, A PAGE wwm.ýv TEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnýL& ONTARIO

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