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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1961, p. 1

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- - Proud Winner of New Car anabtmrn Durhiam County's Great Family journal Volume 107 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1961 Scarboro Paper Boy Seils Winning Ticket ,Wins Cash Prize $500 The Bowmanvîlle Lions( Club Carnival held on Sat-i urday evening in Memorial Park was a tremendous suc- cess. The attendance was the largest for such an event in recent years, and the hundreds of people present ail had a particularly good time. Jack Cole was Carnival1 ...... . .. .. .. of th e committee in charge of _____ * arrangements were Jack Mun- Two Scarborough people were surprised and happy fallowing the Lions day, Carl Leslie, Ed Leslie, Carnvalhere on Saturday evening. Mrs. Stella McCutcheon, 14 Ridgemoor Claude Kilmer, Fred Cole, Avenue, won the Chevrolet sedan and her paper boy Stephen Jenkine, Delano James Bell, Herb Goddard, ]Road, sold her the ticket, thereby netting himself the seller's prize of $500 Ronald Hetberington, 0. K. cash. Mrs. MeCutcheon is shown receiving the keys from Lions President sre aLly dîîlifng, e tea Howard Gibson, while Carnival Chairman Jack Cole looks on with appraval. will be chairman of the 1962 Stephen Jenkine's photo was superimposed. -Photo by Rebder Lions Carnival here. Howard Gibson, president of the Lions Club, presided during the three main draws at the close of the evening. President Gibson told the im- mense crowd that the Lions weim specially pleased by the large number of patrons pre- sent. The president also expres- sed bis gratitude to the chair- man and the members of the __ Carnival Cornrittee and to worked bard to ensure tbe suc- cess of the annual event. The Lions District Governor Brent Rickard congratulatedi the Bowmanville Lions Club on the excellence of the Car- nival, and on the many fine attractions. The winning tickets for the three main draws were drawn by Governor Rickard. Norman Bothwell, Ontario Street, was the wînner of the handsome desk which bad been donated by Carl Weyrich, Newcastle. CTURN TO PAGE SEVEN) Post Office Hours For Labor Day Holiday hours for the Post Office on Labor Day, Mon- day, September 4, 1961, are as follows: Box Lobby open fromn 8:00 a.m. to, 6:00 p.m. Publie Lobby open from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. There wili be no Rural Mail Delivery, Money Order or Savings Bank Business. There will be one Street Letter Box collection about 3:00 P.m. Mails will be despatched: East: 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; West: 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. suits and1 £ieces Lyn and Ricky Stacey, 6 and 2 years old, were the envy of the Carlisle nue younicrsters this week, after winning the motorized miniature Corvette at he ions Carnival on Saturday. Last year, Lynn was a big winner also, taking I'ome the huge doli, complete with wardrobe. Thev are children of Mr. and Col. Lorne T. McLaughiin, Distînguîshed Milita'iry Career Cornes to a Close! Colonel Lorne Toibert Mc- 'soldiers wbo served under bis early in 1915 and rapidly rose Laughlin, C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., command during World War to command the 2nd Battalion, one of Canadas most distin- 1 were inspired by biîs cour- (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) guished soldiers, who bas been age and leadership. His brav- in Iailing health for some ery in action was rewarded time, passed away in his by the C.M.G., the D.S.O. and sleep in the early hours of two bars, and he was award- Tuesday morning. Colonel 'cd the V.D. Colonel McLaugh- McLaughlin was 82 Ycars of lin was also mentioned in des- agic. He and bis wife the -for- 1 patches four times for valor. mer Miss Isabel Keith Smith, uea nTusa wvho survives hinm, have re- sided at 86 Concession Street Colonel MeLaughlin is rest- for nîany yeas. ng atthe Northcutt and Smith Jllustrious Miltary (areer Street North. The funeral ser- Honor was reflecteci(en Dur- vice will be on Thursday af- liam County through Colonel ternoon at two o'clock in the McLaughliti's illustri us miii- ýchapel there. Interment will -a tarv career, and offlîr s and be in Bowmanville Cemetery. There will be a Masonie Ser- vice on Wednesday eeiga Dadson's nomer ciaht'loct A direct descendant of Bro-i geJohn McLaughlin, who1 W ins ame -3 cme to this country in 1834 'Ire Dadon trokd afromn Ireland and settled near 'red I)aon '~to1 d aTvrone, Colonel McLaughlin. tvo-run homer in thec bottomn was the son of John W. and' of th--- seenth to tiirn de- Isabel Evans McLaughlin. His' f,'at into sîîdden virtory for father xvas a former Reeve of Steplhen Fuels, Tluesday ni,,:ht Dailitîîgton Township. id the Hligh Sebool Campus. His miemorable mnilitary car-, Snuffy's Auto Body had eer started in 1898 when he gr,,bbed an carly ,-0 lead, joined the ranks of the 46th, but the Fuels hiad sh-ived pegirnenlt. Canadia n Militia.! thi- margin to 3-? -whlen I)ad- He xvas commissioned in 1902.ý ,-on CxpIldd his drive. to and promioted to Captain ini deep right centre gvn 1910. In Septemhei' 1914 heo Siephen's the %vin and a ? -1 itcaie Junior Major of the' edge in the bI>tofsI 1>1 4(th Duiham Regimeiît. finals. Coing overseas as a Com Next gaine gors ut 6 puîiy Commander of the 39gth o'clock Thursday night at Infantry Battalion in Decem- the Higb Sehool. !ber, 1914, he went to France Col. L. T. MeLaughlin WINTER COMING - Loyers of skating may notice an annauncement ta the effeot that the Arena hapes ta have public skating on Labor Day and also on Wednesday of next week. Manager Roy Neads and his staff have been working hard ta get the temperature low enough for freezing and believe they have everything well in hand. f t f tft DENIES CHARGE - Last week we had intended publishing an the front page a statement from H. DeBoa van Uigen of Maple Grave ta the effect that hie did not deny f iremen use of his cistern water durîng a recent f ire. He said hie was merely trying ta obtain a guarantee that they would repaîr any damage they might cause. Unfortun ately, this statement inadvertently appeared on an inside page. t3 . j. j 3 DOGS IN NEWS - This appears ta be animal week. Mrs. David Phasey, R.R. 1, Tyrone, found f ive six-weeks-old Collie puppies which had apparently been abandoned. She would like ta find suitable homes for them. Also, Mrs. Harvey Sinclair, R.R. 2, Newcastle, has six Spaniel-type puppies which she would like ta place in dog- loving homes. Caîl her after 5 p.m., please. LOSE A PIGEON?- Mrs. Frank Rickard of Newcastle reports that a banded pigeon, No. 61-22244-c.u., has decided ta homestead in their garage. It arrived Monday night and spent the night after they had given it food and water. On Tuesday At lef t, but was back again after dinner, and shows no inclination ta leave. t IN HALL 0F IFAME - Visitors ta the CNE'S new Hockey Hall of Fame may flot realize that Bow- manville has a representative there, the only one from this area. He is Fred Higginbotham, son of the late John Higginbatham, druggist, who played for the Winnipeg Victorias in the late 1890's. His photo appears with the teamn picture. Fred was killed accidently in Winnipeg, but was sa highly regarded by his team mates that they erected a unique manument on his grave in Bowmanville Cemetery and visited it many times during their trips in subsequent years. Further details are contained in the Dim and Distant calumn this week. INTEREST ON A MILLION- A Goodyear em- ployee by the namne of F. Williams of Bowman- ville has won one day's rnterest on a million dollars at the G. H. Wood display at the CNE. It is believed that this lucky man is Francis Williams of 35 Prince St., who at the moment is horlidaying somewhere in the northlands. More details will follow later. The amount is $75.34. Motorbike Racers Make Running Start in The GoId Cup Event 10e Per Copy NUMBER 35 Almost A Record Number Of Four Horse Teams Blackstack's annual fair on Saturday had an exceptionally good display of horses, although theý cattle and other livestock entries were nat sa large.1 Seven f our-harse teams showed up for the big event of the judging afternoon. They are shown here, being put through their paoes, while the judging gaes on. Ratepayers Retired in June WiII Protest Former B.H.S. Principal Land Bv-Law : -- An estimated 70 people mwercI E manville Ratepayers Associa-~ ' s tion in the Council Chamber ___ Friday evening, with Presi -: dent Ken H-ooper conductng 'k I the meeting. v a es Main item of discussion wa s the by-law now before coun-~i' aut, h if b townto povide ll Play cuoiz, whihe if opaserouidIyyI services ta an industrial areai east of Liberty Street on the:G o g t w Base Line Road. This pro-1 e geow perty is owned by Glen Rael The sports editor's 'plh Dairy andi Brookdale-Kingy- ýJangled late Tuesday nil way Nurseries wlio have madec It was- a eal f rom Te an agreemnent with the towný Manager Murray McKni to provide iand for induistrvy to inrorm us that the Bq at fixed prices for a period1à manville Midgets had of tbree years.I received îvord that theyi .The meeting authorlz7ed Mr. meet Georg*tôâ'iixin- Hooper to attend a Municipal' first round of the 0.1 Board hearing whichi will be, playoffs. held before the by-law isl The best of three se: sanctioned. Hie was instructedJ opens at the Memorial P to protest vigorously on thel bere, Friday evening grounds that the present by-ý 5 o'clock. Let's have a g law does not provide adequate turnout to give the b protection for taxpayers. i our support. The ret Mr. Hooper stated that ý game might possibly many of those present wereî played Sunday in Gcor (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> toi% n. onday ut Minden hone ght. ýam iight 01V - just will -the- .B.A. eries. Park at good boys ;urn be )rge- Two Day Orono Fair . To Start on Sept. 8th' ila Louis W. pel Thi Yei fa toho 'o Stura3 Oficai peig Louis WlimDippeil, B.A., two daughters, Margaret <Mrs. Thisyea's air o b tw ý SturayOffiialOpeingage 66, a leading educationist E. B. Menzies), Clinton, and full days. Exhibits open to at 1:30 in front of Grandstand, and one of the outstanding Marion (Mrs. R. R. Muirhead), the public Friday, Sept. 8th, Orono Band in attendance. mon in the district, died sud- Sudbury, and one son, John 10:00 arn. until 8:00 p.m. Sat- Special parade and exhibit of denly from a heart attack on of Clinton, Ont. He is resting urday 10:00 arn. until 6:00 1Antique Car. For the first Tuesday evening at Minden, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, p.m time at Orono- th'e Guernsey Ont., wvhere ho -and bis wife Division Street South. Funcral Frda t h -Han J.Breeders Regional Show. Har- had been spending the sum- service will be held in Trînîty Fi aytc -ievmo ayJ. ncss Racing- in the afternoon, Jmer at their cottage. Mr. Dip- United Church on Thursday Farmer AheeetDy new this year a Light horse1 pell retired at the end of June afternoon at three o'clock. Black and White Show, 4-H and a Heavy horse Stake for aftÉr 32 years as Principal of There will he a Masonic Sr'r- Clubs, Harness Racing, Mid- $100 each. Jack Thynne "Thce Bowmanville High School. vice in the Morris Funeral way and Go Cart Racing. Kansas Farmer" as speciallHe xvas held in affectionate Chapel on Wednesday even- Startîng at 7:30 the Tobacco gacsadetranetbt epc yhshnrd figa :5ocok Show, with Tieing Competi- gacsadetranetbt epc ybshnrd figa :5ocok tion and Tobacco Queen Con- days. former students and friends. Retired ire' June test. Dance at the Orono Town Exhibits of Junior work,ý Mr. Dippeli is survived by In January, 1961, Mr. Dip- WP.11 ., qt <TURN TO PAGE THIRTEEN> 'his wuifeT.ilian Potterflipnell. <TURN TO 1AGE SEVEN) Majorettes Do WeII At Exhibition Only a medium sized crowd turned up on Saturday for the' LaBelle of Philadelphia. Gold Cup winner in an earlier l6-lap Canadian Championship and Gold Cup motorcycle races sponsored event, Ivor Lloyd of Toronto appeared ta, have a sure win in the big by Nortown Club at Mosport Park. Those who dîd attend saw some event, but wvas forced ta withdraw on the 25th lap. On Sunday, the 'ljlling exhibitions of superb riding and witnessed several exciting British Empire Motor Club staged some thrilling cross country ir ýts on the tricky corners. Bob Webster of Toronto was the big motorcycle events, with a good attendance. Winner of the day in the 30-lap feature, f ollowed closely by Ed These young ladies are the well-trained Bluette 1 Midgets who won the second place trophy at Peter-1 borough Exhibition recently and on Saturday, werel awarded second place at the Canadian National Exhi-!1 bîtion.* They were instructed by Irenie Harvey of Oshawa who will be opening classes here shortly iný connection with the Eecreation Department's program. 1 . Included in the group, front row, left to right: Patsy Blake, Diana Therteli, Mary Ann Doyle, Brenda Henning and Shirley Sheehan, ail of Bowmanville; back row, Leslyn Chamberlin, Pamela Youn.g and Diane Yurkowski of Oshawa, Maureen Tighe ci Bow- manville and Mary Newell, Oshawa. Absent, Avelyn Lycett, Bowmanville and Diane Shaw, Oshawa. -A 4 t ýanai ýi:ju. 1 1

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