PAGE WOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO WqEDNESDAY. AUG. loth, 1lui I1 .- sf, R. Saddler, 2nd, David'H. Skinner. 1I Single horse under 151., Yorkohires TUhandr in harness road race-'i Boar over 1 year- ist riBel ck.s ock air rîze List Ist. B. Mann, 2nd, F. Baldwin,j mer Bros., 2nd, Merrili Horses- Clydes Cochrane and Sons: 2nd. El-'Tou. rane.r Boar uinder 6 months; (iighf and draft on haiter) 'mer Lee- Belgiaîî tramn, 1st, Verduin Single road race over l51ý,IMerciii VanCamp. Brood mare and foal- 1st, jY,2ld mare or geldlnig. Per- MNark. 2nd. L. Sicphenson. 3rd. hands- 1st. B. Mann, -Ind. Sow over 2 yeas- 1s A. Toil, Blyth, Ont. cheron- lzt. Lez Cochrane K. Hobden. Wm. Reid, Orono. 3rd, L. H-os-,r 2nd, M. VanCamp, 3rc Two year nid gelding or and Sons. Prrcheron tram- 1st. K. kin. 4th, I. Cochrane, 5th, G.' 4th., Lai-mer Bros. fflly- 1sf, A. Toli. Beigian Hlobrtcn. 2nd, Le.s; Cochrane Cochrane. So\w I to 2 \'ears- is One year oid geiding or <On haler) anci Sons. Roadster tearn race- lst, 1. 2nd. M. VanCamp. IillY- 1st, Robert Robertson. Brood marc and foai_ S, Commercial team - 1sf. Russ Cochrane, 2nd. B. Mann. Sow M months to 1 Lindsay: 2nd, A. Toîl. Aubrcy IHickson, Lindsav. ii.Cochrane Burketon, 2nd. Ai- CATTLE 1sf and 2nd, Donald Braý Foal by mother- Ist. A. Len Stephenson. Burkefnn. vin Mark Cameron. 3rd, Roy, Shorthorns 3rd and 4th. M. VanCarr ToiA. Two vear nid gclding or Lczi r, Port Hope. 4th, E. Lee., Ail prizes wece taken bvSwudr6mnh Yeldmar orgrldng-- E' fîiy-Est A. îckon.Commercial single horse Garncf Rickard, Bowmanville. and 3d .Babr mnd 2nd, Hcbcr Down. Brook- One vcar nid gelding or heaiv -- 1sf. A. Mark, 2nd, R. Herefords .Jm Bvers, Burketon, 4t lin, 3rd and 4th, A. Toil. fi1- '1st, A. Hickson. 211d,lLc7.icri, .'rd. E. Lee. Bull 2 years and up- E. S. 'VanCamnp. Commercial and Percheron Keith Hobden. Brooklin. Four horse tcam-- îst, H. Cobbledick, Newcastle. Ilerd- 1st. Lai-mer (On halter) Foal by mothcc 1 sIf, A. Dowîî, 2nd, A. Toil. 3cd, R. Cow giving milk or in cal- .2nd, M. Vancamp. Brood marc and foal- 1st, Hickson. 2nd, Len Steplîcnsonj. iLe-zicr,, 4th, K. Hobden. A. E. Cobbledick, Tamworth Elmier Lee, Burkcton, 2nd, Les Yeld marc or geiding î sti Hickson, L. Stephenson, Les Hie n eradudr Alpie ae ~ Cochrane and Sons, Burketon. L. Stephenson, 2nd. VccdinICochrane, E. Lee. two- Donald Bradburni, But'- Taylor, Burketon. Two year old gelding or Mark, Camecon: 3rd, K. Hob-ý Commercial single horse keton. ____ fill- 1f., es ochrne nien 4th, A. Hickson. light- lst, Rus Cochrane,! Heifer cal! undet' one-ya Sons. Bcst Belgian horse on 2nd. A. Mark. 3rd, R. Cocll- - 1sf, John Heerînga, Pon fy-~ TP~fP One Year old geiding or grounds- L. Sitephenisonl. rafle. pool, 2nd, E. Cabbiedick. BLACKSTOU fillY- lst, Les Cochrane and Ilarness Classes Single on rein percheron Bull caîf - E. Cobbledick. Roc. and Mrs. David Rc Sons. 1Ieavy draft team- 1-tfIl draft commercial or Belgian- Best fat steer- 1sf. Ron adPu fDlawc FOR] hy mnfher- Ist0. Les Dovo, 2nd, A. Tol. 3cd ' 1st, H. Down, 21ld, L. Stepli- Baker, Hamptan, 2nd, G. Rick- aof Relx'. eland M rs. . -I, eA'nrson, 3rd, A. Mark.1 ard, 3rd, John Allun, Bow- aiod end s. rsatc Best group of Commercial manvi lie, 4th, K. Wilson, Jan- ady. Mrs. Davidaoe L A Ilrses- Russ Cochranc, etville. a.MsDviRoel W H N O UAI o Lighit Horses Best beef herd- IstG a solo "Jesus with Thy' C (Roa orI1rraeonhballer) Riekard, 2dE. Cobbiedick. AUiid'" i h evc Bruce Lawson, .Ianctviile, 2nd, i A!l prizes taken by Walter n hr e' oi F NTHC A HDorrel gros., Nestîcton, 3rd Hloliday, Oshawa, Secretary of UppèrC FIN D TH E C A SH , ~Lloyd Atchison, Newtonville. rBrn Guernseys s, an il Onevca, nd (Ol---lst, Bll yarsup- is, Sinspeaker at 10 a.m. At FiH~Iý. Atchison, 2nd. L. lloskini'Li Bowmanville. Rev. Rudd was gucst sp Bîîrketon Bull 1 ycar under 2-- 1st, alfthc Anglican Church Btirketon. Mrs. David Romecril cor IC csytr in HCFoal by iniothtor 1- sI, 'B. Co gvBuma. orincd flic service af Ca If'aeas tafin HF-thanks 10 aur 257 officcs locatrd Laiws<o, 2îîd, Dorreil Bros., Cwg gBcDvi oei o ý3rd, L. Achison. ;1sf, Larmer Bros., Nestieton,ýc.Dvd oei o whsre they cao best serve Canadian familles, Came in and r 3d .Acio.2nd, Harvey Graham, Nsi-srie at Nestiefon and araneà pcil F la fr hppn .1Roadster feam- lsI, L. li.;.ns- d . umsarea. 'Rcv. P. Romecil arrngea secal FC an orshopin . .paying bills . j!.km, 2nd, T. Cochrane, Nestile- tn c.S ua reducing manthly instalmenit paymenfs ... taking a trip .1tnIrd, L. Bliglif. Brooklini, iHie er n cr fkn niesr ev 4tli, I. Cochrane, 5th, Burrift 1 si, H. Graham, 2nd, and 3rd. Delta. oecaig r MnPeterboroughi. Larmer Bras. Rev. and Mcs. Sims moad elin g or rei- AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANSCaagtem 1sFBad Heifer 1 year and under 2 maica, spent Friday wit furnlshing your OF. ~ win. Peterborough, 2 ri r, R.- 1sf and 2nd, S. Buma, 3rd, 'Romerîls. OAN mSaimolz uolàlohi er, Nestieton, 3rd, Haa. Msdis. G. Stren, E. Ia hm.Get the cash C._Hil, p.___ Bi _____ ___Malin.Heifer ealf Lnder I yer -C.Hli 1Rmei, C.V you need, yef have $100 $ 9.46 $ 6.12 $.. Rodtrsnleînc î st and 2nd, Larmer Bros., 3rd,,j, Carnaghanr, R. McLau onyoelwmnhy 500 46.73 30.01 b. îands- 1sf, 1. Cochrane, 2nd2, S. Buma. and Misses Donna MeLý onyneo onhy 750 69.21 441 31.65 L. Hoskin, 3rd. L. Blight, 4th 1 Bull calf under 1 yr ] si, lin aîîd Elaine Mountjo payment ta HFC, 1000 91.56 58.11 41.-4 5- I. Cochrane. !'S. Buma. cddseoffcsss 1600146.2 9411 ~Roadster single over I Hrd-S.Bum.the Sehool for Leader Lufe insurance 2200 201.46 129.41 94.62 8.ý*71 ads)sf,. ohrn,în, SHEEP Whifby Ladies' College, avalaleai 50 28.9 17.5 17.2 . 1 L. Bliglit, 3rd, L. Hoskin, 4fhLietr dayý, and Wednesday. Iowgrop rte. AbOve PaYnrcnts ,ncfitde prnia nd i n1 r1. ochaneand, GanieCol Ail prizes taken by N. R. AbraPgi lo ru ae ,ýdon np m ,aynent. lbut ri.n',d. , e'ntof ohrn,î ,GretCc Green and Sans, excet d Miss AbraPgll rr~r*,n ane, Port Ferry. cet 1 Mrs. Floyd Page, Ennisf Carniage single undr151,., on ewe lamb to H. Skinnec isCir aeTrn 1sf, B. Mann, 2nd, R. S a nd Son, Tycone. MisCa radPaey, Bowmat er. 'rd, F. Baldwin. Sa- Iampshires cle nMs d a H US H L F N NO iCarriage single over 191 Alpie oLodArrclc!o r.E.Dr e HlOUSEHAil pIiAeCs1fs LloydnAyce,.Safucday. win, 3rd, B. Mann. Sufl pent last week: Miss D Genfs tuirnouf-.- 1sf, L. Ilos-1 Aged ram- 1sf, Bnyd A.vre, .Blair Pickering, spcnt 64 in Sree Est: ~ ; elphoe 25652 k, ndL.Blghf 3dGorjHampton, 2nd, Joe Snowden, i 64 King StretBEist fl Ennes7i5-6e26 kird,2nB. Ayregh4tlirrweekend: Mr~. aîd Mus. Oshawa Shopping Centre .- Telephone 725-1139 don Brent, Bowmanviîîe. wdisilen. ', .Aye 4h Rutherford, Oshawa, Mi, Lay rie- st L lili, .Shi am- 1sf.B.Mrs. Cecil Thompson, Mr OSHAWA 2i, .N. R. Wh'yfock, Maoc Scarîing rm- s.BMs osTop n 3rF Blwn Ayre, 2nd, R. H. Dow. Bo w- sTo*sna ______________________________________________ .rd. aldîn.manville, 3rd, J. Snowden, 4th, sons, Pceterboroughi, were Single 3 yeac nid iin harness B. Aycc. day gucats of Mrs. Gen.1 Ram lamb- 1sf, B. Ayrp, Cr. 2nd, J. Snowden, 3rd, B.Aycc, e.ClnRdSr 4fh, J. Snowden. of the Upper Canada Aged ewe- 1sf, B. Ayre', Society, conducted servie 2nd, J. Snowden, 3rd, B. Ayce, fli United Ohurch and 4fh, J. Snowden. Angli.ean Church on Su Shcarling ewe- 1sf, and .rd, morniri. and iin flicPr SCHOOL OPENI NG B. Ayre, 2nd and 4th, .. nwltraChc Sdyi Ayr, 2d ad th,.1.Sno-«r'aîgcd frnnî the text iin dcin. 22nd chapter. The leavf Southdowns tlic frees wece tlhe healir Agcdram 1sfaîî 2ii, L hei nations. This was a Bo m anvi llie 1Ag ram - s an 21d ntretgfim aa Ram lamb--1 sf. L. Ayre îiî;wi iieetin'g was held. 2rîd, R. H. Dow, 3rd, L. Ayre. officers were re-eleee Aged ewe- lst and 2nd,'L. folo0 s Pesdet H ig S c o o lAyre, 3rd and 4th, R. I1.f Dow. George Wolfe; Secrcfar Shcalin ewe Is, 1,' iEari Docrel: '1reasurer, Ayre 2nd R.Dow, 3rd, L. 1-larry Hall. Ayre, 4th, R. Dow. Mr. Rupert Byers and Ewc lamb- 1sf and 4flî,R. Ediia Gibsoiî, Bowmaî TUESDAY, S EPT. H. Dow, 2dad3rd, L. Ay',C.!Mr. aid Mr. Adaril S,~ Skinnîer, 2nid and 4fii, R. H.! Mrs. Cecil Aildread, Bow 9 00 e e - GR D 9 l Dow. ville, werc Sunday gucs' 9. 0 .M G AD 9SH aln ram--1sf. and 2rndMr. and Mrs. Will Ford. ,H. kiner, rd nd th, i Ms. Ja Agueis ci, H. Dow. lier dauglîfer, Mrs. 10e0 AeM GR DES 0, 1 ony 1Ram lam- 1si aîîd 2ild, 11. Hyde, Toconto. 10.0 .M - GR DES 10 i o!ySkinncn, 3rd and 4flî, R. fi. Doniald Murphy.,Bw Dow. illespeiit iast week Agcd ewc- 1sf, and 3rd,1-r » Dennis McLaughlin.S 11.0 AeM GRA ES 1 ,13 o ly Skinnen, 2nd and 4th, R.' ll Murphy. Tyrone, spent 11.00 A.M . - GRA ES 1 , 13Dow. ewe sf aid .3c, iDaî~ Regular Classes will begin at 1:20 p.m. H. Skinner. 2nd and 4th, R.' Murphv. Bowma.nciile. H. Dow. Mrs. Edifli Murphy, Ty Ewe lamb--- Isi, and 3rd, 11. were Suîîday guesta aif Buses will travel ta reach school at 9 o'clock Skinner, 2iîd and 4th, R. fi. aid Mcs. RoY McLaughli Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Archie1 ('rftmiiWl rvrereirf ,melc Market lamb any bceed- fon. Toronto, Mr. and feèr, a nd--Miss Florence Laughlin, Toronto, Dr. Mrs. John Wercy andA Bowmanville, Messrs. li Sanderson and Roy W~ IV E R YMr. and Mrs. Harry MeLa 'lin and Mr. Laurence A iL "JEST A SECOND" BA E LIEMrs. Charles Depew, Bow-1 Brian. Leslie, Barbara and dav. BA E LIE I manville, was a Mondas' even-,;'Beverloj, were Sunday even-,1 Miss Gloria Quanitrill spent' conmniving tea guest with Mr. and ing su eer guests of Mrs. Les- the weekend w ith Miss Gwen tLar-ý The Base Line omnt and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. lie Keith and Miss Florence: Waller, Port Hope. Il Van is shocked and saddened with ..adMs .Bris a et.Trno isDreiTiko e the knowledge of the sudden: r. eand Mrs. A. Bre . VrandstMTronto. BMiss trn Dat Trnt hsre- 1 1st, death of Mrs. Charles Dunk. GaeadTdmtrdt r n r.~ ans undt oot hr h Our Iieartfelt sympathy is ex- Kingston on Thursday and Grace and Ted spent a day %vil1 be nursing in Mount st ad tnde f0ailmemersof er pent several hours touring recently visiting hiq brother, Sinai Hospital until University ýd and family. Fort 1Ienr 'v. tMr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes, beMr.insdin s e rno. P SMr. and Mrs. Tom Lodge,' Miss Eicen Vondracek otý Ingersoil. M.adMs ennPa st and Miss Heather Lodge and MNiss the Canadiani Imperiai Bank Mr. and Mr.-. Coniey Bat- cock visited %vitii Mr. and Virginia Biiv e n, S i 1 v e r of Commerce. Bowmanivilie,; tamis and famiiy have mnoved Mrs. E. Lee, Peterborough. year- Springs, Maryland, are spend- has been transferrced to a Bel- into our neighbourhood. recentiN. îbring two weeks at Van Camp leville branch. Several attended the Ex- dburn Lodge, Mink Lake, after visit-. Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Mecaif TT'1 rrTTwTTI ibtoni ornoi tcp ing with Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Mrs. Sam Stiovdcn. Osh- I LLLIADLLfVILILE is week.tcer Pr -ltVan Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Gor- awa, %vere Sîîndav afttrnootiMs ld aîdePr * ndon Van Camp and Mr. and caIcrs, witii Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Sundav Sehool was held &Hope, is spnng xvdy th, M. Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Van Camp. uisuai but no church services. with Mirs. WValters and Mrs. Bros.,. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fiegg Mr. and Mis. Neil Browncil Several attended churchi ser- Smlith. and Bannie, Finch, Ont., and and famil., Mr. and Mrs. Sainm vices at Kendal where Mr. Mr. and M-s, k. Muldrew, Miss Enid Flegg, Nc-,%ington, Van Camp, Susan and Lnric Ron1 Whitbi-cd of Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, On.,wee riaygust o sen teweckcnd af Minik!spoke. Mr. and Mrs. Whitbred, Osti- Lesiie Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brýowneil,lLake,. The Poweii families hcld a awa, spcnt the wcckend Rt - Valerie and Lee. M r. anîd Mis. Fi d Wr ight. picnîc at Newcastle on Sun- Suinn.yside. K tome ril guets[ If you can't say Schweppes..- suy Schwoopus! -kids love Schweppe iNG3ER ,ALE KIDS LOVE A SCHWEPPESODA KIDS LOVE A SCIIWEPPESADE Just add a scoop of ice cream to a Pour a liffie of any popular fruit fnll glasa of Schweppes Ginger Ale. juice info Schweppes Ginger Aie. Schweppe8aaional! Thcy blend beauf ifu ily. They ail go "Schwoops" for Schweppes gingery-refre8hi ng flavour and Laste-tickling 'hubbles. And Schweppes (',i nger Aie is su eh a sensiîhlr sof t drink fo givP youngsters . .. naturally good because it's made to the original Schweppes recipe using the pure, imparted Schweppes essences. The Schweppes taste in ginger ales iB the toast of the toddlers, the riot of the rompers set ...preferred by grown-ups, too. Be sure to ask for Schweppes Ginger A Even sayving 'Sqchweppeiq" la fun. lhey'd love to drink if hy the ton Ask aiso for Schweppes Ton je Water and Club Soda( Retailers may obtain supplies by calling: SM ITII BEVERAGES 1,TD. Telephone MA 3-5-530 j PAGE TWO