PAGE SIX TIrE CAifADIAIi STATESMAN, BO~MA1~rvrLLE. ~U'i. A ~ A ?W~ *AAL ~ ing in Bown-anville, he re- j Mr. and Mrs. Brick Capeil, Rowans attended t]eWieta esfee natc l marked. He aLso asserted that; E VR O Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr and family reunion at Lnak umntdi i et. ef Rotary Pane! Discusses fiteir sta ro-eek EaLV E R TON Miss Widrelda Kerr have been Brooklin, on Sunday. s ~rptyi xeddt Icac orteRtrin ee Ls ekthe Explorers en. Miss Marguerite Wilson and enjoying a few ,veeks at their Many Yelvertoniansatn-Ms rghhssnMre ad ateeyugpol' oe incat the Russ Miss Carol Stacey were the summner cottage here. e lcsokFi nStr n i rte n itr T L T L TiI~4 unerstanlng o! ana d a~ Kerrpond, est o! Ltus. Jcustodians of the Guest Book Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams day which %vas blessdwt iios tMloi nýn ~ ~~erne ~~hic i beof benefit when Miss Norma Smith spent (some 125 registered). and girls were recent visitors fine weather and goodatn-dywr r n r.Ad , he A c ,T e T m s NW tey return to their own na- last week with the Wilson Many flattering comments at Lois' sisters, hifrs. Murray ance. Their horse shw5a aaoan oi fCos The importance of the mes- Frank Jamnieson, who bas been he has resigned from active tions. twins Ann and Norma and were heard from those in at- Malcolm. Misses Marleah and exceptional with 7 1orhrevle r n r.Hn o' saesn yRtr-nen-Mr. Rickaby also reminded Miss Barbara Wilson at the tendance concerning the at- Darlene Malcolm are holiday- teanis, dozens of pone( n r is iz acl e sioa e s ient bs J.Ro Ary-Ir prominent in the club's ac participation in Boy Scout the club that <»n'y a compara- Smith domicile. tractiveness o! building etc., ing with their grandparents other classes too nume st undwt hmfracag tionl pesientJ. bey tivtie fo a nmbe o!year, wrk.tively few years aga child On Sunday, Aug. 2th, Mr. which were certainly apprec- t.he Bert lUcMullens. mention. The livestoc hwofseey Reading. Penn., to ail Rotaryl was accepted with regret. Plans for the annual Rotaryllabor conditions In England and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt and lated. Mr. and IVrs. Vance WII- only fair however th a Hosrcngithsviit Club thoughut he 'orld Telcywneso h Car Wash ta be held at Rob-~ were flot much better than family entertained at a fam- Guests were also present son and family were week- smafl showing of n n bstkn nanwttrs wasempasied n apanl asebýailda wr d oa son's Motors on Saturday, situations axe now in lands we ily party in honour o! Helen's from Bethany, Omemee, Jan- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. breed- only one Aede r al hao lewo discussion at the luncheon Stewart Preston, Tom DeGeer,l September 9th, were discus- know as coxnmunistic. He parents, Mr-. and George etviile, Blackstock, Nestleton David Wilson. Angus. hsbogthmefmc e meeting of the Bowmanville, T. K. Stewart and Mac Moore.,sed by Bob Stevens, chairman stressed the fact that It is Heaslip on the occasion o! and other points. Miss Elizabeth Rowan la Yelverton Communt wanon vthte ped fo- Rotary Club held in the Fly- Guests present at the lun-,of the club's Special Events vitally Important that Rotai-y their 4th Wedding Annivers- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson spending a few days with the deeply shocked and sdee oko i a-unrFet ing Dutchman Motor Hotel on.cheon meeting wvere Walter' Committee. Ail arrangements work bard ta increase world ary. Guests lncluded the hon- and family were scheduled to Bill Werrys of Kedron, Miss to learn of the passingo n odGatnwihaanwx Friday. The theme o! thîs Elliott, Toronto, Karel Schaaf,' for the event have been coin- !ellowship. ored couple o! Yelverton, Mr. visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Robin- Linda Rowan ith Miss Linda of this conimunity's rsetdisrc tteWobn i messa ge is "Act, the Time is Whitby, Rex Wynn, Brant-! pleted, adM.See. ttd Teepai teu ta ly esi and Mr. son o! Chemong on Sunday. Gray of Lotus. Mr. Jim Row- citizens in the persono r a.eein.M.Grl c Now." ford.o th clb, a d . A dew, osh- t hat a n vi ll bwoe rfsu ledthe International presidet, Rusken of Toronto, Mr. and Donald recently came out se- an o! Enniskllen is enjoying Wesley Wright. Aitho g n Gl a a easat wt i The preident o the clb, awa.'of eac bavinga won r e , Is making ta urge Mrs. Ken Heaslip and sons of cond best in a tag team match a few days holiday with the poor health for somem,Ii ae tPtroog nSt K.N. Morris, announced thatý Don Morris, chairman of' car wash performed by the ROtai-y clubs everywbere to Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon with his berd sire. Rowan families and the Art was only withi thlelatwenh-athr n afoth George Vice, a past president,1the Easter Seals Committee, local Rotarians.etnd hiratitswas eslpadglsoPrtC- The second phase o! the -____ ___ lias been appoint.ed to the Dis-i read an interesting letter frZ xedter cm1isws esi n irso otCe tntRotryFoudatonfora Dnn Pigle wo ws snt Gam-et Rickard was chair- outlined by Mr. Vanstone. He dit. Heartiest congratulations transition o! church and hall tritRotry oundtio fo aiDnnaPinIe, ho as entman o! the discussion o! the said that Rotai-ylias the con. to Mr. and Mrs. Heaslip on takes place on Monday, Aug.: three i-ear termi. Mr. Morris by the club to camp Merry-' Rot a ry International presi- fidence o! people not onl i passing their 40th milestone 28, at 10 a.m., if best laid plans' elsa infox-med the local Ro-' wood-on-the-Rideau. She ex-' dent's message. Other mem- this town but in the world frOm their many Yelverton don't go astray or the Hydro tarians that the club's attend- pressed her appreciation O!' bers o! the panel were R. P. generally. Great good influ- friends.1 boys sleep in again, when the. ance for July was 95.24, and the opportunity o! attending ý Rîckaby, the immediate past ence con be wielded by Ro- Mr. and Mrs. Erle Ross o! church hall is to be shunted' this places the Bowrnanvilej the camp, and told of lier en-1president, Morley Vanstone, tartans he claimed. Leader- Scarborough, w e re receat to its new location at the rear1 Rotai-y Club in fourth place ioyment o! its activities. and Forbes Heyland. ship talent latent in Rotary guests o! the HeasliPs. of the church to niake one' ithdititfrthe month. Tribute Mas paid ta th e p bytepeietCuscnb dcee n Vrad~îsRyR compact unit. 1n thep beth rdistrictca e i fordad r adD/r. a Rbnsn Sunday Service was con- Dr. Keith Siemon received 1wark done by Bob Evans, who!o! Rotary International for developed by giving members and Judy enjoyed a vacation ducted in the White Church an eight year perfect attend- for 15 years bas looked afterl 1961-62, as a leading news- jobs and responsibilities, he with friends ta Renfrew. frtefrttm nisnw ance pin, and Stewart Mc- the Cub and Scout Packs'prianfoa the finjted advnîsed.e Tavish a two year perfect at- sponsored by the Bowmanville States, Mr. Rackard stated. He la summing up, the panel pnNwPbi eol lctinwt etrta s ~ tendance pin. The presenta-1 Rotai-y Club. Tom Rehder, 'spoke o! the great reputation chairman, Gai-et R ic ka r d The grand opeaing o! Yel- ual attendance and Rev. Geor- tions were made by Walter1chairman o! the Youth Ser- 'j-, Abey bas acquired thro- stated that as professional and verton's new Public School ge Richardson conductingth Reyniolds, the a t t e n d a n c e! vice Committee, read a lettez' ugh bis achievement, a.nd said businessmen club members was carried o!! without a hîtch service, with assistance from, chai-man. The resignation o! from Mr. Evans stating that h a eoi vdl nw hudeeplf ihýudrielwahrcniin Mrs. Dorothy Bristow ta leadl ___________________________________as 'a getter o! tbiags done'. dards and spread the goodwill -toc) demp for harvesting yet the singing with ber piano; fThe urgency of Mr. Abey's of Rotar-y through their aso dry enough and warm enough accordien. (The electiric organ Feature! Newv Fresh Roast Stri-dex Clearasil Ban Bactine i message, "Act, the Tme is ciation with other people. for an open air gathering on without power sat as mute and Aroa a 2c Off Pack , Pad Cram eodran Spay Now," is related ta the ten- A. H. Strike move a vote of Tues. evening, Aug. 22nduselesa as a rechern. an Save 42c! Glant 10-oz.V 980 019eam 1.e9d1.2a 7t e Sp1.y9 sions inherent in the present thanks to Mi-. Rickard and commencing et 7:30 p.m. iith a e erin oeNECF '98 69 - .19 1.2 - .29 international situation a n d the other pane! meinhers for The progrem was as follows: de!cly ws epeine ECF 1--e getting adjusted ta the new t 'i.oiie I what Rotary can do through- their stimulating discussion o! O Canada ta unison accomTpail. direction (facing south insteadIn tn GN NERD RBUFBAD EF New Ronson LiEhter 2.95 Halo Shampoo -. 89c. 59o o ut the world ta assist in the Rotary International pre- ied by Mrs.,Dorothy Brlstow o!f orth) with somne lefthand. InstantLY unie their relief, Mn. Ri ck a rd sident's important message. on ber piano accordien.. Ger- ed Christians !inding them- XET Polarold Sun Glasues 2.49 Lustre Creme 'pointed out. President K. N. Morris also aid "Jerry" Bnistow, chairman selves suddenly right-banded $ . Sunrite Shampoo _ 45e, 69o The th.ree questions the cmmended them for their o! Yelverton school board, !ollowers and vice-versa. In' ________________ Sunglauses - 19e bo 1.98 chai-mnan asked the panel excellent presentation o! valu- wes the genial M.C. welconmung this cheotic condition we were' Feature! Save 6ceOU Firat Aid Sîîvîkrin _ 45c, 98o were: 1. What did the presi- able ideas. the guests and those ta attend- barely in time to catch aur leeod - 1-z i O N FrtAddent emphasize ini bis mes- ance. Ia a few. well chosen junior charges who bed smug- flreor AIi. i Kits _98e, 2.00, 4,25 1.25 size White Ramn 98c sage? 2. What Is Rotai-y la- words Reeve Robt. Brown o! gîed an old deck o! cards into JE f ternational doing to iniple- Pontypool brought greetinga church to wbile away the time T A Rad iv& ment it? 3. What 15 the Bow- Busns Directory frm the Menvers Council, witlx a lively little game of' Corned B e Spray S CRoaryCrlubed'ag put ngtribute to the Yelver- gia rummy, poker or such' mprny SPlE Rotai-yS rClubaouoing ton S. Section for their fore- like. Needless to say the game i 9 1.69 30Forbes es 9e4c.3-.3 cc u f ncy sight i providing more ade- was broken up before the min-: O S 300 ASA. Tablets 59eRey4anc-7st-1e3 t a . t te achool Chic Rd r lu (onles oIed ______Noxzema Cream 1.10, 1.35 ______ i this town the Rotarians quee Hry Macl ister noticed (we hope) and Feature! - Save Ile FiyTox Vacuumi Botticu - 79e et should support the communi- RAY 3. DILLINGTrse Hrvy acon charged us with contributiag Culverhouse Pltted Coc e ________Veto ty's elected and appointed re- Certified Public Accountant (your Yelvertoa Scribe) hed ta juvenile delinquency. Spoil- 15-oz. tins Spray 790 Vam - 649 Creme presentatives. He referred ta 93 Churiih Street the pleesant task o! ntroduc- cd a good hand too! C ere OeGemPce 7cgvr enadohrae-as follows: Member o! Pro- Rd C errie 98e lee Fate 78 _________ govramnt, nd the agn- MM. J. H. COGGINS vincial Parleament and Mrs.- T cies 630ncerning plans RefornChartered Accountent Alex Carruthers o! Elizabeth- . tU iY UU.,Coc JcyE raLa B:nd 63o panaPast -~ 9c Radan healtb, education and law en- Second Floor ville, Mr. Webster, the new ta- Our- village lost most of ît.s 2 for 39c SR O N S E K b 9 Ad Colgates. Dental Creans for Hair forcement. New Libre-y Building spectar o! tixis couaty who bas tourisits this weekend and the _______________ 2ge-53c-98o 29o - 55e - 79e - 99e 1.50 Here as elsewhere material- Cor. King and Temperence Sts. recently takea aver the duties village is vei-y quiet. This Feature! - Save 4q Well TrirmedfrIdvdulSrig _____________________Ism bas resulted I a certain Phone MArket 3-3612 followîng the retîrement O! weekend wlll coaclude an- NpeodKVP Chid' LnchKisAdrn pry ndweekness concerning general YAE R DLNE Mr. T. R. McEwen of Oshawa, other year's activities. ApeodKVP Chlds unhKisAdr Sra adethics, Mr. Heyland asserted. &_LECFRI1DAN . Reeve Robt. Brown o! Ponty- The funeral of the lete Wil- lAIo complete 3.29, 3.49, 3.69 Briish -------------- 1.89 Many people apparently think Ac CO MPtat adAY o pol Rev. Geo. Richardson o! liam Crocker was largely et-W a pe Pint Thermos - 1.98, 2.19 v 5 aiSpa .9 net a dollar, be said. Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy Bethay, Mr. and Mrs. Ross held Tuesday fi-rn Tni*nity, 100-f i. Hall I G S E K b 9 Food Celi. __ __2.79 Lanolin Plus Spray 1.39 Mr. Heyland also spoke o! Oshaing S t. . 7561Dvisao ehny n n nlca hrb(a-s) lne Oshçetinbeprci i .L a, OntA. Mrs. Ypes ( o! the Architects It was oui- pleasure ta at- Fresh Min(eSecal modern seUing such as false F. FrIedlander. B. Coim., C.P.A. Ypes aad Jackson), Mr. John tend the 0,pening and dedica - ____2 9 c______ PADC-VtmnCpue .0-60 .0 advertising, improper packag-- Hartjes, Building Contractor, ion of Velverton Public PAREC Viamn Cpsues .5 - .00. 750 Ing, and a tendeacy to unfair- MONTEITII MONTEITH Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Skuce. Schol o Tuesday evening. Feature! - Save 4o GROUND B E ls 9 II GsS dims, in insurance RIEH~L & CO. Mrs. Skuce is our popular The Yelvertoa people are ta MIan Size "ytePee somehow invariably turnis out Chertered Accountants Jerry Bristow, Cheirman O! new modern school. The open-ý Ideal for Bakn C O W L IN G E.S ~~~to be the best one in the bord, 725-3527 School Board and bis wi!e, ing was welî conducted and,.a e EleTsu PHNhEFT le nemanked. He aso deplored omnll Mr. and Mrs. Jck Wilson, ana- weil attended. B C A3-65 DRUG ST RI alZnt 55 hrsho rse n wife, Sorry ta report that Mr. DU 3-56STORESSES the fact that many drivers' Partners: ZEnithnd5750 .rMauric at e d onmaIs iCvc29cBA KAC Nb.6 9 driccumb ethathe ptatonto.ion. J, w, onteith, î.C.A. the lher hub- Hospital, Peterborough. HeJis, - - div t ei ta te sp 1 A. B.* Moîteith, B. Com., C.A. by, Dep.-Reeve and Mrs. Hen- suffeingý froni a virus infec-1 flest Bay! - Aylmer or Wagstaffe - Save 8ct - e Of Dei-2 o. a -wlh P ci The nw Sals Tex 1nt G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. ry Jekeman, Councillor and tion and was cansiderably in I' A AI.D TenwSlsTxlto (Liceased Trustee) Mrs. Jack Payne and Coun- proved et time of writing f*AA duced bv the Coaservativel G. E. Trethewey, C.A. cillor Fenton Fallis, ail repre- Foovr1yesMsFed j I V D E I J JIYu e provincial government wiii be', R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. saigMevrFwp on orn'ga14 bas en rîtîng BOW ANVLLI a ret tst ! bnet i C. cil. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robin- ta a pen pal who she hed RYLMA 3-5589 Heyland explained. He ur o c i. i r C son, past trustee, active in neyer seen (Mrs. Mossîey froni Best Bay! - Clover Leaf Fancy - Save 6c! - 6Sti __________________________________ i thet ail Rotarians do ail pas-I __- planning o! new sc.hool, Mr.n. r London, Ont.) T[h as ýu r r ~ AA~k ie ta help its implementa- G. EDWIN 1ANNN, D.C, Harvey Pertner of Orono, wekn n.edM s Mss E E W ~U. ~7 Wed., Thurs. ai 7:30 Fri., Sal. ai 7& 9 1in n larmnedtenCiorco Plumbing Contractor, Mrs. ley and their nine ch *Idren SOI bIE YUWS*ALWA tat as professionai. and htîqi Office: Harvey Malcolm, our self-. en hewekn 1a h influence by seeîng that hon-i Phone MA 3-5509 This Mes followed by e plea- 1yFe a o bet e- A UN UNAMEI ADOSUNMTCHD! N AVENUREUNEUALED! esty and courtes.y predominate' Office Hours: By Appointaient sent interlude o! musical aid pret asbe ot afor thî* ' lAi in aIl transactions ta which r favourites yMspentt b htfo ti' they or their employees takçe iD e n t a tow an ber accardian.We etn ou-s m ah t b Mis Jry Bi. uiq e oc in.(E W C The Importance o! inter-j DR. WV. M. RUDELL, DD S Mn. Jack Wilson, Trustee, Mrs. Eenl Argue whose mo- national service was discussed'1 Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. did ;cit with bis oretonical ther: pessed awey recentîy. Btst Buy! - Ecanomy Pack - Save ùe - Blue Bont-3lb1akg byMr. Rickaby. He spoke o! 40 King St. W. Carut e s M..P, ges Weeen hldbyth lca 9a.Boawpm. anl]earfos roucingM. are-_______ ~fI~O OFHEORJI eydbytheloal ram.extended congratule- NR N '1 ~D OF UeRoann Culfornt enainalOfieHur: i.. daîy frocso.M.Cresileton Si7 9 c AR Roti- Cubforfoeia tu- Closed Saturdey and Sunday tions ta the School Section TECHNICOLDR dents who are et univensities Office Phone - MA 3-5790 for the fine facilities and ac- Mr. and Mrs. Han'vy Mc- Best Buy! - White or Coloured - Save 9c! ewfaWot VSA0» . 4- t1 SII m«w and colleges in this countrv.1HousePhone - Newcastle 3551 commodation being provided Laughlin and Lawrence at-ý A greater knowiedge o! their DR. E. W. SISSON for its school children and teaded thc Fisher-Broomfieid Aduits 65c, Students 50c, Children 25c anytimne homelands, and their lapes, L.D.S., D.D.S. brought greetings frorn Premi- wedding I Cobourg on Satur- L S J E4 fr4 1prob eand aspirations caný Office in his home ier Frost, the Minister o! Edu- day at which Lawrence was 1 0L E I S S unday Nid-nute September 3 1 be gaiaed while they are visit- 100 Liberty St. N., Boiamavie cation and members o! the groornarnan. Faue - Sv 8 URM P ~~~~~~~Phone MIA 3-5604 Provincial Govt. He paid tri- Mr. and Mirs. Ivan îairs Fatr - Sae8cSPEESnai Ofc or.bute ta the fine spirit o! do- took bts parents Mr. and Ms 12e Off Pack Fresb Roasted - nhli e.9cac -LE N and Monday Io Wednesday ai 7:30 BETHANY 9 pcým_ M 691n. daeil pertio -tat-xiss a. ar.E ins a r- v So£n:--for Gt. SIze TI É- lePENUSî -ni k.3 HFFNCK a 5 Cltorcl Yeomen in Reene. inrxtr ~ictr l laying o! the cornerstone, binson o- f Port Hope wcre r~1-s 2o. 1-s Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Dey. Office, Ring St. E.. Newcastle announcing the year of the recent visitai-s with Mr. andE bji U p cli Noth eyvistedwit Daly -5 Set. & Wed. 9-1 building's crection and Rcv. Mrs. Clarke Williams.L~~Bae -b a Mn. and Mrs. Walter Neais W A YET A George Richardson ia bis eus- The Ronald Williams famulyLupCAC L45 and Mr. and Mrs. Gervin Mul- Barrister and Salicitar toaery capable mainner dedi- o! Oshawa took bis parents Oîai t aktFaue igaa during the weekend. i I h fie ! catcd it ta His Service. MO.ntdarsiConkNW.lî1ms6eny'sToabeaCocent Miss Loua-a Hutchinson, whoi R. R. Weddell, Q.C. Mi-. Alex Carruthers pre- on a matai- and boating triplE 0-z.Pl has spent thc past two weeks Mlain Street, Orono, Ontario scated thc cheirmao! the ta Apsley and Shandas Lake . - with Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Ken- School Board with a new on Sunday. ~I I I V J~M RH ALW 3 ncdy, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M o r f g ag e S nylon fleg for the scbool-AIl Mn. and Mns. Bruce Hcashp 6 Staples and Mr. and Mns. Wes- ____________ we nced naw la a new fleg- vlsited Mn. and Mrs. Norman!'Clfri uks ton Hutchinson, returned ta SADIE ELAMLTON - ORONO pale. Pragrani concluded with Irvine, Bowmenvile.Cafoia-Snstukat-6oTs licr home in Toronto on Sun- Phane 1 r 16 National Anthem. Miss Sylvia Kozub la clerk-O da.First Mortgege Funds Guests were iavited ta aiga ng intaheI Mains store thîs' - im~u.u Mr. Sidney Way, Manager Residences - Fans aur guest boak, iaspect aur past thnce wecks. . Gra e fruït6 f ~ or4 y ibyg - 9oz ku 'o! thc Toroata-Domidnion Bank Business Properties school and enjay the bounti- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fedeinni w .FR RlS o 5 speat the weekend with bis Mortgage Loans fui refreshmeata 50 graccfully moved into the Allan Wilson _____________________________________ wie and family ia St. CatI- Prmtcuteusrve provided by the ladies o! the bouse latcly vacated by thc ai-mes. His daughter Caral HAROLD C. PEDWELL W.A. (many o! whom aren't Wilsons wben their new house1 PRI CES EFFECTIVE AT THE LISTED RED IIEFODSOE retuaed lth u an ~ Ral Eteteandeven ta aur Scboal Section). was i-cady for occupancy. O u staying with Mn. and M. Mortgege Braker Lovely basket bouquets o! Mrs. Mildred Colley and Loard Die.NwatePlane 3856 flowers were nresented for gils wil be going back ta R V A K T .. a l rv jsnoanM.,Ims e-m Architect, by John Han- ing week. Fiends will be FUIM RKE fninsent athe. Pen i tjes, Building Cotracton, pleascd ta know ber mth i ifinin Torento.wekn ih R IHS MA K T .. ..... rn Mr. and Mms. Harold White KTH A. BILLETTI ox>. Moxon Gerdetis, Janetile, Mrs. Lang!eld is improving, c~~Lgcett family bave moved ittaOptometrist Hrl oo rpitr a iwyl t oeph's Hospi-!( a..4oq £ Yc t hi new home inth vil- 141 King St. E. - Bawmanville Mrs. Ernest Lane as weUl as tai but will not be home fon lage. purcbesed recently tram Office Hjours: By appolntment bouquets from close neigh- sorne tinie yet. o w w ~ ' a Popular local Recording Star MVrs. Oroe Wright. Telephone MArket 3-3252 baurs. Mn. and Mms. Onville Quac- t j< y t ~t p KLL wit àhaf-burofhi ow msial rrngme t oto er eekca-d 1ùests 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m. jccived and i-ed from Dr. Fer- 'iii for their new homie on the TorotoM-. nd rs.Jmsec wusayeei cy and Mrs. Vivian who were 7A corner -o!f te Urne Mc- Ktnnon. jW2d and Sat - .1 wavoidablyv absent. Kee tarni. PAGE MX - THE CANADUN STATESM«. BOWMAUVrLLE. oNTAlUa - qv.. c av A"r- inflk imi 1