TIM CANADIAN STATESMýA-N. BOMA!qVILLE. ONTARIO -PAGIE SvZN cSocial & Çesonal __ Phone MA 3 -3303 Mrs. C. A. Wight, Hor P . Dowdall, and famnily. S3treet, entertained in 1= 1 r . and Mi'.. rn Wes- 01 Mnr. C. W. Slemon recently. selle and their daughter Denise Miu Enid Smnale, Mankato, bave returned from a week's 1 ins spending a few davs holiday in the Georgian Bay *tg-ber aunt, Mrs. C. 'j. district where tbey werej Sniae. 1guests of Mr. Harry Coventry at bis cottage near Victoria Mise Janice Black. Sudbury,, Harbour. le visitlng Miss Jili A.mes, I Carlyle Avenue. At MemoGria.l Hospital dur- ing the week of August 21 to Miss Mildred WiIl m Ot t, 27th inclusive there were 63 Church Street, is visiting Mr. iadmissions, 12 blrths five and Mns. Ken Buckley Inimale and seven female), 76 ToroSto. ;discharges, seven major op- Itrs. Joseph Junget, paw- e rations, 22 minor operations, linos Isla.nd, spent last week- and 27 émergencies. end witb Mr. and Mrs. M. L.1 Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Km Eoenigk, King Street West. imerlY, R. R. 4, aocompand Mr. and Mrs. BIII CarroI!,iby Mr. and Mýrs. Raymond Washing'ton, D.C., were recent Carey, Oshawa, attended ai guests o! Mrs. Edna Ander- 25th anniversary reception for son, Wellington Street. the formner's brother and sis- Mr'. and Mirs. George Morris, tei'-irl-la-W, Mr. and Mrs. Tho- and Karen spent last week mas C. KimnLerly, in Roches- with Mr. and Mrs. D)oug ter, N.Y., last Saturday. Aniger and family at Dog Lake, Weekend visitors withi Mr. and Collins Bay. ýand Mrs. Joseph Levett, Lib- Mrs. K. Hawkins. Mrs. Joan erty Place. were Mrs. Levett's Iglack, and Donald Vaniscoy,,brother, Mr. George Ellenton,ý all of Romie, N.Y., are guests Miss Eleanor Ellenton, and! of! MIs. M. E. Leask. They at-,Mrs. Margaret Miller, aIl of' tended the C.N.E. on Monday.lErin, Ont. Mr. Levett's bro- Mr. an-d Mrs. Glenholrnie lier, Mr. William Levett, Tor- Rughes, their daughters, Eve- ýonta, was a Sunday visitor. lYn, and Tina, and their son' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Daniel'. have returned ta towýn'Sandra and Don, Peterbor-1 from Scugog Island iwhere ough, visited Mr. and Mrs. they spent the summer. lFrank Wright, Prospect St., Mr.and1ýLs- . R Hof- and whlle in Bowmanville at- M and tMers.fW.r. Ho!!- ,'tended the Juvenile bail gaine man nd hei fou chld.en'on Saturday. Sandra is ne- Ellwood City, Penn., are visît-' m. iigfralogrvst ing Mrs. Hoffman's parent-,,1iss Cag frolaYelonger , Osh- Dr. and Mrs. George James, awa, wasarlsYloaweekendsh Horsey Street. wa Io axekn Mný. Wilmot Shane andlir ebidren, Mchael, Frankle, i Mn. and Mn.. J. W. Braden- and~~~~ Paeahvertr were guests at the svedding i and Paelahavonths' hoiyo! their niece Miss Amil- front a two mnh'oldyBrown to Mr. Stewart Halli- et Little Lake Park, near Mid-'l ay i land, On. cai Eglington United1 His l3th Birthday Was Lucky Geoffrey James, wvhi1e visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, was quite Iucky. on his l3th birthday. He had the privilege of riding "Smylet", one of Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker's prize-winning horses. Smylet is .18 years oid and has won many awards both for carrnage and saddle class events, Geoffrey is theson of Mr. anà Mrs. W. G. Jamnes, Pointe Claire, Quebec. Durham Co-op Fritz Mari1 left by plane 'nie bride's grandfather, E.H.' u r J5 fnJJ JZ/ 4U SJiJaJ 5/t OJ for Europe last Friday on a1 Brown, also attended the cerle-1' ~ two week business trip. He:nmonvý. Miss Elizabeth Braden wil visit Holland, England, 'was junior bidesmaid for ber f and Denmark, and will also cousin. &paent an Switeancl. Lhs CoId Storage Wareho use pents naSifew day Lh IrM. and Ms's. Donald Ven- Mn. nd rs. ossStevns onToronto, were weekend A federal subsidy of $.333 Mr. and MmRs. . alergens, ts M Venton's par- bas been gi anted the Durhiamn aind Miss Karlie Palmer at ensMrand Mrs. Sydney Co-operative Growers Stot a'e W n n n Fornm er -iVeton Mis. Mary McFaul, Ltd. touvards the cost o! con-f tended the wedding of! MisS'owen Sound, the mother O! structuon of a $100,000 public- Ann Brown and Mr. Stew,,artlMrs. Donald Venton, alSO coid storage warebouse at T c e r n i a Halliday, which vas solerniz-,îýisted Mrnd Mrs.SYdx-îvNewcastle. Ont.T c~IW ~ ~ U cd in Taranto on Saturday. Venton over the weekerîd. Dr. R. P. Vivian, MNP for'; . FROM PAGE ONEb FROM PAGE ONE.) ,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey JoncsThe visitors were returning Durliaîn, said on helia! f of liTe Cliervnoiet car was wun'îî tendered bis resignation and faxily and Mn. and Mis. 'from) holidaying near Mindea-1, Agriculture Minister Alvin T) ss tll c utcen oteDra onyDsrc E. A. Jones bave returuied in the Haliburton Highîland,-. Hamilton thiat application for 14 Ridgenioor Avenue, Scar- to theDuhlardCounty Dstrict hiomeal mParintppewas Na-i Mr. and Mrs. Lloy'd Wina- assistance from the federal borough. The number o the that it be made effective at tional Park andLaeCh Na- colt and their daugliters, San- governinent was made by the winning ticket was 1087 . I the end of June. The board1 tionl Prk. nd ake ouc i ra, Carol and Donna, have co-ope-aii%'e in Mâv and was was sold ta Mrs. McCutcheon agreed with regret. Prior ta' , n. eh' g retumned home te Ottawa fro:.en appro-ved under thle Cold Star- by lier newspaper boy, Ste' bis retirement Mn. Dippelil rand Mrs. Normnan Tay- Haipton where they vîsited age Act and ReguLlations n Jenkine, Apartuient C-13, was hanored at a testimoniali ovten-la, sMn and nd - Mrs. rt Winacott nt, r. Delana Road, Scarborough. He dinner In the Lions Commun- phtr-i-Taylor an d ap and They Evere lsa guests . imoter-in-law, Mrs. Charlesî had received the tickets be ity Centre on June lOth. More enayTylob In Notaan - I and Mrs. re or AriesTo r, Wigrt, Elgin Sireet, enjoyed a sold fnom Lion C. (Dick) Birt- than 150 guests were present t'illy ne npro o g and ie etawhievoli i eTr this ar o daY canoe trip recently wistle. The lucky lad will re- ta pay tnibute ta Mr. Dippell Lake. Ontarjo. Lloyd Winsct hlrougli Algonquin Parti. Mrs. Ceieteselr1liie after bis decades o! valuable Misa Caa. luîmetre îsîo loyd akWsuineot Wiglit and lier daughitcr. iMrs. cheque for $500. service as Principal of the local' isa-eCahoebyplne of rnsfer r inctma e a berss J8n1eýWilliams. Hollyýwood, The Corvette car, a motor High School. Durnîg the last: turne hom by laneonýtansfe to rinc Albrt, taved at one of theh ,odges in dnîven sports model for child- erM.Dpl svdas Monday a!ter spen ding al Sask., where he and bis familye. ren was won by Lynn Marie yuervMn Pipl ofrved a motN.Swill take up residence. Algonquin Park wha c . Supevisingrincipa o! thf nonth in DartouN., Williams and Dane were on Sae.aesx agtro Bowmanville and Courtice' whe're she visited Mn. and I Jim Williamis, HOllywood, their canmping trip. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sta-Hg cios Mr. G. Del Fabro, L.S.E.A. 3-0 California, and his son Dane,CogautinP-oJhneyCrleAvu.Tisi- lo dstoc_,_an Mr. and Mrs.GibbsresonsiofnMe. andliams' asegirl has specially good luck At ttîe dinner, Mayor Wil- Gibb, sn o Mr.andMrs asthis is ber second win in frid Carruthers expressed the Riay Gibbs, w%%ho recently was a car. At the Lions 196 town's appreciation ta the C h v l r Is n't D eaci granted bis Ontario Mechanics Carnival sîîe won the draw lîonored guest, and outlined; C hiv iry Isn' D e d Liens, wih frstclass hon- for a doîl and crib. same o! the out-of-school ser- ours, !rom The Provincial In u- igteeeigsatn vice activities in which Mr. By Ed Youngman ttîe proper platform, wîîereistitute o! Tracles Sclîool, Toa Duigthe evk aTening sti Dippeil had played an import- Whe Hethe Jaes amethe train, bearing Heatlier. auto. John coinpleted a 5- at eiht o'loc ie w st- ant noIe. His Wonsbip spake' to visit ber grandparents, Dr. duly arrived. year apprenticesbip under the 15 atcews.Ivn away eve ery of Mr. Dippell's fine record asý and Mis. George James. Bow- Mrs. James assents tiiet, watchful eye o! his father and a5miuts.olal ter wr in Wonld War I and! ninvll, fntigt go e eryone was very gracions attended trade sebool in Tor- 16 wristwatcbes presented ta f i service during World grandmleafrove t a onto.abu circumventiîîg official onto last year. He received fortunate people by the Lions. War II. He said tbat Mn. Dip- rnet beroto T oonSta.tio. ed tape and nefused ta accept first class boneurs lu both his This was because at the B ingo pel bad been a great cburch A!et er paknthe icSat ie. any gratuity for their mucliî basic and finishied courses there were twa wtnnens of the worker, active in tbe Masonic! went ta purchase a "plat!orn" appreciated services. Becýause of this very hi n es gae 0eiv ach o! wth i-Odr. atpeieto h ticket, only ta learn that, the -. t is pleasant ta record this standing John is very hap.py esrcie nswtb Bowmanville Rotary Club, bad incident because fan tao many to have the Inter-Provincial Tlîe lucky winners o! wnist- assisted in keeping the Men's1 practice bad been discontin- people have the impression steal attaclîed to bis certif t- watches were: Patti Lyle, Canadian Club active for mafly ue.that all large corporations are cate. Audrey Carnochan, Bobby yeans, and was a former chair- Disresed t nt bingabl sol îss.Patter, Roy Connelly, Ross man af the Bowmanvillc Pub-, te meet the fourteen year old After collecting bier precious -- estlae, GeoraKlo , mslcLbayB d Meatber, making her initial passenger, Mis. James bcaded' !aryKierWH.n e, iRoas 0fthe testimonial arrivaI in the big, strauge for home and wouldnt you in MFnlnDo a PeyRSnie QC, - station, Mns. James appealed know, steered ber car the Lion - dIourf Harold Bennett, BillT isu-dimier for Mr. Dippel]. He for assistance ta a coloured wroîîg ay on a very busy' gen, Mrs. Frank E. Ban'ell, pasdteteedul m employee o! the C.P.R., wbo «"one-way" street. Fortunateix, y' Ray Crombie, Mrs. Wallace prandtheontrebutendousl Mr- presented the case, for cansid- for lier, the tra!fic police were.-T a e D w er n .Cuir Dippeli lîad made ta society eratian, ta bis superior o!fic- looking the other way, or she____ throu gb bis abilities as a teach-, er i1t, rsltta, le ih hv sethe nigbt in FaerBo ths'd- h eado! Bowmanville Atth dnnr eein of lde y Fok L. M. Johnston, Ontario De-I the * cBownanvîlle Lions Club, orW. Jeleile»enL- Trinity United Church 1ýhed a h in omnt 1en hae atenwPicplo -i 1CnronMonday evening the mauîxiiie High Scbool, and Dr.! Miitr-Rv m .Housiander. B.A., B.D. Carnival cliairman, Jack ColeTeOntaia oncl, John T. McCreery, Pont Hope, ThenOnterio Rev.iWm. l.;chairman of the Durham Organist- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L. RS.M. gave the preliminary repart ýPolice tbrougliout the province County District Higli School on the succeful event lîeld onîcre ilvstigating a number o!'Boarcl, al ] auded Mr. Dip- il am. MONING WORHIPSaturday. 'incidents ini whicli cldenly pell for the great and benefie- Ilhe bir-lîdays af J a c k' people have been sadly bilked ilifuneli a xre "The Hand of Ma" Rougiiley, Hoard Jcffery andby a pair o! confidence i6perat-1 leîi'soalît I- "Tonald HeofeMingtorse These people have goneinurnerable studeris. Schoo wll comencecelebrated by their fdllow to older residents in smnall1 able btudents. Sunday Sho il onnneL ons. Vern Ott, Toronto, a towns anci rural aneas froni Sunday, September lOth at 9:45 a.ii.. charter miemiber of the Bow- Ln<i ut oC xsantd'Th e students of Ewai nianvilie Lions Club. was a as farn aorth as North Bay. vil, anîd Courtice H i g h United Services of St. Paul's and Trinity g-xe.st at the dinner meeting. 1In nîany instances a manî Sehlools ln May presented Mn. at Trinity United Church The Lions mneeing adjûurn- impostor alone, and in otbers1 Dippell with a scboiarship ta' eci carly and the rment bers anat copnîd b I be awarded annually in lus: Baby-sitting Service tlawn t en ma arkw n aîihaeon taeiderîva;honon. Mr. Dip pell ves also A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL ta complete the dismauýitl*ing resudents and falsety informed tcoîrdgetttan of the booths used in thethein that tbey are represezît- receptian beld in the local1 _______ _- ____ Lions Carnival. atives o! the Pension Board or High Sclîool Assembly Hall ___________ the Weifare Bureau. eanly last June. Posing as government em-ý Graduated In 1920 4REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN Ated PC. loeesthehav p cd btldj. ipelgrdae ii EFORAttenCHURCHpital or mdclbnfit.I 90witb the Dcgree o ah 1 sonîe instances when their elor of Arts. His studies bad REFOflED Cictims have sbown some re-l been iuterrupted by Wonld Scugog Street. Bowmianville Pa t eei isistance ta the plan ta give1 Wan 1. He enlisted in the 25th thein any nioney, these fnauds Battery, Royal Canadien Ar-i 11e. Jhn . erbugg, .A. B..,Minste J Alex Carrutiiers, M.P.P. or bave macle thneats. Tbey biavel i tlleny, and served for four and' Rev.Joh C. erbugg, B... .D..Mi'ste Duebiam Countv. Mn-s. Car-, steted that if the pensons they~ a hait years. In addition ta Telephone MA 3-5023 rtir.and Mrs. George are talking ta will nat buy1 bis years'of active service in Thna&hen, Bowinanville, wholint their so-called health1 France, hie also saw actioni iwas an officii delegcate. at-Ischieme that their Old Age with the Allied Expedition ta! -tended the recent Progressive- Pensions will be cancelled. ýArchangel. Iu this undertak- WORSIIPSERVICESj Conservative Par-tvmeetinig The confidence man is de-! lng he fougbt against the Bol-' in Toronto. Thîis meeting scribed as being 42 years old, sbevikz Russians in severai en- 9:00 a.îîi. - Holland J dealt witb plans for a three- beight five feet six and a bal! gagý=nxts. 11:00arn.- EnlishJade convention ta be hcld lu luches, weigbt 180 pounds,. A!ter completing his Arts 11:0 a.m - Eglia the near future ta elect a new . heavily built, dank complexion, Cour se at the University of 7:30p.m - Eglih lOntanio, leader for the Con- small moustache, cle!t chini bi3e eyes,-brown hair 1 Toronto, Mn. Dippell studied servatives. leee, rw artbinning' at the Coliege o! Educatian Freetrasporatin fo thse tillng bt uable1J~Mn-s. Tbraslier and \Ir. and on top. fraya.H tre i x Mrs. Carruthers weîre guests His female partuen ls age ceptioually successful teaching to attend the services. Phane NIA 3-5037 at P.recetion i gven bv the 32, five feet eight Ihe, cne tVncc ibSho befare 9p.mAtStordney'nîghîs.andbi Hon. Kelso weigbt 165 pounds, bea,y, 1921. Vanleek, Ont., is about befre p.. Sturay ighs.Roberts, an i wifc. Aften build, dark brown bain, some- bel! way betwe en Ottawa and su ppen thev attcuded tlîe for- times blond, dark complexion, otel 'Tnmal openhîg of tlîe cncrgy blue eyes.Moral Uidisplavat et C.N.E. wlienl As this district is almost in: Came Here in 1929 "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts aliHon. 'Robent Macauley, On-ithe centre o! the area lu', Mn. Dippell also taugbt at a; tarte Minister of Energy Re- wbich this pair o! frauds have i the High Scbool in Kincardine, .IKLB, Oshava. at 3 p.mi. every Sunda> -l sources. offieiated. After\wards been operating, it is passibleý and later at Renfrew Colleg- CKE. oroto u 7 .m Jther-, were guests al, a reeep- tiiet older people lu Durham iate before conîiir..g ta Bol.- CKEY. oront. at a.mji tiaor civen bv MNI-. and W Mn-s. Counity have had money taken maxîville. He was appointed Armny of Occupation untilta member of Palestine Chap- M'cMaster's. M ilitavy April 1919.i ter, Royal Arch Masons. In an Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee,.Tor. Educated Here interesting ceremony last win- onto, visited at Robert Kil- Colonel McLauglilin 'as ýter Jerusalemn Lodge present- len's. Ccor er ducaed n th loal Pbýliced Colonel McLaugh]in with Mr. and M.rs. Grant Jack, PFRON1 PAGE ONBowm cho. fe hsgavil A devoted Presbyterian Col- Cobourg, Miss Janet Naylor, High School.in Aa teribisINgradu- ation hie farmed with bis fath- oe caghnhsbenaM.ad Mrs. Charles Naylor, Ciax--dian Expeditionarv For- er. ln 1909 hie took over the, member of the Board of Man- Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan and ces. management of the farin. and agenient since 1925 and an Ross, visited at James Mc- -Nlaiay Historie Batties continued ta run it until lie El er of Si. Andrew-s PrOx" ' tz- s.Millbrook. on Sun- Colonel NlcLau-liii took vent on active service on thebtein C rh hre frdy part in the historie batties of outbreak of World War 1. 111n, 3e SaBnda.arn, lln apnt World War 1, Hill 60, Ypres,,his youth, Colonel McLaug-,SnirIaern Sln. pn teSmeViyRdePa-ilin Nvas prominent in basebaîl Sundar% with their grandpar- schaendale, Amiens, Arras and football. He also enjoyed etM.adMs e.Cm Cambrai, and the great final riding. and ivas excellent a PMes r. adMs oet le drive that started in Octoberý rifle shooting. a eeSndav suppoertguests at 1918. He was wounded once On lus return ta Canada ini!. W elex' Kilnda-superOsha ai during his years of menitor- 1919 Colonel McLauighlin coni-i 8 u c wDler iin',X-a . ijous service li France. tinued ta operate his fariii, Mr. and Mrs. H. Keeler. Towards the end of the war wxhich was situated west of! d frOM PAGEOLWetHlitiitha Hn Colonel McLauigllin command- yoe ae uet h rs orîdfrfa hs property Dart's. cd the lst Brigade, after Gen- sure o! other business respon- Mighit fot be purchased by Mr.RyCmonadMs erai Griesbach returned ta sibilities he took a partner industry within the three ycar EaCruhrsatne h Canada, and later becamne with whom the farni was linit of the agreements..~ Canadian National Exhibition Conîmanding Officer of the worked on shares. In 1928,might then be used by te~Trnoo ndy 9th Canadian Infantry Brig- Colonel MeLaughlin sold hispresent owners for a lare acte. He merited the distinction 'fari. ,seale residential hoiîsing d~ o! commanding the first or- In 1920 the Dominion Gov-i velopnîent if the neces.saryb ganized Canadian Infantry ta erzinient asked Colonel Mc- alterations in zoning regula D w an il cross the German Frontier.i Laughilin ta take up the Work tions could be obtained and o m n il This was on December 4th, of Soldiers Settleinent. H-_ the owners would have been 1918. He remained with the gave up this undertaking supplied with water and sew- CHR - -whien hie had ta undergo a er and a ncw bridge ai gen- C O A serious operation the follow- erâl taxpayers expense, year Mr. Dippeli started herei ing year. When hie had recov- the first new wing of the High ered, the Ontario Governent S C " offeed hm anappointineut. Duin ordWa I, Mr. w bichh cclpted, ta do val-,ZMON Dippeli, who wasa Reserve nation work for agricultural Mr. Russell Perkins ad casting for Officer, served with the Head- loans. Margaret visited ai Arthuîr quarters Company o! the Mid-' The provincial governmnent Rae's, Markham. Gilbert & Sullivan's land Regiment and attaîned ended these boans ini13,Ms v CruhrCos the ank ! Maor.but Colonel McLaughlin ivas: ville, spent a few davs at Ra% In 1929 when Mr. DippellIretained as inspector o!f arms Cameron's. .M S first became Principal of Bow-! until his retirement in 1957 manville High School it hiad j Froin 1952 until 1957 be was Mrs Clarke Moore, (Jsham,.' PI six teachers and less than 200 also inspecton of Junior Farm- ýn Miss Mina Ferguson, Ux- P NAFORE students. During bis tenure of ers Establishment Loans. bridge. were Su.ndat' visitors office there the school greatîy' Colonel MeLaughlin was a at Keith Stainton's. Frtpatc ob expanded. Another new wing leading member of the Royal Mr. and Mrs. Harry Polo? is rctc eb was opened in 1957. Now the Canadian Military liistitute, and sons s-pent a few days at held in seci lhas 45 teachers and! Toronto, and served as a vice- 'Mid-land. more than 950 students. There'Dresident of this famous club' Mr'. and M.sWilfred FranR ow H l are 38 teaching areas in the for many years. On Mardli jnd David, Scarborougch, würe To n H l building, two gymnasiums, and '3rd, 1960, hie was made an overrnight guests at Robert an assembly hall. Honorary Life Member of the KilIen's on their wayhoe townc Mn. Dippelca en ti 'a l atute. MtryInti r.F.he cade. hme M on., Sept. Il Siwncer. h est a en Ii oyCnda n MliareInti frm t.he cae.on Mafs., leading member of the Bow. WeIl-knowii Mason UT-.S.A., Mrs. N. Potter. Mrs. AT 8 P.M. manville Public Library Board. He was also well-known in: A. Buchan, Mrs. R. Gordon, He was active in Masonic cir- Masonic Circles. He wasa Toronto, Mrs. S. Andron and ** dles, and was a member o! member of Jerusalem LodgeAlaSiboogvstdt the Bownîanville Rotary Club.1 A.F. and A.M. and was a past Henimv Dart's on Wedniesday. OLD AND NEW He was a mnember o! Trinity i officer of the Grand Lodge o! Allan stayed for a few days, . ABR ECM United Churcb and took an Ontario. Colonel McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack, active interest in churchi work. was a 33rd Degree Mason and 1'Toronto, visited at Mrs. Alex COMIETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ~~ lDA, IIàU0141STORES~ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TIS WEER NEWI for ALL types of hair! ONLY ],139 BUYU N AUGUST and SAVE Lanolin and Cold Cream Soap Pleasantly perfumed. Cornes in white, pmkh or soft green Only 5c a cake Throw Cushion A Rayon Taffeta covered cushion filled with Kapok. Each side has centre button. Assorted colours. About 12" square Rnd 3" thick _______97c._ _ _ __ _ _ Penorama of Bail Point Pens You have your eholce of 2-pen, 3-pen or 5-pen net. Each set is in a colourful pocket secretary complete witli pad Any one aiet 49C Any two sets 88C I.D.A. Bratnd - lu Packs of 6 9-IB Pencils - Z packs 49c I.D.A. Bruind - 300's Reg. 99e Idasal Tablets - 'Canadian" Fountain Pen .- Cartridge Founiain Pen 100-aheet ruled Exercise Rofilli * - - -88C *2 Fo . 88C 3-Ring Binder A stiff-cover Vinyl Plastic Binder macde in Canada Takes 81i" x IV' refis. 1¼"I diameter rings 77c Duy Your Winter Supply of Vitamins I.DA. Brand - 100's - Reg. 6.00 Idaviles . .* . . -. -. 4.95 I.DA. Brand Ilalibut Liver Oil Capsules 100's reg. 1.15 250's reg. 2.29 500's reg. 4.29 89C 1.89 3.49 PRESCRIPTIONS DE LSEY* TWI N-PACK 79c 2 ROLLS 2 For AUA WIE 3eg 5c m MAN SIZE "'ýý-MLOIOHDVE[ fo SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! SIG BOX - 3-PLY ASPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3 -57921 1="SA'T A-U. 3th,1961 m