PAGE TEN THE CA!~TADIMf STATESMAN. ~OWMANVILLE. ONT A~TO *V .flfl. XflJJ.Sfl .L~ .JaL ** ZION Intended for last week) Mr. end Mrs. Morley Fln- toff, Maple Grove, Mr. and 74rs. Wes Cameron lef t on Sunday morning by motor ta spend a couple of days with their cousins, Mr. and Mns. Delbert fIintoff, Ingleside. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey aIW- o, Douglas, Betty and Beverley, Oshawa, were Sat- tirday visitors at Robert Kil- len's. Mr. and Mms. Ron Jackson and friends, Paris, were Sat- urday evening visitors at Jimn Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton end family attended a famiily pîcnkc at Lake Simicoe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dart and Billy, Scarborough, visit- ed at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Water Krantz, Oshawa, visited at Percy Da- vidson's. Mrs. Inez'Henry, Hamilton, spent a few days at Ray Cam- eron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacklin, Star City, Sas k ateh e wan, spent a few days at Nelson Fice 's. Mrs. Don Prout, Donnie and Randy, Bowna.nville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and grand- son Norman Brown, Mr. Fred Gifford, Port Hope, visited at Ray Cameron's. Mr: and Mrs. Perey David- son visited at Ehner Downs, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown, Debbie and Jeffrey, Carrying Place, Mr. and M-r. Douglas Skinner end farnily, Oshawa, visited at Jim Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart FAIM SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hi. Service Ask Your Operator For ZEnith 66550 Licence No. 46-C-60 No Toil Charge Niclc Pecont - Peterborough Sale Mlanaged by: TREWBAVEN FARM LTM. Phionse lmattsek lu Nine Contestants Enter Contest for Miss Tobacco Queen At Orono Fair on Priday evening, a large crowd watched the annual selection cf the Tobacco Queen. Entrants must work on tobacco fanms or be a daughter of a tobacco fearmer in either Durham or Northumberland counties. This year, there were nine contest- ants who were put through their paces by the judges te find the best from a point of view cf poise, beauty and personality. Miss Caroline Tozek, 17, cf R.R. 1, Coîborne, who is shown here in the centre. Miss Gail Willis, Miss Orono, was present to assist the new and Ken visited at William1_________________ Dart's, Woodville, on Satur-1 Clay. Mr. and Mns. AlbertAlfred, REMEMBER EVERY TUESDAY WATCH THE ""CFTO-TV FARM SHOW"fi Commentator Larry Burt discusses how to "FARM BETTER ELECTRICALLY"' CHANNEL 9 TORONTO 12:20 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. IS GOOD...und GOOD forYOU! Milk takes te a flavor- fui mix with a natural affinity; m a k e s a h e alt hy, refreshing drink ail children go for. Keep plenty of our dairy-fresh milk on hand and let them mix their own! PHONE MA 3-5444 For Delivery GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I TrRIWHAVE Queen as was Miss Kathy Poster, last year's Queen cf Tobacco. Included in this group but flot in the order they are standing, Sandra Chaskavich, R.R., Bowmanville; Bannie McQuinn, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville; Emmy Seholtes, R.R. 1, Port Hope; Patricia Atkins, R.R. 2, Baltimore; Joanne Boyle, Grafton; Cecilia Casteels, R.R. 1, Grafton; Caroline Tozek, R.R. 1, Coîborne; Josie Britain, Pontypool; Theresa DeJong, Newcastle. O. W. Rolph, anc of the fair directors, was in charge cf the contest, assisted by P. G. Newell cf Newcastle. Auctioneer: A. MMKE BRI'BACHER, Kitchener, Ont. T eid» Livestock Worth Million Parades a! Exhibition More than one million dol- big days this year, each rival- fromn South Amenican Coun. lars werth cf livesiock was ing the other with suspense tries included in the tour were paraded through the Coliseum' and glamour. August 31 saw guests at the last night of the Arena cf the C.N.E. on Agri- the crownîng cf Ontario's competition. culturel Day, the grand finale Deiry Pnîncess, Mrs. Catherinel______________ of hebiget-eerAgicltralSothofPee Cunyth Show at the Exhibition. mother cf two children. Cath- Highlights cf the show were1 enine was crowned by Hon. W., the Freyseng Trophy, awarded A. Gcodfellow, Ontario's Min- *. te twin brothers Boyd and ister cf Agriculture and wvas' Lloyd Ayre, Hampton and congratulated by Sheila Lintoný Bowmanville, Ontario, for their Baîl, Ontario's 1960 Dairy, pens cf four lambs and the Princess and Jean Walling,- l e9.# choosing cf the Grand Champ- the Daîny Queen cf the United ions in ail Beef and Dairy Kingdom. Catherine will re-, cattie classes. ceive a trip to the United The Dog Show drew the Kingdom as one cf her prizes. usuel crowds cf canine fanciers The climex came with the " te view over 1,100 that were crowning cf Canade's Dairy, exhibited in the three shows. Princess on Agricultural Day, g Every breed cf dog from two- September lst. The six con-, pound Chihuahuas te 200 pound testants wene Betty Lou St. Bernards competed for the Handsaeme from Lethbridge, S best cf breed ribbons and cups Alberta; Janice Johnston from during the five days cf the Rossburn, Manitoba: Betty Op- show. ersko fnom Waterford, Ontario; Over $12,500 changed hands Kaye Ritchie from Centreville, during the Sale cf Market New Brunswick; Janet Jones,ý Cattie on Wednesday, August Pownal, Prince Edward Island,ý 30. Forty-nine cf the show's and Clara Taylor from Saan-î a I.w as U Y champions were auctioned off ichton, British Columbia. te provide Sunday roasts for George Hees, Minister cf hungry Canadians. The Grand Trade and Commerce crown- Champion Angus Ross, owned ed Clara Taylor Canada's first JA C K B R OU G by Windfield Farms, soldfo Dairy Princess. Clara will re- $2.25 a pound, a total sum cf ceive a two-week trip te fine PLUMBING and HEATING $1,653.75, the highest price Latin American Countries as Division Street South paid at any C.N.E. Cettie Auc- her prize. MA 3-5615 BOWMAN VILL8 tions. Ambassadors and Consuls' The Poultry Show was the noisiest and most colorful at- traction cf the Agricultural Show, with 7,500 farm birds l A with plummage te rival bird LINDSiA Y~p.i CENTRAL cf paradise. Almost as noisy, but less flamboyant, were the 750 sheep and swine that maide their home in the luxuricus EXF'H.IBITION new Sheep and Swine Build- ing, this year's new addition te the Agricultural Section cf W d h r.-F .-S t the Exhibition. e .- hu s -Fr -S t The sixth annuel Dairy Princess Competitio'n hed twoZT f > and family took her father Mr. Emîl Lischka ta the steamer Arcadia at Montreal last week to return ta his home in Germany. Mr. Lischka Is a retired school teacher after a period of 54 years' service. He was principal of a Public School for 30 years from which he etrdbut with the scarcity of teachers he was recalledo teach High School untilhi final retirement at 74 years of age. During his three rnonths stay in Canada he visited Kitchener and Niagara Fails, Algonquin Park, Ottawa, Corn- wall, the Thousand Islands and St. Lawrence Seaway, aise the Toronto Exhibition. He goes home with lasting impressions of Canada and if possible plans to return next year. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan, Bowmanville and were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green.- *0nu àa L m-uom-L&U-B Juvenile Calf Show and 4-H Swine Show Junior Farmers' Talent Show Caîf Rodeo THE BEST IN HARNESS RACING GRANDSTAND STARS The Fabulous Honey Girls - The Novellos, Trapeze and High Ladder Artists - Hodgini's Aristocratie Canines - The Phenomenal Clay Beckett - Italian Musical Comedy Team - Jiiumy Gross% MC. Heavy and Light Horses Beef Cattie - Sheep - Swine ' Implement Shows - Exhibits Don't Miss Junior Arts and Crafts Fun for the Entire Family CONKLIN SHOWS Corbyvile, visited at Nelson Choose Tobacco King Mr. and Mns. George David- In the exhibits building this year at Orono Fair, son and Patti, Whitby, visited at Percy Davidson's. there was a large display of tobacco grown on Durham Mr. a nd Mrs. Wilfrecl Frank and Northumberland f arms. These gentlemen took and Dvd Scerbonough. wene top prizes for their products. Prom left te right, John Snay visitors at Robert and Frank Mikula of Kendal who won the award for Killen's. the first stick of leaf, Tobacco King Clarence Moore, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Leach who aise won last year, cf RR 1, Baltimore, who won spent Friday at Douglas the most points and also won the pnize for sand leal; Fletts, Sauina. Mn.andMns Llyd il-and Len McDonald, R.R. 1, Castleton who won f irst moun, Petenrbonough, visited for cutters and first for leaf. at Fred Camercm's on Stur -___________________________ day. Mrs. Fred Cameron was l h.ostess for a miscellaneousIt r l C en a cee on Thursday evening.I Mr. and Mns. Ross Diekin- Thunsday, Sept. 14, 10 a.m. Potato Club meeting. Plans son, Newcastle, Misses Sandra -Turnip Growens Field Day, for banquet and moistune test. and Jan Spencer, Toronto Bradford Co-op Cold Storage, Wednesday, Septemben 27, visited at Frank Pascoe's. Highway Il. Everyone wel- 8:00 p.m.-The annual meeting came. of the Durham Farmers Union Messrs. Hon Dickinson and Fniday, Sept. lth-First will be held in Tyrone Hall. Dave Riekard, Newcastle, MIS- day Port Hepe Fair. Guest speaker, the Provincial ses Marilyn and Pearl Pasceaý Saturday, Sept. l6th-Sec- President, Mel Tebbutt. Al attended a basebail game et ond Day, Part Hope Fair. Hope farmens welcome. Alliston. ýCaîf Club Achievement Day, Wednesday, September 27, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camenon 1 p.m. See the Safety Dem- Dunham Junior Farmers. Place were at Sandy Bay, Rice Lake,, onstration. and time te be announced. on Sunday. Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:00 p.m. October 4-7- International Mn. and Mrs. Norman Leach-Durham Pasture Competition.,Ploughing Match, Belleville. were supper _guests at George Pasture Night sponsored by1 Thunsday, October 12 - Anmours, Hampton, on Sun Durham Soil & Cnop Impnove-lQuinte Unit Sale. day. ýment Association, ram on shine,! Friday, October 13-Inter- Mn. and Mrs. Archie Keith, at farm cf Ted Foiey, Bow-Iclub Competition, O. A. C,, Osa Miss Ada Pascoe, menville. Go West on No. 2 Guelph. Oshavato the Fina Station, South ta1 Friday. Octoben 20-Dunhami Port Credit, were Sundicay Vl5l_ nailroad tnacks. Everyone wel- Fanm Safety Night. tors at Fran.k Pascoe's. Reut1ilb n- FiaNvme Mn. Georý'e Sonley, Toronto,lcorne. Rslswl ea ýPiaNv' r3-Dur-' vistc e FedCaenn' n-,nounccd for the Durhamýhar-n Junior Fermer Formal. County Pasture Competition. November 10-18 - RoYal1 cent v. ISeptember 25 - 27 - Oshawa Winter Fair. Air. Robert Awde anud Ho- Fain. Wednesday, November 22- bera, orotovistec v1 September 25-26-Securing!Durýham Holstein Club Annuali Frank Pa.seoCs on Thunsday yields, Durhamn 500 BushellMeeting. :.Potato Club. R. E. Geodin ine Tuesday, November 28th- ,lcharge. IDurham 500 Bushel Potato IlSeptember 26, 8:00 p.m.- Club, Annual Banquet. ÏN !Departqnent of Agriculture, 'Fiday, December 1-Durhem Bowmanville - 500 Bushel Holstein Club Annuel Banquet. iearn of Carl Adams' accident Nestefo Staion while clasing the barn doars (Intended for last weck) during the very strong wind- storm of last week. He is in Recent visitors with ElmerlPort Perry Hospital and ail and Marvin Nesbitt were Mrs. wish him a speedy recovery Robert Doak and daughter, ýand return home. Orillia, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee cf Port Perry.ý Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs anciOrono and Mr. and Mrs. Ken fami]y of Brampton visited!Gray and David of Cadmus recently with his parents, Mr. wecre Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs. land Mrs. George Eowers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbittj Mrs. Nelson Marlow spent Bowmanville, called on Mr. Sunday at their Caesarea cot- and Mrs. Wm. Steel. ýtage with the Alvin Marlow Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson,ifamily. Glenda and Susanne returnedý Decoration Day visitors \vith fromn a motor trip to the West Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- Coast where they visited withison were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest her brother's famiiy, Mr. and'Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stan Lockyer.1 Alex Mairs, Bowmanville. Mrs. Joyce Irvine (nee Reid) On Sunday Mrs. Hugh Taylor and son Karl returned to their of Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. home in London after spend1-, Ross Taylor, Marilyn and ing the summer with heriDouglas cf Belleville were sup- mother and family. iper guests cf Mr. and Mns. Visitons with the Gnant'Bruce Heaslip. Thompsons were Mr. and Mrs.,i The Ron Williams family cf Arthur Brownî, Oshawa; Roy IOshawa, the Deug Fallis fam- Corner and daughter, Margar- ily cf Bowmanville and the et cf Willowdaie; Elaine Bailey1Arnold Williams family enjoy- and the Neil Werny family and ed a family get-together at their Mr. and Mrs. Camm Thornhili, parents' home, Mn. and Mrs. cf Lindsay. Clarke Williams. Mrs. Howard Lee closed theý Carl MeMullen cf Bally- Williams' Point booth and'ýduff is hclidaying with his summer post office after the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs., Labour Day weekend. Larmen Hyland. F'riends will be sorry ta, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weltz ; Rernember family fun in the warmth cf the summer's sun? You cen keep this spirit cf easy living in your home for al the winters te come. Ail it takes is a wonderful feeling of warmnth, safe and ecenomical Esso warmth. Relax and leave youn heating problems to Esso. You'll have a constant suppiy cf top-quality, clean-burning Esso Furnece 011, delivered ta you autematicaily as the weather ALWAYS ILOOK TO IMPRERIAL FOR THE SES demands. On budget terms if you wish. Heeting equipxnent service dealers, trained by Imperial Oil Limited, wilI give prompt and expert service when required. If you need new equipment you cen choose from a fuil! une cf burners or complete furnaces, instal!ed on very easy monthly ternis. To enjey the wonderful world cf Esso warmffi just cal your nearest Imperial 011 sales office. sTrrSSO OL H EAT CONSIGNMENT SALE Monda y, Sept. 25th 1961 - at 1:00 P.M. hedaTREWAVEN FAIM LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north cf Bowmanv'iIle and E, mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highwvay 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD A useful group of Young cows and 2-year-olds. Ail springing close or fresh. Also a number of Yearlings and calves. Cattie eonsigned from breeders ln the Counties of York, Ontario. Victoria, Peterborough, Northumberland and Durham. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED AND BLOOD TESTED AUl cattie eligibis toi eatrY tnt. llsted herds and brucellosis certified area herds. Many ready for immediate expert. m".ï. âQý ý, --- - - - PAGE TM wrnwrqnAlv- qr"- 12th- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1ROWMANVILIX, ONTARIO