By-Law Sets Water Rates -for Village Custo mers Newcastle: At its Septen- struction Just north of the vii-1 During the lengthy discus- ber meeting on Monday night lage. Sio that foliowed it was stat- the villnge council passed a, A bylaw authorizing the ed teclrt ei ob byIaw setting thbe water rates, Departrnent of Highwavs to tecirt en ob for te village. The m-inimum ýexecute the construction of equipped with radar eyes and rate for each consumner will s-tormn drains on King Stree, spo polieatiawn be $5.56 for two months for was given three readings and!I was said the olysuto cor£mersusin les thn 1"pasod. seems to be plainclothes pol- consmersu~ig les thn 1 It seeTns moet of the dri- ipe, using up to 4,000 gal-, SPEEDING AGAIN 'vers in this area are careful, OIons, and 60 cents per thou-1 George Walton addressed but these three or four cars sand gallons with the rate the counicil with regard to the are making ît unsafe for the dropping w'Lth the more wa- few cars ivhose drivers are a'pproximnately 75 scitool child- teruso. Cnsuersusig lr-Making ill1 strect soutit a;ren who use thîs road every ger than 1" pipe will have a speedway. Mr. Wallon madeday. Mr. Walton said he was minimum rate of $7.12 for it clear to coun'cil he was notiawakened at 2 a.m. on Sunday two month. A discount ofiblaminc the police who have by squealing of tires as the 10 per cent wil bo aliowed 'been rnaking regular patrolsicars raced around the bend at for al t'ccounts paid before; j the area and said he did the entrance to the park. the discount dlate. ýnot know- the answer, unlessiTriere was considerable discus- The co mncil recommended.ýit would be to hure a man to1 sion on the subject but no ac- to trie Public Utilities Comt"pend his full time in theltion was taken at t"i meet- mnission that a charge of $4500ýaren _________________ ___ be charged for ail future cn g ___ iiections frorn thie water main~ to the street line. Connec-1 tions were made to ail exist-i ing buildings on the systemi whte ~systm wsin-file wcastle council approving thie deben- 1 n(2e so a tures for the Durham District ( construction of thie new Cak Higit School -now undercon-ý Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard 'spent last week at Miner's Bay F u soners ay M iss Fergu o Mr. Neil Voutt leit last f Thursday to onteAm ie Training Corps at Chilliwack, R eceives Lite .C Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt M em bership spent Sunday visiting with 'P Mr. 'and Mrs. Leslie Kinnol Newcastle- The September !and son Bill in Lindsay. meeting of the Woman's Mis- D.Ra onRgesfOt sionary Society ivas held ili tawa spent the weekend visit- trie Sunday School roomof, ing with his mother Mrs. W. the United Church on Thurs- P oes day aiternoon with eighteen Mrs. George Walton visited mnembers and twa visitors in with her uncle, Mr. Samn Dud- attendance. ley, who is a patient in the Thie meeting was opened'Cobourg Hospital, last Thurs- with prayer by trio president, day evenhxg. Mrs. George Aluin, followed Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare vis- by the singing of the hymn ited with their son Dr. J. H. "'Hast Thou not Known, Hast, Haro and Mrs. Hare and fain- Thou riot Heard.'" ily in St. Thomas last week. The devotional setrvice was îîMernbrs ofthe Dudey tam- In hare o grup uner ly athredat altnaPark ttn chadre iof rou .3uE.rCon Sunday for- a family picole ,t rt vho led in Th and reunion. Those attending ]ptre lessori taken fo 3adadM.adMs er ¶ om ans 8:24 - 39 w as read omBy' d a d M r n rs e Miss T. Ferguson and trie hymn "0 Lord of life and love 0g and power" \vas sung. I ec e lo Mrs. Kennetri Wcrry, whoR e r a o was a delegate to trie Schooli for leaders at the OntarioI"a- dies College in Whithy, gaveP / s F n an interesting and inspiring j l ns F n talk on trie prograin at trie! school. She said trie themel pae trhe school was "That For Fa li ai we ahi bc one in purpose, in witness, in love and in fellow- Newcastle- Trie September shitp." meeting of the Recreation Thie appreciation of the So- Committee was held in trie ciety for hor fine tai k was ex- community hall last week with pressed ta Mrs. Werry by Mrs. seven members in attendance P. Hare. and chairman Sam Brereton A life membership certifi- presiding. cate xvas prcsented ta Miss T. David Milne, instructor af Ferguson in recognition of her itrie swimming classes for the long service to trie Society as1 past scason was in attendance corresponding secrctary forjto make arrangements for trie 25 years, by Mrs. E. C. Hoar.11962 swimming season. On The meeting was dismissedinmotion of Mrs. Don Parker with trie singing of trie hymn iand Fred Coucri, a resolution "Jesus, ,where'er Thy People was passed Vo make Mr. Mýimne Meet" and prayer by Mrs. E. trie local swimming instructor C. Woodland. ! for trie 1962 season. A letter ar ovc-t! Thre beauty uti e! The heaveniy comtort and shape of tir A 'Petal BursC bru enhances e,,erything .ou - and vou! Why not own a -Peti Burl' sarrobe? In Iroadciotir, nylon, sain or Terylene lace -... in bandeau or Iongine styes . .iis lire ira you*II Jase. Peu! Bursi" 4;S n AA. ., 8cnd Cc cýpi, iej 32 - 40 - J.: 30 D (.p r -4J2 -$3Q Toms & Sons Fashion Wear 09*EWCASTLE PHONE 2451 Bradd and family, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradd and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. Bradd, Bownianviile; _Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dudley, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dudley, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Fox- bora; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Da- foe and famnily, Foxboro; Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley and family and Miss Rosemary Dudley of Toronta and Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs P. F. Hare. ac- Evening WA Plans to Hold Card Parties Newcastle- The fîrst meet- ing of the fali season of the Evening Branch of St. Geor- ge's Woman's Auxiiiary was held in the parish hall on Wednesday, September 6th, with 18 members in attend- ance. Following the routine busi- ness of the meeting the mein- bers of the Branch decided tc hold a card party on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Parish hal for the nexi three months. The first of these card parties will be held the Parish hall for the next day, September 27. During the meeting plans for the firsi card party were discussed and completed. Each member was asked to bring one small ar- ticle for a basket to the nexi meeting on September 2th. The members decided tc order licorice and chocolate bars for a money raising pro- ject during the fali months. It was also deci ded to hold a tra- vel talk during the early pari of December as that month's pro ject. Mrs. Dewdney asked for six volunteers to assist the Advis- ory Board in canvassing dur- ing the next week .This re- quest was met promptly. The meeting was brought to a close early with the serv- ing of refreshments. Honor Couple On Silver jAnniversary THE CANAflIA STATESMAN. BOWMA!<V!TJ, ONTAMaO umrNESDY. SEPT. 13th, 1981 ~Gordon Agnew, Ediior LONG SAULT Mrs. Sophie Kovacs, Mr'. and Mrs. G. Kovacs were Sun- day evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sutch, Ponty- Mr end Mrs. G. Baker~ vdsited Mr. and Ma-s. John Baker, Stevensville, on Sat-l urday. Mr. and Mns. F. Partner, Mrs. Gabriel Kayacs and Miss Grace Smith visited the Truli Funeral Home in Toronto on Wednesday nighit ta pay their respects to the f amily of the late Mrs. Olive Fleming whase funeral was held Thuirsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- phy were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vander- brink, Courtice, were Satur- di.ay evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. Mrs. Allie Mitchell, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble and Bruce, Tyrone, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mis. F. IPartner. comaned y rs.May 'c- Newcaste- A happy fain- Ms-s. Robert Stunuden, Brook- Evoy, motored to Gananoque ihy gathering was hold at trie lin, was Friday evening guest on Tuesday. Mrs. McEvoy will home of M.r. and Mrs. John of Mrs. Bert Johnson. remain for a holiday with Mr. Rîckard on the afternoon of Mr'. and Mrs. Herb. Cam- and Mrs. Saxon Grahain. September 19Vh, to celebrate ieron, Tyrane, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coucr trie twenty-fifth weddiog an- afternoon visitai-s of Mr. and and daughter Betty spent Sun- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. R. Cameron. day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. Eairl Penwar- Stanley Corden at their cot- After al md done justice ta den and family visited Mr'. and tage at Fenelon Falls, a deliciaus meal served on the Ivrs. Oscar Adams, Rose- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woo and veranda including trie tradi- neatri, on Sunday, Mrs. Lucy son William of Toronto were tional wedding cake, Mr. John Peowarden returning home Suoday visitors with ris par- Riekard who acted as master with themn. i ont, Mr'. aod Mrs. Charlie Woo of ceremonies, spoke words Mr. and Mrs. Cinyton Brown r and family. ai deep appreciation ta trie an.d Linda were Sunday even- hanoured couple on behaîf of mng visitars of Mr. and Mrs. the immediate family and con- Colin Brown, Leskard. veyed trie good wishes af ahI Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ingram, G roup present. Ho thon called upon Oshawa, visited Mr'. and Mrs. David and Ricky Rickard who 1J'ams Sawden Su.nday atter- presented trie couple w itri a;no-on. I~J~I LMaI Swedish hammered wroughti P rogra miron fire-place set. Mr. arnd Mrs. Rickard replied andi B A K~fP AI ,thaoked everyone ms pl.l B A K T C d UIUD *~~ ~ Trie aiternoon was enjoyed! nd W i ter- on trie spaciaus lawn in social' This community has been discaurse. Af ter ligrit refresh-ý happ.y, thankful and very busy 7was recelved fram Jack Eil- monts were served in trie ev-l-,~oewihoie week without 1bock ai trie Community Pro- ening, ail departed for home rain and a great deal ai har- grammes Brancriai trie Dept. with pleasant memories aof this1 vesting has been done. The i Education extending con- important occasion. add fariner has finished but gratulations ta the cammittoe Those preseot froin a dis-.imo-nt need anothos- dry week. ifor their recent swimming re- tance were Mr'. Rickard's triree1 Several frain these parts view. Trie socretary was in- daugriters Jean, (Mrs. Clare atLended Port Perry Fair on *structed ta write letters ai Shipley> ai Sarnia, her hus- Mnndav and Orono Saturday *thanks ta trie local business band and son Billy; Evelyn and report excellent faurs bath mon for trieir donations ta trie (Mrs. John Edwards) ai King- plac-es. special nigrit. stan, her husband, son Bob Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Noury, Trie treasurer, Mrs. John and daugriter Jane; and Dor- Hamilton, spent a few days Northrop, presented accaunts othy (Mrs. Charles Hogg) af iwtrh Rev. and Mm. P. Rom- amauinting ta $46580 which Leaside, her husband, son eril and Dennis. were ordered paid on motion Douglas and daugriter Janet. Mr. and Ms-s. Bruce Ashton ai Alex Hendry and Tracy Also present were Mr. andjloi t Salturd.ay for Banff where Embley. Mrs. Howard Wigrit of Kings- ] Bruce will attend 'the Cana- ton, Mr. Harvey Mofiat ai ýdian Goad Roads convention. In general business with res- Milton. IMr. and Mrs. Stan P.ahin, pect ta trie caming faîl and _________ Paul and Carol spent trie wînter season a motion was weekend with cousins at a passed appainting Mrs. Parker -VD Ni cottge i aiutn ta look inta the possibilities HAYD NMi-. ndHaliburton.Crt ai forming a sewing class; a 1 Orillia, visited Mr. and Mrs. lengthy discussion ensu e d' Mr.adMI.S. ClaytLon Read GaSrdon Strong and famlly on with regard ta trie ballet and RobbiÊeanand Steven, Peter: Sunday. Mrs. Curtis remain- baton classes spansared each borougri, were Sunday visîtors r cd for a iew days. year by trie romrnittee and it with Mr'. and Mms. Arthurl Mr. a-nd Mrs. R. J. Fenneil, was finally decided ta invite Read and farrnily when Steven Watervilo, Quebec, spent a interested parents ta trie next celbrated ris iirst birtriday. Ifevur davs iasrt weekz with Mr. meeting ai trie cammittee on, Mr. Deibert Martin, Wells-i and M1rs.- Chas. Smith and Octoher lOtri, or anyone not ville, N.Y.. is hoidaying withloliver.t able ta attend trie meeting ta his mother, Mrs. W. Martin,ý Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 , nDar-1 contact any member ai trie and siister, Mrs. J. Po'tts and reiJl arnd iarniiy, Mr. and Mrs. committee before that date. Iti'r. Potts. Mrs. E. Strutt, En-q-Ivan T,riamon and iamily,l wvas decided ta carry on trie niskillen, was Sunday supper!iand Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte children's story hour again guLst ai Mr. and Mrs. J . Pottsland Bob Foont the weekend tris seasan with full arrange- and Mrs. W. Martin and Del- errnping in the Niagara dis-j monts ta rie annauncod later. bort. trict. A letter was received from MLSS Lincta Potts, Whitby,j Mr. id Mr,:. Ge-orge QLani- trie Lions Club accepting with at rier home on trie weekend. iland. M.r. zard Mrs. Frank thanks trie aifer of trie coin- Mr. and Mes. Ber, Ashtoii,' t'niiand, Frances, Brian and mittee ta split trie cast ai re- Etdde an~d Lea. Toronto, ý,-<:, Nancv attende-h the Gibson-, i pairs ta trie public addressitheir cottage on trie xeeknd. IIlprnnaeli wedding in Torontor systero.; Mr. W. Blackbu.rn, Dougielon Saturdav.i Thie committee has campie-land Dale attended Orono Fair; Mr. and Mrsm. Ernest .Larmner. ted an agreement with E. R.lon Saturday. atterided a funeral in Owen i 11Hubble for repairs ta trie roof1 Mr. Milton Sbemnon was tea Sound Saturday and spent thel of the Memorial Arena. I guest of Mrs. Theron Mo>unt-' weekeod wi',h-iriends.. ____________ jov, Hampton, Sunday. Mr. and Milrs. Fred Griffi ho Messrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ross and boy' s, Enfield, were Sun-, CI ~A shttn, M. Bertrimn and Har- day.à callers with MLrs. Carli 'Couples C ub I ry Gregg enjayed a trip to MeL1augrilin and boys. Lake Kosh, near Apshey, fish- Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- Il~Iing. iainv isited Mr. and Mrs. Alexi ýHoIds Meet ~~Several fro-in Haydon at- Flet, Fenelo als udy H ods iviei tended trie Decoration Dav 'Mr. and Mms. Arnold Taylori Srieat Bethesd-a Cemneteryîard girls were Sunday supperi on Sunday. gue,,ýts ai Mr-. and Mrs. Doug-1 Under Stars Trie concert sponsored byllas and son Peter in Peter-1 the W. A. ladies in te chureriborouigr. j Newcastle - The Merryion Saturday evening wvas w-cl i Mm. J. Farder, Mr'. and Mrs.1 IMarried Couples Club ai trieliattended Trie prograni con- Ha ne',- MeLairgilin and Laur-ý United Church held thOeilsisted af' colored slides oi trie ence were Sunday guests af, Septomber meeting last Wed -iBritish Nises shown by MViss Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. o esday on the LakeshoreudrAer kd-paodè,Bt TeLclAsciinof' beatifl taritskis. t an Werrv andi LauraGuides and Brownies met at, *Trie camp fires were keptiWearo.*Tie Daves "brotherstrie home af Dora Suggitt on, burning brigritly during a liv-I sang, accompanyiog t hemi-,Sept. 7tri, with 14 present! ely sing-song and trie playing selves, and te concert closed Following the Guide Camp'i ai gaines. A short business lwith 'Trie Queen". Afterw.ard i1 prayer trie minutes were read meeting, dealing with genieral aIlent out ta thie churchri and adapted and treasu.rer's' business was conducted, jaiter shed where tables were set repart given. The iollowing Iwhich corn on the cob, hot with corn and ather goodies. [have been earned fiais suin- dogs, marslimallaws, water- About 75 sat down. rnier- Brownie Owl Thrhft and melon and çoffee were mucri Miss Ina Beryl Read has MNinstrel badges-, Gu i des-- enjoyed by trie membei's. entered Peterborough it hl' three iirst class badges, fivel Afiter a vote ai thanks tar Hospital School ai Nurqin. g.1Icooks, two trackers, two childi thie committee, composed oi Mrs. Arthur Read andi Mrs. nurse, ane laundress. Regular i Evelyn and Tracy Embley, Cînyton Read attended trie ro- Guide and Brownie mneetingrsý Marj orie and Murray Pater- ception at the Nurses' resi-, wil'l commence Sept. 25th. son, Marion and Ross Aluin, dence Tuesday aiternoa. Tere are eigrit Brownies tai move byBibiAlhn tre goup Mr. and Mrsm. F. W. Mayor gaZ an ta Guides. Next Asso- *gathered around thie campiire have returned ta their home; ciatian meeting will be heid, and joined hands and sang in Scarborougri aifter two rat Jean Kyt&s Oct. 16th. Thie! taps. Trie club were pleased weeks' riolidays on trie pro- Mothier and DEaugh-te<r banquet i te welcome Marilyn and Verne perty they purchased fromlis Vo be in Recreatian Centre' -rKemp ta the meeting. Mr'. Jirn Martyn. Sept. 17th at 6:45 p.m. I Newcastle - The village council went on record on Monday evening to support a resolution proposed by the Peel County Council which would make the selling of sweepstake tickets for hospital benefit legal. Thie resolution pointed to the financial burden on the tax- payers of establishing new and mucri needed hospitals and equipping them. It was also shown that persons attending race track events gamble an average of $38 each day. This money, it was said, could be applied to hospitals under the control of thie government and the chartered banks of Can- Phone 3621 ada. It was the general feeling of members of the council that large sums of money is being spent on sweepstakes tickets now, the proceeds of which are being used ta support foreign hospitals. It would be mucri better if this money were be- ing used for Canadian hospitals and thus lift the burden from thie municipal taxpayers. A resolution to support the Peel resolution passed without a dissenting voice. The minutes of a special meeting of council held on August 30, revealed the resolu- tion passed at the last regu- lar meeting to purchase Rossco No. 1 - First of the Season Niagara Grown TOKAY 6 qt. basket Grapes 2 Ibs. 25c CELERY 2 for 19C No. 1 - Garden Fresh Sunkist - Size 150's Large size 24's No. 1 Grade Bartlett Lemons 6for 29c. PEARS 75c Stokely Fancy TOMATO JUICE Green Giant CORN NIBLETS Sunny Morn IGA COFFEE Heinz The foihowing Items effective Sept. 13 Choice Halves IGA PEACHES Dog Hfouse IGA DOG FOOD Carnation Evaporated MILK All Flavours JELLO, POWDERS IGA FOILWRAP IGA WAXED PAPER Ballet - White, Green, Pink, Yellow ai TOILET TISSUE 48 oz. Tins 4 for $1 14 oz. Tins 6 for $1 12lb. pkgs. 2fr$1 15foz.Tins 7fr$1 through Sept. 23 5 for $r 15 oz. Tins 12 for $1 Tali Tins 7 for $1 Pkgs. 12 for $1 200 ft. ROUîS 4 for $1 n 00 Blue OU 14 for $1 Shorteake - Peek Frean 8 oz. pkgs. BISCUITS 5 for $1 We Teserve the right to limit quantitieg Prices effective Sept. 13, 14, 15, 16 Extra A TOTAL 0F $34 IN BONUS TAPES Receive Free $600 in Bonus Tapes with Pilàtapp1e - Gapefeuit - 48 o3. tins DELMONTE DRINK 3 for $1.00 Aylznsr Boston Boicod - 15 os. tins BEANS with PORK 6 for $1.00 Betty Crock.r - White, Choc., Eonsy Spice, Coconut - 20 oz. pkqs. CAKE MIXES -3 for $1.0 Westinghouse 25-W. 40-W.,$(>-W LIGHT BULBS - 6 for $1.00 Recelve Free $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with 1 Ib. pkqs. IGA MARGARINE 4 for $1.00 Receive Free $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with Birds Ey.Frozon - 10 oz. pkqs. FRENCH GREEN BEANS POTATOES 'rol- acr - COOKED MEATS Ve C Mac. and Chase, flutch, Chicken L.oci, Pickle and Pimenta - & oz. pkg. PAGE ZZM! Culvert for the Boulton Street the special meeting. bridge was rescinded and thel A special meeting wvas held contract for the bridge wasiwith the Public Utilities Com- given to Leland Payne at thelmission on September 6thi tendered price of $4,200 with when a representative of tie no strings attached. Ontario Water Resources Coin-- The tender of Mr. Payne for mission explained the various hauling gravel from the lake plans for collecting wvater and spreading on the roads rates. When a plan was decided with the remainder to be upon, the OWRC representa- stockpiled on the village lot tive promised a bylaw for the for the sum of 49.875 cents per next regular meeting on Sep- cu. yd., was also accepted at tember llth. to hear of the passing of Mrs. Fleien bugt a fr. e&Lions Club of the village from Mr. D. D Black, formeriy the Mourtjoy farm, which Mrs. Fleming sold'Its Fail Se last spring. Mvr. Pollard fl0w resides there. M.r. FlmgR passed away last year. ngE lmh ur s t h Mr. nd rs. redAshton,~ Toronto, at their cottage on Newcastle- The Lions Club Sunday. began its fail season on Thurs- Mr. anid Mrs. Lloyd Siemon day evening with a dinner were Sunday tea guests 0f Mr meeting in the Elmhurst Hotel and Mrs. A. Hilis, Tyrone. with a good turnout and Presi- Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim dent Carl Gould and the new and family visited Mr. and siate af officers conducting the Mrs. Pton Morrison and fani- meeting. ily, Oshaameendng After a deliclous dinner,a W. A. Septembermetn short business meeting was 1will be held at Mrs. Arthur conducted during which it Trewin's on Thursday night was announced that the direct- ( tonight), Sept. l4th, at 8 p.m. ors had decided to hold club Prograni in charge of Mrs. A. dinner meetings in the Elm- Trewin an~d roI1p.1 hurst in the future and also Sunday Sehool wJIl be with-1 that the dîrectors had given dnrawn Sunday morning, itl being Sunday School Rally,' whic~h will be held in the *evening at 7:30 O'Clock. e c sl Sept. 24th, at 7:30. Rev. W. H. tCrawford, Enniskillen, m nu r e Opens ason in lofe! à tenative approval te sponsor -the Oshawa Barbershop Quar- rtet Minstrel Show in January or February. A committee was appointed ta get further de- tails af the dates available eetc. before the next meeting. As the club was operating a bingo at the Durham Central RFair in Orono on Friday and sSaturday, entertainment for ýthe evening was dispensed with and the members ad- Sjourned early to transport and erect the booth at the fair o grounds ready for the follow- ning day. Council sweeps' The Canadian Statesman 66 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I PHONE MA 3-3303 Choice NeZealand New n 1*kj Lamb Sale! Short Cut - Whole or Halt LEG O'LAMB lb. 43c Whole or Fiank Onlb29 LOIN O'LAMBlb 9 Lamb in a Basket, Roast, Chops, Stewim l . 9 FRONT O'LAMB I.9 TABLERITE COMBINATION OFFER Tabl*Rits - Slicad - Rinfflsss - Side One 1/2 lb.« pkg. BACON ALL $ 0 TableRite- 1.,,icd l One 12 oz. pkg. BOLOGNA FOR One 10 oz. pkg. WIENERS Fresh, Meaty PORK SIDE RIBS -Maple Leaf - Mild Cured - Peameal COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 59c lb. 5 5c' Kraft Canadian DAIRY DEPARTMENT 16 oz. pkgs. CHEESE SLICES 2.for$I 12 oz. Pkgs. FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT BIRDSEYE PEAS 5 for $1 GGefK b»M*e THE GOLDEN - TREASURY Educational. Value Entîre FamîIy SPECIAL $ 1 19 EACIf SHOP AND SAVE AT l Bowmanvi*lle IGA Market 1ro . 11 O WNAN ILLE -oNfARJO Toms' GA Market NEWCASTLICONTARIO is for PERSONAL Every printing job that goes through here gets personal, individual attention f r o m master craftsmen at every step along the way. Try us! SALES LITERATURE 0 BUSINESS FORMS 0 LETTERHEADS 0 TAGS and LABELS Cail us for an estimate on your next job. i 1 1 : 1 1