'THE CtANAT>TAN ST9ATFSmAm. ~linwmAwMr.m 1' V 'ibitzer Keeps Close Tab On Beaul The three gentlemen at right are judges at the' MViss Tobacco Queen Contest held Friday night at ;Drono. They are, from left ta right: .James Bell, m.anagrer cf the Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, who ,vas representing Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce; Mcl Talbot cf Port Hope Chamber of Commerce and, Art McLaren of Orono( Orono Fuel and Lumber. remains unidentified, bu personal interest in the ju winner. Entwistle Wins E bcitîng Races Fe ature Indian Summer E vent s AI Mos port on Saturday Harny Entwistle of Hamil- Iap race. ton hurled his Lotus 15 araund In second place was Yvon th~e Mosport circuit at near- du Hamel of Montreal on a record speeds yesterday , ta BSA 500. He is classified as sn-atchi victory from Ludwig a junior, but beat out most ai Ileliimrath and score bis first the experts. Bob Webster on feature xvîn of the season. a Norton fînîshed third. Corrplcting the first lap five Heimrath's second place eeconds behind Heimrath's earned him seven points ta- Pors-he RS 60, the Hamilton ward the Canadian Racing oIriver began to hound the Drivers Association champion- Porsche and losed the gap ta ship. His Association champ- a tcnth of a second before slip- ionship for the Flayer's Tro- ping inta the lead an the l7th phy. His total of 67 points lap of the 20-lap race. gîves him a fair mangin of lead Himrath forced Entwistle in the contest which cannies ta drive hi§ fastest Mosport with it the apportunity to Jap tomitihiPO Euoenx cc compete in a major race in i'ion and the twa cars crossed er the finish ine with the For- The hopes of Peter Ryan of tch os' nase alongside the tail Montreal, wbo was making a end of the Lotus. late bid for the championship,i Third place was filled by were shattered early in the' FrcýMc's Bradley in the Hall- race by George Makins' snec- L-îghcadLoi Cliax. ial. Ryan and Makins touched The twin bill Indian Sum- as the car raced off the grid v-er races included events for and on the entry ta the hair- inotocycles and the Presi- pin, Makins veered acnoss the (jcnt's Tropby race saw the course as Ryan tried to pass. return ta forma by Fred Gail- The cars collided again and ey. The Scarborough rider ane wheel af Ryan's Porsche ~vheclcd bis Matchless G 50 ta was tac badly damaged for hlm, Lndisputed victory in the_15 ta continue The following lap Makins came to grief as hL left rear wheçl and haif-shaf, Lparted fromn the car and spur into the air. Another incident at thE hairpin occurred in the sedar race when Jèrry Polivka inz Volvo tried to pass Craig Fishý er's Jaguar on the inside ai the turn but found ther( wasn't enough room. He spur out and lost a lap in his re. covery. Earlier in the day Entwist< kept the crowd on their toec as he staged a preview of his feature race win by whirling past Heimrath three laps frorn the end of the heat for mod- ified cars. Paddock Patter- John Mer- rîman plunged off the course when a tire blew on bis Sprite He xvas treated for face anc back injuries at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital and ther transferred to Scarboroug- General Hospital where his condition yesterday was des- crîbed as fairly comfortable. A ncxv Formula Junior threai appeared in the formof Nornm Namerrow's BMC powerec Elva. John Headon and Wall Start 0f The Feature Race At the Indian Summer races on Saturday at Mosport, the feature 20-lap ,,ports car race was one of the most exciting seen this season. The top C'amidcin drivers, Heimrath, Ryan, Entwistle and Bradley were in the forefront, !:)ut Rl' van's car was retired when he was jostled twice by the homemade Makins SpoCcial. It was a neck and neck battie between Heimrath and Entwistle with ,lie latter winning by a hair. In third place Francis Bradley in the Hollings- hcacl Lola was well back but ahead of the rest of the pack by several seconds. This shlows the start of that final with Entwistle, lef t, Ryan and Heimrath __________e lead. New Control Tower At Mosport 13H This is a photo of the magnificent new contral tawer which, it is hoped, *vrilI be completed at Mosport in time for the big Grand Prix races on Sept. 3th. It will house a glassed in spot for the press, the announcers, time-keepers, and other off icials and will aise be the home of the many thousands cf dollars worth of public address equipment now located in a temporary building. Once cam- plcted, manv of the services will be better caordinated than at present, sa that the big name drivers. coming here on the 3th will have every opportunity ta stage their best performance. PAGE TWELVE R. Hopes, i-rince Albert, and sn, M.and rs W.M now is with her sister Mrs. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. K. Cryderman. Kav, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kay Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick of io'ronto, were guests of Mr. and Robin, Toronto, were with anir.A.Sap the S. R. Pethicks. Our August meeting of the Miss Dariene and Kerry Woman's Association was held Seilick are with the Gordon on Tuesday afternoon, August Yeo family. Mr. and Mrs. Yeo 22nd, at the home of a former and family spent two weeks at member, Mrs. Ted McLaugh- Sturgeon Lake. lin, Columbus. President open- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving ed meeting with a paem, motta and Rickey, Thornhill, were and creed. Mrs. Russell Orm-« weekend guests Of W. H. iston took the devotional with Moore's. hymn 267 and the 23rd Psalm Miss Janice Taylor, Tyrone, repeated in unison. Mrs. Orm- spent a few days with Miss iston gave a splendid reading Marilyn Yellowlees. on the Fsalm and closed with Mrs. N. Collacutt, Bowman-1 the Lord's Frayer. Rail Cal ville, spent the weekend withwas made and Mrs. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin. ýgave the treasurer's repart and Mrs. St. John and Mrs. F.ihad a short business period. Toms accampanied Mr. and 'A cammittee was formed ta Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, plan officers and meetings for who all attended Decoration our new Society in the New Day at Nestleton Sunday and Year. It was also decided ta were tea guests af the R. Sad- have aur turkey supper inP lers. November. Mrs. Allen Werry û Mr. E. W. Begiey, Carole ihad games for children and M and Bruce were visitors at Mr. Mrs. James McLaughlin andd and Mrs. Gardon Shunk's, Port1 Mrs. Ross Sharp had somne Ferry, and attended the fair. icantests for the ladies. A dainty Mr. and Mrs. O. Beaumont lunch was served and social CI and Jim, Toronto, were with hour enjoyed. A vote of thanks C Mrs. A. Leadbeater on Sun- was given ta Mrs. McLaugh- day. ýlin for her kindness. Twenty- Ci Miss Mary Griffin has re- 'twa ladies and 12 children Ci turned to Bowmanvile after wero W '.'1 L U WEDNESDAY, SIEPT. 3t136 1 Present Real Timber Wolf Head To Cub Pack L-. y Judg s jbein with her parents for a Mrs. W. H. Moore will cele- brate her 8lst birthday thisi coming Saturday. Congratula- tions ta her. Mr.and Mrs. Jim McLaugh- lin, Brenda and Ralph were Saturday >evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Werry's. Sympathy ta Mrs. C. Peth- ick, Mrs. E. Strutt and Mrs. Clarence Stainton on the sud- den passing of a cousin, Ron- nie Adams of Oshawa, due ta a motorcycle accident. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Spry and Debra, Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright's. Mr. E. W. Begley and Car- ole, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and family at their cottage, Kirk- field. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Betty Jane and Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry and Susan, ýk!* ýeUwere Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley and Kathryn, Peterborough, Mr. ana Mrs. Ross Lee, Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa, were Sunday Chamber of Commerce and evening callers at A. Werry's. *The chappie at the lef t Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles with Mr. and ut appears to be taking a Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Black- udges' efforts to determine a stock. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp on Thursday, MacKay staged a fierce bat- August 31, when Rev. Milton tie in the junior race, Headon Sanderson, Toronto, baptized going into the lead when both their daughter, Janet Irene, were passing a sîower car. and Gordon Ross, son of Mr. waspu ou ~ and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Guests9 feature because of stripped wr Mrs. M. R. Sanderson,i thradson sarkplu hoe.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Bob dsonifa, sM De lta and .Messrs. Ronald and Ray Ash- PeterCut, GSpriet, an ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton aea eerral MGsprin kept and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- prodcton spoertsrace.n their sell Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. proucton pors rce.Curtis Harold Skinner, Tyrone; Mr.t retired with a broken haîf- and Mrs. Adam Sharp and Mr.a shaft. The water pump on Don adMs ar rgDnl Chaber' Ha Ie y fed and Michael, Glen Burnie, Md.,c wreaking havoc on the rest o U.S.A.a the engine. Heimrath was pen- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistonv alized 30 seconds in -the feature were callers at J. D. Brown's l Is for flot coming to a ful stop and M. Tamblyn's, Orono. Et after spinning off the course Mr and Mrs. Ron Clemens, n but Entwistle, not knowing of Hampton, were Sunday din- the penalty, pressed bis at- ner guests at Mr. and Mrs. E.r , tack and crossed the line first Wright's.c nj anyway. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poolern a Results and famiiy, Oshawa, werea 1-orul Juairs d Sunday tea guests at H. Ash- ,eClass Miss Ruth Pethick spent ab n 1. John Headon, Lotus 18; few days with Miss Joan F -2. Walt Mackay, Lotus 18; 3. Adams, Bowmanville.v Cnaig Fisher, DKW. Modified MVrs.' W. Ferguson, in Com-n esports cars-l. Harry Entwis- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.b ýtie, Lotus 15; 2. Ludwjg Heim- Irwin were tea guests at Mr. I- srath, Porsche RS 60; 3. Peter and Mrs. Geo. Scott's, Oshawa. C Ryan, Porsche RS 61. Produc- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, 9tion sports cars under 1600 Doreen and Donald were Sun- ncc-l. Ai Pease, MGA; 2. Bob day visitors at Mr. and Mrs.e Clift, GSM Delta; 3. Ross de E. Horn's, Williams Point. St. Croix, MGA. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Production sports cars Sr., Mr. L. Leadbeater, Mur- e over 1600 ce ray and Eric, Toronto, were 1. Gerry Brownrout, Corvet- Friday callers on Mrs. A. 9 te; 2. Don Kindree, Austin- Leadbeater and boys.N eHealey; 3. Ed Schroeder, TR3. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGillf Sedans-1. Craig Fisher, Jag- Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill and uar 3.8; 2. George Schon, Vol- boys were Sunday visitors at svo; 3. Gord Brown, Mini Min- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid's, ý or. Indian Summer Trophy Solina.v race-i. Harry Entwistle, Lo- Miss Laverne Orchard, Mr.A ttus 15; 2. Ludwig Heimrath, and Mrs. M. Stainton were e Porsche RS 60; 3. Francis Bra- visitors at Mrs. Thomas Peri- c dley, Lola Climax; 4. Nat Ad- goe's, Caesarea. a t ams, Jaguar XK-SS; 5. Al Miss Marguerite Wright, St.C Pease, MGA; 6 John Headon, Catharines, spent the weekend Lotus 18. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.S Motorcycles N. E. Wright.R Lightweights - 1. George Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson ' Rockett, Parilla 250; 2. Dick were visitors at Bert Hunter's, B Stark, Parilla 196; 3. Dave De- Monk and Roy H-unter's, Grandy long, Parilla 250. Unlimited Valley. Misses Evelyn and OJ and 500 cc junior- 1. 'Yvon Leowna Ferguson returned du Hamel, BSA 500; 2. Harry home with their parents from tE Hammen, Triumph 650, 3. Ed holidays. g la Belle, Triton 650. Senior Miss Carole Begley, brother and Experts- 1. Fred Gailey, Bruce were holiday guests of 1 Matchless G 50; 2. Don Had- their sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. 01 dow, BWM; 3. Bob Webster, Stunden, Columbus. a Norton Manx, Light-weight Mr. and Mrs. J. Piggott, final- 1. George Rockett, Par- Haydon, were Saturday even- la illa 250; 2. Chuck Andrews, ing visitors of Mrs. A. Lead- ai Ducati 204; 3. Harry van den beater. ai Hurk, Honda 250. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, H Unlimited and 500 cc final- spent the weekend with Mr. 1. Bill Sharpless, Triumph 650; and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. and e( 2. Yvon du Hamel, BSA 500; Mrs. Earl Masters and family, SI 3. Ed la Belle, Triton 650. Pre- Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. i sident's Trophy Race- 1. Fred Joe McGill, Port Credit, were fa Gailey, Matchless G 50; 2. Sunday visitors. Yvon du Hamel, BSA 500; 3. On Sunday the regular e( Bob Webster, Norton Manx, morning worship was resumed ai 4à Don HJaddo, BMW; . Johnat+11:30afera olda'fr "The task of the Christian in and Mrs. A. Rabm. the Middle East, He and bis Mr. and Mrs. A. Garsan, wi1 ef'n!ueda.Mr. and Mrs. A. Gandzinski Mr. and Mrs. C. Tensac, Mr. Sr. and Jr., and children were and Mrs. A. Safcha and daugh- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ter, Toronto, wene recent din- 'E. Dzierzek af Oakviile. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wclcomre ta Mr. and Mrs. Garson and the Gardzinska 1'Harry Windsor of Orono who familles, have bought Mrs. E. Shantz's Mrs. Margaret Ziem an, Tor- farm, Mrs. Shantz has moved onto, President of the TorontoI into town, also a welcome ta Press Club, was weekend vis- Mr. and Mrs. G. Chant who itor of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gar-! are building a new home east son.! of the village. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hamrilton Over 200 attended Decora- and family, Oakville, wereI tion and Memorial Service at weekend visitors of Mr. and' Bethesda Cemetery on Sun- Mrs. A. Hamilton, Sunday. day. Rev. G. Lokhorst spoke an Mrs. R. B. Hamilton of Bow- "The Cloud af Witnesses." manville was guest. Collection taken $94.07. Mrs. Jloyce Sellick and Dan- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar lene are spending a few days, spent the weekend with Mr. at the Woodleys. i and Mns. W. Rahm. Sunday Sunday visitors of the James they were given a surprise Woodleys were Mr. and Mrs. when Mr. and Mrs. L. Carey, R. D. Hodgkinson, Mr. Gor- Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. G. don Rivers, Aurora and Mr. Rahm, Greenbank; Mr. and Stuart Hooey. Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Rahm, 4- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoskin, Mr. Mile Lake; Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs. N. Greentree and Grace and children and Mr. children, Oshawa, were guests K. Rahm and chiidren met for of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vîvian. a family reunion at Walter Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down and Loverne's cottage. and Carolyn, Lakefield, were Sunday visitors with the dinner guests .of Mrs. R. Vir- Harold and Lloyd Skinners1 tue and supper guests of Mr. were Mrs. Clemens, Toronto;< and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCay,1 Mrs. T. Findlay, Thornhill; Mrs. N. Woodiey, Mrs. L. Mrs. James Bail, Orono, visit- Goodman, Bowmanviile, Mr. ed Mrs. O. Virtue on Sunday. and Mrs. Lamne McCay, Bro- Mrs. O. Virtue returned home oklin and Mr. and Mrs. Ross wt r.Findlay for a week' j Sharp and family. MLvr. Roy riarness, i.vrs. V E. Milîson and Paul Moor TYRONE Mrs. Percy Werry wvas bas- tess for the W.M.S. Baby Band and their mothers last week Mrs. Werry ,President, wel- comed all then read a Psalm and Frayer. Roll cali was ans- wered by "School Day Recol- lections." A book- "Women of the Bible" by H. P. Morton was recenly presented to Mrs. K.- Colbary before moving ta Bow- manville. Faîl Raily to be held at Blackstock Oct. 19. Mrs. A. His' group had charge of program, scripture by Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mrs. Percy Werry held an inter- view an the study book "Sig- nais for the Sixties" assisted by Mrs: R. Glaspeli, Mrs. S. Eloar and Mrs. D. Craig. Miss Glrace Smith played a medley of hymns while the meeting was an. Miss Lauraine Cook entertained the little anes. Dainty lunch was served Glad ta report Mrs. R. Wright is impraving. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacGre- gar, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, MVrs. W. Rahm attcnded the funeral last week of the late Mfervin Rahme, Oshawa. Miss Aima Madili of Part Arthur was a holiday weekend visitor with Mr. and Mr. Lorne Annis, friends would be pleas- ed ta learn that she bas ac- cepted a position as Examiner and teacher with the London Conservatory cf Music. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fedlar, Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. Cecii .ahin, Burketan; Mr. and Mns. W. Wight, Mrs. K. Squair, Bowman v i le; Miss Mary Young, Taronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wrigbt. Mrs. Freda Mattis and sis- ter, Warren, Fa., were recent guests of Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Mrs. W. Rahm were dinner guests1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. King, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis were ast Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving, Toronto, and Sunday guests of Mrs. -Ierb Williams, Willowdale. * Several from Tyrone attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Gardon Shacketon, Salem. Sympathy is extended ta the bereaved families. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs visit- ed Mr. and Mns. Gardon HuIs and family, Hannon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Slemon, -Iaydon; Mrs. F. Toms, Mrs. St. John, Enniskillen; Mrs. S. T'. Hoar, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. His Sun- Iay. Mr. and Mrs Peter Vander Veen spent a week with bis ister Rev. and Mrs. G. Lok-! horst enroute from California to Europe at the Sunday morn- rmg service. Mr. Vander Veen poke to, the congregation on. Pat, on your chosen career. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. iFred Watson and Mr. and Mrs Gordon Brown and their familles of Oshawa ta our community. Tbey have bought the former Heal home. Mr. and Mi-s. E. Thornton (formerly Lena Taylor) called on friends and relatives bere at the weekend enroute to their home at Millbrook foi- lowirÀg a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel. lowlees a!nd family visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Blackstock, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Fedlar, Stayner, Mrs. C. Ra.hm, Union, Mrs. Bill Stonehouse, Susanne, Dixie and Billie, Whitby, Mrs. R. Pierce and Deanna, Osh- awa, Mr. Albert Tynobee, Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Mr. and Mi-s. Ge-orge Mutton and ]}ebbie, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and family and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Mn. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstock, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and f amiiy. The Women'a Institute will meet Thursday evening, Sept. 14, at 8:15 o'clock. B1ackoc ladies wili be guests. Mr. B of Bowmianvîlle wili speakdIk banking matters pertaining to wamen. BoYd Knox spent several days witb his gnandparent,% Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mfrs. Rae Pascoe and family attended a Dyer family picnic at Cobourg on Goodyear Foreman Receives Interest On A Million A Bowmanville man, Francis-.Williams cf 35' Purpose of the display was, of course, ta advertis the Prince Street, benefitted financially from a display atî Wood name and ta stress the huge daily c6st of pre- the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. He1 ventable sickness absenteeism, the inference befng that wvon $75.34, the interest on a milhaon dollars for one by better sanitation, much of this loss could be pre- day. The CNE display was produced by the G. H. vented. Presentation of the award ta Mr. Williams, WTood & Company in the form of a million dollar a foreman at Goodyear, was made by Manager A. L. dlock which many from this area saw during their Hooey, Bowmanville Branch Manager of the Canadiatn CNE visît. Gold bullion was used ta make the minutesi Impenial Bank of Commerce. In the background is and the hours. This was arranged through caurtesy Arthur S. McCabe of the G. H. Wood & Company, of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce whoý well-known to his many customer in this area. worked in close co-operation with the Wood Companyà Recently, Bowmanvilles lst Cub Pack was' are, from left ta right: Assistant Cubmasters Howardi happy ta receive a treasured gif t from Dr. and M\rs. Sturrock and Ken Nichols, Cubmaster Robert L. Evans J. E. Hendry, in the form of an actual timber wolf and Dr. and Mrs. Hendry. The head was obtained head. It was presented ta the pack during their week-, throu&ý'* the D-ipartment of Lands and Forests. end camping trip ta Camp Samac, and is being display- -Photo by Rehder ed hereby Mrs._Hendry. Also included in the photo________________________ visitduMrYl. and MIvrs. ..IVof Sunday. fatt at their cottage at Esso Miss Gail Baker spent th~e Lake. s'IMr, an~d Mrs. Gor~don Hleal, weekend at Hail's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble, Keith1 who have soid their home Mn-s. Gertie Ferguson, Osh. and Bruce, Mr. Stuart Hooey, south of the village, were -awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jean Baker, visited Mr. honored by friends of the Br'uoe Miontgalmery. J. Travis at Tillsonburg. Miss Anne Stinson, Enfield, Mrs. R. Glaspeli and Gwen conmunity at a social gatix- was a recent.tea guesit of Pat visited Mrs. J. A. Reynolds, ening on Friday night in the Davis. Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Glas- Comm.unsty Hall. C h a ri1e s Mr. and Mns. P. Abernethy pell also visited bis mother, Langmaid was master of cere- and grandch.ildren, Ellen and Mrs. F. B. Giaspeil, Zion. monies for the evening. The Glen, Menila, visited Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Brooks, Westan, address was prepared andl Mrs. Don Taylor and children returned homne after spending r ead by M\rs. Roy Langm.aid. on udy amonth with ber daughter Gifts, including a card table Mru nd M. E rdra Mn.tadaMns. E Cryerma Mn. and Mrs. D. A. MacGre- and chairseadacny acco«npanied Mr. an-d M.rs. E. gar. dish, were presented by Bur- Larmer of Blackstock te Recent guests Of Mr. and ney Ho'oey and Ernest Hocka- Owen Sound on Saturday Mrs. T. Scott were Mn. and day. Mn-s. Ralpb Davis, pre'. whe tyatnd hef- Mrs. A. Marshall and son sdent of the Women's Insti- erethe atouended thedn Humber Bay, Mn. and Mrs. G. tute, pnesent.ed Kay with a Gdbank. Dolley and girls, Port Hope. cup and saucer from her frn-j -________ Mr. and Mr. J. Oliver, Fene- ends af the W. I. Lunch was li: Falls, Mn. and Mn- Loy srved in the lowen hall. Our Me oralHopia McCoy and daughtens, Mr. ancd best wishes go with Mr. andMe o airos ta Mns. N. Cox, Stouffville, were Mrs. Heal in their new home ekyR p r Sunday visitons of their moth- 'la Toronto. e r.P. McCoy. 1Schoolis reopened oneekSeR por Mr. and Mns. H. Spnagg, 1 e'îber Sth witb Mrs.S. For the week of Septembe.r Hamnilton, visited Mn. and .Sno>wdeii and Mrs. W. Ashton~ 4 - 10 inclusive: Mrs. H. Hall.I teaching eat Solina sichool, Mn. Admissions .-- -_.. 63 Sunday the Hall familiesi Bruce Bedell a-t Bradley's Births, 8 maile, 5 female .... 13 attended a shower for Miss 'school, and Mn. Dennis Barry Disch*arges . . ...............160 Marie Ritzie, Oshawa,. of Oshawa at Baker's school. Major operations ........... 6 Mr. and Mrs. W. King, Osb- Miss Fat Davis ertered Osh- Minar openations ...... ....19 awa; Mrs. Bi11 Hudson, Miss i awa General1 Hospital as a Emergency treatmenrts _.- 19 Aima Mitchell, Toronto, wene 1 nurse-in-inaining on MVonday, Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. supper guests Suriday of Mr. iSeptember Il. Best wishes,____ and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. SOLINi,