fruw qAuAtaig tBOWMANVRItTK ONWT O WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13th, 1961 T. .N - ...- -,]5WMNVA --N-ýfMq ýé_-Cb Paths Cross Once Again OBITUARY MRS. G. P. SHACKLETON t ~Following an illness of five Pres nt elvile aleweeks, the death of Gladys Emily Shackleton, aged42Hed i Bo m n le occurred in Oshawa Gieneral ed i o m H o itpe ca l owan96W ednesday,, S ep - Tuesday, Septem ber 12th 1961 he w ent to O shaw a on S ep e - D n l o C r i h 5 a p ecta A w a rer f r. ndo rs James Arthur Jones, 17, 54 ber 8th and asked a mn tofrhremndutiOc- Dilaug.hterofMr.and Russell Ave., Oshawa, and Jon buy a 26 oz. bottle ofliurhr1tweheodte Wilam J. apmnantheryde-, Taylor Rowe, 21, of Bowman- for him. He consumed te2 or htte ih swl r.Perfect Aftendance wek o a hag fcuig rmme ni A 1 Year Perfect Attend- Branden, Florida, Dean Patti during World War 1 was ef- Shackm riedwhorosu r e n u elane vb leoghtne.s' ie la s rema h w hePlce c v n ct ance Pin was presented to Mel and N. Jenkmn, both of Osh- feetivelsorr dho h o hels yashadre- ourt an tus th e fmand. atah lics that. oiein iheestenfwh D ale at the l n heon m eeti g aw a, Rex W ynn, hB yam tn c fac fil tr a ter t w hishangtsvi l Befo 4R y1at heoa67F ao n sSE d o d L na r m n ileP l pc d up DtoC ef o sab e odth Club held at the Flying Dutch- Fred WheVanstone, Bowman- vasthenduas ta uer tkingsamptvil. eo. ta heldi rested at 43 . onwa Fs rid aalldersoni29, f Uxrd geCut hthsnrctost man Moor Hoel onFrida. vill.11 lbrate by hs andthe cotribuion o stee A grduatenureutheide September 8th, after a com- at the entrance of theBo-teCnabsar tomv ThWe Reniolws Aede Newe w oars. which made it all possible. cae uighrnrm plaint from a lady on Church manville High School. Tdyproso nta raa h byc Watrma.Reyl dstend-A.ellow Rai ns. chairman of Factors influencing the age of career had been on the staffs Street to the Chief Constable hie paid a fine of $10 and ot ecat aeette od ane chirman.VcepresidentheA. . , Comittee, sta- men and machines were the of Red Cross Hospitals, Or- about the erattic driving of a of $3 for being drunk.buieswtotheid ak Keit B.Eitt npresided.d rogran excellent nmotion mass production of cars, bet- angeville and Bowmanville 1948 car. Today Lince pleaded Jeffery Giles, 44, of 1 a en lce yniypr Dr. G. tedIenannl chai- icture " Bright Century " ter roads, new methods of tra- Hospitals during a 14 year Guilty to a charge of Drunk venridge Ave., Torontowsossernsoigec mitano e Inter atal C om-P ld 'be presented. This in- vel, and great bridges. period. Driving and was sentenced to given a week to pay a feo ons a andt b rnittee annu nertatioathe ou t fil vividly depicted World War II resulted in The late Mrs. Shackleto.n 7days in gaol. He also pleaded $50 and costs of $3 for haigsanfo1iuradntt club'sd annul Iternaional -theresdevelopment of the steel revolutionary techniques, new1 was a member of Salem Umi- Guilty to having a part bot- liquor on a service statio o agaon nteae.H Woeekest nd ill beHeonOcked n . Py nthis country precision instruments, a n d ted Church and of the Can- tle of wine and was fined $15 at 11:00 p.m. He was as a oeadh hudg ht or stand 22nwud. laked mdus910 many small steel greater versatility for the adian Legion. She served with and costs of $3 or 3 days ad- wanted on a warrant forfi-tee tohae Rorin stould like companies amalgamated to steel industry, the film ex- the3 C.W.A.C. from January' ditional. ing to supply food and 1ogn ai onRcbr 1,8 thehanve frign stTorontofrmoforCanada, and teexpansion idustrial potenf undationlaib Surviving besid ldber hu se 1dh o hti n este wsrmn W a . ese ho sega ult lt im kn of this important industry in that period. banaeoaur Frelddren, il ing supp hied by his doctor p us ed a week on this e agh dnl charge f butesMro m inand ea.osm n yeo loo.Abn tOhwpi 5 i od perdfrsn tnfrmeder the o lraeader of (Intended for last week) la few weeks with Mrs. A..E. M tives was one from Salem Toa edm 6 fNw o consumin iurwie anytence on a chargeAlanofS.theftwaof ther DenGeerwadMroh Te emndlvee yteBillett till stronger, as Miss Chur-ch. 9:00a a wallet6,andNelessr than $50, ther Beaton the piananaccompanis R esermyPeon her da Doreen Perrett commences Looking over a souvenir booklet of the Italian The f'uneral service was held c was plae nt a 9:ecember Lr.yGo atn 9 rpryo o nls.H P .P ws n ey wihth a-teaching again near Port Hope. . • l I M h1 H Aon Saturday, Sept. 9, im the p12.cHe a ben ice up af- Kin g.E. T o a indwspaeonupnede. Guests at the luncheon meet- a nkein ihte -Miss Ginger Balson is holi- campaign im World ar IIare Maj. Carles H. A·Chapel of Northcutt & Smith 1.ter adtiencopint upat te $0indSts ofw3n ls,1 tne owoeyer ing were Wilhiard A. Layman, proaching Labour Da6: 27-29 daying with Miss Jean Brown Spencer, left, Bowmanville, and Lt. Col. Edward A. Funeral Home and was con-tebae oftheCP.Tes' itla e est and costs of $3 ntocagsparlhn, 8 saa Diywork and daily bread and her parents at Ballsam Coolen, Halifax, now assigned as hiaison officers at ducted by Rev. _G. Lokhorst. of Scugog Street. He was in- of obtaining liquor whln a uterrmne ni NEWCASTLE are'ecessr to our physical Lake. Fort Monroe. The two Canadians are veterans of the Interment was mn Hampton toxicated and had to be carried minoir or 10 days in ga.HeOt10hoacarefas existence. Daily work has its Mr. and Mrs. John Macnab same campaigns in Italy and Holland, but they didn't Cemetery- out and carried to the cells was continued on ProbtoaligSev ua.H st (Itedd o ls we) . .y n eey oke s and family and Mrs. John pi Pallbearers were Alf. Ran- from the car. He was without for breach of Probation itsayotfBwmnilad (Intndedfor ast eek) dgty andreery. oreChris-Blson have been spending a meet until they came to Fort Monroe's Continental dle, Jim Woodley, Dick Gibbs, a shirt, was covered with bru- a 9:00 p.m. curfew and ei eott isuceec ih Mrs. Samn Powell, Dorrene tin rer kn ws that there week with the Gerald Bal- Army Command headquarters. Jack Gibbs, Bill Gibbs and ises and scratches and had to stay away from DonaldRyb :0pm Powell, Lake Shore, Donna, .s a siritual food to be sons at their cottage. -U.S. Army Photograph Tony Janczyn· been in the water, as his trou- Cornish, Bruce Burgessad Titohecarsunr Sandra, Dana and Floyd Coul- sught, that the soul is fed on Mrs. Albert E. Taylor, Bond sers were wet. FranlnSyor hbHgwy rfi c te, owsvew M. ndMr. hrstthe Bread of Life. Head, visited Mr. and Mrs. B F dMca ean War for an assigniment. He pleaded Guilty to a Daniel Sallows, 19 WaeM ruh.pnliso 49 i Jack Crago, were mid-week "This is the work of God, that Burrows. Mrs. Ann Phillips, Fort Monroe, Virginia-. In there with the British Com-chreomirobangl-Radpid$8nadukmtrvoaospid42Cut guets f Ms.Mare I Gat-e believe on Him, whom God Kingston, Is visilting her dau- World War II they sailed from monwealth Divison. Colonel quor and told the court that charge. aJunda :0pm shore, who has recently re- hath sent." ghter Mrs. Burrows. England in the samne convoy Coolen became a student at MERVIN B. RAHME turned from a European tour. Th 'hita d t 1i Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jammer, of troopships, they fought in the U.S. Army's Command and rattetres n aas Mrs Wnon Ky, rs. heCisti andeu c aof er-ngston et the long week.'te aecapinmItaly General Staff College at Fort The death occurred sudden- vegetables, desserts and other Marie Gartshore and Mrs. Ed- Contte, rm aep ofntrepr endidn Hampton and divided and in Holland where their Leavenworth, Kans., from ly on Sunday, Sept. 3, 1961, items will all be donated by nia Selby aittendied the Button settvsfo h hi iebteen the Bur- p.aths crossed on many occa- where hie came to Fort Mon- of Mervin B. Rahme, at his the members and other people C flr w Meeting held last week at the our charge, willmee n d hertieb th sions, they never met. roe.cotg onCadsLkithprs. home of Mrs. 0. K. Osborne, Hayaton7huch0 al onSu- home a am Today, Lt. Col. Edward A. Both officers expressed sat- north of Peterborough. Mr. Mrs. James Fair, seconded The regutlar meeting fcar-rpre htteLre Bowmanville. dya :0pm Coolen and Maj. Charles H. isfaction at being given the Rahme resided at 85 Orchard by Mrs. Stewart Chisholm,1wright Township CounclwsBigwetoB1akokws Sunday Schol begins at Mr. and Mrs. Terry and A. Spencer share an office as liaison posts with Conarc'. View Blvd., Oshawa. the past president, moved thatlheld in the eveninig of usiopee ed o rfi Hampton next Sunday at 10:15 children, Scarborough, a n c Canadian Army liaison offi- Colonel Coolen and his wife, Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. two dozen pitchers to be usediday, Sept. 5th, with all e-adta thdecee h ]KEDRON a.m. Mrs. Harrison, sister of Mrs. cers with Contmnental Army the former Ann Claire Mac- Robert Rahme, hie was born for gravy be pureleýsed. This bers present. The minutsosiaebyacul ude Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy spent Carrick, visited Mr. and Mrs. Command headquarters at Donald, who also is a native Aug. 25, 1900 at Burketon, was carried. the las-t meeting were eddlasierpre lota TheWoie'sAu.lar. o three days in Toronto enjoy- Ahix Carrick on Sunday. Fort Monroe. of Halifax, and the Spencers Ont. He was married in Osh- Ilws noucd that MiVs and approved teSho ord a xed Te om hrc ensAuxi hr of the Shriner's Circus, Ca- Miss Wendy Keefe and Mas-, Their joint assignment at have joined their American awa, April 27, 1927, to the for- Ita noneise herrue ii ert Kedrn Curc reume thir nadiana and a ferry trip to ter Wayne Keefe, Scarborough, the Virginia Peninsula post friends in the social and re- mer' Mary Edith Watkins and Mae Bottrell has completed a Mr. M. G. Sleep ofPckrpikuansteryhidt meetings on Wednresday even- the Island. who have spent the summer marks the first time the two creational activities on the was a resident of Oshawa for history of the parish. Thisling and Caesarea was peetterdo n htcsso ing. The gæupMimetsinotheandMargart with their grandiparents, Mr., Canadians have met, although Peninsula. 50 years. will e rward ted to iss rfeques in ethe iondSprn itrmintnic Loecet r slloft u clThe Misses ora and .ga isted and Mrs. Alix Carrick, have "we were as close as 1,000 And, Major Specrsto M.RhewsmpydAgsGanheitranftnetsiseton ftefomownbeqtexe- pedemtnt, Mrs. Joear r ca- Prdoa omandviiM etrndhoeyrdGurngsvealo te lersos Rbet 1,an b enra otrsfr ve 0 h CL iceanCunil oawa eainfoohrlkesiv. esugetdha4hee Roed themeeting toorde Ms. and Mrs. eG. c .tan Rn Master Brent Caverly and, Italian camnpaigns," according Douglas, 12, recently brought years and was a member of Peterborough. and adjacent to his proetaiatyertebsrue dro Leay ediHandel's andMs.awJo ecea a 'ted Miss Siharon Caverly spent a to Colonel Coolen. a glint of pride to their ten- St. George's Anglican Church. The Treasurer, Mrs. D. land also to advise whatdchcodbepndinautfr "Largo", as ahe hmediftation. n O sha .a ecn visMr. few days with their grand- Colonel Coolen, a native of nis-minded parents when the He was also a member of the Hendsby, presented a satis- ing was permitted and sz or rfo ..t .. w"ýPeae"ws e heeof ed y andMs .W Harrison and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken.- Halifax, Nova Scotia, was with two boys took first-place hion- United Automobile Workers factory fmnancial report. The culverts, etc. ta hsya twl aea wrship rvi e epar&. e by , s. re, pet the neth Caverly, while their par- headquarters of the 5th Ar- ors mn recent jumior tennms of America. next meeting of the CWL will U n d e r correspondene es opl fhuslne Mrs. Bran Lee Mrs. ee Kendolb nMrs and Mrs, ents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cav. mored Division when Major matches conducted on the post. Besides his wife, Mýr. Rahmie be held on Monday evenmng, number o etr eusigadta n n ehp w rad arpoem and sanrand Aweekanw HaryOnSatur- erlyOshawa, attended a Spencer of Bowmanville, On- WihteConsa Frtssuvedboeduge, September 18th, as it has been overgrown lots to be CutwrIxr'rvesmyhv ob Mrs. Hrvue roan read a dcock nd the Harrisons and Kinsmani Interinational Con.. tario, was with the Irish Regi- Monroe are their two sons, Mrs. Ralph Richer (Sherry) of decided to hold the regular declared received, butntfud oncldsusdga them IlpurMndr aady evig'ted Mr. nd Mrs. ference in Toronto. ment of Canada, one of the James, 13, and Paul, 10. The California, and a son, Gordon meetings of the organizations acted On as at this tie1 eiganmbro od o 'Stop Little Wars". Mrs.GAdcck vsi . . armored division's infantry Spencers have three other of Oshawa. He also leaves a on the third Monday of each year weeds had alreadygnfrmtespyofcuho Edi, rilliams, from Oshawa, Gallan . Mrs. Elliott, Oshawa, visited battalions. children, Susan, 14, John, 8, sister, Mrs. Queenie Mackin month, instead of the third to seed and also the mwrhn as a solo "My Task". Mr1n r.Fradz e ut r.JeCamn About the time Major Spen- and Stephen, 6. of Oshawa, and three broth- Tuesday, until after Christ- 'had been removed fro h el edt ri s. .Crossman !nt r o di u c e di Debbie, Ronmie and David, on Monday. cer was moved up to the 11th Memories of the same area ers, Elwood and Talmadge of mas. Township tractor for thse-t uala fatlpon rs. C. Langfeld, from Osh- Scarborough, spent the week- Mrs. H. Tink, SolMna, spent Infantry Brigade, Colon e 1 and the same Canadian AT- Oshawa and Russell of Bow- son. "ht awa, who spoke on Temper- end at the Niddery home. the weekend with her daugh- Coolen was shifted to the 1st mored Division came to the manville. There are three A couple of complanth aine tonN.3rsdt ance. Mrs. Williams spoke on Recent callers at the Pres- ter, Mrs. Percy Dewell. Miss Canadian Corps artillery. a writer's mind as hie interview- grandchildren, h.el eufcdsdwl hs etn r et temiperance work with young cott home: Mr. and Mrs. Will Diane Tink, Solina, spent Sun- unit that supported the bri- ed the two Canadian officers. Mmrasevcwshld Or OUpletien Bl ckstoc was ohg tigteeto ihast people, and Mrs. Harold Par- Ashton, Enniskillen, Mr. and day at the Dewell home. gd.Ti rte a ntes me termsronge Fun erl o o.Ci Iictaciiewas adteasitithercntrcino rtmt inted the adiest come MssJhnManlett,Tyrne, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goshaw The two units left Italy at troop convoy from England Home, Oshawa, Wednesday, vehicles were draggingwstews uatrln a to meeRingsLof the W.Ct.Ufl.aMisarnPecotE- and Charles, Oshawa, were the same time, and again the (on the samne troopship as was September 6, and was con- O n Wdd n ferred to the Road Suprn ree ett uiia n Mhre s. ross ee hakdahfield Monday evening supper guests paths of the two officers cros- Major Spencer) and fought *in ducted by Rev. Clinton D..tedn.Svrl thr e-gerofaiDetfHg- ther guetsi fe roOsawafo Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan, with Mr. and Mr&s. Percy sed. Both were assigned with the same campaign in Italy Cross. Interment followed in An iv rs eve l - wy frfowrdn h thirparti te rora. who are on holidays, left On Dewell. their units in the final push and Holland- h.shw nonCmtry ured torthe radesuprn rw r Durmeing ebsiess art fl a turday ft orBosto, Mss., to Mr and Mrs. Percy Dewell through Holland to the border The Cape Breton Highland- Pallbearers were Robert Wil- tendent to, act on as h a r p y vthemereting sevea disP st on's ant is Anere hosts to a supper for Mr. of Germany. ers, the writer's umit, was with son, Edgar Wilson, Elwood On Sept. 8th, 1926, at Ty- fit.M.adMs Wse rg voluneere to erveat Pt Roers•and Mrs. Metrailler and fa.' At war's end, the two units the 11th Canadian Infantry Shackleton, Keith Jackson, rone Parsonage, Rev. J. R. The poperties acquirdb aldo oni n h o Luck Supper this coming Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kneu- ily one evening last week. were sent back to Canada. Ma- Brigade through the same Earl Rahme and Stanley Rus- Trumpour, united in mar-,TxArasRg e a e. eu urday. It was decided not to naing and family have moved After supper the close neigh- jor Spencer was assigned to campaigns as was the Irish sell. riage Rose Mary Shortt andî aere arve b Cunilfot- rgr hold a baza-ar this fall. The to Blackstock. They will be bors came in and presented an armored unit, but Colonel Regiment. However, when the AlrdWlimPect.aeeby Tenerd te ra-ttreoteBlcur ladies voted money to pur- missed by their neighbors and the Metraillers with nice gifts. Coolen remained in England unit was sent d kth C anada, OnlSaudilay, Set. h,161, su e a nseructed to de- rSauruut2t rnuniona ohemtthdcm ed. Mr. adMsMerirhveoSa taff ssignent. tvarious army parted company,aand li BIU RY Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott tise and put noitices in 4,fu)adas euse h sa At tihe close of the meeting Mr and Mrs. Bill Nash, sold their home in Hampton Canadian Army headquarters transferred to the U.S. Army of Hampton were delightfully of the local district nw pa-mncalgnto $200 lunch was served by Mrs. Ross Oshawa, spent Sunday with and are returning to Switzer- followed for both officers. Ma- after swapping his rifle for a REGINALD STEPHENS surprised. Mr. and Mrs. Her- ers, as well as postini h hc a prvd Lee and Mrs. Everett MVount- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. land to vist their parenits. jor Spencer took time out in typewriter and a desk in Army bert Prescott andtsons, Enmis- properties. Any mnter ested Blswr lpoe o a. .oy. Wm. Axford. Mrs. S. McReekýs attended the latter months of the Kor- public relations. Following an inlness of al- killen, called to tae is par- parties might contac thmet:Ras$09.6 an 'The United Links Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey, the trousseau tea on Fridlay most three months the death ents out for supper. They were Treasurer for mnformaiona eea con 1,9.4o School class held a bonfire with friends from Bowm&an- given by Mrs. White in honor occurred at the Oshawa Gen.. taken to the "Acres" whre the municipa.l office in Bak hc 1,0.0wsalcie end wiener roast recently. ville, enjoyed a motor trip to of hier daughter, Miss Ann eral Hospital on August 10th, their daughter Ruth and her stck telephone 6, oratrtcdciiomkn oa About a dozen members met the Haliburton District on White, whose marriage to Mr. YLER O 1961, of Regmnald Stephens of husband John Carrigan were Sept. 17th dial 986-4211.Tn xed:ueo 2,4.8 en Mr. W. . Mountjoys farrn Tursday. Keneth KiThr tdkKenneth SKilmer, wastmcreceivingHethesnumerousviguests'umders gtosPurchasetowillhabe re- ony L.e Moty' Mis fr R e. MrePecot•di Trn et au y ith Sryt rpr1ht r oge oedng ne-his60th yer.Miss Marie Prescott had been t 2no ody Conilr a mo cial evening. A worship ser- the long weekend at home, so reception in Hampton 'edtohsait'l(n.owa- the bride-to-be and lher mom- 1Ena JL 25thorn1902 the th ecot erstplan thelparg,ty• esfl bder wi6 b ot-Badase foncaig vice was presented by Yvonne on Sunday afternoon, Mr. andl Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Bell, and vll e think al(ndws hma (r. e. lrk)--tendecasel as a son9ofthe teAfter a sumpntous tky ce an1 bupon recipto s o h eralnCnr Hick, MaleneWood andMrs A. . Prscot, Mts Larene, Tront, viitedtwinly-yed iu tc h (a na shndi .wasaacoplet sur Mr nd rs. rthu Stehenssupprooppe offby te trd- crtiied hequ forthe ull ornthleic ativries.Sam 1iKren asce . Games a d a M re P ectt a d M .A .Mand s. A W . P e c t, M sL r nd M Tr. Cl n ce i spe ed r c vey. M.vuraipsloeat rs E n stnet • o e, Co n al E g an . tonlne di g a e, nu e - m un, hop op ry il e, wa ra te ub ec o e lunc of ienrs ad mash-Presott ooka moor tip o lat Wenesay. ,alclm uffeed apaiful obinon ontrbute t o Aresientof Cnadafor42 os pacel wer-prouce·-su+ecttopproal b th sposibl suerviion The Whitby Township's Sun.. Joan Berry, Mrs. Dickie and .Miss Mary Peters, Bowmnan- startedhseluttly, hT Lave n-ew .FA. FieldmnGrnttery, Rev. C. D ross of S. day School Convention will Miss Reta Dickie, Louise Sal- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. spicked upsp eed wintlh ainti-WllFaceand MJonsoln of GeoresAnglican Curchcon- Tefrtmeigo h alta t neet ntepoe-myb bae rmt be 'held at Kedron United ter, Arline Yeo, Mrs. Zuiders- Harold Salter. aion not in acquwiringnowc- thellands andFrestJono f 'd Thfere .ffl san intetrm of the Dur- ty knows nteastntheapstbeectry Church on Saturday, Septem- man, Mrs. Jasma, Mrs. Kil-- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pres- paio bunt in agetingbkn-sh a d ndFrsto Ln- The profusion o wrh amdContyFderratnof AgDu- ta ken overbthe Conev-Pan r ledysatdf ber 16th, with sessions at 2:30 lens, Mrs. Prime and her mo- cott, Roger and Erm spent lege, t i gtnfulfil- - . showed the esteem in w riculture was edron Thurs-tion Authrity sthatmc-eh ont •nalMei and at 7:30 p.m. The theme ther, Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. Lock- Saturday evening with Mr. wd cravingangr huanusoclity. nengrat ul carioesf Mount the ldeceansmb who te an dayicleveningS ept.on7thattinry cold bese tu herb n r mTlePeie will be "The Teacher and His wood was presented with a and Mrs. Glen Smith. l.d.ravihomerhuof MrcitandeiMrs.riClarenceofMothethDept.e uofeLandstteand dFor- ofg, ethe Ontarioh Federation o et u Bibe"Al inerstd pope icegit ithwhchto re - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCul- Hrbo clbain hi'e h unrlad who also AllinwithfM e 20 DisClrects esto Las careaes giutrhsacpe are invited to come. There member her friends. The Sunderland, were Sunday visi- lough and family have moved Churah Centenmial on Sunday called at the funeral home. alln thr wie20preto dves lp thepoprandkepivtaintob hege will be a pot luck suppe. okwoods are moving to Fort tors, with Mr. and Mrs. Glen into their new home in Yel-i-an auspicious occasion for TeplbarsweH arry S eial gu reste mt t.i ev ptte rcondityio tobspae.M.Tlnhson Next Sunday the Rally Day Weilliam. Smnith. ýverton, previously the Hughitheir church commumity. Blanchard, Alf. M ay n ard,SperleMr. GatWalcueforcetinlppss.eetyrtredrmYgy Service will be conductedi Mrs. Nicholls, Nova Scotia,ý Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Bows McGill domicile. Court Nestleton and Court.Frank Bright, Frank Singer Campelrd Mr. John-alae Redf eenly aahsbensai weehrwsadl during the regular church1 is visiting her daughter. Mrs. manville, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Mr. Norman Wilson has ac- Manvers C.O.F. will be jomnt- 'Sr., Richard Wilhiams and Joe ston lo heDep.o d and doJo n e b raigo ale n aerpeenting O.FA.gatht period, and all children of the Prime. Cryderman, Timothy Eaton cepted his jurisdctona r- y entertaining a C.O.F. ball Barocyai.Foetgnravndls.Temt-Iential eeaino Sunday School are invited. Mrs. Frank Russell and dau- ý Memorial Church, Toronto, sponsibility for this commi-tournament on Saturday, Sept. Mort. alaewaentou e i n u sedtem Tte n giutrlPoue o The regular Sunday School ghters, Rosalie and Sandra, were Labour Day visitors with week-,he will report as jurorý 16, with teamis participating bythMr.Wlede ntrdey alaint ieedtcommitongfrncom nlkow a period will be held at 11:00. and son John, Lindsay, visited the Wm. Wilburs and the L. at Cobourg on Monday. I from as far away as Belle- clm.thPe sueedsHareMr.aoited with te Cnevto ....M.Tle a This past week Mrs. Jack their aunt, Mrs. A. E. Billett. Crydermans. Ye old wedding bells once ville (both men and ladies),CW' m l eConm e asO.F.A. fieldma fo Athorit andhepCortansu elhofifrainad Glovd4entertained a group of Miss Faye Smith, Frank- Mr. and Mirs. A. Johnston, more commence their discor- to be followed in evening by hi roe a ,FDafelhavn gone tr eti ng.knckofmerpesigth ladiesi&t an afternoon tea in lord, Ont., our new teacher, is Blackstock, visited Mr. and dant jimgling as the rare comn-a dance in Janetville C.O.F. Ito Novra Scota tofrhavn e isTe uoou n honour"#f Mrs. C. Miller of staying with Mrs. A. E. Billett1 Mrs. Wm. Wilbur. Miss Bev- bination of frosty nights and'Hall. The general public !S IP a ieducarti oa etiate TuroAr i-rule sendregay utlin fa eetn tre fataa Pt. William. Mrs. Miller hasifor a time. erly Cowling and Mrs. Frank harvest moon lure a couplecrdally ivtdtoattnd •cltriolleg teMr.W allacre sgna nrgtbingspo-pnns been spending a week with We are pleased to reportiKerslake, Bowmanville, called more unsuspecting juveniles;both'functions. Last year this QfQ/0 [comtue wellecoendr Wlednsred byot* e ntai eea h oewl.ipa e her daugrhter, Mrs. W. Sharp. that Mrs. Bert Stevens ison the on Friday. into the toils of matrimony. evntwa hed n ellvile Ie xpcoeriec e nrculuen andtion of griutueOtr.iso o-eainoArclueBo On Friday NMs. Ronald home from Oshawa Hospital,1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo and, On Friday ni<ght Mrs. JackTeewa peilm etig eerinciv giut.e isan-dtt is foAricthe.sgigo aa h nenainlPoi Werry and Kevin and Mrs. gaining strength every day, Miss*Lynn Yeo spent a fewiWilson opened their spacious'b ec- fthee athospclcWmen'sngaedainfarmiig andHprioren-toCest i or tIn signtobusdMchadDrmhsbe Brian Lee and Susan spent, and with her sight much im- 1days visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. hm osoe4odd(rTfke h onotese he u Te day evcWoen ga his p rt position wasP res offiiy by theo.A.Teakdtmnthboho the day with Mrs. Grant Far- 1Domved. Mrs. Ethel Burgess, 1Yeo at a cotitage near Fenelon should we say more than for- es, ty this mId siugPour coLee arnemyeen f ohlid ent it iorthumberndes-figns musbthbe sbntedb enedy.ctbr4h row in Pt. Credit. Tyrone, sister of Mr. Stevens,lFalls. ty) females to honour Miss by MacdonaldIs thueachesourkpey Dinrngert be he d ' ontyof teNrmerationdOte16gnd wil be udgdaFloigrhruins a Miss Catherine Hawley of helped out for a few days,, The ladies of the W. 1. spon- Patricia Clark, formerly of boiling water on tepeahThn Joeh' Ha ner Seoteehe d M r Johnsdeton.s ntoct.F.a.n al eting ftemeig r n r Peterborough sperd a week and now Mrs. Mabel Stevens, sored a pot luck supper Tues- this comnmunity now !iymgn u tanch) for 1mizucàTh kn qthe y-PphresidenMs. Me ed b Mr. M S.Stwals. Mtr. Priztes Faeofee orte etAlmsowdsldsofte with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee Palmerston, sister of Mrs. day evening in the Christian'Port Perry, priokr to her mar- dip In cold water.Taski ndThe e n asappoint l'ed on Johnton.wS. epesting he 3 cestsreoer sgia umitd crvnfrplatwnr , mntyand Mr. and Mrs. 'Stevens, is with them. Education Roomn, followed by riage on Saturday, Sept. 16, will come offvery easy, adHenor for the evented DepJhntof andrps an Fortets sts2500, nd-nis150,3d-truhthsntduttsa HMfawley were Sunday 1Mrs. Perrett is improving a program. More details next 1to Mr. Olive Boyd, also of ,te rosyh hue willremam on vemersfo thveCWL iladeproponsedatntheFertin$10.00 uls nd reultins exco -- steadily, and is going to spend week. -- .Port Perry. te peac . ý- Mmeso h W iladpooe oteFdrto 1.0 ue n e t If -i ;t . r