WEPfSDYSEPT. l3th, 1981 TEE CANADIAN STATÊSMMi, EOWMANVILLP, ONTARIO PG ITE ~È LAS S I F I E D AD S Pigeons Win Many Prizes Snuffy's Lose 3-2tieSphnFlsrgndte Wok#ýtiiited Work Wanted- Auction Sale Close Game Tuesday ME~ING and dressmaking 1BRICK, Mason and Concrete Attention Farmers! Weeklyý AI ce Hàpàor4, MA' 3-3491. Jwork, Chim-neys, etc. L. Turn- Livsoc ales at the Durham 37-2 er. T e m p o r a r y residience Cut ae rnOoo capble wmanPMA3-427 B MALL3DO-Z605G. N 3-t .m. J. A. R eeiyd a SonG ives F ue fers T ow n T iff E ]HOUSEWORK by the day, byPhneM735053 il J.e AeldeveyThd aSot - 27-1* EXCAVATINGMages37i CARPM5ER work and re- Nqew John Decre Equlpment Auction sale of 30 head estimates. Phone ~Shorthorn cattle, tractar and ý te a e S re ~8-2'52. 6-2 nueritur trmc.hei er y gain An unearned run in the and raced acrots whcn Snuf- ta the box andMeBues woman desires g furnitur, etc., the property 0fsixth innlng gave Stephen ly's pitcher threw Jack Bond's o oippbc i~ lt O O A E baby-sitting In own home. Tele- 'Phone Blackstock 104R Collect Mr. Arthur V. Thorn, east haf Fuels a 3-2 win over Snuffy's bunt wildy pat frst. oihnholsoopcdahgLMTE ph~1e C 3-293. 37-129-0 of Lot 15, Concession 3, Cavan _____________________Auto Body in the scventh ThAuoBd istokopeba o Township, 2 miles south and game of the Men's Town Lea- ThAuoBdfittokapebckaSehnbt HEAÀTING, Plumbing a n di SAVE MONE1Y AT one mile east of Millbrook, on gue Softball Championship the lead in the opening trame, he couldn't findih ade ErIMQen rs Evsruhn.Call GouldDavs R ar Tuesday, Sept. 26. Sale aosfe.Tettl-inn ul when Lloyd Hamilton led off and the Auto Boycutd21:IGS.E 18-t P arm mplrnens trcomenc ca e tm ehin ticgelin -th a double and scored on the go-ahead run sae a . . James Lewis the fourth and again in the "Ma" ih rds t wo- n thou rt ge. W lth two out, Gat Wih O M N I L HeranVamDaBllStreanrs De.. aBelmi mfiatfpm.Funiur fft, efrecahincte e-StPhnçg thenheoutdde-ld o ahoattht igt-Aunoimdaeaehoo SKTSSHARPENED, 35c p.adA rsrog lrs akona lktBoAbttw GENERAL CONTRACTOR Quick Service Reid, A tongerks;3Jackciding marker. dbl~~ Ofielder Jlm Oisi e0y1GSORSCR Redautiner.372George Stephen went the lpassie.asaan am Allin's ]Brick - Block - Concrete 26 ONTARIO STREET____maeaso-tigcchaf adCretyCoe ensasdistance ta earn the victory nsige ter getting a 1a8 sat b MRI ABE and arpetryClosd Wdnesays The undersigned auctioneer ~ on a five-hitter, while laser Each team scored a gift run bott singled in tern hnMA315 NEW WORK and REPAIRS 34-tf wiîî sell by public auction the Harry Snowden was equally in the fifth. Snuffy's threaten- shortstop Lane andrgtfed PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMTO farm stock, implements, for , effective, allowing a haîf dazen ed ta break it wide open when er "Chuck" Kilparc alw rit Pasfering eî ir Charles Tabb, Lot 11, Con. 9, î . safeties. It was a throwing er- the first two batters- Joe cd the bail ta drapi ewe __________________ r arligto Towshi, onSat ror by Snowden which enabled Kennett and Riais Lane sing- them. Stephen ritrdtels QUICK SERVICE urday, Sept. l6th: Holstein r" the winning run ta score. lbattrplacn ord Inonsedon six aVauxhinli O WN STUCCO AND NEW WORK cow, 6years old, due Sept. 30; pieonfncerfO oaryerstoV~ne nttretched a and third. Stephen bore down opposing spnsarSufout ttoiao OW NHeefrdpo, re June 18; A erapionfce orvr 50 yas otn igeit double ta get Hamnilton on a bouncer himself, who ledofthfia R.L A T Hereford cow, bred July 9; Frank Btrl, et sshawincï a Likartie new. ny40ml. 54 Kig St E. M 3.530 Hbrtei corner taar 25 the hobby, Jack Brown of Queen St., same fvnnuly and Mr. Len Bradley, Taylor, Bowmmnville, tao o k B YO RHolstein cow, 6 years, râcm t Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens to B O YOUR R. L. ~~16-tf Sept. 3, black heifer calf ut of the fine points of banding birds. Bath have had Mrs. Bert Ashton at their cot- Palmerston on Saturday and M.~g~Rhe e y- ado 24-HOUR side; 3 veul calves, Cockshutt trernendous success this year in competition at various tage and enjoyed a picnic they axe staying for a time. Congratula'tions r ni 2D WN ~WELDING SERVIC cultivatr rs & Wood dise, taok 15 f irsts and seven seconds. At the CNE he had Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sellers brated his seventh b Wha ~d tbbidssomnr, Oîy3,00mie BUSI ESSArc and O10E 12t0?th exhibitians. Frank s.haod2rbrsstet-aadsupr BbMRcl1 aMserDu lasS thcdceneWlo, iowr BU I E Srake, M.-H. seed drill, 1l dise; nine firsts, nine secands, eight thirds, 1l fourths, three and children, Bowmianville,, an Saturday and cntertai'ned rd at evning epenerlt PORTABLE UNIT ~~~~Mr. and Mrs.Bo celsa numberofhslte rnd.OteTuda UNIT Renfrew scales, like new; steel fifths, five sixth and three sevenths. Jack showed Oshýawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. a i iii red.ci h usa vnn ro INAnywhere - Anytime - Cail stone-boat, scuffler, single 13 birds at the CNE and took eight f irsts, three seconds, John Macnab on Sunday. The members of the Foot- to the wedding,Ms.Gog V INC. JIOHNSON - MA 3-2718 plough, 2 sections harrows and on hird and 37o3scin arwrbe-i-oetne fourth. He alsa won three specials Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. ball Club, with their wives, Stephenson and M.Wlig edwao ad aktemhan-icldigthe award for best birds at the show with Merwin Mountjoy spent the enjoyed a corn roast recently. ton Farrow enter]le tti tto B OW MAN VI LLE NW LC TO ess with breeching, whipple- his Exhibition rallers. Recently, ane of his pigeons weekend at Bird's Eye Cen- Congratulations are extend- lnosoe forWyienespantetc trees and neckyokes; 980 bales won a race from Parry Sound. day attended Port Perry Mon- Kied a w.an s Kedd n etha hihse eeve ay xctinl«odcodto For as littie as $6500 you Wc are now Iocatcd at hay and other articles. Mr. -Photo by Gary MacDougal n-i ek n n rs inws edi ful gf 35 NELSON STREET Tabb is giving up farming ow- Ths__ P r. a r. ilmerwheld In -Heam«pt.onnone can own a profitable coinl Phone MA 3-7127 ing ta ili health. No reserve. Moun'tjoy and their friencis township hall, followlng their Misses Lyn Stphno n opraedA. B A A R S Clif Pethick, auctioneer. H A M PT O a picni.c supper at Cartwright Mr. an-d ?MLm. Kenneth Cav- Reid an-d Bill Joho p PLMIG& HEATING 37-1 M.adMs o ees pn h ekn Park. erly wene guests at a birthday -the holiday weEkedi t .R ___3r7adM-1TmPtr, pn heweei witjh Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, party for Master Mark Cav- tawa. oaiYond 37i ~Oshawa, visited on Sunday and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Union, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ped- erly, Bowrnanville. Mn. and Mrs.J.HliraeGocndtn RN SSHERIFF'S SALE 0F LAND even'ing with Mr, and Mrs. family. Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, lar, Stayner, visited their On this coming Sunday, holidayi.ng atMnd Mr s.L ELTRTnIC M TDewell home. f Otaio Miss Jane Reynolds recently thc Sunday Scihool. Rev. Mi. ville. m SprmofO tano bard, sawvisited Mrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert seta wI V-S automatlc, Pgecustom radio.a bap MN ~ MBMme directed, against the Goods Alnandi family. Mis. Hub- spenit a few days at Bramrpton hr snsweeis hly w iaellerhvi thrgu a- School ope*edonTedyLaî wd W E M EPARSanPREININStaannCdttlsan Ladsan Ali ha cosisMis Serl Ln isal ericaad teLanuardsvhan.R.downPrncialMbve veR. codiio ai yur lecricl EuipentTenmens o ROERTHANbard stayeli for a few days ta visiiting their~ daughter, Mrs. and Miss Patti Williams, Bow- churich serivce. in the Senior ro<m ndMs K O NSales & Service MA 3-3058 COCK CALE, Defendant, ut b ihMs aahAu. Dni aauiM.Mr avle On Sunday evening, Sept. V. A. Bradshawtahrin1E a 43 Third St. Bownianvilc the suit ai JUEIN PEARL Mrs. John Balson enjoyed shaîl and family. Mrs Hrr Brooking, Port 9th, Rev. Mn. Page called a the junior rom.Teesa 5IU niC K LEENETTE ~19-tf CALE, Plaintifi, I have seized a motOr trip ta Grimsby with a M.r. and Mrs. Boyd Wilcox, Britain, is visiting hen da'ugh- meeting of bbc Christian Edu- -total artendance c 1 ih 8cl uoaicao uLE E nd tuken in execution all the Mr. -and Mrs. Les Hoskin. On Cobourg, took Mr. and Mrs. ter, Mrs. Ce-cil Slemon and caition Comxittees of the three nIne beginners. rdo w-oepit TV TOWERS right, title, interest, and cquity Sunday cvening Mss. Balson Hogarth for a -trip ta Niagara Mx. Slem'on. appointments, the meet in g SManage in spare timne. Acrials and Rotors ai redemption of ROBERT was a suppen guest with Mrs. ta, sec the illuminated Falls, M.adMs ei lmnbighlia apo m .Lge Repars a Arias HNCOCACAE, efedan, Chste an MiALEaAnotteandtasecheChesntenrE-aM.dadMMi.sCciISdaon elng hed aaHndm tan Mn E.Lthee shaa, n- EcepionllEx-o Choice location available. and Rotors i n a termiik Falls, Hal i b u r t o n. including M&. Page. Eldaà day aiter spendin« e as Oe 0SH(a) ALL AND SINGULAR Mss. Baison enjoyed a tp ta Mrs. Irene Chapira, Long Is- with Mr, and Ms. Dean seems ta be the hast oa-gainiz- with M. and Mis .Wlo. mdl acos rm NOW!OSHA A TV that certain parcel of land and Bancroft with Mn. and Mrs. lanad City, Ncw York, necently Hodgson. ed, having a C.GIT. group, Mn. and Mrs.ArheBwnCN CT i plyR A t8.8p8 0i s e i t h e , o n go B a n she L e s us t h o rs e vco t a g irt hd . a d M s J . H - M . a n d M r s . B r u c e H o g a r th a v e r y a c itiv e Y o u n ig P e o le's a n d f a m ýil y s p e n t a fd y G et h e Fa ts1 and Obig n te o n iB wm n se wa uetfoseerlgat.and family, Picke ring Village, Choir, a n a mid-week group moto ng thnough b iae E r c ue Getth Fics! Bill and Bob ea ] ville, in the County of Dur- days. Mr and Mrs. Win. Morri- calle on Mr..and Mxs. Hai-old forn teen-agers. These Young recently. Compîcte details including 8-tf hum, and being composed of Mss. Sargent and daughters son, Bowmanville, Mr. and Sulta. . eoplîe misa do home-work, Sonry ta report tatMs .Wlo rw part of Township Lot Number Misses Myrtie and Grace Sur- Mis. Bruce Hagarth, Clare, Mrnd~Mss Jim Sme farm chores, attend 4,.H MeReelis is inBwanvieudFg planning, financing and 1l in the Second Concession ai gent, Peterborough called on Joan and Kuthy, Pickering, and children, Harmony, visit- «roups, and snany take music Hospital. We wishfrhra i rmi pronwtion are available Whfewashing Stables the Township of Darlington, Mss. A. E. Bililett recently. Mr. and Mss. J. B. Wilco)x cd Mn. and Mis. Jas. Smale lassons. Mon has an active speedy reovery. Jc ikr nwwithin the limits of!h The Ladies' Service Cu and DonalId, Cobourg, visited o Sunday. Tyra ga-oup, but nathîngfo witif o obligation. Write, AND DISINFECTING Town of Bowmanville, had a corn and wiener îoast Mr. and Mis. J. D. Hogarth onl Mr. and Mss. Tom Sykes, aider boys. Hamptosi hano-Sae ire r calPupn SUBJECT ta an eusement lust Wednesday evcning on Sunday. Toronto, visited Mirs. L. D. thing for 'boys beyond Mission Cs ,ePmigreserved ta bbc Rowland Mass the flats by Ms. Clemens' Deepest sym.pathy of the Sykes lest Wedriesday even-MiPae4eyex- Cet Codash' cscek The adiesServce whooîe comrnity is extended ing. scaSai aea O IN LAUN DRY Septic Tanks and assigns, for the purpose Club.are to .be congratulated to Mr. and Mrs . Wr. Chap .c~HTnoi~n-whea-forbyscan tav erspp tFsenewmeben teau on wark llirgboya ataniteen-ageMr,.For Old, Appliances-W.haretheyecaedhavewaloopp onwinig ir- piz o tei anw1os dugtr layscetl pet dy ih hn prrogram of a wonthwhile cal!- througboanstn:BdF , SALES, LTD. BERT ~~ ~~~~piring, digging up and ne- display at Orono Pair. passed ta the Great Beyond. sister, Mss. Joe Chapman. beI hita topee ae;"a"Mcoad BERT TO PKINS pacing a scptic tank and Mr. and Mis. Bert Bursows be inba Chrassianextended ta NEWONVLLE wccingbie ladig tere ai Ms. nn hiiip caled he hubad M.aGnddn W ae sirr taheu a bb Mn Pae ned ineretlierLA s F E s nMRonMuGonseric Suite 503 Phone Clarke 4721 fsom, in and upon that part oi at Brouighum for Mnr.And Mss. Shackleton and sons Bill and serious 'Iiness of Mis. Will people ta help further this Phn Ak _____heladsor__________Cas_______nd_ o temFrd.Hurt, Palmerston, a sister ai [worthy enterpnise. Any vol- PooMre -83sain 188 University Avenue 24-tf the las fmoprtcha: a. ur owsndripto ohFred. 1'¶vrs. Bert Stevens. Mr. AllinlunMbers? TootOntario CdEs N Cibed s fllos: pornta notoa t ptari nLaeMss. Sidney Nash and Miss TorontoMOUNTJOY in the NENCery iNGt of pOid t ud on bcMbout ndonLukeMavise Nash, Detiroit, Mich., OSHRAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WO POUT Telephone: EM 3-5828 Lot 11, distant Soutbcrly there Cop uchihin. s. sndais. b-ave heen with Mr. and Mss. BACKH E SEVICEin 820 faet from the North- ap urwhwii- Chapman for several duys. On BACHO SRVCEEast angle o said lot; evM. and M s. Fr ankrrw Sunday Mis. Nash and daugh- TRENCHES -DRAINS THENCEMNortnd 16 degrens tes, Mn and Mss. Chapman, FOUNDATION AND West, in and ulong said East- sCr esTs ontoMr w en i s. GardonShackleton and ,'l D KS A S ETI NS erhy limit ai Lot, a distance aif IPPe d M.ad s.Blie wese dinner guests of DYKG ANDETICBAKS70LED , Lcj ryde-man racently. Mri. and Mss. Dick Gibbs, Ty- r. eEAu d' (9 r Ç Ire mJÇ s DU NDBCFILD THNESot,770gee r and Mss. A. J. Richards, rone. VY.oa d Or & e ,VanMoUn 17mitHeCest, 73degranesfToronto, Ms. and Mss. Mer- o 1172mne e st adstneiwi*n Crydernian and son Glen, Mr. and Msrs. Russell Gil- ýD IfÀ% IETYTHENCE South, 16 degrees Oshawa werc Sunday guests bert and Ms. Grdon Me- n BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 4 East, a distance ai 60 feet; * O .f d stowCrd niLleon, wmanvil, M.- ** tCgl w y Cr s e t 25-tf THENCE North, 73 degrees tn ieoneayonnMs FOODS 17 minutes East, a distance of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard Bîooking, Port Brituin, Ms. Pw LICENSE 112 feet ta bbc Point ai Ca sen ast week at the hom,, andI Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Mss. ofir and Mss. Frank Bal:- W. G. White and Miss Nancy el Phone MA .1-3541 Nusig -Hme menéement. sd iLb ad olmu h a- Jonswes Snda eenig 7 EXTRA LEAN 3-3305- 7-tf HANCOCK CALE, de-fendant, frisi.tr~tobe. 0 i ~ 4v r ~ u lb ai ands and tene- Pull quilting bas 1egninpas ikw l RIRS toalal makes ai ne- ments, I shaîî offer for sale aarnest. One quilt wus com-O CRGUND STEAK rigerators, domestic and car- - y public auction ut my office, pIeted art Mss. Rceve's onAs Hosiesses C L -d v so l . mercial; milking coohers. Hi-g- in tbc Court House, County Monduy afternoon adu-, (L gon lecnîc imicd, 8 Kg Administration Building, Ca- other put in the trames ut < GDtheat oourg his s aunt's golden wadding utiPaul Allen, Assistant SecrebaryO \ where we have constut iayfn oe CUBE STEAK WATCH REPAIRIN bcaternt oo g day, w ictiaHabou on Satur-~~mb otuhrudDr. already occupied, andohesudrcntctnr Certiiicd Watchmaken or day oai ne1961. dy ih e ha Mss. D h Tuherculosis and Hcalth cnatPtrKwlRa t CaadanJeeles'Asa. JHNW.FOT, heif, anuto ad rthr eclAssociation scrved us bostesses c-ntasacPereexclusiv CanaianJeweler' Asn. OHN . FOTESh i anaandill e. aciln Tuesday, Sept. l2tb ut te bbcvll get ony 9 l , Marr's Jewellery Northumberlnd and Durham. aiMr. and Mss. E.KavUnnwion Agtuint YOU MAY CHOOSE FROM THESE HOMESUN E C NS UC 36ndf cabrugh Ms. aen ipoiat .T0recly 3,00 el £-D fl STAK39 Kint St. W. __ELY IL Barrowelough's on Sunday Toonto, Sept. lOth - 14th.T W SE VLE Toronta wit.b thcm. Mss. Hay- gates tram 68 cauntries attend- TO . R EWO LDL SITY repa8ci. Ir a n ley nc smhIs eZion, Banwcloe ug h attaed a ingbeusishnsplace rkun AN >1 R M O R PA S VEAL C TLETS Free Estîmates - Fast Service dleath occulredf lat wel e jint meeting of session af bbe adian sail, and bbc îinst time Mortgages Arranged-Eaisy MonhyP y e t VA U LTOne Year Guanantee busband, son Ross and daugh- four churchas, at the parson- in 35 years that tbc conierence ~> Ail Makes - includint ter Gwen, Mss. Harold Best, age, Welcome, on Wednesday a been beld in North Amer- only 79c lb SINGER SEWING MACHINES had given wife and mothes evcning. ia loving cure througbout a long Mss. M. Schw*arz and duu- Members oi bbc local Associ- _________ _________ Cahi: ii nass. , ter M s. J. Porte s visited ati n w o lso attended bbts hwhoe r out SAVE ! SAVE ! BERT SEVINK Clarence Nichais was acting f ricnds bere on Monday, Sept. International Union meeting OsaaWoP supenintendenit at Sunday lith. included Mss. David Dick, SALE - FREESTONE MA 3-2664 24-tf' School on the second Sunday Mr. Roy Lazier Is in King- President; Dr. Charlotte Horn- in Augusit, with Barbara Din- ston hospitai fon surgery this er, MOH and Mrs.t Courtice, < Lim ited nen and Gloria Nichois acting, week. Ms. Lazien shows bis Courtice. In addition, Miss W Peaches Cet Your Price e sipe e re rnn'local fais, and had taken Miss Casai Merryfiel, Ca- Mi ffc=n Soro seronwa afurhe dveop-thm oNapne lstwee; ougtop wrwins at ci Oshawa Office and Showroom qt. basket FrYu ietc ment aifpman's ncd for the wberc be hecanie suddenly ilh bbc 1960 Baby Sitters course, FoOorLvsok friighaý.Abse fad a ae oKnso.wl epeeta pca OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRECO TCE- 2-11 rhog mums and carnations was iOthes hanse men assistcd in Gucsts at bbc Presidcnt's Phone: 728-1617 S JL T A TE S MA N burcb in memory of Mss. S. sbowing bis team, for bum andBanquet on Thursday cvening, BOMANVILLE - MA 3.2130 SJoncs. 'ýthey wene successfu.l in secur- Sept. i4th. They wilh be ac- Y5 5 CL A S81F1ED8 These wus an interesting ing saverai pnizes. We wisýh1companied by Mss. Wakehy, M M = HW Phone MArket 3-3303 Institute meeting u-t Willoe hlm a speedy necovery and ïMis. Merrytield and Mr. Paul OSHAWA WOOrJ PRODUCTS OHW ODPOUT .JBeach on Wednesday alter-' ieturn home. lAllen.