THE CANADIAN STATSMANY RÀW7uANVTML . OfN'T'IARTr and other places where ne- l New Hos pifai Wing "Te.wbolr si place,! Religion For Today aand s r the elevators,a, N ough not in use. The air con-t 80 Percent Go mpi teedXioning equipment is almostMamefs camplete, and the diesel elec- N* Er f tric generator for emergency!]Ma ing The Iost of Jne's elf Say B ar C aima electric power bas been in-'t allBo r ha r an "ne.rpitngwl o- by Rev. R. R. Nicholson being. on the anc !arm and laboredw The chairman of the Boardiwing has prepared the report mence shortly. The colon It is the duty of everyone "fTeannitonte atly iewam dprspeouns- ve raseras Df Dîrectors of Memorial Has-i below for the information of schemes, wbicb will be used ta mnake the mast of of maving mankind ta in fact ricb, but he was nar- L pital, Bowmanville. Glenholme the public. tbroughaut, have been arrang-:He mnust develop bis talents high ends" thraugh bis poetry. row-minded and mean andW H-ughes, because of the wide-1 ed by aur arcbitects' colon and enlarge bis mi, net To accomplish bis purpose he lacked ail generaus impulses, N ipread interest in the new: "The building programn for consultant, and we are sure rnrl o i w ae ut eemndt n0 hbsmd u a aîfe ihbm he ew dditon a yor bs- h at the rcsult will be pleas- for the good of bumanity. God addvlpeeyfcly esl.Wa ot0 sne,' pital is now 80 per cent corn- xng. 'has given him these talents studied and thought inces- is an expansion and a devel- r 0 pleted. lt adds the following 'Harry V. Cryderman, chair- for use. He rnust net bury santly; hie toiled over bis apment a! aur personality. IIA ~ ~6T11TeT's'V X-ray department, new tee, reports that the work bas.-employ tbem ta the greats became tbe immortal, master- country store-keeper. He was laboratory. new ambulance progressed according ta plnadvar.tage and for the great- poet of the nineteenth cen- vrinelgtfdo!ea- w DON'T PEPEU N UXK FX M entrai-ce and emergency opera- and that be bas ncceived fine we t ood. ael W bsteta r'ig adbdte iia! peh IT TKESA C700 NIT ting roorn, new baller room co-operation from the archi- when ate"Tetln hhHebcma college, wrote ta a 1T TAKSAGOO UNIT and laundry, new front en- tects and tbe contractors. Ad- clasae Tetln bc ebcm onilr ev TO DO "TH 1 S FE&T!! trance, lobby and offices. ditional costs werc encount- Heaven bas entrusted me is -' o! the township, wardcn o! c ered aftcr the soil tests show- small, very srnall,- yet I feel Paheiamnt.,te eme ft "The majority a! tbe exter- cd that the foundation under responsible for the use of it1 alaet n a wok bs edoem- the nw wing ad ta be put That is the spirit that leads Wen e first appeared on cluding window frames and about 12 feet lower than the te success, and we are not tepafrbsapaac windows. A 90 foot stack bas udrinn !teeitn upie alearn tbat be be- tuh sed ltfrh b eafram i IIV~~~~ ~ been erected from the boiler baspital. At tbe present rate 1 came one of the greatest ara- , . - tebckod.Hsbi a HET ~rourn. Doons are being instaîl- o! progrcss the ncw wing itors and statesmen o! bis tîme . thlongankdstd. His lathwa e ed, and there remains outside will probably the ready fo Most persans bave been cn. .weil-fitting, bis tasr inhngand antiegnas ccpnyai n !thp dowed with sufficient talents . base and baggy. Befare long pi thegrdîg ! begruns ta year.f ta make them o! great servie is appearance gneatly cban- bedoc."There arc about 13aes ta mankind, if they would but gcd. He kepit bis bair neatly Co "During the last few montbs in the existing hospital which develop them. The latent pas-cut and he Word better clothes a great deal o! the inteniar should be renavated or chan- sibilities o! the bumblcst per- and after bis first term ins work bas been carried out. gcd. Some o! these aneas wilî son are marvellous. Wbat the ---Panliament bis friends cauld Bi Electnic wiring bas been in- require immediate attention. average man lacks is not abil- .arl...agiz hm.di PLM IN -EAIG stallcd, terrazza flooring bas An example o! this is thait the îty, but diligence and per- stud manbe travel ed emt a _____________________ en poured and ground ta its incrcascd bcd capacity and severance in self - culture. clue epeadbspr final finish in ail nursing and patient services wrill require Tbere are few men o! genius utrdpolan hipe-S LE QBURNER DEALE4R6. diitaieaes lser oesaf o hsareit in the wonld; tbat is, men o! sanality grew. He became the ar 3- ng bas been finisbed in these ing cafeteria is inadequate. a naturally superiar onder af Whip of bis political party and waapaitdbyteGscn i ORONO 1782 j areas. Plurnbing bas been in- Our kitchen wiîî require ex- faculties. The men wbo do the me as a osiythresponsibleth stle n mast o! the rooms tensive rcdesigning and new greatesit gaod are thase o!fposition. ms rsonieS equipmcnt for the prepanaition maderate endowment, wbo ap-poion o! meals for more patients ply themselves diligcntly ta Rev. R. R. Nicholson Many persans excuse them- nE D'T T and staff. make tbe mast o! thein gifts. selves for net develaping their c: SPECIAL'The incneased demand for Such a man was Sir Isaac Pit- It is sad tbat sa many people latent faculties because o! sterilemai, the inventer o! tbe best are satisfied with a partial their handicaps, but thousands M seiesupplies will nequire systern o! shorthand. The bis- development. On ail sides we o! blind people and cripples Pi 1961 the punchase o! a new, langer, ain Justin McCarthy says find young men and womnen have made a success of life. a auocaetabuH$700.tbat lie wa-l a man o! few tal- wbo can play, sing, recite on Clarence Hawkes wasaCO r OSUE4AEOHN i ONARC me ent hrma uspl dhant- ents, wbose ambition was ta paint a little, but in no art healtby boy, born in Massa- a. NO11E INCOIE-TAX THESE nlitom, gpbarmacy, nurescange serve mankind. "He worked have attained ta excellence. chusetts in 1869. One day roms gos eciin adta the veny utmost the facul- By the diligent cultivatian o! when be was 10 yeans old b*ed 2-Dr. Ha op stne ioams will aiso requîre ties that nature had con!erred their gi!ts they could became spnained bis ankie; disease p .....IEE... VO Dn -r.- HA top ie nti or the r chnges lan- on him." He gained wealth and masters and the exencise a! set in and it was neccssary ta w( V- o a r ed the prelsntfbuilding distinction and was knighted tbeir talents would not anly amputate bis leg at the knee. se PwrBrakes are ateinsi ono! a ange by Queen Victoria. bning great benefit ta society, On Aug. 12, 1882, whilc hunt- sa, Poc adauosynam.The difference in men lies but joy and satisfaction ta ing with is father, wo ac- wi Power Stecring "'The cast o! the new wing. o omc aua it ternselves. Thein lives would cidently shot the boy, and be e] Gleaming bBlandckan d r y si nryan lcto. be enniched and o! greater became totaily biind. A!ter a se( Glemin Blck ew mpen ahfun sh- n enma an d appwil icainservice ta mankind. time be was sent ta Penkins se, Low Mileage ings and equipment wiil beAnmawhwilordi- Some o! us are living nar- Institute for the Blind in Bas- about $1,250,000. Over $500, gently is bound ta succced. raw, cnarnped lives, when we ton,. Tbe best kind of genlus is milthoiv ces an mre ha $50,00 hegenius a! industry". Wil- mght e lvng an ample ln spite o! his great bandi- B-i 000 ithervin lcal aure- l"tbae y iond l e abundant ife It is easy ta be caps, Clarence Hawkes be- Th fro7tbe5rovncia andet lie a isod: alpen-" content ta live narraw lives, came by bis indamitable will hei eral governrnents. About 75 ust he wsidtwecnyplod." ta be satisfied ta be less and and faith in God a most suc- Ch per cent o! this money basUnihe ws tnt-gt ta do iess, tban we ougbt. cessful Man and a famous been neceived, and most o! it yearsofae wsapr hasbee usd n cnstuctonshoe maker. He neyer went ta 1 new a man wbo liveci naturaiist, poet, a wniter o! I bs benuse i costucton îî utwitbin 70 miles o! Toronto, prose and the author o! aven tai and the purchase o! e nuip- calege,bu by indefatigable but bie bad neyer seen the thirty volumes. The Apostie Wý men. A tis im itlok sas industry and assiduous api great city. The largest place Paul out o! the experiences o! Un 6 though these funds will faîl cation, he became a great beliîad even visited was a life wnote: I can do ail things me short two or thnee percent o! scholar and the master o! country town a! 7000 inhabi- through Christ who strcngth- w'l APN9..1 ..BODY SHOP 9A.M.-6 thetota__________________. e wa thetoal montneeded. Raeingae.Hewsa- tanifs. Ail bis life he had lived ens me. Phil. 4:13. si< knawledged ta be "the Most - --_________________ "Tbe alterations ta the pre- leanned scbolar and Bible ser sent bospital, wbich are re- transiator o! bis day in the N ~ ~ li 'quired ta make the wbole ita East," and is famous as a an E anc efficient unit, May nequmne missianany, scientist, educa- TR OEWO ________________________as much as $125,000 including tionisit and professor, (Intended for last week) Maiy YeoweEns-w th nw utclve bt llo! Everyane should have the Church Vacation Sahool was killen, spent a few days with 's this does not bave ta be spent noble purpose ta make bis beld at Tyrone, August 14-25. Janice Taylor, then Jarmice ne- Wh now. it is expected that gav- life count for the greatest The average attendance was turned borne with bier for a 10'v D oes your bank really help this ttalt ganat s willooo good, and ta tbis end lie must 54. Teachens for Kindergarteln holiday. ýT A<ny doan aabotians ,00ceive op every power o! bis were Mns. R. Lambert, Mrs. Mn. a'nd Mns. Gondon Miii- 101 m o e ?toward funnisbings and equip- G. Lokharst, assisting werc son and Dale visited witb the Cam vou save m n y etfrtenwwn ilJoanne Hoar and Elamne An- Reals ait their cottage, Can- as mfc u s td c.E eyb n nC n d fesy uaS vn s rle n fo r t equnew tw ing will. P anist for vacation scbal ning Lake. rni< 0f ouseitdes.Evrybak n Cnaa ffrsyo a5aîn~ the existing bospital up ta the iwas Joanne Hoar. Pimary- iVrs. A. Prouse, MnÎ. and hor Accouint service. No matter what bank you visit, the Savings standard o!fthe new addition. . .Len H ooreadMrssMaHE. jî' lr.E. nBvelladdiuMrs . to 4Accouiît system is opcrated the same way. Many gifts bave been receîved - Jnillsandv. G. LHbo . Hil-,ar.mnvstdMs .T o and many pnomised. JnosRv ,Lkharst or e Sa ivhy should yau choose Toronto-Dominion ovCi- any "fihswne!lsiî !Fniday evening quite a num- Reslyn Taylor and Shelagh lial cierbakber attended the closing ses- Murphy spenit a few days witb th ca-operation witb the hospital -- -sinntecbchadnjyM.adMs.LPilpsatP -Tic answcr ik quite simple. Its the happy cornbinatioîî of continues it is bopcd that 'j - Mdronasd reainqsLan' film- Haa'stLake ed sngs redins ad f:'. alls Lke.Chi the service and the people who provide it for YOU, that makes Darlingiton, Clarke, Newcastle stnip. An exhibition o! the Douglas HuIiIs, Hannon, spent PhE ai te îfernc.and Bowmanville will soon be- work made dunîng tbe week the holiday weekend with bis tle ýal thedif erece.served by a bospital second ta ....none for such an anea. In tî penîod was on display. grandparents Mr. and Mis. A. ROr ......regard I would like ta exprs Glad ta report Enla Vivian tbnsada precs the i s back ta scbool after liaving Mr. and Mýrs. A. HiUls and OUr thank andappreiatiDouglas Hilis visited Mn. and in1 Women's Hospital Auxîliary liues! er tonsiis remoeved last Mrsk. Wsl'y ilsSona he for undertaking ta furnîsb Mrs. Jean Abnarns is now Mrs. J. Yeomnan and Mrs. she theman obb, hechrni q teaching ait Bunketon. P. Go!! were hostesses for a ba floon, and certain other areas. r0 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Knawlton miscelianeous showei beld ait and "In conclusion, ail mem- / f 4 4~ and!family, Brooklin, visited tbe borne of Mrs. Yeoman for clu bers o! bospital boards sînce ~Mn. and Mrs. A. Knowlton. Ms neWiewbnoe t 1957 are ta be tbanked forMran s.HHlWi 2 ladies were present. r their wark and co-operation fred and Joan, and Mis. S. Mrs. Gardon Whiitc enter- bea in belping ta bring the new GIN-j Walker enjayed a week a andfrbr -ube neknù building into existence. I par- North Bay,.-taitrusa eath om m" ticularly want ta cammend ALFr n r. .Pr n riday, eptember lst, Te -Harny Cryderman, Building -more flao,' r Doualas, aise John Vivian, e- about 50 ladies atten'ded. Re- Of ebarma, Jme StttEqip- -moe parle îyed a week's holiday up ceiving with the bride and ber gav Ï.ment chairman, Ivan Hobbs, -mrfo through Algonquin Park. mother was Mrs. Claude Kil- scri Finance chairmanherc- Rev. and Mrs. G. Lokhorst1 mer, mother o! the bride,- Jair we u nsaurng cupboarcsis n!rjMn. aiaid Mrs. J. . Cook Any mn.....oe a t ur telers ae theour cburch kitchen. Any dona- D RAYRwomantededtîwe weding! bertend O u elr r h in tthis time would bc' DI AE ISUjeeJa McIntyne t Jobn There is an increase in greatly appreciated. McDona-ld on Saturday ait Wil- pupils at the Bethany Sebool RI ND IE T l inOur church was well ai-; AND son Heights United Cburcb beginning the faH ter-m. ne- Uitededon unda monîn. rand reception at the borne o! cessi'tating the puichase of 12 Thi i SireyRikets aSains ccun Tllr t ur Mt. r. Crawford delivered< a fine; W L -T - A L Mr. ar-d Mis. Douglas Mc- new desks. There is a total Ths sShreyRiktta ains coutTele t u M. sermon. iW L -OW L Leod, Wilson Heighits. enralîment o! 70 this year - Plcasant & Davisville branch in Toronto. Shirley is shown Sorry Io report that Mn.r R , fftE Mr. and Mes. J. Hatherly 44 pupfls in the -junior roomn a rguardeost ro oe f ercutoies. Jack Smith underwent surgrý1 IUU iV and daughters, Newtanville, and 26 in the senior noom. hee cctîgin Memonial Hospital, Bow- vsted Mm-s. Annie Hatberly. The largesit increase is in the Shirley likes ta watch hier customers' Savings grow, be- manvillie, on Th ursday. Mrs. R. Burgess spenit a few beginners' clasis whioh fatals <aue,'heknwshowimortntitis a aveth mney Mnr. Archie Wineyard, Tor- days wtb Mi. and Mrs. W. E. 14. The new pupils are Danny on andforthethigs ou van an ned. pert tbe eeknd ith-~Stevens, Hampton. Wilson, Bradley McGill, Todd bnhn o h hnsyuwn n ed is sister, Mi. and Mrs. Rus-! Mn. and Mes. W. Hoskins, Penny, Kenneth Penny, David You'll find efficient, friendly people like Shirley Rîcketts seli Fowler.i Two Locations ;Oshawa, accompanied Mn. and Speller, Dale Mc Q ua de, In ver Toont -Doiin rnhacosth on Messr-s. Clarence Ginn and! Mns. A. Huis ta, attend the Dwight Gm-en, Gloria Richard- In \Cr Trono-Dmîionurncaacrss e cunry. Alden Hubband are attending OS AIF funeral o! Mrs. (Rev.) Will son, Manlene, Ruth Pal- Their "itere.ted' kind of service miakes it much casier foi- sittin-gs inteCut os i DleHaito.mrA.,n etemit ai vou to save at "The Bank". Make it a point ta meet some Cobourg this week. 19 BOND ST. W. Wayne His o! Hannon ne- Ca-rn, Anne White and Wayne of our people soon and sec for yourself how murh -- Mn. and Mrs. R. T. Harvey RA 3-4922 turned home after spendingr Martichenko, all six years old. and faxnily, Oshawa, calied an! twa weeks with Mn. and Mns. Teachens are Mm-s. Bel l e PEOLEMAE TE IFERECEATfriends in the village on Sun-' Raloli Hilîs. Smith, principal, Mis. Loraine Mny. adMs rvleG-er~IR UM. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Smit1à, junior noomn. Mr. nd rs.Or-ill Grer'sons spent a week's bolidays Mm-s. Harniet Thorniton, Fort1 and girls, Oshawa, weîe Sun-, MARKET PLAZA at Picton and Madoc. Frances, is the guesit o! Mr. da-v uesis o! Mes. E. B yan.RI 5-6874- Tynone riends welcome M . and Mrs. Thomas Jen ngs TOR NT -DO INONMr. and Ms. E. M. Adams! and Ms. Donald Davey and!Mm. and Mms. Lawrence I£8N H LO&AE were weekend guesits of Mi. Dave Preston, Prop. j daughters fa the village. Staples, Treherne, Man., visit- and Mis. Edwin Cochrane and,2 etr Miss Jean Rober-tson, Ud- cd with Offa Staples an-d Mn. B. L. BURK, Manager - arnily.à Raglan. St Do'fRgelaunc.osipIBwmnil nev, visited Mrs. F. Scotit and and Mis. Ross Carr on Friday. Bownanville Branch o' ogtCuc rsiBwmnle called on other fmiends. Mi. and Mm. R. Tindail, at 10:30 arn. and Sunday jMA 3-5912 Mms. Annie Hatherly is visit- iCbenmywood, an-d Mn. and1 Sehool at 11:15 a.m. on Sun- ing with relatives and friendsýMms. William MeConan, Scar-j 1CU ffl*CJ. .flà last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. M.cMaster. MýI. a.nd Mrs. Arnott Neals and family of Islington spent the weekend with his parents, M'r. and Mrs. Clarence Neals. Iýs. Jack Palmer is a pa- tient ini Toront-o General Hos- pital. Her many friends are wrishing ber a speedy retuin to health. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, Lindsay, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mis. Walter Neals. Mrs. Norman Neals, Elm- vaie, sipent Saturday with her nother, Mrs. Thomas Jackson. Dr. G. M. Longfield, Mrs. Longfie1d and their children Randy and Ruith were guests with Mr. and Mis. Mansel Wright last weekend. New sidewalks are being eonstructed on Wilson St. in the village. St. Paul's Ladies' GuiId The Ladies' Guild of St. >aul's Anglican Church held ts first meeting of the fail season ait the home of Mrs. Carl Smith on Tuesday even- ig with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow presiding. A new member, frs. Charles Palmer was wel- mmed. lIt was a.greed to donate 10.00 toward expenses of the Bible Vacation School held luring the summer. Plans were made for tihe annual Harvest Home Service September l7th at 11 arn., and members were asked to assist with the decoration af ihe oburch on the previous Saturday. It was de-cided to purchase ew bats and surplices for the ýhoir memnbers. Mrs. Robert Sisson was an- Dointed as the new secretary. Plans were made to cater for àwedding in October and a .rnmittee appoinýted to look ifter details. A social hour was enjoyed Juring which the mnembers :resented Mrs. Glenn Went- 'orth with a sugar and crearn erving set and a cup and ýucer. Mis. Wentwuq'th who vi11 move ta Marmora ait the id of the rnontb, has been ýcretary of the C}uild for ýveral years. Lunch w-as served by the ,ositess, assisted by Mrs. M. Iigelow and Mis. R. Sissan. ,he October meeting will be kedd at the homne of Mrs. 'harles Smith. United Church W. A. Mrs. Art.hur Wright enter- ained the mernbers of the 'omien 's Association of the Inited Church for their f h-st eeting of the fali season, ith Mis. Carl Porteous pre. Ing and 22 mnembers pre- ent. Vins. F'lorence Johnston gave nin'teresting talk on the rrk o! the Churcb as a rhole, telling how the Chvirch ;reaching out to give belp rerever it is needed, fol- Ywing Christ's example. 'here are a total of 19 Sen- )r Citizens homes across anýada sponsored by churches swelIl as homes for unnmar- ýd moithers an-d cbildren's mres. The Chu.rch carnies at a réhabilitation program )r those who have been of- -iders of the la-w." Women ave a vital parnt to, play in ie work of the cburcb in rooting the gospel of Jesus hrist. It was a woman, hebe, who carried the Apos- ePaul's ficrst message to the omans in which he said, 'l ýomn-end un-to you, Phebe, ir sister, that ye receive ber the Lord and that ye assist ýr in whatsoever business ke hath need of you; for she as been a sticcourer of many, id of myseif also'. In con- usion Mrs. Johnston told mns of interest concerning rs. Jean Hutchinson, who is ýd of the new group to be iown as United Church Wo- en. Tlhe progiramn was in charge Mirs. Harold Sanderson who me an explanation o! the ripture lesson re'ad by Mrs. ies Fraser. Mrs. Walter PAGE TWO by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Mrs. Jack Hatcly, 9 Sauthway Drive, finds that an extension 'phone belps ta iighiten ber day. Hier yaung son John agrees. FaIl Daiys Are Busy Days Busy days are here again! The children are back at school, football season is in full swing and ail sorts of fail activities are getting under way. Yes, Fal s a busy time for ail of us here inx Bow- manville. Dunlng times like these dld you ever notice what a busy place the kitchen is? Mother sure bas ber bands full preparing meals, planning fail outings and watching the little ones. What better time to consider the advantages of a handy extension telephone. An extension la the kitchen not only saves steps but permits the housewife to keep one eye on the dinner and tbe other on the children while she makes and takes calls.- A lot of people also consider the bedroom a key location for an extension 'phone. Many a long rua to the 'phone downstairs has been prevented by a bedroom exten- sion. But more important to the housewife is that feeling of security a bedslde telephone provides, especlaliy if she is ever alone at night. Remember, whether you choose the space-saving Princess, the compact wall 'phone, or the streamlined table set, there's a colour la each style ta harmonize with your decor. Why not cail us at Zenith 67300 today? We'Il be giad to talk over extension telephones with you. Now bere's ai- entertain- ment treat for the whale family! On October 2, 9:30 ta 11:00 p.m., the Trans- Canada Telephone System will presentit ts firsit 1961-62 television program - an ail- C an ad i an production by CBC-TV o! Tyrane Guthrie's 1961 Stratford Festival presentation a! "The Pirates o! Penzance", Gilbert and Sullivan's gay comic opera about Major General Stanley's beautiful daughters and thein adventures with the pirates. The show, whicb will bave the onginal Strat!ard cast, bas been skill!ully adapted for televisian by CBC-TV. This will be the !irst o! several shows that will be pre- sented during the caming season by the Trans- Canada Telephane Systcm of wbich The Bell Tele- phone Company o! Canada is a memnber. Sa make a note o! the time and date; you wan't want ta miss this excellent show. Here 's an important thought for September. This is the month w'hen the streets about town are alive with youngsters starting back ta sehool.- Some of them are very young and nat always alert to passlng automobiles. Most of us have littie ones who are near and dean ta us; let us think of them as we drive through the streets of aur town BLITZ for FUNDS FOR FURNISHING THE CHRONIC FLOOR 0F NEW WING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE MON., SEPT. 18 2 to 7p.m. GIVE GENEROUSLY . . SUPPORT THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY IN THEIR WORK FOR YOUR HOSPITAL at-Font FEue. - borough, have been euests J \Ç.1 j;>%j vv IVIZIII V VIN - 1 . pulv W!1DNESDAY, SEPT. 13th, loci adopted by the e.ntire Man- the use of ber bomne and to vers Paa-ish through the Fos- i all those who bad asslsted ter Parents Plan.j wilh the programf. The secretary, Mis. T. Jen-' ____________ nings read the minutes of previous meeting and cardsl FINE QUALITY af tlianks for gifts received' MONUMENTS AND durIng iUlnes rom Mi. and MARKERS Mis. Clarence Rowan, Mis. 4L& . N.nuLw . Neal Finney and Mrs. Ralph somme» et.fPS~ Perry; also an appeal from IWLEk4* Unitarian Services for cloth- OF STAFFORD ing, knitted articles, bandag- BROS. LTD. matterial, etc. Members were asked to bnrinig contribu- tions for this appeal ta h October meeting whicb will be beld at the ho)me of Mrs. Gervin Mulligan. Stafford Brothers F'ollowing the benedictiain lunch was served by the bas- LIMITED tess assisted by Mrs. Thomnas i M nu et Jennings, Mis. James McKin-j ou et non, Mrs. James F'raser and ox 133 Mis. Harold Sanderson. 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Mrs. George Moores ex - Phone Whitby Pressed the thanks o! the MOhawk 8-3552 members ta Mis. Wright for ____________ BE3LL UENE