C H - SATTERdsadLhteYcesris Childre'?i and granildenr>hvv u on carried miniature ca- W ome scuseSp.11 2 3 - fa pre\,qious marriage attend-'T cades of mauve giadioli. - ~~ed the bjide when Gwendoline Ray Davey was best man stituThtreien he ale Catherine Satterley married fortitute .-'ton issaDianne Tink an William :Francis Couch at St.frhsbohr.adteuhr HAMPTON ~ DulsDwl h aoe rispins Anglican Church, ~were Gerald Taylor, brother ittwdegtflpaout. W- c Yddino7s Sabrig, o audy of the bride. and Haroldý The rnonthlymeigPegaeaer and nstrctiv3a. The bi de was given in mar- groeeigo ept5honNv Scia an riage by lier eldest son, George Following tne cerernony a East Group in cag.eeyn noeltohm Satterley of Cobourg. Matron irception was held in the During the bsns eidru edns b is Mr of honoTaw was her daughter- Comunity Hall. The bride's it was decided t odorNdey r --j lin-law, Mrs. Fred Satterley of mother wore a turquoise blue yearly bazaar in oebr. I aavrypasnee- .~~ Belmont. Granddaughter Missj dress (5f organza over laceý Arrangementswremdeîg 4Linda Sa:tterley was a brides- with white accessories and a ,maid witlî Miss Eleanor Couch,. osg fpikrss h iToronto, niece of thc groom, bridegroom' mother assistâ :G 1,,11. 1 K .R NS Bridge and Lois Surnersand Miss Jane Davidson, alsowerga becomirig sheat bohi m ren .î ý~of Toronto and Miss Patricia'~ dress of pale blue silk lace of JbnMude ini tygreenof Bethan3'. over taffeta with ma.t.chingy Ke i 4-~R ert il rgnz ve afet ea-Little Debbie Satterley ohfuul a osatin cumimerbund, white ac-Teuaignofsl by Crillý, c '.rQ1lC, uring scoop necklines andlIBelmont1 another granddaugh-1 cessaries and a corsage of pink :a rwe itul i rn \.s . L tl atshort sleeves with short whitetews:oergl.Gadn roses. jof the main terto h ics the P' hr ,S'm- egloves. They wore matchingFrdi ra.oo emn, A man standing eriwth - F~ýwsreddierase f mn,. For their honeymoon tripied themn for a fwmnts Coe S: veiled flowered hats and ca-IsI igbarr to Points north, the bride don-:then walked up otetce T1.r .~u'hter nie noseays f yeîow la-'John Couch attended his ,l e uqos hah n adwt naro of Mr. Edward dlioli. Miss Sally CampbellIbr'other &and two of the four, . k hturduobe set rs.tkrads jhers were sons of the bride, î Pink at and bige accessories.authoritY, "Letthsbysn * and the was flower girl wearing aatreS.,Blot, andwore a corsage of pink iand count them aeuiya '2T.'iof Mr. short frock of silk organza' 1'05. they pasr.,s by.",i n ûnd . In . Bow- over taffeta designed with aand Ctyrti ste reyo org. wr" xvh;te flower appliqued coîlar,: fyget rm ootF'lwngterhas]o The ticket takrdda e Th' ' ~ ' d U0I pf seve ada ulygahAiax, Cobourg, Bethany and ___Friday eveoing, the weddiner' ered skirt.1117 She wore a white, . Party were entertained at thei.quadeted hnteIs o frsni:' fered row ad receptivii and dance at Red Ihome of the grocm's parents,sad"Tet-eeir. frso ie~. d.:M aRooter 'hMr.ennered.lieDturned an Let j-, ia:oîmnSegay of mauve ail. The coeuple are o 'wddiM.ad r.D.Dvy Can. îMaz-ter Billy Summners wastp ~en V Prior to lier marriage the,"ie"rmre h a T . ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ring bearer. andpit ai~biewsge o oo týas lie gentlystoeaa.I Thi. 7 brid wasEd.stLo hIie m~r '~.-ven in r.ThoasGrllnds bsU______a number of p:i'ties. She wasisthought 1 guessedrgi! Ei. 'rff-mnfrhsboher. Usher-j enteitained bv the girls of the' cy '-ing were Mr. John McPhilemy HOOEY- BES'I' dy dcr xi ~1n fPreston and Mr. Charles OoGo niedChrh as, hmet r nt'.e'U;anjced Kearns. the setting for the wedding of a iCele arkM er. Menissl ectyu w:th a cilrhu,-rncl A reception was held ait the MarjoriI Anne Best, daughter wi th ;i t!re bac'k Hotel Genosha. For the occa- of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best, Bar'bar'a 0ven:s, Ntwtonville, throws confetti on Mr. and Mrs. CclR. .Byanm and Mrs. David Phasey' esiaincnd oedmget lt hnayhn le and t.d ~~ rain. --ion the bridegroom's mother Orono, and Wayne Leonard Payne as they l1eave St. Mark's Anglican Church, Port Hope, following theirlnosàhwra heh11Sp 'Apý r! _J ihcl-A ber xvore turquoise organza with Hooey, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1were ots sioesat taemisce u Dpri o e optlAx avs sIr~t 1 .' xci aA awhie Fenc oriina ba,1 L.Hooy, owmnvi1e. arriage on .îlc> Aurgust 12. The bride is the former Gloria Frances lof Miss Cecile Park. Mrs. D.1 Sho :' . : r" of ri'c black and white accessories The wedding took place A i-' oach, datîgli'ter or' theý late Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rah PortHoe and the iPorter entertained relatives at! '.e-'rlcy.and a pink carnation corsage. ust 2etth, at four p.m. eMAugrom Rosno'tielt: .\I.adMr.Ru ae, NHwo ple, asow at herhom.The ainay et 11 i b 7pm o ec f Later the couple left for a end M.K. Housiander, IgooBsthoonowheltQM -PMhoebn ane e toville. rely ,office staff0 h oderî. W~. Bo-' -Poto b Udvahelyîwhere the bride is employed,I< / the i> r'do' wedding trip to the east coast, manvi lle, wasthofiain- presentedhe vibaasckJJjA< h'I rTlie br!de- and en their return will makel clergy:wian. The church was A ding Benediction." The wed-' n lte apr .si .KN iW M.35 nuhi ' ' M.. c. ail thein homein Bowma'nville. decoreaed with standards of andV a o ns igmsews lydb h couple will resd e white gladioli and white set ng W s I J hns. [ngmsic rdyn Bry ent o upvile.wl eid er I muins. Mrs. M. Staples play-i Ms odnBet onavle led the, wedding music and ac- F 771 The bride was given tri inar -_______________________________________ o mpzîniedth soloist, Mrraige by her father, and she John f'ord, Toronto. wore a gown of pure silk or- KN TE A358 ;,~" iby ber fathen. wone a full- k pliques on the bouffant floor- r.. length gown of white peau-rie- 'len1t'h skirt, centred with! Abodice and elbow-leogth sleev- sotsevdipre ae '" .E y es, scioop neckline, fashioned '~ bodice. anhd hen mittens were o i'~~'« bO on priincess lines, falling strai- of the saine lace material. ghAItefon n omn ,sligIht train at the back.. and crystals held ber fingertipi V _K -le eeworn. A circular crown gadioli anccde roes. o of iriTported orange blossoms -roaric ac scaesbuutof.ONTNE 17 JEW ELS held the fingertip veil of silkMs. oro MlinB- illusirtn and she carried a cas-brsitrothbidasOR cadeof pnk eligt roes.matron of honor. Miss M.ar-' - ~wbiu carnations and white leeTyoandMsRsîi SWEET PICKLED l . 9 -tii steoh anotis. lnTaylorweredbersîsersli I tMrs; Paul Ruthertord, rKinrg- Tbloidesmid. he ser ow-E'. I ston, was matron of honourbiemds hywr w ed adike in pretty mauvg;e silk 5U iZ C rol ennt osno shinred neckline and little puff P R hthe Laide, Miss Cathryn Hon- sleeves with full skirts, widc1 EE L? L! à ' . ~Yby~0or0 oey,s:ister of the groom, both white picture bats and white t i~ b h". L W tChfu. O "n z-. istreet -length dresses styled a cso is Re are a ~Ye~10"d~ alike in graded shades of bâte cade bouquets of white _______________________ Ils, t.i silk o;tganza over matchin- taf-. .-,:doi LEAN, FRESHlSOE 7 6 ~ precis etWeI , 1~ feta, fitted bodice with a oi' The two little flower girls,1 eJproo .,\ Me1,c scoop neckline and Lull skirl ' binde Taylor, n.ec-of the '~ "'~\Ofl~~0g,enhokPro aitîr aummerbunds of taffeta brideand Roy, odockl rli 1 e. tthe .waist. They vore short ne. o 0te room, wene e s -q- Sw ie kid gloves. The hcad- dj0white sed alike in yelow silk r U D "/' eath.,d dresses were a rose made of gnzaoveUtffea wth9u, 'O .atcl;.ing taffeta wîth nose.sîts lo flower hair __________________ ______________________________ ueveils ýtnd they cannied c"'s cades of white gladioli wîth bâue pompom 'nions to match USE OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS ii each dness. NpiL B. Hooey, Bowmanvilie. was lis-st man for bis brothei and thîe ushers were Mn. G. Dougi eis Gamsby, Oshawa, and iV.1r. Ronald Best, Onono, . brothmen of the bride. Th p reception, with aver AND GIF SIIOP eld in the Sunday School roi-fthe church wheî'e the 43 Kie,, '.1Y Bowmanvile b'ide ;mtbe received in a' O IL C O . L T D . ____________________________________printedf beige and brown linen! ___dress and matching .iacket.. ~~------- " green. accessories and corsageÏ . . ....... - - _________________of Tuiismnan roses. Assisting Nead.. NL\er1 ', arit.so ' 5 pleased ta announce the app it e t o - jwas lAie groom's inother who 'the reets î t%'if.'Ir tl,1ir -lrrarîlagoie nStO oh' chose a desert gold brocad.e Agiv~C'ic.Lo.mrxil on Slaturdax', August ~ * t ~a new .dness viitb matching jacket and I)%î îti-&.c :T 0,îrde is the former Heleni bat, 1brown accessories, and' ('XMDEODORANT corsage of Talisman roses. Laskar'is. (-,' f ane lr :îd li-îs, Louis Laskaris,, For the honeymoon tnip to Bowmani1!ý ivîl "ir' .i;lhe son of M1r. and Mrs.ý ¶1 !~8 PIorri!'burg to view the Upper joseph Van l ).'îîlitre. akioftBouvmntiville. A Ondur Cr Village memorial and ---Photo by A. Moffat then Ito Ottawa, the bride 'ýîýidwith NEONIYCIN wore a sutoi deep bon ýbn coule xxiii rs-eýd DEN rrr's: Bothoe - al In Ckrono Mrs. Doreen Woord. and i(tl 1c ' .-i!l ' ' 1 b' ",i.nii Rowii--nvile. The' SIIOWER PELLETS Misses- Marilyn Qoantnill, Non-r lf'.l i : -&'scaris-o, Mrs. G. Kleon, - * t~~ ~* S with ah Wc'od and Joan Alldred croxx-i. S"x f etaind bei' sister, Mrs. xvere îhostesses in the I100F.'ondc..îtii'Pi f-' IlLa th Jr., Bowmao -P HN * i r lx ":ntcdSPRAY Hall, )rono, for a niscellan- ceresti l x ;I f-Iiti'. . .l'.xxre cî-hîostesses for a * S;;l-.x ('i. :îÀn ADA TER ous st!ower when many 1ev- xxhîm tL, 1 i w&v - tjx-î the former's AD P E ely gif is wene presented. As r.r - r i 1: I r. 're'r.I~ N Reg. Value $8.75 The groom attentîed Wood- bridc, s rfr . '-- I F'îîr o- e fnieîîds of the 1 1 5YBOWA V L * - x~~~ill.Ž Public and Continuation,, Fc l-i ti ~f fi',,:i '1:ïW.ItHLI':Tiei. r. 0hE T Orono H-lgb School and Bow- r- hf-r tf i.'1..îMfller, Mns. Vince Jar-, C LET manvifle High Scbool. AftermKess g1'f ". f- rAMs eog et J. UE Course at the University of pe:.edx:lr r'Pi t t the Eo-Peep Restaur-1 A 3 3 7 "~" FOR - !Western Ontario, bon don, line a" 1l.' I f f 1,11117,71O FOxR'a.whe.n she was' O 8 5 2 iOnt., ànd is at present in hîs was't o :ý'_' , i nf' e. ce'd xvth beverage crys- _______________________________final year of the LLB. degree scie. Tuie îr ac Yu(alfornomtino c'ourse at the Osgoode Hall sleexes Of -11: Iac Yu alfr nomto the W V~omen's Hospital Auxciliary ýLaw ý;chool. Toronto, Ont., 'large ii:tci;r f wbere bis extra-corricular ac- l.iil x ' ff 1' [lVE Y - TAYLORPLS RGAM ...YU ASRNC FO TH L ~~2F R F N Stivities are as Treasurci of tuýe 1,I cr2iLU ' - -. .YO R L z i F R F N SLegal adLitenary Societ- , pInt-.r' . flx 'irL'îted Cbnc'h was U -the sti.ident governing bodiv. ied yil, \\7xv -.-,. ' t' -'.rtii» iïof a x'ei'xpret*x' ,ULTIMATE IN HEATING COMFORT I \b X SEPT. 18 2 to 7 P.M. 'He is ni member of the Inter- Mn } , n \- i i B.':' dci' on S3tordla.', August national Lega] fraternitv Phi ',~ 1C'-P61,i.xvb'n Jonc Marjoi'i Delta l'hi (0.-goode Inn Cnp 1r r. rr - n:--i- of 'vi. i-nd ter). xx-ee t,-rni'- i. '\.ee' Ta'loî'. becamne. The staff of the Caîiadian Mihl U c~ - -' f <f rlp aeser KDT N SS PLE T A M A C U T îlmperî-iI lBank of Commence, ar-d f, ' ~ ~ '-ni -,i of Mr'. and Mns.S I TA K U P ED O F I NG~EM/S~ Main L'rancb, Oshawxa, vhen" acol" r.-- ' IDtx es'. al of TN-one. the gi-o uni as been emploNed als cfof. ' x ' I-i' ' % e xh;*e and x'ello\w for the' past five summels Ti"re('- 'f' b'1 i.dc'rte the ehurchi G SLN UL I TV I DEE OO I made a presentation on Au,-- the Lî'-' t e il' tj' 'r'til- ceremuon-. Rex'. G. AOIE -F LOL -STV OL STORE BOWMANVILLE tist 24t-ri of a loatheî' covered x.1.f. t'.'i' rtfbrre.Te5M RAE IE ATRE CESRE hassocli.and a bedspread. Besi hride's i-m. i: - r i ' rp R-bt. Burgess ,cous,:n GE STRS ATRE --*wishes xxere extended bx' the blu' - 1f 1Z-fr t' ittt cà..'o 'P e- - --- - ~~~maiîager, N. S. McFadyen. beig cce...l i., rayer" and the "Wed- SEPT. 13th, 1981 THE C.l',IADIAq ST.-\TESI.ýTAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THREE 0