PA« zOuR Health has aptly been described as "the first wealth". Unfortunately, there is ne lack cf evideace ta support the view that a great many Canadians do net value it as such. Not, at any rate. until they lose it, says an article in "Industrv". We are amncng the rnost privileged nations in the modern world, but we can hardhv !av Plaim te being the healthiest. And yet, as Benjamin Dis- racli put it neanly a century ago: "The health cf the people is really the faunda- tian upon which ail their happiness and ail their pcwens as a State depend." For ail that ours .s a 'land of abundance, prolifie lun high qualitv grains, fruits, vegetables. milk, egcgs. cheese and fresh meat, sumvey after survey has inîdiated that. only abour one-thîrd of the population reeites a trulv npunishing food intake. 'PHis has litzle cr nathir1g te doo with povert 'v or mabilitv to buy the riiht kird Ucf fos: the bard truth îs simpIlevthat a shocking number of Canadians apparentlyv do not know the fimst essentials of good nutrition. On, wvhat is worse. ;fi they do. do rot observ;e them. Wieiiîî _s rurthe-r ,-eaiîzid tit unîe out ao' every 50 Caradian adults ýs an aleohclic, that the nuniber has doubled in the past 10 yeams, and that only five ccuntries have a worse rate cf alcohol- ism. the mesultant national health pîcture cannot exactly be temmed a happy cne. Irtie, there are oî'ight -oso"- able advances have beexi made ir: recent yeams in such fields as infant By Anîbrose Hilis My wife and 1 carry on a constant battie over who bas the best home towa. 1 was a Manitou boy; my wife swears allegiance to Ochre River. Se many tales had my wife toid about the gaings-on at Ochre when she was a girl that my daughtem, Kathy, (age ten) couldn't wait ta go there. Finally she and I hit the trail te Ochre ta visit her Grandmother. Kathy was thrilled. We iiad a meai in the restaurant and hier comment was, "My but the meals in these small-town restaurants are deleieus, area't they?" It was Saturday night. The towa was packed with visiting farmers, se that there was scarcely a parking spot left on Main St. Ochre's normal population cf 400-odd was swoilen ta at least 465. and Kathy was impressed. "Gee, Main." she said, wihen we re- turned, "you sure are lucky te came from a place like Ochre River .- I just love it there." This was rubbing fathers pride the wrong way. "Next weekend," 1 told hiem, "l'Il take vou te Manitou. Now that's a real town!"' Se Kathv and 1 hit the trail again, There was Machiavellian cunniniz in my choîce of a day ta visit Manitou. Kathy and I arrived just as Santa Claus was getting into his cutter on the out- skirts of town. We turned up Main Street just in time to be part ef their wonderful parade. There were clowns and animais and a truck full cf co]ored balloons ]et loase While glancing through "The Muni- cipal World", a monthly magazine for municipal counicillors in Ontario, we were struck by the intense intemest cf municipal politicians in the prcblems of operating their tawns, villages and townships ta the best advantage, says The Napanee Post-Express. The publication has an excellent questions and answers sectian in which queries by counicillors and school board members about the interpretation cf the variaus statutes affecting themn are answered. There were 29 questions in the most recent issue from whetheî a municipality may compel the owner 'Io dlean up a vacant lot (it can> to who may attend road cornmissioners meet- ing (cnly pensons whio are entitled te vote . . . ather persans might be refus- Pd admission')> The time spent by mneners et municipal council on their work is, in. many instances, scancely reeognized by. the ratepayers on whose behaif they are struggling. On some occasions it is rewanding and at Cther times, frustrat- ing. The sanie issue cf the Municipal World quotes an editorial from the mortality, That the number of death per 1,000 live births has fallen in thý past 30 years f nom 94 te 30 is neorneai achievement by any standard and say much for the quality of aur medica services. (Even so, it is worth notiný that ne fewer than 13 cauntries cai show a lower rate.) In industry, too, much progress haý beori made in recent years. The numn ber cf industnial accidents has beci ccîîsiderably reduced and plant medica facilities impmoved and extended. Yeý over $500 million is lest every year ir wages and countless millions in produc. tion through absentceism, much ei which is either preventable or un. necessary. Ail this serves toe emphasize thE importance and significance cf National Hlealth Week, field across Canada from March 12 - 18. This was the seveateenth such week and is descibed by thE Heaith League cf Canada as "a co-ord- irzated effort to cail ta the attention ol the Canadian people the necessity for promoting and conserving health by al] possible mearîs". The need for deing just that has aeen mi ply proven. If we are truly interested ini aur ewn health and thai of those closest te us we will'heed the eall and take such steps as may be :îecessary. For many, the first such step may well be te get lcng-deferred n2edlcal arnd dental check-ups. But whether or uiot we are in this category, we car. ail make a searching re-exam- ination of aur eating and drinking hab- its in the interests cf a longer, fuller and bappier ife. on the street. anai there were youngsters and oldsters by the hundreds iooking con. Manitou - always a busy tewn was bigger and gayer than ever. Whea the visit was over, and we started home, Kathy heaved a big sigh. "Gee, Dad," she said, "Manitou is even huger than Ochre River!" <'Don't tell me," I said smugly. <"Tell your mother!" It was a victory - but the battle gees on. My wife continues ta brag about Ochre River and brushes off the above event as the cunning connivance cf a father to take advantage cf his young, impressionable daughtcr. Home town pnide is neyer vanquished! Cheerfulness is a side line that very ofteri clears the way for the main line. l'le brain is a wonderful organ: It starts working the marnent ycu get up in the morning and dees net stop until vou gelta the plant. "I'm net wealthy and I don't have a yacht and and a convertible like Jack Smith,"* apologized the suitor, "but, Darling, I love you." "And, I love you tee." she replicd, 'but tll me more about this Jack Smith." A man's life is 20 yeams cf having his mother asking him wheme he is go-. ing, 40 yeams cf having his wife ask the saie question, and when he dies the mnoumners are wondening, toc. Z)rf4naiaîî % tatt#lnan Durham Counry*s Great Famiy Journal Estabhshed 107 years atqo in 1854 Aiso lncorpozatnngqu The Bowmanvifle Newp 4u ' ' ~ lh. Newcastle Independený TheO0rôno News 002 10 cipSecnd Cluss NtIOdJ by the Poe ;c > 01 e , e'awa Produced every Wedaesday bv JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P0 Box 190 62-66b Knr.qS:W Bowrnaîv,.iic Oîî!urio YOHN M. IAMES GEQ EDiTOR-PUBLiSMEE AD SUBSCI $400 a Y'ts tictly in advanc. )W GRAHAM ýV-G. MAl.NAfGEP RIPTION RATLbS GEO. P MORRIS BusnlEss mait SS 00 o Yeay ,n the 'Unted States WEDNESDAY, 5I~T. 'lItb 1961 Too Chary With Praise I Electrical Association of whichIm"_ontoa, Alta., and ta other' At hess than a dollar an heur Seie:JH OLN WO ED the Mayor is president and Mm. western cities. ýyoum hospital bas te ha'.'-cacSeikr OHe-LIG O ED Chase, secretary. J Mrs, John M. Black, Winni-:commodation, staff and equip- Subject - "The Shifting Balance of Power" Mr. Arthur Kent, Bank of Ipeg, Man., is visiting ber fath- 1 ment to serve yeu in ainMontreal, Orillia, is holidaying er, Mr. D. B. Simpson, enraute cmergency cf accident and with bis parents, Postmasterlfrom a visit ta New YomkCtyM]ness, maternity came, and Other Speakers for this Season: C. B. Kent and Mms. Kent. jMr. and Mms. P. C. Treb..i,chroniic ilimess, round the Mrs. Nellie Garbutt has re-icock, Misses Margaret and!clock fer 24 heurs a day, every Tues., Oct. 24th-T'HOR HANSEN---------.".Canadian Arts and Crafts" turned fmom a vacation spent'Minnie were la Toronto on' day cf the yeam. at the Windcrmere Hotel on Monday attending the Trebil-1 Thus, as vou can scec yu Wed., Nov. 22nd-"PETER ACHROYD -- "Planning Canada's Capital" Lak Rosca, ndviitngcack - Lennox wedding. r needs in this New Wing me- Tues., Jan. 3th-S IR ROBERT HADOW Topic will bc samne aspect of friends at Wasaga Beach, Stay-ý Mrs. A. J. Courtice has goneýquire vahintary support. No ner and Taranto. tc Edwardsburgh, Mich., ta cause is more deserving or the International Scene. Engagement :Mr. and Mrs.ivisit hem sister, Mrs.' E. W.Imore important ta you~, yourý Wesley Oke, Enniskillen, an-: Tonkin, wbo is very ill. I family and your commun.lty. Fri., Feb. 23rd-M. J. COLDWELL- - "Canada's Rote in World Affairs" nounce the engagement cf 1Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylorî Whcn the canvasser for the or "Future of Democracy in Asia and Africa" t b e i r youngest daughtem, of Cartwright announce thelIWemen's Hospital Aux iliaryi Gladys Winifmed, ta Mr. Stan- engagement cf their daughtecails on Monday, Sept. 18th. March - To be amiounced. ley Turner, onhy son cf Mm. Sara Minerva, and Mr. Sidneyldo be generous se that we jand Mms. Peter Turner, Osha-'John Tewîn, youngest son cf mnay reach aur objective of April 26 - Tentative Speaker - Rabbi Feinberg. wa, Ontario. The wedding tojMr. Wm. Tewin cf Enniskil-3$6,000, and if yeu put us take place October 17th la StA~en. The mamiage wilh take."ovcr the top" you will kncw Memnberships may be obtained from any member of the executive., Gearge's Church, Oshawa. place early in October. 1 that you are 'geiog the second Courtice: Miss Marlon Orch-. Solina Station: Mr. Alf Ayre mile- te help veur hospitah E'ee $4.00; two mnerubers of samne famnily $7,50; each succeeding member,'.50 ; ard, former singing teacher cf is home with his sheep winning, serve vou better Mmese xctçe o.Pe, m e.W ae;Pe. m .G eel this district, has been succeed-imany prizes at Sherbrooke andYur sncrey asers;,s.o K. Wtie ry; ls Vce-res., Mms. E.Jame; 2 ViePres., Mr. G.NwL.; ced by Mrs. Donald Robb,'Ottawa. Yussneey atPe.,Ms .Wry s iePe. r.E aul n ie-rsM.L of Orono.t Hampton: Congratulations ta (Mrs. L.) Edith 11lsn Goddard; Comm. Sccmetary, Miss M. Couch; Asst. Corr. Secretary, Mrs. W. Teeple; Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. Geo.1Mr. and Mrs. Murate Rcbbins, President, Wor jen's Rec. Secretamy, Mrs. E. Mann; Treas., Mm. R. L. Mitchell; Executive Committee Mrs. Barmen visited relatives in-it's a sn optlAx~ay E. R. Lcvekin, Mms. il. L. Hoey, Mms. Lamne Allun, Mr. RrcsM.1R'çss Giat Toronto and attended the! Tyrone: Mr. Robez-t Hodgson, Me'moni ital. NlM. Gordon Martin; Fiaaist, Mm. Ross Metealf. exhibition, bhas purchased a new piano. b 13owmranvijue. Seattle Daily Journal which says th, 4.many newspapers have dane virtuall everything possible to make publ office unattractive. It takes a fairl thick-skinned officiai ta take somec the insinuations and charges maî against him and continue te carryo ta the best cf his ability. We ha' heard manv in office say: 'Oh, what' the use? Whatever 1 de will be wron once it gets into print'." Newspapers a r e self - appointe, watchdogs cf public funds and whe they find mis-appropriation, they shoul expose it. At the same time it is rar indecd to find newspapers congratulal ing police forces, school boards, muni cipal officers or anyone else in publi life for a job well done. One can find the intense devotici of municipal officials ta their work b, scanning the pages cf The Municipa Worhd, but its readership is confined ti ather municipal officers. It is human ta be quick te condern and chary with praise, but editors an( editorial writems who are interested ii the welfare et their municipalitie should encour-age the better admin istmators as often as they ccndemn th( poorer cnes. MMM UnI2-sorffé- tt=power ta keep f&q <1 ~punching right in the no ~~J 4~f~ rsome of xny students on.lht ed me wL1Cca and ce holiday,si? l'y Lic OBITM~RY' ofMSS EDITH E. FERGUSON leEditor's Note: We are int on 1"debted to W. J. (Billy).; Bacace Y BdilSi e .,ma f St. Marys, who very,. Bakch Feel listless ? ance. My wife throwîng out, thoughitfuliy sent us the ol- t's Nerves frayed? Why don't valuables, and the kids and I lowing obituary of Miss & h ng you do as I did. G<et away îugging them back in Hundreds:E. Ferguson, who was a cousin from it ail bv entenang the of cartons jamm-ed with everv-0 hs.Lahi etter"hm e nd e teaching profession, anid revel thing from toilet paper te toc these comnt:"arsed in those long, golden, simmer rubbers, and nobody knoawing f vuhencodciig enho idays. wa a nwih untr frorn The Lincoln County;- IA year ago, I had orie week that had gane in easily through N stfhDrnaictaMie re off between the end cef sum- doorways but resaîutely re- on the chance hee may stili t[mer school and the beýginning fused ta corne out through be existent i.n Cartwright of the teaching year. 1AW spent them. . Township somne who may re- g e member Win. Ferguson, father the week winding lip aur And jusita add a littie spiWe0 dtwol h eete affairs in anc town ailrd mov- ta this mave, amte a fai-amedin Cartwright. Edith's in aante.I had two rubbing aur legs for food whien gad ther Mrs. Wm. Bing- days vacatian- Sunda-y and we were carrying refrigerat- harn, cf Enniskillen, where 1 Labor Day. ~~ors, three kittens c1imbing uc vsbr 5yasao n isuperio planning, and the un- three directions andi a crazyiter and brother. ' G.* cannv timing cf my wife, pup dashing wildly between- "I would have liked verv Ithings are different. 1 had the legs cf the maversasti e much te have gatten down to, a ]nc day off - Labor tay-r gingerly toted the hi-i o.Sm MLuhi' ar in ýand 1 spent haif cf that mow-1 The anly thing that preserv-ýceremanies ta honor his Dad. d SAILOR CAMPERS -B Jim Rissling, Dawson Creek, B.C.; Ldg. ýea. Bob jing the lawo, the athe-r haîf'cd my sanity was the fortuitous. Robt. MeLau1ghlin, but could n Ftzptrîk SintJoh, NB.;Ord Sa. ughSmae, owmnvile.Ont an lw1jtioa column. irecurrence cf an old ailment flot make it. As a lad of 14 in miac H int",JoepanNne; rd.ove HgSan pn ieat H mS Kooteîav01sumeand 1dntlike ta think. 1 have in the general area cf my back. vcars I was verger (or jani- c masct Grand Lpae dN.,anerCol. . .an urien s esate. ch oer s t e o j'apersonal diet who is ideter- This prevented me from lift- tor) of the Presbyteriart n- camp t GrandLake, NS., on ol. K. . Èauri's esttem nedthats a toliday- wineldhab ahingdaanything inheavierngthaniea Chn r, h inr f e enay thus can get away froru the dirt and din of the destroyer escort's refit. a o me. I prefer Io Put cushion, but did neot initerfereiwhich Sam's dad was treasur- ______________________________________________-National Detence Photo it down ta sheer fate, bad man- with my natural ability ta give er. Sa 1 have many kîndly -agement, or seine kil dOf cool, clear directions. Lt aiso meiaries of Robert-the Dad. psychological block I have de- proved something I'd suspect- dv, of them al!-G.W.J. I veloped, which steers me away,led for a long time - that thel Mi.93 Edith E. Ferguson l eenls- fo artigOld Girl is a lot stronger than! miss Edjth E. Fergusan, 89, that looks like a vacation, she looks.1 died Saturday, August l2th, Cnid Y o ng m n k o l m nAs a fitting climax ta the~ 1961, at Glenside Hospital at LeI Iga ' E~ U m n0 t ail sredthol W any moving, i sta:ted ta rain just Jamaica Plain, Mass. She a r 'ealways known what to at the Coronation Restaurant, ourgh. As Gladys Fishner, Mrs. shakeni from a brutal .Latineegigt oetc en eietc aaict do i th patsandcf r. nd rs.Geore Jmes Mcntoh ws acoutedancexaînination, I tottered back piano, and the mover hiad anl ta for 40 years. dofo ntsintelfry , a w .ane gbb rgte ra-e: cth retes rs c f aî- a y oet ndthnehoeopen truck. My, it was excit-j A rctired teacher, she once bs tidthen it camebut aes cerile we lnq ure if Je tve r Twnsbip.EchFirsdof amilo y rwaitin for e whme iog! You should have seen taught the family cf a cousin stmid ihn t am t be ,ceie w equre i Je1 er Twnhp.Eah ai ay wit exctempttfo v'Iousbacks ino it- ta the Czar cf Russia, as well ,n in the cu'pola. Last weck, Seto's wife was on the pre-jwe bumip into Mr, and Mrs. reasons. the two maving men and the as in Bclgýium and the Cana- your srb was trying ta im- mises as we wanted te nmakelHerman MeGill, wha typifyý The kids were ahl agog be-Itwo neighbors I had recruited.idian Sehools. Sprove his technical knowledge ber acquaintance, Joe gotý the warm frjendhness and-Te wsagatfuro'MisFgsnwsbr t of forestry, while up in the busy on the phone, ad tenhopitality for wbich Manvers cuetcyfgrdthycudthr as a greigatnflurry C rtMiFgusOnta o aata fir twer b peusng mnues atr w wre rha- osbi aIlwy eocon me loto taking them tt arpalin, untn n a atvihOtre aaa fire towe, by persing a mnutes la-er we ý;retheaeExhibition.asMylwwifheewaselExhgbiien. butwtheyas .tedhethated Aprit, 21,il 1872,872, ughtereroo n thlrty-five cent paper back ing hands with his lovely faImaus. Although tbey only 11 atwittcr because she had piano in jig time, I cao telli William and Sarah Bingham il novel called "Love me, and bride, whom he h'ad brought live ini lethany, we rarely:~5 aeada u ftî o.L a hIcudd aFruo Sdie," whca a couple cf crea- from Hong Kong two months rhieet except at the Oroîto Fair, air, to mnove ta a different stay out cf their way as Il Surviving are a sister, Nor- turcs started crawling on the ago. Mrs. Seta is the epitomnelBeing a male, Herman justhi ewîhse' a e y showed them where ta put 1t.1ma M. Glen cf Damariscotta; 2back of tihe Youngman neck. cf the char.m, poise, and gra- looks crdinaî-y, but Aggie on for some time. Ah, welh, we got settled in and a niece and twa nephews. -Being engrasscd in a real ciousness cf manner which is;looked quite stunning in ber Right there, 1 almost bkroke after a fashion - the four cats,j Funeral services were hehd fjuicy episode, 1 casually the "hall-mnark" cf many Oni-jmauve ensemble. idown and wept. But, -with the dog, and the four of us.1 August 15, 196 1, at the Strong - rusnea uhc insects off offly ental lWadiesti 1sgs<htsipe eoimthti teThere's a buffet an~d a cbîoaliFuneral Home. A friead cf te dscoer hatthe weea~' Soe fiksattnd ¶roo'5 the attendant, in mnakjogbhaihmark of the modemn hus cabinet eut la the garage, andithe family, Rcv. Dr. George flics, but bees, and that theylF'air te see what exhibit wofhn u aeyursrb 'ýband and father, wil;hout I think a whole suitcase fullýW. Perkins, pastor of the ~~~ ha ruh ln opecirst prize. Nat me, by jug!Aiia n <e dllar billibitterness, witb no recrînailna- cf my socks and uoderwear: Ridge Avenue Mecth cd is t i dozen relatives. I had opened I go te sce "who" is prese?î nt, richh a wàos uldwn f etedmp uIhrh hldlha fii nacouple cf windcws, and thus and the afternoon usuahrly wiî h ad, was worth to1ias Ipuhe yseif toibeth-wth cff to inthe gdun.p, bu tt hrc sevie.piofiit mad iteaserforthe t enýtuns n-e agabes asI metcents extra Ai, the fair, whiieeiCr 1 waved a wistful montai Vtha t's al l it e a. ed at taservice n n ter.Outsde o theclosed and chat with people whum 1 buying sorne frenchî frics, îrfarewell ta my week cf fish- L'm not lreah]y itterabaugterCmittalerie s and la-op ter. Ousthierescf teb hv ntsico om imgot scaked a ',en per cent x-iog, golfing and bumming. ~Itplan aor yead I'm main.temetwcre atinMt. Hope - windws thee seeed ta e hav not sen fo sûme me,1change on the sarne hllar. fgrinned a ghastly gri n îpasfrmywc' oiayCneey asiiso.u -fifty or sixty more with aniand somne I na.y neît meetiOther ycars the grand standjagreed that it ccrtainly was next year. -But-I had ta assertison, N.Y. rf cvii lecg- on their faces. egain. r Grabbing a rag, 1 tried toi A good iooking BowmanvilIejemPtiod at 5 pin This yearla caincidence that the Ex was it sta'rted Ie empty at 7 p.m. Io, and that it certainly was shoo the insiders out through matron, just back from RJProvir«rg tbat the Fair Board!lucky that we.had a week ln the open window, but only camping trip, gave a good: lîved up te its promise of a Iwhich te move ta the new rT W 'PR W fAl~TTC succeeded in making thein description cf the misenies en- bang-up show. ihause (with the big reat). TOWN OF B W MAiV&I.a sangry, se, shutting up shop, 1 dured with a leaky tent during ______1_ It aIl seemed sort of pre- rskedadled for a flit gun and a heavy raja storm, and the ýordained, and I didn't struggle. fly spray. Then I was ia a difficulty of undressing in. __________a___ Just cried a little, laside. The mess! If 1 epencd the win- sleeping bag, especiaily wrig- - kids taok me for a horrible P'dow, morre came in, if I shut gling eut cf her girdle 'lhat' ride, financially, and on a Eit, the spray made me dizzy. I would like ta see! I ' number cf horrible rides, i hys- Fina'lly, I filled the cupoha When Bill Miller lived l u ically, at the nid .~ ery with spray. 1ocked up, and heme, on thc Ridge, we usedtmeithapesI swar dep went homne. For three deys ta sce quite a lot cf cach nd desperate oath that l'Il twe've been sniping at each other, but net since he movedjDear Editor.: neyer do it again. But Pm a ~ L P8 B M ohr nr eson the te Orono. We had a nice chat O ody etolŽ sucker for midway rides. It'sTHt .r III LV LN *ground isn't a happy situa- after I caught him oglinjg alr ! a .n heWmo~a hangover from childhaod, tion, but efighty feet in the air nifty red head while Oaa wasiHsita uin I s odut hn1 ee a iog is dawnr-ight nawsty. visiting the midway. Lt I Aush'ar is onduf-orhoIre ha n oneh49F r On Orono Fair day, Butchialso nice to meet, after teng avasfrfud thrillirîg ti nteYri and me toddled into Bowmani-ljyears, Mr. and Mrs. MIntosh ,eChte aietrom htp nth Fers AE ville ta, be luacheen gucsts,r and son Brian, cf Peterbor the a renie Floarwel 6 vans mafr er you ing ti arithescare the liver eut cf you, from vas ma 1 efe yo tethethe Wild Mouse ta the Giant report cf Mr. GhenhulrneFRotor. My wife, brave little 1 6 AE > In t e D im Hughes, Chan-man cf the Hos pital Board, in whîcb it iswomnan, was a good sport as 8 sowntht l sîtecfverluual. She stood on the ARE DUE AND PAYABLE carfulfinncig ter ma. graund, alternatehy chewring caafndinnin!tlr ier fiogers and covering e be a deficit on the buiIdingleyes inbarman, as we hurtled and quimeo cf2 t 3%0f thraugh space. But she did D ita t ast $,5,0î have the deccncy ta help me The DistanHositalAux ýstaggjr from one cf iee EPT. '1 Sti,,1961 From The Statesmau Files iliary was aware cf this, and monstrosities ta the ncxt, and _____________________________________________________ahrcady as- rshe did tell me I was white 25YERSAG I ~ EAS GOsumned the rsporsibiitv o a'dam'S oldU foal 25YER AO49YER AOfurnishing the main Loby,j h da'ndtfooPbîDI O NT .. and the dav sitting room oOý That was a fitting intri-due- 1 icutwl ealwdo <Sept. 17, 1936) (sept. 19, 1912) Ithe Chronie' Floor at a cost oftion ta the weck that fol1ctwed, 1 icutwl ealwdo Mr. Frank Williams is hav- Miss Olive Lambert bas me- about $3.000, it was, feit by'my holiday wcek. Whezî we1thnsam t ing a new verandah erected inturned home after spending the members that they woulh gat home, wc mavcd. As far 4hisamn front cf his residence onlholidays in Tarante and Osha- like ta înoreise their conltri- as I'm cocerned, moving and if paid on or before SEPT. l5th. Church St. w to waar hefmnrhnightmarcs are la the saie Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Smith' Miss Amy Hathway has me- -yTh newwin. Th Au They're unreal, un- and son Frank spent the wcek- turncd from a two months illiryhad savings of $6,00Odsiable and decply disturb- end ithMm.andMrs Frd vsit ithhemmoter nd th-for the New Win- and will beilg Teol ifeec si Se d to, rBel neville. r e lati1x ives la n glarnd, m atey 9.0. Ir.VI1V 0fitie r od c. W th ng t The First Wealth Best Home Town a mmmmýý