PAGE TENf- T' AA!N TT5A" OMNTT~ NT1~~- toon, Sask. Visited with Mr. n laue fec evc iIapa nffnyvy B3ETHA NY and rs. Reg. Edmunds G on re de a/ms g har eein hlduiv e adrpesueeoctiosevien Satrda. scre seeciongurn de tme The BethanY Girls' 4-H Club ected as off wer l president, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ter- O o o B efe i s 1 I l\'(' cieen t s îiw rîei a%-II uhe choar'lwys f Thuie, , a li CCILKEIN ABOR met at the home oft heir lead-MissMurilNeai-.<:výce-presî- mini and daughiter Patty of A Iort ioli of Ille muile<.cent per was much app'reciatcd. bv the Rev. R.M.Fe an Tedahourd er, Mrs. Raiph Preston oni Sat-deri MissDonna Durham-; Toronto were guests with IMr. bl k ie lev o i - .- ir hrewsa tr orteta cange be mciia urday. The foilowing eesecrctaryvad dpublicity repre- and: Mrs.\7Vincent Jackson forl o w utu s athuîslîel o llavIl, 1960 0 cmai- Tere aaboutrv for tha tircraof'heb d*th sa eeriHsp2lo sentdt i e. Miss Caroii nSmith. the %weekend. <Iq.30i 16. the ,\,,90 0 liid - aouthflngktes ia rde r fthsspnvrareSaudvSpeme , 9g s Da m Bgeiow. Ixxho NMiss Gcîî Grav, Toronto.' Carlos Tambivn. Orono, .%on*es, anîd tlxvas from ilusiiirlli' 3ti 96.tex m stek tesaeialg te hruh tef1ovn asrosiieso bas cunipletcd 12 uni,. ' of 4ii-H %vas home for the ,veekend his first Premier Breeder and that bntim the iJunior' muId Iii r.Si- nduîg sai lin'ho-cdr(awn higher and higher ni uîe oaodhvn tee'he cko ci ei ,voriand rccei%-ed lier pro- with her father. Mr. F. S. Premier Exhibitor a\lards at, serve Junior Champion fenlale lSi iuîswia uiig~l5isaluwr oIi u hidas agrcabl i non i it~cr viiicail onors last vear, %w Hl Gra:' . the Durham Couiîty Black anid carme. fh uir(bmn i tl(- pcriod anid t bat il ail ibai]l, wth a nevecr-cnding cord UtlathrYermyscahng o he te a ait eade \~ th M.~.Ernest Beer attended White Day hcid September was the ,\iniiig senior ca-oq .1 xpoî trt. A total of, we d'ore to oui, lest %vith Him, of dates to the saifconin iLodEga il Peto.thwrautinexrissofte t m onetinwibOrmu ng n - achcht Gleniea' Rie nlliîuliiblso lvrn314 'ris Iieahcogegton ul 1.191 hedces study ss Cîim, Praise flie rew course of is ivk ospital School of Nurs- Fair. A total of 22 exhibitorsýwilethie Reseýi-ve .lJunior Sl(. ne1960;îîcuop veiernakte.IlrAil Ye Little Chidrcmi. "! îvdt saaaot r on sevng **Separates For îng ini Peterborough, guest of showed 93 head of HoIsteins.'the top seior heifer (-aif,. Ciîm avlinîits io)tallilig ;about The'îlirne <of thesro Members of auo ..laicr goad~a file S imi-er and eaciî niember her graduate gramddaughter, The awards were placed by Rae Citation i sisic. I!îmwai'ul $438, a bui vl lismaelhyTePwe i Dui" vte sy week amnd we cvn yOb odPout o -ke as'ýir aîîd top. -A' Miss Gie Barnîard. Mrs. Alian IGea. R. MeLaughlin, Beaver-, Bradiev ai u o raisîu'2,1 îudcîm O-1e.R .Fena.Cms-refrcsiîmenis bot]îFia v 6yaspirt i eie Il brigtîeir selected pat- also attemîded. xit Frirsian Association of Canada.,'l Crni(bmi iiif-mdvdalp'iiu eod if ltîçjtîlî maux'tîîngs as *e trY Port Hope Fair. cmvnro tenad material i xvihhein, Gucsts iast week wtl Runner-up for Prenmier nialle ',vas nianed t lie t .iiisoid. I S Io 'xj('el to hifillow .Christ's teacliing,; h eerisn Twevemeibers have joinecd and 1Mr:. H. A. MeMaster Breeder uss -as J. 'H. JOs& Soiîs.uddcec femnale oif Ille stiomw.' t.îku'mabout six \veks i<i corn- we mnust not be ashiamcd t10 s. Harold Osborntepai oewil i agîe n tecu hs \-car. we-e M.and Mrs. A. Liin- Newcastle, x\'iie theie uniiei'- 'Cai1los 'Fmiîbix'îî i IlleProcm<ýS"I9 Peratî<, d* bl,*Ci t onthe osshad '1mî1mîg amîd xo'<etie vssm-m-a~ r.W drc Sisonentr- olm ofBalwinPar, For-up for Premier Exhibitor vas get-af-sire oniila gmop 1 ]ab I li addition lu the PaylimIt doubt wbcmî He said, -My God ' t( ren dous. bu t wt ooe-esdb i f d h mnîer o S. daandMm. ndMr. arinArch. Muir, Courtice. Waikcm Olie. wimie Arc ' M.' S' atiom.tneadi k~pee ,e P Ang iceanr Chrs o- d MPtebroul. ..H ae&Sussiwdlo i . Mdmmrf an niotimiu'eýmri, Mr. Stamidinghast Thou forsakemu me" oSt ime arndrO omi'FormIlEds 92 night.s.ngliaPaieî- r eW- Seraivdan sfPstwerkbnoro n--ufgrh.ii a dI iimetborl ii>mtail îasbd ob adth ilmiTbrstieexvi e c ssuvve îyhs agltr mas uiliarv, Tiîursdav Mrs. Ina Palmer 5pCflt sev- te rad hapon bula lou b OusfiPmi mi vm of-ri gveumnmu <f-fther ootedff ntheb vrt-wii adtin oanrd r WllamIlrei (eriwî iiide, h ic.dimîg n-thleropiiî ovstngwthrsser, M rwming with the Junior Ycar11- Jupiter. 'im xillin ig immî- lficma Ikregardlimi . theb largerboy d(oubted t le power oh I f Oliaw, aid wo snsWnm praers Iadn iweon t visit ea ns woth hand bser, dau- iing, Giadibrae Leader Star- geiiy Of dan, Was showvmi 1.1 anionim <f fced wlivai biar- Christ as lic, stid "If thou canst aepaid-a report hi s r-o sa\aaî ereo o A DURO PUMP or Mrs. Gordomn Smith, Mrs. gbter-in-iaxv, Mrs. Jack Pal- dust, who xsas first named1H. Jose' & Sous, whilu' Arul in uss a ;dm s ;i resuit 'do Smyiiîî"S. Mark 9, ver- 'jeet xiii be rcady om.îîîvîe..\s uxiiî r A ors ~~~~~~~~~~~Junior Cbamnpion before takiiîgiMLliii ad tbc top) bmîu'dui"s or ivet wa e conditionS ss 7-7 Ter ust bc failli Our W.A. wvas piedscn 12gaceicliî eansBettr Lving! ! James Spearing amîd Miss Lau-1 mer who is imn Toronto Gen- the top award. The Reserve iberd. 'Iliii'huard -otm(iuodcd fromni u:j b overconme thîs doubt, iiii the Womciî*s'sVokScim hemeura evc Men etrLvn! ra Morton. The seripture les- eral Hospital. Junior amîd Reserve Granîd A. Moir hîad sevem fil'ti-SI.iussioi If f ile feed'if we lîve by, faith. wc iearnspnodbytePrHpehiatieAntoigFîra (~ U DUR W'acr Ss- sn: he mîiiîtcs nd crres to, Mas. vsihe wit Mr.a-dChampionship wcnt to Carlos es, (7. Taiuibiymîsix. ., 1.l.. J<ispr iadehal lImle oyportuiîty toI> 11 power of God's love for Fair Board. Atce id idnie sîw,1Iîd et l~tem gives us freEh, pure pneîeb r.DulsMs riho aro n Tamblyn an the winning senior & Sonîs fouir. R. '.. sievumli'pick ulit oxv grade wbeat foriu.Teevc oicrdd ihdslaycd favoured te S.i.RseiCoseaîn water wlben and xvbere xe 'n.t ndtefîaîia e .N enior bous wamlaerbserr.three, Cedar Bale Stock Frm<feeri, the betier grades 0 a fhmî43 Il edt bull cafandmtneePabtnJecir.lValenineaNuotif'4Stree Unite need it . . .adds to aur con- potoy Msenmiyorîiiî, anvrsUîît d huchshoxvn. Oronio, ad the fîrst prize dry wlivai owmîied lîy the board ie" ValeeBlssn. întaî inmtislî.his vr iu l.Olaa venenciae cocotoand c'Mr.oNmiooo gaeofre ciebatdyis 6thannves-Nheeews Wood troggavovea--adaid (luîiu Wenm xdlthclumt le iel fr rsurve' uiiay slnolxvs bidat îaurai very colourful. mals- tduel, services. coîîductedldfoi resrve ife. ota u ciiiso h r Sna. class of aged cows iin milk, ana of Hamp)toni, the wîliiniiiuomr but sold foi- exlîort purposes LlCZyS'10 -vshl týnralyv o DUROPump ar aval-,Junior Girls Auxiliary aîud dis- The ciîurch was origilîaily it xvas bere tlîat Judge Me- hefcr 'aif. as lifilie past. Thle boaird i 1:1sent. . thîre wernes3SLP- tmeng brîlt tuildîsiaytbei u erplsCnee',Dr DUOPmsae vi liLagln fud oh Ii re eitly exportiuîg No. 2sn.M' Gog aîîs1sp heeliit uligrvle abe n i sest met~ played some of their needie- built at Fallis Corners in Man- Lagîn fud bth li mcwei.aoepcsh i-mteiidcut. coîidueted. There Plbaes w rc ivdmlnd.Sc ur work for sale. i vers township on land dlona- Grand and Reserve Grandgrd wbc o uayShl Piiclombe rDURO ealeor .Mmesxeeakdh ep'tdb h aeRbr alChampions. The Grand Cham- rnove .ils,;stocks <of No. 3 gradevll b îoSmîaiSho Literature is tîuearafvitSoii Fed Iuei, rd <a r wr sedt e p art o Wiidhe iuito Robprri market [ nex t Suuiday. foPl formioorD rO dalr i vtîîdecoratiîîg the ehurch ( ar f bis faim property) pîaîîship axvard xvas laken by W heat Growers!whe'd t-C" C er rtt Aiînlrexvs -nid BU B11 frflinomtoorwieEdrleHioMrM. w-Auiniversarv n - itl-o-ring SoiielyiimgIa vi eTinpsi Agu nib frFE odr Rng for 1hue Harvest Home service: and was origiîuaily known as Edeb rsilHiloMry, w n- th0i. in unasare Tiaî-o-hca LisrI onol c î u fo FE fler 'Rnng also to assist the Ladies Guil Falîts Corneis Metho dci edbi sc Mur,'bie e frig umda, rexvtl u i' linai Water, the Farmn Necesaity'". RsreGadC mpohiW ii Re__ __ in caîerîîug for a xedding in Churcli. A brother James Fal- Reev rnMhminli c ieIORRISH agî i fiti twnesleyp-'ot uî-î emts uîoidas Octobeî'. lis gave the lanud for the school went ta Carias Tamblyn on eortcnintyanr Tu rcor lî Rx. .Roe o teopoit crerad tTamiane Pabst Pietje Maud. tme 241h. World Wmde Coni- Th etrteRvîîh Ra.-ose, ntil poine o neand owitrogcmeiinwa c a D silWorsluijiService \vas hlinunion Soi-vice, Tlîanksgiv-Gere aîaan.F RSE VC closed the meeting 'ihpa-i tl nuetdyadkono Surîday, Scptembcî u7th, îng Sunday aînd hhree Aîîni- ed a x-iuwich lumnch vas sec-- as Failis Sehool. vîded by the berd of Glen Ontario xdueal pioduceis att1') ani. Tue, Rev. R. M. Fc-,versiir-yanîd Tiiank-offerimw Cet iour PieDAOD&CIPE ivdby7 the bostess. assisted by, As the land became cleared Rae Farm, Boxvmanville, par- xiii receive, a r-utuî-n payment 1 nian, M.A., B.D. iiicuar-e.. SuiudzyS iiiftie foliowingodr* eoeFe fCag Dut The next mieeting xili bc estabiished tbey began ho thiîik their 1960 wlîcat crop nmarket- tion. the nmcx idea of having; Churcli aund Welcome Churclihus 'urOeao o DUROld at the haime of Ms. Enu- in ternis of a more modern Mcs. Spencer aîunounced thie ings. a jont service ever-y Sunday-i the motii of October xiii be througi - - p j>~~o'x i-lîîti. choc-ch. In thiose days there sale of a quilt made by W.M.S. Tlue aimiuouriu'eiueit w a s Zion anud Mocris- k meetinug ia monhh of cimurchu sec-vice TATE MAN Thîc annual l-arvcst Home xvere no cars and many had to members. manle ioday, by Mr. K. A. with mnuch success, now ecdi xitiidrawn fron three iii or-,ZEnith T6550 lerxc as lieid mI St. Paul's walk to clîurch. Most af the Mrs. Fraser tiieii siowed ( ol ni.Scc'rctiry-Mauager! congregation unite for a Sun- 'de., that ail eoîugrcgatiaîus max' C L A S S 1 F EDsLiecNo4-CG ,Anglican Choc-ch on Sunday cangregation at that time ored slides of picturc-pson o' Ie Ontlario Wheat pî'o- i da-y moucnimug service wiien uîîite in Tbanksgiving ah that Pon MAkt-30 ckPcii-eebrog morin. 'le ervcewa i ýcae fomth sut ad t alytaeninNewfoundland, jdumceens' Marketing Board, fol- fîieuds worship toge.tlieýrin amie lartieulai' chrrnhNoti«ce ___Phone_______________ chreo <f hhe rechor. Rex'. R.Imake it more convenient for Scotiand, Florida and oe --__ __ ___ ____________ 1 oeand the ciuurcb xvas beau- 1 these people it was decided ta local scenes. tifuIIy decocated for thue cca- jbuiid the new lac-ger church The hostess servedi lunuch sion witlu grain. fruit, vege- at its present location on part and a social hour wvas enjoyed. tables and loxvers. of the fanm owned by James At the Women's Institute SCdet George Scott and 'Jobnston, who aiso gave the meeting heîd at the home of Puir UM i&SOFTENERSRobert Fostci', Toronto, sîent1ground free of charge. Mrs. Walter Neals on Monda y L IM ITED pr 821 the veekeind wîtlî Mc-. and Mrs.I About this time the Canad- nigbt, the programi featured LONDON --CAN A D A'Andison Sc-att. ian Pacifie Railxvay had beeru "Safety Education". SJack Palmeri spent lasI xvcek constrocted a mile ta the south Mrs. Raîph Preston who is in Ajax x'îsîtiuug xitl lis: and there were several lem-, the Durham County represent-VV AO U A CK o Hutcle anti auîît Mr. and Mrs. ployees living around the new ative for the Fac-m Accident 3ACK BB0UGH:George Wake and comnîuîing station. which xvas mamed Prevention and Safety Coun- n »a-m m s PLUMBIG and EATING daiy ho visit his xifc iin Toc-- Manvers. Aîmost ail the xvork cil gave a talk which she lt PLUMBNG ad HETING onto Hospital. Fc-iemuds xill be ' of teacing dlown the oid Fallis led "The Imps. and Ease of Division Street South pleased to knoxv that Mrs. .Choc-ch, maviîîg much of tue Safety". "Some of the imps .MA 3-5615 BOWMAN VILLE1 Palmer is improving ýlumber from it, hauling sand, or gremlins that are the great- %m= George__Sedgexvek, Saska-1Igravel and brick and other est causes of accidents are materials foc- erecting the Impatience, Impunity, Impul-6 2 s n <~mexv choc-ch was done by the siveness and mpc-avis i ng. î members of the congregation, There are aiways people who -~ ~and aIl that was usable of the are impatient and just can't aid eluurcb xvas salvaged for wait a few minutes. There S building the new one. are always those wbo have an G OINPLCS i Everyone gave willingiy of impunity complex-. it just time aîîd money ta have the can't happen to me! There are church contsructed. The always those who are impul- - ' miniser in carge at te im sve rsh hst ad m t H~e s your roaa car, ride car, ple a! o iac risrt ~ w t e chage t wth akshftaricls s ne stle and grace. Tt's bolder, with a crisp low silholuette. t'fres1z-styled, S Manvers at the opening cere- of the greatest hazards in the monyin 699.hom an an he ac-m Niety from the new twin-scoop grille that says '7 oniac a block zway, to its cleant The anniversary service was percent of accidents are pre- in charge of Rev. George Rich- ventable. We must be caneful 77l4.T,1i. ,,- :L 2± ardson of Bethany who spoke ta set a gaad example ta our LL4dvinJL ilia s. t' hero«.-worthîest, prde-peasingest Son "The Faith of Our Fath- young people. We must see Sens" using the parable of the that law is enforced ta pre- crt Crn do nte oa fr ______ 4'ten virgins as his theme- vent careiess car drivîng and ' Watch therefore, for ye know aisa ta educate our childc-en ~neither the day nor the hour in careful diving habits." wherein the Son of man com- Mrs. Preston gave a report of eth". The Eethany United the recent fac-m accident sur-- Choir directed by Mrs S. L. vey, using colored chants and iSpeiler, with Mc-s. Mervin Par- graphs as illustrations of theà teous as organist, sang two percentage of accidents in al-- numbens "Lead Me Lord" and Ontario counties and alsa sta- "Jubilate". ted that the Fac-m Safety Coon- .~« Folaowing the service a sac- cil is sponsoring a Safety Pas- ial hour was enjoyed when ter contest thratighout ail the Sthe membens of the Women's public schools, giving prizes Association servedi lunch ta for these posters as an incen- ail the visitons. tive ta young people ta learn Mns. James Fraser enter- how accidents can be prevent- tained members of the Wo- ed. PIONEER SAWS LT. men's Missionary Society af The rail eaul was answered' PITIBOROueff, ONT. the United Church on Tues- by '"A safety rule for the day nigbt, with Mrs. Winni- home". Mrs. Emory Smith, fred Spenîcer presiding. who chaired the progc-am gave Mcs. Henry Jakeman led the the motta "The man who ne- 2 0 :hi7 service.Speaking of oeth muraiwste the present woc-id conpditions1man who started ta carry aentwîthout niope. We have Addison Scott expiained the a t~hé- Bible whirhch shows ustis motta fu0-h, reatingit ta jCouncil requestedé à ido j hue Institute in prepanîng anilaliht ihîh phHonor Rail of Manvers Town- St riking ne alihsbghih 2DZLN IV P)~jship Wac- Veterans and Mrs. Cth e StlOft he MORLII IN M ond y, ep t. 2 5 t T.Jemînings with Mc-s. R. Carr i h impecae ~ LUa , e ~ * ~ l/IWere appoimted ta look after, 1961 - at 1:00ingP.M.oN hueI 62 Pootiac's rear deck To E qI9ff V EN E'ADV LT stitute Grace, lunch was ser h eid atA I~VAIv AIIALU ved by the hostess assisted by______________ wihionteSuo od1mie otofBNiavlead1Mrs. Gervin Mulligan. Ms.1 I whih s o te Sugg Rad15 ils nrt ofBo~ma~sle nd12mile Harvey Davidson and Mrs. sonth of Blacksto.k or 7 miles east of Port Pcrry via Highw~ay 7A. Hector Morton. Mrs. Glenn Wentwoc-tb. who ..... ........ WEOFRPUEBE is ieaving at the end of the I-SruoCmf-Do ea .50 WE50R IEBRD Oi montuu ta live in Marmora was s.rCie psented with a cup and sauc- Commanding nwsye n HEAD HOLSTEIN CATUE HEAD ierbyMcs. Vincent Jackson, Bonevile y one onîchopp ing rugh lwalW of o jstbv wihMrs. Sotexpressing te Si;id rx ThrA¶' neoic-shoppin -fuJd f valusrt tWh 2 A useful gc-o'up of young cou-s and 2-year- olds. Ail sPringing close or tresh. j appreciation of the membersaPotcwthehnSrt-Gefiksisoay oo o! Also a number of yearlings and calves. CtUle consîgned from breeders in the 1 for hec- active heip as a groupa ota-tcewnSrt-Cifnal£ts Countmcus of York, Ontario, Victoria, Peterborough, Northumberland and Durham. leader ox'er a period of years. 1 jMrs. Carr expressedth1 A ORNERAL MOTOR.S VALUE SEE YQUR PONTIAC DEALER SEPTEMBER 21 -WbhIeoo.t.yef ACCREDITED - VACCINATED AND BLOOD TESTEDr thanks of the members ta the Ail cattie eligible for entry Imtoliîsted herds and brucellosis certificd area herds. hostess foc- the use of hem home Many ready for immediate export. and toalal those who had as- sisted in the program. Sale Managed by: Auctioneer: 1 The next meeting wiîî beR TEHVNFAR31 LTD., A. MIKE BRUBACHER, j heid at the home of Mrs. Rass OSNMTR TREWAVENDavidsan and will feature His- Phone Blackstock 128 Kitchener, ont. toica Research alonghthe line 16- of education xxithu cominents, 6 KING ST. E. PHON ES: MA 3-3321 M -3 2 r __________________________________________________ oa 'Yesterday5s" âchooI book~s.M1 ow I I Il TIM CANADTA?; STAMMAM, t0W1ýTA"MTr, ON-TARIM WEDNESDAV. SEPT. 2nth. 1qinfèt