___S"Y.SP.20h .1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PG ITE lakçe Jr, and family attendedAD SAJLEM~ a corn roast at Mr. and Mrs. H1MI M. nds. p on eri- sevcSa edRgLn',Bwavte Mrs. Jack Rice took heriCamp Peta .a%;a. spent ~e1radcide aeIf RaIis hDla Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns moth~er and Mr. R ces therweend with\ ' dr. Hampton to return ta Swit -c O U4 ' ~d a s s ifi d A d S ;at z ndySchool lkst SuWdal Bowmanville, v::ited Mr. and oToot oSnd aNeI nd Mrs.zerandbhir homei SvHaOLpNrW Noie1-H l V ne Salem W. A. will hold their.Mrs. Lloyd Broome and sonstont o nSud* J .Marthut. in anl.Iqcaedb r n r. Mrs.T. FettColubu91were Sunday guests off Mr. Newfoundcland. !S spending Ail parties interested inl WAITRESSES. Appl.v in per- home off Mrs. F. Blackburn v-isiteà Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and Mrs. Sam Keane. few days 'Wiî s\is Lula Re". - themi the citizens off Hampton -booking ai»' room in Lions' son to Fireside Barb-B-Q. u -3 next Thursday, Sept. 21. 'and family. 'a, hn tei Ougst lds. xtend a heartv welcome Io SIrangely garbed ilk or-tefehe pert h 'Centre, pîcase Phone Cuth.aV hnterols McDonald. MA 3-5953. 38-2 CAPABLE woman for jabora- Miss Grace Blackburn held. Bovd Knox v isited his grand- grandchild, Paul S'a mein mee.ting1efoBrithe Tor- ur COfllTiUflht ed Burle ' vBuses adpoieenrs as rseî. tovwork. H. Powell Chem-ametn frte xliieof aets, Mr. and Mrs. HiltoniKeane, xvas christenied at the onto, speif it %k\.d 11 Sonie off the High School stared in astonislhmenta hy I h vnn h îa e A D I R FT cal Co. Ltd., MA 3-32920 -38-1 h sa a Pebtr Youing:Tink, Ebenezer. home of his parents. Mi. and Ms. Cecil Sliemon. students attended the Shake-1saw thiese unusuallv ot m d dneiitebadn w aho flA11.U1uflAr1~~~~ - People's Union at her homne: Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday. SvneeNlie fth iss Beveriv smale. Mýap1e. spearean Festival at Stratford'people pass their loesery ashd nhorofth AnYone mwighing to sell their YOUN"G man for apprentice-lîast Thursday eveninu .Eieci and Jean visited M- ' lge atened a shor thcre lîtn. pebt the eend ;H am.011 itv shower w a men t inalyrahe u ln-sm raetitfnsuct Hiandicraft or Hobby Items ship in tablet-making. H.' Mr. Ray Twist and Mr. BilliStanley Hockaday, Lakefield, in hat making the first three Mi'adMs .1.e edi h hrsinEuaeN.i 5alcer iW thne onpnlist h Powell Chcmical Co. Ltd., MA' Laird left by motor last Frn-: nSndy ad.loth as f asdektrug rs. W - î1a R F'd was iI eN.itiaiDat or e * ' PHONE M3-3-87 9- 322 0.38on day evenindfarsa two xçoek Browns and Wa'sns atAPîn'i .Smale, O.shaw~a, vwis 101 oom on nay e 'wenîng Initnsiatioen i a cîîa BOW1M1ANVILLE the Women Instîtue. wiîh hmeoFridatevening Mi'. in onoundof Miss Elv Smale Curu e ig School fr grade tyle - ivichiwas horoughl HANDCAFT GILI) COMPETENT womnan for gen- holiday in the west. WhiliTree Lodge, Pigeon Lake. aintutr rmTrn o n Mi .J. T. is. r nto hoe mariaof M r. H sae, on nîners h Svn rqete yenoehb Iopeot IP.O. Box 1523-Bomnliealhseok dasaheete vilvitM.ob Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carr en- Mrs. Sam Dewell was a attended the shower hield FI-1- Abbott takes place in~ Octo- their seniors to corne o co .34-tf week. Sleep out. Refenences Laird at Banff, Alberta. teitained relative at a tcorniluncheon guest of lher niec, dayý evening -orM i, Evabr heget were wel-atidii htsend 1 _______________required. Phone MA 3-3144.! Mr. and Mrs. M. Goyan and noasi in honor of the latter's 1Mrs. John Huband, Oshawa. ýSnalegand ospent tElveekcoe. aiThe door ys ome off rd . idiculos olis FrQai~Cr Pesnl38--tff Alice, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. parots, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry-lon Thursdav. end at thîe Siale'lhoie. the ladies of the commlînit\' The girls wvore brihtv o- ____ a N. Bulancuk. Toronto,Mr and dernîan's wedding anniversary.1 Mr. John Baker, Solinia. Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Abboit and The bride-to-be was eco-'ordmnspaa.odsl-adSr î' .IIYGENIC suppl:es - (ubrLDE1atd aelP oMs ee aaduAh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, L. C. Snowde.n and Mr. Bob Carole, Fiank ford. visjted on cd by Mrs. Rice, who pinned,1pers;, no make tup.thihar-S - S26.0(0 a week doing simpleUrn, and mrs. Ann Bozysho, Mr. Wesley Powell and Miss iSnowden, Maple Grove. were Fia vnigwlir 1c os e nMrs nalEvin ler n nidadc goolds) malcdposwthpi inlin om ewngi y-rsarickering, were Sunday din-' Mabrl Powell, Oshawa, were Thursday evening \'i s5it 0 r ~MrS. . Smalle. an d Carole Abbott. Mrs. po,- rtdbse aktfrbos Sseam evc2c, w4th pe s .li.WitBny. o 00 er guests off Mr.and Mns. - unaAta.essofM.and, with the Sam Dewells to mieet _îs lnSmt.Duls ter and Mrs. MacNeill asit-Eahbyokdddynoh Sx apls5,?4smlsAdelaide Post Office, TorontoSI.Sna e ussoMr Ms lnSih ugq Ecbvlokdoè .$1.00. Mail Ondcr Dept. T-98 ' Ontario. 38-1 Sl Mrs N. Wotten. their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. and Shervi visited Misý. Paul, ed iin recciving the gifts.. Elv a quite dainly in hI atlQ EE Nov.-Rubbcn Co, Box 91, We wlcome Mr. and Mr M. and Mrs. Chnis Cook Milton BaIwn ad M'.VanEyk. B rone. on Satuirdav thankled evervone in hier îlîlgtOwn \ithafocrl MO Hamilton. ont, 1-52 A CAPABLE womnan Io lix'e K. R. Fletcher le our coin - and Dale, Toronto, visited on Fred Goble off Wateî'ford. to help celebrate Mvaster Pal pleaatwyftebat ifoll ir, rarrving a dolnoc R ~ L n, cîîcral housework, goodý munity. They moved intoiSunday with Mr. and Mns., Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison VanEyk's birthday. ýgiffts. Lun)ch was served and arni and a necklaceof ah wagcs, one in family. Writei'their nev home on the Man- Walter Parrindier. land Kim, Coîborne, Mr. Har- M n rs ogasli-te sa oca1ie noc.ersndutarndb ccLI TE - Advcrtiser 190, c/o Canadian 1vers road last week. MsHlnBkMTrnorsnS.adMs ai riegns and Mr.s. iginMis ure Sal tokaand raps aronnefo OW N rs S.advisMrielifls1IaIlLsilsociled 'Thjo e MQu. Harrison, Porte eeked Perrr hme moîored tb the Otonabee Rîx'-Inumber off pietures. The fro1it' hfreshmnen wereidnfed ar StaesmnPO.Box19, Bw-Mr. an SdbMr. Go rK-enttewekn be oeMr and Mrs. G. Adcock and et' district on sunidaîx'. of the churoli bail xas prel- by a sign in the form f atr ï OURmanvlle. or 31 marchiSudbuy, wo wer i ad on Saturday took ,beriHar-v. Mr. and Mî's. A. *W'. Pres- tily decorated with Pink~ and get lied on their bacsýiî 1 IGS.E YO R1AESerîc c od Phannxacy.'on their way to Kingston.i father, Mn. J. Baker and niecel His mayfins are soryot is i'c rsot n lite streamers, w ed d i nl g naine and phone num n itBO MNIL Excelen bonswex Suday uppr gesî OiGai Bakr 1 Beveron aînto know tlat Mr. Gordon Wil- Mr. A. L. Prescott enjovecl a bells and other pretty oria- Duriniî the limebffn 0Wiêi ~ ~alr and wonking conditions.:Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburnnwhere Gail was ShionthornLas- bar is a patient in MemoiadieSida fcnntoîemes.lsssanonouilwsa ithrzdDlrfr ppl~' n witng.givng uî an raiedonsevralothrssie'oonthie day. Hospital, Bowmanvile. W e Claremnot, Stotîffville a iîd l'he Rally Day Service 1\r.s common thiiîg 1o sec a lc' M PRSCR qualifications, and encIosing in the comrnuniîy. Mrs. E. Thornton, Millbrook, xish lnia steady recoverv. Gowo iti~ cda adySho.M.sueî eusigIe"rs" MRI A B L M R Osbonnc. Mrs. L. Welsh and Mis.. .,and Mrs. J. A. Balson were Mr. Webb, Bowmanville,lMssMaie Prescoit is ),In Douglas Dewell Playdfrhe1 ar okcei he n I'otd.. 26 BoorSt Wet Bar w er uesdaW. y ,and'rhrs.Dy T a ylessoff n.std Mr.'arh iln. three \weeks' lholidays tîoml hymns.Miss Sandra Macnab their hands and krnee iha1A -3 Tooto 8 or it rs . .Hyd,1n Mrs.DnT.o and Mr.ad r. Harvey Wi' er iokn the Ontario los,-laeted as leader for the se- toothibrush and varinînhe I N W R1ERHO E r r. .RFt childnen. u and daughter visied Mr. pita 1 Insurance Comimission :ice, the therne off which~ was stînfs.î~afcno i t- 15 hv -r Earn substantîaiiy each week' formerlv off Oshawa, who Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bal-! lItedî ilxî atho e a p rih lhuRieredThesptre.dcnt< Coi n Il eold nasm BO M N IL :aigcare of AVON Custom- moved loto this COMMUnity 0on, AIson and eblidren, Oiw, Sîptv s e'stended f() reading, Romans 1':'329 . 6 cyll.orutomatic esse ,ers' Christmas Gift needs ina Sept. 15, were pleas GantW allace- anivi e Mrs. John Baîson 01Ms ot'(a -îb~lrlt hl eol h yorneighbourhood. Write pnlszed by friends and neiisitedMr. er Stevens on the Miss Canolyn Dewell read the grade inei's panaded ron Fora' e as lteas$6300 yowou aKABx59 ee-brsa oswrigpîyN .Sanday. death of hler sisîci', Mrs. WiiIdedication off the use off thelthe gymnasiurn to bet ugd~lecpinlygo tan own apoiabeCIlborough or Phone Ri 3-4006. on Saturday evening. Tbe;N w ieldmfafl Master ten y asnrlds.adMs et 1\esb1r prfialedon Ilant, Palm-erstoii. offering, xhich was received for the b est costunme.Th n-onto. oprae 1-.vsios rugi. llte eesiovernighit guests with Toýn'y.sreturiied froni Palmerstoîon ilis.Miss Mary Nidder*,psrndd hi eir JOIN a progressive firn-pro- I sities for serving a deliclousý Grant Wallace, off Campbell-'i grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Bal-: Fridaybin nie hm b'bd the soy"h bar swt oc--y ay UN M mu ~~viding a real future. Ir you' bot dinner including the food, pford, surcessor to Dave Crone snyonaMe i'ch i r, I' oî.m'. Ifldt e rhee". . A iwihilaou k iti te Bornetil ~~ * ~~ ne not now employed or wlishldigbes, glassware, silvenware!as fieldiman, was introduced NMr. Albert E. Taylor., iHoadStvn A Vr.Ci- iihasP'moinSu-ofaou k fashin o f o onsumrs wth b preîden Haney Mlcol Hea soetIhe weekend withf don Stevens, Enîx i s k i Il e ii, dayv. Theî'e were four gradii-, Cso ai *onumrsmut a large and l After aIl had done justice at Dura eeration off Ag- Mn. and Mrs. Bert Burrows.were Surîdav caliers wilh Mr-. aIes fî'om kindergarten class, K I Gguaranteed line off bousehold! to the bountifful dinner, Mrs. icultune meeting Thldnsday, Mn. Aibert E. Phii'lips, CouIr- and Mis. Stev'ens. who xvere received loto the OBITUARYanotretr. necessities, aiso farm products. !Tom Woodlock read an orig: Sept. 7.1-le la engaged in farm- tice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bur- Mi.adMs lî'neTî rmn ls by Miss Darlene AIcnIin High cmiso.FamiIex, 15 ddes hih rogto ah orhmelad drows SiALICEnng rs LAVM.INA }IAVEon Hl, n h asec o Ms N ept. 15, 16001 Delorîmien forth much laughter. T IlieofIh NohubladF- Ann Phillips, Kingston, 'e Bowmnanx ilie tb Peterborough G. BaIson. iAIELVN Montreal. 28-ilhnurdcopewere pre-,eai Und hm fe iiicnie Su hoouedrope raio. une hmeafe vSiiîg on Suday Io attend the chnis'- Mrs. R. Farrow presented Thle death occurred i e-15 hv sented with a pair off brmsý A Zone display bootb w'ilI daLughter, Mrs. Burrows. tening' off littie -Miss JoanneBibles to Mar'y Lawr ne n ce,11oria Hospital, Bowmavîe ovril COM TO E ER candlestick bolders acconi- b e paheItrainl Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Jamn- Dadson, daugler off Mn. and'Clarke Wilbur, Ricky Smao riaiSetme panied by a card signed by alliýPlowing Match. Durham bas mier, Kin.gston, are spending Mrs. Win. Dadsoil. They also and Lyn Hoiî'oyd. off Alice Lavina Hayes,8,fr!'Ssadr hf K L ENE TE PER TORthose present. beeni asked ho take change off a few days in Hampton, divîd- visited Mi-. îdMis. Don Attendance prizes w e r P merly of 120 Diviso iCutmrdo APPLV Althoughi completeîv takeî tWdOt .igtii ii ewen th1odLkfed handed out bv Superintendent, Trenton, Ont. Manage in sare time. E PLO YTOF by surprise, Mr. and Mns. The finst meeting off the faîl Hurrows and Jammer homes.' Mis. Wi. White aid Misýs Mr. H arold. Balson to those 'Phe laie Mrs. 1a.yes a h o odto Manae inspae tiie. EMPLYMET OFICE Fletcber expressed their sill- was held at the home off Mn. Mrs. Harrison, Scarborougli, Nancy John,; sPent Snnidaylîo1) had a good attendaîîce daughter off the late ale Choic locaion aailabe. CO DYEARcere thanks and gratitude fforand Mrs. Clarence Allun. They ils spending thnee weeks witlî with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo. recor'd: Kennieth Rice, Jacque- Benjamin Sunderland a 95Pyrot tegift and to those wbo had soc îdeif hirrrv brsse Ms u a rik Pu 1 at tîxeir cottage, Wl- u-, Rire Gloria Farrow, Sarali Ralph, and was ooi tain W ao NOW! i8-I planned tbe evening. itnp lbnough U.S. and Mexico Mc. and Mcs. Tom Bruce liam's Point. Carolyn Deweil, Debbie Re- North Augusta, Ont.Sh a LOCAL MANREQUIRED After the tables were clear- last winter. Plans are unden- and son John, Toronto, visited, Mns. Lorenzo> Triili spent iolds. Marilyn Farrow, Lynda predeceased by berlisad som ai. LOA MNRQI ed teeeigwaseti way for the county annual Mr. and Mca. Carnick on Sat-' Fnidav \vitlt Mr. S. R. Perkinýs'ILce Killens, Ginger Balson, the late Albert Haye.Ms oclyond Ge te Fl . 1 need a representative forl sin'g-song and dancing. Hos- meeting. Wm. Tilden, OFA urday.adMis arae Pî'itSilMael.ays asa emeof .A-sap G et e Facts y firm in this rea. The tsefontedeei1 e~ president, bas accepted an in- Mc. and Mns. Wm. Harrison. ZiotiRvnnaecnutda eîg' nlcn Cuci Cofflktip rdeails including oein nthis aeMca. Mrs. orth eenngwer-vitation tobe thc guest speak- and eblîdren, Scatbooo Ligili , Mn and Vis. Chxarles Siîh. ibaptiixal service when the Trenfon. 1 -K1annîng, f inancing andlworth up to $8,000 yearîy for lc.Teget eie h er. He was a member off the visited on Sunday with Mn. O)sha\wa, spent Monldav Wi-'h ollowing wece chistened: Surviving aie Ihree ag- 4iJ' ajr promoion ae av iethe ight man. Can you make hostesses and their busbards OAdlgtinatnig h n rs acc.thein daughter, Mrs. Lewis Dcbocab Arî,n Couleter, dau- ters, three sons, Mns.Gog. Cso rai.ec A- pooin ae aalbeshort auto trips? Fuît or part included Mr. and Mrs. M International Fedenation off Miss Gail Cliapmani and Mi. Tral. Ihter' off1\Mr. a'nd Mrs. Cliff Stol;ebung (Marjorie), ew wa.h no obligation. Wnite'time wonk. Caîî you caîl on Hamilton, Mr'. and Mrs. K' Agricultural Producens' con- John Groyer, Toronto, visited, Mr. antd Mrs. Hoskenithîil Couleten; Judith Marion, dali- castle, Mrs. James Hse w ocaiRural, Town and City dwell- Sciuddaboom, Mr. David F'ief-: lerence in Yugoslavia. Mns. J. Chapman on Sunday. speixt Saturday evcning withýghter off Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Dorothy), Brockvill, Ms.15 Chv 'bo cllers? Ace yupnepare oclesno h oored Mr. Ailin outlined raIes for Mc. and Mca. Ray Pettit'Mr. aiid Mrs. Ralph Orýniistoîî,!Hoîroyd. Donald Dempsey (ila) sart at once? Write Sales uct, a ison te akznda nsgiacntsthtisfi KONýfa ,Bx L get, n issJci n nisinacîtsIa sfrand chljdren, Toronto, Mn. owmnanx'iîe. On Suid- af- Mr. aîd Mî's. C. SteinonlCarrying Place., a'r'of1-1ain VJao IAIIMII Mnag,,Vox817, London, Barbara Fletcher, their grand- designing a creat for OFA Clarence Woodley, Tyronei, ternoon iMi-. and Mr's. Itlosken and Mns. W.m. Holroyd were1 Brock ville, HortonofVa-LclyondlAIsap bNÛ N L UNDR Canada. 35-4ch idren fnom Oshawa. Mr. officialtise. Entries must be weeSna iioswt n mt iie n id Mrs. reccived as inciners off the couver and Douglas ofBre To1 odok okmve of culttdb c. 6adwI and Mrs. Wm. Chapînan. Ray Smith, Newcastle, and on eltu-rch by transfer.INngrdcideadoe Oer3otrnaesni Repairs 'the enoyable eveiiing be judged at the annual meet- Mns. E. Haccop, KirklandISunday eveningy lhe%, visited 'The choir sang "Faireat Igneat-grandcbild alsosuve. mdltahosfr. SDALaESteisin epara -ing. Information may be ob- Lake, bas been spending somnelMn. anîd Mrs. DonaidPîeeott L r J esu s n nte ou 'Plie fan erevces h ]ÏD0adtlvso earjtained from the county serre- time with Mr. and Mrs. W.1aîîd children, Enfieid. Rv n aepitdotfrmS.Gog' nlcn CNAT Suite 503 Prompt service. Pick-up and TlAur. he nze r feed'Chapnian, but returned hone 'Plie Homne & Sliîool Club ta:1 aet utlvCacTetn nMnaEr cuc 188 University Avenue deîivecy. George's, 85 King St. SOLIAtr.Trepiear fe onTedy'what:1PrnsmutlvCucTetnn Ontario E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf ..~~S-2, ,$15 and $10 n ed. a- etigo eîedyxach iover and disciplinelSeptember 18, and wscn E.UAR e ANT -5713teLevsin nd ' l îneMsgru aeMr. end Mî-s. Bill Nasiî,,eveîîînig, wiien cîips xill. be' tlieir eblidren; 2, God does1ducted by Rev. G. Ba.in-Wlo rw Toronto, Otro1TeTreMsgophv Oshîawa, spent Sunday witb presented 10 the Field DayJ lus part. He loves aIl child-temnwaiiWitsCre-BdFg Telphoe:EM -588 adi sevie,5o8al8ake.apdio esaeowingpaceor 'OTD IGEMn.an Mc. W. xffnd. c]ampoii.Mnir.istondt reî:3, ongegtio's ar- try _________________ Same day service. Television1next Monday evening, Sept. LiVURTIE 1isMca. Geo. Wilson, Lindsay,gC'.raduates ffroîîî Gr, 8 10 Gr. 9. Faithful prayers, Chr is t i a nî Pa!lbeaners were Ewr i rmi Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 25th, at the Liberty Bowl ini ad us Hr-dW. visiting Mr. and Mca. Perey 'More details itext \veek. ýeducation, a good type off liffe Ruffîey, Walter SundelnIJc ikr 49.tf Bownîanville. Mi-.an r.HolWi-1 Dewell. 'PTie ladies off lte Service ýiii ouir community xvhere tIhetRonaîd Sunderland, Larr a- D YKSTRA'S AIS an rewinding, arm- sekThe Rally Day conibiîied kins antd kIiily, Hamipton, Mc. 'aid Mrs. AIf DeweIl, Club have beeii busv workingcliildi'en watelh and copy theircrar, Arthîur Deliîîe anî ly ae held on Sunday'wit.h Mn. and Mî's. W. Brown. Bowmanville, were Suinday[onthie Hospibat DIr;Âefor; eiders. 'Stockford. eicctric motors. Higgon Eler- morning with Reverend Perey Mn. and Mca. L. Clement,[ý15Swt n n c.________ Vtrie, 2l8 King East. Phone. MA Page in the pulpit. The theme Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ban-iDewelI. 305. 7-tf off the service, "Thle Chut'ch is ber and Laucie, Lindsay, witb Mr. E. H-arrisonî and Mn.ý OSHAWA WOOD PRODCT REPIRSta lY ake3of ce There" was pleasingly illus- iMn. and Mrs. R. Bryans. Lloyd Lees, Lindsay, wordý ýRPIStoalmke frtrated in the sto'y weil pre-1M ofWhet taa Saturday dinîîer gucats off Mn. frigerators, domestie and crm sented by Mrs. E. R. Taylor. pntewknda hm and Mrs. Pery Dewell. F OODS mlkig Hige-4~e choir cotiuted a ffitt - heaif'nda om cad Mrs. Ernie Bush: D O Y O U F E E L . . Phone MA 3-3541 St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-fworîd knows." 1 Mr. anîd Mca. Jack KehoeTrenton, Mcs. Fred Tam blyn. are bolidaying this week i0rn oM.WBunto- WA CHREAIIN~ at t et sua umeiîday of SA.manville (who was 84 on Sun- LIBY'SCetifed athmaerof 0-3 bueok.Mr. Syd Burgess, Walter day), Mc. and Mca. Cecil SIe- LIBBY'S Certi e eatcmer 0f io30osson. Burgess and Brian spent tbc mon were Sunday calers on 48-oz. TinCnaanJwlesAs. Miss Pat Davis, nurse-mn- week end ffsh' gtLake Dl-Mr.ad s.W iluan Taxxô11~~r~training at Oshawa General Ln ta - n nMs m îbraî TOMATO JUICE Marr's .7 ~~Hospital, spent the weekendrypeMc.H sn.' Y OR'HM E 39 lnMs. Twhhlir arnt, n.an Members off the Countice Mrs. Prime, Mrs. NicholsiU ~~ LU 3KigS.M. 8-tf Mca. Ralph Davis, Satunday circuit Young Peoples wene and Miss Louise Goodînati' I. U R IDR ELJEII onIly 2 7c_ evening, upon returning hom. guests last weekend off Rev. spent a day inToront ce Tendes VV'nted com avisitwit er.gad-I and Mrs. H. Stainton at their1centiy.Je sonpar ooboucg.ndneand Misst D MadLloycontact yPeMr.c-andKrwalnc RealblyEstato a, railway righb off way sonue 319' vis aund also delicious refresh- Grant Hecron, Mr. and Mca. C Wblour, Bwa nissII Oecnat eerK BONELESS ~x 66' in EHL. 16 C. 7. 60-5--mns rc on n n r.iie c n r.J BONLES mnt. Buc DonMr.an Mrý. 1 y WËox Bo ma nv 11eOur exclusive BowrnanilAg t ~ ~ VcantLob o. 93off egiseccd Mnrand Mca. Il. Moses amîd Lloy'd Down, Mr. and Mrsý.IHo.atî IMU AEVlUA sions 1(00 x 35 x 140 x 38' west Ktuy onauiî,vstdCr on c n c.A;Mcr. and Mus. Milton RaId- If 3'ot Ilcd A ncw home with moreronfr n'im Ivit 1,1 1,esarea ~on Sumi rie0"-inday afternoon with Mr. Canfield. Mn. anîd Mrs. James win anud Mca. Ethel Gobe], off Caesb to artea on SuCmunit. rivead Mns. .. ellowlees andi MrGregor. Mn. anîd Mca. Hon- lWaterford, vîsibed Mr. and- yomacooefo onofor odm h esu erontcin only 3c a b. toard uet to p C lofunyGads. ae Vetzai. M. and Mc. Ron Mrs. Jas. Hogarth one afer-! -oourayexpoe r iI gone asof ou odlnnnea< hid r~ the Department off Municipal Mn. anîd Mrs. Bruce Tiuik and ýonls ek rOreprswl ldyass o BO EESAffaira off Ontario the above Mca. Il. E. Tink were Sundax' Eeee vnn ii v Mr. and Mcas. Fred Holroyd , plans of your choice. iisted properties. according Io guestc off Mi'. anîd Mrs. Cecil met at the home off Mca. Wl] - nd faniily visited hec mo-i S TEAK ROAST their presentîy negistened de- Pasroe, Oshawa.frdBonnSpebe 13, bher, Mca. Brookham, Osbawa. ý* * scription, xiii be conveyed ho Mrs. Charles ScIioli. Char- 1961, for an outdoor meeting. Mrs. Stuart Lamb and daa- i bhe surcesaful bidder uoOiT l'e-, lotte, North Carolina, is vigit- Ten members gathered around Igbtec, Euniakilleti, visited hiecr'o' ea o'lhe.upie o avi st onl 8 C I cei pt of a Cerbiffied Chieque forý ing hmr siaber. Mrs. Roy Lang- tevcplantofr. artsM. nd rsFed the full tendeced amount. The1 maid and famiîy. The meeting began with a Horoyd Sr. and attended the Own e oeo oron rcgistering off lte Deed and' Mr. L. Squair. Salenu. wvasshort business peu-bd during, ohistening off ber niece Ja- VEAL PATTI ES any desired surveving .vill bc a Sunday xisitor withi Mr. and r h ichte varlous secretaries dihMarion~. AlnMcln-M rggsArne otl Cloaing date for receipt of Mr. aîud Mca. Keith MrGiIl Mrs. Raymond Osborne and atbended the funeral1of Mr. PriggesArnI.e onlyrstoPu 4 9cwil e adsosbnisilen M. ndMr. alerBrwnwiibe in'Ray Wood Stoafffville.Mon ________________ 1961. and nuo Tender is neces- Mn. and Mca. Rosa Prout and'ing. ýjoy with Mcr. and Mrs. Ed .Ia aa A No. ~ FREESTONE sariv arrepted. For addition -'Kath Y, Etobicoke, wece Sun- President Mrs. Wi 1 f r e d: Strong, Port Hope, attended fl V AV U VKU U U No. 1 FEESTONE ai information telephone Black- day visitons witiî Mn. and Mca., Brown reported on the meet- Port Hope Fair on Saturday. « ,% A oo stock 6 or afber Sept. i7th. Charlea Latîgmaid and famiîy. îng beld by the ProvisionaIl Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyons I AT f 1-.diai 986-4211. Treasucer: V. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magee. Mni. Committee off the Unitedjand family spent Sunday l'iLM T eacnes Mlclm Cartwright Municip- and Mca. C. Westiakc and ffam- Church Women. ýTorouito with Mn. and McarsEEPOE.O EV O p eaches la] O~fficc, Bîackstock. 3-2il'. Oshawa, visited Mr: and Mrs. Robert Br >vanis nead a ýJohn Lyons. 1 EEH NST 6 t aktMca. Frnuk Wetîake Jr.. and humocous storyv and Mrs. W. Mc. and Mu's. Ken Poolcu Oshawa Office and Showroom anOfcnadSoro 6ft aktfamilv and Mrs. Frank West- J. Brown ncad the address ;and famiiy, Oshawa, Mr. and OH W H PIGCNR ORIE-7811 S Foc- evcv student xx tht a lake Sr. g"iven by the Dominion Board' Mca. Pla'yer and Tommy PH WAe SHP728-1617R spark of enmis there are a Mr. atîd Mca. Frank West- President, Mca. Patterson. ah Bowmanville, Rev.Te Ke dozen witb ignitionu trouble. lake I., Gordonu and Shirley the final Donminion B oa rd sey, Scarbocough, Mn. and O MANVILLE- MA 3-21301AA Eih290 ni I a man doesuî'b get happier and Mca. Frank Westlake Sr., meftinz. Ms a BrsWshw.wr y 6 as lie tolde". hr hasn't were Sundax' 'laitons witb Mn. Hot dogs and eofffee lwei'ck i Mr.RaBnashw . " xvbat lie should aîong attd Mns. N. Fiee. Tauntoni. crvrd and a social jime en- and Mca. Sid Kerscv. OSHAWA WOOD RDUT ;the way. b Mr. and Mns. Frank West- joyed. i Guardsman Jim MacNclh,