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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1961, p. 1

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estival of Onions Gets the Water Treatment Values Kere A il Nexi N _____ __Durham Cut' ra Family Journal VO L. 107 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ESA, SE PTEMBER 20th, 1961l0cPerçCopy NME 8 Professor Onions, one of the world's most famous clowns, had a great time here on Monday evening at the Kiwanis sponsored Carson & Barnes circus. The kids Ioved one act, especially, the one that gave him his name. He walked around the big tent, peeling a huge onion and shedding streams of tears. When he lef t his professorial position at the University of Michigan to take up clowning as a life work, he spent some time trying to pick a namie that kiddies would remember. As the onion was part of his act. a friend suggested "Onions" for the naine and it has stuck. Here, he is receiving a horn full of water f rom a fellow clown. Re-dedicate lmer Flags R.~teofPolice Bernard R * and Kinsman W. A. riptick are in the proceýss'of visiting public schools In town te re-dedi- cate Elmer The Safety Ele- phant ViFagi. lu each school, they give talks on student safety in an attempt te prevent accidents wvhich cotild cause Injury or death te pupils. This campaigu will con- tinue until ail schools are contacted. Due to the fatal accident iast week involving a student front Lord Elgin public sehool, the Safety Elephant flag there will be lowered for 30 days te re- mind students to be careful at ail times, especially when thcy are coming to, sehool or going te their homes at the end of the school day. Paul Martin Coming To HeIp Nominate Liberal Candidate Bon. Paul Martin The Durham Cou nty Liberail Association's Nominating Con- vention will be held next week on Thursday evening, September '28, at eight o'clock in the Newcastle Comnmunity Hall. Hon. Paul Martin, M.P.. former federal Minister of Health and Welfare, will be prinicpal speaker. Royec Frîth, president of the Ontario Lib- eral Association, will also take part. During the convention the Liberal candidate for the Rid- ing of Durhiam wîll be select. ed to contest the coming fed- eral election. Indications arc that two or three leRding citi- zens may submit their namesl to thse delegates at the con- vention. This wiil be an exceedinglyl interesting and stimulating nomination, E. R. Lovekin,1 oresident of the Durnham Under Kiwanis Auspices Magnîficent 3 - Ring Circusý Receives Great Welcome From ThrîIIed Speclaf ors Nearly 2,000 men, womei and children were delightei by the outstanding show spon sored by the Bowmanville Ki wani- Club on Mon daý Crowds of people enjoyed per the matinee and evening per formances of the Carson ari Barnes Circus. Ross Jackman, Kiwanis is vice - president, and Hanr Locke, chairman of the Way and Means Committee, wer, in charge of arrangements fo the event. The circus was loca ted on land owned by Kiwan ian Dr. John Hendry on thi south side of King Street casi During both afternoon an( evening, groups of the Kiwan is Club members supervise( chidren attending the shows A number of other Kiwaniar asîsted with parking of ti patrons' cars. The gala presentation in tig big top was uniformly excel lent, with talented performers remarkable animal acts, an( the old traditional excitemen and fascination of the bes type of circus entertainment Good Response To Auxiliary's -Fund Drive The Women's Hospital Aux iliary received a good re sponse on Monday to its Blit: for Funds to furnish tht chronic floor of the new winý of Memorial Hospital. Tht auixiliary planned a one da) blitz only in Bowmanvii]( and a few other places. Mone) is being cohlected for ti 1purpose in'most of Darlingr- -ton, Clarke, and Newcastl Lover a two week period. It i expected thRt con-pîcte re. turns will- be published ir the next issue of the State. m an., The co-convenors for th( Women's Hospital Auxiliary' Blitz re Mrs. M. L. Roenigý and Mrs. Everett V. Hoar, co chairmen of the finance coin mittee. Their assistants ar( Mrs. Duncan Smiýth, Mrs. R G. Cowie, the treasurer, anc Mrs. Jesse Van Nest, commit. tee members. Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason the president, Mrs. S. G. Me. Murter, the vice-presidein fwere the publicity ovnr Mrs. W. M. Rudell, Newcas. tIc, wvas in ch-arge of the can- paign in other centres ané 1sections of the surroundinî (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) County- Liberal Association,,i stated at its executive meeting'Bad~ held last week. The growingBa c l dissatisfaction with thse Dief- enbaker regime in Ottawa isH gh a widespread, and people P11-ll g wa over this county are cager to , . attend the Durham Liberal u r#4 , Nnminqýt.iLnr (invntin ,,,,Sund y E dent 35 Eve Friday was initiation day sheets, and had men's oldhd ' iomin;L ' L33venL1tio. ie* - for freshmen at Bowmanville on their heads. They wore boys pointed eut. High Sehool, and thse annual diamond socks and éýach hadjr A free bus for the conven- son on asnay eving oi "Frosh Dance" was held :n strangely assorted footgear, a î ence of people in this districtNo35HgwyathJne t'he bvening. While some of running shoe for one foot andiwihl leave thse Bowmarsvilhe vil3e Highway a.The anetd teGrade 9 students faced a galosh on the other. lHotel at 7:30 o*chock on Thur--2 pnda9:0olck the initiation with somne tre- The boys' comic costumesiday evening, September 28th,1 Two cars were involved ir pidation reports afterwards were also amusîng. T hey wore f or the convention at New- the collision. One was driver were that tîhey all thorougis- cither girls' skirts, or short fcastîe Community Hall. byMsAlrtCavtK ly cnjoyed the experience. trousers, and each had a ker-1 At the executive meeting Street, Omemee, and the dri Frcshmen were rcquired te1 chief on uis head tied under, Mr. Lovekin said that ah- ver of the other vehicle wa! wear special garb for the ini-!his chir. They tee wor u.togýteata dt ftcJack H. Morrow, Catalin tiation and they presented anýning shees and galeshes. coi1eeto a o cfDie croog. C3 odd appearance duning clas-' Each frehman was adorned 'been set b t e rea o-sebcP C. Harte-Maxwel[ ses on Fniday. The girls wore by a card bearing such vitalierniment. special interest is OPP, was the investigatini dresses fashioned from bed' TUNTO PGiSVN heing taken by women. ofcr Fascinated Faces at the Kiwanis Circus The intense concentration shown on most of' these faces attending the Kiwanis sponsored Carson& Barnes circus here Monday tells a great story. Thereý .ý,Just nothing like a circus te thrill the audience,! j, 9~ng or old. We particularly like the youngsteri thîrd from the lef t whose hand has stopped halfway between the popcorn bag and her mouth. No doubi as soon as the act becomes a bit less exciting, the hand will complete its motion. en ,n- . Ist ry Ys a- he t. id Ts. ns ,le le d- d nit St. IL 'e g .le y ,le ýy is le is in ie rk (1- e id The program opened with hand balancing. a panoramic display and "Par- As always the elephant ade of the Nations." This col- made a tremnendous hit. Thesi orful parade with its approp- immense and intelligent beast riate musical accompaniment went through a varied and re wvas greeted with enthusiasm markable routine with skillec by the large audience. ease. There were feats o The highlight of the show strength, precision, tumbling was the wild animal act. This and even dancing in perfec was presented in a huge cir- time to the music by thE cular steel cage in the centre pachyderms. ring. Captain Eddy Kuhn, a Acrobatic artistry and gracE famous tramner, demonstrated were notable in the aerial lad. his complete dominance of the ders act by six young and prel. wild beasts in bis act. Four ty girls. There was also an en. lions, two leopards, a cougar, chant i n g extravaganza ir and two. bears were put which five girls, one each fror through some amazing paces. Spain, Norway, India, Canada Polo Monticon's tightwire and Mexico, took part ina performance wvas amazingîy thrilling aerial ballet. nimble. In addition to tight- Five clowns in addition te rope walking it included the notable and amusing Pro. dancing on the high wire plus fessor Onions, were rewarded skilled acrobatics. Later in the by the hearty laughter of thE show this performer also gave crowd for their hilariously a remarkable exhibition of (TURN_ TO _PAGE SEVEN) Over 300 Present at CWL Turkey Banquet The Turkey Supper held in Miss Mae Bottreil was Ir St. Joseph's Hall under the charge of tickets. Others whc auspices of the Catholic assisted were Mrs. Heenan Women's League on Saturday Mrs. Goulah, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs was enjoyed by more than 300 Wtteveen, Mrs. Tom Master- people. Mrs. M. L. Heenen, son, Mrs. Ben Touw, Mrs president of the C.W.L., \vas Frank Woolner, Mrs. Delberi the general convenor. Mrs. Hendsbee, Miss Edna Bottrell Leo Goulah was in charge of Mrs. A. Lunneman, Mrs. Al. 'the serving arrangements, and bert Mitchell, Newcastle; Mr: the flower convenors were Stewart Chisholm, Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Paul Duffy and Mrs. P. McKinley, Mrs. Jack Brown B. Witteveen, both of New- Mrs. R. Poste, Mrs. Egor castle. Rietmuller, Miss Margarel Beautiful bouquets of autumn Mahoney, Mrs. Ronald Hayne: flowers effectively arranged in Mrs. John Regan, Mrs. Ray ceramic containers centred the Crawford, Miss Joan Craw. tables. Those who assisted in ford, Mrs. Alan H. Osborne serving the deliclous meal Mrs. William Cowles and Misý were Mrs. EarI' Rand, Mrs. Judy Murphy. John Murphy, Newtonvil1e;ý The turkeys were carved b, Mrs. James Fair, Mrs. L. Hard- Martin Molloy and Norman castle, Mrs. Bill Jol, Miss Hannan, members of the HoI: Linda Masterson, Miss LynnENme Society. Other members Frost, Miss Barbara Cowan,jof the society who assisted Miss Anna Prinz, Miss Joanlwere Tom Masterson, James Crawford, Miss Anne Woolner,!Fair, the president, and Paul Miss Linda Wright and Miss Laprade. Vincent Molloy was Tina Hughes. ithe usher. Ç13tts aricl 1, WATERWAY - On Albert Street near the Ontario C_ St. Public School, there is a great ditch to provide t, better drainage. Some local citizen wîth a sense S. of humor has hung a sign on one of the posts "Albert S- St. Seaway". Needless to say the neighbors have 1- been having a good deal of fun over the item. id gGOOD FAIR - Last weekend, according to reports, Port Hope's annual fair was a great success. Quite a few f rom the area attended and reported a good time. This weekend is Lindsay's big fair and starting on Monday, Oshawa will hold forth to almost conclude faîl fairs in this area. The only big one remaining after that will be Roseneath on Sept. 29th and 3th. POLITICS - The political arena scems te be warming up a bit locally. The Liberals will hold t their nominating convention next Thursday at t~Newcastle, with two other main attractions to con- tend with on the same night, the opening of the n Canadian Club here and a drama event in Orono. ýg In October, starting on the 23rd, Conservatives i1will be trooping to Varsity Arena in Toronto to is select a successor to Premier Leslie Frost. Theirs , 1 wil b a hrc-da evntwith at least f ive prom- j ment candidates running. WATERPROOFING- At the Arena, town works dept. members have been digging deep along the north side of the building. Apparently, water has been seeping in through the foundation walls. Acoat of waterproofing will be applied right donto the footings to prevent damage in future. STRIKES SETTLED- Apparently, the General Motors strikes in the U.S. have concluded, but the parts hold up will have an effect upon Canadian production for some days or weeks. Several thousand GM employees at Oshawa have already been laid off untîl the stocks can be built up again. However, it is understood the layoff will flot last too long once the American plants are back at work. Certainly, most folks, except possîbly those who have apples te be picked will hope everything ret urns to normal very quickly. t1 MEXICANS COMING - Unofficial word bas it that two more of the world's top racing car drivers are planning to be at the Grand Prix in Mosport Park on Sept. 3th. They are the Rodriquez brothers fromn Mexico, a couple of the most color- fui racers. Word bas it that the brotherly rivalry f is s0 keen between themn that they don't real]y worry about other drivers, they are out to beat each other. Sh ould be quite a race. UP SHE COMES- Construction company men were busy recently tearing up some of the asphait laid last year along Liberty St. Apparently, the situation is a corrective one and not as bad as rsome would have others believe. Spots of asphaît, t especially around catch basins, were flot satis- S factory so the company is in the process of correct- ing things. When completed, the street should be even better than formerly. ýts ;ts e- e ýn n la a Lo ýd ke [y In n, 'S. 'S. n, m- e. ýs, [y ss Ready for Grand Pri -I Peter Ryan of Montreal, Quebec, who recently lopped a second off the track record set by Stirling Moss of England at Mosport Park on June 24 last, wifl be one of Canada's better-known drivers to compete against the famous Briton in Canada's f irst Grand Prix on Saturday, September 30. This outstanding sports car racing classic will cover a distance of 250 miles at the Mosport circuit. Here the popular Ryan gets some advice on a racer's signal board f rom pretty Diane Barnes. Unied Gounîîes' ,' This is the first big shopping event of the fait season, and it is hoped that people frorn the entire area wiIl corne to Bowmanvie to take advantage of the bargains to do advance Christmnas shopping or to obtain their fait and winter apparel or other items. Several merchants have Inserted speciai advertise- ments in this issue, white others are planning big features for next week's "Be sure you visit Boiw' - manvilie stores during this great shopping spree. You'Il save money". Check the stores with the big yeliosv banners on their windows. FaIlTraffic Clinics Open 19 Attend The first traffic elinic of the fall and wintcr season opened in the Bowinanville Counc41 Chambers on Tues- day evening, with Chief of Police Bernard R. Kitney and OPP Constable Pat Corneli in charge. There are 19 would- jbe drivers in the class. Those who intend applying for drivin:g licences in the near future would be well- advised to register for the next Traffic Clinic which will start in October, so they will flot suffer delay in obtaining their licences. Bowmanville Police Station is now accept- ing registrations for this and subsequent classes. Warden Reeve Bruce Ashton Dies -- - A dark cloud cf sadness ~t--. SFi rst Speaker wen or spread on hsd y dcen passing of f thden sude rs d Ashton, in Edmonton, Alta .Y' hast Saturday, September l6th, aged 44. is Mr. and Mrs. Ashton had attended the Good Roads Con- vention in Banff and on their homeward journey had stop- ped in Edmonton to visit rela- tives. Bruce Ashton had beena faithfVI servant of the people for a decade as a member of bath Township and County Councils. Evidence of bis es- teem was the large attendance -at a banquet this Spning hon- oring bis election as Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham in January. He had served nine years Warden Bruce Ashton on Cartwright Township Coun- cil, two year as deputy reeve September 21, at 2:30. Inter- and five years as reeve, dur- ment will follow in Hampton ing which he was for three Cemetery. years on the United Counties Roads Commission and one year as chairman. e5ix M onths Last May Warden Ashton John Coiiingwood Reade ýparticipated in a transAtlan Ietec *The first speaker of the t~tlpoecmuiai 1961-62 season of the Canadiant wîth the County of Durham in Club of West Durham will be ýEgad an event arranged o o t Read ofTorntowhowil monealh Tchnial raiing Charles Brian Alldred, age speak on the subject "The Week sponsored by the Duke 18, R.R. 3, Newcastle, was Shifting Balance of Powver,. of Edinburgh. found guilty cf criminai on Thursday, Sept. 28th. Meet-1 He was born in Enniskiilen negligence in County Court. ings wîlh bc held at the Lionsf and resided in the Township Cobourg, last Friday. He Community Centre, Bowman-, of C artwright, near Black-ws eenetoix oth ville. starting at 8:15 p.m. M.!1stock. definite and six months inde- Reade is best known for hisl Deepet sympathy is extend- terminate. news broadcasts over CFRB'ed to biis wife, the former, The charge arose from a for the past 18 years, but he Marie Oke, their three child-1 motor accident at the corner is also a discerning and seiason- ren, Larry, Doris and Dennis, of Kinîg Street East and ed writer and reporter. Those his rnother Mrs. E. C. Ashton Liberty Street on February planning to joi the Canadian and his immediate family.lOth, 1961, in which Edward Club shouhd obtain their mem-j The funeral service will be Joseph Znak, Newcastle, was bership cards as soon aslheld in the chapelofNrt-kilied. He was a passenger possible from any member of'cutt and Smiith Funeral Hm in the car driven by Mr. the executive.1 Bowmnanville, on Thursday, Alldred. Professor Onions Greets Admirers Clown Dr. Charles Boas, the ex-universîty prof essor, who now goes under the name of Professor Onions for his clown act made these young Bowman- ville girls very happy by talking to them between performances at the Carson & Barnes circus on Monday. From lef t to right: Patsy Bate, Beverly Hearl, Patty Bothwell, Susie Bothwell and Debbie Bate. !rek Organhzed under the Retait Merchants section of the Chamber of Commerce, Bow- manville merehants will hold an all-week Festival of Values next week to tie in with the big Grand Prix races at Mosport Park, Almoat every retailer lu planning special bargains to brlng customersbInto town. There will be daily draws wlth free coupons to custom- ers and the prizes will be tickets to Mosport's major event, Sept. 3Oth, sponsored by the British Empire Motor Club. » Initiate Freshmen ln Weird Attire At High School Here £Aeces 1

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