Réguli-rreadert of thia <voi- fana. 1I%%:as in Euope. actiinitig the tire îawer; she ha% seeni umno re familiar wîth the fart ne, rry nurse in a long faced the newlv rreated dam anid that. your scribe was barn in arnv mule, ibluq %.E> didolit se tire prevention pond. Last Sat- Blgt"and thot. wvhén hix each other uii 1919. hy \whiich îrrldav. she wetit shopping with, 1parents died, he wac, bunged time thp 'v were back on the uis in Bowmanville and enjoyed ino an orphange, from -wýhencý_ Caldwell farnm. near Shantv her first restaurant meal in he g-migrated to Canada at the Bav and I wa!z establiied an forty-five years (aince t9hà 1. ripe aid âge of oint and one a farm nipar Pontypool. Perrod- She got a bang out of seffg hait rs to be piaced on a icall ' . sînce ilien. we have vis- bath Lake Ontario and Rit* farm In the expectation tht ied ai their Oro Station home'Lake froin the top of Tower plenty of fresh air, goad food and urged ibem bt visit the Hill. We also had a lot of remi- and bard work would devel-IYountgmati Clan in Durham ioiscing tn do about those long op him ino a clase, "A" rouin- County, but unfamiliarity vi th gone days in Simcoe County. try buimpkin. No comments. rthe nineiy mile route, plus in- Lizzie and Eutch tock tcn plewWe firmitie!; prevented Leonard'pach other right from the atart On Octobtar 12th, 1904. 1 i-tram driving this fer. On ljune 1 and when they got into ful rived at the faim home of 3rd, wve attended bis funeral talngue. there wasn't a chance Thomas Caldwell. on the thirdra t Cirowýn Hill: at tha t ime for me ta get a word in edge- concession of Oroownsipi ' "epramisPed Io visit us 'wise. George Van Danis wae Iciiiue _untýwo .s..psal10when sh îo hngs settled.- the first tabacco farm she had address wax Shanty Bay, On- A lfew davs aga. 1 put spu rs ever seen. We showed her and tarin. This wvas ta he my home ,ta the ageing Austin, gallaped tlid .,her the story of the air- unti, bi 99, he aldeli ta ra taton nd ad , an s cross on Lookout Hill: lunilin 909 th Cadwels!Io re taton nd ad iv let ber speak via radio, from sold out. and went homne-slead- 1longtîme, eighty-four vear aIdte eduatrsI hefr ng in Montana, U.S.A.. ieav-i friend at aur home in lime for thteaduret then ut Iofirb ing me ta find a new employer 1naaa dinner, wnicb w7as a things off, we invited oui4 because regutations decreed prauid momnent for me, ta Px childreo. children-in-iaw, and' that. a Britisher 1 was bora ttend bhospitaiity ta the ladY, gancchildien te nîeet nu- and a Britishe.r 1 was in re- Iwba, fifty-seven vnars gra main i irtil the proper âge of wa- se kind ta me. a îanely ge:xviewealenoe self-discretion. liteCcnywi. pren-e su pper on the lawwm ~î~t ockne watt xvîere we live. lnstead cf a Mr. Caldwvell was a xidow- Wben ber neighibours ktue\ quict rest. V*m afraid Mrs. L. er-, whose gaad looking, bux- she intended xisiitig us, ibev Whiieiy bas had a pretty h".- amon, twenty-seveo 'yeai' aId sugsested il would lie a good tircfinie, but se far it daesnIt daugliter acted as housekeep- chance for lier ta enjoy a nice speim ta rhi'ax'iog anl adver.ie et- and filled tht dual i-aie of 'test. But we had athen' plans efcct an Ibis eighty-faur yezir ýmather and sister ta me. I rand bave lugged ber aveî the aid yaungster. WP. have art, have oex'er fargotten her gra- raugh tiails ta sho,. lier niuch idra itiat she wîli remnember ciaus, generasity. of tht Durhîam and Ganaraska lier first visitla the Young- While Liz-/le and ber bus- Forests'; show lber Durhanm maniaf Durham County for band vere tarming in Mon- Cotinlt%' from the bill <ontairi- qui,,- a whiie. rReligion For Today What 15 True Success? Alc incorpoiatinq T'he Sowmewil. Newo The. Newcastle Independeint The Orene New% Au$tbqiysr.mes.Icad cItas Mail by nie feni Othu. e$ otu. fi Produc.d *valy Woednesday by JAMES PUBLISHING -,OMPANY LIMITED P-0. soi 19 97-69 Ktnq st. W., sowmanvdil.. Ontrtnr g ~ q e d e. GfEO P MORF?15 A greilt dealIFk said taday NMakiius ninnic *v Is 1u01 sîccrsýý. la' Clcl or New Vnrk. ar- about success. Il, is hie ideat Matix mciihavmade il. and (Lrmul!ate.clilanimiiensp for- B z M E _ý_ -_thaliis constant]'vly eld befarelare oiaking il todlax, whiasc turn but, in gainmng itl. e rode W'hile tiiere are manv attractive scenes in Durham Caunty, this vie\v' ofrtht youth of aur land and t lives bave bern farlur-es, andid ouigii-shlod over the hearts o.f the iii race al Tviotie must be one of the mast, beautiful, especiallvail this r !hiîlé, it k a worîhy ont, if xvbho ba<t eogniized thai tbeîî men anîd women, caustng greai uti is uinderstoodi cor-e.ctly. I lives w \ere alue They liad sarrow and suffering. When lie time of vear \vlie'ii lte foliage is full and only' a sleepy tIcl of water iS am suie that ail of us wish 'maries n hy a ht0idle e ( iln dol fio\viiig thirou,,Ii the large pipc. ta be successfut in life: wve do nioney couid buv. but iiev in Maroks, bonds and gold. Miq ont Nvant ta feu. We desire ta ýdid ual riave sucve.ss. Arîd children ii lterly quarrelled Iquite a fev, of thein. (ail ni vaiue, while we are in tht scoruxed mriien\ as an enid iii courts foi-rmany yeai-s. £1 rntoierant. prejudlced. or whatland af the living. itteif, and hiave never possessedJ Ta -arne men succesn s Iboh -you like. but I've feit a xlighti Scicces k peculal a rnod n bi, hae achiex ed su'.cessç I acquisition of power. They. S U AR canines% Ilar the, race il cr0l-m. We hear littie about 1is evident thaI nîanev is not Iglry iii their inflil e n c e Ihait a dozen of theni tried bto'il0i tht Scripturps. Indeed thie essenial ta true succcss over aiber men. They seek ikick my brins ont. in a %ta- word ie, rse.d aniy ance i0 the r poiver in business. politits, ci dthnyard Io Itrerht. t ypar% ,Nh'ole Bible---0intht Book of'n aermrt t agn this month. JosILua Chap. i verse 8. Betore tht. firs.Ilgea war. i uI euii ne Iled~ The Apostie Patiln neye'r tht most powexrful nianarch iiiý tetter Ibis week from o tdPa,ýo succegs and appal- ail Europe xvas the German, s pic.E icn dGene Mac-donâid, editor ently lie hld noambitions IlKaise tived in great pnmp, I ;ega-y Nes ia]ang that blle. Il only am- anîd splendor. But the time' sem uitt2nd cbieftaibtron ila ta pleaset Christ i came xvheîî he fitamhs ~ B B~ Smley~t~iiof tht Mardoriel cinnao )otiall things iofy pinnacie: trppd of his B"o11S tlrîdllissu ,eî In tht New Testamnt, w e i power, he fldIn tht ta,1i visitiig arioiîg h s kiri-rien in' trnd thiat mention is made of timbers in Holland, wbtrp SonîcTime slxxi rlîir r Take tht Berliuiin , fo'r Gierîgarry. Ontlario. Thiere are,mnen who wanted ta be "relt ivtd in obscurity, a prisonu stopbeiga sO cre I'iix.Tel-nxampie. .13.\the lime 1bis81p- rmore McDoiîalcs anîd Macdon-laod by thai they meant laoef:a:d,:r:srat..an-brf aie nmnierîis xlieni tri iike Iob s inii t you, getileuls anîd Macdouiaid, iii Glen-'occ(iip.v position of honnor, pow-ehard relax, fali tutuo a -nter of reacter-. oîay bave heen bio\ii garrv îhan Ille Campbeilsip- Ler and affluence. ILard Roseberry's Ideal ni, grciushiiîg aîr cas uii-sk-hgî v ncla- issile. ed out at the Massacre of Gip.n- Tiswr îa"sest success Was ta become IPrim-e Idownhil Ioil ie grave. like If Ibis haippenîs, feel free ta cop, have been the ancient equiva- Minister nit Great Britaîn, ta, aChristian j.ieitIlcrai.ectire caîîcel yaur subscriptinx. And Anivwe, Gene x\vas talkîrr- lent roi- "sucres',i h Drb"adt ar i tlhe kinoxvîedge thai SI. plealse accept i*ivbeai le(st (-on- xvinbthtl'i Macrioneil. and leari«, "T-o beguIlt was ta have tht riceet heiresin England. Peter wxas chxvngls riails gratulations for being aut of ecd that the latter ivas an oid. many\ servants, much wealth l ie accomplished his purpose. xvitx ipatienxce as lie Mviied tl ail. Spitfire pilot andi an ex-pris-land Ilwe over men. but historiani tell i us hat hix ta aonduct rixe Io a quiet tarir- 'airafx'rlesus rebuked bis disciples life xvas a failure. As a youth er- of the place. Personaily. xvhiie l'm not H-e asked the chnet if lied tar Ibis ambition. Evidently lit gave great promise, but be- But il clesn' speiru la îork a parifist. 1 wouidnont go ta kîawo rie thiere. i-emembeiuingi'tlîe.v wtte r otrolled bv tht I cause of grave deferts in hisi oui Iliai t ~.Thcrv's always war xi'th a fanr-year-oid tiyg- thaI I xvas io the *ug. Sreideas of IhII' lime. James and Rv.R R Ichoison cliararter, lit faiied ta achieve sorne ggati uaaxra iii my ov'er Berlin. I arrn about 1 knewvSiie, excîaimed ie Johuî vanted ia occupy tht e. .R.Naoy salidi, lasting success. pig s s itier inii Hie orid as concerned over the rights Ci eftairîsiîip. ..He b[iriked I bigilest Position, in tht coim- Prolesson- Aga.sîz said lie lied Sonnernen would rather b. etrge, raorr u ore fttBriesa te vr iltars i ii rmmrinîg kingdom - the ont ta sit- not tîme la make mor and a political boss than a million- ta keep nie upsel, corîfused, ex- over the rights of the peopleein Stalag Lixt-. al the right hand and tht other1 refused ta lecture, though of-r aire, or a labor leader with rcited. raaring mari, or exhaui.- or Warsaw in 1939. 1 knowv Il t urris out thet lie wasai the lefthand o! Jesus. They1fex-ed $500 a night. power aver- men, that enables cd. there art nmanyi onderfut celîrd "Mac"'in prison camp.?ý thaught it was tia be a wcrldily! Dr. Charles P. Stinme't ,t Fem ta0 defy and sometimes te iTîeîe ivere appîoximatl 0 kndn.th vrd gets esearc defeat goverriments. chararters calieci -Mac" 10 aurl Jnsus answeî-ed (Malt. 20: scientist. wha died in 1923, Taday i0 ail nations mien are Y i y-l am.zo 1 (aux? place hi m, 25-28) "You know that the 1uefusedi ta take a salary fra m greedy for power and are 1( tt. j(frj hurt tltiret gaes Ia show you. 1iui-rs of the Gentilles lord ut'lthe great campauîy for whomlsei ing in h devions ways. lit th D itnaver îhem. arnd their gmeat meut ie xvor-ked. Ail lie wanied was. Noxx.ý what kis rrî sucess? Speaking of prisoners. 1 ,eXe'-cise auîbority over them. a iabaratory in which ta wark. "Il us donîg the will of God. iearned Sunday niornig. ata: lt s1ah1nt be sa among you,'lWbe-u hie wanted any rnoney Wbasnever dots that succeeds. and fairiy uinhoiy hour. tit it Jiilas. but xvhoever xvoul d be gîeat, he xvonld ask for il.- Wbaooex'er musses that, fhs my fifteeoth xxedding anni- auiiaug yaurmust lie YOur ser- He mighît easil 'v have be- no matter hmw rhch or famoux N"I ~ ~ 1) ~ versary. First 1 knev orit tv'as vant, and \vhoever wauld be<orne a rniiiiouîeire. brut lie duidbe rmay bpcame." D istant LJLSalL C S t wiher, the lady wio 'vas iyingt tir-st arnong you must lie yaur flot wisli Io ho disiracted b ' "Breathie on me. Breath of hoside me. tyes shînt tgt saemoney n ny xve..Htexas do- c;od: From Tht Xtatpsila Files pnîshed me toivard tht far edIze What k tiue success? Whiatiliui a grret xs'rk in science, FuIrixe witb lite atiew, of tht bed wvitiî ont foot, and,'e tie modern vuew? anîd scornier tht pursuit of Tual I1rîay lave whal Thoîl mumbled. "L1eeshan (an dons Tu be sucressful. i0 the t ees rale « . (ed osive. 49 YEARS A(;O'2S VEARS AGO gemeezui hr e k fil ç nonr, af lie wortd today, is firsita Sucesç for sorie ntton, Iot AndI do wliat thon wonldst do.'# ainovrsry.'" And if you think ecquire xvealthi. then poxver. aRcqulire hîeaithî anîriwealthî. 014t Si. .lbi says. îSepll 26, 1912) (Srpt. 14, 19:16) ta' n hako vay go ildistinction anîd fame. il k ta a nian may be a iiiti-iiriiliani- "Ht tuaidoetli the will o! M is;s .Ardir CheIk. Pori Ontario matar xehicle pceri- he wakeiîtd on a wvarm Sepp< uea,,ti a fig degret of warld-:air-e, ret bis lift- maY ht an Cari ebideth for ex'er." (Il.Inhn Hope. rere 111t*x viqitedi lier muils fori- 93-1 vii! be avaiabie tember Sunday mari,. wait til iv a"spe.ritv and popuilarit..ntter- failuire. 2: 17). cousin, MssBel.x1 Perry* taI tht. public oui Nuvembher Ii i i happens ta you. Mirs Wa ilare Baitir le, Ldîit bis xycar. Weil, I gai ber souie break- acter said ta mrixe 1 i bl d fatef's M. ohn ML ti' e Pesien o EstrnOn-ar al"' WaYs rip vwithi the biuýds. 'Sur-e glad 1 got yorr for Eng- S ee w rk r L a e Duke St. tario Electrical Association. xxcce aii-cadY gathereri arouuid ishi agaiui. sir. T allus like taoi Coi.i he Imn a n H nghes. -heen illarrs eu Oithie table. iust likie yonurt-rab- gel a god teacher. We wuzA t M et na ina a MCol.ste fl ila C Duriiauii ms. gailv uscussingtht sx lucky ta gelt acli ather' again.A t Me i g n Ju o Miniterof ilita, Duhamsprinît record et Boxxmanx'ilIe is a]*vdsusn h wn Coîuntv hov - dînri wiîih King t1xvas goinc Iot take theun for. wuzn*t xve! George au' Sainrdax Hîgh Scîîooî Field Meet. as i stumbleri and gcoauîed Il, 'as like hax'iîg yauî- legs A Caniadiain Steeîwxot-ier-s' Setan's wiil be tht ,;econit Mus. E. BellmauîI has ceinuix- Mis. John xH * de and ic ueaurxd the kitchieninix aut feetcul off ni the knees bY a leader left tocaay for lapan ta x'isit ta -lapan in i-ecent year.% ed (roux Ia utanrui vsit xviîih arc'Y, Toronito, visited lier'tur hrsTîvscfehtxe cte.Yuw ambt rrepu-esen 1 Ilus irnternationalr lxx' fficers of tht United lier dauuhlrrs rardri ther cela- iintîii. Mus. J.A, îcCiehlari. sliced pen'checs eaclî. andI four, ail von tan do is gi-oan. As I union as e frateiriat delngate Steelxxorkeî-s ot Arnerioa. Last luxes unr i li'e st NI lisses hteicn MNasui a id of uuy speciai [tri iix' Scuaniboch seici. sonieti nies 1 xvisb I i foc e hie tenu-h conxvenîitinof t lie, car .1o.sepb Gernano, Direr - -r oxî ann udlai Mri r teîiî gc efr1e Icouîri gel a bute xvouidstop being saninterest -IJprauese Feier atior of Irîri tar of Distuict 31 witb head- bride of Torouxiru Iave brouiMacdioniald Insitute at Guelphx. tt e xlxeCî Girl ig enid Steel w'ckers IluJi in no i s quarters lin Chicago. visited speniiri iuig irr ionur*cniooni ai M r. and iMrs. Rax Dilîîing And ishPe coIn mxi sxxalI oxx'a .- ( inen<no ixoren> n-He j,;uairr ' .Japdir wuun rssir stantCLgdIii lus IaîhicrY s. Ic.GCea. Varane. have roi î îîîd fionxi*air,<( j(> nre Nue. OrcaoiiSettoni, directar of District A61ter H. Thornton. They in- lis :(Jladclv's Westax av Of able nuotnr trip la QuiebetCivxuau coiricided i xîlîli er EJk nted Steelvoikers of Arn- srýpected Japarnese steel planzts i lie M(i.urghiix( Coia U..cebrir'as uuga nii i in thi e U O S iva ourul. Mr. Sc-fIonisdistirut aniri participated iiiutseveral nilrnc si;111. xiciinl lii .- tIr ivrxci nlis esur nu li-- c ii al' iw; wni E 'o ' a.i oxers iiefivxe Canif! t: n irc Tekko Roreru finîcîiois. CutsarchatcuririnîeAii dhiis Bai Iliaeh icOntarairisrn io ('M idlîand. Oni aîuo. uxîc ranOîtrouButu enisand rleOviuaiolir.allnigi, buit lUrd CCO/i(h Off, v . -esfarinerOninier, Mx. Seftou! 1M r. Tliosý Birîghianii anid giuhnriCollege ai Gureipi. aller fourir uauqulizers, at Septemrber 1l, 1961 Clinuî. lAsforeer dierr.t folr nuece. N/rs.AnîhlureBiîghiani, Nqr. Arthuir Nagunne, Cah- doxxnut. Whuai a dav' il jxxas Dean Grorge: Tekko Roreru. ;a uouiederi- i-a~siricee 95 Horof Dmimtr are v2sut uixg relativées et D"s gars Al ahis 'h)et'î \sitin-n abOLt 280 cegrees iiin iiheshade. Thank VOU Veux' m 1UCh for lion ryf Japanesp metal workr: slieb9.3.l e R membe.1 Chicago. 'MIc. andri Mus. 1 Wad- a coroner's kuss. anridîth lied a copy of "aur issue of Sept. 6.1îion fuanuSeptemrber '25 to 1 pa for tht Arnerican andI T'le -ouxpagrInieul iauxnunui- hame. ,Ox-ven Saîurxrh, xveue a faiawev i ook ini ber es' Tht ,iprmad givea la ihelio Tokyo. Ils rneiiiber-sîuîp aI deu~cun fttme td of Miss Arnure VEDeviz nrtguesis ;of hl ieusnr-, Mcý- Cea thibet u-hien ru sreur lrfone ex-.Robeni-McLaugblin plaque utn-i rppaoi dta lie185,0f). e- tR- be conven ýtiOro Mhunion Kungelaur cuIirî Mc. Cen.i-df- Souucb, avec tht ke il crpi on Ihie fan-es of prapIr x,hoxeilinP, ai, T3'ronr was exctl-.sudr.sza 1'txAnurunf i P experts ho be haek hompe i pri- re aBRauierulvlr le.ttr- Mu s ;Raina Edger, daughiter 'verp xvetting tieur péîni,ý unhile lent. and I trust that it wrll în-iter,-nal riel.gaie.tht miiivri- dOîbr Iiîacr e la ta p1t iiun Wrnnxr- of Mc-. anîd Mrs. Gea Erger. un cxunîîîn reame nterest. in the area jb lion will be atltpendid y twor i-Otbr peR uni oenhnHarmouîy. ha-,entererd liut-\, rr lie gatithuaurgh t ethp Pti-ectian of even nn1 "fttSois îo M 1ois r tera e Han. Ri.Benlhuha:,ie îeinitch & Lox'ell'xinug store as an ardeel xvitbaîLJIex>'u'n faiuting plaques in peovi, places andýwoi-ker eai o m fth Sovet tMy l uanet *- fatht nteli tîanîi 11 l and l xvth 17 apprentucet in pharmnaQ. Ouice.,Rîri she tcouirin't miss,!evenlîs cf Provincial xxifýnînand ithe Chitiesef, Peo- gale tn tht Tekka RDrencont- ya ung horsts. Mus. Kennelli Cox, Wa)rtli. vwiih thte rst afthie famil ' icanre lit5 Repubuir. xeîition le-stifies to the equal. Mise Frances F:. gnlni <fMatrion af Durliani Chapier. piayini a-a therl neyiper pray- Ait the besit. In annauncing tht c-boire of statris enjoyed iv 1h,- Cana- Thie Staîesinanr staff spenîî the Ou-dec or thie Easterni Star, andrictr betore. thai Mnuniî xouldn'î Sincreey Vours. Sertn as tht international dien ,;ection o! tht union with v eCekend wrthi ier niolhier, Hn)r.FaroaId Clemeiris. , oumk a boliux of il. I thaughi w .Casou unionsq mnlegate ta tht con- tht American aection, d"~pite John Fergîrsonu. St. Cathuarinens.'aIe Matron, are iii Toronto ati-I bearrI a serdonîir srîort framWH rnti. vtoPesdt D idjth fa hiteoewel. Albert Wuîcox, xsocking forlteuiding tbe 2tst annUel Grand axxay ip intht skx, as she %vas CharMal' oftht rcaolP v rto.PeietDeîil h a- Ia h vrhln lams eac fil idHisore ArhpoîeielMcDonald wra-te Yoshito Nisiîi- img mejarity <ot aur mrijion Jae es.Taurrîtanx. el20Chapler Sessioni. cauxeunig ai gcaciaînStý V ePîinîg cangraî ad HstrrSiteg Adviçryv:guchi, Tekkn Rtoren chairman i mers are American stel- feet Io the hairni finor boreakirîg! the Royal 'ork 1-Itel. ilations afîcu- tht service. r-oard. as follovx;s: We hope thal bisworkers." commenteri Mr. Sef- ont, ai-i andrirnîuîcnxg linseif Russell Rabbins, Tamntuoni. 10 round out tht week. 1 visit wrll belp strengtheui IbelIan. ýThe trip wili give mp' athpt-rxvuse. esîablisbed somewbat of a %vent hack Io sehoni on Mon. T'orolîto. Sept. Ist. 1961!bonds hetween aur, îwo unians ,nrpporîunitv tn develo-p M- Haccv (rule. leIIpt- in the record ai Lindisay- Faim an hue day. and there wvax .ine sittifl ea m.dme:andi wilt arid ta thteconinuing trirndships with 1 a pane s e Siairiard Bank, c venul isin..rshxeep. WÀitli Ih sbeep ho wan ho a front %pat, hi% ape-Ilke' erM.Jms r,,o nrai nw okr n epçrnte cd lins paceuxi. ai Caningtoru. Jsix tirests andrisix secands. cotîntenance %wreathed In a Thaak you for your letter ofr roes o ntriî kîa- orerçatinl lberlpstritheî Tht Srvrrnurn PoxxrCa . Mr. John Watson andriMisi; satanie %mnie.tJor Fs a fiedrAugust 26tb and the editorna jl -edrire oofnt n ate':trrinl nc oiaî~ havxe an eeîivan-nomn cleen- M. Watsanî, Ceesarea, aie plan- in human form. a- 1 forrnd out1page from the Canadian States- er vlnn-u hevccii ar$10 iinglaspenri the xvnnîer inlast vear. Ht, wax go disturh_.man daîed August, Pth. ErTH PH EE ID per dav. BaWnianville andi xili reside hnt that hi' aImost made mPýYoungman's review of E. I1 .1. E.*Runcli. iPar- e iel.n Mr. E. J. Manning'.-,bouse break a Ilfe-lonz rmie never toZavitz'.s "Fifty Years of P f - 1hpard a x'oirce fîorn thp tall sprurce . ha% sarId 70 acces <of biq faim on Horsey St. hit anybcdy blager (han my.ýforestation in Ontaruo" is ex- A vroirp which ca]led "Phopbe, Phoebe." In tht CýP.R. tor S7.000 aîîd Newtanvile: Mil;-.Ihnnr Ware self, relIent. 0f curse he knowx Oh! please. do hurty and corne ta lePa. r-etaîine 70 acresxx tiu tht hunnîr. entertainre-l bei oîng frienris Ht harn't shaxxed ti iý tht -E. .1. Zavilz anri fram persan-Pahe Poe. Ph h.Pah. imgs with a wiener toast Setnrday fin-si twa nveeks af schdoîi lai experencr. the wark that hpPohPheP _Poee her Tho,%.Pakent, Sm-uiri;s. -xxas txtning, tigureri he wasn'f camýiog bicklhaF been doing for sa manv, 1: -I t,(hed up and down and ail I could see, .îudge an raille enri sheep a,, Newcastle C(,ongr-atule;iiis.thîs vepar. andi tîfe looked like I years. Was a small brown bird in thp tail spruce tree, Ou-non Fair. tr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miler:ër bowl o! barschl, compared ta 1 witl forwaret ynur Iettpr 7Txxar, hp who was calling, "Phoebe, Pob' Caurince: Tn affnerammeonr.,(net 1-fazel McManusî, on the tht flagon of iemnlork it rj..and the page from the Statmi h ese i ur ndcm ota mri onSta vnr-1-tht nen- birîli af a daightr sembieri lac? vearnth hum in'nman 10 'Dr. Zavul-z As T knu'v O!pes f uryaî on e ,-eneunt bir.Iire ai Edmonr-i-sans % Ha-dan Mr. anr i,-r. Rtht ca litre-ivl l e. pleased ta see it. And tia\hoxx'he roi bis Ilame vou se- mil'i McNf-il left an Tupsday Pven. Ar thtsre t ic ~. loeuunz et Vours sincerely. Phatrohp, Phachep Phoebe, Phoebe - EnIcld Atjç5 -nth aid inz In visit frrend.; mn Mani- m-e. ex crt a aahy gorilla, .1 W spôlmflbr. 15am Era>Y are building îllat jtaoba. 'Do k-ou know what that char. Miuuter cd Lan.d and IForeste --Mm6 Marjorit Cunnigliani ~Ije ~E4n4bU111 ~hIt$m4n Du.rhem Couaty'a Gecat Feinnyly eurncti L:Stebishd 107 yeoza 0q0 un I1854 IOHN M IAMEA GEO, 14 W e bt t'f1v18 doc *W. GRAHAM erg. MArAgU CRIPTION RATES '5M e Y eat Iilb th nited !ýtcrt& Il lxi' i -lir--