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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1961, p. 6

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PAGE IX -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. POWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Area Toi Discusseg TREN YOU ARE 1IK[LY TO SE the athletic type ! Strong, self-confident, loving outdoor sports-writing from an African safari you would naturally include: M Your correspondent's ful and correct postal ad- lress a Vour own name iand return address in upper Ueft corner M AND THE CORRECT POSTALZONE 44UMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC, UVONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, OR VANCOUVER. 11-elpustospeedyourmail-- check the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory lfo full postal information. FOR BAY FEVER Privine Drops ------- 95e Dristan Tablets 1.25, 2.25 Dristan Spray Co-Pyronîl Caps Pyrobenzaniine1 ----- 1.25 ----- 2.25 65c, 2.30 1.95 sizeSP Halo SE 1-29 Vacuum Bott 2.50 stze 15 Gillette Lustre 79c Gillette Creme Al I ENFIELD Judges Named urist Pote ntial There were fîfteen ladies present for our W.A. meeting at the home off Mrs. J. Stark. rat CobourgSMR pson, frst vice- Syllabus Now Ready Tmeeting.tFor MusiccFestiva 'Yes, we must indeed Il du'strv' begioning w-ith fndi- -db Ms Rod Simipson, Mrs. F r Ms c F s i a hang together, or, most assur- vidual operators, then local George Irwin and Mrs. L. D. edly, we will ahl hang sep-Chambe'rs off Commerce who Simpson. Items off business arately." Franklin said it or- wulId advertise further afield. consistdmsl ofpeaa iginally, and it was the i-ecur- There had been a gap betwecnins o orTbanksgiving A t P eterborough ring theme off an address by these organizatians and the Service and bazaar. The pro- Mr. J. W. Jones, district re- provincial leve]. wbicb could grain consisbed off a reading by Durham Counby musicians into four classes for diffeîent presentative of Ontario De- flot advertise one area more'NMrs. Rod Simipson, two vocal and musical students are rie- vocal ranges. partment off Travel and Public- than another. Designated or- solos by Mrs. G. Bowmian with minded this week off the ap-1 Each class has a Song ta sing jtv. iginally as -Tourist Area Or- an unusual descant arrange- proach once again off the big j from the German "Lied" or Rie ae n Tet alerganizations' there is a more ment bs' an interested Guinea time off their year, ýart song literature. ToRice Lrae an atn Va recent trend ta have them hlen. Mrs. Simpson conducted The syllabus off the l6th an- Acknowledging that tbis TouristdAreat MranzaJonhpad known as 'Tourist Councils," a contest on Thanksgiving nual Peterborough Kiwanis Music was almost always writ-1 reqestd tat n. onc apakconsisting off representatives. which the ladies enjoyed until MusicFetvliou.Tetnwhapaoprtaco- ta eleate fom hamers"jfrom local Chambers off Com the answers were read. Shamne 1962 festival will take place plex and maigflt as _ Commerce, Boards off Tradelmerce, Boards off Trade a.orbd etonn h igeita Mrh8tMMrh1. fo h oceterls o h and tourist associations off ibis tounist associations. Such dele- score. The South group and s oMrh1. fre o u the at pianorthtI nreedfo mr ceation. iThirde gaes need nt necessariy be: the hosess served cake and. Judges for the coming fest- scion pitotta ins touristr coperatars, but. coul ice cream. u oi fcn val were alsa announed toda and singer will both be j udged inusryinCaadhe Tourirst oe orsualified bel hatpc f cny i Industry hna e ou h i nterested old p ln for pe sons v r ai n u i g th o il y M rs. A. D. Vaisey, fe stv land! heir m arks added ta m ake1 ýwh wuldpln frihe good1hour seemed bo be chieffly secretary, 644 McKellar St.,attl iy competitive. Surrounded by of the entire area. 'abotit dieting. It was notice- Peterborough. One 'outeome boped -for ini t aout aeas th areoranwil- Presiding at the discussion, able that those who rushed the -Tooftejugshv enthis class, Mrs. Vaisey saysi cd nd oeatie. thuist aratilMr. Joncs answered questions season by wearing the latestinPtroug er.Jhnasd neet oi lfro thse resnt.Ric LaeiinFal fahios hd t doChurchill off London, Englane!, pianists in the art off accomp-i orsbusnessenandin act,ý 1animent and in the idea thatr evcyon coceredthiks ndand Trent Valley Tourist Arcaiconsiderable brow-moppîng, as 1955fes Ptarborou îdghf th njs iue ntepao ýeveyonconernethnksndýis described in the Organiza-. a cool morning turned into 1a5it st ffia ool whithe sngberor acts for the good off the Area lion Charter as the Unitedlvery warmn afternoon. aiho dnug t yrshnjs afueonhepn, as a whole, fine new roads willCutiso ura ndNrh ago. solwietesne r 'serve only ta provide accessCunisofura anNrt- One noticeable ihing about The third judge announced vialinist goes through bis act. ta thr ffth umberland, and the part off the'i aur meetings is that the ladies is Mrs. Gladys Whitehead off The festival also annaunces, ;oohrareas o h province1 Townships off Asphodel, North aIl secm ta like each other. Kenora. Sewl ademn e wr o hsscin that will work together ta pro-! Monaghan and Otonabee, lRemarkable! of he ocal cone yats ns. oa przerof $0 il ben' mate their intt2rests. ouf ffthroouh yn1 u cal a r.CardVievosaid. nTrest offthe îvA ddtetal l et $0wn pun thenarh soreof' Sotcbur of Hmilon s wrkwîl bedivde bewee lo diiger Aly comenpitors Attending the luncheonýbetween tnhthesectio musree ofsS metn tie Baltimore Rice Lake and south boundary teacher this scbool year. There Mn. Churchill and Mr. Gniff. h s 2 ears oldus. b l fHotel, Cobourg, on Septemben off No. 7 Highway. The name arItnny-inhppie.ite 7th, wcre Mayor M. Wladyka, off the Area Organization could aetet-ieppl. ih.ta 5yasod and Cale Locke, manager Port be altered without change off Churcb attendance bas been New Section Addltional CIao. Hope Board off Trade. Hast- charter; possibly a ýdifferent space this month. Our M. and The 1962 syllabus shows one One additional class bas be ings Chamber off Commerce name could bring greater Ca- M. fund nceds a baost also. whole new section in the con- put into the piano solo sectioný delegalian included L. E. aperation from D ur h am Sacrament off the Lord's Sup- tests. Under the general head- for sonatas and fugues. Therel Kelly, president; R. R. Burn- County. Gavernment grants per will be observed nextiîng off "Lieder" it is divided will now be a special ciass in ham, secretary; W. J. Johns- for promotion and develop- Sunday mornîng. aBe14horvesots. frpans tan. treasurer; and directors C. ment off the area would be paid Our neighbors, the Coch- wcre wiib Mrs. T. Taylor and ofhe r eis ahpeaon h ýW. Wbitrcd and M. Humphries. only ta Area Organizations, ranes,. Lees and Stephensons, sons. Teei oeaogte Representatives off Rice Lake and would be spent as their are winning a great many rib- Mn. and Mrs. Donald Pres- festival organizers, Mrs. Vaiseyi Tourist Association were R. directors dccidcd. Bowman- bons on their lavely hanses at catt were tea guests off Mn. caYsse wa trac m resen-le Knox, president; Lyle Willson, ville had assured him that the the Faîl fairs. ancrsl. isoTanon res thi yeatr.c or n secretary; J. Friskin, vice- need for coopenatian was rec- Miss Beverley Sutan off anIr.G ib ,Tut n e this seciare lse o president; Fred Austin, A. ognized; Mosport attraction Warsaw is tcaching at Union Bu-nssure-vcIn istorentasgrsufor Elmhurst, O. Karnosh and had stimulated interest, ai- School. There are fourteen ]Bsns ietory vora wdithruteptan o rb iMrs. Karnosh. Ed Haynes was though their delegate had not pupils. y evrly a- cc un oancrlase, sthe yau pia oth delegate from Cobourg Cham- ffound it passible ta attend. Allan Grîffîn, Bvele a-À 0V ouin cas, aere syntadud tl ber off Commerce. Rice Lake Mn. Jones offercd services off mis and Marion Stinson are oure muic making atoe- and Trent Valley Touist Area department personnel ta visit starting grade nine studies at RAY J1. DILLING aco mpaetitors may brin:ome rOrganization members pres- any Chamber off Commerce or Courtice higb school. Certified Public Accountant aheir ow eltios.mybr lent lncluded President A. J. local association who wothVstrse9Cuc Sre Il n islsoexected hanter Saper, Mns. K. Barber, T. like funther infarination or Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeKe- MArket 3-361Iil b eeo d enramtentlu Grimshaw, Bruce Lester, S. discussion off the problem. It own, Arlene and Garry, Whit- WMw.H OGN h iblee oe cleint - MangesDav WisonandMrs wa ageedtha another meet- by, werc il L. Cochrane's. Chartered Accountant duced for the first time at i Wilson, and Mns. F. Stephens, ing would be held. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin SeodFoot91fstvl n thi en vice-president. of Wednesday afternoon, Oct. and sons wîlh Mrs. Carl Mc- econLibrarBildng1hifesntam elemensetay1 Mr. Joncs spake o the'îîth, at Port Hope. Local or- Laughlin and family, Black- Cor. King and Temperance Sts. sholre s r me ased tayr structure off the tounist in- ganizations wîll be asked ta stock. Phn Ake -62 citesl gaeos frem ted' ý send delegates. and interested Mrs. Wilfrnid Bowman ad VLFDADandndoe Nkt -61 iew Tleosarment eC _____________________pensons welcomed in the hope Mr. John Tamblyn wene guests YALCOMPDAN Cosn g dawTe forment isS off abtaining widest possible off Miss Clarice Hancy at ber Ac COa MsPdAudYors th 192 iwgatfo nis Music F t- NEW representation. The urgency graduation at the Civice Has- LictnTsic i an rutcy itha1962sJ an .MHo sivet -f off the prohlem cannot be over- pital, Peterborough. Lcne rse nBnrpc vli a.6 oeetnl Noxzemna Caver Girl emphasized; in order ta obtain Mrs. Keith Davey and Elaine 64 King St. E. 725-1621 courage eanly registration thrcj Liquid or Powder 1.25 funds ta operate, the Area were at the Niddery cottage B.sL.wa, OCta.ofees forail5 entie uct in ch Organizatian must have sup- at Port Severn.B.F. L e aleB.C, C ..A. mail for arleeie o n 4hbme Noxzemna part and cooperation froni local FMissdandrEvelyn Cunnunilorghamd n o bor Hand Lotion . 39c, 69c associations as basis for their Brantfford, and Miss Freda MONTEITH . MONTEITR December 2nd. grant. Schneller, Baden, were at the RIEHL & Co. JaesHotop te1962ho h1as Noxzemna Cremne 73c, 1.10 An inventory off Ibis Arca is Pagcoe home. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa is Jamst and 2nd vicehpresit -._________________ planned - polential tourîst at- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- Chartered Accauntants Ronld ier and Haovc-peidt tractions; literary, historical,1 colt, Marvin and David, were 725-3527 Aonstcy Treasrerand Antew ~ A SBubble archaealogical, industu-lal -. wibb Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bowmanviic nty rasrri ne CA SBath scenie, sports, arclua Prescaît, St. Catherines. Caîl ZEnith 457,50 iPurdon. Mes -- --- 79 79c possibililies. Resources for Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- Parînens: tIs 7e 9e Tomorrow will take a goodcott, Marvin, David and Janice, Hon. J. W. Monteitb, F.C.A. searching look at this land off1 were xiih the J. Harnis', South A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A., rurTYPru L Super Blades 300 A.S.A. ýours. Information, facts, de-!Monogban. G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.IA. Shave Cream Tales scriptions - what can Yoo con-, Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson (Licenscd Trustee) 1 We regret ta report the rss- Tab1.0l5ets bibute? and cbildren, Highland Creek,, .EîTehw ,CA ni off one off aur oldest ili- __________________________________________ R. F. Lightffoot, C.A 1 zens in the nassinz of Mi T. -_______ 63e Glcem Faste - ---49e 1.25 size 3 esdn at -4e 75e size Silvikrin 6cP1 sdn ase4c Vam 9se 63e Ipana, Faste .----- 49a 64e PARDEC JOHNSON'S VITAMIN CAPSULES SELF-SHINING POLISH For Young and OId For Ail Shoes 2.50 - 6.00 - 7.50 59C Geritol - Liquid or Tablets 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 COWLING'S PHONE Tr~ W E FIT MA 3-5695 DRG TO E R\SE ROYAL BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 RELD OVER! Thurs. Sept. 21 Io Sal. Show Tirnes: Thurs. at 7:30, Fni. & Sat. 7 & 9:30 MATINEE SATURDAY 2 P.M. (25 cents) Mon. Io Wed., Sept. 25 -27, staris ai 7:30 "'MISS JONES YOUR UPPERS ARE IN PERFECT Shap e." DENTIST IN THE CHAIR S'ariffl th' AIIY ON"1>06 XiINIIET111COMbE * 808 MONKNOUSE ., risiycumulus SECOND FEATURE AT 9 UPiCUE «D Day, the 6th of June" Excellent - Color - Aduit Entertainnient Robent Taylor, Dana Wynter, Richard Todd CONqinGI "PARRISH", Oci. 2-5 (Aduit) . E)Cain in St. Josqh's ýCh iro p ra c fi c Hospital, Toronto. Dece3ed HaveYou Quetionwas an eider in the Ulted Have You Quetion G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Church, member of the icaI Chiropractor Cemetery Board and ife Office: Member off Bethany I,).L. on Uierlpàoylgin St., cor. of H-orsey St. 1022. To those who mouri we Phone MA 3-5509 extend Our sympathy. Office Hours: By Appointment Local citizens were shcked Insu rance to hear off the udnas In hi Counfl e ublshîepîrpuross yo oui otD le ntI al ing off Warden Bruce Agton In this olumn w p_____________________________ notioff Blackstock. Deceasedlied, questions about uin e m pioy-inecessarily be disqualified forf DR. W. M. RIUDELL, D.D.S. off a hieart attack enrouterom :ment insurance and emnploy-this reason if .vou could Shiow OfieJuyuieeBds attefldiflg a conventioi in iment, together with answer.s that these activities dd Dnot 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Banfff. received fromn the Unemploy- interfere with your availabili- Office Ilours: LOBA. 1314 held heir' :ment Insurance Commission. t-y for emiployment. If you are 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. daily regular meeting on WEnes- If you are uincertain abouit'fully employed in this opera- Closed Saturday and Sunday da evening with a goc ai- any point do flot hesitate toiono omrilbss Office Phone - MýA 3570 tedn.Teyaep& g send us your question. We wilty'OU WOLld flot be entitled tOiHouse Phone - Newcastie 3551 a Dance and Draw in Oober. obtain an answer and pîîblishlibenefit. On the other hand, jvs~o A large crowd were p!sentf it in ibis columl. !:f you are selling the logs but LD.SDD.S frtepeetai adac Folowî.g resom ~ o'king in this operation Ofc nhshm for Mr. and Mrs. Roy 2rong -tions xith answers which May mio xet o cngt 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmarivilleý (Leona Mitchell). At miaight - b of ineret ~~î.be entîtJed to benefit subjeu hoeM 350 Reeve Robert Brown calUi the! beo ntrs o o.I the amount you earn. You Pfiehours: 3-60 gathering together wheiMrs.1 Q. Arn I entitled to bene- sîîouîd give fu details to yourOfieHus Clifford Fallis read th( ad-' fUsat be epedeny rte f oca oficein rde toobtln 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily * mos tther draws aensraifiooial pr fce ruing. e o ltanClosed Wednesday - Sunday drss presenting the aung la DR. - - - - -- couple with a purse off nney. 1 $55 a nionth? 1 take care of. n eoîa ~ C .CTRNDDS Mrs. Lily Richardson an Ken 1 the house, and pa 'y îte taxes, ti.1wsspoe or Office Neal supplied good mue for, electricity 1, leating, etc. tnp.IveMywais onosdar'.23 King St. E. - Bowmanvîlle the occasion. A. If ,ou maintain the self- î'iem eeft nMna,rdffice Hours: rM.PtrMle rcn but didn't gel back before 9a..to6 ..air. fietervc si arcoi contained domestie establishi-!Tusa.Bauea hst. 9aM o6pm al fidt CvcHpt:wh men ii wbch ou moheruesay.Beaus of ths hey Clocd* Saturday 1 una a heart attack. We are ld to jd d l iS whfl :.reduced my benefits by haif T f or thrende weeks.wh Didortey elephone: Office MA 3-5459 rpr ei aî fc m.ainly dependent 0o you fifor he bc rght tod th?- --i trypogr e ss her support, the fact th at ywvour 7ete igttoe gis or poras mother s in rec-eipt of a $55~ A. Benefit cannot be paid L leg I a rnontlî pension Woo_1ld n foi- a period dLiriiig XhiCh a SRIEadSRK U K T I prvetvo obinîi laiai- ben fo1te Barristers, Solicitors the dependelicv rate, local office area for the purI-, Notaries Public Mr. and Mrs. Ben 1-fbard Q. D, uringth uiic sommerk)j pose of taking a holiday. The W. R. Strike, Q.C. spent Saturday with X~ and 1959, i fougbit a foi-est fire for local office has undoubtedlIv A. A. Il. Strike, B.A. i Mrs. Ross Hubbard an Jan- tbrce week's. Wbv s it tlbat 1 applied ibis rule in your case 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville' ice, Trenton. cannot "et Lliernployrnlent in an.d this resulted in your re- Telephone MA 3-5791 Mrs. Greta Bailey rut a suralice stainps for' this eî evn lems benefit than - -ay ih eatsi plovineiit \hen then saine a- otherwise xvould ba\e been LAWRENCE C. ASNBA.fwdywih rlts n socabin uure teirwar th cae.Barrister, Solicitor Oshawa last week. a,.-the ase.Onceagain our conunity denq foi- the sainîe t.\pe of Q. I was disqoialified for King St. W. - Bowmanvil]e was shocked and sadded by wor1.' f stopped ý\vorkiiîg foi, six xveeks. WilI I lose these PhnsifieM -6R88 the sudden passing Mr. anothier company to fîght the six weeks if I file a niew claiî ReineMA3l55 Bruce Ashton. Symphy is tir-e. Will I ]ose tbîee contri- for unemployment insurance?1 eincMA353 extended to Mrs. Ashti and bution wecks* »' A. You canri draw bene-1 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS_ family. A. Ernploymnent in figihtîng fit for a period foi. which YOL Barrister, Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd inger- forcst fires is insui-ablc if it are disqualified. No decio Notar3' Publice land, Niagara - on - thi Lake, cxcceds ten days in a period is, howevcr, made froni y-tour1Trnipcrance St. - Bowmanvillej spent a few days wi Mrs. off tbirt 'v days. If *you have entitlemcnt for this period. E.7RICHARD LOVEKIN. jFlorence Caughill andamily.1 not received contributions for If (_-u are stili unemployed B.A. Ll.B. M r. and Mrs. Russeliowler such \vork .\ou should inforin and on dlaim at the end off Barrister, Solicitor were Sunday guests ofir. and vour nearest National EmplOY-'the disqualified periodyo Office, King St. E.. Newcastle Mrs. Fred Evans, Poriol mentSericeoffce.mav crawbnei btOnlDail1Y 9-5 Sat. & Wed. 9-1 Our church was fabW well Q. 1 worked foir an itidîvi- ' rom the date the disqualifi., W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. attended on Sunday Drning. dual cuttincr pulpwood and cation expired. Barrister and Solicitor Next Sunday morniri Sep- logs during 1958 and 19.59. 1 Q nwasalen o.yIebr2th t1:0aRv was paid a salar>. Was this I nw maiePl- In the offices offtm r2that1:0.,ev erniomen isurbl.' er who hires three or four1 R. R. Waddefl, Q.C. 'E. McNeil off Seagravwvill be A. mplo-ment in the bm- men druring the year on con-ý Main Street, Orono, Ontario Our guest minister, pordial A mlyetith u-struction and plastening worký inviation is extendo to all. ocring and logging industry is a nd he does flot insure them. orI es Mr. and Mrs. Alft Ad- insurable. Hoxvever, a good Is this not an offence againstl or ga e ams and girls, Bombrnville, del f rttntheon o bcUnemployment lnsurancersADIE HAMILTON -g we ad rsE.M di contract basis by self-emplov- A 7Phne1r -OOO 16da ust r c-1 persons or bY a number of Mr.6 nd Mrs. . . Adarv persons working together in. A. Yes, it is an offence,ý First Mortgage Funds Mr and M rl, saR.aIre n a joint enterprise, and suclU and hie can be punished in Residences - Farms adamiiy, sh Maa, eSun-. persos ar not nsurbie.civil court by a fine or jaili Business Properties da utsofM. J Paronsar no inurble 1A. 'rurnbull and fa n$' Manv farmers cut ,%oodt on sentence or both. Such cases, Mortgage Loans Mr. and Mrs H Id Mc- then- tarin woodlots and theselshould be reported to the Un-' Prompt. courteous servies Laughlin and faimil Black- operations are not part of' theiernployment Insurance Com-1 HAROLD C. PEDWELL stock were Sunday ests off1 lumbering- and logging indus-1 mîon j Real Estate and Mns. Edna ?McLaug. I try. Emplovment by a farmer! Q. I have a friene! who was; Mortgag. Broker Mr. and Mrs. Tho Hodge for such work is flot insurable fined for making faise state-jNewcastle Phone 3856 and fam.îlly were Su guests ý when i. us a normal part off ments in hua application for -off Mr. and Mrs. J Brass, 1 farmn onerations. benefit a.nd was given threel Onto 0M e j r y Clarenuont, and ai viuited Q.During mx' period off months to pay hi& fine whiie, rI with Mr. Hoidge's c in from; unemployment can 1 cut logs on the other hand, for similar RETH A. BIMLETT, O0».Alberta. on my land and have them offfences I had to psy a fine Optomotrist Sorry to report t Mrs. sawn for construction and! re- immnediately or go to jIil. 18 141 King St. B. - Bowmanville Pearl Avery is on *'ick list. pair work w~ithout it afffecting.his fir' Office Hours: By appointment We hope her coneon will mvunemploYmenb insurance' A. This matter is entirelyj Telephone MAhrket 3-2 2 sn be improvd. ben e itsthe responsibility off the court Mon.- Tues. - Thurs.. Fri. Mr. and Mrs. L' Taylor A. If vou are cuttîng the and the presiding magistrate.ý 9 a.m. to 5 p.rn. and family were edaye logs on -our land for your, The UIC does flot and can not Thursday evenings eniag guests off M ne! Mrs. omn use for construction and interfere. Wed. and Sait. - 9. 12 'Cyrus Ashton and mùly, OBITUARY A graduate nurse, the de- Amang the many floral tri- FoIlowing an illness off five . , butes from fniends and rela- weeks, tbc dcath off Glady-s ceascd during hec nursingitives was one from Salei Ernl.vShakleonage 42 o- carcer had been an the stafffs' Chur-cb. currcd in Oshawa General offlied Cross Hospîtals, Oran-, The funeral service wvas held Hospital. on Wedncsdav. Sep geville and Bawmanvilc Hos-i on Saturday, Sept. 9, in the tember 6, 1961. pîtals dunîng a 14 year peniod. 1Caloff Northcutt & Smith Daughter off Mr. and Mrs. The laie Mrs. Shackleton Chneapl Hm and wq con - WiýfllWim J. Chapman, the de- vas a member off Salem Uni- 1 ducicd by Rev. G. Loktbrst. (cascd '-as born at Dryden bcd Cburcb and off the Can-ljInterment was in Hampton Ontario, and atlcnded school , adian Legion. She served wiih1 Cemebery. in Hampton. On June 1, 1957, . bbcC.W.A.C. from January,. ' lcrr wr i.Rn she arred Grdo Pery'ý1943 ta 1946. Shacmlrric, Gadon erydle, Jim Woodlcy, Dick Gibbs, 7So helt 4h survives. and Surv'iving besides bcr bus- Jack Gibbs, Bill Gibbs aind for bbclast 4 ears liad re-i band are two children, Wil- rTony Janczyn. - WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20th, sided on R.R. 1 N., Bowmnan- Liam Roland, Freddnic Earl; ville. Before that she lived in and her parents. Mn. and Mrs. SPECIALLY SELECTED i VALUE CHECK'D BIEF You Save TWICE with TRIM and PRICE RED & WHITE Look for the Value Check'd Label in each package.. It's the Red & White Seal of Quality. VALUE CHECK'D RED OR BLUE- BRAND Choice Top Round or Juicy Rib *STEAKS LB. 6 CHOICE -WLL TRIMMED Blade Roast lb. 75c Lean - Fnesh Ground Minced Beef 3 1lbs. 99 c1 BEST BUY! - Buy for 4e Less - MAPLE FLAVOURED OLD TYME SYRUP BEST BUY! - Buy for 4ç Less! - QUICK OR Instant QUAKER OATS BEST BUY! - Buy for 5c Less! AYLMER CATSUP 2f BEST BUY! - Buy for 16e Leos! - 8e OFF PACK JIM DANDY LIQUID CLEANER 91 LB. 3 9 c c Well Trimmed Extra Lean - Boneless Rolled POT ROASI lb. 3 9c Lean " Meaty Short Rib Roast Ib.43c FEATURE! - BUY FOR 4e LESS! Red & White Ilomnogenized - 16 oz. Jar PEANUT BUTTER FEATURE! - BUY FOR 6c LESS! Crown TEA BAGS Pkg. off 100 33c FEAURE - UY OR c79cS Culverhouse Choice Quallty - 20-oz. Tins PEACHES 4 for 89C FEATURE! - BUY FOR Mc LESS! Aylmcr Relishes or 12-oz. Jars PICKLES 4 for 89c FEATURE! - Buy for 2c Less. - Libbys- 28 oz. Tin PUMPKIN 21c FEATURE! - BUY FOR 10e LESS! Raspberry or Strawberny - Peetin added 24 az. Jar ROSE Brand JAM 39c FEATURE! - BUY FOR 12e LESS - Kraft - 16-oz. Jar CHEEZ WHIZ 55C Feature! - Buy for 4le Lesst - Aluminum - Stuart House FOIL WRAP 25?foot Roll 31c E Si Sa I I I 'I p RU ced & White Pkg. off 50 Book Matches 19C YORK BRAND FROZEN FOODS ave 15c! 8-oz. Pkgs. MEAT PIES ýef - Chicken - Turkey Steak & Kidney 4 for 95c ave 2c! - YokWhl Kernel Corn 2-11b. Poly Bag 47C RSOULAR 85.L., VALU§ ED&WHITENSMAoYI a 16 oz. Jug 27C Large Package 43C for 3 7C Glant Size 7-3cd CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM SAVE 4c - LB. PKG. CRACKERS 35C S UNS PUN ICE CREAM pint 2.5c AUNT MARY'S Fresh Sliced BREAD Full 24-oz. Loaf 20c BAKERY FEATURE! Sunbeam Butter Ruffs Reg. 35e - 12 to Pkg. 31c FALL CLEANING FEATURES *SIMONIZ SV 0 NON-S CUFF 99C LUQUID WAX QUART TIN Sa Hiandy and Ecanoinical SOLVEASE (LEANER If6-oz. Pkg. 39c Save 10e! - 4c Off Park Regular Tins DUTCH CLEANSER 2for 33c Imperial - Assorted Calour DUST MOPS each 79c *FRESH PRODUCE. ONTARIO - o. 1 GRADE POTATOES 50 LB. BAGS 69 Ontaro No. 1 Large - 5 lb. hag YeIIow Onions 25c Garden Fresh - No. 1 Grade - Qt. Box Brussels Sprouts 1 9c Luscjous Firm, Ripe No. 1 Grade - 6 qt. Basket Bartlett Pears 75c PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE LISTED RED & WHITE FOOD STORES ONILY MAPLE GROVE MARKET.. Maple Grove CORNISH'S MARKET ...0.0 .a0.0.0..Orono PAGE six 0 m m Sirloin or T-Bone STEAKS m - 1 .a

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