MAGE N-- f--ýtENSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1061 THE CANAMlA!1 STATESMAN. BOWMIANVITT. ONCTARIO - Expe ct Record Crowd 1962 BUUCK !Two Straight Victc Famous Ferrari Race Cars Make Their Mos port Debut, At Canadian Grand Prix1 C:.nada's 'wýorld series" of face the starter. Ili addit!on Fnocrts car racing. the Cana- there will be Lotus 19's, Sad- dJan Grand Prix for $10,000 lers. Porsche and other notedý cash and the Pepsi Coa names in the sports field. ~iI L 7 e 'ss T a1 k Trophy, to be held at Mosport Officiels are girdiný! themn- Park on Saturday, September sle o htcudb 30, shf the Ontaas Proeincial Po seporevnt ize by Berits rae.d owifr n prs novto fauedo he16 Empie MtorClu, isattactvsttos il e r te d abo h"ad h T arew.Ca ie n y the ordsinetisourt e50ar akad ss~n ee e oth nr Pronville, Ths ea? kYoun drig ehdhefr 1he conesii'nceofdireS c er Saon n a id : nels of main's fathesBt mi- erowdi. Atortallo 30 ___iinoain__tue n h 16 If ~~ fiEdm ierv tor bhe tricty- ,et sotda f btaeonswiookinout a2.4-milehwn circuit.ew A New CarPethe rlan fntrersonate 5pacr spale of1 over the newnstate eoi mi oth ofn mhanvil0, holding back kiloand dGran laken tforge Ath ouh eo p fradtR ICeW dint tik ~ ~ twnll be ma.n g tstmdrie rtoonn Teted willh 1racg Soce e sn Ed bevho okii1Pder en an earcle, dedt h vn.O you coul, affrd o neing honour. They will be Frid'ay evening. September 29, O L then here is something to icornpeting against such inter- a large-scale Western barbe- N S think about. Recent nation- nationallv.famoas racers as cue and corn roast will be heldS L N»e 1 ai studies have borne out 'Stirling Moss of England, Oli- at the track. There will beCori th fcttht hedifeenevier Gendebien, Belgium, Ped- dancing around a gigantir Cutc in cost of owning and op- ro and Ricardo Rodriguez of camp-fire to the Westbury'shaagimderagmntvleHo eaiganwcrcma-Mexico and George Cnt- otel1 Jimmy a roTifr beginner's skating classes last Wedn ed o oe hre yersoldortine, George Reed. Bob Gross-Istraight from their success at for children seven years old tice to caý moe and Charlie Hayes, ahl of ýthie Embers Club in New York. Thduer.ase Sl ehedTenior S moreis imiishng.the United States. 1The Lions Club of Bowman- Th clse iI ehld heam In our growing automa- A total of seven Italian-Iville is also arra' to Op- every Monday afternoon from) ing betvw tion economy, service costs made Ferraris. a record for erate carnival bootihs Friday .:.00 to 5:00 p.m. starting onater the are increasing faster than any race meet in Canada, wvillievening and ahi day Saturday Monday, Noveniber 6th. best off fiv manuf acurinx cots, . iThe fee for this class will be even on maup ihefact n ottTvo Dollars ($2.00) for &P- three ties couped ith he actthat ('he *proximately 20 weeks. Par- today's new cars are îess L 'e tvs wl ents alowed to skate ree Ken Ce and less subject te break- 9 ecreation t e i wswl en acompanyîngkchildree n goal down. ByDulsR fcuharge xith their chljdren. In the fii Anyone who owns a carBYIogaRi o Figure Skating edam heel a m purchased in 1955 or 1956, Touch Rugby of August lst, 1961 (Minimum Through the co-oiperation ot opposition for instance, woulcl be ana.z- Any boys between the age age 7). 1 the Bowmanville Skating Club - e tthe year'moe ensIin of 10 and 13 years of age,in-. Pee Wee League- under 1 and the Recreation Depart- thi eîas tîîe cs. Everein lusîve and weîghmng no more as cf August Ist, 1961. Iment, Figure Skating lessons W the ave bre rachyangIles.ta 00pudwh r n Bantamn League- under 14: will again be available for the Thencwcas prfrm ndterested iin playing touch rug- as of August lst, 1961. residents of Bowmanville and;!A rid trmenouly, are asked te be on hand MietLau- under 16 District. rie rmedusy the Bowvmanville Higi'. as of August lst, 1961. Skating lessons xvîll be held Bod sueksan rttesSchool Grounds on Saturday, JueieLaue ne 8everv Thursday. 4:00 to 7:00 have been almost complete- a fAgs s,16 iý ly liinte ad hee .September 30th at 9:00 a.m. asouus a,191 (fpm., starting on Thursday, lyiincr aeopeandtingecooe W op o om six enough boys register). November 2nd. inceasd pertig eono W hoe o frm sx tam Ail Minor Hockey gaines M~iss Barbara Anne Smiîth " my. Autoniatie transmis- touch rugby league if enough will be played on Saturdays, lias again been appointed as &vITh sions are also vastly in boys are interested. The only fon70 ..t :0pm h rfsinlfiteBw proved. equipment required is old The first practice session : manville Skating Club foi thîvs If yu ae drvln a cr cothe an runingshoe. iili be held on Saturday, Nov-;coming season. Iyou aurae d ree o cr Ail games will be played at ember 4th. The Club will operate for a o r yasae thren or the High School grounds on There will be a registration period of 20 weeks starting, Saturday morninga. ke afee off Two Dollars ($2.00) for 1 November 2nd, registration demonstration ride In one If we are to make this lea- Bowmanville residents and j fr the 20 week period is $7.00. of the new cars. Only gue funiction properly we will Three Dollars ($3.00) for out! lytting in and drlving one also require coaches for the of towii residents. No one fam- tAithese new cars can make varlous teams. ily will be required te pay nrealize %vhat Yen are Last Saturday, September more than F i v e Dollairs Ladies B wln ;Jsslng In net owning ene. 23rd an exhibition game wvas ($500). This fee along witli aBo ln held between the Argos and Birth Certificate. Baptismal Team Standings Flnaliy, If you add up the the Tigers. The Argos came Certificate, (or you rnay list Bi-add 1 cost ot depreciation and from behind te hand the Tig- the birth card number you re- Gibsoni maintenance of your pî'es- ers a 9 to 7 defeat. ceived from the Recreation; Buckneîî 3 ent car agaînst that et a Ilith first haif Randy Don- Department aty) ut Bickell new one, yeu'll be surprised aheptteTgr ha accompany your certificate Duiîî at how little the two figures whneraaoudteîgtvhen it is returned to the Re- 'yl will vary. You rnay find end for a touchdown. Steven creation Office, no later than McDonald -2 that the pleasure end com-. un asd aWyeBr Monday, October 16th, 1961. C1 i fort and safety off owiîing a, rett for the convert. Girl'& Broombal IHolroyd........ 1 ~ new car will more than ou.t- In the second hait Argos The Recreation Departmen1P at field1 waigh that difference. came te life wth a touchdown is agaîn prepared to eperate Over 200 Games pass to Danny Knowian from a Girl's Broombali League for! Sadie Bucknell 232, Helen the Arge quarterback Guy, girls 8 to 14 years of age as et Dunn 230, Lii Hooper 223, Parks. Danny Knowlan put iAugust Ist. Registration.forins!Joyýce Lyle 210, Ollie Patfield President. the Argos ahead when he tack- 1Ifor broombali will be avail- 209. led Steven Burns behind the able at the Recreation Office lligh Averages goal line for a Safety Touch. and at the Public Schools. ýOllie Patfield . )05 11~ Guy Parks rounded eut the There will be a registrationi Joyce Lyle . . .20 Suppert first Canadian scoring with a single late in fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) Audrey Bickell 0 2 Gran Prx at Mosortthe final haîf. for Bowmanville residents and: *. - __-___- Prak, SPtrdxa, oSpt Miner Hockey IThree Dollars ($3.00) for eut I H alNVn Park Saurdy, ept 30 if Application fornis for Minor off town residents, with no yen cannet attend, listen tO Hockey players are now avail- .n aîypaigmr hanV Our sponsored broadcast able at the Recreation Office Five Dollars ($5.00). cirer CKLB. in the Lions Community Cen- Ail games wili be played n ~ T tre Th RereaionDeart- Mondays from .5:00 to 7:00iG olf Robsn Noors îd. entwihlagai opeatetreep.m., starting on Monday, Nov-li cagues: AtomoPee andember fth. During iccent. weeks many 166 King St. E. Bantam. The Lions Club willî h nyeupen eur7nm iso omnil again be sponsoring the Mid. cd is an ordinary bouse broom Southview Golf Club have, Phones: MA 3-3321 ý get-Juvenile League. and skates.- Sweaters ivili be been cenîpeting in various Lh Oshaa 75-212 Ae lmit forthevaroussupplied by the Rotary Club. tournaments. Close matches leagues are as follows: Children's Skating andscauarhoshrle JiAtom League- under 10 as The Recreation Depr mths. olwn h aiu Wib Hall and Joe Smith apj vied for the Club Champion- I Ra ship witlî Wib Hall the vice)r. The Senior Men'à Champion- ship was played off between FALL OPENING jc a n HryHno Jak ayn Harry Hanson ng1 THURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY The new Ladies' Club Chami- - A T - Jenny Riff as runner-up and the Junior Boys' Championshin * xvas won by Bobby James with M ~ ' aDavid Kerr runner-up. M W ~Flight Chianipionship %vinn- Vrs nr es *loiv eFrsaF11 Noa2nigwB e-l les Wst f BwmnilleillerobWaith o Lye runer-h Hary Fou rmgLovlyrunner-up. ct iit e i $3979 0 0 0 Nature*s Ovin Soil Buildcrt. PEAT MOSS Reg. $4.59 SPECIAL -.$3*99 ALL 3 -SPECIAL ~19 EVERGREENS * , , for feauty 1 Pfltzer Juniper 15" - 18"' 1 Hetut Juniper 15"- 18" 1 Sabins Junîper 15" - tg*' ALL 3 -SPECIAL .$ 11.9 5 ROSE BUSH WITR EVERY PURCHASE CLIMBER - FLORIBUNDA OVER $2.00 Clmbing ROSES for colour galore BLAZE - lovelY red GOLDEN CLLIMBER - yellow NEWV DAWN -pink SAUl 3 - Reg. $3.75 _ 32 SPECIAL ........._$ 2 DUTCH BULBS 10 Red Emperor Tulips à Hyselnthu 3 Kin.g Alfred Dattodils à Paper VhIte'a 10 Crocus Reg. $4.25 $38 ALL FOR O?ïL_ ___ 3o MIrs. liall andi Mrs. Beattie,' 'ooîtM r. a nd Mrs. YF. Johnston. Enniskillen. a n fl Mî.. and Mrs. R. Osborne and famiiy, Bowmianville, w er e Sundav visitors off Mr. a-d Mis. j. Johnston. Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and tanmilv>, were Saturday evening v:;sitors otf 'r. and Mrs. H. Car. Toronto, and Sunda", dinner guests nt Mr. andMrs. K. Hobden, Kinsale. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camneron and fainily .%ere Saturday ev-, ening visitors et Mr. and Mrs. ,M. Kcllett, Janetvilie. Mr'. and Mrs. H. Cameron, T\'rone. Mr. and Mrs. S. Carson, Dor- cen and girl frîend, Bowman- ville, and Tedcdy and Johnnv Woods. Tv [une. were Sundayý afternoon visitors et the R. Camerons. Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Davisl were Fridayv supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hardy,l Leskard. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ir- vine, Toronto. were Sunday' supper guests off the N. Davis'., .Mrs. Daisy Robertson, Ho- ton. Texas, Mr. and Mrs. D %.Iils and Mrs. Shirley Hot arum, Toronto. and Mr. and, M rs. Verdun Lathangue. Pon- t-x-pooi, were Sunday visitors off Mr. and Mia. Rye Gibson. Midgets One Step Away From Ont. Championshîp Down Georgetown 14 to 12 ntical te that of a convertible is a sty]ing Buick two-door hardtop models. The LeSabre Buick has a restvled grille and redesigned hood. IIJ JuIRIILE cub lnallivwrapped i p scorîng three in the eighth, whîle Grant Down, the fourth pitcher blankcd Georgetown M EW CH M PION over the final two fraies tel gain credit for the decision. Bowmanville deteated Geor- getown 14-12 in a free-scor- ing 31a: hour contest at Vin- cent Massey Park. Saturdav afternoon to gain a berth in the Ontario Midget "BI' Finals. The long drawn out affair saw 28 runs scored, 14 George- town and nine Bownîanville batters waiked and eight er- rers by the visitors agailiat five by the locals. Atter leading 8-4 and 1l1-7, Bowmanvilie suddeniy found themnselves trailiîîg 12-11 when' Georgetown erupted foi' tive e defeated Bowmnan- meat off the final 30 minutes, )per's Jeweliers 1-0 but they couldn't get the nesdlay night in Cour- equalizer as goalie Bob Arch- .pture the Darlington er made several key saves. eoccer Champion shîp. Facin lmnto atMn enwa the sit eebs day night. Sauina caine Up witlî veentheIwoclus 1a 1-0 win over Courtice te Soriginaily scheduled force an extra game iin the ýve final weund up ail Junior Final, after Courtice one win apiece and lîad won and tied in the firat ýS. two contests. Solina follow- îverley icoreci thelcd t he sanie script in the sud- et o the gaine earlY1dcn-death tilt, scering another irat hait as Courticel1-0 v ictorY te cep the titie. argin in the play. The Nick Turcisie was the hero et ikept the bail in the both gaines. acceunting for ail n end througho u t1 the scoring. AI Osborne started foi' the winners with Bob Sieep com- ing on in the third and Jerry Falls iin the fifth. Blair was1 the Georgetownî starter, Jef' fers taking over wheiî Bow-: manvilie raliied for four runs' in the fourth. Deug Lane coilected Iiii-pe singles te pace the winners, while Jim Coyle and Ray Pic- keil each picked up a pair et safeties. Campbell drove in six runs for Georgetown xith a single and homne îun, Blair smashed a three-bagger andi Lane, although net getting a hit. drewr five bases on bala. gy#,ffJ)V iwa 1 da ORES POWER fOR WA#O FgI AR#OWSTAtiNT 01#1f-Advariced Thrust m oves the engin e for-wcrd over te mwheels. It mcrkes Buick trczvel truer a-nd straighter. Even .heavy crosswinds do.nt fcrze the Advaznced Thrust Ruick. P4Zhat:-, more, the floor is cc whole lot flatter. Thtree can ride comfortcrbly in he front seat. And the riew Euick is ad-vcnced in styling, too! It's sleek ernd elegcznt - nd super-bly huit. From the richness of new iriteriars anr.d upholstery to the many detctiled p'ointments, you'll discern a quiet dignity Lhcrt reflects cký- timeless flair for flawless automobile crrzftsmnazship. jF SABBFI//flCTkFlFCTflI 225 AT YUR DICK EA LR~S OW IIIOA '-î2LE SABRE 2 iOp?>,tnaI al etr t £,O M.~é28 A GINEAL MOTwhiteW W/seall/ Wea opIiondi de extradcost ROBSON MOTOR.S LIMITED 166 KING ST. E. PHONES: MA 3-3321- MA 3-3322 :ries GOHEENIS HANDY STORE Grand Openîng AT NEW LOCATION 59 KING STREET, WEST Bowmanville SAT., SEPT. 3Oth FREE! Roses for the ladies M\,ANY SPECIAL ITEMS Corne and Pay Us a Visit! floîvers dlsplayed in large trusses. 1 IVEIGELIA - Iovely cup-Iike red flewe rs. à. ia --à Al 3 - Reg. $4.35 SPECIAL - ------- MIN J M rtl q 3 1 1 -..