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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1961, p. 15

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Mrq. Charleos flakr. Ca.n'P- bellf<,rd, NMr, ar; MriSa Cashs and b~s <e n~ ough, steur lud ,v. ors xith Mrs. L. C. Sodo'and Bob. Mr. and M--rs S S. \olo to Ppent Sunda. iti o Pfoi- mnefs sister ianri bohr n l3ucdd.Cobourg. a aenr u ]3éthesda annivr- r. iserlvliues Mur. and llM. Fr"d 5'i'p recently u istc vi(hMr. ancr Mrs. Frank Olliffr. Stoluffý villie. Mr,%. Frred A ni ;A i"- turneti hompo b r'noo aflo! di ELECTRIE-LTD. CONTRACTING REPAIRS REFRIGERATION MOTM - ç,.& [Ts - V- 8 ADIO - A PPI 1 A NCES LW 3-35 ONù:. L-E ~4 ¶ GROVE I vtlMasteri Ivan and ]Bifl IMillç, Mr. Harrv Milward spent à% tew dayq with their' sýpendiniz nparl.\. hrpp month'. aunt and uiicie. Mr. and Mrs. whher daughter and son-jo- Ed .Jennings. Campbellville. law'. Mu. and Mus. Clifford Mu,. Reg Robinson. Bow- Swallow. manville. spent Sunday with, Mi-. and Ms Cec-il Mils Mrs. Jim Geddess. and son Ralph. Mr. and Mr!r. Word has beerL received tiat, iW. H. Brown and son Da%-id Mrs. C. (Dr.) Hartman (neeý s peni the weekend ait Pres- Mable Cox). a former residentl qu'ile Point. of this nicighourhnod. lias pas-[ Mr. Richard MçLecsn left sed awý%av althte Bethany rest MWedilesda 'v for work al Selco home, after a long illness.! Exploration Co., Winnipeg. nlear Olds, Alberta. She wasý Mrs. Ro-il. Jars-îe hae hpo a si.ter or Mr. Fimer Cox andý s sîn~Mrs. Wilmot Prusýe, Mu. Kenneth Cox of Bow- Port Hope. manville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whilte Ccyininicon sorvicp will be istdrelativeq Pt Canning- held n,-xt Sunday, Oct. lat. r oui on Sundav. - Mr. and Mr.ýz Ted- White ivisite.d Mr._ and M. Jim Joint al Bellevulle on SundavY Congratulations to Mr. P. R. Stc%,ensý who obserx.ed his MDsfianne Rigrlow, who 89tlî hirthdav on Mondav:, last * eau won heu Provincial! Se)i 25th., hono)r for has-ing completed Mr, Rov Collirs-. Minden. twelve itis in 4-H Clubi VaZa weknd guest with hi.s work. is representing Durham! ý iýtru Mr.. linm Geddess. Couniytv Iis e on what is iMu . and Mus. Bort Sniowdotn known as the United Nation.- ani famnil v, Mu. and Mrs. Bob Tour . Along with 39 other Baruabril. Judy anic Davidclub members. she left on ws ro, ai l ce Lakt, on Stinda-. Sunda.v and wilI visit in Wil- Rev. and Mus. W. C. Smiith, liamsport. Pa., Washin g t o n. B3avfîeld, and Mr. anid Mus. 'Gettvsbuug and the Unveusity, Kriinv-thi Conurticr. Curt . auyvland. TheY will al, i'&crie Wednoesday o vcning din- est t the B3eltsville Experi- ueifr ieî with Mu. and Mrs, mental Station, The Empire H G. Freemnan. State Building, Radio Music Mus. Lv-n Coates. pRuaiîifoi. Hill andI the United <Na3tions ,iter e cousins. Mu-S. L. C' Euildng iii Ncew Youk. uturn- nnsdoand Bob. and Mu. nz home Septemnber 30th. aod 'Mis. H. G. Freern-in. Mus., T. J. Jackson sprîît Mu. and Mus. S. S. Moton. 'euldas sast wck visit- .winoîpaiiicd hs the fornei*ý ing witlî M. anid Mus. Rosa-ý s ister and hrothr-in-law. Mr ialn Whitb\v. ilii rus. WnIi. Munon. Bati Mu. andi Mis. Ceci I N'cGil., moue, sneii thuce da vs lat Toronto.-s'eue gucals wilh Mi. wseu ohtIein iii News and Mus.James MýcKiniiol York CitsN during the weekend. Mr. andI Musý. Cli ffoi-cl Ssal-, Mr. andI Mus. Glenn Weoi - lo% 'wrirStinda 'v sitors - ot and thpir ,on Rickv 'îer- si:îeu, Mus. Mel Deni rn o\ed tn Marmora on Wecl- 'roue' lo. M~suRat-hala ast cu TII! ~M~AflTM~ !TATT~MMq. ~OWMANVTLL!, ~TARIO PAON T17T!E~1 1962 OLDSMOBILE A dramatie îiew roofline, similar in apprarancr' ho Ihai, nt a convertible top, is a new design feature of the 1962 Oldsmohile 88 t\\o-dootu haudtops. Oirns- mobile also announces that oppn-end chassi.s lubrication fittitigs on Pts rrgular '62 models have been îeplaced wilh factouv-sr'alted iînits;. dau2lhtol-s Carl nd *qrcTarqtic- line, hase m-ovod liee rfOm St. CPthaui1c,ines o iiîhru litsband. \&7110 s-(ho ns manêtuer of thec Toronto-Do- mninon Bank. Thîe Uni led liîl uhi pros cleut the imiicfou t ho annieusus ersVue atYel- veuton i onStîolav enig Mi-S. -101111Pa nlfiers born fiomi Toronto (Jeneral Hospi- tal. ( leîii Wrizlii (') sIl a %V a. iieelay.s Pr fil (ho scekn l ih Mu. Mu.Suulieno'Wa.% and le sdMis . Milisol Xriglii. PONTYPOOL ral]sv Dus ersue rs'.el bield t aithe tohdClîsur li Sunday mounîng The nts of the service scas î i h% the(b childucn scho uuu]e hniii- selves iin thesîe or song, Nvith Mu.,. Clifford Fallus ii (ho ougaju. Fise boss dîid a fine *job of <odu !îg hc devotional period. Mur. Sonm- nIICuVille, StUdenIl n11i11i S ttCr1. -poke on1the sîhieut The Cli reh 1- rheie.- Thfli nnoul of P(ho laie Fd %card (Cain wa% Vrgeý il t ri l CI rd oui \cdîîe.,ulay foi ie Uilited iîurclî 'Flre;a in ou ves R iuiaudsnrond oct cri the serviur. Tii eae s 'alln n ocu f (lie Oi-- 0oge Orlerr. dece-asert l n in honi. 1fe nierober of Betll- us, ti O,. 10'22. Iitrnent.1 ssa, iii Ponits pooî Cerneteus ' Toa (-( ha rve<t i Ilîg ih a s huei otrpleted svît h amiin-1 mni ] ,.: s fuo fuosi The onu sii f spuîds is stéirting ssnll a hi2 cuuop repouteut Onu1- illâri scas laugely ur- inresent(ui Pt Lndsa%- Fair mi Satuudça\- anc letir, inaî cellent ýa:r Memorial Hospital Weekly Report, Pnou (liF, w.rek Admlns as cu iils2 imialr of 1eteîî" Vîsitînig hliîius.'I- 4 pî An - to 8:30 p.1-. COMING SEPTEMBER 26th,1 THEALLNEW *,#r cOwFk A&P TEA Blue or Wlitte u12c 044 Deoli Robin Hood, Royal Deluxe CAKE MIXES Good Luck (3c Off De.l qR MARGARINE 1¶Poplrg 85C *qq, 4"v pr-%AVE ANEXTRA 44 ýAL) gieRf s~i eboc 7 5 "k I- r 9 -AvE 17« 3 9.c>i pi ý lb%, 2 63e Io-RAVE AN EXTRA 4" 2lHkgq59C "New Pack" Fancy Quotlity Poo. tini 29-SAVE 1M TOMATO JUICE 4489- im ~99C CASE OF 12 TINS P-97 - SAVE gle A r~otwReg. ti19 3oss AVE 17 CORNED BEEF 12-oz m 89( cAsI 6F 2 NS $IO.BI e.g- Av-r-$2.04 .4Corne See. .. Y ou'!! Save on Super-Right Meots rut A&P! SHOU LDERS b 35( 192OOMBL Thereýv , eOMETHING E XTR)A" This iq Oldsmnobile for 1962! Fashioned with flair... powered for driving exhilaration! Long . .. sleek . .. automotive st.yling at. ius heautiful hest 1 You relax in luxury-Iotitge ,intteriorcF fashioned in thp tooles and textures of modern living. You experience. the :3kuîhnriîaîivo power of Oldsmohile performnarc... the solid new "feel" of 4-S Hydra-Matic-- super-smooth, whisper quiet. The disiietivpnpu;,s of 1 he Super S8's beautifully visible ini tho, powerful hardiIop Holiday Sedan. roomy Celebrity Sedan, rakish HolidayCoup t ip Ilustrated ini foreground), and capaclous Fiestm Station Wagon. Four Super 88 model-and each one is spectacular! about Cowning aO£LDf! A nd you tingle with the knowledge that this is Oldsmobile in it@ finest form -bringing you the ultimate pleasures of motoring. From the first. exciting moment Chat you park it ini the drivpway. you're aware thai. there's '5something extra" about owning a-t Oldsmobile for '62 ... perfection styled in the magni.ficence that only' Oldq could qtte.rpt- nnly Oldsi <uld ahe~ A General Motors Value 'rhe practicality of the Dynamic 88'a;:; yours to enjoy in the sty lish Celebrity Sedan (illustrated in background), sporty Holiday Coupe. fashion-rich Holiday Sedan, zesty Convertible and the 2 or 3-seat Fiesta Station WRIznn. CHICKEN F.ncy a, t CHICKEN LIVERS frr'ps1m. Lanu MINCED BEEF Alit. zc" . '1mc4, SIDE BACON WIENERS PORK SAUSAGE RING BOLOGNA lSeu S.aid COD PORTIONS BASS FILLETS nb 39c ~l,~79( Mea 1 Ot Gà s'*" m!~£ emr ',A e"o*Pu. It" ~ ,SuA per* CHICKEN WINGS n'29c 39c REGt.~ PRCE419C SAV~ E ITok 1 YV~ -~zjAT THPI LOw pC LIMON ROLL -ag E Jam ,&. each 29C C#NNAM~ON ROLLS nc»k'$-AE%,~ BREAD n".oWoo Pgo83 24-oz 1~~35c The luxur 'v of tho Niney1igt. .ieoveryv finpsat ldsmobi-les. Your fiusi. glance tells 'you Cthe vre. t.op of the line. Perfection that's magn-ifi- rently apparent.i in the ,slek Holiday Sports Sedan illustrated). ttip eleganlt Town Sp<-an, sport -roofed Holiday Sports Coupe, glamorou8 1Ho1iday Sedan and fun-loving Con vortiblp Coupe. Plus the spaxklinpg, spirited Stirfiro-anl Oldsmobile original-avalbei ovriî and Hlidlay Coupe,.albei ovril :9, Eae From DaBhsng CutiamaSporte Convertible I illustrated> to thrifty Club Coupe there axe nine Fun-to"-drive F-85m ... ail trim, terrific ... every inch an Oldanobilet Long on Looks m GetonGom! ROYW. BOWMANVTLLE Phone MA 3-3353 NiCHOLS COURTICE Phone MA 3.3922 OSHAWA'" Phono 728-6206 Manvers %V. A.hld iherr mnoiit1llv neeitng al i tubornie of W\us .1. Pa-,tne on Thirý daY evcniig. Mr. Robt. lalloiran 1,a;ur- turned fuorna hbol ,dav ss i friends 'ri MoiiiuraI. Mu.Charles MçNril hpa- spent a tsvo-\weck Iholidav %with houson-, Lronard anc -Jack. ,She alsço attctidieri the ou din n~of lheu son t uod mt. Chiau-les Beaunii o- hItrned homo -froîru Cisuvic ;ý- pilaIa lou rran attack of pneur Montia. Mr. 'LusBilars' cns'euî ng fuoniahr fiVîe maniv fruentidr s'sh ii ht s;pped.\,rrcns-er *v Mu. Es'erett iiVilssti ln Suninybuook H{ospital. \'0 ;undieustand lit will utidego an) operat io i in thp rnear future Rerese aidMucoi Buovni areF o.nîoving j ceeAsvara- Mu.-. limirrif flî aiVsrtMi. l'titiWilanisr!) a:n" a bl- ýo ho A rotiiulaa itii afi- er hiu çumnfini c- oI1uVonîws st1 Mu. Plid M us FreImlai lc tif Oroîuo weue Siida" s îstInr w'itVi hO Paoe 2LBS. 29c VALENCIA ORANGES S-0ý cefl- Ob@6 9 C vie#+ ei>r Gîmar4Contr firor Y0Gir loi l nari- .fqiq ,gurmt.Jutt rrivod fret" HnIlIod, bull,, 411 vorietia.u). W. iito hndi. Vicoro, gras seed .i"d pent mots. &te-. FRESH LEAN SHANKLESS PORK (UTS ~LEGS, TU4UGHS l CUTS BREASTS li TEr C-À-NAD" STATF,91ý", 01;TAIqIO - PAGIR IF 11, M SPECIALS for Mosport Festival of Values THURS.. IRI., SAT.. SEPT. 28. 29, 30 -ý FREE GIFT - lwith eaçb Purcbase of $5.001 or over 1 BoUlet ANDREW'S SUPERIOR POLISH (for cars, furnîture, etc.> STURGEON'S WHITE HOUSE PAINT Worth $5.10- , o A REA~L RARGAIN AT $ 3 4 gal. ROLLER MOATER & TRAY only 8 9C per set NYOLITE PLASTIC MAGIC lor Tile, Linoletim, or Wood Floor% ReZularly $1.95 qt. SPECIAL$ .5 fo 01l 'UHESE PRICES FOR 3 DAYS ONLY Also Many Other Good Vle RegularI: ini Wallpaper% and Paint ABERNETHY'S Point and Wallpaper 3.1 King'i. %V. NIA 3.5431

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