WELDM'ZWAY, SEPT. 27th. MIR S-17 bPb4 c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAME N Tm.îw'Vv?, the group in charge of ted-tpebig Whr ow votional service openedWtseeThri!eUw as tthe reading of a poem.Th cJî4 liewca de nc/ pencent soripture lesson was re (LSS FI D ,D J e lwcste qnepnceMrs. R. B. Riekard aiidMs ewloe w Cominq Events ComingEvents Auction.Sale Auction Sales Gordon Agnew, Editor Phonie 3621 of i the e usin ortionMs odn eladM LbrlNmnto etn, yoeDne ilsat3 ate oan is80SERIFF'S SALE 0F LAND o the peietMs I Newcastle Hall, Thursday. Saturday, October 14 in the hens, quantity of baled hav andEectiNDissued oU ofte September 28th. 8 pro. 38-2 hall and will continue everystraw. 1,000 bu,. gain prp- u preme Court ouOtaro eg icsinwt eadt h etn eer n h ,.o greinthrough theeseasonrertf ofnCarrostE.CGan.rLott1r,-WAlain- Hear Paul Martin. Q.C., P.C., .o with Clar N e ssMuiCon. 6 ofCharles E. Gil%. Loth4,me directed, against the GoodsW A Deeg ts] A e- pn s A t er 'Ctoue n th Stoe pnd tesre eot ir. \.. ecsleHlRpm,it lara ebt« ui-'o,6 lre 32mlsnrand Chattels and Lands and I*'r ober inoth- ern eol M.. NwatleHall,8-2 : akrs 39î1East of Orono, on Wednesdav, Tenemeînts of ROBERT hAN- room.BooAhtenre lane oio vsmaeta teb S~~~tember onlicin dates. Be-'October 4th. Sale at 1:30 COCK CALE, Defendant. at takten iAi o e bkn oc and forth nxvsid etrfcot Please reserve Novembcr 8 fore setting the day for 3,ouro'clock. Terms cash.* [cd the suit of JUEIN PEARL M ao. t r ti n isdpgtig for Zion <Hope Township) W-k dance or bLazaar. Check with Jackson, auctiuneer. 3.2: CALE. Plaintiff, 1 lavesied Deanery a or uSecilting.es Na A.ternoon.l'Ca and Bazaar the Chamiber of Commerce to -and taken in exection, pur-Spewaitle:- Terest w as takennd ness for the:11etheiNerncludcdL et3pm--39-1 sec if the date is open. Phone IVEEFKLX'suiant to the Plaintifsjd-N %,ate- ib e r s ofStoe wial re-o s ItGe Aub-!ae sto d shopsrie wiut an tebNe cfeelub o-pan o hetr1y pc Rumnmage Sale and Coffee MA 3-5031. ?8-3 SLSmu o' lrov eîtered licete- emkon Tusa onn r-.tesl fRlihP II~~IIIII<against the ýwithiiu lands, pur-te Evening Branch of Ssenthusmring pr nirl e o- their IGA Food Market, La-:tesl tRleg rdcs Party, Trinitv United Church. Canadian Old Tvmre Callers' jLSOK A E "" 0"aiULJ±' ei Ms . r os a st Io tef 1wJuiiatofreAct. Getoire's Prih Hallifraept o ofr adcne-dies' Readv-to-Wear and Men's ..I.Js vsito hespe.as ohv hl Frence tet*b its custf omrs witd it and Bys1Rad-'-We.duced bx' Mrs. QuinneN.M'.vsbitaoetecpor~ &.m. until sold ont. -19-2 Sept. 29, 9 - 12 p.m., Port Hope Orono - Every Thurs., î:30 v.m. being R.S.O.. A.D. 1960, Chap- r*egular meeting on September lne S Rase nda-co-soes ilu der ueootand Joseprete pîueso St. John's Evcning xv... High School Auditorium. Fit- Horses. Cattie. Swine. Calves ter 197, aIl the righit tîtle, in- h wt igte mmesditioning. with the re-epening of the Erp ae uýghrtp rga vssn r o Rumag Slecf oo uedteen callers. Toronto orchestra. etc. For truck pickup Phone terest, and equit\ fied np attendance. clothing in the Parish 1Hal l. Admission $1.00. 37-3* *rno 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of tion of ROBERT HANCOCK The president, Mrs. D. R. The store bas been under- elre n mrvdIAOErp hssme.Sces o h uuo al Friday, October 1.3th. from 9:30 Old Time and Modemi Dane- sale. J. A. Reid& Son, Sales CALE defendant, in and to: Dewdne ' , opened the meeting going athe ast conulteatiWear Food are the eadto- A t:anMsty lunwsrve ...OhwaPcbtr to 4. 39.1* ing, Saturdav, October 14th at Managers. 38-tf (a) ALL AND SINGULAR with the Lord's Prayer, the months while the apartment fuIllinhe of fail and winterised the appreciationofheOtlthA tefthjk TrpeLn rwwl aeby Ladies' Sottball. Music bvyr __________n ndbe ____frece rs Dw- o te oel vei Toil in rw w n tkèJim Fisher. Admission $10, The undersigned atîctioncer Premises stae YO ri e rse o pae r.Dw-removed enlarging the store ___ o h oeyeeigpo cuîufrpat n ad Maeinfonynt. ortoern per person. Everyone \velcome.ill seil by public auction the ing in the Town of Bowman- ney also announced that Cep- space. The store was closed v id ed.sett crothocainf fil odyngt coe2 39-3Ifarm implements and cattle ville, ini theCut c iu-îe fterhiho' onfor three days at the begin- I hi tt wdiganvr nt 8 o'clock. 39-1 f__or Chester MeGrath, Lot 23, haul. and being comiposed cfiPrayer will shortl.y be cva "i- go hewe n re Friendshp a, rto owsi LtN.lralefrth sIo l A ning f heoek Prenatal Education Classes- Con. 3, Darlington Township. partc onhpLtNmbralto hos e hAgi T ( Olde Tyme Dancing, Satur-,The Fali series cf Prenatal Ii miles north cf No. 2 High- Il in the Second Concession of' caus. presearra newf 001 space IL i LAJJMUS Tenetn a iL day, September 30th, Cold-;Classes will start at the Health way on Grave! Pit Road, ou the oo.si f Darliiîgton,! The minutes et the lastPrsepatraon apeaa Clu Plans wt h yn hrhi i springs Hall. Jiro Fisher and nfieoieryS.NauraOtbr7,8ha f0Ww ,ithin the limits cf the meeting were read and adc>pt-,t5paros.Th(, nonthlý nmeetn fWldod n teMza Orchestra. Dancing starts shrjýnvIe at 2 pro. Thurs- cattie, 40 heus, 6 gecse. No. :10 Town of Bowmuinvihle, 'ed with ameîîdmeuts, and n'The elre tîe.\hc tr Cadmus W.A. and W.MSutBedcio.1wprgrn cne :0 . E\croe e- day, October 5, 1961. For Cockshutt tractor. like new, 3- SUBJECT to anl casemient' îreasurer's report was given. has been aIl re-decorated, i0 ~Unr Itehm fMsamscuitdo in utb _________ - -further information telephone furrow pleugh, new rubber reserved te the Rowland MossiA letter xvas received froro the la 0te trfîeae Milton and James GiayoLidadBrnGryared Corne te Shaw's Auuual Northumberland - Du rham tire wagon and rack, fertilizeriCale Estate, their successors1W. A. Beard givinig informa- ment ceunter and a 24-footý Tuesdav cvening. Sept. 9h n vM'.L als oa Mvarket on Sept. 30 at Kurv<ýHealth Unit. MA 3-5661. 39-1 drill, 600 balles of hay, 400 ba]es land assigus, for tlic purposel tien for the vear. A thank- produce counter and air cou- Newcastle:- The fiî'st fallThe meeting openedb'aidutbMeamsK ai en.Gtyu ekn upy--o t staw. For complete list cf installing, ilnaintainiug, re-yeou card for flowers receve dition ing bas been inistal ledieetiu.g of the Fî'iendshipisîgîgteteesu o-'ae îa.adaraîgh qnn. Grehutur weged supl iknSho-heGo-see bis. Terms cash. Saleýpairing, diggiug up and re- was rcceived fî'om Myrtie frxhevas h f lseiso-, ld lofthe SUnday sehopedeut, Maes. . Seet h a odce vM'. home baking. preserves and! erRoatunCubw 1hî o'clock. ChifPtik,lplacing a septic tank and Harris. es achieken shoot on Saturday, a During the past few veaî's1rooml on Wednesday eveuiîîghyi WaaFred eclsAlolvuchase'- candy. 394Septembner.39r ______________________mn"Wlata Fie auctioneer.30 191,39-2p.mweepiug 11eediiî thei'ar- Mrs. De îey m aeingou e Tomns & Sons Ltd. have 'been with tlîirty umembers and sev- have in .Jesus- was siu f db'Ms .Ga~adhm Woodview Commnnty Centre! o ehdon the farm eto-,- romlanduontapartcf eDanrletngwl edoiiîg considerable te improvelcI'al guests in atteudance. ter~ which Mi's. Meltonc-'uadasoilter- -ose Big.TenyBert Quinney, R.R. 4,Bow- Prtha esclamîdsas follows: allel nBigtno Wde-the shopping section of the Mrs. H. Quinney, leader 0' vened thl r c etc raIteovdh i gamnes-twenty dollars; fîveimanville (north of Providence _____________ daY, September 27th. A char -_______________ gamnes-thirty dollars; $1501School). Come eut and have IIYGENLO supplies - (Rubber'nCMENIGatapin eedbswi'pc up pas-' jackpo, andtwo jckpoteaEasterlyime.iul it omf. aids)senged psspfroin plinmainvieheteOSHAWAt ofOOD ePRODUCTS BomOnHAWA, OHAWA OODODUCTST $250.t, ad toaosa ood time. Ah welcom8-2 e god)maîloe pothpdin plin .Lot 11, distant Southerly there -' Orono aîîd Newcastle. The OHW $250 Dee prîes cxt 2"seak enelop ~vth pîcelin 8201 feet fmom the North- main speaker will be Canon Monday, 8 p.mro Red Barn. Bowmanville Hîgh Sehool Six samples 25c, 24 samples E anlofsdlt;GyMrhlofheSan Oshawa. 46-t! 'Track and Field. Corne and $1.00. Mail Order Dept T-28,1 stagecfsilo;GyarhlofheSans watch the boys and girls of Nov.-Rubber Ce. Box 91 :,TIIENCE North, 16 degrees'Mission. Mrs. Ken Stephen- the High Sehool in the varjous Hamilton. Ont. I 59 Wcst. in and aloug said East<ýsou and Mrs. Ted Belsey will track and field events at the cri.), imit cf Lot, a distance cf' represent the Brauch, Possibly 17 feet, with the addition of two ether annual mcct te be hcld onb f O(WN October Il at the I4igh School THENCE Southî, 73 degrecs memberg ________________ a re invited. No admission T111'i2 fectI cilapalfrteRc o YO Rcharge. 39-2,S T VIJTHENCE Sotilli, 16 degresmeand th al thler esprns Don't forget Court Ventue ast, a distance of 60 fret':ad ht h objective is il OWN [,. 18-92 C-anadiamn--Order cf B re__np HNE ot, 3crCS sîh«Further Plans we'P esterstoth Pin s om ,re routine business waso urday, Septembere 3th, 1961,ý NEW LOCATION ilfetetePitfCm-doue befoî'e the meetiung Con-. BUSINESS 2:30 pr..at Lions Communityi ommcn nencemenii. clnded with rcfreshments. Centre. Ira roo, home bak-' omecn (Lands on West. sidr, of Lih- LU ng, candy, children's beoths, lerty Street North, imn Bowmaî- The îîext regular meeting cfPlnt IN aron an may oherintr-ýMon., ct 2 !ville, romprising apprcximau'-ithe Branch will be held oui estîng items. Plan te attend ýly fifty acres, as dcscribcd in October 4th. tho brigaficn. 19-h ImmEDIATELY Instrument No. 5968, Bowmaîi-. - np t BOWMANVILLEand bin __fied __ -WEST 0F ville) Found STANLEY'S CAI'E (b) Pa 1ccIinli Damlingtou in no mdm hm sa Foras________as_$6500____ Township comprising Approx- LonIE l O I~~~'or~ îslti a 60 HEREFORD and Durham steer. _____________ mateîy .50 acresI tnonapoialconDave MeReehis, R.R. 2, New- ( j ta on poftaleconcastle. 39-1 "orQaiy as ALL and Singular hia t c<'me- iaveio u a , 'i ipeae - ;"o ult as tami parcel or tract, cf lanîd and r:Jgu A !BLACK kitten, well-behav- and Service" preîîiscs situate, lying and be-,N ed, fricndly. Anyene may ig lIhe South one-haîf of fic c Nwcastle: The bi-rnemth-1SBDVSO have by calliug MA 3-5445.-SE - East nue-hlaItof Lot Nuri ]y dirîner meeting of the Lions bet t.SBomnil 39~l,~7 i the Fonut Concession o( Club was held n the Elmr-, ~~i i U ~Wr W ne V~ b I 'ouVlîni'ly a Forced!1ng w îth twenty-thece mem- P OD CTSLT. re tuathoes n bpane k io 1 âRoad, and conî'aitiimîg 5(0 acresi bers amîd tive guests ini attei- e HETIG PuiMOTOi dmreo s, dance and President Carl [-ibeautSLT. refullydina Eavestroughîng. Cal o ýM T Gould, D ANI)EXCEPTIN BRaICK, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf t S L S Aic cutANcI)tem'Emo aGoudprsdig sub-division, where yau will find: Ileatinadgeefon a Lion Perey Hare, chairman ~NHA PR V D LT BRCMason and Cencrete - LIMITED - Fn ced Road running diagon- et the Eye Conservation Coro- *NHA.AoO DL T work, Chimucys, etc. L. Turn- aimc's u bv eci-oittee, reported the annual e.Temperary residenc ErlMeucn, d, lanîds. icamvass foi' funds for the Ca- pw A IA Y A D TR' ENR .K EE ET E ce M -65u3tf 29KN T . ntepoetvi adt i adian National Institute for *SNTR N T R E E KLE ILNI PeneMA3505 audre 29 INGST E te arpi s ad ethe Bind was bein'g conduCt,- c Maaei pr ii.EXPERT carpentry and re*BW AVLE Soaebr. c yteBwavlea PAVED ROAD TO BE COMPLETE Mangein pae tme pairs; exterier and interier BWAVI! to'g bri West Durhîam Advisorv Com-~ Choice location avial.'anig concrete xvork and' Authorized Dealer for All of which said rigît. title, ' cte on October l6tih, andma choefomte o esnw udr osrcin ... roofing. Free estimates. TeIe-ý MG SPORTS CARS interest amîd equits' of redmakedmithecu ise oYou a choefrmte o esnwud o NÔW! ipline MA 3em52- a18ed,,if the oclubewishcROBte NÔw! phne MA 327M2.RIS8-- RA31BLER toic h si OEIsponsor the canvass lu New-tab MORRIS H~~~IANCOCK CALE, defemîdamît, casîtle anîd Orono. Aftcr somne - ac ho eicaeuypaneradyietfabew hte e th Fat!Herman Van De Beli!, MA 33356 inthe saidlad 'and tene- discussion a motion was pass-c o ei arflypandtob edl d i ýmiit, 1shal ofer or alecd committiug the club te Complete details includinGENBricA Loc CONTRcTr COMING SOON! by public auction at my office, sponsorghip of the drive in m occupant's tastes and preferences. BrIc - loc - oncetein thle Court House, Ceunty Newcastle and Oreno on Oc- planning, financing and and Carpentry Before yen buy be sure te iAdministration Buildinîg, Ce- lober l6thî.Yonaycoefroounneou promoton are availal NEW WORK and REPAIRS see and test drive the New 'bourg, ou Monday, Oct ober onaycosfoiounreos a HNECble,2 HMPO Rambier for '62 . . . te be 12nd, 1961, at 2:30 o'clock il Lien KKe Stephensomn ce- buepas---orw ilass o .IHNCO328,HM T heRmle savial i aedabobuouhse1ta u CnrlDuhr Fi n planing, and hil fronisyour with no obligation. Write , N A f on display here October 11. tue' aftejimoon. ported ou the bingo conductedinpaigndbl( fo yu ,%vre r al]BULLD ZIN A D! hre dffeen sies. .- Iayof un 191.al, Orono, which ýhe said wouid plans. wire ~~E C A A T N orJOHN3L L D he dfeet szs - dy c Iu W 6. O ES e i ust abut brea~k even. He E X C A v A T I N G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the one compact car that JONWBOEhrff sadtîthemviefopiesCn ct shw \oo IAILIf 'V ev John Deere Equlpment ha.betsedadpvn UmicCotesf lad net yct been adjusted butCotc Osa aW d K U INfor many yeas! N rtluui crla d aîd D rha î. ie figired when this was:, P raducts Ltd. or aur exclus- Robert -t38n2 doue the club might have a cii SALESRoer Slon Mosport Specials CA:,Watdcouple of dollars for their two E-- ive agent in Bawmanville, Phone Biackstock 104R Collect For hîs Wekend____ davs' operaticil of the booth .PeerKwaIRawEtae Sut 0129-20 Fo.ThsWend CNE in _ good coniditmom.Illie members enjoyed an il- Pee o a Ra sae 188 University Avenue SVE- Y TMdgt Phn A -96. 31lustrated travelogue present- SAV MOEY T 1 ýcd by Liemn Percy and Mrs O Mo Toronto, Ontario Dv' So eai e ostao IGHEST pmices paid for dcad iHare cf ter w moth'tor~tgages Arranged -Easy MonthyP y e t Telephne: EM1-5828amd cmippled farm stock; pick- et Eurepe this summer. Lion Storoe M -82 ae'Hs: 8 a.m. e 6p.m Gleaming black with cd up promptly. IclephonelPer, rey pretdmayfn __ KRAFT DINNER a pks. $1. sucAIR only 83c lb. KAN LUNCHEON MEAT 2 tins 79c- EXTRA LEAN RAM14BUB G 3 lbs. 99c HOME-NMADE PGRK SAUSAGE Siny 49c a lb. ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS. REPAIRS and REWINDING tei al your Electricai Equipment, Sales & Service NIA 3-3058 43 Thîrd St. Bowmanville _______19-tf Whife washing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Sepiic Tanks BERT TOMPKJNS NEWTONVILT.E Phone Clarke 4721 _______24-t! I4OUÏTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHES - DRAINS FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC TANKS DUG AND BACKFILLED Ivan Mounijoy BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 4 25-tf 5L3KLYNVVK nsoKIu Ask the man whlo's cnjoy îng Ille quiet, carcfrec comfort of completcly autaînatic gas hicating. IIe'l1 tell you therc*s nothîng like it for rea! luxury-and f'or real cconorny too. Ask your ncighbour-and thcn install modern gas hcating right away. i REPLACE WITH A NEW FURNACE Il a ncw i urndu.e is rcquircd Jidil a maodcrn, law-cc'st -as furnace. IEASY TERms $ 4 No Dewn A WEEK Payment -OnlY3 onyour gas bill CONVERT Y@UR PRESENT FURNACE Replace aur %N arn oi hurer mwt ati incxpensi've, easy-to-install Conv ersion Btîrncr. RENT ___MONTHL for only3Won your ' gas bill For Complet e Information Cati cS onsineirs" ,I as ZENITH 1700 (No Toli Charge) 6cvi. automnatir, cimtouî radie, windshie!d wýashcr.s. et c $2595 1959 Ford 2-Dr. Two-teue paint. Onp owuee. Exceptiomîal gond condition. $1475 1958 Chev. 4-Dr. 6 cyl. automnatie, custom radie, etc. Localiy owned. Like new. $1575 AHl above Cars have been thereughly clîecked throughi eue shop sud carry a 3(-day full guarantee. Our Sheli Service Station wlll bc open for business ln the very near future . :t; Drop in and pay us a visit CONTA CT: Earl MeQucen Weldon Browi'n Bud Fogg .Iim Cronibie Jack Rickard Sales Àll