- s . -. ~-.,-' -> s - .4. W - , -c.,. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATES1MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WÇýEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1961 The 1962 Plymnouth passenger cars from ChrysIer Plymauths also is cnhanced by a reduction i cf Canada feature a clean, crisp design that is the wheclbase to 116 inches, although there is zmew from the attractive grille treatment (o the no appreciable reduction in passenger space. awcpline xzeu ock The design of this stries of Pictured is the Plymouth Fui-y two.door hardtop. WHAT -IS A PASSENGER CAR MADE 0F? Mise. eOPPEPI, 4.4% BRONZE, ALL BRAS Nt LEAD PLASTIC 2.3%Ira 2.1 0.9% 0.%" Steel stil is the major materiatla the modern passenger car, accounting for almost two-thirds of its weight. The percentages of the inaterials RUSSDER 5.6 % uscd in this typical passenger car, a 1962 Plymouth club sedan, are showa in the drawîng above. school Section ; J. G. Baldwin' tween the bridge and the Bar- I& Son i-e fuel supplies; At to- 1 ber shop, one light in fite area M anve s Cou ncil y-Geceral. Dcpt. re rcquc'st- of the Townshi~p Hall and one ectcd as Jurors: aletrai- Chureh. Carried. 'lbe rguJai- monthly rneet- lions5 were rceeivcd and read: îting relief; and several ac-' On motion of MeMaster and inc of the Municipal Counicil Dept. of Public Welfare grant counts,.; Payne, the Clerk was instruet- of the Township of Marvers ' in the an-ounit of $90784 ina 'Mr. '1'Ns. Wa ites appr&acli-1 cd ta contact Mvagistrate R. B. ,was held an Sept. 5th, with ail connection with the Child-icd the Counicil in connection Baxter at Port Hope ta seek inembers presenit and Reeve rcn's Aid Society; Magistrateiwith the purliase of piine direction in connection with Riobert Brown presided. R. B. Baxter re Manvers share trees on road. Reeve Browiv an indigent Nursing Home TheN minutes of the August af fines for the month of Julvjinformed Mr. Waitcs that the problem; the Clerk tai be em- meceting were liead and ap- 1961; G. F. Weatheral], D.P.H-.!ii-atter of selling the trees ri powered ta take whatever ac- proved on motion of Payne re culvert for private drain in 'question hlaci been dealt witN Lion is neccssary ta salve the end Fallis. Carried. Pontypool; Dcpt. of Highwavs on a prcvious occasion and problem. Carried. The follawing comimunica- re sale of land Ln S. S. No. 4, the Counicil had decided ta ual Moved by Jakeman, second- _____________________________________________ sel] the trees undcr conisid-ied by MeMaster, thaï; applica- eration. tiein bc made ta the Dept. of THIS IS VOUR INVITATION TO ATTEND Moved hy MeMaster, se- ighways for the intcrim onde NyFalis, hattheRoad subsidy. Cariled. hy alls, hatthe Moved by Payne, seconded: t.actcd to cecet sigos on flic by Fallis, that fia nw road' O ffi a i p eni g aproahesto Bthay, sttig cnstruction or major main- pproachpsrBtthance work be taken on un- of a speed limit, of 25 miesprjti the present jobs under- ofhour. Carried. i- oddta ken have been eompleted. Moved hy Payne, seçoddCrid COUR ICE HIG SC OOL by McMaster, thiat lie Reev, dared.b CO M M E IGH S HOOL ounicillars MeMaster a ri ci 1Maved hv McMaster, sec- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1961 Fallis be a committee ta visit 'onde yF is, that Mr. Har- the Dept. of l-ghways at Port i-, Joncs be given the exclu- nt 800 an.Hope, ta seek assistance rm sive salvage privileges in te frrntîrce Township dunips11 at 8:00 ~i the Dept. in connection with 1conieato1fMr oe Guest Speaker: the Richardson drain in Pon-'osdrtnofM.Je, t.ypooi. Carried. ýacting as carelaker of te saidý HONOURABLE J. P. ROBARTS Movcd bv McMaster, ,,',unps, looking after the burn- Minister of Educatlon onded by . Paync, tîtat for igcf garbage, etc. Mr. Jones EVERONE ELCO E -ncw street ligNîs be inst.alleci to have privilege of erecting! - mnBethny vlWagCna31E signis in saici dumps announc-1 ________________________________ toliîtsin thhn Vlae, ae bcing his exclusive saivage fran-1 ____ ch ise. Carried. Moved by Fallis, seconded! by Jakeman, that the follow-i ,ing accounits be "paid: Road' Voucher No. 17, 'à month pay- roll $286.35; Road Voueher No., 18, general accounts $5,182.76,1 fred Johnston, on Asscssor's sa]. $30000; Jean C o u1it er, sheep dlaim $54.00; Biewett HEPCHall hydro $28; TO ELECT A CANDIDATE TO REPRESENT EP.,blsP TDRHAM IN H E TF D R LE E TO i oPontypool Fire Areai IN THE NEXT F DERAL1LECT1; Treas. S. S. No. 9, sehool ntoney $1000.00; Treas.1 1$1000.00; Treas. S. S. No. 4,ý T H U .S.school money $1000.00; E. SEPT 28Lamb, stantps for Assessor $40.011: R. Davidson, on sal.,ý 8:00 P.M .1 Movcd by Payne, seconded by McMaster, that te mccl-: iiig adjourn until October 3rd,i NEW CAS LE HAL1961, nt, 1:30 P.m. D.S.T. vv, vv vNvvv n Urono Drivers' Show the Way, At Fail Fairs Orono horsemen have been W; active rceently at area tracks with some success. At the Port Hlope Fair, Gerald Robinson with his horse Bracelet took a second . and third in the two heats of racing. Jack Reid with Lee McDuff was also in the moniey at the fair in his elass. *In the Road race depart- ment Bill Reid ran up first along with two other triumphs iin racing. He raced Dave, Frisco and King Nibble. These two horses also netted Mr.! Reid three firsts and two sec- onds at the Warkworth fair recen.tly. Dr. R. J. Taggart raced with Queen Attorney at Lakefaeld ý20 taking a fourth placing. -Times. fflL;~ look at Plymouth now.. alive iLh newîdeas Alive! That's Plymîouth. lPlyinoutlî with the Forward Flair Design, the graceful stance, the vibrant fine. Wide awake with new ideas. Alert, vivacious. Style-setter for years tn conic! New! Frcsh! Crisp! Alivc! Brirnming with dash aiid \'igour, impatient to prove itself against ail corners. l)csigned Io set the pace, create the standard, lead the field. Alive! That's Plymouth. I'our kind of Plymouth. iailing for y'ou now at your nearby Plymouth dealer's. 962 PLYM NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR LOCAL PLYMOUTH DEALERSi PALMER MOTOR SALES KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE r d s;. ,~ j PAUL MARTIN Q. C.. P C., M. P. -former Minister of National Heaith and Welf are - Also - ROYCE FRITH President of Ontario Liberai Association EVERYONE WELCOME Free Bus Leaves Bowmanvilie Hotel at 7:30 o'ciock GOD SAVE THE QULEN PLYA4UUN URY FOUR-D00R HARDO-rp MA 3-58U N published through the press taý We respectfully ask a4 O ron Lad ensZ IO Ninform those who are interest- person who may be disappoint- ed and may flot attend churchied or dissatisfied in any way (oo late for last xveek) Ms McCullough, seconded by services as many of the con-lo consuit aur Minister, Rev. Stanley Jones "We fully expect!tributors are outside the Wel- R. M. Freeman or Mrs. Mc- Receive Life A meetng ofthe local to be able ta assist the locaÉcome Circuit. We deeply re-cîog~te eAes.n tAerbersh'Ins in Zion Church basement 0o n ~Jan., 1966". Carried. 't was!and statements i, ýc oudwiî e esur olved taem Sept. 2nd when it xvas deeided aged by ail that the congre-, ation have bee fotsnc lt aifaction. Under Di- l'ie Septen-ber meeting of to ho]d a clean .up bee this gtian es infbearmed tat e tisprjetw md pblc vine guidance this cammittee the Womans Association Of month and at a date set later asitnet wilcl e av ie far We wauld like ta make it will carry an and wilI do their Orana United Church met on for burning anv ras 1ec. n Jan., 1966. Iclear. while there is na cannec- utmost ta have fund safe.. Thursdav afternoon, Sept. 14,gaset.i tion between the twa cammit- guarded and the interest ad- in he undv Shoo auito~tbt my b let aterthebee It was also agreed that an tees, there is perfect harmony rinistered in the safest an& ium wth agod attendance. held on Sept. 2:3. It Nwas de- account of this meeting be and cooperation. best way. Mms H. Allen, President, cided the money now in theý local fund be used in the next _____________________________________________ was in the chair and opened four years in four approxim- the meeting reading a poem, ate shares for current ex-' "Kind Words". and the Lord*s penditures, one share for each Prayer xvas repeated in un"- ertaihlolcncev son Hyn, .MyHop isbL tfund will be uised for upkeep tional message. The 1001h, Psalm xvas repeated inunisjon' While we hcartily congrat- folaowed bY an inispirational ulate aur local committee on reading hv Mrs. Long. Shetheir extraordinar 'v budgetingcordia1 y invite their ('losed the ,dev-otinnal bv read- we knoxv extra contributionscordiaiiy i ing a pocrn cntitled 'T7rees. would be very acceptable asi inersîn prt~ the budget will only provide m any f riends in Bow m anvilie A vn, ntrcsinz prtofabout $30) a year. Mrs. Me- the prograni was the presefl.ýcul]ouigh who has been treas- tation of Lit(.p1er ershipurer for local fund for several a d s r o n i g d s r c Pins [ the PrsdnMs ears, will tender her resigna-and surrounding district Allen and ta Mrs. Long. Mrs. iion at annual meeting in lrwîn, in well chosen words.Januarv, 1962, for the con-, laid of UNe faît.hful service tlvenience ot local committee, to'nsp the W. A. in the past yas.-0 no doubt, xiii tind it and how mueh their work hadimore convenient Ia have a heen apprcciatcd b.v the irnetn-Itreasurer who is a memrber of bers, She callcd on Mrs. Er- their committec. win Raincy ta present tlw'j A meeting of Ilir special her close association with Mrs. Churh Cemetery perpetual' Allen and Mrs. Long in thc care trust fund was held on AND work of the W. A. and said5Sept 16 at home of Mrs. Me- she feît honored to rnake th.~îougli. Ail members were presentation. ýpresent. A prayer for Divine Mrs. Allen and 'Mis. Long guidance was offered hy auri honor given them and in ap- M. Freeman. The minutes of DO DGE DA&RT preciation. Ihey would con- last meeting xvere read and tinue Io hcTp Io the best ofapproved. The Sec.-Treas gave, their abilitv. la full report of money invest-I O The correspondîng scuretary ,Cd and money on hand ta be- Mrs. Irwin, rcad Motcs 0f'nvcsted. Froni contributions thanks tram Mr. Les McGee recceived, promised and accrued, Mr-. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Mr",.Iinterest there will bc approx-1 Aima White, MiTs. H. DuivaÎl imately $1,622.00 by Sept. 1964 anot ofr.nk From ý,cth Park conhtbun s FR DAYpSEPT29t nt oMr. Fred Ir ett. als o n wit iefnstil openS E P. for Board for catcrimg. Thcrr was ain inlcrrsting and The tircasurer., Mis. Cornish ;cxtcnded discussion ofIN HEheR S O W O O reporteci tnet procccds of the wheilth intcrcst o h c N T E R S OR O Strawbcrr-. Supper $165.2:3, cumulated principal N'ill bc and a banli balane or $616.29l. used. Duriag the bîiiness session This was ro]lowcd by A pro-, Dealers for arrangements ie made Ia longed discussion on te pro-: cater Ioa;a dinnjer for a I)us,;portion1 ta be turned over at load of 46 rrom New Toronto that t ime and in the yearsý PLYMOUTH - DODGE - VALIANT - SIMCA Horticuitural Society on Sat- folnowing. An cmpliasis agreedý urday evcnýingZ, Septemaber 30, on by ail members of commit-i O G T U K and arrangements were made tee- was made plain that the'D GE T U K to caler to a wedding recep- interest on perpetual care fundl tion on October 71,h. be considercd as an assistanice The meeting closed with and by na means the tak ing 2 . A 358 ¶ymn '"Oh Master Let Me aover of the entire responsibility 2 igS.E A 358 WaIk with Thiee' and the of cerneteryr. Benedictioni. ~ie.Filal]y t waq moyetu h'yi___________________________________________ 6 1