THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAC11~ 'flTWWU witb bouffant skirt. Her el-1 hnui 1,ngth veil flowed ifrom a Pink and white gladioli lace bat enhanced with an or- formed a lovely background gandy rose, and she carried in St. James Presbyterîan pink roses. Church, Long Branch, Ont., on Mrs. Helen McNeil was mat- Saturday, September 9, 1961, ron of honor in peacock peau at 4 o'clock, when Myra Tait, de soie and matching jewei- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- led crown. Her flowers were ert Wilson Tait, New Toronto, cream daisy 'mums. became the bride of James Charles Arnold McNeil. The Best man was Mr. Leonard groom is the son of Mrs. Mary McNeil and Mr. Robert Tait McNeil, Pontypool, and the Jr., was the usher. late Charles McNeil. The reception was beld at Rey. F. G. Vesey officiated t he Grenadier Restaurant, and the wedding music was High Park, Toronto, wbere played by Mrs. A. Layton who the guests were received by aisoaccmpaied olost rs.the bride's mother in a bro- B.s aompne olitMs. caded gown of teal blue with B. Jnes matcbing accessories and pink Given in marrlage by her rose corsage. To assist, the father, the bride wore a par- groom's mother chose a blue chment white taffeta gown spruce dress with black fea- Mosport Specials FOR THE CAMERA FAN FILMS 127 -620 Reg. 60e Value SPECIAL - 3 ROLLS 2 FILMS 35 m.m. Kodachrome - Reg. $4.30 SPECIAL - - -------- -;ýDRUG SPECIALS BISMA REX, 16-oz. Reg. $2.98 --- BRONCHIAL SYRUP, 16-oz. Reg. $1.49 Now $1.98. Now 75c INSORB, 3-oz. Reg. $1.49 Now 2 for $1.49 LIN-A-SEPTIC LINIMENT, lO-oz. Reg. $1.59--------- -- ---Now 99e NOSE AND THROAT RELIEF, 2-oz. Reg. 95e-------------Now 69e WITCH HAZEL, 8-oz. Reg. 75c --_-_- . - ------ ------- Now 50c GER-RITE, 12-oz. Reg. $3.19 - -- - ---- --- - MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPS, 100ls R eg. $2.98 - ---------------------- ADRIENNE BUBBLE BATH Reg. $1.00----------- Now $2.50 Now $2.49 - Now 63e HAND LOTION, 4-oz. ----- Now 79c HAND LOTION, 8-oz. Now 99C 39 Kig St. W. thered bat and corsage of talisman roses. As the couple left on their honeymoon to Quebec City and points east, the bride was weasîng a spice colored dress with matching jacket and cho- colate brown accessories. They, wiil reside in Toronto. The bride, who is a gradu- ate of Shaw Business College,, is a secretary and is also a* C.G.I T. leader at St. James Presbyterian Church. The groom attended Janet ville Public and ContinuatÏion School, Lindsay Collegiatean Weller Secretarial College. H is a secretary with the Can-' adian National Raiiways, Tor- onto He also served four years on active service witb the Can- adian Army including overseas! duty. Van Der Meer - Glasbergin A very pretty wedding wa solemnîzed at the Rehobot Christian Reformed Chure in Bowmanviile on Saturda3 Sept. 23, 1961, when Corneli Rosalina Mettha Glasberger daugbter of Mr. and Mr! Frank Glasbergen of Yelvei ton was united in marriag to A'dke Van Der Mees, so: of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Va Der Meer of Newcastle. Bey. J. C. Verbrugge offic iated at the double ring cese mony, conducting the servie in English. The bride was lovely in hi all white bridai gown in fuil length chantilly lace and ne oves taffeta with crystal tian style beaddsess and cascadiri veil. The bside's bouquet wa of pink carnations and whit stephanotis and ber accessor ies were ahl in white. Ti only jewellery wosn' by ti bride were peari easrings an( necklace, a gift of the groor The matron of bonour an( 'bsidesmaids attending t h bride were Misses Barbai Coates and Edna Sikma whi wese similarly attired ii street-length dresses of cora taffeta with white accessorie and they wose jewellesy mat ching that of the bride, gift of the bride. They wore flow es bandeaux and net head dresses and carried bouquet of wvhite carnations. The littie flowes girl, a cou sin of the bride, Miss Margar et Glasbesgen, was sweet ir yellow taffeta, carrying mixed bouquet of carnations geraniums and agesatumn. The reception following th( cesemony was held in the Lei gion Hall, Bowmanvillc. ThE Auke Van Der Meers will re. side at the Murray Coateý farmn in Purpie Hill district upon returning fromn theii honeymnoon, wbere the groor is employed. Glenn Prout Installed as D.H.C.R. The Canadian Order of For. esters Eastern Provincial As. sembly was held in the Hote Quinte, Belleville, Septembei 22nd and 23rd. The following from Bow. manville were delegates at th( sessions: fromt Court Ventur( L1892, Mrs. Glenn Prout, Mrs Ray Westlake, Mrs. Roberi Marshall, Mrs. Edna Baker an Mrs. Carl Devitt; frorn Couri Bowmanville 964, Mr. Glenr Prout, Mr. Maurice StephenE and.Mr. Carl Schwarz. During the afternoon ses. sions Mr. Prout was installed as District Deputy Higb Chiel Ranger for District 23 by Higi Chief Ranger S. C. Berridge, Brantford. After the sessions a Ban- quet was beld in the Armour- ies followed by the installation of the Provincial Assembly Officers. Bowmanville offi- cers were Mrs. Edna Baker, Executive Member, Mrs. Car] iDevitt, Registrar, Mr. Glenn Prout, Conductor, and Mr, Carl Schwarz, Secretary-Trea- sures. The installation was con- ducted by Higb Chief Ranger S. C. Berridge, assisted by High Marshall Ted Drage. A~ successful dance concluded the Assembly. Las! Three Days! DURING FESTIVAL 0F VALUES - FRIDAY - SATURDAY OFF ras )th ,h y' rs. r- ge 011 an e ýet ,e id- e ra n ai t- ts .m. -i n ra es' MA 3-5463 Recently Married Picturer after their recent wedding in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Uxbsidge, Ont., are Ms. and Mss. Ronald Keith Biekie. Formerly Miss Margaret Carole Shier, the bride is the daughtes of Mr. and Mss. Ray Shier of Uxbridge and the bsidegroom is the son of Ms. and Mss. William Biekie of R.R. 4 Oshawa. The couple will live at R.R. 4 Oshawa. -Photo by Mel Paul Reports from was voted to Bowmanville IHospital. Roll caîl was ans- Iwesed by introducing a guest from Blackstock. The motto "Let not yous yearnings ex- ceed your earnings" was well given by Mss. B. Taylor, whicb included a poem by Ed- gar Guest. Mr. Bell, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Bowman- ville, was guest speaker. Mr. Bell spoke on the different ways of banking which proved most interesting to everyone. Mrs. Cecil Pascoe was pre- sented with a cup and saucer by Mrs. John Knox on bebaîf of the Institute for ber wosk in our Institute oves the past years. Mss. Lorne Thompson from Blackstock favoured with a much appreciated piano solo and also a solo. A tasty lunch served by the ladies of Gsoup 4 was much enjoyed by al.The Octobes meeting will be in charge of Group 5. Mss. Ross Cryder- man as leader and Mrs. Mur- ray Vice as convenes. NE WTON VILLE id ai Si SE cv: ta e~ Women's Institutes i it lt, KENDAL WV. 1. Europe. Mss. Jose shoiwed Hc ir sldes to illustrate bier int or-1 5Kendal W. 1. hel.d their tirst mali and friendly talk about tin n ali meeting Sept. 2th at the bier holiday. Among the pic- Hc home of Miss C. W. Stewart tures were Buckingham Pal- Si with President Mss. E. Cous- ace, Edinburgh Castie, scenes Ge eux in thle chair. The meeting et rural England and Scot- ] o.pened with the Ode followed land, the Eliffel Tower, Towe.r aw by the Mary Stewart Colleet. et Pisa, the cemetery whese -p Mirs. H. Foster read the min- Canadian soidiers are buried, arn- utes of the June meeting and and pretty scenes in Gesmany,1 our picn.ic meeting in Juiy. Italy and Spain. The party set The'soll caIli was answesed by enjoyed a 30 day bus trip in h riamin;g "MY favourite waY Of Europe, and the pictures and using cheese." talli showed how Mrs. Jose It was decid'ed te take up and ber husband and friendsM a carload as we did last year had enjoyed it ail. P ito thbe Area Convention being The roll eall was "The name Mr ýr beld in the Royal York, Tes- of an appae beginmnig witb onto, on Nov. 1, 2 and 3. The the samne letter es your name." tol Institute is sending away oid The meeting ciosed with tbe Mr ,e woollens or cottons te be beniediction, after which the Of -e made into blankets, etc. They hostess and ber gro-up served Sare te be in, along witli the lunch, and ail enjoyed them .. money for the article, by our social "get together" after the Wr d next meeting, Oct. 18, os lett summer's holiday froin meet- dei -t with Mss. Eddie Couttoux. ings. Miss I. Allen received Jar n The current event discus- the "lucky cup" prize. Wi sien touched on ma-ny items tar and included the radiation vie -from Russian nuclear tests and SOLINA W.L ed the building et bon-ilshelters. TeSoiaWoe' Isi dMss. Turansky took up the tute beld theis September g penny collection. The Golden metngn h oin o-N Plough Auxiiary are holdingc ther anua Te an Baaarmunity Hall on September 14. r in Cobourg, Oct. 14. Baktc W.. eepe- Ge: The meeting was turned sent as eus guests. These wese CO] oves te Mrs. Cathcart, con- thirty-three members present Ma venr t Hmeand about tbirty-five guests. Ru, HealtofHomSe Economics and Mss. Ralph Davis, President, y Halh. hehad c hosncenducted the business. It Cheese as bier topîc and de- was decided te set tables and monstraited making c he e se wash dishes for any picnrics dishes. As cheese la a valu- bel d in the hall next year for able proten and a highly con- any who se desire. -cestrated food eus Health A donation et sixty dollars Rule advises using it three c times a week. When cooking -cheese dishes place oves wa- 1 r tes in a moderate oven. Mss. I o "o I E 51 Clhert emostrtedtheNoe, Id thon overybody goto a "tired-out" making et a macaroni and feeling and may be bothored by backaches. cheeese ring wit.h vegetable Perhaps nothing seriousiy wrong, just a tempori'. t ab7yconditioncaused by uriniaiy irritation o i centre. As thîs cooked Mss. badd r discomfort. That's the time ta taketh Cathcart demnonstrated t h e Oodd Kdney Pilla. Dodd'e help etimulate the maksî e otescheseitmsktdney8 ta relleve this condition which may Cir makig ofothe chese iemsofien cause backache and tired feeling. Thn you der -celery stuffed with cbeese, feel botter. rest botter. work botter. 81Ur: open taced sandwiches witliin cottage cheese, some trimmed Bat witb olives, others with slîcedma peaches, cheese brea d with c bam on top, rolled cheeseSu sandwiches encircled w it hl strips of bacon, etc. These all1RE T0 4 phr ýproved delicieus when served, h fors.lunch, buffet style, by' DECORATING Gý ar. Catlicar't and Miss Stew- pGu' ar.A special vote of thanks CENTRE Gi was extended Mss. Cathcart- G1 for bier fine demonstration and FOR THE BEST asd to Miss Stewart for bier bos- I Pia pitality. Mss. Couroux looked' -IN -ton affer the sales fsom the tra- gt velling basket. C USTOM gai NETOVILEW.. DRAPERIES ii Th-e W. I. met Sept. 20th Wo at the home et Mss. M. Jones. AND lien President Mss. C. Brown op-,se ened the meeting with the' ALL TO-A LL T CeL ,W. I. Ode and Lord's Prayer, i yea and Mss. Samis read the min-Iwa utes ofthe astmeeting, and D ROADLUUM u- efou us ti o Toronto andpu tCanadian Institute for the IHoI Thend matter of an Armistice C*sb Day pron.ramxne at the menu- con, ment was discussed and it wasl Two Locations Hur 'decided te find eut from theI ail counicil what could be done.i SH WAhap Mss. McCullough wsap-O HA Athis pointed public relations con-1 19 BOND ST.W. a ir yen or. and ivas asked te he cie, the delegate te the Centa RA 3-4922 bac Ontario Convention te be beld eft W. 1. is holding a bake sale'C [on Oct. 6th. MARKET PLAZA the Mss. Milligan, convenor forý RI 5-6874 The the gsoup, ealled first on Ms.anc S. Rowe who gave a very i1.n- DavePstnPrp pa teresting papes on current; the events. 1 25 Centre St. bou The sperial feature of the, Bowmanvilll.ldi ýmeeting was Mss. H. Jose's MA 3-5912 Cet accouit oft ber summer visit ion to Eng]an.d, Scotland andi ýý,Clai Mrs. Ralph Campbell Is a atient in Memorial Hospital,ý Bown-anville. Ms. and Mss. Clitton Robb )f Montreal .arrived on Satur-1 ay for a brief speil at their eottage bere. Ms. and Mrs. Wm. Tendam ind family of Newcastle were, 3unday visitors with Mr. andl \Irs. Peter Holstege. Mrs. Geo. Ovens wbo spent ;veral weeks with Ms. and Irs. Keith Stephenson of ýlaskson retusned te ber own iome on Sunday, mucb im- )roved in beaith. Mr. Lloyd Clysdale is un- lergoing tseatment for bis ;oulder at Memorial Hospi- al, Bowmanviile. Mrs. Milton Birch of Orono )ent the weekend with Mr.1 ind Mss. Clinton Brown. Ms. and Mss. Earie McEwen kd family of Peterborough vere Sunday visitors witb [r. and Mss. Ceci Buriey. Mss. Losne Todd of Stark- [îlle spent a few days with VIs. and Mss. Don Stapleton. Ms. anid Mrs. Jack Erniott -id daughtes Dorothy spent anday witb Mr. and Mss. Zay Hughes at the lattes's cot- age at Ox Narrows. Ba'rry Lane, youngest son dMs. and Mss. Cleland Lane, vas operated on for appendi- tis on Friday at Memorial lospital, Bowmlanville. Ms. and Mss. Gordon Mas- in and Ms. and Mss. Wallace folmes of Borwmanville spent anday witb Ms. and Mss. ;eo. Stapleton. Ms. and Mss. Melville Hold- vay of Flin Flon, Man., are pending a few days witLh Ms. Tid Mss. H.arry Wade. Ms. and Mss. Earl Walkey eturned fsom. their trip ta .e West Sunday evening. Ms. and Mss. John Ton and Ir. Steven Vandermey of lrt Hope spent Sunday witb sr. and Mss. Anthony Ton. Ms. and Mss. Wm. Staple- Dn wese Sunday visitors witb sr. and Mss. Cecil Robinson fOrono. At Our reguLiar Sunday 'orning service Ms. and Mss. Vm. Stacey had theis infant aughter christened Evelyn ane by the pastor, Bey. R. C. 'hite. Relatives frein a dis- ice Who attended the ses- !ce anbd were later entestain- d by Ms. and Mss. Stacey rre: Grandparents, Ms. and Irs. Geo. Carlisle of Sterling, reat-grandp ar e nt, Mss. R. [al of Belleville, Ms. Nos- ian Stacey, Ms. and Mss. arald Russett of Wellman's orners, Ms. and Mss. Larsy lanning of Oshawa, and Miss ath BuI.iock of Orono. v4ple Leaf ;ircle Elects qew Off icers District Deputy Rena Bath- te presided dusing the eiec- on of officers for 1961-62 at ie meeting of Maple Leaf scie No. 143, Ancient Os- r of Foresters, held in the ion Hall on Thursday even- g. Chief Companion Rose ate was re-elected by accia- ation for another tesm. Other officers elected were: .b Chief Companion, Polly :atch; Secretary, Hilda Hum- rey; Treasurer, Rita Parkin; haplain, Aima Perfect; Right uide, Evelyn Beard; Left uide, Beryl Hughes; Inner uard, Jean Linton; Outer uard, Karen Vesna; Stand- r-Bearer, Martha Goudy; ianist, Audrey Bate; Audi- .rs, District-Deputy Bath- de and Sub-Chief Companion katch. Companion Humphrey, the [egate to the High Court ircle Convention held in )oodstock, gave a compre- nsive report on the business ssions and election of High urt officers for the coming' ýar. Companion Humphrey as elected High Circle Outer tard and Past District-De-' ty Peggy Wakely, Port ope, was elected High Mar- dil. Chief Companion Rose Bate îgrat u 1 a t e d Companion umphrey and told her that! 1the local members are! ipy that she has received, s honor. It is the first time nember of Maple Leaf Cir- eNo. 143, Bowmanville, has A a member on the executîve the High Court Circle, she id. Companion Nina Clarke was elucky winner of the draw., ie prize was a pretty cup td saucer donated by Com-î nion Humphrey. Following'I ebusiness meeting a sociali ir was enjoyed, and a de-, ious lunch was served by )mpanion Perfect. Compan-ý nRuby Cowie, Companion arke and Companion Veana. St. PauI's Groups Hold 'Meetings St. PauI's W.M.S. met at the home of President Mrs. D. Armistead on Tuesday after- noon, Sept. 19. The theme of the worship service was "The Day of Beginning Again". The Thank-offering meeting will be held on Oct. 24, instead of Oct. 17. The Eastern Sec- tional Meeting will be held in Blackstock on Thursday, Oct. 19. Two signs "Go Ahead" and "Uneven Road" from "Signais for the Sixties," followed by a story of a Christian Japan- ese girl from the book, "Has- ten the Day" formed the study period. Mrs. Ross Stevens and Mrs. D. Armistead attended the first Women's Conference held. at Ferndale last weekend. Afternoon W.A. The Afternoon Women's As- sociation of St. Paul's Unitedi Church met in the Sunday' School Room, September 12. Mrs. Robt. Stephens welcom- ed members and friends. Representing group one, Miss Elva Orchard led a de- votional period on the theme, "What are you like at home," stressing the importance of Christian conduet at wor<, at play, ail day, every day. Mrs. Otto Bragg delighted the group with a piano solo, "An arrangement of Great Hymns". The study period deait with "-Signais for the Sixties", and was ini charge of Mrs. David Armistead. Following a short business session Mrs. Stephens closed the meeting with the W.A. Benediction. Summer experiences werei shared during a social period when group one served tea. B.T.S. Teacher Honored on Retirement Mss. Maude Densem was presented with flowers, a 1ev- ely Bulova watch and an en- gsaved silver serving dish at a dinner in ber honous on iri- day, Sept. 22. Sixty fsiends of Mss. Den- sem and fellow employees ga- thered at the Acres Restaurant on Friday to mark ber se- tirement from the staff of the Ontario Training Schooi for Boys, atter teaching fos ai- most 35 yeass. Mss. Densemn bas worked continuously for every Supesintendent since the time of Dr. Reaman and bas observed many changes during ber span of employ- ment at the scbool. Ms. John Bain, present Superintendent of the school, made the presentation of gifts to Mss. Densemn and spoke of tbe wondesful exampie of de- votion Mss. Densemn had been te students and staff alike. Others who spoke of the high esteemn in wbich Mss. Densem is beld were Ms. Earl Fairman forme r beadmastes at the school and now a resident of Wbitby. Ms. John Morrison formes Superintendent proposed the toast te Mss. Densem foilow- ing wbich the honored guest spoke of the highlights of ber career and tbanked ber many friends for honoring ber in this way. Followving the dinner, old and new friends joined in se- miniscing about the good old days of the past. Scbool mnov- ies of previous years were sbown and enjoyed. Out of town guests who wese present included: Mr. Iry Cleaners C3/uciUe Little Bobby was ealled from bis play to meet a visitor. "How old are you, littie man?" he was asked. "I'm at the awkward age," "s he replied. "RealIy?" asked the visitor. "'What do you mean by the awkward age?" *'Too old to ery and too iyoung to swear.1' Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Perfumes, colognes and toilet waters usually contain a hlgh percentage of alcohol which "bleeds" dyes. Put perfumne on your skin - it's much more effective there. Support Bible Society Canvass for Funds Sept. 251h through Sept. 291h g4 KN r~W. 0MA. e , "$4-e MEN'S WORK BOOTS Sizes 6 te 11 Reg. $7.95 - $10.95 SPECIAL ____ 5.77 FOAM SOLE WORK & DRESS OXFORDS Black - Brown - Beige Reg. $6.95- $7.959 SPECIAL -_---4 9 IAil Sizes - Reg. $4.95 - $5.95 CLEARING AT ONLY LADIES' QUEEN ANN HEELS BLACK - BROWN - RED - GREEN Reg. $5.95 - $7.95- SPECIAL --- -29 WOMEN'S BROWN SUEDE ILLUSION HEEL Reg. $9.95 SPECIAL ---499 49 KING ST. W. by; Mr. and Mrs. John ?&rri- son, Pickering; Mr. and Mir' Howard Jordan, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ott, Tor- onto; Mr. William Knox, Dun- dalk; Ms. Don Williams, Guelph;; Bey. and Mrs. O. R. Dewdney, Newcastle. Aisa in attendance were Mrs. Den- sem's sister, Mss. Hasry Hum- phsîes and 48 members of VWIEIYMR~WEAR 48 KING ST. EAST' Festival of Bar gains COTTON DRESSES (No Tryons) Festival Bargain en. $2.0 SILK DRESSES (No Tryons*, Festival Bargain- ----------en. $5.00 SLEEVELESS BLOUSES Festival Bargain -____en. $1.00 "Harvey Wood" UNDERWEAR Briefs, Parities, Vests en____c. 50e "'Berkshire" ROSE Seamless Mesh or Walking Sheer, reg. $1.50 --.99 BRASSIERES (Branded Makes) Festival Bargain --ea.$10 MANY OTHER ITEMS PRICED FOR "'FESTIVAL 0F BARGAINS" WEEK $$-Shop cid Saive -$$ We Carry Full Line of COTS - DRESSES - HA-TS MEN'S NYLON SHOES & BOOTS Ail Sizes Reg. $8.95 Value SPECAL __________ MEN'S SAFETY SHOES GENUINE LEATHER SOLE. Sizes 9 - 9%4 - 10 Il - 111/2 oniy Reg. te $11.95 SPECIAL ____7e99 GROWING GIRLS' FLATS LEATHER AND SUEDE Reg. $4.95 . $6.95 SPECIAL ----2.9 DISCONTINUED LINES NATURALIZERS Reg. $14,95 SPECIAL ____.9___ MA 3-5941 MeNEIIL - TAIT v HEALING Reg. $1,00 HEALING Reg. $1.50 MOSPORI SPECIALS - FOR THIS WEEKEND THURSDAY 107o ON ALL MERCHANDiISE * INCLUDING PURCHASES ON OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN MAR R'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND STRAP SHOES MANY, MANY MORE FOOTWEAR BARGAINS LLOYD ELLIS SHOES lc-ý 1 1 - - -- - -------- - PAGE TEREZ pr. 99e e - 2.99